Back to Long Tests report for BioC 3.20

This page was generated on 2025-03-01 23:55 -0500 (Sat, 01 Mar 2025).

HostnameOSArch (*)R versionInstalled pkgs
nebbiolo2Linux (Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS)x86_644.4.2 (2024-10-31) -- "Pile of Leaves" 4768
palomino8Windows Server 2022 Datacenterx644.4.2 (2024-10-31 ucrt) -- "Pile of Leaves" 4503
merida1macOS 12.7.5 Montereyx86_644.4.2 (2024-10-31) -- "Pile of Leaves" 4526
Click on any hostname to see more info about the system (e.g. compilers)      (*) as reported by 'uname -p', except on Windows and Mac OS X

Package 23/32HostnameOS / ArchCHECK
ginmappeR 1.2.3  (landing page)
Fernando Sola
Snapshot Date: 2025-03-01 09:55 -0500 (Sat, 01 Mar 2025)
git_branch: RELEASE_3_20
git_last_commit: 488e384
git_last_commit_date: 2024-12-02 11:34:13 -0500 (Mon, 02 Dec 2024)
nebbiolo2Linux (Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS) / x86_64  ERROR  
palomino8Windows Server 2022 Datacenter / x64  ERROR  
merida1macOS 12.7.5 Monterey / x86_64  ERROR  

CHECK results for ginmappeR on merida1

To the developers/maintainers of the ginmappeR package:
- Use the following Renviron settings to reproduce errors and warnings.
- If 'R CMD check' started to fail recently on the Linux builder(s) over a missing dependency, add the missing dependency to 'Suggests:' in your DESCRIPTION file. See Renviron.bioc for more information.

raw results


Package: ginmappeR
Version: 1.2.3
Command: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/bin/R CMD check --test-dir=longtests --no-stop-on-test-error --no-codoc --no-examples --no-manual --ignore-vignettes --check-subdirs=no ginmappeR_1.2.3.tar.gz
StartedAt: 2025-03-01 16:12:24 -0500 (Sat, 01 Mar 2025)
EndedAt: 2025-03-01 16:17:21 -0500 (Sat, 01 Mar 2025)
EllapsedTime: 297.2 seconds
RetCode: 1
Status:   ERROR  
CheckDir: ginmappeR.Rcheck
Warnings: NA

Tests output


R version 4.4.2 (2024-10-31) -- "Pile of Leaves"
Copyright (C) 2024 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin20

R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details.

R is a collaborative project with many contributors.
Type 'contributors()' for more information and
'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications.

Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
Type 'q()' to quit R.

> library(RUnit)
> library(ginmappeR)
> library('')
Loading required package: BiocGenerics

Attaching package: 'BiocGenerics'

The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':

    IQR, mad, sd, var, xtabs

The following objects are masked from 'package:base':

    Filter, Find, Map, Position, Reduce, anyDuplicated, aperm, append,, basename, cbind, colnames, dirname,,
    duplicated, eval, evalq, get, grep, grepl, intersect, is.unsorted,
    lapply, mapply, match, mget, order, paste, pmax,, pmin,, rank, rbind, rownames, sapply, saveRDS, setdiff, table,
    tapply, union, unique, unsplit, which.max, which.min

Loading required package: RSQLite
> library('KEGGREST')
> library('httr')
> library('rentrez')
> library('XML')
> utils::globalVariables('cardPath')
[1] "cardPath"
> cardPath <<- tempdir()
> # GitHub Actions imports
> # source('../../../R/CARDFunctions.R')
> # source('../../../R/00utils.R')
> # # Local execution imports
> setwd('../00_pkg_src/ginmappeR/')
> source('R/CARDFunctions.R')
> source('R/00utils.R')
> #########################
> # CARD database to NCBI #
> #########################
> ### Test getCARD2NCBIProtein
> message('Testing getCARD2NCBIProtein')
Testing getCARD2NCBIProtein
> # Positive cases
> .testEquals(getCARD2NCBIProtein('3002535'), 'CAA38525.1')
Updating CARD database data...
Deleting previous versions of CARD if any.

