Back to the "Multiple platform build/check report"
Package 207/234 | Hostname | OS | Arch | BUILD | CHECK | BUILD BIN |
siggenes1.11.0Holger SchwenderLast Changed Date: 2007-04-24 11:31:42 -0700 Last Changed Rev: 24217 | lamb1 | Linux (SUSE 10.1) | x86_64 | OK | OK | |
wellington | Linux (SUSE 9.2) | i686 | OK | OK | ||
churchill | Solaris 2.9 | sparc | OK | OK | ||
lemming | Windows Server 2003 (32-bit) | x64 | [ OK ] | OK | OK |
Package: siggenes |
Version: 1.11.0 |
Command: D:\biocbld\bbs-2.1-bioc\R\bin\R.exe CMD build siggenes |
RetCode: 0 |
Time: 51.5 seconds |
Status: OK |
PackageFile: siggenes_1.11.0.tar.gz |
* checking for file 'siggenes/DESCRIPTION' ... OK * preparing 'siggenes': * checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK * installing the package to re-build vignettes installing R.css in D:/biocbld/bbs-2.1-bioc/tmpdir/Rinst564048315 ---------- Making package siggenes ------------ adding build stamp to DESCRIPTION installing NAMESPACE file and metadata installing R files installing inst files installing man source files installing indices installing help >>> Building/Updating help pages for package 'siggenes' Formats: text html latex example chm EBAM-class text html latex example chm FindA0-class text html latex chm SAM-class text html latex example chm cat.ebam text html latex chm cat.stat text html latex chm d.stat text html latex chm delta.plot text html latex example chm denspr text html latex chm ebam text html latex example chm find.a0 text html latex example chm fudge2 text html latex chm help.ebam text html latex example chm help.finda0 text html latex example chm help.sam text html latex example chm link.genes text html latex chm link.siggenes text html latex chm list.siggenes text html latex example chm pi0.est text html latex example chm plotArguments text html latex chm plotFindArguments text html latex chm text html latex example chm sam text html latex example chm sam.plot2 text html latex example chm siggenes-internal text html latex chm siggenes2excel text html latex chm siggenes2html text html latex chm sumSAM-class text html latex chm wilc.ebam text html latex chm wilc.stat text html latex chm z.ebam text html latex chm Microsoft HTML Help Compiler 4.74.8702 Compiling d:\biocbld\bbs-2.1-bioc\meat\siggenes\chm\siggenes.chm Compile time: 0 minutes, 0 seconds 31 Topics 194 Local links 2 Internet links 1 Graphic Created d:\biocbld\bbs-2.1-bioc\meat\siggenes\chm\siggenes.chm, 80,041 bytes Compression decreased file by 112,465 bytes. preparing package siggenes for lazy loading Loading required package: multtest Loading required package: Biobase Loading required package: tools Welcome to Bioconductor Vignettes contain introductory material. To view, type 'openVignette()'. To cite Bioconductor, see 'citation("Biobase")' and for packages 'citation(pkgname)'. Loading required package: survival Loading required package: splines Creating a new generic function for "print" in "siggenes" Creating a new generic function for "identify" in "siggenes" adding MD5 sums * DONE (siggenes) * creating vignettes ... OK * removing junk files * checking for LF line-endings in source files * checking for empty or unneeded directories * building 'siggenes_1.11.0.tar.gz'