Back to Mac ARM64 build report for BioC 3.17

This page was generated on 2023-10-20 09:38:03 -0400 (Fri, 20 Oct 2023).

HostnameOSArch (*)R versionInstalled pkgs
kjohnson2macOS 12.6.1 Montereyarm644.3.1 (2023-06-16) -- "Beagle Scouts" 4347
Click on any hostname to see more info about the system (e.g. compilers)      (*) as reported by 'uname -p', except on Windows and Mac OS X

GUIDEseq 1.30.0  (landing page)
Lihua Julie Zhu
Snapshot Date: 2023-10-15 14:00:07 -0400 (Sun, 15 Oct 2023)
git_branch: RELEASE_3_17
git_last_commit: 3970f96
git_last_commit_date: 2023-04-25 10:42:14 -0400 (Tue, 25 Apr 2023)
kjohnson2macOS 12.6.1 Monterey / arm64  OK    OK    OK    OK  UNNEEDED, same version is already published

CHECK results for GUIDEseq on kjohnson2

To the developers/maintainers of the GUIDEseq package:
- Use the following Renviron settings to reproduce errors and warnings.
- If 'R CMD check' started to fail recently on the Linux builder(s) over a missing dependency, add the missing dependency to 'Suggests:' in your DESCRIPTION file. See Renviron.bioc for more information.

raw results


Package: GUIDEseq
Version: 1.30.0
Command: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/bin/R CMD check --install=check:GUIDEseq.install-out.txt --library=/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/library --no-vignettes --timings GUIDEseq_1.30.0.tar.gz
StartedAt: 2023-10-17 23:53:14 -0400 (Tue, 17 Oct 2023)
EndedAt: 2023-10-18 00:05:51 -0400 (Wed, 18 Oct 2023)
EllapsedTime: 757.7 seconds
RetCode: 0
Status:   OK  
CheckDir: GUIDEseq.Rcheck
Warnings: 0

Command output

### Running command:
###   /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/bin/R CMD check --install=check:GUIDEseq.install-out.txt --library=/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/library --no-vignettes --timings GUIDEseq_1.30.0.tar.gz