Downloading latest version

Extracting database

CARD database downloaded successfully!
Located at /tmp/Rtmpnnxbmi/card-data
CARD database version 4.0.0 (2024-12-17)


  |=.............................| Step   1: Translating from CARD to NCBI Protein


  |==............................| Step   2: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002535 to NCBI

[1] "CAA38525.1"
[1] TRUE
> .testEquals(getCARD2NCBIProtein('ARO:3002535'), 'CAA38525.1')
Using a CARD database version downloaded on Sat 03/01/2025 16:14:27, please consider updating it with updateCARDDataBase() function.


  |=.............................| Step   1: Translating from CARD to NCBI Protein


  |==............................| Step   2: Accessing CARD database and translating id ARO:3002535 to NCBI

[1] "CAA38525.1"
[1] TRUE
> .testEquals(getCARD2NCBIProtein('3003988'), 'APB03221.1')
Using a CARD database version downloaded on Sat 03/01/2025 16:14:27, please consider updating it with updateCARDDataBase() function.


  |=.............................| Step   1: Translating from CARD to NCBI Protein


  |==............................| Step   2: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3003988 to NCBI

[1] "APB03221.1"
[1] TRUE
> .testEquals(getCARD2NCBIProtein(c('3003988', 'ARO:3002535')), c('APB03221.1', 'CAA38525.1'))
Using a CARD database version downloaded on Sat 03/01/2025 16:14:27, please consider updating it with updateCARDDataBase() function.


  |=.............................| Step   1: Translating from CARD to NCBI Protein


  |==............................| Step   2: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3003988 to NCBI


  |===...........................| Step   3: Accessing CARD database and translating id ARO:3002535 to NCBI

[1] "APB03221.1" "CAA38525.1"
Test failed: 
APB03221.1CAA38525.1 != APB03221.1CAA38525.1
> # Incorrect CARD ID case
> .testEquals(getCARD2NCBIProtein('test'), NA)
Using a CARD database version downloaded on Sat 03/01/2025 16:14:27, please consider updating it with updateCARDDataBase() function.


  |=.............................| Step   1: Translating from CARD to NCBI Protein


  |==............................| Step   2: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI

The given ID "test" is not registered in CARD database

[1] NA
Test failed: 
NA != NA
> .testEquals(getCARD2NCBIProtein(c('test', 'test')), c(NA, NA))
Using a CARD database version downloaded on Sat 03/01/2025 16:14:27, please consider updating it with updateCARDDataBase() function.


  |=.............................| Step   1: Translating from CARD to NCBI Protein


  |==............................| Step   2: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI

The given ID "test" is not registered in CARD database


  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI

The given ID "test" is not registered in CARD database

[1] NA NA
Test failed: 
> .testEquals(getCARD2NCBIProtein(character(0)), character(0))
Using a CARD database version downloaded on Sat 03/01/2025 16:14:27, please consider updating it with updateCARDDataBase() function.


  |=.............................| Step   1: Translating from CARD to NCBI Protein

Test failed: 
> .testEquals(getCARD2NCBIProtein(c(character(0), '3002535')), c('CAA38525.1'))
Using a CARD database version downloaded on Sat 03/01/2025 16:14:27, please consider updating it with updateCARDDataBase() function.


  |=.............................| Step   1: Translating from CARD to NCBI Protein


  |==............................| Step   2: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002535 to NCBI

[1] "CAA38525.1"
[1] TRUE
> ### Test getCARD2NCBINucleotide
> message('Testing getCARD2NCBINucleotide')
Testing getCARD2NCBINucleotide
> # Positive cases
> .testEquals(getCARD2NCBINucleotide('3002535'), 'X54723.1')
Using a CARD database version downloaded on Sat 03/01/2025 16:14:27, please consider updating it with updateCARDDataBase() function.


  |=.............................| Step   1: Translating from CARD to NCBI Nucleotide


  |==............................| Step   2: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002535 to NCBI

[1] "X54723.1"
[1] TRUE
> .testEquals(getCARD2NCBINucleotide('ARO:3002535'), 'X54723.1')
Using a CARD database version downloaded on Sat 03/01/2025 16:14:27, please consider updating it with updateCARDDataBase() function.


  |=.............................| Step   1: Translating from CARD to NCBI Nucleotide


  |==............................| Step   2: Accessing CARD database and translating id ARO:3002535 to NCBI

[1] "X54723.1"
[1] TRUE
> .testEquals(getCARD2NCBINucleotide('3003988'), 'KX531051.1')
Using a CARD database version downloaded on Sat 03/01/2025 16:14:27, please consider updating it with updateCARDDataBase() function.


  |=.............................| Step   1: Translating from CARD to NCBI Nucleotide


  |==............................| Step   2: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3003988 to NCBI

