Back to Multiple platform build/check report for BioC 3.17

This page was generated on 2023-03-16 10:55:33 -0400 (Thu, 16 Mar 2023).

HostnameOSArch (*)R versionInstalled pkgs
nebbiolo1Linux (Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS)x86_64R Under development (unstable) (2023-01-10 r83596) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" 4540
nebbiolo2Linux (Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS)x86_64R Under development (unstable) (2023-02-14 r83833) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" 4290
Click on any hostname to see more info about the system (e.g. compilers)      (*) as reported by 'uname -p', except on Windows and Mac OS X

CHECK results for Maaslin2 on nebbiolo1

To the developers/maintainers of the Maaslin2 package:
- Please allow up to 24 hours (and sometimes 48 hours) for your latest push to to
reflect on this report. See How and When does the builder pull? When will my changes propagate? for more information.
- Make sure to use the following settings in order to reproduce any error or warning you see on this page.

raw results

Package 1077/2189HostnameOS / ArchINSTALLBUILDCHECKBUILD BIN
Maaslin2 1.13.0  (landing page)
Lauren McIver
Snapshot Date: 2023-03-15 14:00:15 -0400 (Wed, 15 Mar 2023)
git_branch: master
git_last_commit: 56c7729
git_last_commit_date: 2022-11-01 11:20:14 -0400 (Tue, 01 Nov 2022)
nebbiolo1Linux (Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS) / x86_64  OK    OK    OK  
nebbiolo2Linux (Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS) / x86_64  OK    OK    OK  


Package: Maaslin2
Version: 1.13.0
Command: /home/biocbuild/bbs-3.17-bioc/R/bin/R CMD check --install=check:Maaslin2.install-out.txt --library=/home/biocbuild/bbs-3.17-bioc/R/library --timings Maaslin2_1.13.0.tar.gz
StartedAt: 2023-03-15 21:17:53 -0400 (Wed, 15 Mar 2023)
EndedAt: 2023-03-15 21:22:02 -0400 (Wed, 15 Mar 2023)
EllapsedTime: 248.4 seconds
RetCode: 0
Status:   OK  
CheckDir: Maaslin2.Rcheck
Warnings: 0

Command output

### Running command:
###   /home/biocbuild/bbs-3.17-bioc/R/bin/R CMD check --install=check:Maaslin2.install-out.txt --library=/home/biocbuild/bbs-3.17-bioc/R/library --timings Maaslin2_1.13.0.tar.gz

* using log directory ‘/home/biocbuild/bbs-3.17-bioc/meat/Maaslin2.Rcheck’
* using R Under development (unstable) (2023-01-10 r83596)
* using platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
* R was compiled by
    gcc (Ubuntu 11.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) 11.3.0
    GNU Fortran (Ubuntu 11.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) 11.3.0
* running under: Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS
* using session charset: UTF-8
* checking for file ‘Maaslin2/DESCRIPTION’ ... OK
* this is package ‘Maaslin2’ version ‘1.13.0’
* checking package namespace information ... OK
* checking package dependencies ... OK
* checking if this is a source package ... OK
* checking if there is a namespace ... OK
* checking for hidden files and directories ... OK
* checking for portable file names ... OK
* checking for sufficient/correct file permissions ... OK
* checking whether package ‘Maaslin2’ can be installed ... OK
* checking installed package size ... OK
* checking package directory ... OK
* checking ‘build’ directory ... OK
* checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK
* checking top-level files ... OK
* checking for left-over files ... OK
* checking index information ... OK
* checking package subdirectories ... OK
* checking R files for non-ASCII characters ... OK
* checking R files for syntax errors ... OK
* checking whether the package can be loaded ... OK
* checking whether the package can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK
* checking whether the package can be unloaded cleanly ... OK
* checking whether the namespace can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK
* checking whether the namespace can be unloaded cleanly ... OK
* checking dependencies in R code ... OK
* checking S3 generic/method consistency ... OK
* checking replacement functions ... OK
* checking foreign function calls ... OK
* checking R code for possible problems ... NOTE
Maaslin2: no visible global function definition for ‘type.convert’
maaslin2_association_plots: no visible binding for global variable
Undefined global functions or variables:
  type.convert xnames
Consider adding
  importFrom("utils", "type.convert")
to your NAMESPACE file.
* checking Rd files ... OK
* checking Rd metadata ... OK
* checking Rd cross-references ... OK
* checking for missing documentation entries ... OK
* checking for code/documentation mismatches ... OK
* checking Rd \usage sections ... OK
* checking Rd contents ... OK
* checking for unstated dependencies in examples ... OK
* checking files in ‘vignettes’ ... OK
* checking examples ... OK
Examples with CPU (user + system) or elapsed time > 5s
           user system elapsed
Maaslin2 90.424  0.856  91.221
* checking for unstated dependencies in ‘tests’ ... OK
* checking tests ...
  Running ‘testthat.R’
* checking for unstated dependencies in vignettes ... OK
* checking package vignettes in ‘inst/doc’ ... OK
* checking running R code from vignettes ...
  ‘maaslin2.Rmd’ using ‘UTF-8’... OK
* checking re-building of vignette outputs ... OK
* checking PDF version of manual ... OK

