Package | Maintainer | Title |
ag | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Arabidopsis Genome Array Annotation Data (ag) |
agcdf | Biocore Data Team | agcdf |
agprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type ag |
ath1121501 | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Arabidopsis ATH1 Genome Array Annotation Data (ath1121501) |
ath1121501cdf | Biocore Data Team | ath1121501cdf |
ath1121501probe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type ath1121501 |
ath1atrefseq7cdf | Manhong Dai | ath1atrefseq7cdf |
ath1atrefseq7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type ath1atrefseq7 |
ath1attigr7cdf | Manhong Dai | ath1attigr7cdf |
ath1attigr7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type ath1attigr7 |
celegans | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix C. elegans Genome Array Annotation Data (celegans) |
celeganscdf | Biocore Data Team | celeganscdf |
celegansprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type celegans |
dmdrosophila2dmense7cdf | Manhong Dai | dmdrosophila2dmense7cdf |
dmdrosophila2dmense7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type dmdrosophila2dmense7 |
dmdrosophila2dmensg7cdf | Manhong Dai | dmdrosophila2dmensg7cdf |
dmdrosophila2dmensg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type dmdrosophila2dmensg7 |
dmdrosophila2dmenst7cdf | Manhong Dai | dmdrosophila2dmenst7cdf |
dmdrosophila2dmenst7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type dmdrosophila2dmenst7 |
dmdrosophila2dmrefseq7cdf | Manhong Dai | dmdrosophila2dmrefseq7cdf |
dmdrosophila2dmrefseq7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type dmdrosophila2dmrefseq7 |
dmdrosophila2dmug7cdf | Manhong Dai | dmdrosophila2dmug7cdf |
dmdrosophila2dmug7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type dmdrosophila2dmug7 |
dmgenome1dmense7cdf | Manhong Dai | dmgenome1dmense7cdf |
dmgenome1dmense7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type dmgenome1dmense7 |
dmgenome1dmensg7cdf | Manhong Dai | dmgenome1dmensg7cdf |
dmgenome1dmensg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type dmgenome1dmensg7 |
dmgenome1dmenst7cdf | Manhong Dai | dmgenome1dmenst7cdf |
dmgenome1dmenst7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type dmgenome1dmenst7 |
dmgenome1dmrefseq7cdf | Manhong Dai | dmgenome1dmrefseq7cdf |
dmgenome1dmrefseq7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type dmgenome1dmrefseq7 |
dmgenome1dmug7cdf | Manhong Dai | dmgenome1dmug7cdf |
dmgenome1dmug7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type dmgenome1dmug7 |
drosgenome1 | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Drosophila Genome Array Annotation Data (drosgenome1) |
drosgenome1cdf | Biocore Data Team | drosgenome1cdf |
drosgenome1probe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type drosgenome1 |
drosophila2 | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Drosophila Genome 2.0 Array Annotation Data (drosophila2) |
drosophila2cdf | Biocore Data Team | drosophila2cdf |
drosophila2probe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type drosophila2 |
drzebrafishdrense7cdf | Manhong Dai | drzebrafishdrense7cdf |
drzebrafishdrense7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type drzebrafishdrense7 |
drzebrafishdrensg7cdf | Manhong Dai | drzebrafishdrensg7cdf |
drzebrafishdrensg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type drzebrafishdrensg7 |
drzebrafishdrenst7cdf | Manhong Dai | drzebrafishdrenst7cdf |
drzebrafishdrenst7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type drzebrafishdrenst7 |
drzebrafishdrentrezg7cdf | Manhong Dai | drzebrafishdrentrezg7cdf |
drzebrafishdrentrezg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type drzebrafishdrentrezg7 |
drzebrafishdrrefseq7cdf | Manhong Dai | drzebrafishdrrefseq7cdf |
drzebrafishdrrefseq7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type drzebrafishdrrefseq7 |
drzebrafishdrug7cdf | Manhong Dai | drzebrafishdrug7cdf |
drzebrafishdrug7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type drzebrafishdrug7 |
h10kcod | Diego Diez | CodeLink UniSet Human I Bioarray (~10 000 human genes) Annotation Data |
h20kcod | Diego Diez | CodeLink UniSet Human 20k I Bioarray Annotation Data |
hcg110 | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Human Cancer G110 Array Annotation Data (hcg110) |
hcg110cdf | Biocore Data Team | hcg110cdf |