[1] "KX531051.1"
[1] TRUE
> .testEquals(getCARD2NCBINucleotide(c('3003988', 'ARO:3002535')), c('KX531051.1', 'X54723.1'))
Using a CARD database version downloaded on Sat 03/01/2025 16:14:27, please consider updating it with updateCARDDataBase() function.


  |=.............................| Step   1: Translating from CARD to NCBI Nucleotide


  |==............................| Step   2: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3003988 to NCBI


  |===...........................| Step   3: Accessing CARD database and translating id ARO:3002535 to NCBI

[1] "KX531051.1" "X54723.1"  
Test failed: 
KX531051.1X54723.1 != KX531051.1X54723.1
> # Incorrect CARD ID case
> .testEquals(getCARD2NCBINucleotide('test'), NA)
Using a CARD database version downloaded on Sat 03/01/2025 16:14:27, please consider updating it with updateCARDDataBase() function.


  |=.............................| Step   1: Translating from CARD to NCBI Nucleotide


  |==............................| Step   2: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI

The given ID "test" is not registered in CARD database

[1] NA
Test failed: 
NA != NA
> .testEquals(getCARD2NCBINucleotide(c('test','test')), c(NA,NA))
Using a CARD database version downloaded on Sat 03/01/2025 16:14:27, please consider updating it with updateCARDDataBase() function.


  |=.............................| Step   1: Translating from CARD to NCBI Nucleotide


  |==............................| Step   2: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI

The given ID "test" is not registered in CARD database


  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI

The given ID "test" is not registered in CARD database

[1] NA NA
Test failed: 
> ### Test getCARD2NCBIGene
> message('Testing getCARD2NCBIGene')
Testing getCARD2NCBIGene
> # Positive cases
> .testEquals(getCARD2NCBIGene('3002525'), c('886648'))
Using a CARD database version downloaded on Sat 03/01/2025 16:14:27, please consider updating it with updateCARDDataBase() function.


  |=.............................| Step   1: Translating from CARD to NCBI Gene


  |==............................| Step   2: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI


  |===...........................| Step   3: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI


  |====..........................| Step   4: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI


  |=====.........................| Step   5: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI


  |======........................| Step   6: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI


  |=======.......................| Step   7: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI


  |========......................| Step   8: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI


  |=========.....................| Step   9: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI


  |==========....................| Step  10: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI


  |===========...................| Step  11: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI


  |============..................| Step  12: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI


  |=============.................| Step  13: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI


  |==============................| Step  14: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI


  |===============...............| Step  15: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI


  |================..............| Step  16: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI


  |=================.............| Step  17: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI


  |==================............| Step  18: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI


  |===================...........| Step  19: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI


  |====================..........| Step  20: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI


  |=====================.........| Step  21: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI

[1] NA
Test failed: 
NA != 886648
> .testEquals(getCARD2NCBIGene(c('3002525','3002525')), c('886648', '886648'))
Using a CARD database version downloaded on Sat 03/01/2025 16:14:27, please consider updating it with updateCARDDataBase() function.


  |=.............................| Step   1: Translating from CARD to NCBI Gene


  |==............................| Step   2: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI


  |===...........................| Step   3: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI


  |====..........................| Step   4: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI


  |=====.........................| Step   5: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI


  |======........................| Step   6: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI


  |=======.......................| Step   7: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI


  |========......................| Step   8: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI


  |=========.....................| Step   9: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI


  |==========....................| Step  10: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI


  |===========...................| Step  11: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI


  |============..................| Step  12: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI


  |=============.................| Step  13: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI


  |==============................| Step  14: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI


  |===============...............| Step  15: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI


  |================..............| Step  16: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI


  |=================.............| Step  17: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI


  |==================............| Step  18: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI


  |===================...........| Step  19: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI


  |====================..........| Step  20: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI


  |=====================.........| Step  21: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI


  |======================........| Step  22: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI


  |=======================.......| Step  23: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI


  |========================......| Step  24: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI


  |=========================.....| Step  25: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI


  |==========================....| Step  26: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI


  |===========================...| Step  27: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI


  |============================..| Step  28: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI


  |=============================.| Step  29: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI


  |..............................| Step  30: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI


  |=.............................| Step  31: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI


  |==............................| Step  32: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI


  |===...........................| Step  33: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI


  |====..........................| Step  34: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI


  |=====.........................| Step  35: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI


  |======........................| Step  36: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI


  |=======.......................| Step  37: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI


  |========......................| Step  38: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI


  |=========.....................| Step  39: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI


  |==========....................| Step  40: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI


  |===========...................| Step  41: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002525 to NCBI