* using log directory ‘/Users/biocbuild/bbs-3.17-bioc-mac-arm64/meat/GUIDEseq.Rcheck’
* using R version 4.3.1 (2023-06-16)
* using platform: aarch64-apple-darwin20 (64-bit)
* R was compiled by
    Apple clang version 14.0.0 (clang-1400.0.29.202)
    GNU Fortran (GCC) 12.2.0
* running under: macOS Monterey 12.6.7
* using session charset: UTF-8
* using option ‘--no-vignettes’
* checking for file ‘GUIDEseq/DESCRIPTION’ ... OK
* checking extension type ... Package
* this is package ‘GUIDEseq’ version ‘1.30.0’
* package encoding: UTF-8
* checking package namespace information ... OK
* checking package dependencies ... OK
* checking if this is a source package ... OK
* checking if there is a namespace ... OK
* checking for hidden files and directories ... OK
* checking for portable file names ... OK
* checking for sufficient/correct file permissions ... OK
* checking whether package ‘GUIDEseq’ can be installed ... OK
* checking installed package size ... NOTE
  installed size is 12.5Mb
  sub-directories of 1Mb or more:
    extdata  12.0Mb
* checking package directory ... OK
* checking ‘build’ directory ... OK
* checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK
* checking top-level files ... OK
* checking for left-over files ... OK
* checking index information ... OK
* checking package subdirectories ... OK
* checking R files for non-ASCII characters ... OK
* checking R files for syntax errors ... OK
* checking whether the package can be loaded ... OK
* checking whether the package can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK
* checking whether the package can be unloaded cleanly ... OK
* checking whether the namespace can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK
* checking whether the namespace can be unloaded cleanly ... OK
* checking dependencies in R code ... NOTE
':::' call which should be '::': ‘CRISPRseek:::translatePattern’
  See the note in ?`:::` about the use of this operator.
* checking S3 generic/method consistency ... OK
* checking replacement functions ... OK
* checking foreign function calls ... OK
* checking R code for possible problems ... NOTE
plotTracks: warning in scale_x_continuous(label =
  xaxis.lab.pos$chromosome, breaks = xaxis.lab.pos$ partial
  argument match of 'label' to 'labels'
.maskSubSeq: no visible global function definition for ‘.getMatchedInd’
.nucleotideSubstitutionMatrix: no visible binding for global variable
.nucleotideSubstitutionMatrix: no visible binding for global variable
GUIDEseqAnalysis: no visible binding for global variable ‘offTarget’
GUIDEseqAnalysis: no visible binding for global variable ‘peak_score’
GUIDEseqAnalysis: no visible binding for global variable
GUIDEseqAnalysis: no visible binding for global variable ‘’
GUIDEseqAnalysis: no visible binding for global variable ‘gRNAPlusPAM’
GUIDEseqAnalysis: no visible binding for global variable
GUIDEseqAnalysis: no visible binding for global variable
GUIDEseqAnalysis: no visible binding for global variable
GUIDEseqAnalysis: no visible binding for global variable
GUIDEseqAnalysis: no visible binding for global variable
GUIDEseqAnalysis: no visible binding for global variable
GUIDEseqAnalysis: no visible binding for global variable
GUIDEseqAnalysis: no visible binding for global variable ‘chromosome’
GUIDEseqAnalysis: no visible binding for global variable
GUIDEseqAnalysis: no visible binding for global variable
GUIDEseqAnalysis: no visible binding for global variable
GUIDEseqAnalysis: no visible binding for global variable ‘pos.deletion’
GUIDEseqAnalysis: no visible binding for global variable ‘n.insertion’
GUIDEseqAnalysis: no visible binding for global variable ‘n.deletion’
GUIDEseqAnalysis: no visible binding for global variable ‘n.RNA.bulge’
GUIDEseqAnalysis: no visible binding for global variable ‘n.DNA.bulge’
GUIDEseqAnalysis: no visible binding for global variable ‘feature’
GUIDEseqAnalysis: no visible binding for global variable
annotateOffTargets: no visible binding for global variable
getAlnWithBulge : <anonymous>: no visible binding for global variable
getAlnWithBulge : <anonymous>: no visible binding for global variable
getPeaks: no visible binding for global variable ‘adjusted.p.value’
getPeaks: no visible binding for global variable ‘SNratio’
getUniqueCleavageEvents: no visible binding for global variable
getUniqueCleavageEvents: no visible binding for global variable
getUniqueCleavageEvents: no visible binding for global variable
getUniqueCleavageEvents: no visible binding for global variable
getUniqueCleavageEvents: no visible binding for global variable
getUniqueCleavageEvents: no visible binding for global variable
getUniqueCleavageEvents: no visible binding for global variable
getUniqueCleavageEvents: no visible binding for global variable
