Back to Build/check report for BioC 3.17

This page was generated on 2023-01-02 09:00:29 -0500 (Mon, 02 Jan 2023).

HostnameOSArch (*)R versionInstalled pkgs
palomino5Windows Server 2022 Datacenterx64R Under development (unstable) (2022-12-25 r83502 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" 4165
Click on any hostname to see more info about the system (e.g. compilers)      (*) as reported by 'uname -p', except on Windows and Mac OS X

CHECK results for fastreeR on palomino5

To the developers/maintainers of the fastreeR package:
Make sure to use the following settings in order to reproduce any error or warning you see on this page.

raw results

fastreeR 1.3.0  (landing page)
Anestis Gkanogiannis
Snapshot Date: 2022-12-28 11:00:06 -0500 (Wed, 28 Dec 2022)
git_branch: master
git_last_commit: ee30e30
git_last_commit_date: 2022-11-01 17:56:18 -0500 (Tue, 01 Nov 2022)
palomino5Windows Server 2022 Datacenter / x64  OK    OK    OK    OK  


Package: fastreeR
Version: 1.3.0
Command: F:\biocbuild\bbs-3.17-bioc\R\bin\R.exe CMD check --no-multiarch --install=check:fastreeR.install-out.txt --library=F:\biocbuild\bbs-3.17-bioc\R\library --no-vignettes --timings fastreeR_1.3.0.tar.gz
StartedAt: 2022-12-28 23:44:56 -0500 (Wed, 28 Dec 2022)
EndedAt: 2022-12-28 23:45:41 -0500 (Wed, 28 Dec 2022)
EllapsedTime: 45.0 seconds
RetCode: 0
Status:   OK  
CheckDir: fastreeR.Rcheck
Warnings: 0

Command output

### Running command:
###   F:\biocbuild\bbs-3.17-bioc\R\bin\R.exe CMD check --no-multiarch --install=check:fastreeR.install-out.txt --library=F:\biocbuild\bbs-3.17-bioc\R\library --no-vignettes --timings fastreeR_1.3.0.tar.gz

* using log directory 'F:/biocbuild/bbs-3.17-bioc-rtools43/meat/fastreeR.Rcheck'
* using R Under development (unstable) (2022-12-25 r83502 ucrt)
* using platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32 (64-bit)
* R was compiled by
    gcc.exe (GCC) 10.4.0
    GNU Fortran (GCC) 10.4.0
* running under: Windows Server x64 (build 20348)
* using session charset: UTF-8
* using option '--no-vignettes'
* checking for file 'fastreeR/DESCRIPTION' ... OK
* checking extension type ... Package
* this is package 'fastreeR' version '1.3.0'
* package encoding: UTF-8
* checking package namespace information ... OK
* checking package dependencies ... OK
* checking if this is a source package ... OK
* checking if there is a namespace ... OK
* checking for hidden files and directories ... OK
* checking for portable file names ... OK
* checking whether package 'fastreeR' can be installed ... OK
* checking installed package size ... OK
* checking package directory ... OK
* checking 'build' directory ... OK
* checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK
* checking top-level files ... OK
* checking for left-over files ... OK
* checking index information ... OK
* checking package subdirectories ... OK
* checking R files for non-ASCII characters ... OK
* checking R files for syntax errors ... OK
* checking whether the package can be loaded ... OK
* checking whether the package can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK
* checking whether the package can be unloaded cleanly ... OK
* checking whether the namespace can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK
* checking whether the namespace can be unloaded cleanly ... OK
* checking dependencies in R code ... OK
* checking S3 generic/method consistency ... OK
* checking replacement functions ... OK
* checking foreign function calls ... OK
* checking R code for possible problems ... OK
* checking Rd files ... OK
* checking Rd metadata ... OK
* checking Rd cross-references ... OK
* checking for missing documentation entries ... OK
* checking for code/documentation mismatches ... OK
* checking Rd \usage sections ... OK
* checking Rd contents ... OK
* checking for unstated dependencies in examples ... OK
* checking files in 'vignettes' ... OK
* checking examples ... OK
* checking for unstated dependencies in 'tests' ... OK
* checking tests ...
  Running 'spelling.R'
  Running 'testthat.R'
* checking for unstated dependencies in vignettes ... OK
* checking package vignettes in 'inst/doc' ... OK
* checking running R code from vignettes ... SKIPPED
* checking re-building of vignette outputs ... SKIPPED
* checking PDF version of manual ... OK

