R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) -- "Shake and Throw"
Copyright (C) 2021 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: i386-w64-mingw32/i386 (32-bit)
R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details.
R is a collaborative project with many contributors.
Type 'contributors()' for more information and
'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications.
Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
Type 'q()' to quit R.
> library(GenomicRanges)
Loading required package: stats4
Loading required package: BiocGenerics
Loading required package: parallel
Attaching package: 'BiocGenerics'
The following objects are masked from 'package:parallel':
clusterApply, clusterApplyLB, clusterCall, clusterEvalQ,
clusterExport, clusterMap, parApply, parCapply, parLapply,
parLapplyLB, parRapply, parSapply, parSapplyLB
The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
IQR, mad, sd, var, xtabs
The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
Filter, Find, Map, Position, Reduce, anyDuplicated, append,, basename, cbind, colnames, dirname,,
duplicated, eval, evalq, get, grep, grepl, intersect, is.unsorted,
lapply, mapply, match, mget, order, paste, pmax,, pmin,, rank, rbind, rownames, sapply, setdiff, sort, table,
tapply, union, unique, unsplit, which.max, which.min
Loading required package: S4Vectors
Attaching package: 'S4Vectors'
The following object is masked from 'package:base':
Loading required package: IRanges
Attaching package: 'IRanges'
The following object is masked from 'package:grDevices':
Loading required package: GenomeInfoDb
> BiocGenerics:::testPackage("SeqVarTools")
Loading required package: Biobase
Welcome to Bioconductor
Vignettes contain introductory material; view with
'browseVignettes()'. To cite Bioconductor, see
'citation("Biobase")', and for packages 'citation("pkgname")'.
# of selected samples: 5
# of selected variants: 5
# of selected samples: 5
# of selected variants: 10
# of selected samples: 90
# of selected variants: 1,348
# of selected samples: 90
# of selected variants: 1,348
# of selected samples: 3
# of selected samples: 3
matching samples... 2 pairs identified!
matching variants... 1346 non-overlapping variant matches identified!
# of selected samples: 2
# of selected variants: 1,346
# of selected samples: 90
# of selected variants: 1,348
# of selected samples: 90
# of selected variants: 1,348
# of selected samples: 2
# of selected variants: 50
# of selected samples: 2
# of selected variants: 51
matching samples... 2 pairs identified!
matching variants... 26 non-overlapping variant matches identified!
# of selected variants: 26
# of selected samples: 90
# of selected variants: 1,348
# of selected samples: 5
# of selected variants: 10
# of selected samples: 5
# of selected variants: 10
File: C:\Users\biocbuild\bbs-3.12-bioc\R\library\SeqArray\extdata\CEU_Exon.gds (287.6K)
+ [ ] *
|--+ description [ ] *
|--+ { Str8 90 LZMA_ra(34.7%), 257B } *
|--+ { Int32 1348 LZMA_ra(16.7%), 905B } *
|--+ position { Int32 1348 LZMA_ra(64.4%), 3.4K } *
|--+ chromosome { Str8 1348 LZMA_ra(4.39%), 157B } *
|--+ allele { Str8 1348 LZMA_ra(16.6%), 901B } *
|--+ genotype [ ] *