getUniqueCleavageEvents: no visible binding for global variable
getUniqueCleavageEvents: no visible binding for global variable
getUniqueCleavageEvents: no visible binding for global variable
getUniqueCleavageEvents: no visible binding for global variable ‘UMI’
getUniqueCleavageEvents: no visible binding for global variable
getUniqueCleavageEvents: no visible binding for global variable
offTargetAnalysisOfPeakRegions: no visible binding for global variable
offTargetAnalysisOfPeakRegions: no visible binding for global variable
offTargetAnalysisOfPeakRegions: no visible binding for global variable
plotAlignedOfftargets: no visible binding for global variable
plotAlignedOfftargets: no visible binding for global variable ‘RIR’
plotAlignedOfftargets: no visible binding for global variable
plotAlignedOfftargets: no visible binding for global variable
plotAlignedOfftargets: no visible binding for global variable ‘y’
plotAlignedOfftargets: no visible binding for global variable ‘h’
plotAlignedOfftargets: no visible binding for global variable ‘IR’
plotHeatmapOfftargets: no visible binding for global variable
plotHeatmapOfftargets: no visible binding for global variable
plotHeatmapOfftargets: no visible binding for global variable ‘IR’
plotHeatmapOfftargets: no visible binding for global variable
plotHeatmapOfftargets: no visible binding for global variable ‘IR.max’
plotHeatmapOfftargets: no visible binding for global variable ‘Samples’
plotHeatmapOfftargets: no visible global function definition for
plotHeatmapOfftargets: no visible global function definition for
plotHeatmapOfftargets: no visible global function definition for ‘unit’
plotTracks: no visible binding for global variable
plotTracks: no visible binding for global variable ‘n.PAM.mismatch’
plotTracks: no visible binding for global variable ‘offTargetStrand’
plotTracks: no visible binding for global variable ‘offTarget_Start’
plotTracks: no visible binding for global variable ‘offTarget_End’
plotTracks: no visible binding for global variable ‘n.distinct.UMIs’
plotTracks: no visible binding for global variable
plotTracks: no visible global function definition for ‘geom_smooth’
plotTracks: no visible binding for global variable ‘chromosome’
plotTracks: no visible binding for global variable ‘chr.max’
plotTracks: no visible binding for global variable ‘chr.offset’
plotTracks: no visible binding for global variable ‘.’
plotTracks: no visible binding for global variable
Undefined global functions or variables:
  . .getMatchedInd DNA.bulge DNA_BASES IR IR.max IUPAC_CODE_MAP
  Offtargets Ontarget RIR SNratio Samples UMI adjusted.p.value chr.max
  chr.offset chromosome cum.cleavage.position end.first end.last
  feature gRNA.deletion gRNA.insertion gRNAPlusPAM
  geom_smooth guideAlignment2OffTarget guide_legend guides h
  mismatch.distance2PAM n.DNA.bulge n.PAM.mismatch n.RNA.bulge
  n.deletion n.distinct.UMIs n.insertion offTarget
  offTargetStrand offTarget_End offTarget_Start offTarget_sequence
  pa.f1 pa.r2 peak_score pos.deletion pos.insertion
  predicted_cleavage_score qwidth.first qwidth.last readName
  seqnames.first seqnames.last start.first start.last strand.first
  strand.last thePeak total.mismatch.bulge unit width.first width.last
* checking Rd files ... NOTE
prepare_Rd: annotateOffTargets.Rd:35-37: Dropping empty section \details
prepare_Rd: annotateOffTargets.Rd:63-65: Dropping empty section \references
prepare_Rd: createBarcodeFasta.Rd:56-58: Dropping empty section \references
prepare_Rd: getUsedBarcodes.Rd:53-55: Dropping empty section \references
checkRd: (-1) mergePlusMinusPeaks.Rd:72: Escaped LaTeX specials: \_
* checking Rd metadata ... OK
* checking Rd cross-references ... OK
* checking for missing documentation entries ... OK
* checking for code/documentation mismatches ... OK
* checking Rd \usage sections ... OK
* checking Rd contents ... OK
* checking for unstated dependencies in examples ... OK
* checking contents of ‘data’ directory ... OK
* checking data for non-ASCII characters ... OK
* checking data for ASCII and uncompressed saves ... OK
* checking sizes of PDF files under ‘inst/doc’ ... OK
* checking files in ‘vignettes’ ... OK
* checking examples ... OK
Examples with CPU (user + system) or elapsed time > 5s
                     user system elapsed
PEtagAnalysis      14.863  0.774  22.174
annotateOffTargets  7.217  0.365  11.673
* checking for unstated dependencies in ‘tests’ ... OK
* checking tests ...
  Running ‘testthat.R’
* checking for unstated dependencies in vignettes ... OK
* checking package vignettes in ‘inst/doc’ ... OK
* checking running R code from vignettes ... SKIPPED
* checking re-building of vignette outputs ... SKIPPED
* checking PDF version of manual ... OK

