Back to Multiple platform build/check report for BioC 3.16: simplified long |
This page was generated on 2023-04-12 11:06:13 -0400 (Wed, 12 Apr 2023).
Hostname | OS | Arch (*) | R version | Installed pkgs |
nebbiolo2 | Linux (Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS) | x86_64 | 4.2.3 (2023-03-15) -- "Shortstop Beagle" | 4502 |
palomino4 | Windows Server 2022 Datacenter | x64 | 4.2.3 (2023-03-15 ucrt) -- "Shortstop Beagle" | 4282 |
lconway | macOS 12.5.1 Monterey | x86_64 | 4.2.3 (2023-03-15) -- "Shortstop Beagle" | 4310 |
Click on any hostname to see more info about the system (e.g. compilers) (*) as reported by 'uname -p', except on Windows and Mac OS X |
To the developers/maintainers of the Maaslin2 package: - Please allow up to 24 hours (and sometimes 48 hours) for your latest push to to reflect on this report. See How and When does the builder pull? When will my changes propagate? for more information. - Make sure to use the following settings in order to reproduce any error or warning you see on this page. |
Package 1071/2183 | Hostname | OS / Arch | INSTALL | BUILD | CHECK | BUILD BIN | ||||||||
Maaslin2 1.12.0 (landing page) Lauren McIver
| nebbiolo2 | Linux (Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS) / x86_64 | OK | OK | OK | ![]() | ||||||||
palomino4 | Windows Server 2022 Datacenter / x64 | OK | OK | OK | OK | ![]() | ||||||||
lconway | macOS 12.5.1 Monterey / x86_64 | OK | OK | OK | OK | ![]() | ||||||||
Package: Maaslin2 |
Version: 1.12.0 |
Command: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/bin/R CMD check --install=check:Maaslin2.install-out.txt --library=/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/library --no-vignettes --timings Maaslin2_1.12.0.tar.gz |
StartedAt: 2023-04-10 20:57:35 -0400 (Mon, 10 Apr 2023) |
EndedAt: 2023-04-10 21:00:03 -0400 (Mon, 10 Apr 2023) |
EllapsedTime: 148.4 seconds |
RetCode: 0 |
Status: OK |
CheckDir: Maaslin2.Rcheck |
Warnings: 0 |
############################################################################## ############################################################################## ### ### Running command: ### ### /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/bin/R CMD check --install=check:Maaslin2.install-out.txt --library=/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/library --no-vignettes --timings Maaslin2_1.12.0.tar.gz ### ############################################################################## ############################################################################## * using log directory ‘/Users/biocbuild/bbs-3.16-bioc/meat/Maaslin2.Rcheck’ * using R version 4.2.3 (2023-03-15) * using platform: x86_64-apple-darwin17.0 (64-bit) * using session charset: UTF-8 * using option ‘--no-vignettes’ * checking for file ‘Maaslin2/DESCRIPTION’ ... OK * this is package ‘Maaslin2’ version ‘1.12.0’ * checking package namespace information ... OK * checking package dependencies ... OK * checking if this is a source package ... OK * checking if there is a namespace ... OK * checking for hidden files and directories ... OK * checking for portable file names ... OK * checking for sufficient/correct file permissions ... OK * checking whether package ‘Maaslin2’ can be installed ... OK * checking installed package size ... OK * checking package directory ... OK * checking ‘build’ directory ... OK * checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK * checking top-level files ... OK * checking for left-over files ... OK * checking index information ... OK * checking package subdirectories ... OK * checking R files for non-ASCII characters ... OK * checking R files for syntax errors ... OK * checking whether the package can be loaded ... OK * checking whether the package can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK * checking whether the package can be unloaded cleanly ... OK * checking whether the namespace can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK * checking whether the namespace can be unloaded cleanly ... OK * checking dependencies in R code ... OK * checking S3 generic/method consistency ... OK * checking replacement functions ... OK * checking foreign function calls ... OK * checking R code for possible problems ... NOTE Maaslin2: no visible global function definition for ‘type.convert’ maaslin2_association_plots: no visible binding for global variable ‘xnames’ Undefined global functions or variables: type.convert xnames Consider adding importFrom("utils", "type.convert") to your NAMESPACE file. * checking Rd files ... OK * checking Rd metadata ... OK * checking Rd cross-references ... OK * checking for missing documentation entries ... OK * checking for code/documentation mismatches ... OK * checking Rd \usage sections ... OK * checking Rd contents ... OK * checking for unstated dependencies in examples ... OK * checking files in ‘vignettes’ ... OK * checking examples ... OK Examples with CPU (user + system) or elapsed time > 5s user system elapsed Maaslin2 80.043 1.397 81.751 * checking for unstated dependencies in ‘tests’ ... OK * checking tests ... Running ‘testthat.R’ OK * checking for unstated dependencies in vignettes ... OK * checking package vignettes in ‘inst/doc’ ... OK * checking running R code from vignettes ... SKIPPED * checking re-building of vignette outputs ... SKIPPED * checking PDF version of manual ... OK * DONE Status: 1 NOTE See ‘/Users/biocbuild/bbs-3.16-bioc/meat/Maaslin2.Rcheck/00check.log’ for details.