hcg110probe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hcg110 |
hgfocus | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Human Genome Focus Array Annotation Data (hgfocus) |
hgfocuscdf | Biocore Data Team | hgfocuscdf |
hgfocusprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hgfocus |
hgu133a | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Human Genome U133 Set Annotation Data (hgu133a) |
hgu133a2 | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Human Genome U133A 2.0 Array Annotation Data (hgu133a2) |
hgu133a2cdf | Biocore Data Team | hgu133a2cdf |
hgu133a2probe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hgu133a2 |
hgu133acdf | Biocore Data Team | hgu133acdf |
hgu133aprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hgu133a |
hgu133b | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Human Genome U133 Set Annotation Data (hgu133b) |
hgu133bcdf | Biocore Data Team | hgu133bcdf |
hgu133bprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hgu133b |
hgu133plus2 | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0 Array Annotation Data (hgu133plus2) |
hgu133plus2cdf | Biocore Data Team | hgu133plus2cdf |
hgu133plus2probe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hgu133plus2 |
hgu95a | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Human Genome U95 Set Annotation Data (hgu95a) |
hgu95acdf | Biocore Data Team | hgu95acdf |
hgu95aprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hgu95a |
hgu95av2 | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Human Genome U95 Set Annotation Data (hgu95av2) |
hgu95av2cdf | Biocore Data Team | hgu95av2cdf |
hgu95av2probe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hgu95av2 |
hgu95b | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Human Genome U95 Set Annotation Data (hgu95b) |
hgu95bcdf | Biocore Data Team | hgu95bcdf |
hgu95bprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hgu95b |
hgu95c | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Human Genome U95 Set Annotation Data (hgu95c) |
hgu95ccdf | Biocore Data Team | hgu95ccdf |
hgu95cprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hgu95c |
hgu95d | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Human Genome U95 Set Annotation Data (hgu95d) |
hgu95dcdf | Biocore Data Team | hgu95dcdf |
hgu95dprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hgu95d |
hgu95e | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Human Genome U95 Set Annotation Data (hgu95e) |
hgu95ecdf | Biocore Data Team | hgu95ecdf |
hgu95eprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hgu95e |
hguatlas13k | Biocore Data Team | Clontech BD Atlas Long Oligos Human 13K Annotation Data (hguatlas13k) |
hgug4100a | Biocore Data Team | Agilent Human 1 cDNA Microarray Kit Annotation Data (hgug4100a) |
hgug4101a | Biocore Data Team | Agilent Human 2 cDNA Microarry Kit Annotation Data (hgug4101a) |
hgug4110b | Biocore Data Team | Agilent Human 1A (V2) Annotation Data (hgug4110b) |
hgug4111a | Biocore Data Team | Agilent Human 1B Annotation Data (hgug4111a) |
hgug4112a | Biocore Data Team | Agilent Human Genome, Whole Annotation Data (hgug4112a) |
hguqiagenv3 | Biocore Data Team | Qiagen Qiagen V3.0 oligo set Annotation Data (hguqiagenv3) |
hs133ahsense7cdf | Manhong Dai | hs133ahsense7cdf |
hs133ahsense7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133ahsense7 |
hs133ahsensg7cdf | Manhong Dai | hs133ahsensg7cdf |
hs133ahsensg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133ahsensg7 |
hs133ahsenst7cdf | Manhong Dai | hs133ahsenst7cdf |
hs133ahsenst7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133ahsenst7 |
hs133ahsentrezg7cdf | Manhong Dai | hs133ahsentrezg7cdf |
hs133ahsentrezg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133ahsentrezg7 |
hs133ahsrefseq7cdf | Manhong Dai | hs133ahsrefseq7cdf |
hs133ahsrefseq7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133ahsrefseq7 |
hs133ahsug7cdf | Manhong Dai | hs133ahsug7cdf |
hs133ahsug7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133ahsug7 |
hs133aptense7cdf | Manhong Dai | hs133aptense7cdf |
hs133aptense7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133aptense7 |
hs133aptensg7cdf | Manhong Dai | hs133aptensg7cdf |
hs133aptensg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133aptensg7 |
hs133av2hsense7cdf | Manhong Dai | hs133av2hsense7cdf |
hs133av2hsense7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133av2hsense7 |