Status: 4 NOTEs
for details.

Installation output


### Running command:
###   /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/bin/R CMD INSTALL GUIDEseq

* installing to library ‘/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.3-arm64/Resources/library’
* installing *source* package ‘GUIDEseq’ ...
** using staged installation
** R
** data
** inst
** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading
** help
*** installing help indices
** building package indices
** installing vignettes
** testing if installed package can be loaded from temporary location
** testing if installed package can be loaded from final location
** testing if installed package keeps a record of temporary installation path

Tests output


R version 4.3.1 (2023-06-16) -- "Beagle Scouts"
Copyright (C) 2023 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: aarch64-apple-darwin20 (64-bit)

R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details.

R is a collaborative project with many contributors.
Type 'contributors()' for more information and
'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications.

Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
Type 'q()' to quit R.

> library(testthat)
> library(GUIDEseq)
Loading required package: GenomicRanges
Loading required package: stats4
Loading required package: BiocGenerics

Attaching package: 'BiocGenerics'

The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':

    IQR, mad, sd, var, xtabs

The following objects are masked from 'package:base':

    Filter, Find, Map, Position, Reduce, anyDuplicated, aperm, append,, basename, cbind, colnames, dirname,,
    duplicated, eval, evalq, get, grep, grepl, intersect, is.unsorted,
    lapply, mapply, match, mget, order, paste, pmax,, pmin,, rank, rbind, rownames, sapply, setdiff, sort, table,
    tapply, union, unique, unsplit, which.max, which.min

Loading required package: S4Vectors

Attaching package: 'S4Vectors'

The following object is masked from 'package:utils':


The following objects are masked from 'package:base':

    I, expand.grid, unname

Loading required package: IRanges
Loading required package: GenomeInfoDb
> library(
Loading required package: AnnotationDbi
Loading required package: Biobase
Welcome to Bioconductor

    Vignettes contain introductory material; view with
    'browseVignettes()'. To cite Bioconductor, see
    'citation("Biobase")', and for packages 'citation("pkgname")'.

> test_check("GUIDEseq")
Loading required package: GenomicFeatures
Loading required package: BSgenome
Loading required package: Biostrings
Loading required package: XVector

Attaching package: 'Biostrings'

The following object is masked from 'package:base':


Loading required package: rtracklayer
GUIDEseqAnalysis without bulge. 
Remove duplicate reads ...

Peak calling ...

computing coverage for plus strand ...
computing coverage for minus strand ...
call peaks ...
finding local max for chromosome: chr13
combine plus and minus peaks ... 

keep peaks not in but present in both peaks1 and peaks2

Find unmerged peaks with very high reads one-library protocol

offtarget analysis ...

search for gRNAs for input file1...
[1] "Scoring ..."
>>> Finding all hits in sequence chr13+:27629413:27629420:chr13-:27629400:27629404 ...
>>> DONE searching
>>> Finding all hits in sequence chr13+:39262927:39262939:chr13-:39262918:39262920 ...
>>> DONE searching
>>> Finding all hits in sequence chr13+:30964712:30964730 ...
>>> DONE searching
>>> Finding all hits in sequence chr13+:67161908:67161923 ...
>>> DONE searching
>>> Finding all hits in sequence chr13-:29087136:29087137 ...
>>> DONE searching
>>> Finding all hits in sequence chr13-:115084360:115084375 ...
>>> DONE searching
finish off-target search in sequence 2
finish off-target search in sequence 1
finish feature vector building
finish score calculation
[1] "Done!"
Extract PAM sequence and n.PAM.mismatch. 
Done with offtarget search!
Add gene and exon information to offTargets ....
Order offtargets. 
Add sequence depth information. 

Get the number of unique UMIs for each offtarget. 

Save offtargets. 
Please check output file in directory GUIDEseqTestResults

Remove duplicate reads ...

offtarget analysis ...

Done with offtarget search!
Add gene and exon information to offTargets ....
Order offtargets. 
Add sequence depth information. 

Get the number of unique UMIs for each offtarget. 

Save offtargets. 
Please check output file in directory GUIDEseqTestResults

GUIDEseqAnalysis with offtargets containing no bulge and with bulge. 
Remove duplicate reads ...

Peak calling ...

computing coverage for plus strand ...
computing coverage for minus strand ...
call peaks ...
finding local max for chromosome: chr13
combine plus and minus peaks ... 

keep peaks not in but present in both peaks1 and peaks2

Find unmerged peaks with very high reads one-library protocol

offtarget analysis ...

search for gRNAs for input file1...
[1] "Scoring ..."
>>> Finding all hits in sequence chr13+:27629413:27629420:chr13-:27629400:27629404 ...
>>> DONE searching
>>> Finding all hits in sequence chr13+:39262927:39262939:chr13-:39262918:39262920 ...
>>> DONE searching
>>> Finding all hits in sequence chr13+:30964712:30964730 ...
>>> DONE searching
>>> Finding all hits in sequence chr13+:67161908:67161923 ...
>>> DONE searching
>>> Finding all hits in sequence chr13-:29087136:29087137 ...
>>> DONE searching
>>> Finding all hits in sequence chr13-:115084360:115084375 ...
>>> DONE searching
finish off-target search in sequence 2
finish off-target search in sequence 1
finish feature vector building
finish score calculation
[1] "Done!"
Extract PAM sequence and n.PAM.mismatch. 
Finding offtargets with bulges ...Done with offtarget search!
Add gene and exon information to offTargets ....
Order offtargets. 
Add sequence depth information. 