Status: 1 NOTE
for details.

Installation output


### Running command:
###   /home/biocbuild/bbs-3.17-bioc/R/bin/R CMD INSTALL Maaslin2

* installing to library ‘/home/biocbuild/bbs-3.17-bioc/R/library’
* installing *source* package ‘Maaslin2’ ...
** using staged installation
** R
** inst
** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading
Warning in checkDepPackageVersion(dep_pkg = "TMB") :
  Package version inconsistency detected.
glmmTMB was built with TMB version 1.9.1
Current TMB version is 1.9.2
Please re-install glmmTMB from source or restore original ‘TMB’ package (see '?reinstalling' for more information)
** help
*** installing help indices
** building package indices
** installing vignettes
** testing if installed package can be loaded from temporary location
** testing if installed package can be loaded from final location
** testing if installed package keeps a record of temporary installation path
* DONE (Maaslin2)

Tests output


R Under development (unstable) (2023-01-10 r83596) -- "Unsuffered Consequences"
Copyright (C) 2023 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)

R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details.

R is a collaborative project with many contributors.
Type 'contributors()' for more information and
'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications.

Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
Type 'q()' to quit R.

> library(testthat)
> library(Maaslin2)
> test_check("Maaslin2")
[1] "Creating output folder"
2023-03-15 21:19:53.323853 INFO::Writing function arguments to log file
2023-03-15 21:19:53.348705 INFO::Verifying options selected are valid
2023-03-15 21:19:53.384487 INFO::Determining format of input files
2023-03-15 21:19:53.3859 INFO::Input format is data samples as rows and metadata samples as rows
2023-03-15 21:19:53.390383 INFO::Formula for random effects: expr ~ (1 | site) + (1 | subject)
2023-03-15 21:19:53.391667 INFO::Formula for fixed effects: expr ~  diagnosis + dysbiosisnonIBD + dysbiosisUC + dysbiosisCD + antibiotics + age
2023-03-15 21:19:53.393738 INFO::Filter data based on min abundance and min prevalence
2023-03-15 21:19:53.394635 INFO::Total samples in data: 1595
2023-03-15 21:19:53.395453 INFO::Min samples required with min abundance for a feature not to be filtered: 159.500000
2023-03-15 21:19:53.399107 INFO::Total filtered features: 0
2023-03-15 21:19:53.407504 INFO::Filtered feature names from abundance and prevalence filtering:
2023-03-15 21:19:53.413855 INFO::Total filtered features with variance filtering: 0
2023-03-15 21:19:53.414857 INFO::Filtered feature names from variance filtering:
2023-03-15 21:19:53.415697 INFO::Running selected normalization method: TSS
2023-03-15 21:19:54.641232 INFO::Bypass z-score application to metadata
2023-03-15 21:19:54.642994 INFO::Running selected transform method: AST
2023-03-15 21:19:54.675853 INFO::Running selected analysis method: LM
2023-03-15 21:19:55.348946 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 1, Bifidobacterium.adolescentis
2023-03-15 21:19:55.78149 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 2, Bifidobacterium.bifidum
2023-03-15 21:19:55.962085 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 3, Bifidobacterium.longum
2023-03-15 21:19:56.123442 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 4, Bifidobacterium.pseudocatenulatum
2023-03-15 21:19:56.298078 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 5, Collinsella.aerofaciens
2023-03-15 21:19:56.48096 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 6, Bacteroides.caccae
2023-03-15 21:19:56.651134 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 7, Bacteroides.cellulosilyticus
2023-03-15 21:19:56.827532 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 8, Bacteroides.dorei
2023-03-15 21:19:57.028545 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 9, Bacteroides.eggerthii
2023-03-15 21:19:57.215497 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 10, Bacteroides.faecis
2023-03-15 21:19:57.379537 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 11, Bacteroides.finegoldii
2023-03-15 21:19:57.543773 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 12, Bacteroides.fragilis
2023-03-15 21:19:57.712217 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 13, Bacteroides.intestinalis
2023-03-15 21:19:57.885559 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 14, Bacteroides.massiliensis
2023-03-15 21:19:58.049443 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 15, Bacteroides.ovatus
2023-03-15 21:19:58.226401 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 16, Bacteroides.salyersiae
2023-03-15 21:19:58.452892 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 17, Bacteroides.stercoris
2023-03-15 21:19:58.635983 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 18, Bacteroides.thetaiotaomicron