############################################################################## ############################################################################## ### ### Running command: ### ### /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/bin/R CMD INSTALL Maaslin2 ### ############################################################################## ############################################################################## * installing to library ‘/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.2/Resources/library’ * installing *source* package ‘Maaslin2’ ... ** using staged installation ** R ** inst ** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading Warning in checkMatrixPackageVersion() : Package version inconsistency detected. TMB was built with Matrix version 1.5.3 Current Matrix version is 1.5.4 Please re-install 'TMB' from source using install.packages('TMB', type = 'source') or ask CRAN for a binary version of 'TMB' matching CRAN's 'Matrix' package ** help *** installing help indices ** building package indices ** installing vignettes ** testing if installed package can be loaded from temporary location ** testing if installed package can be loaded from final location ** testing if installed package keeps a record of temporary installation path * DONE (Maaslin2)
R version 4.2.3 (2023-03-15) -- "Shortstop Beagle" Copyright (C) 2023 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin17.0 (64-bit) R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > library(testthat) > library(Maaslin2) > > test_check("Maaslin2") [1] "Creating output folder" 2023-04-10 20:59:28 INFO::Writing function arguments to log file 2023-04-10 20:59:28 INFO::Verifying options selected are valid 2023-04-10 20:59:28 INFO::Determining format of input files 2023-04-10 20:59:28 INFO::Input format is data samples as rows and metadata samples as rows 2023-04-10 20:59:28 INFO::Formula for random effects: expr ~ (1 | site) + (1 | subject) 2023-04-10 20:59:28 INFO::Formula for fixed effects: expr ~ diagnosis + dysbiosisnonIBD + dysbiosisUC + dysbiosisCD + antibiotics + age 2023-04-10 20:59:28 INFO::Filter data based on min abundance and min prevalence 2023-04-10 20:59:28 INFO::Total samples in data: 1595 2023-04-10 20:59:28 INFO::Min samples required with min abundance for a feature not to be filtered: 159.500000 2023-04-10 20:59:28 INFO::Total filtered features: 0 2023-04-10 20:59:28 INFO::Filtered feature names from abundance and prevalence filtering: 2023-04-10 20:59:28 INFO::Total filtered features with variance filtering: 0 2023-04-10 20:59:28 INFO::Filtered feature names from variance filtering: 2023-04-10 20:59:28 INFO::Running selected normalization method: TSS 2023-04-10 20:59:30 INFO::Bypass z-score application to metadata 2023-04-10 20:59:30 INFO::Running selected transform method: AST 2023-04-10 20:59:30 INFO::Running selected analysis method: LM 2023-04-10 20:59:30 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 1, Bifidobacterium.adolescentis 2023-04-10 20:59:30 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 2, Bifidobacterium.bifidum 2023-04-10 20:59:31 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 3, Bifidobacterium.longum 2023-04-10 20:59:31 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 4, Bifidobacterium.pseudocatenulatum 2023-04-10 20:59:31 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 5, Collinsella.aerofaciens 2023-04-10 20:59:31 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 6, Bacteroides.caccae 2023-04-10 20:59:31 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 7, Bacteroides.cellulosilyticus 2023-04-10 20:59:31 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 8, Bacteroides.dorei 2023-04-10 20:59:32 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 9, Bacteroides.eggerthii 2023-04-10 20:59:32 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 10, Bacteroides.faecis 2023-04-10 20:59:32 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 11, Bacteroides.finegoldii 2023-04-10 20:59:32 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 12, Bacteroides.fragilis 