Package | Maintainer | Title |
rat2302 | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Rat Genome 230 2.0 Array Annotation Data (rat2302) |
rat2302cdf | Biocore Data Team | rat2302cdf |
rat2302probe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rat2302 |
rn230rnense7cdf | Manhong Dai | rn230rnense7cdf |
rn230rnense7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230rnense7 |
rn230rnensg7cdf | Manhong Dai | rn230rnensg7cdf |
rn230rnensg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230rnensg7 |
rn230rnenst7cdf | Manhong Dai | rn230rnenst7cdf |
rn230rnenst7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230rnenst7 |
rn230rnentrezg7cdf | Manhong Dai | rn230rnentrezg7cdf |
rn230rnentrezg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230rnentrezg7 |
rn230rnrefseq7cdf | Manhong Dai | rn230rnrefseq7cdf |
rn230rnrefseq7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230rnrefseq7 |
rn230rnug7cdf | Manhong Dai | rn230rnug7cdf |
rn230rnug7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230rnug7 |