CHECK report for chromstaR on veracruz1
This page was generated on 2018-04-12 13:43:09 -0400 (Thu, 12 Apr 2018).
chromstaR 1.4.0 Aaron Taudt
Snapshot Date: 2018-04-11 16:45:18 -0400 (Wed, 11 Apr 2018) |
URL: |
Branch: RELEASE_3_6 |
Last Commit: b76d634 |
Last Changed Date: 2017-10-30 12:41:19 -0400 (Mon, 30 Oct 2017) |
| malbec1 | Linux (Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS) / x86_64 | NotNeeded | OK | OK | |  |
tokay1 | Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard / x64 | NotNeeded | OK | WARNINGS | OK |  |
veracruz1 | OS X 10.11.6 El Capitan / x86_64 | NotNeeded | OK | [ OK ] | OK |  |
Command output
Installation output
Tests output
R version 3.4.4 (2018-03-15) -- "Someone to Lean On"
Copyright (C) 2018 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
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> library(testthat)
> library(chromstaR)
Loading required package: GenomicRanges
Loading required package: stats4
Loading required package: BiocGenerics
Loading required package: parallel
Attaching package: 'BiocGenerics'
The following objects are masked from 'package:parallel':
clusterApply, clusterApplyLB, clusterCall, clusterEvalQ,
clusterExport, clusterMap, parApply, parCapply, parLapply,
parLapplyLB, parRapply, parSapply, parSapplyLB
The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
IQR, mad, sd, var, xtabs
The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
Filter, Find, Map, Position, Reduce, anyDuplicated, append,, cbind, colMeans, colSums, colnames,,
duplicated, eval, evalq, get, grep, grepl, intersect, is.unsorted,
lapply, lengths, mapply, match, mget, order, paste, pmax,,
pmin,, rank, rbind, rowMeans, rowSums, rownames, sapply,
setdiff, sort, table, tapply, union, unique, unsplit, which,
which.max, which.min
Loading required package: S4Vectors
Attaching package: 'S4Vectors'
The following object is masked from 'package:base':
Loading required package: IRanges
Loading required package: GenomeInfoDb
Loading required package: ggplot2
Loading required package: chromstaRData
Please visit for the latest bugfixes and features.
> test_check("chromstaR")
HMM: number of states = 3
HMM: number of bins = 125194
HMM: maximum number of iterations = 5000
HMM: maximum running time = none
HMM: epsilon = 1
HMM: data mean = 4.06434, data variance = 10.7002
Iteration log(P) dlog(P) Diff in state 2 Time in sec
0 -inf - - 0
1 -221107.608192 inf 4898 0
2 -202927.094167 18180.514025 17717 0
3 -200120.881709 2806.212458 5825 0
4 -199468.394347 652.487362 888 0
5 -199127.131702 341.262646 1058 0
6 -198860.279250 266.852451 603 0
7 -198629.337990 230.941260 795 1
8 -198419.546135 209.791855 735 1
9 -198220.599452 198.946683 705 1
10 -198025.863024 194.736428 601 1
11 -197831.634581 194.228443 629 1
12 -197636.953896 194.680685 605 1
13 -197443.159115 193.794781 551 1
14 -197253.226838 189.932277 526 1
15 -197070.870496 182.356342 462 1
16 -196899.581897 171.288599 504 1
17 -196741.879226 157.702671 518 1
18 -196598.968651 142.910575 455 1
19 -196470.829967 128.138683 414 1
Iteration log(P) dlog(P) Diff in state 2 Time in sec
20 -196356.547470 114.282498 478 1
21 -196254.666304 101.881166 436 1
22 -196163.460342 91.205962 408 1
23 -196081.121315 82.339027 403 1
24 -196005.917090 75.204225 380 1
25 -195936.332041 69.585049 347 1
26 -195871.165174 65.166867 353 1
27 -195809.562263 61.602912 366 1
28 -195750.988447 58.573815 382 1
29 -195695.169980 55.818467 418 1
30 -195642.025316 53.144664 382 1
31 -195591.590246 50.435070 358 1
32 -195543.944190 47.646056 358 1
33 -195499.151606 44.792584 307 1
34 -195457.227470 41.924136 285 1
35 -195418.125988 39.101483 257 1
36 -195381.745667 36.380321 216 1
37 -195347.942282 33.803385 244 1
38 -195316.543289 31.398993 165 1
39 -195287.360604 29.182684 168 1
Iteration log(P) dlog(P) Diff in state 2 Time in sec
40 -195260.200914 27.159691 142 1
41 -195234.873581 25.327333 163 1
42 -195211.196441 23.677140 134 1
43 -195188.999774 22.196666 94 1
44 -195168.128759 20.871016 84 1
45 -195148.444676 19.684082 121 1
46 -195129.825149 18.619528 115 1
