Back to Multiple platform build/check report for BioC 3.21: simplified long |
This page was generated on 2024-12-03 11:47 -0500 (Tue, 03 Dec 2024).
Hostname | OS | Arch (*) | R version | Installed pkgs |
nebbiolo1 | Linux (Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS) | x86_64 | R Under development (unstable) (2024-10-21 r87258) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" | 4748 |
palomino7 | Windows Server 2022 Datacenter | x64 | R Under development (unstable) (2024-10-26 r87273 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" | 4461 |
lconway | macOS 12.7.1 Monterey | x86_64 | R Under development (unstable) (2024-11-20 r87352) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" | 4405 |
kjohnson3 | macOS 13.7.1 Ventura | arm64 | R Under development (unstable) (2024-11-20 r87352) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" | 4360 |
kunpeng2 | Linux (openEuler 22.03 LTS-SP1) | aarch64 | R Under development (unstable) (2024-11-24 r87369) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" | 1457 |
Click on any hostname to see more info about the system (e.g. compilers) (*) as reported by 'uname -p', except on Windows and Mac OS X |
Package 1959/2272 | Hostname | OS / Arch | INSTALL | BUILD | CHECK | BUILD BIN | ||||||||
singleCellTK 2.17.0 (landing page) Joshua David Campbell
| nebbiolo1 | Linux (Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS) / x86_64 | OK | OK | OK | |||||||||
palomino7 | Windows Server 2022 Datacenter / x64 | OK | OK | OK | OK | |||||||||
lconway | macOS 12.7.1 Monterey / x86_64 | ERROR | ERROR | skipped | skipped | |||||||||
kjohnson3 | macOS 13.7.1 Ventura / arm64 | ERROR | ERROR | skipped | skipped | |||||||||
kunpeng2 | Linux (openEuler 22.03 LTS-SP1) / aarch64 | ERROR | ERROR | skipped | ||||||||||
To the developers/maintainers of the singleCellTK package: - Allow up to 24 hours (and sometimes 48 hours) for your latest push to to reflect on this report. See Troubleshooting Build Report for more information. - Use the following Renviron settings to reproduce errors and warnings. - If 'R CMD check' started to fail recently on the Linux builder(s) over a missing dependency, add the missing dependency to 'Suggests:' in your DESCRIPTION file. See Renviron.bioc for more information. - See Martin Grigorov's blog post for how to debug Linux ARM64 related issues on a x86_64 host. |
Package: singleCellTK |
Version: 2.17.0 |
Command: /home/biocbuild/R/R/bin/R CMD INSTALL singleCellTK |
StartedAt: 2024-12-03 00:56:50 -0000 (Tue, 03 Dec 2024) |
EndedAt: 2024-12-03 00:56:50 -0000 (Tue, 03 Dec 2024) |
EllapsedTime: 0.6 seconds |
RetCode: 1 |
Status: ERROR |
############################################################################## ############################################################################## ### ### Running command: ### ### /home/biocbuild/R/R/bin/R CMD INSTALL singleCellTK ### ############################################################################## ############################################################################## * installing to library ‘/home/biocbuild/R/R-4.5.0-devel_2024-11-24/site-library’ ERROR: dependencies ‘SummarizedExperiment’, ‘SingleCellExperiment’, ‘anndata’, ‘AnnotationHub’, ‘batchelor’, ‘celldex’, ‘colourpicker’, ‘cowplot’, ‘ComplexHeatmap’, ‘DESeq2’, ‘dplyr’, ‘DT’, ‘ExperimentHub’, ‘ensembldb’, ‘ggplot2’, ‘ggplotify’, ‘ggrepel’, ‘ggtree’, ‘gridExtra’, ‘GSVA’, ‘GSVAdata’, ‘igraph’, ‘MAST’, ‘msigdbr’, ‘plotly’, ‘scater’, ‘scMerge’, ‘scran’, ‘Seurat’, ‘shiny’, ‘shinyjs’, ‘SingleR’, ‘stringr’, ‘SoupX’, ‘sva’, ‘reshape2’, ‘shinyalert’, ‘enrichR’, ‘celda’, ‘shinycssloaders’, ‘DropletUtils’, ‘scds’, ‘reticulate’, ‘tidyr’, ‘GSEABase’, ‘zinbwave’, ‘scRNAseq’, ‘TENxPBMCData’, ‘rmarkdown’, ‘scDblFinder’, ‘metap’, ‘tibble’, ‘rlang’, ‘TSCAN’, ‘TrajectoryUtils’, ‘scuttle’, ‘zellkonverter’ are not available for package ‘singleCellTK’ Perhaps try a variation of: install.packages(c('SummarizedExperiment', 'SingleCellExperiment', 'anndata', 'AnnotationHub', 'batchelor', 'celldex', 'colourpicker', 'cowplot', 'ComplexHeatmap', 'DESeq2', 'dplyr', 'DT', 'ExperimentHub', 'ensembldb', 'ggplot2', 'ggplotify', 'ggrepel', 'ggtree', 'gridExtra', 'GSVA', 'GSVAdata', 'igraph', 'MAST', 'msigdbr', 'plotly', 'scater', 'scMerge', 'scran', 'Seurat', 'shiny', 'shinyjs', 'SingleR', 'stringr', 'SoupX', 'sva', 'reshape2', 'shinyalert', 'enrichR', 'celda', 'shinycssloaders', 'DropletUtils', 'scds', 'reticulate', 'tidyr', 'GSEABase', 'zinbwave', 'scRNAseq', 'TENxPBMCData', 'rmarkdown', 'scDblFinder', 'metap', 'tibble', 'rlang', 'TSCAN', 'TrajectoryUtils', 'scuttle', 'zellkonverter')) * removing ‘/home/biocbuild/R/R-4.5.0-devel_2024-11-24/site-library/singleCellTK’