2023-03-15 21:19:58.875567 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 19, Bacteroides.uniformis
2023-03-15 21:19:59.040005 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 20, Bacteroides.vulgatus
2023-03-15 21:19:59.186286 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 21, Bacteroides.xylanisolvens
2023-03-15 21:19:59.345374 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 22, Bacteroidales.bacterium.ph8
2023-03-15 21:19:59.533998 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 23, Barnesiella.intestinihominis
2023-03-15 21:19:59.716678 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 24, Coprobacter.fastidiosus
2023-03-15 21:19:59.92091 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 25, Odoribacter.splanchnicus
2023-03-15 21:20:00.100536 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 26, Parabacteroides.distasonis
2023-03-15 21:20:00.265437 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 27, Parabacteroides.goldsteinii
2023-03-15 21:20:00.443508 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 28, Parabacteroides.merdae
2023-03-15 21:20:00.609548 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 29, Parabacteroides.unclassified
2023-03-15 21:20:00.817028 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 30, Paraprevotella.clara
2023-03-15 21:20:01.570025 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 31, Paraprevotella.unclassified
2023-03-15 21:20:01.723068 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 32, Prevotella.copri
2023-03-15 21:20:01.879203 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 33, Alistipes.finegoldii
2023-03-15 21:20:02.051861 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 34, Alistipes.onderdonkii
2023-03-15 21:20:02.205921 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 35, Alistipes.putredinis
2023-03-15 21:20:02.365164 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 36, Alistipes.shahii
2023-03-15 21:20:02.528231 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 37, Alistipes.unclassified
2023-03-15 21:20:02.699227 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 38, Streptococcus.salivarius
2023-03-15 21:20:02.851267 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 39, Clostridium.bolteae
2023-03-15 21:20:03.002339 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 40, Clostridium.citroniae
2023-03-15 21:20:03.178177 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 41, Clostridium.clostridioforme
2023-03-15 21:20:03.331227 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 42, Clostridium.hathewayi
2023-03-15 21:20:03.493389 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 43, Clostridium.leptum
2023-03-15 21:20:03.64893 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 44, Clostridium.nexile
2023-03-15 21:20:03.810473 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 45, Clostridium.symbiosum
2023-03-15 21:20:03.982764 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 46, Flavonifractor.plautii
2023-03-15 21:20:04.170137 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 47, Eubacterium.eligens
2023-03-15 21:20:04.334967 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 48, Eubacterium.hallii
2023-03-15 21:20:04.490676 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 49, Eubacterium.rectale
2023-03-15 21:20:04.64519 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 50, Eubacterium.siraeum
2023-03-15 21:20:04.788971 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 51, Eubacterium.sp.3.1.31
2023-03-15 21:20:04.9429 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 52, Eubacterium.ventriosum
2023-03-15 21:20:05.093716 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 53, Ruminococcus.gnavus
2023-03-15 21:20:05.256892 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 54, Ruminococcus.obeum
2023-03-15 21:20:05.416832 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 55, Ruminococcus.torques
2023-03-15 21:20:05.579114 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 56, Coprococcus.comes
2023-03-15 21:20:05.750635 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 57, Dorea.longicatena
2023-03-15 21:20:05.908753 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 58, Lachnospiraceae.bacterium.1.1.57FAA
2023-03-15 21:20:06.058805 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 59, Lachnospiraceae.bacterium.3.1.46FAA
2023-03-15 21:20:06.214208 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 60, Roseburia.hominis
2023-03-15 21:20:06.362566 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 61, Roseburia.intestinalis
2023-03-15 21:20:06.522525 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 62, Roseburia.inulinivorans
2023-03-15 21:20:06.67957 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 63, Roseburia.unclassified
2023-03-15 21:20:06.831857 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 64, Oscillibacter.unclassified