| |--+ data { Bit2 2x90x1348 LZMA_ra(26.3%), 15.6K } *
| |--+ ~data { Bit2 2x1348x90 LZMA_ra(29.2%), 17.3K } *
| |--+ extra.index { Int32 3x0 LZMA_ra, 18B } *
| \--+ extra { Int16 0 LZMA_ra, 18B }
|--+ phase [ ]
| |--+ data { Bit1 90x1348 LZMA_ra(0.86%), 137B } *
| |--+ ~data { Bit1 1348x90 LZMA_ra(0.86%), 137B } *
| |--+ extra.index { Int32 3x0 LZMA_ra, 18B } *
| \--+ extra { Bit1 0 LZMA_ra, 18B }
|--+ annotation [ ]
| |--+ id { Str8 1348 LZMA_ra(38.3%), 5.5K } *
| |--+ qual { Float32 1348 LZMA_ra(2.11%), 121B } *
| |--+ filter { Int32,factor 1348 LZMA_ra(2.11%), 121B } *
| |--+ info [ ]
| | |--+ AA { Str8 1328 LZMA_ra(22.1%), 593B } *
| | |--+ AC { Int32 1348 LZMA_ra(24.1%), 1.3K } *
| | |--+ AN { Int32 1348 LZMA_ra(19.6%), 1.0K } *
| | |--+ DP { Int32 1348 LZMA_ra(47.7%), 2.5K } *
| | |--+ HM2 { Bit1 1348 LZMA_ra(145.6%), 253B } *
| | |--+ HM3 { Bit1 1348 LZMA_ra(145.6%), 253B } *
| | |--+ OR { Str8 1348 LZMA_ra(19.6%), 341B } *
| | |--+ GP { Str8 1348 LZMA_ra(24.3%), 3.8K } *
| | \--+ BN { Int32 1348 LZMA_ra(20.7%), 1.1K } *
| \--+ format [ ]
| \--+ DP [ ] *
| |--+ data { VL_Int 90x1348 LZMA_ra(70.8%), 115.2K } *
| \--+ ~data { VL_Int 1348x90 LZMA_ra(65.1%), 105.9K } *
\--+ sample.annotation [ ]
\--+ family { Str8 90 LZMA_ra(55.0%), 221B } *
# of selected variants: 142
# of selected samples: 90
# of selected variants: 1,348
# of selected variants: 5
# of selected samples: 90
# of selected variants: 1,348
# of selected samples: 5
# of selected variants: 5
# of selected samples: 90
# of selected variants: 1,348
# of selected samples: 90
# of selected variants: 1,348
# of selected samples: 3
# of selected samples: 3
matching samples... 2 pairs identified!
matching variants... 1346 variant matches identified!
matching samples... 2 pairs identified!
matching variants... 1346 variant matches identified!
# of selected samples: 90
# of selected variants: 1,348
# of selected samples: 90
# of selected variants: 1,348
# of selected samples: 2
# of selected variants: 50
# of selected samples: 2
# of selected variants: 51
matching samples... 2 pairs identified!
matching variants... 26 variant matches identified!
matching samples... 2 pairs identified!
matching variants... 26 variant matches identified!
# of selected variants: 26
# of selected samples: 90
# of selected variants: 1,348
# of selected samples: 90
# of selected variants: 1,348
# of selected samples: 3
# of selected samples: 3
matching samples... 2 pairs identified!
matching variants... 1346 variant matches identified!
matching samples... 2 pairs identified!
matching variants... 1346 variant matches identified!
matching samples... 2 pairs identified!
matching variants... 1346 variant matches identified!
matching samples... 2 pairs identified!
matching variants... 1346 variant matches identified!
# of selected samples: 90
# of selected variants: 1,348
# of selected samples: 90
# of selected variants: 1,348
# of selected samples: 2
# of selected variants: 50
# of selected samples: 2
# of selected variants: 51
matching samples... 2 pairs identified!
matching variants... 26 variant matches identified!
matching samples... 2 pairs identified!
matching variants... 26 variant matches identified!