hs133av2hsensg7cdf | Manhong Dai | hs133av2hsensg7cdf |
hs133av2hsensg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133av2hsensg7 |
hs133av2hsenst7cdf | Manhong Dai | hs133av2hsenst7cdf |
hs133av2hsenst7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133av2hsenst7 |
hs133av2hsentrezg7cdf | Manhong Dai | hs133av2hsentrezg7cdf |
hs133av2hsentrezg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133av2hsentrezg7 |
hs133av2hsrefseq7cdf | Manhong Dai | hs133av2hsrefseq7cdf |
hs133av2hsrefseq7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133av2hsrefseq7 |
hs133av2hsug7cdf | Manhong Dai | hs133av2hsug7cdf |
hs133av2hsug7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133av2hsug7 |
hs133av2ptense7cdf | Manhong Dai | hs133av2ptense7cdf |
hs133av2ptense7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133av2ptense7 |
hs133av2ptensg7cdf | Manhong Dai | hs133av2ptensg7cdf |
hs133av2ptensg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133av2ptensg7 |
hs133bhsense7cdf | Manhong Dai | hs133bhsense7cdf |
hs133bhsense7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133bhsense7 |
hs133bhsensg7cdf | Manhong Dai | hs133bhsensg7cdf |
hs133bhsensg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133bhsensg7 |
hs133bhsenst7cdf | Manhong Dai | hs133bhsenst7cdf |
hs133bhsenst7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133bhsenst7 |
hs133bhsentrezg7cdf | Manhong Dai | hs133bhsentrezg7cdf |
hs133bhsentrezg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133bhsentrezg7 |
hs133bhsrefseq7cdf | Manhong Dai | hs133bhsrefseq7cdf |
hs133bhsrefseq7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133bhsrefseq7 |
hs133bhsug7cdf | Manhong Dai | hs133bhsug7cdf |
hs133bhsug7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133bhsug7 |
hs133bptense7cdf | Manhong Dai | hs133bptense7cdf |
hs133bptense7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133bptense7 |
hs133bptensg7cdf | Manhong Dai | hs133bptensg7cdf |
hs133bptensg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133bptensg7 |
hs133phsense7cdf | Manhong Dai | hs133phsense7cdf |
hs133phsense7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133phsense7 |
hs133phsensg7cdf | Manhong Dai | hs133phsensg7cdf |
hs133phsensg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133phsensg7 |
hs133phsenst7cdf | Manhong Dai | hs133phsenst7cdf |
hs133phsenst7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133phsenst7 |
hs133phsentrezg7cdf | Manhong Dai | hs133phsentrezg7cdf |
hs133phsentrezg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133phsentrezg7 |
hs133phsrefseq7cdf | Manhong Dai | hs133phsrefseq7cdf |
hs133phsrefseq7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133phsrefseq7 |
hs133phsug7cdf | Manhong Dai | hs133phsug7cdf |
hs133phsug7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133phsug7 |
hs133pptense7cdf | Manhong Dai | hs133pptense7cdf |
hs133pptense7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133pptense7 |
hs133pptensg7cdf | Manhong Dai | hs133pptensg7cdf |
hs133pptensg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133pptensg7 |
hs133xhsense7cdf | Manhong Dai | hs133xhsense7cdf |
hs133xhsense7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133xhsense7 |
hs133xhsensg7cdf | Manhong Dai | hs133xhsensg7cdf |
hs133xhsensg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133xhsensg7 |
hs133xhsenst7cdf | Manhong Dai | hs133xhsenst7cdf |
hs133xhsenst7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133xhsenst7 |
hs133xhsentrezg7cdf | Manhong Dai | hs133xhsentrezg7cdf |
hs133xhsentrezg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133xhsentrezg7 |
hs133xhsrefseq7cdf | Manhong Dai | hs133xhsrefseq7cdf |
hs133xhsrefseq7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133xhsrefseq7 |
hs133xhsug7cdf | Manhong Dai | hs133xhsug7cdf |
hs133xhsug7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133xhsug7 |
hs133xptense7cdf | Manhong Dai | hs133xptense7cdf |
hs133xptense7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133xptense7 |
hs133xptensg7cdf | Manhong Dai | hs133xptensg7cdf |
hs133xptensg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133xptensg7 |
hs95av2hsense7cdf | Manhong Dai | hs95av2hsense7cdf |
hs95av2hsense7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs95av2hsense7 |
hs95av2hsensg7cdf | Manhong Dai | hs95av2hsensg7cdf |