Get the number of unique UMIs for each offtarget. 

Save offtargets. 
Please check output file in directory GUIDEseqTestResults2

Remove duplicate reads ...

offtarget analysis ...

Finding offtargets with bulges ...Done with offtarget search!
Add gene and exon information to offTargets ....
Order offtargets. 
Add sequence depth information. 

Get the number of unique UMIs for each offtarget. 

Save offtargets. 
Please check output file in directory GUIDEseqTestResults2

GUIDEseqAnalysis with bulge containing offtargets where no offtargets contain no bulge. 
Remove duplicate reads ...

Peak calling ...

computing coverage for plus strand ...
computing coverage for minus strand ...
call peaks ...
finding local max for chromosome: chr13
combine plus and minus peaks ... 

keep peaks not in but present in both peaks1 and peaks2

Find unmerged peaks with very high reads one-library protocol

offtarget analysis ...

search for gRNAs for input file1...
[1] "Scoring ..."
>>> Finding all hits in sequence chr13+:27629413:27629420:chr13-:27629400:27629404 ...
>>> DONE searching
>>> Finding all hits in sequence chr13+:39262927:39262939:chr13-:39262918:39262920 ...
>>> DONE searching
>>> Finding all hits in sequence chr13+:30964712:30964730 ...
>>> DONE searching
>>> Finding all hits in sequence chr13+:66687218:66687225 ...
>>> DONE searching
>>> Finding all hits in sequence chr13+:67161908:67161923 ...
>>> DONE searching
>>> Finding all hits in sequence chr13+:98226906:98226924 ...
>>> DONE searching
>>> Finding all hits in sequence chr13-:29087136:29087137 ...
>>> DONE searching
>>> Finding all hits in sequence chr13-:97395652:97395666 ...
>>> DONE searching
>>> Finding all hits in sequence chr13-:115084360:115084375 ...
>>> DONE searching
finish off-target search in sequence 2
finish off-target search in sequence 1
Remove duplicate reads ...

Peak calling ...

computing coverage for plus strand ...
computing coverage for minus strand ...
call peaks ...
finding local max for chromosome: chr13
combine plus and minus peaks ... 

keep peaks not in but present in both peaks1 and peaks2

Find unmerged peaks with very high reads one-library protocol

offtarget analysis ...

search for gRNAs for input file1...
[1] "Scoring ..."
>>> Finding all hits in sequence chr13+:27629413:27629420:chr13-:27629399:27629417 ...
>>> DONE searching
>>> Finding all hits in sequence chr13+:39262920:39262939:chr13-:39262918:39262918 ...
>>> DONE searching
finish off-target search in sequence 2
finish off-target search in sequence 1
finish feature vector building
finish score calculation
[1] "Done!"
Extract PAM sequence and n.PAM.mismatch. 
Done with offtarget search!
Add gene and exon information to offTargets ....
Order offtargets. 
Add sequence depth information. 

Get the number of unique UMIs for each offtarget. 

Save offtargets. 
Please check output file in directory PEtagTestResults

search for gRNAs for input file1...
[1] "Scoring ..."
>>> Finding all hits in sequence chr13+:27629413:27629420:chr13-:27629400:27629404 ...
>>> DONE searching
>>> Finding all hits in sequence chr13+:39262927:39262939:chr13-:39262918:39262920 ...
>>> DONE searching
finish off-target search in sequence 2
finish off-target search in sequence 1
finish feature vector building
finish score calculation
[1] "Done!"
bulge on gRNA and offtarget on the minus strand  worksStart testing offtarget on the minus strand ...test sequence not long enough for allowing large stretch of bulge[ FAIL 0 | WARN 6 | SKIP 0 | PASS 259 ]

[ FAIL 0 | WARN 6 | SKIP 0 | PASS 259 ]
> proc.time()
   user  system elapsed 
133.824   3.719 208.838 

Example timings


PEtagAnalysis14.863 0.77422.174
annotateOffTargets 7.217 0.36511.673