# of selected variants: 26
Warning in SeqVarTools:::.samplePairs1(samples) :
More than two samples for subject 4
Selecting first two samples: samp7, samp8
# of selected samples: 5
# of selected variants: 10
# of selected samples: 5
# of selected variants: 10
# of selected samples: 5
# of selected variants: 10
# of selected samples: 5
# of selected variants: 10
# of selected samples: 5
# of selected variants: 10
# of selected samples: 90
# of selected variants: 1,348
# of selected samples: 5
# of selected variants: 10
# of selected samples: 5
# of selected variants: 10
# of selected samples: 5
# of selected variants: 10
# of selected samples: 90
# of selected variants: 1,348
# of selected samples: 5
# of selected variants: 10
# of selected samples: 5
# of selected variants: 10
# of selected variants: 1,346
# of selected variants: 1,330
# of selected samples: 5
# of selected variants: 10
# of selected samples: 90
# of selected variants: 1,348
# of selected samples: 5
# of selected variants: 10
# of selected samples: 5
# of selected variants: 10
# of selected samples: 5
# of selected variants: 10
# of selected samples: 90
# of selected variants: 1,348
# of selected samples: 5
# of selected variants: 10
# of selected samples: 3
# of selected variants: 10
# of selected samples: 3
# of selected samples: 90
# of selected variants: 1,348
# of selected variants: 10
# of selected samples: 3
# of selected samples: 5
# of selected variants: 10
# of selected samples: 90
# of selected variants: 1,348
# of selected samples: 5
# of selected variants: 10
# of selected samples: 5
# of selected variants: 10
starting worker pid=17152 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:21.456
starting worker pid=4836 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:21.472
starting worker pid=18092 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:21.472
starting worker pid=16368 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:21.503
starting worker pid=15528 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:21.503
starting worker pid=17520 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:21.519
starting worker pid=17040 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:21.519
starting worker pid=16184 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:21.519
starting worker pid=6940 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:21.519
starting worker pid=9700 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:21.519
starting worker pid=17572 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:21.519
starting worker pid=904 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:21.535
starting worker pid=16132 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:21.535
starting worker pid=15128 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:21.566
starting worker pid=16808 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:21.566
starting worker pid=18260 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:21.566
starting worker pid=17116 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:21.566
starting worker pid=17528 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:21.566
starting worker pid=6848 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:21.597
starting worker pid=6188 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:21.597
starting worker pid=17376 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:21.597
starting worker pid=18004 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:21.597
starting worker pid=4612 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:21.613
starting worker pid=6836 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:21.613
starting worker pid=15384 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:21.613
starting worker pid=12296 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:21.613
starting worker pid=15020 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:21.613
starting worker pid=15848 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:21.628
starting worker pid=15672 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:21.660
starting worker pid=4600 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:21.660
starting worker pid=16332 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:21.660
starting worker pid=17844 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:21.660
starting worker pid=8556 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:21.675
starting worker pid=17764 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:21.706
starting worker pid=17884 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:21.722
starting worker pid=15636 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:21.722
starting worker pid=15044 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:21.722
starting worker pid=18016 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:21.738
starting worker pid=9564 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:21.769
starting worker pid=17464 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:32.972
starting worker pid=16616 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:33.003
starting worker pid=17356 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:33.066
starting worker pid=16760 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:33.066
starting worker pid=17548 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:33.081
starting worker pid=18152 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:33.113
starting worker pid=16552 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:33.253
starting worker pid=18240 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:33.253
starting worker pid=11812 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:33.253
starting worker pid=16216 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:33.285
starting worker pid=13164 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:33.285
starting worker pid=15116 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:33.285
starting worker pid=12236 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:33.285
starting worker pid=17460 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:33.285
starting worker pid=6088 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:33.300
starting worker pid=11088 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:33.300
starting worker pid=12176 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:33.316
starting worker pid=17756 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:33.316
starting worker pid=12712 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:33.316
starting worker pid=12544 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:33.316
starting worker pid=8656 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:33.316
starting worker pid=17800 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:33.331
starting worker pid=11664 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:33.331
starting worker pid=17236 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:33.331
starting worker pid=13896 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:33.331
starting worker pid=12252 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:33.331
starting worker pid=12848 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:33.331