hs95av2hsensg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs95av2hsensg7 |
hs95av2hsenst7cdf | Manhong Dai | hs95av2hsenst7cdf |
hs95av2hsenst7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs95av2hsenst7 |
hs95av2hsentrezg7cdf | Manhong Dai | hs95av2hsentrezg7cdf |
hs95av2hsentrezg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs95av2hsentrezg7 |
hs95av2hsrefseq7cdf | Manhong Dai | hs95av2hsrefseq7cdf |
hs95av2hsrefseq7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs95av2hsrefseq7 |
hs95av2hsug7cdf | Manhong Dai | hs95av2hsug7cdf |
hs95av2hsug7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs95av2hsug7 |
hs95av2ptense7cdf | Manhong Dai | hs95av2ptense7cdf |
hs95av2ptense7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs95av2ptense7 |
hs95av2ptensg7cdf | Manhong Dai | hs95av2ptensg7cdf |
hs95av2ptensg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs95av2ptensg7 |
hsfocushsense7cdf | Manhong Dai | hsfocushsense7cdf |
hsfocushsense7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hsfocushsense7 |
hsfocushsensg7cdf | Manhong Dai | hsfocushsensg7cdf |
hsfocushsensg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hsfocushsensg7 |
hsfocushsenst7cdf | Manhong Dai | hsfocushsenst7cdf |
hsfocushsenst7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hsfocushsenst7 |
hsfocushsentrezg7cdf | Manhong Dai | hsfocushsentrezg7cdf |
hsfocushsentrezg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hsfocushsentrezg7 |
hsfocushsrefseq7cdf | Manhong Dai | hsfocushsrefseq7cdf |
hsfocushsrefseq7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hsfocushsrefseq7 |
hsfocushsug7cdf | Manhong Dai | hsfocushsug7cdf |
hsfocushsug7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hsfocushsug7 |
hsfocusptense7cdf | Manhong Dai | hsfocusptense7cdf |
hsfocusptense7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hsfocusptense7 |
hsfocusptensg7cdf | Manhong Dai | hsfocusptensg7cdf |
hsfocusptensg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hsfocusptensg7 |
hu35ksuba | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Human Genome HU35K Set Annotation Data (hu35ksuba) |
hu35ksubacdf | Biocore Data Team | hu35ksubacdf |
hu35ksubaprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hu35ksuba |
hu35ksubb | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Human Genome HU35K Set Annotation Data (hu35ksubb) |
hu35ksubbcdf | Biocore Data Team | hu35ksubbcdf |
hu35ksubbprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hu35ksubb |
hu35ksubc | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Human Genome HU35K Set Annotation Data (hu35ksubc) |
hu35ksubccdf | Biocore Data Team | hu35ksubccdf |
hu35ksubcprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hu35ksubc |
hu35ksubd | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Human Genome HU35K Set Annotation Data (hu35ksubd) |
hu35ksubdcdf | Biocore Data Team | hu35ksubdcdf |
hu35ksubdprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hu35ksubd |
hu6800 | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix HuGeneFL Genome Array Annotation Data (hu6800) |
hu6800cdf | Biocore Data Team | hu6800cdf |
hu6800probe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hu6800 |
hwgcod | Diego Diez | CodeLink Human Whole Genome Bioarray (~55 000 human genes) Annotation Data |
indac | Biocore Data Team | INDAC FlyChip_long_oligonucleotide_002 (FL002) Annotation Data (indac) |
m10kcod | Diego Diez | CodeLink UniSet Mouse I Bioarray (~10 000 mouse gene targets) Annotation Data |
m20kcod | Diego Diez | CodeLink UniSet Mouse 20k I Bioarray Annotation Data |
mgu74a | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Murine Genome U74v2 Annotation Data (mgu74a) |
mgu74acdf | Biocore Data Team | mgu74acdf |
mgu74aprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mgu74a |
mgu74av2 | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Murine Genome U74v2 Annotation Data (mgu74av2) |
mgu74av2cdf | Biocore Data Team | mgu74av2cdf |
mgu74av2probe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mgu74av2 |
mgu74b | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Murine Genome U74v2 Annotation Data (mgu74b) |
mgu74bcdf | Biocore Data Team | mgu74bcdf |
mgu74bprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mgu74b |
mgu74bv2 | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Murine Genome U74v2 Annotation Data (mgu74bv2) |
mgu74bv2cdf | Biocore Data Team | mgu74bv2cdf |