[1] NA NA
Test failed: 
NANA != 886648886648
> # # No translation case
> # .testEquals(getCARD2NCBIGene('3005061'), NA)
> # Incorrect CARD ID case
> .testEquals(getCARD2NCBIGene('test'), NA)
Using a CARD database version downloaded on Sat 03/01/2025 16:14:27, please consider updating it with updateCARDDataBase() function.


  |=.............................| Step   1: Translating from CARD to NCBI Gene


  |==............................| Step   2: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to NCBI

The given ID "test" is not registered in CARD database

[1] NA
Test failed: 
NA != NA
> ############################
> # CARD database to UniProt #
> ############################
> ### Test getCARD2UniProt
> message('Testing getCARD2UniProt')
Testing getCARD2UniProt
> # Positive cases
> .testEquals(getCARD2UniProt('3002867'), c('Q9ZIF9'))
Using a CARD database version downloaded on Sat 03/01/2025 16:14:27, please consider updating it with updateCARDDataBase() function.


  |=.............................| Step   1: Translating from CARD to UniProt


  |==............................| Step   2: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |===...........................| Step   3: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |====..........................| Step   4: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |=====.........................| Step   5: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |======........................| Step   6: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |=======.......................| Step   7: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |========......................| Step   8: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |=========.....................| Step   9: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |==========....................| Step  10: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |===========...................| Step  11: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |============..................| Step  12: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |=============.................| Step  13: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |==============................| Step  14: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |===============...............| Step  15: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |================..............| Step  16: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |=================.............| Step  17: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |==================............| Step  18: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |===================...........| Step  19: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |====================..........| Step  20: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |=====================.........| Step  21: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot

[1] NA
Test failed: 
NA != Q9ZIF9
> .testEquals(getCARD2UniProt('3002867', detailedMapping=TRUE), list('DT'=c('Q9ZIF9')))
Using a CARD database version downloaded on Sat 03/01/2025 16:14:27, please consider updating it with updateCARDDataBase() function.


  |=.............................| Step   1: Translating from CARD to UniProt


  |==............................| Step   2: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |===...........................| Step   3: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |====..........................| Step   4: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |=====.........................| Step   5: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |======........................| Step   6: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |=======.......................| Step   7: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |========......................| Step   8: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |=========.....................| Step   9: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |==========....................| Step  10: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |===========...................| Step  11: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |============..................| Step  12: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |=============.................| Step  13: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |==============................| Step  14: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |===============...............| Step  15: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |================..............| Step  16: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |=================.............| Step  17: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |==================............| Step  18: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |===================...........| Step  19: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |====================..........| Step  20: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |=====================.........| Step  21: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot

[1] NA
Test failed: 
NA != Q9ZIF9
> .testEquals(getCARD2UniProt(c('3002867', '3002867'), detailedMapping=TRUE), c('DT'=c('Q9ZIF9'),'DT'=c('Q9ZIF9')))
Using a CARD database version downloaded on Sat 03/01/2025 16:14:27, please consider updating it with updateCARDDataBase() function.


  |=.............................| Step   1: Translating from CARD to UniProt


  |==............................| Step   2: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |===...........................| Step   3: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |====..........................| Step   4: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |=====.........................| Step   5: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |======........................| Step   6: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |=======.......................| Step   7: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |========......................| Step   8: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |=========.....................| Step   9: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |==========....................| Step  10: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |===========...................| Step  11: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |============..................| Step  12: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |=============.................| Step  13: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |==============................| Step  14: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |===============...............| Step  15: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |================..............| Step  16: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |=================.............| Step  17: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |==================............| Step  18: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |===================...........| Step  19: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |====================..........| Step  20: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |=====================.........| Step  21: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |======================........| Step  22: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |=======================.......| Step  23: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |========================......| Step  24: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |=========================.....| Step  25: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |==========================....| Step  26: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |===========================...| Step  27: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |============================..| Step  28: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |=============================.| Step  29: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |..............................| Step  30: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |=.............................| Step  31: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |==............................| Step  32: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |===...........................| Step  33: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |====..........................| Step  34: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |=====.........................| Step  35: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |======........................| Step  36: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |=======.......................| Step  37: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |========......................| Step  38: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |=========.....................| Step  39: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |==========....................| Step  40: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot


  |===========...................| Step  41: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3002867 to Uniprot