starting worker pid=18292 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:33.331
starting worker pid=12272 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:33.331
starting worker pid=15536 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:33.363
starting worker pid=15176 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:33.363
starting worker pid=16556 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:33.363
starting worker pid=17560 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:33.363
starting worker pid=18184 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:33.394
starting worker pid=17212 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:33.410
starting worker pid=16992 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:33.425
starting worker pid=16924 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:33.425
starting worker pid=8524 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:33.503
starting worker pid=17644 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:33.519
starting worker pid=14084 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:51.894
starting worker pid=18068 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:52.035
starting worker pid=16444 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:52.082
starting worker pid=4908 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:52.097
starting worker pid=16064 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:52.097
starting worker pid=8764 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:52.097
starting worker pid=12268 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:52.128
starting worker pid=16844 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:52.128
starting worker pid=14952 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:52.144
starting worker pid=16368 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:52.144
starting worker pid=17152 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:52.144
starting worker pid=15988 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:52.144
starting worker pid=5904 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:52.144
starting worker pid=16184 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:52.160
starting worker pid=7264 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:52.160
starting worker pid=17520 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:52.175
starting worker pid=18312 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:52.175
starting worker pid=15720 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:52.191
starting worker pid=13968 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:52.191
starting worker pid=16060 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:52.191
starting worker pid=15528 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:52.191
starting worker pid=6544 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:52.191
starting worker pid=16696 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:52.191
starting worker pid=15128 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:52.207
starting worker pid=18112 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:52.222
starting worker pid=9700 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:52.222
starting worker pid=17040 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:52.222
starting worker pid=4836 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:52.238
starting worker pid=16036 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:52.238
starting worker pid=6940 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:52.238
starting worker pid=17572 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:52.238
starting worker pid=9324 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:52.238
starting worker pid=6036 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:52.238
starting worker pid=17628 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:52.238
starting worker pid=10540 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:52.238
starting worker pid=17496 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:52.253
starting worker pid=18052 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:52.253
starting worker pid=18300 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:52.253
starting worker pid=16244 on localhost:11440 at 06:58:52.253
starting worker pid=6504 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:06.199
starting worker pid=17652 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:06.231
starting worker pid=17732 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:06.278
starting worker pid=16604 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:06.293
starting worker pid=16112 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:06.293
starting worker pid=17804 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:06.293
starting worker pid=14460 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:06.293
starting worker pid=17728 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:06.340
starting worker pid=16460 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:06.340
starting worker pid=16928 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:06.371
starting worker pid=14724 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:06.387
starting worker pid=7592 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:06.387
starting worker pid=16404 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:06.418
starting worker pid=17404 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:06.465
starting worker pid=16248 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:06.465
starting worker pid=18420 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:06.465
starting worker pid=10684 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:06.465
starting worker pid=3596 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:06.496
starting worker pid=7028 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:06.543
starting worker pid=15428 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:06.574
starting worker pid=6128 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:06.574
starting worker pid=9676 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:06.574
starting worker pid=17112 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:06.590
starting worker pid=17472 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:06.590
starting worker pid=17792 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:06.606
starting worker pid=18208 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:06.606
starting worker pid=7116 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:06.606
starting worker pid=17568 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:06.621
starting worker pid=17264 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:06.621
starting worker pid=7604 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:06.621
starting worker pid=15540 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:06.637
starting worker pid=18332 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:06.637
starting worker pid=6560 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:06.637
starting worker pid=13644 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:06.637
