Package | Maintainer | Title |
drzebrafishdrense7cdf | Manhong Dai | drzebrafishdrense7cdf |
drzebrafishdrense7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type drzebrafishdrense7 |
drzebrafishdrensg7cdf | Manhong Dai | drzebrafishdrensg7cdf |
drzebrafishdrensg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type drzebrafishdrensg7 |
drzebrafishdrenst7cdf | Manhong Dai | drzebrafishdrenst7cdf |
drzebrafishdrenst7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type drzebrafishdrenst7 |
drzebrafishdrentrezg7cdf | Manhong Dai | drzebrafishdrentrezg7cdf |
drzebrafishdrentrezg7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type drzebrafishdrentrezg7 |
drzebrafishdrrefseq7cdf | Manhong Dai | drzebrafishdrrefseq7cdf |
drzebrafishdrrefseq7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type drzebrafishdrrefseq7 |
drzebrafishdrug7cdf | Manhong Dai | drzebrafishdrug7cdf |
drzebrafishdrug7probe | Manhong Dai | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type drzebrafishdrug7 |
zebrafish | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Zebrafish Genome Array Annotation Data (zebrafish) |
zebrafishcdf | Biocore Data Team | zebrafishcdf |
zebrafishprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type zebrafish |