[1] NA NA
Test failed: 
> # checkTrue(length(getCARD2UniProt('3002867', TRUE)) == 35)
> # .testEquals(getCARD2UniProt('3003649'), c('A0A0K0TQH5'))
> # No translation case
> .testEquals(getCARD2UniProt('3006267'), NA)
Using a CARD database version downloaded on Sat 03/01/2025 16:14:27, please consider updating it with updateCARDDataBase() function.


  |=.............................| Step   1: Translating from CARD to UniProt


  |==............................| Step   2: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to Uniprot


  |===...........................| Step   3: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to Uniprot


  |====..........................| Step   4: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to Uniprot


  |=====.........................| Step   5: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to Uniprot


  |======........................| Step   6: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to Uniprot


  |=======.......................| Step   7: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to Uniprot


  |========......................| Step   8: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to Uniprot


  |=========.....................| Step   9: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to Uniprot


  |==========....................| Step  10: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to Uniprot


  |===========...................| Step  11: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to Uniprot


  |============..................| Step  12: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to Uniprot


  |=============.................| Step  13: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to Uniprot


  |==============................| Step  14: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to Uniprot


  |===============...............| Step  15: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to Uniprot


  |================..............| Step  16: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to Uniprot


  |=================.............| Step  17: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to Uniprot


  |==================............| Step  18: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to Uniprot


  |===================...........| Step  19: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to Uniprot


  |====================..........| Step  20: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to Uniprot


  |=====================.........| Step  21: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to Uniprot

[1] NA
Test failed: 
NA != NA
> .testEquals(getCARD2UniProt('3006267', detailedMapping=TRUE), NA)
Using a CARD database version downloaded on Sat 03/01/2025 16:14:27, please consider updating it with updateCARDDataBase() function.


  |=.............................| Step   1: Translating from CARD to UniProt


  |==............................| Step   2: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to Uniprot


  |===...........................| Step   3: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to Uniprot


  |====..........................| Step   4: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to Uniprot


  |=====.........................| Step   5: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to Uniprot


  |======........................| Step   6: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to Uniprot


  |=======.......................| Step   7: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to Uniprot


  |========......................| Step   8: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to Uniprot


  |=========.....................| Step   9: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to Uniprot


  |==========....................| Step  10: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to Uniprot


  |===========...................| Step  11: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to Uniprot


  |============..................| Step  12: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to Uniprot


  |=============.................| Step  13: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to Uniprot


  |==============................| Step  14: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to Uniprot


  |===============...............| Step  15: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to Uniprot


  |================..............| Step  16: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to Uniprot


  |=================.............| Step  17: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to Uniprot


  |==================............| Step  18: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to Uniprot


  |===================...........| Step  19: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to Uniprot


  |====================..........| Step  20: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to Uniprot


  |=====================.........| Step  21: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to Uniprot

[1] NA
Test failed: 
NA != NA
> # Incorrect CARD ID case
> .testEquals(getCARD2UniProt('test'), NA)
Using a CARD database version downloaded on Sat 03/01/2025 16:14:27, please consider updating it with updateCARDDataBase() function.


  |=.............................| Step   1: Translating from CARD to UniProt


  |==............................| Step   2: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to Uniprot



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to Uniprot



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to Uniprot



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to Uniprot



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to Uniprot



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to Uniprot



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to Uniprot



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to Uniprot



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to Uniprot



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to Uniprot



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to Uniprot



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to Uniprot



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to Uniprot



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to Uniprot



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to Uniprot



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to Uniprot



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to Uniprot



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to Uniprot



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to Uniprot



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to Uniprot

The given ID "test" is not registered in CARD database

[1] NA
Test failed: 
NA != NA
> #########################
> # CARD database to KEGG #
> #########################
> ### Test getCARD2KEGG
> message('Testing getCARD2KEGG')
Testing getCARD2KEGG
> # Positive cases
> .testEquals(getCARD2KEGG('3000938'), c('ag:AAF19151'))
Using a CARD database version downloaded on Sat 03/01/2025 16:14:27, please consider updating it with updateCARDDataBase() function.


  |=.............................| Step   1: Translating from CARD to KEGG


  |==............................| Step   2: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |===...........................| Step   3: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |====..........................| Step   4: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |=====.........................| Step   5: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |======........................| Step   6: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |=======.......................| Step   7: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |========......................| Step   8: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |=========.....................| Step   9: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |==========....................| Step  10: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |===========...................| Step  11: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |============..................| Step  12: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |=============.................| Step  13: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |==============................| Step  14: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |===============...............| Step  15: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |================..............| Step  16: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |=================.............| Step  17: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |==================............| Step  18: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |===================...........| Step  19: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |====================..........| Step  20: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |=====================.........| Step  21: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG

[1] NA
Test failed: 
NA != ag:AAF19151
> .testEquals(getCARD2KEGG('3000938', detailedMapping = TRUE), list('DT'='ag:AAF19151'))
Using a CARD database version downloaded on Sat 03/01/2025 16:14:27, please consider updating it with updateCARDDataBase() function.


  |=.............................| Step   1: Translating from CARD to KEGG


  |==............................| Step   2: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |===...........................| Step   3: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |====..........................| Step   4: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |=====.........................| Step   5: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |======........................| Step   6: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |=======.......................| Step   7: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |========......................| Step   8: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |=========.....................| Step   9: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |==========....................| Step  10: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |===========...................| Step  11: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |============..................| Step  12: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |=============.................| Step  13: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |==============................| Step  14: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |===============...............| Step  15: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |================..............| Step  16: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |=================.............| Step  17: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |==================............| Step  18: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |===================...........| Step  19: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |====================..........| Step  20: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |=====================.........| Step  21: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG

[1] NA
Test failed: 
NA != ag:AAF19151
> .testEquals(getCARD2KEGG(c('3000938','3000938'), detailedMapping = TRUE), c('DT'=c('ag:AAF19151'), 'DT'=c('ag:AAF19151')))
Using a CARD database version downloaded on Sat 03/01/2025 16:14:27, please consider updating it with updateCARDDataBase() function.


  |=.............................| Step   1: Translating from CARD to KEGG


  |==............................| Step   2: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |===...........................| Step   3: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |====..........................| Step   4: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |=====.........................| Step   5: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |======........................| Step   6: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |=======.......................| Step   7: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |========......................| Step   8: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |=========.....................| Step   9: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |==========....................| Step  10: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |===========...................| Step  11: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |============..................| Step  12: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |=============.................| Step  13: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |==============................| Step  14: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |===============...............| Step  15: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |================..............| Step  16: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |=================.............| Step  17: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |==================............| Step  18: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |===================...........| Step  19: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |====================..........| Step  20: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |=====================.........| Step  21: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |======================........| Step  22: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |=======================.......| Step  23: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |========================......| Step  24: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |=========================.....| Step  25: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |==========================....| Step  26: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |===========================...| Step  27: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |============================..| Step  28: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |=============================.| Step  29: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |..............................| Step  30: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |=.............................| Step  31: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |==............................| Step  32: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |===...........................| Step  33: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |====..........................| Step  34: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |=====.........................| Step  35: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |======........................| Step  36: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |=======.......................| Step  37: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |========......................| Step  38: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |=========.....................| Step  39: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |==========....................| Step  40: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG


  |===========...................| Step  41: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3000938 to KEGG

[1] NA NA
Test failed: 
NANA != ag:AAF19151ag:AAF19151
> # .testEquals(getCARD2KEGG('3001109', detailedMapping = TRUE), list('0.9'=c('ag:BAA84973')))
> # .testEquals(getCARD2KEGG('3002511', exhaustiveMapping = TRUE, detailedMapping = TRUE, bySimilarGenes = TRUE),
>             # list('0.5'=c("chk:D4L85_28045","proe:H9L23_08075"))) # Takes a long time
> # No translation cases
> .testEquals(getCARD2KEGG('3006267', detailedMapping = FALSE, bySimilarGenes = FALSE), NA)
Using a CARD database version downloaded on Sat 03/01/2025 16:14:27, please consider updating it with updateCARDDataBase() function.


  |=.............................| Step   1: Translating from CARD to KEGG


  |==............................| Step   2: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to KEGG


  |===...........................| Step   3: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to KEGG


  |====..........................| Step   4: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to KEGG


  |=====.........................| Step   5: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to KEGG


  |======........................| Step   6: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to KEGG


  |=======.......................| Step   7: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to KEGG


  |========......................| Step   8: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to KEGG


  |=========.....................| Step   9: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to KEGG


  |==========....................| Step  10: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to KEGG


  |===========...................| Step  11: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to KEGG


  |============..................| Step  12: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to KEGG


  |=============.................| Step  13: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to KEGG


  |==============................| Step  14: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to KEGG


  |===============...............| Step  15: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to KEGG


  |================..............| Step  16: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to KEGG


  |=================.............| Step  17: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to KEGG


  |==================............| Step  18: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to KEGG


  |===================...........| Step  19: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to KEGG


  |====================..........| Step  20: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to KEGG


  |=====================.........| Step  21: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to KEGG