starting worker pid=1240 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:06.653
starting worker pid=11288 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:06.668
starting worker pid=16916 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:06.699
starting worker pid=11856 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:06.715
starting worker pid=17160 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:06.715
starting worker pid=16396 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:29.356
starting worker pid=16852 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:29.356
starting worker pid=12800 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:29.356
starting worker pid=16012 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:29.371
starting worker pid=14144 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:29.371
starting worker pid=17648 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:29.371
starting worker pid=17176 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:29.371
starting worker pid=17512 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:29.371
starting worker pid=12092 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:29.403
starting worker pid=17744 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:29.403
starting worker pid=15948 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:29.403
starting worker pid=18092 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:29.418
starting worker pid=18380 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:29.418
starting worker pid=17224 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:29.434
starting worker pid=12268 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:29.434
starting worker pid=18088 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:29.434
starting worker pid=17428 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:29.450
starting worker pid=16472 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:29.450
starting worker pid=18280 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:29.450
starting worker pid=11120 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:29.465
starting worker pid=16892 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:29.465
starting worker pid=15728 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:29.465
starting worker pid=14580 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:29.465
starting worker pid=17252 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:29.465
starting worker pid=10808 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:29.465
starting worker pid=4908 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:29.465
starting worker pid=10192 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:29.465
starting worker pid=16688 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:29.481
starting worker pid=14952 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:29.496
starting worker pid=2216 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:29.496
starting worker pid=18040 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:29.528
starting worker pid=18068 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:29.543
starting worker pid=15468 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:29.559
starting worker pid=14084 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:29.575
starting worker pid=5156 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:29.590
starting worker pid=8872 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:29.621
starting worker pid=16368 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:29.621
starting worker pid=15020 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:29.621
starting worker pid=16728 on localhost:11440 at 06:59:29.637
# of selected samples: 5
# of selected variants: 10
# of selected samples: 90
# of selected variants: 1,348
# of selected samples: 5
# of selected variants: 10
# of selected variants: 903
# of selected samples: 59
# of selected samples: 58
# of selected samples: 32
# of selected samples: 5
# of selected variants: 10
# of selected samples: 90
# of selected variants: 1,348
# of selected samples: 5
# of selected variants: 10
# of selected samples: 5
# of selected variants: 10
# of selected samples: 90
# of selected variants: 1,348
# of selected samples: 5
# of selected variants: 10
# of selected samples: 10
# of selected samples: 10
# of selected variants: 10
# of selected samples: 10
RUNIT TEST PROTOCOL -- Thu May 06 06:59:58 2021
Number of test functions: 152
Number of errors: 0
Number of failures: 0
1 Test Suite :
SeqVarTools RUnit Tests - 152 test functions, 0 errors, 0 failures
Number of test functions: 152
Number of errors: 0
Number of failures: 0
> proc.time()
user system elapsed
36.89 2.23 128.46
R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) -- "Shake and Throw"
Copyright (C) 2021 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details.
R is a collaborative project with many contributors.
Type 'contributors()' for more information and
'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications.
Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
Type 'q()' to quit R.
> library(GenomicRanges)
Loading required package: stats4
Loading required package: BiocGenerics
Loading required package: parallel
Attaching package: 'BiocGenerics'
The following objects are masked from 'package:parallel':
clusterApply, clusterApplyLB, clusterCall, clusterEvalQ,
clusterExport, clusterMap, parApply, parCapply, parLapply,
parLapplyLB, parRapply, parSapply, parSapplyLB
The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
IQR, mad, sd, var, xtabs
The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
Filter, Find, Map, Position, Reduce, anyDuplicated, append,, basename, cbind, colnames, dirname,,
duplicated, eval, evalq, get, grep, grepl, intersect, is.unsorted,
lapply, mapply, match, mget, order, paste, pmax,, pmin,, rank, rbind, rownames, sapply, setdiff, sort, table,
tapply, union, unique, unsplit, which.max, which.min
Loading required package: S4Vectors
Attaching package: 'S4Vectors'
The following object is masked from 'package:base':
Loading required package: IRanges
Attaching package: 'IRanges'
The following object is masked from 'package:grDevices':
Loading required package: GenomeInfoDb
> BiocGenerics:::testPackage("SeqVarTools")
Loading required package: Biobase
Welcome to Bioconductor
Vignettes contain introductory material; view with
'browseVignettes()'. To cite Bioconductor, see
'citation("Biobase")', and for packages 'citation("pkgname")'.
# of selected samples: 5
# of selected variants: 5
# of selected samples: 5
# of selected variants: 10
# of selected samples: 90
# of selected variants: 1,348
# of selected samples: 90
# of selected variants: 1,348
# of selected samples: 3
# of selected samples: 3
matching samples... 2 pairs identified!
matching variants... 1346 non-overlapping variant matches identified!
# of selected samples: 2
# of selected variants: 1,346
# of selected samples: 90
# of selected variants: 1,348
# of selected samples: 90
# of selected variants: 1,348
# of selected samples: 2
# of selected variants: 50
# of selected samples: 2
# of selected variants: 51
matching samples... 2 pairs identified!
matching variants... 26 non-overlapping variant matches identified!