Status: OK

Installation output


### Running command:
###   F:\biocbuild\bbs-3.17-bioc\R\bin\R.exe CMD INSTALL fastreeR

* installing to library 'F:/biocbuild/bbs-3.17-bioc/R/library'
* installing *source* package 'fastreeR' ...
** using staged installation
** R
** inst
** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading
** help
*** installing help indices
** building package indices
** installing vignettes
** testing if installed package can be loaded from temporary location
** testing if installed package can be loaded from final location
** testing if installed package keeps a record of temporary installation path
* DONE (fastreeR)

Tests output


R Under development (unstable) (2022-12-25 r83502 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences"
Copyright (C) 2022 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)

R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details.

R is a collaborative project with many contributors.
Type 'contributors()' for more information and
'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications.

Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
Type 'q()' to quit R.

> if(requireNamespace('spelling', quietly = TRUE))
+     spelling::spell_check_test(vignettes = TRUE, error = FALSE,
+                                                         skip_on_cran = TRUE)
> proc.time()
   user  system elapsed 
   0.17    0.03    0.20 


R Under development (unstable) (2022-12-25 r83502 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences"
Copyright (C) 2022 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)

R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details.

R is a collaborative project with many contributors.
Type 'contributors()' for more information and
'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications.

Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
Type 'q()' to quit R.

> library(testthat)
> library(fastreeR)
> test_check("fastreeR")
VCF2DIST : Wed Dec 28 15:37:40 EST 2022
2022/12/28 23:45:27 VCFManager: START READ
2022/12/28 23:45:27 VCFManager: END READ

Processed variants : 	       4
VCF2TREE : Wed Dec 28 15:37:40 EST 2022
2022/12/28 23:45:28 VCFManager: START READ
2022/12/28 23:45:28 VCFManager: END READ

Processed variants : 	       4
2022/12/28 23:45:28 Distances=3x3
hierarchical method=Complete
3 4
2022/12/28 23:45:28 Distances=3x3
hierarchical method=Complete
 ..cutHeight not given, setting it to 1.74  ===>  99% of the (truncated) height range in dendro.
2022/12/28 23:45:28 Clusters=2

S2	0	1
S1	1	2
S3	1	2

3 4
2022/12/28 23:45:28 Distances=3x3
hierarchical method=Complete
 ..cutHeight not given, setting it to 1.74  ===>  99% of the (truncated) height range in dendro.
2022/12/28 23:45:28 Clusters=2

S2	0	1
S1	1	2
S3	1	2

3 4
2022/12/28 23:45:28 Distances=3x3
hierarchical method=Complete
 ..cutHeight not given, setting it to 1.74  ===>  99% of the (truncated) height range in dendro.
2022/12/28 23:45:28 Clusters=2

S2	0	1
S1	1	2
S3	1	2

3 4
2022/12/28 23:45:28 Distances=3x3
hierarchical method=Complete
 ..cutHeight not given, setting it to 1.74  ===>  99% of the (truncated) height range in dendro.
2022/12/28 23:45:28 Clusters=2

S2	0	1
S1	1	2
S3	1	2

100 1000
2022/12/28 23:45:28 Distances=100x100
hierarchical method=Complete
 ..cutHeight not given, setting it to 0.0794  ===>  99% of the (truncated) height range in dendro.
2022/12/28 23:45:28 Clusters=36