2023-04-10 20:59:32 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 13, Bacteroides.intestinalis 2023-04-10 20:59:32 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 14, Bacteroides.massiliensis 2023-04-10 20:59:32 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 15, Bacteroides.ovatus 2023-04-10 20:59:33 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 16, Bacteroides.salyersiae 2023-04-10 20:59:33 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 17, Bacteroides.stercoris 2023-04-10 20:59:33 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 18, Bacteroides.thetaiotaomicron 2023-04-10 20:59:33 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 19, Bacteroides.uniformis 2023-04-10 20:59:33 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 20, Bacteroides.vulgatus 2023-04-10 20:59:33 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 21, Bacteroides.xylanisolvens 2023-04-10 20:59:33 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 22, Bacteroidales.bacterium.ph8 2023-04-10 20:59:34 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 23, Barnesiella.intestinihominis 2023-04-10 20:59:34 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 24, Coprobacter.fastidiosus 2023-04-10 20:59:34 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 25, Odoribacter.splanchnicus 2023-04-10 20:59:34 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 26, Parabacteroides.distasonis 2023-04-10 20:59:34 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 27, Parabacteroides.goldsteinii 2023-04-10 20:59:34 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 28, Parabacteroides.merdae 2023-04-10 20:59:34 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 29, Parabacteroides.unclassified 2023-04-10 20:59:35 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 30, Paraprevotella.clara 2023-04-10 20:59:35 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 31, Paraprevotella.unclassified 2023-04-10 20:59:35 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 32, Prevotella.copri 2023-04-10 20:59:35 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 33, Alistipes.finegoldii 2023-04-10 20:59:35 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 34, Alistipes.onderdonkii 2023-04-10 20:59:35 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 35, Alistipes.putredinis 2023-04-10 20:59:35 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 36, Alistipes.shahii 2023-04-10 20:59:36 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 37, Alistipes.unclassified 2023-04-10 20:59:36 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 38, Streptococcus.salivarius 2023-04-10 20:59:36 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 39, Clostridium.bolteae 2023-04-10 20:59:36 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 40, Clostridium.citroniae 2023-04-10 20:59:36 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 41, Clostridium.clostridioforme 2023-04-10 20:59:37 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 42, Clostridium.hathewayi 2023-04-10 20:59:37 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 43, Clostridium.leptum 2023-04-10 20:59:37 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 44, Clostridium.nexile 2023-04-10 20:59:37 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 45, Clostridium.symbiosum 2023-04-10 20:59:37 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 46, Flavonifractor.plautii 2023-04-10 20:59:37 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 47, Eubacterium.eligens 2023-04-10 20:59:37 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 48, Eubacterium.hallii 2023-04-10 20:59:37 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 49, Eubacterium.rectale 2023-04-10 20:59:38 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 50, Eubacterium.siraeum 2023-04-10 20:59:38 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 51, Eubacterium.sp.3.1.31 2023-04-10 20:59:38 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 52, Eubacterium.ventriosum 2023-04-10 20:59:38 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 53, Ruminococcus.gnavus 2023-04-10 20:59:38 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 54, Ruminococcus.obeum 2023-04-10 20:59:38 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 55, Ruminococcus.torques 2023-04-10 20:59:38 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 56, Coprococcus.comes 2023-04-10 20:59:39 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 57, Dorea.longicatena 2023-04-10 20:59:39 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 58, Lachnospiraceae.bacterium.1.1.57FAA 2023-04-10 20:59:39 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 59, Lachnospiraceae.bacterium.3.1.46FAA 2023-04-10 20:59:39 