[1] NA
Test failed: 
NA != NA
> .testEquals(getCARD2KEGG('3006267', detailedMapping = TRUE, bySimilarGenes = FALSE), NA)
Using a CARD database version downloaded on Sat 03/01/2025 16:14:27, please consider updating it with updateCARDDataBase() function.


  |=.............................| Step   1: Translating from CARD to KEGG


  |==............................| Step   2: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to KEGG


  |===...........................| Step   3: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to KEGG


  |====..........................| Step   4: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to KEGG


  |=====.........................| Step   5: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to KEGG


  |======........................| Step   6: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to KEGG


  |=======.......................| Step   7: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to KEGG


  |========......................| Step   8: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to KEGG


  |=========.....................| Step   9: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to KEGG


  |==========....................| Step  10: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to KEGG


  |===========...................| Step  11: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to KEGG


  |============..................| Step  12: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to KEGG


  |=============.................| Step  13: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to KEGG


  |==============................| Step  14: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to KEGG


  |===============...............| Step  15: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to KEGG


  |================..............| Step  16: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to KEGG


  |=================.............| Step  17: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to KEGG


  |==================............| Step  18: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to KEGG


  |===================...........| Step  19: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to KEGG


  |====================..........| Step  20: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to KEGG


  |=====================.........| Step  21: Accessing CARD database and translating id 3006267 to KEGG

[1] NA
Test failed: 
NA != NA
> # Incorrect CARD ID case
> .testEquals(getCARD2KEGG('test'), NA)
Using a CARD database version downloaded on Sat 03/01/2025 16:14:27, please consider updating it with updateCARDDataBase() function.


  |=.............................| Step   1: Translating from CARD to KEGG


  |==............................| Step   2: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to KEGG



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to KEGG



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to KEGG



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to KEGG



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to KEGG



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to KEGG



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to KEGG



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to KEGG



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to KEGG



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to KEGG



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to KEGG



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to KEGG



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to KEGG



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to KEGG



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to KEGG



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to KEGG



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to KEGG



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to KEGG



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to KEGG



  |=.............................| Step   1: Accessing CARD database and translating id test to KEGG

The given ID "test" is not registered in CARD database

[1] NA
Test failed: 
NA != NA
> proc.time()
   user  system elapsed 
 52.619   1.748 160.525 


R version 4.4.2 (2024-10-31) -- "Pile of Leaves"
Copyright (C) 2024 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin20

R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details.

R is a collaborative project with many contributors.
Type 'contributors()' for more information and
'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications.

Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
Type 'q()' to quit R.

> library(RUnit)
> library(ginmappeR)
> library('')
Loading required package: BiocGenerics

Attaching package: 'BiocGenerics'

The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':

    IQR, mad, sd, var, xtabs

The following objects are masked from 'package:base':

    Filter, Find, Map, Position, Reduce, anyDuplicated, aperm, append,, basename, cbind, colnames, dirname,,
    duplicated, eval, evalq, get, grep, grepl, intersect, is.unsorted,
    lapply, mapply, match, mget, order, paste, pmax,, pmin,, rank, rbind, rownames, sapply, saveRDS, setdiff, table,
    tapply, union, unique, unsplit, which.max, which.min

Loading required package: RSQLite
> library('KEGGREST')
> library('httr')
> library('rentrez')
> library('XML')
> utils::globalVariables('cardPath')
[1] "cardPath"
> cardPath <<- tempdir()
> # GitHub Actions imports
> # source('../../../R/NCBIFunctions.R')
> # source('../../../R/UniProtFunctions.R')
> # source('../../../R/00utils.R')
> # # Local execution imports
> setwd('../00_pkg_src/ginmappeR/')
> source('R/NCBIFunctions.R')
> source('R/UniProtFunctions.R')
> source('R/00utils.R')
> #####################################
> # NCBI databases inter-translations #
> #####################################
> ### Test getNCBIGene2NCBIProtein
> message('Testing getNCBIGene2NCBIProtein')
Testing getNCBIGene2NCBIProtein
> # Positive case
> .testEquals(getNCBIGene2NCBIProtein('76524190'), c('WP_001082319'))


  |=.............................| Step   1: Translating from NCBI Gene to NCBI Protein


  |==............................| Step   2: Translating NCBI id 76524190 to NCBI Protein