HG00126	1	5
HG00149	1	5
HG00182	1	5
HG00233	1	5
HG00262	1	5
HG00100	2	5
HG00101	2	5
HG00106	2	5
HG00107	2	5
HG00125	2	5
HG00096	3	5
HG00128	3	5
HG00154	3	5
HG00173	3	5
HG00242	3	5
HG00108	4	4
HG00129	4	4
HG00232	4	4
HG00253	4	4
HG00110	5	4
HG00121	5	4
HG00123	5	4
HG00256	5	4
HG00185	6	4
HG00189	6	4
HG00258	6	4
HG00261	6	4
HG00114	7	3
HG00133	7	3
HG00234	7	3
HG00120	8	3
HG00136	8	3
HG00236	8	3
HG00141	9	3
HG00187	9	3
HG00254	9	3
HG00142	10	3
HG00146	10	3
HG00160	10	3
HG00118	11	3
HG00138	11	3
HG00157	11	3
HG00158	12	3
HG00177	12	3
HG00178	12	3
HG00115	13	3
HG00130	13	3
HG00155	13	3
HG00111	14	3
HG00137	14	3
HG00150	14	3
HG00112	15	3
HG00132	15	3
HG00148	15	3
HG00140	16	3
HG00151	16	3
HG00237	16	3
HG00231	17	3
HG00238	17	3
HG00243	17	3
HG00180	18	3
HG00252	18	3
HG00260	18	3
HG00116	19	3
HG00122	19	3
HG00139	19	3
HG00097	20	2
HG00102	20	2
HG00145	21	2
HG00244	21	2
HG00113	22	2
HG00259	22	2
HG00099	23	2
HG00174	23	2
HG00171	24	2
HG00255	24	2
HG00176	25	2
HG00235	25	2
HG00179	26	2
HG00250	26	2
HG00103	27	2
HG00257	27	2
HG00188	28	2
HG00245	28	2
HG00127	29	2
HG00186	29	2
HG00105	30	2
HG00183	30	2
HG00119	31	2
HG00190	31	2
HG00131	32	2
HG00159	32	2
HG00109	33	2
HG00246	33	2
HG00117	34	2
HG00240	34	2
HG00143	35	2
HG00251	35	2
HG00181	36	2
HG00239	36	2

VCF2DIST : Wed Dec 28 15:37:40 EST 2022
2022/12/28 23:45:28 VCFManager: START READ
2022/12/28 23:45:28 VCFManager: END READ

Processed variants : 	       4
3 0
2022/12/28 23:45:28 Distances=3x3
hierarchical method=Complete
 ..cutHeight not given, setting it to 1.74  ===>  99% of the (truncated) height range in dendro.
2022/12/28 23:45:28 Clusters=2

S2	0	1
S1	1	2
S3	1	2

3 4
2022/12/28 23:45:29 Distances=3x3
hierarchical method=Complete
100 1000
2022/12/28 23:45:29 Distances=100x100
hierarchical method=Complete
VCF2DIST : Wed Dec 28 15:37:40 EST 2022
2022/12/28 23:45:29 VCFManager: START READ
2022/12/28 23:45:29 VCFManager: END READ

Processed variants : 	       4
3 0
2022/12/28 23:45:29 Distances=3x3
hierarchical method=Complete
FASTA2DIST : Wed Dec 28 15:37:40 EST 2022
2022/12/28 23:45:29 FastaManager: START READ
2022/12/28 23:45:29 FastaManager: Chunk with 7 lines.
2022/12/28 23:45:29 FastaManager: END READ
2022/12/28 23:45:29 FastaManager: FASTA
2	null
2	null
3	null
FASTA2DIST : Wed Dec 28 15:37:40 EST 2022
2022/12/28 23:45:29 FastaManager: START READ
2022/12/28 23:45:29 FastaManager: Chunk with 7 lines.
2022/12/28 23:45:29 FastaManager: END READ
2	null
2	null
2022/12/28 23:45:29 FastaManager: FASTA
3	null
FASTA2DIST : Wed Dec 28 15:37:40 EST 2022
2022/12/28 23:45:29 FastaManager: START READ
2022/12/28 23:45:29 FastaManager: Chunk with 7 lines.
2	null
2022/12/28 23:45:29 FastaManager: END READ
2	null
2022/12/28 23:45:29 FastaManager: FASTA
3	null
FASTA2DIST : Wed Dec 28 15:37:40 EST 2022
2022/12/28 23:45:29 FastaManager: START READ
2022/12/28 23:45:29 FastaManager: Chunk with 7 lines.
1	null
3	null
2022/12/28 23:45:29 FastaManager: END READ
3	null
2022/12/28 23:45:29 FastaManager: FASTA
FASTA2DIST : Wed Dec 28 15:37:40 EST 2022
2022/12/28 23:45:29 FastaManager: START READ
2022/12/28 23:45:29 FastaManager: Chunk with 96 lines.
2	null
2022/12/28 23:45:29 FastaManager: END READ
2022/12/28 23:45:29 FastaManager: FASTA
3	null
4	null
5	null
6	null
7	null
8	null
9	null
10	null
11	null
12	null
13	null
14	null
15	null
16	null
17	null
18	null
19	null
20	null
21	null
22	null
23	null
24	null
24	null
26	null
27	null
28	null
29	null
30	null
31	null
32	null
33	null
34	null
35	null
36	null
37	null
38	null
39	null
40	null
41	null
42	null
43	null
44	null
45	null
46	null
47	null
48	null
48	null
2022/12/28 23:45:30 CalculateD2ChildTask(51): 	50
2022/12/28 23:45:30 Clusters=2