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 60, Roseburia.hominis 2023-04-10 20:59:39 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 61, Roseburia.intestinalis 2023-04-10 20:59:39 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 62, Roseburia.inulinivorans 2023-04-10 20:59:39 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 63, Roseburia.unclassified 2023-04-10 20:59:39 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 64, Oscillibacter.unclassified 2023-04-10 20:59:40 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 65, Peptostreptococcaceae.noname.unclassified 2023-04-10 20:59:40 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 66, Faecalibacterium.prausnitzii 2023-04-10 20:59:40 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 67, Ruminococcus.bromii 2023-04-10 20:59:40 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 68, Ruminococcus.callidus 2023-04-10 20:59:40 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 69, Ruminococcus.lactaris 2023-04-10 20:59:40 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 70, Subdoligranulum.unclassified 2023-04-10 20:59:40 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 71, Coprobacillus.unclassified 2023-04-10 20:59:41 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 72, Acidaminococcus.unclassified 2023-04-10 20:59:41 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 73, Dialister.invisus 2023-04-10 20:59:41 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 74, Veillonella.atypica 2023-04-10 20:59:41 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 75, Veillonella.dispar 2023-04-10 20:59:41 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 76, Veillonella.parvula 2023-04-10 20:59:41 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 77, Veillonella.unclassified 2023-04-10 20:59:41 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 78, Burkholderiales.bacterium.1.1.47 2023-04-10 20:59:41 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 79, Parasutterella.excrementihominis 2023-04-10 20:59:42 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 80, Sutterella.wadsworthensis 2023-04-10 20:59:42 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 81, Bilophila.unclassified 2023-04-10 20:59:42 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 82, Escherichia.coli 2023-04-10 20:59:42 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 83, Escherichia.unclassified 2023-04-10 20:59:42 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 84, Klebsiella.pneumoniae 2023-04-10 20:59:42 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 85, Haemophilus.parainfluenzae 2023-04-10 20:59:42 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 86, Akkermansia.muciniphila 2023-04-10 20:59:42 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 87, C2likevirus.unclassified 2023-04-10 20:59:43 INFO::Counting total values for each feature 2023-04-10 20:59:43 INFO::Writing residuals to file output/residuals.rds 2023-04-10 20:59:43 INFO::Writing fitted values to file output/fitted.rds 2023-04-10 20:59:43 INFO::Writing extracted random effects to file output/ranef.rds 2023-04-10 20:59:43 INFO::Writing all results to file (ordered by increasing q-values): output/all_results.tsv 2023-04-10 20:59:43 INFO::Writing the significant results (those which are less than or equal to the threshold of 0.250000 ) to file (ordered by increasing q-values): output/significant_results.tsv [1] "Creating output folder" 2023-04-10 20:59:43 INFO::Writing function arguments to log file 2023-04-10 20:59:43 INFO::Verifying options selected are valid 2023-04-10 20:59:43 INFO::Determining format of input files 2023-04-10 20:59:43 INFO::Input format is data samples as rows and metadata samples as rows 2023-04-10 20:59:43 INFO::Formula for random effects: expr ~ (1 | site) + (1 | subject) 2023-04-10 20:59:43 INFO::Formula for fixed effects: expr ~ diagnosis + dysbiosis + antibiotics + age 2023-04-10 20:59:43 INFO::Filter data based on min abundance and min prevalence 2023-04-10 20:59:43 INFO::Total samples in data: 1595 2023-04-10 20:59:43 INFO::Min samples required with min abundance for a feature not to be filtered: 159.500000 2023-04-10 20:59:43 INFO::Total filtered features: 0 2023-04-10 20:59:43 INFO::Filtered feature names from abundance and prevalence filtering: 2023-04-10 20:59:43 INFO::Total filtered features with variance filtering: 0 2023-04-10 20:59:43 INFO::Filtered feature names from variance filtering: 2023-04-10 20:59:43 INFO::Running selected normalization method: NONE 2023-04-10 20:59:43 INFO::Bypass z-score application to metadata 2023-04-10 20:59:43 INFO::Running selected transform method: AST 2023-04-10 20:59:43 INFO::Running selected analysis method: LM 2023-04-10 20:59:43 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 