2023-03-15 21:20:06.982394 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 65, Peptostreptococcaceae.noname.unclassified
2023-03-15 21:20:07.125963 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 66, Faecalibacterium.prausnitzii
2023-03-15 21:20:07.287922 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 67, Ruminococcus.bromii
2023-03-15 21:20:07.437231 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 68, Ruminococcus.callidus
2023-03-15 21:20:07.60445 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 69, Ruminococcus.lactaris
2023-03-15 21:20:07.771415 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 70, Subdoligranulum.unclassified
2023-03-15 21:20:07.967248 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 71, Coprobacillus.unclassified
2023-03-15 21:20:08.13384 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 72, Acidaminococcus.unclassified
2023-03-15 21:20:08.295533 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 73, Dialister.invisus
2023-03-15 21:20:08.457719 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 74, Veillonella.atypica
2023-03-15 21:20:08.613446 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 75, Veillonella.dispar
2023-03-15 21:20:08.767024 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 76, Veillonella.parvula
2023-03-15 21:20:08.924072 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 77, Veillonella.unclassified
2023-03-15 21:20:09.074328 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 78, Burkholderiales.bacterium.1.1.47
2023-03-15 21:20:09.235065 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 79, Parasutterella.excrementihominis
2023-03-15 21:20:09.398046 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 80, Sutterella.wadsworthensis
2023-03-15 21:20:09.552382 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 81, Bilophila.unclassified
2023-03-15 21:20:09.710695 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 82, Escherichia.coli
2023-03-15 21:20:09.877822 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 83, Escherichia.unclassified
2023-03-15 21:20:10.040446 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 84, Klebsiella.pneumoniae
2023-03-15 21:20:10.200701 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 85, Haemophilus.parainfluenzae
2023-03-15 21:20:10.356018 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 86, Akkermansia.muciniphila
2023-03-15 21:20:10.501331 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 87, C2likevirus.unclassified
2023-03-15 21:20:10.7012 INFO::Counting total values for each feature
2023-03-15 21:20:10.73367 INFO::Writing residuals to file output/residuals.rds
2023-03-15 21:20:10.790602 INFO::Writing fitted values to file output/fitted.rds
2023-03-15 21:20:10.822176 INFO::Writing extracted random effects to file output/ranef.rds
2023-03-15 21:20:10.82808 INFO::Writing all results to file (ordered by increasing q-values): output/all_results.tsv
2023-03-15 21:20:10.835336 INFO::Writing the significant results (those which are less than or equal to the threshold of 0.250000 ) to file (ordered by increasing q-values): output/significant_results.tsv
[1] "Creating output folder"
2023-03-15 21:20:10.8468 INFO::Writing function arguments to log file
2023-03-15 21:20:10.852744 INFO::Verifying options selected are valid
2023-03-15 21:20:10.853727 INFO::Determining format of input files
2023-03-15 21:20:10.854805 INFO::Input format is data samples as rows and metadata samples as rows
2023-03-15 21:20:10.859374 INFO::Formula for random effects: expr ~ (1 | site) + (1 | subject)
2023-03-15 21:20:10.860451 INFO::Formula for fixed effects: expr ~  diagnosis + dysbiosis + antibiotics + age
2023-03-15 21:20:10.866022 INFO::Filter data based on min abundance and min prevalence
2023-03-15 21:20:10.866934 INFO::Total samples in data: 1595
2023-03-15 21:20:10.867767 INFO::Min samples required with min abundance for a feature not to be filtered: 159.500000
2023-03-15 21:20:10.871976 INFO::Total filtered features: 0
2023-03-15 21:20:10.872949 INFO::Filtered feature names from abundance and prevalence filtering:
2023-03-15 21:20:10.880193 INFO::Total filtered features with variance filtering: 0
2023-03-15 21:20:10.881254 INFO::Filtered feature names from variance filtering:
2023-03-15 21:20:10.882102 INFO::Running selected normalization method: NONE
2023-03-15 21:20:10.882907 INFO::Bypass z-score application to metadata
2023-03-15 21:20:10.8837 INFO::Running selected transform method: AST
2023-03-15 21:20:10.90513 INFO::Running selected analysis method: LM
2023-03-15 21:20:10.907076 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 1, Bifidobacterium.adolescentis
2023-03-15 21:20:11.048444 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 2, Bifidobacterium.bifidum
2023-03-15 21:20:11.202699 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 3, Bifidobacterium.longum
2023-03-15 21:20:11.341475 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 4, Bifidobacterium.pseudocatenulatum