S2	0	1
S1	1	2
S3	1	2

 ..cutHeight not given, setting it to 1.74  ===>  99% of the (truncated) height range in dendro.
2022/12/28 23:45:30 Clusters=2

S2	0	1
S1	1	2
S3	1	2

 ..cutHeight not given, setting it to 1.74  ===>  99% of the (truncated) height range in dendro.
2022/12/28 23:45:30 Clusters=2

S2	0	1
S1	1	2
S3	1	2

VCF2DIST : Wed Dec 28 15:37:40 EST 2022
2022/12/28 23:45:30 VCFManager: START READ
2022/12/28 23:45:30 VCFManager: END READ

Processed variants : 	       4
3 0
2022/12/28 23:45:30 Distances=3x3
hierarchical method=Complete
 ..cutHeight not given, setting it to 1.74  ===>  99% of the (truncated) height range in dendro.
2022/12/28 23:45:30 Clusters=2

S2	0	1
S1	1	2
S3	1	2

VCF2DIST : Wed Dec 28 15:37:40 EST 2022
2022/12/28 23:45:30 VCFManager: START READ
2022/12/28 23:45:30 VCFManager: END READ

Processed variants : 	       4
3 0
2022/12/28 23:45:30 Distances=3x3
hierarchical method=Complete
 ..cutHeight not given, setting it to 1.74  ===>  99% of the (truncated) height range in dendro.
2022/12/28 23:45:30 Clusters=2

S2	0	1
S1	1	2
S3	1	2

VCF2DIST : Wed Dec 28 15:37:40 EST 2022
2022/12/28 23:45:30 VCFManager: START READ
2022/12/28 23:45:30 VCFManager: END READ

Processed variants : 	       4
3 0
2022/12/28 23:45:30 Distances=3x3
hierarchical method=Complete
 ..cutHeight not given, setting it to 1.74  ===>  99% of the (truncated) height range in dendro.
2022/12/28 23:45:30 Clusters=2

S2	0	1
S1	1	2
S3	1	2

VCF2DIST : Wed Dec 28 15:37:40 EST 2022
2022/12/28 23:45:30 VCFManager: START READ
2022/12/28 23:45:30 VCFManager: END READ

Processed variants : 	       4
3 0
2022/12/28 23:45:30 Distances=3x3
hierarchical method=Complete
 ..cutHeight not given, setting it to 1.74  ===>  99% of the (truncated) height range in dendro.
2022/12/28 23:45:30 Clusters=2

S2	0	1
S1	1	2
S3	1	2

VCF2DIST : Wed Dec 28 15:37:40 EST 2022
2022/12/28 23:45:30 VCFManager: START READ
2022/12/28 23:45:30 VCFManager: END READ

Processed variants : 	    1000
2022/12/28 23:45:31 CalculateDistancesChildTask(86): 	50
2022/12/28 23:45:31 CalculateDistancesChildTask(73): 	100
100 0
2022/12/28 23:45:31 Distances=100x100
hierarchical method=Complete
 ..cutHeight not given, setting it to 0.0794  ===>  99% of the (truncated) height range in dendro.
2022/12/28 23:45:31 Clusters=36