47 -195112.163631 17.661518 104 2
48 -195095.368371 16.795260 82 2
49 -195079.361021 16.007349 79 2
50 -195064.075048 15.285974 65 2
51 -195049.454066 14.620982 101 2
52 -195035.450211 14.003855 64 2
53 -195022.022611 13.427600 54 2
54 -195009.136022 12.886589 73 2
55 -194996.759650 12.376372 66 2
56 -194984.866167 11.893483 56 2
57 -194973.430930 11.435238 54 2
58 -194962.431364 10.999566 53 2
59 -194951.846510 10.584854 33 2
Iteration log(P) dlog(P) Diff in state 2 Time in sec
60 -194941.656694 10.189816 50 2
61 -194931.843299 9.813395 48 2
62 -194922.388613 9.454686 35 2
63 -194913.275737 9.112876 32 2
64 -194904.488524 8.787213 31 2
65 -194896.011551 8.476973 38 2
66 -194887.830099 8.181453 23 2
67 -194879.930141 7.899958 26 2
68 -194872.298334 7.631807 28 2
69 -194864.922010 7.376324 22 2
70 -194857.789160 7.132850 25 2
71 -194850.888420 6.900740 28 2
72 -194844.209049 6.679371 28 2
73 -194837.740907 6.468142 28 2
74 -194831.474431 6.266476 37 2
75 -194825.400605 6.073826 25 2
76 -194819.510934 5.889672 30 2
77 -194813.797412 5.713521 20 2
78 -194808.252500 5.544913 17 2
79 -194802.869088 5.383412 13 2
Iteration log(P) dlog(P) Diff in state 2 Time in sec
80 -194797.640477 5.228611 16 2
81 -194792.560346 5.080131 12 2
82 -194787.622729 4.937617 11 2
83 -194782.821992 4.800737 17 2
84 -194778.152810 4.669182 15 2
85 -194773.610144 4.542666 17 2
86 -194769.189224 4.420919 21 2
87 -194764.885531 4.303693 19 2
88 -194760.694777 4.190754 17 3
89 -194756.612893 4.081885 13 3
90 -194752.636009 3.976883 12 3
91 -194748.760450 3.875560 16 3
92 -194744.982713 3.777737 12 3
93 -194741.299463 3.683250 12 3
94 -194737.707521 3.591943 9 3
95 -194734.203851 3.503670 9 3
96 -194730.785554 3.418296 15 3
97 -194727.449862 3.335692 9 3
98 -194724.194125 3.255737 9 3
99 -194721.015807 3.178318 14 3
Iteration log(P) dlog(P) Diff in state 2 Time in sec
100 -194717.912479 3.103328 5 3
101 -194714.881814 3.030665 14 3
102 -194711.921579 2.960234 12 3
103 -194709.029634 2.891945 11 3
104 -194706.203921 2.825713 12 3
105 -194703.442465 2.761456 8 3
106 -194700.743366 2.699098 10 3
107 -194698.104800 2.638567 9 3
108 -194695.525008 2.579792 10 3
109 -194693.002300 2.522708 9 3
110 -194690.535048 2.467253 8 3
111 -194688.121681 2.413366 10 3
112 -194685.760689 2.360993 19 3
113 -194683.450612 2.310077 7 3
114 -194681.190044 2.260568 5 3
115 -194678.977628 2.212416 12 3
116 -194676.812054 2.165574 14 3
117 -194674.692057 2.119998 10 3
118 -194672.616414 2.075643 9 3
119 -194670.583945 2.032469 15 3
Iteration log(P) dlog(P) Diff in state 2 Time in sec
120 -194668.593508 1.990437 8 3
121 -194666.644000 1.949508 12 3
122 -194664.734354 1.909646 8 3
123 -194662.863537 1.870817 14 3
124 -194661.030550 1.832987 11 3
125 -194659.234427 1.796124 14 3
126 -194657.474230 1.760197 12 3
127 -194655.749053 1.725177 13 3
128 -194654.058017 1.691035 12 3
129 -194652.400273 1.657745 9 3
130 -194650.774994 1.625279 13 4
131 -194649.181381 1.593613 16 4
132 -194647.618659 1.562722 4 4
133 -194646.086077 1.532582 11 4
134 -194644.582905 1.503172 10 4
135 -194643.108436 1.474469 9 4
136 -194641.661983 1.446453 6 4
137 -194640.242879 1.419103 8 4
138 -194638.850479 1.392400 7 4
139 -194637.484154 1.366325 12 4
Iteration log(P) dlog(P) Diff in state 2 Time in sec
140 -194636.143294 1.340860 7 4
141 -194634.827307 1.315987 8 4
142 -194633.535617 1.291690 7 4
143 -194632.267664 1.267952 2 4
144 -194631.022907 1.244758 6 4
145 -194629.800816 1.222091 10 4
146 -194628.600877 1.199939 7 4
147 -194627.422592 1.178285 9 4
148 -194626.265475 1.157117 6 4
149 -194625.129053 1.136422 5 4
150 -194624.012868 1.116185 8 4
151 -194622.916472 1.096396 4 4
152 -194621.839430 1.077042 7 4
153 -194620.781320 1.058111 10 4
154 -194619.741728 1.039592 10 4
155 -194618.720255 1.021474 8 4
156 -194617.716509 1.003746 9 4
157 -194616.730110 0.986399 12 4
HMM: Convergence reached!
HMM: Recoding posteriors ...
══ testthat results ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
> proc.time()
user system elapsed
17.367 0.531 18.234
Example timings