2023-03-15 21:20:11.492912 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 5, Collinsella.aerofaciens
2023-03-15 21:20:11.632299 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 6, Bacteroides.caccae
2023-03-15 21:20:11.787812 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 7, Bacteroides.cellulosilyticus
2023-03-15 21:20:11.949186 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 8, Bacteroides.dorei
2023-03-15 21:20:12.094973 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 9, Bacteroides.eggerthii
2023-03-15 21:20:12.259512 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 10, Bacteroides.faecis
2023-03-15 21:20:12.720684 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 11, Bacteroides.finegoldii
2023-03-15 21:20:12.897875 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 12, Bacteroides.fragilis
2023-03-15 21:20:13.055984 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 13, Bacteroides.intestinalis
2023-03-15 21:20:13.21536 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 14, Bacteroides.massiliensis
2023-03-15 21:20:13.38247 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 15, Bacteroides.ovatus
2023-03-15 21:20:13.533844 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 16, Bacteroides.salyersiae
2023-03-15 21:20:13.684825 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 17, Bacteroides.stercoris
2023-03-15 21:20:13.854134 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 18, Bacteroides.thetaiotaomicron
2023-03-15 21:20:14.017067 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 19, Bacteroides.uniformis
2023-03-15 21:20:14.165257 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 20, Bacteroides.vulgatus
2023-03-15 21:20:14.314394 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 21, Bacteroides.xylanisolvens
2023-03-15 21:20:14.477243 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 22, Bacteroidales.bacterium.ph8
2023-03-15 21:20:14.625846 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 23, Barnesiella.intestinihominis
2023-03-15 21:20:14.77083 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 24, Coprobacter.fastidiosus
2023-03-15 21:20:14.934571 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 25, Odoribacter.splanchnicus
2023-03-15 21:20:15.08115 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 26, Parabacteroides.distasonis
2023-03-15 21:20:15.226327 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 27, Parabacteroides.goldsteinii
2023-03-15 21:20:15.378707 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 28, Parabacteroides.merdae
2023-03-15 21:20:15.527708 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 29, Parabacteroides.unclassified
2023-03-15 21:20:15.672287 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 30, Paraprevotella.clara
2023-03-15 21:20:15.82003 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 31, Paraprevotella.unclassified
2023-03-15 21:20:15.982951 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 32, Prevotella.copri
2023-03-15 21:20:16.138446 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 33, Alistipes.finegoldii
2023-03-15 21:20:16.295257 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 34, Alistipes.onderdonkii
2023-03-15 21:20:16.452504 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 35, Alistipes.putredinis
2023-03-15 21:20:16.602807 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 36, Alistipes.shahii
2023-03-15 21:20:16.755696 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 37, Alistipes.unclassified
2023-03-15 21:20:16.914189 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 38, Streptococcus.salivarius
2023-03-15 21:20:17.065981 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 39, Clostridium.bolteae
2023-03-15 21:20:17.207881 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 40, Clostridium.citroniae
2023-03-15 21:20:17.36135 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 41, Clostridium.clostridioforme
2023-03-15 21:20:17.506053 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 42, Clostridium.hathewayi
2023-03-15 21:20:17.652507 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 43, Clostridium.leptum
2023-03-15 21:20:17.827511 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 44, Clostridium.nexile
2023-03-15 21:20:17.975797 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 45, Clostridium.symbiosum
2023-03-15 21:20:18.124379 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 46, Flavonifractor.plautii
2023-03-15 21:20:18.282352 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 47, Eubacterium.eligens
2023-03-15 21:20:18.44965 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 48, Eubacterium.hallii
2023-03-15 21:20:18.604814 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 49, Eubacterium.rectale