mgu74bv2probe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mgu74bv2 |
mgu74c | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Murine Genome U74v2 Annotation Data (mgu74c) |
mgu74ccdf | Biocore Data Team | mgu74ccdf |
mgu74cprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mgu74c |
mgu74cv2 | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Murine Genome U74v2 Annotation Data (mgu74cv2) |
mgu74cv2cdf | Biocore Data Team | mgu74cv2cdf |
mgu74cv2probe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mgu74cv2 |
mguatlas5k | Biocore Data Team | Clontech BD Atlas Long Oligos Mouse 5K Annotation Data (mguatlas5k) |
mgug4121a | Biocore Data Team | Agilent Mouse Annotation Data (mgug4121a) |
mgug4122a | Biocore Data Team | Agilent Mouse Genome, Whole Annotation Data (mgug4122a) |
mm430ammense7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm430ammense7cdf |
mm430ammense7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430ammense7 |
mm430ammensg7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm430ammensg7cdf |
mm430ammensg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430ammensg7 |
mm430ammenst7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm430ammenst7cdf |
mm430ammenst7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430ammenst7 |
mm430ammentrezg7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm430ammentrezg7cdf |
mm430ammentrezg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430ammentrezg7 |
mm430ammrefseq7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm430ammrefseq7cdf |
mm430ammrefseq7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430ammrefseq7 |
mm430ammug7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm430ammug7cdf |
mm430ammug7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430ammug7 |
mm430bmmense7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm430bmmense7cdf |
mm430bmmense7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430bmmense7 |
mm430bmmensg7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm430bmmensg7cdf |
mm430bmmensg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430bmmensg7 |
mm430bmmenst7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm430bmmenst7cdf |
mm430bmmenst7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430bmmenst7 |
mm430bmmentrezg7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm430bmmentrezg7cdf |
mm430bmmentrezg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430bmmentrezg7 |
mm430bmmrefseq7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm430bmmrefseq7cdf |
mm430bmmrefseq7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430bmmrefseq7 |
mm430bmmug7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm430bmmug7cdf |
mm430bmmug7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430bmmug7 |
mm430mmense7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm430mmense7cdf |
mm430mmense7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430mmense7 |
mm430mmensg7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm430mmensg7cdf |
mm430mmensg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430mmensg7 |
mm430mmenst7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm430mmenst7cdf |
mm430mmenst7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430mmenst7 |
mm430mmentrezg7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm430mmentrezg7cdf |
mm430mmentrezg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430mmentrezg7 |
mm430mmrefseq7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm430mmrefseq7cdf |
mm430mmrefseq7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430mmrefseq7 |
mm430mmug7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm430mmug7cdf |
mm430mmug7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430mmug7 |
mm74av2mmense7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm74av2mmense7cdf |
mm74av2mmense7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74av2mmense7 |
mm74av2mmensg7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm74av2mmensg7cdf |
mm74av2mmensg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74av2mmensg7 |
mm74av2mmenst7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm74av2mmenst7cdf |
mm74av2mmenst7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74av2mmenst7 |
mm74av2mmentrezg7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm74av2mmentrezg7cdf |
mm74av2mmentrezg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74av2mmentrezg7 |