# of selected variants: 26
# of selected samples: 90
# of selected variants: 1,348
# of selected samples: 5
# of selected variants: 10
# of selected samples: 5
# of selected variants: 10
File: C:\Users\biocbuild\bbs-3.12-bioc\R\library\SeqArray\extdata\CEU_Exon.gds (287.6K)
+ [ ] *
|--+ description [ ] *
|--+ { Str8 90 LZMA_ra(34.7%), 257B } *
|--+ { Int32 1348 LZMA_ra(16.7%), 905B } *
|--+ position { Int32 1348 LZMA_ra(64.4%), 3.4K } *
|--+ chromosome { Str8 1348 LZMA_ra(4.39%), 157B } *
|--+ allele { Str8 1348 LZMA_ra(16.6%), 901B } *
|--+ genotype [ ] *
| |--+ data { Bit2 2x90x1348 LZMA_ra(26.3%), 15.6K } *
| |--+ ~data { Bit2 2x1348x90 LZMA_ra(29.2%), 17.3K } *
| |--+ extra.index { Int32 3x0 LZMA_ra, 18B } *
| \--+ extra { Int16 0 LZMA_ra, 18B }
|--+ phase [ ]
| |--+ data { Bit1 90x1348 LZMA_ra(0.86%), 137B } *
| |--+ ~data { Bit1 1348x90 LZMA_ra(0.86%), 137B } *
| |--+ extra.index { Int32 3x0 LZMA_ra, 18B } *
| \--+ extra { Bit1 0 LZMA_ra, 18B }
|--+ annotation [ ]
| |--+ id { Str8 1348 LZMA_ra(38.3%), 5.5K } *
| |--+ qual { Float32 1348 LZMA_ra(2.11%), 121B } *
| |--+ filter { Int32,factor 1348 LZMA_ra(2.11%), 121B } *
| |--+ info [ ]
| | |--+ AA { Str8 1328 LZMA_ra(22.1%), 593B } *
| | |--+ AC { Int32 1348 LZMA_ra(24.1%), 1.3K } *
| | |--+ AN { Int32 1348 LZMA_ra(19.6%), 1.0K } *
| | |--+ DP { Int32 1348 LZMA_ra(47.7%), 2.5K } *
| | |--+ HM2 { Bit1 1348 LZMA_ra(145.6%), 253B } *
| | |--+ HM3 { Bit1 1348 LZMA_ra(145.6%), 253B } *
| | |--+ OR { Str8 1348 LZMA_ra(19.6%), 341B } *
| | |--+ GP { Str8 1348 LZMA_ra(24.3%), 3.8K } *
| | \--+ BN { Int32 1348 LZMA_ra(20.7%), 1.1K } *
| \--+ format [ ]
| \--+ DP [ ] *
| |--+ data { VL_Int 90x1348 LZMA_ra(70.8%), 115.2K } *
| \--+ ~data { VL_Int 1348x90 LZMA_ra(65.1%), 105.9K } *
\--+ sample.annotation [ ]
\--+ family { Str8 90 LZMA_ra(55.0%), 221B } *
# of selected variants: 142
# of selected samples: 90
# of selected variants: 1,348
# of selected variants: 5
# of selected samples: 90
# of selected variants: 1,348
# of selected samples: 5
# of selected variants: 5
# of selected samples: 90
# of selected variants: 1,348
# of selected samples: 90
# of selected variants: 1,348
# of selected samples: 3
# of selected samples: 3
matching samples... 2 pairs identified!
matching variants... 1346 variant matches identified!
matching samples... 2 pairs identified!
matching variants... 1346 variant matches identified!
# of selected samples: 90
# of selected variants: 1,348
# of selected samples: 90
# of selected variants: 1,348
# of selected samples: 2
# of selected variants: 50
# of selected samples: 2
# of selected variants: 51
matching samples... 2 pairs identified!
matching variants... 26 variant matches identified!
matching samples... 2 pairs identified!
matching variants... 26 variant matches identified!
# of selected variants: 26
# of selected samples: 90
# of selected variants: 1,348
# of selected samples: 90
# of selected variants: 1,348
# of selected samples: 3
# of selected samples: 3
matching samples... 2 pairs identified!
matching variants... 1346 variant matches identified!
matching samples... 2 pairs identified!
matching variants... 1346 variant matches identified!
matching samples... 2 pairs identified!
matching variants... 1346 variant matches identified!
matching samples... 2 pairs identified!
matching variants... 1346 variant matches identified!