[1] "WP_001082319"
[1] TRUE
> .testEquals(getNCBIGene2NCBIProtein(c('76524190', '76524190')), c('WP_001082319','WP_001082319'))


  |=.............................| Step   1: Translating from NCBI Gene to NCBI Protein


  |==............................| Step   2: Translating NCBI id 76524190 to NCBI Protein


  |===...........................| Step   3: Translating NCBI id 76524190 to NCBI Protein

[1] "WP_001082319" "WP_001082319"
Test failed: 
WP_001082319WP_001082319 != WP_001082319WP_001082319
> .testEquals(getNCBIGene2NCBIProtein('76524190', exhaustiveMapping = TRUE), list(c('WP_001082319')))


  |=.............................| Step   1: Translating from NCBI Gene to NCBI Protein


  |==............................| Step   2: Translating NCBI id 76524190 to NCBI Protein

[1] "WP_001082319"

Error in testFunction == result : 
  comparison of these types is not implemented
Calls: .testEquals
Execution halted

'R CMD check' output

### Running command:
###   /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/bin/R CMD check --test-dir=longtests --no-stop-on-test-error --no-codoc --no-examples --no-manual --ignore-vignettes --check-subdirs=no ginmappeR_1.2.3.tar.gz

* using log directory ‘/Users/biocbuild/bbs-3.20-bioc-longtests/meat/ginmappeR.Rcheck’
* using R version 4.4.2 (2024-10-31)
* using platform: x86_64-apple-darwin20
* R was compiled by
    Apple clang version 14.0.0 (clang-1400.0.29.202)
    GNU Fortran (GCC) 12.2.0
* running under: macOS Monterey 12.7.6
* using session charset: UTF-8
* using options ‘--no-codoc --no-examples --no-manual --ignore-vignettes --no-stop-on-test-error’
* checking for file ‘ginmappeR/DESCRIPTION’ ... OK
* checking extension type ... Package
* this is package ‘ginmappeR’ version ‘1.2.3’
* package encoding: UTF-8
* checking package namespace information ... OK
* checking package dependencies ... OK
* checking if this is a source package ... OK
* checking if there is a namespace ... OK
* checking for hidden files and directories ... NOTE
Found the following hidden files and directories:
These were most likely included in error. See section ‘Package
structure’ in the ‘Writing R Extensions’ manual.
* checking for portable file names ... OK
* checking for sufficient/correct file permissions ... OK
* checking whether package ‘ginmappeR’ can be installed ... OK
* checking installed package size ... OK
* checking package directory ... OK
* checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK
* checking top-level files ... OK
* checking for left-over files ... OK
* checking index information ... OK
* checking package subdirectories ... OK
* checking code files for non-ASCII characters ... OK
* checking R files for syntax errors ... OK
* checking whether the package can be loaded ... OK
* checking whether the package can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK
* checking whether the package can be unloaded cleanly ... OK
* checking whether the namespace can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK
* checking whether the namespace can be unloaded cleanly ... OK
* checking whether startup messages can be suppressed ... OK
* checking dependencies in R code ... OK
* checking S3 generic/method consistency ... OK
* checking replacement functions ... OK
* checking foreign function calls ... OK
* checking R code for possible problems ... OK
* checking Rd files ... OK
* checking Rd metadata ... OK
* checking Rd cross-references ... OK
* checking for missing documentation entries ... OK
* checking for code/documentation mismatches ... SKIPPED
* checking Rd \usage sections ... OK
* checking Rd contents ... OK
* checking for unstated dependencies in examples ... OK
* checking files in ‘vignettes’ ... SKIPPED
* checking examples ... SKIPPED
* checking for unstated dependencies in ‘longtests’ ... OK
* checking tests in ‘longtests’ ...
  Running ‘test_CARD.R’
  Running ‘test_NCBI.R’
Running the tests in ‘longtests/test_NCBI.R’ failed.
Last 13 lines of output:
    |=.............................| Step   1: Translating from NCBI Gene to NCBI Protein
    |==............................| Step   2: Translating NCBI id 76524190 to NCBI Protein
  [1] "WP_001082319"
  Error in testFunction == result : 
    comparison of these types is not implemented
  Calls: .testEquals
  Execution halted

Status: 1 ERROR, 1 NOTE
for details.

Installation output


* installing *source* package ‘ginmappeR’ ...
** using staged installation
** R
** inst
** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading
** help
*** installing help indices
** building package indices
** installing vignettes
** testing if installed package can be loaded from temporary location
** testing if installed package can be loaded from final location
** testing if installed package keeps a record of temporary installation path
* DONE (ginmappeR)