mm74av2mmrefseq7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm74av2mmrefseq7cdf |
mm74av2mmrefseq7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74av2mmrefseq7 |
mm74av2mmug7cdf | Manhong Dai | mm74av2mmug7cdf |
mm74av2mmug7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74av2mmug7 |
moe430a | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Mouse Expression Set 430 Annotation Data (moe430a) |
moe430acdf | Biocore Data Team | moe430acdf |
moe430aprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type moe430a |
moe430b | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Mouse Expression Set 430 Annotation Data (moe430b) |
moe430bcdf | Biocore Data Team | moe430bcdf |
moe430bprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type moe430b |
mouse4302 | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Mouse Genome 430 2.0 Array Annotation Data (mouse4302) |
mouse4302cdf | Biocore Data Team | mouse4302cdf |
mouse4302probe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mouse4302 |
mouse430a2 | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Mouse Genome 430A 2.0 Array Annotation Data (mouse430a2) |
mouse430a2cdf | Biocore Data Team | mouse430a2cdf |
mouse430a2probe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mouse430a2 |
mu11ksuba | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Murine 11K Set Annotation Data (mu11ksuba) |
mu11ksubacdf | Biocore Data Team | mu11ksubacdf |
mu11ksubaprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mu11ksuba |
mu11ksubb | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Murine 11K Set Annotation Data (mu11ksubb) |
mu11ksubbcdf | Biocore Data Team | mu11ksubbcdf |
mu11ksubbprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mu11ksubb |
mu19ksuba | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Murine Genome 19k Set Annotation Data (mu19ksuba) |
mu19ksubacdf | Biocore Data Team | mu19ksubacdf |
mu19ksubb | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Murine Genome 19k Set Annotation Data (mu19ksubb) |
mu19ksubbcdf | Biocore Data Team | mu19ksubbcdf |
mu19ksubc | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Murine Genome 19k Set Annotation Data (mu19ksubc) |
mu19ksubccdf | Biocore Data Team | mu19ksubccdf |
mwgcod | Diego Diez | CodeLink Mouse Whole Genome Bioarray (~36 000 mouse gene targets) Annotation Data |
r10kcod | Diego Diez | CodeLink UniSet Rat I Bioarray (~10 000 rat gene targets) Annotation Data |
rae230a | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Rat Expression Set 230 Annotation Data (rae230a) |
rae230acdf | Biocore Data Team | rae230acdf |
rae230aprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rae230a |
rae230b | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Rat Expression Set 230 Annotation Data (rae230b) |
rae230bcdf | Biocore Data Team | rae230bcdf |
rae230bprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rae230b |
rat2302 | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Rat Genome 230 2.0 Array Annotation Data (rat2302) |
rat2302cdf | Biocore Data Team | rat2302cdf |
rat2302probe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rat2302 |
rgu34a | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Rat Genome U34 Set Annotation Data (rgu34a) |
rgu34acdf | Biocore Data Team | rgu34acdf |
rgu34aprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rgu34a |
rgu34b | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Rat Genome U34 Set Annotation Data (rgu34b) |
rgu34bcdf | Biocore Data Team | rgu34bcdf |
rgu34bprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rgu34b |
rgu34c | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Rat Genome U34 Set Annotation Data (rgu34c) |
rgu34ccdf | Biocore Data Team | rgu34ccdf |
rgu34cprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rgu34c |
rgug4130a | Biocore Data Team | Agilent Rat Annotation Data (rgug4130a) |
rn230arnense7cdf | Manhong Dai | rn230arnense7cdf |
rn230arnense7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230arnense7 |
rn230arnensg7cdf | Manhong Dai | rn230arnensg7cdf |
rn230arnensg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230arnensg7 |
rn230arnenst7cdf | Manhong Dai | rn230arnenst7cdf |
rn230arnenst7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230arnenst7 |
rn230arnentrezg7cdf | Manhong Dai | rn230arnentrezg7cdf |
rn230arnentrezg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230arnentrezg7 |