1, Bifidobacterium.adolescentis 2023-04-10 20:59:43 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 2, Bifidobacterium.bifidum 2023-04-10 20:59:43 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 3, Bifidobacterium.longum 2023-04-10 20:59:43 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 4, Bifidobacterium.pseudocatenulatum 2023-04-10 20:59:43 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 5, Collinsella.aerofaciens 2023-04-10 20:59:43 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 6, Bacteroides.caccae 2023-04-10 20:59:44 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 7, Bacteroides.cellulosilyticus 2023-04-10 20:59:44 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 8, Bacteroides.dorei 2023-04-10 20:59:44 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 9, Bacteroides.eggerthii 2023-04-10 20:59:44 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 10, Bacteroides.faecis 2023-04-10 20:59:44 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 11, Bacteroides.finegoldii 2023-04-10 20:59:44 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 12, Bacteroides.fragilis 2023-04-10 20:59:44 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 13, Bacteroides.intestinalis 2023-04-10 20:59:45 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 14, Bacteroides.massiliensis 2023-04-10 20:59:45 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 15, Bacteroides.ovatus 2023-04-10 20:59:45 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 16, Bacteroides.salyersiae 2023-04-10 20:59:45 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 17, Bacteroides.stercoris 2023-04-10 20:59:45 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 18, Bacteroides.thetaiotaomicron 2023-04-10 20:59:45 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 19, Bacteroides.uniformis 2023-04-10 20:59:45 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 20, Bacteroides.vulgatus 2023-04-10 20:59:45 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 21, Bacteroides.xylanisolvens 2023-04-10 20:59:46 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 22, Bacteroidales.bacterium.ph8 2023-04-10 20:59:46 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 23, Barnesiella.intestinihominis 2023-04-10 20:59:46 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 24, Coprobacter.fastidiosus 2023-04-10 20:59:46 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 25, Odoribacter.splanchnicus 2023-04-10 20:59:46 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 26, Parabacteroides.distasonis 2023-04-10 20:59:46 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 27, Parabacteroides.goldsteinii 2023-04-10 20:59:46 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 28, Parabacteroides.merdae 2023-04-10 20:59:47 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 29, Parabacteroides.unclassified 2023-04-10 20:59:47 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 30, Paraprevotella.clara 2023-04-10 20:59:47 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 31, Paraprevotella.unclassified 2023-04-10 20:59:47 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 32, Prevotella.copri 2023-04-10 20:59:47 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 33, Alistipes.finegoldii 2023-04-10 20:59:47 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 34, Alistipes.onderdonkii 2023-04-10 20:59:47 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 35, Alistipes.putredinis 2023-04-10 20:59:47 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 36, Alistipes.shahii 2023-04-10 20:59:48 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 37, Alistipes.unclassified 2023-04-10 20:59:48 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 38, Streptococcus.salivarius 2023-04-10 20:59:48 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 39, Clostridium.bolteae 2023-04-10 20:59:48 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 40, Clostridium.citroniae 2023-04-10 20:59:48 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 41, Clostridium.clostridioforme 2023-04-10 20:59:48 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 42, Clostridium.hathewayi 2023-04-10 20:59:48 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 43, Clostridium.leptum 2023-04-10 20:59:48 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 44, Clostridium.nexile 2023-04-10 20:59:48 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 45, Clostridium.symbiosum 2023-04-10 20:59:49 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 46, Flavonifractor.plautii 2023-04-10 20:59:49 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 47, Eubacterium.eligens 2023-04-10 20:59:49 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 48, Eubacterium.hallii 2023-04-10 