HG00126	1	5
HG00149	1	5
HG00182	1	5
HG00233	1	5
HG00262	1	5
HG00100	2	5
HG00101	2	5
HG00106	2	5
HG00107	2	5
HG00125	2	5
HG00096	3	5
HG00128	3	5
HG00154	3	5
HG00173	3	5
HG00242	3	5
HG00108	4	4
HG00129	4	4
HG00232	4	4
HG00253	4	4
HG00110	5	4
HG00121	5	4
HG00123	5	4
HG00256	5	4
HG00185	6	4
HG00189	6	4
HG00258	6	4
HG00261	6	4
HG00114	7	3
HG00133	7	3
HG00234	7	3
HG00120	8	3
HG00136	8	3
HG00236	8	3
HG00141	9	3
HG00187	9	3
HG00254	9	3
HG00142	10	3
HG00146	10	3
HG00160	10	3
HG00118	11	3
HG00138	11	3
HG00157	11	3
HG00158	12	3
HG00177	12	3
HG00178	12	3
HG00115	13	3
HG00130	13	3
HG00155	13	3
HG00111	14	3
HG00137	14	3
HG00150	14	3
HG00112	15	3
HG00132	15	3
HG00148	15	3
HG00140	16	3
HG00151	16	3
HG00237	16	3
HG00231	17	3
HG00238	17	3
HG00243	17	3
HG00180	18	3
HG00252	18	3
HG00260	18	3
HG00116	19	3
HG00122	19	3
HG00139	19	3
HG00097	20	2
HG00102	20	2
HG00145	21	2
HG00244	21	2
HG00113	22	2
HG00259	22	2
HG00099	23	2
HG00174	23	2
HG00171	24	2
HG00255	24	2
HG00176	25	2
HG00235	25	2
HG00179	26	2
HG00250	26	2
HG00103	27	2
HG00257	27	2
HG00188	28	2
HG00245	28	2
HG00127	29	2
HG00186	29	2
HG00105	30	2
HG00183	30	2
HG00119	31	2
HG00190	31	2
HG00131	32	2
HG00159	32	2
HG00109	33	2
HG00246	33	2
HG00117	34	2
HG00240	34	2
HG00143	35	2
HG00251	35	2
HG00181	36	2
HG00239	36	2

VCF2DIST : Wed Dec 28 15:37:40 EST 2022
2022/12/28 23:45:31 VCFManager: START READ
2022/12/28 23:45:31 VCFManager: END READ

Processed variants : 	       4
VCF2DIST : Wed Dec 28 15:37:40 EST 2022
2022/12/28 23:45:31 VCFManager: START READ
2022/12/28 23:45:31 VCFManager: END READ

Processed variants : 	       4
VCF2DIST : Wed Dec 28 15:37:40 EST 2022
2022/12/28 23:45:31 VCFManager: START READ
2022/12/28 23:45:31 VCFManager: END READ

Processed variants : 	       4
VCF2DIST : Wed Dec 28 15:37:40 EST 2022
2022/12/28 23:45:31 VCFManager: START READ
2022/12/28 23:45:31 VCFManager: END READ

Processed variants : 	       4
VCF2DIST : Wed Dec 28 15:37:40 EST 2022
2022/12/28 23:45:31 VCFManager: START READ
2022/12/28 23:45:31 VCFManager: END READ

Processed variants : 	    1000
2022/12/28 23:45:31 CalculateDistancesChildTask(34): 	50
2022/12/28 23:45:31 CalculateDistancesChildTask(71): 	100
VCF2ISTATS : Wed Dec 28 15:37:40 EST 2022
Num of Ind = 3
VCF2ISTATS : Wed Dec 28 15:37:40 EST 2022
Num of Ind = 3
VCF2ISTATS : Wed Dec 28 15:37:40 EST 2022
Num of Ind = 3
VCF2TREE : Wed Dec 28 15:37:40 EST 2022
2022/12/28 23:45:32 VCFManager: START READ
2022/12/28 23:45:32 VCFManager: END READ

Processed variants : 	       4
2022/12/28 23:45:32 Distances=3x3
hierarchical method=Complete
VCF2TREE : Wed Dec 28 15:37:40 EST 2022
2022/12/28 23:45:32 VCFManager: START READ
2022/12/28 23:45:32 VCFManager: END READ

Processed variants : 	    1000
2022/12/28 23:45:32 CalculateDistancesChildTask(91): 	50
2022/12/28 23:45:32 CalculateDistancesChildTask(74): 	100
2022/12/28 23:45:32 Distances=100x100
hierarchical method=Complete
[ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 100 ]
> proc.time()
   user  system elapsed 
   8.70    1.06    5.61 

Example timings