rn230arnrefseq7cdf | Manhong Dai | rn230arnrefseq7cdf |
rn230arnrefseq7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230arnrefseq7 |
rn230arnug7cdf | Manhong Dai | rn230arnug7cdf |
rn230arnug7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230arnug7 |
rn230brnense7cdf | Manhong Dai | rn230brnense7cdf |
rn230brnense7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230brnense7 |
rn230brnensg7cdf | Manhong Dai | rn230brnensg7cdf |
rn230brnensg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230brnensg7 |
rn230brnenst7cdf | Manhong Dai | rn230brnenst7cdf |
rn230brnenst7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230brnenst7 |
rn230brnentrezg7cdf | Manhong Dai | rn230brnentrezg7cdf |
rn230brnentrezg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230brnentrezg7 |
rn230brnrefseq7cdf | Manhong Dai | rn230brnrefseq7cdf |
rn230brnrefseq7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230brnrefseq7 |
rn230brnug7cdf | Manhong Dai | rn230brnug7cdf |
rn230brnug7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230brnug7 |
rn230rnense7cdf | Manhong Dai | rn230rnense7cdf |
rn230rnense7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230rnense7 |
rn230rnensg7cdf | Manhong Dai | rn230rnensg7cdf |
rn230rnensg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230rnensg7 |
rn230rnenst7cdf | Manhong Dai | rn230rnenst7cdf |
rn230rnenst7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230rnenst7 |
rn230rnentrezg7cdf | Manhong Dai | rn230rnentrezg7cdf |
rn230rnentrezg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230rnentrezg7 |
rn230rnrefseq7cdf | Manhong Dai | rn230rnrefseq7cdf |
rn230rnrefseq7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230rnrefseq7 |
rn230rnug7cdf | Manhong Dai | rn230rnug7cdf |
rn230rnug7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230rnug7 |
rn34arnense7cdf | Manhong Dai | rn34arnense7cdf |
rn34arnense7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn34arnense7 |
rn34arnensg7cdf | Manhong Dai | rn34arnensg7cdf |
rn34arnensg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn34arnensg7 |
rn34arnenst7cdf | Manhong Dai | rn34arnenst7cdf |
rn34arnenst7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn34arnenst7 |
rn34arnentrezg7cdf | Manhong Dai | rn34arnentrezg7cdf |
rn34arnentrezg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn34arnentrezg7 |
rn34arnrefseq7cdf | Manhong Dai | rn34arnrefseq7cdf |
rn34arnrefseq7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn34arnrefseq7 |
rn34arnug7cdf | Manhong Dai | rn34arnug7cdf |
rn34arnug7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn34arnug7 |
rnu34 | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Rat Neurobiology U34 Array Annotation Data (rnu34) |
rnu34cdf | Biocore Data Team | rnu34cdf |
rnu34probe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rnu34 |
rtu34 | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Rat Toxicology U34 Array Annotation Data (rtu34) |
rtu34cdf | Biocore Data Team | rtu34cdf |
rtu34probe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rtu34 |
rwgcod | Diego Diez | CodeLink Rat Whole Genome Bioarray (~34 000 rat gene targets) Annotation Data |
u133x3p | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Human X3P Array Annotation Data (u133x3p) |
u133x3pcdf | Biocore Data Team | u133x3pcdf |
u133x3pprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type u133x3p |
xenopuslaevis | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Xenopus laevis Genome Array Annotation Data (xenopuslaevis) |
xenopuslaeviscdf | Biocore Data Team | xenopuslaeviscdf |
xenopuslaevisprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type xenopuslaevis |
yeast2 | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Yeast Genome 2.0 Array Annotation Data (yeast2) |
yeast2cdf | Biocore Data Team | yeast2cdf |
yeast2probe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type yeast2 |
ygs98 | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Yeast Genome S98 Array Annotation Data (ygs98) |
ygs98cdf | Biocore Data Team | ygs98cdf |
ygs98probe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type ygs98 |
zebrafish | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Zebrafish Genome Array Annotation Data (zebrafish) |
zebrafishcdf | Biocore Data Team | zebrafishcdf |
zebrafishprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type zebrafish |