20:59:49 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 49, Eubacterium.rectale 2023-04-10 20:59:49 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 50, Eubacterium.siraeum 2023-04-10 20:59:49 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 51, Eubacterium.sp.3.1.31 2023-04-10 20:59:49 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 52, Eubacterium.ventriosum 2023-04-10 20:59:49 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 53, Ruminococcus.gnavus 2023-04-10 20:59:49 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 54, Ruminococcus.obeum 2023-04-10 20:59:50 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 55, Ruminococcus.torques 2023-04-10 20:59:50 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 56, Coprococcus.comes 2023-04-10 20:59:50 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 57, Dorea.longicatena 2023-04-10 20:59:50 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 58, Lachnospiraceae.bacterium.1.1.57FAA 2023-04-10 20:59:50 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 59, Lachnospiraceae.bacterium.3.1.46FAA 2023-04-10 20:59:50 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 60, Roseburia.hominis 2023-04-10 20:59:51 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 61, Roseburia.intestinalis 2023-04-10 20:59:51 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 62, Roseburia.inulinivorans 2023-04-10 20:59:51 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 63, Roseburia.unclassified 2023-04-10 20:59:51 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 64, Oscillibacter.unclassified 2023-04-10 20:59:51 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 65, Peptostreptococcaceae.noname.unclassified 2023-04-10 20:59:51 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 66, Faecalibacterium.prausnitzii 2023-04-10 20:59:51 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 67, Ruminococcus.bromii 2023-04-10 20:59:52 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 68, Ruminococcus.callidus 2023-04-10 20:59:52 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 69, Ruminococcus.lactaris 2023-04-10 20:59:52 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 70, Subdoligranulum.unclassified 2023-04-10 20:59:52 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 71, Coprobacillus.unclassified 2023-04-10 20:59:52 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 72, Acidaminococcus.unclassified 2023-04-10 20:59:52 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 73, Dialister.invisus 2023-04-10 20:59:52 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 74, Veillonella.atypica 2023-04-10 20:59:52 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 75, Veillonella.dispar 2023-04-10 20:59:53 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 76, Veillonella.parvula 2023-04-10 20:59:53 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 77, Veillonella.unclassified 2023-04-10 20:59:53 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 78, Burkholderiales.bacterium.1.1.47 2023-04-10 20:59:53 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 79, Parasutterella.excrementihominis 2023-04-10 20:59:53 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 80, Sutterella.wadsworthensis 2023-04-10 20:59:53 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 81, Bilophila.unclassified 2023-04-10 20:59:53 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 82, Escherichia.coli 2023-04-10 20:59:54 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 83, Escherichia.unclassified 2023-04-10 20:59:54 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 84, Klebsiella.pneumoniae 2023-04-10 20:59:54 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 85, Haemophilus.parainfluenzae 2023-04-10 20:59:54 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 86, Akkermansia.muciniphila 2023-04-10 20:59:54 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 87, C2likevirus.unclassified 2023-04-10 20:59:54 INFO::Counting total values for each feature 2023-04-10 20:59:54 INFO::Writing residuals to file output2/residuals.rds 2023-04-10 20:59:54 INFO::Writing fitted values to file output2/fitted.rds 2023-04-10 20:59:54 INFO::Writing extracted random effects to file output2/ranef.rds 2023-04-10 20:59:54 INFO::Writing all results to file (ordered by increasing q-values): output2/all_results.tsv 2023-04-10 20:59:54 INFO::Writing the significant results (those which are less than or equal to the threshold of 0.250000 ) to file (ordered by increasing q-values): output2/significant_results.tsv [ FAIL 0 | WARN 8 | SKIP 0 | PASS 12 ] [ FAIL 0 | WARN 8 | SKIP 0 | PASS 12 ] > > > proc.time() user system elapsed 26.807 0.596 27.494
name | user | system | elapsed | |
Maaslin2 | 80.043 | 1.397 | 81.751 | |