2023-03-15 21:20:18.760655 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 50, Eubacterium.siraeum
2023-03-15 21:20:18.915604 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 51, Eubacterium.sp.3.1.31
2023-03-15 21:20:19.062168 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 52, Eubacterium.ventriosum
2023-03-15 21:20:19.197856 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 53, Ruminococcus.gnavus
2023-03-15 21:20:19.341605 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 54, Ruminococcus.obeum
2023-03-15 21:20:19.487502 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 55, Ruminococcus.torques
2023-03-15 21:20:19.659428 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 56, Coprococcus.comes
2023-03-15 21:20:19.844818 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 57, Dorea.longicatena
2023-03-15 21:20:20.001027 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 58, Lachnospiraceae.bacterium.1.1.57FAA
2023-03-15 21:20:20.149055 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 59, Lachnospiraceae.bacterium.3.1.46FAA
2023-03-15 21:20:20.306831 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 60, Roseburia.hominis
2023-03-15 21:20:20.445141 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 61, Roseburia.intestinalis
2023-03-15 21:20:20.589567 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 62, Roseburia.inulinivorans
2023-03-15 21:20:20.738835 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 63, Roseburia.unclassified
2023-03-15 21:20:20.886566 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 64, Oscillibacter.unclassified
2023-03-15 21:20:21.035159 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 65, Peptostreptococcaceae.noname.unclassified
2023-03-15 21:20:21.195773 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 66, Faecalibacterium.prausnitzii
2023-03-15 21:20:21.348555 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 67, Ruminococcus.bromii
2023-03-15 21:20:21.527718 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 68, Ruminococcus.callidus
2023-03-15 21:20:21.680753 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 69, Ruminococcus.lactaris
2023-03-15 21:20:21.827605 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 70, Subdoligranulum.unclassified
2023-03-15 21:20:21.988903 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 71, Coprobacillus.unclassified
2023-03-15 21:20:22.12868 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 72, Acidaminococcus.unclassified
2023-03-15 21:20:22.279715 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 73, Dialister.invisus
2023-03-15 21:20:22.421224 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 74, Veillonella.atypica
2023-03-15 21:20:22.577233 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 75, Veillonella.dispar
2023-03-15 21:20:22.722622 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 76, Veillonella.parvula
2023-03-15 21:20:22.88438 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 77, Veillonella.unclassified
2023-03-15 21:20:23.02746 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 78, Burkholderiales.bacterium.1.1.47
2023-03-15 21:20:23.185897 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 79, Parasutterella.excrementihominis
2023-03-15 21:20:23.340192 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 80, Sutterella.wadsworthensis
2023-03-15 21:20:23.512602 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 81, Bilophila.unclassified
2023-03-15 21:20:23.670842 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 82, Escherichia.coli
2023-03-15 21:20:23.834321 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 83, Escherichia.unclassified
2023-03-15 21:20:23.988166 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 84, Klebsiella.pneumoniae
2023-03-15 21:20:24.134505 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 85, Haemophilus.parainfluenzae
2023-03-15 21:20:24.31225 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 86, Akkermansia.muciniphila
2023-03-15 21:20:24.461872 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 87, C2likevirus.unclassified
2023-03-15 21:20:24.649776 INFO::Counting total values for each feature
2023-03-15 21:20:24.685098 INFO::Writing residuals to file output2/residuals.rds
2023-03-15 21:20:24.759825 INFO::Writing fitted values to file output2/fitted.rds
2023-03-15 21:20:24.831911 INFO::Writing extracted random effects to file output2/ranef.rds
2023-03-15 21:20:24.837775 INFO::Writing all results to file (ordered by increasing q-values): output2/all_results.tsv
2023-03-15 21:20:24.843218 INFO::Writing the significant results (those which are less than or equal to the threshold of 0.250000 ) to file (ordered by increasing q-values): output2/significant_results.tsv
[ FAIL 0 | WARN 9 | SKIP 0 | PASS 12 ]

[ FAIL 0 | WARN 9 | SKIP 0 | PASS 12 ]
> proc.time()
   user  system elapsed 
 31.834   0.911  32.736 

Example timings


Maaslin290.424 0.85691.221