# of selected samples: 90
# of selected variants: 1,348
# of selected samples: 90
# of selected variants: 1,348
# of selected samples: 2
# of selected variants: 50
# of selected samples: 2
# of selected variants: 51
matching samples... 2 pairs identified!
matching variants... 26 variant matches identified!
matching samples... 2 pairs identified!
matching variants... 26 variant matches identified!
# of selected variants: 26
Warning in SeqVarTools:::.samplePairs1(samples) :
More than two samples for subject 4
Selecting first two samples: samp7, samp8
# of selected samples: 5
# of selected variants: 10
# of selected samples: 5
# of selected variants: 10
# of selected samples: 5
# of selected variants: 10
# of selected samples: 5
# of selected variants: 10
# of selected samples: 5
# of selected variants: 10
# of selected samples: 90
# of selected variants: 1,348
# of selected samples: 5
# of selected variants: 10
# of selected samples: 5
# of selected variants: 10
# of selected samples: 5
# of selected variants: 10
# of selected samples: 90
# of selected variants: 1,348
# of selected samples: 5
# of selected variants: 10
# of selected samples: 5
# of selected variants: 10
# of selected variants: 1,346
# of selected variants: 1,330
# of selected samples: 5
# of selected variants: 10
# of selected samples: 90
# of selected variants: 1,348
# of selected samples: 5
# of selected variants: 10
# of selected samples: 5
# of selected variants: 10
# of selected samples: 5
# of selected variants: 10
# of selected samples: 90
# of selected variants: 1,348
# of selected samples: 5
# of selected variants: 10
# of selected samples: 3
# of selected variants: 10
# of selected samples: 3
# of selected samples: 90
# of selected variants: 1,348
# of selected variants: 10
# of selected samples: 3
# of selected samples: 5
# of selected variants: 10
# of selected samples: 90
# of selected variants: 1,348
# of selected samples: 5
# of selected variants: 10
# of selected samples: 5
# of selected variants: 10
starting worker pid=18240 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:32.500
starting worker pid=13896 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:32.516
starting worker pid=16808 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:32.516
starting worker pid=16824 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:32.516
starting worker pid=18220 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:32.532
starting worker pid=17152 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:32.532
starting worker pid=17488 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:32.532
starting worker pid=1300 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:32.532
starting worker pid=17744 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:32.532
starting worker pid=16752 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:32.547
starting worker pid=16012 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:32.547
starting worker pid=16288 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:32.563
starting worker pid=17176 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:32.579
starting worker pid=17560 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:32.610
starting worker pid=3696 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:32.610
starting worker pid=16324 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:32.610
starting worker pid=5156 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:32.610
starting worker pid=18104 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:32.610
starting worker pid=16660 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:32.625
starting worker pid=16520 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:32.625
starting worker pid=17548 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:32.641
starting worker pid=4692 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:32.641
starting worker pid=17180 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:32.657
starting worker pid=4164 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:32.657
starting worker pid=17756 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:32.657
starting worker pid=12472 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:32.657
starting worker pid=18216 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:32.657
starting worker pid=9228 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:32.672
starting worker pid=15988 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:32.672
starting worker pid=4248 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:32.672
starting worker pid=7656 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:32.672
starting worker pid=12544 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:32.688
starting worker pid=18328 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:32.688
starting worker pid=17228 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:32.688
starting worker pid=16572 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:32.735
starting worker pid=17184 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:32.735
starting worker pid=18188 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:32.750
starting worker pid=16244 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:32.766
starting worker pid=18016 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:32.797
starting worker pid=6960 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:44.891
starting worker pid=15488 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:44.891
starting worker pid=15840 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:44.922
starting worker pid=10364 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:44.954
starting worker pid=5012 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:44.969
starting worker pid=17116 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:44.985
starting worker pid=9700 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:44.985
starting worker pid=15612 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:45.000
starting worker pid=16232 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:45.000
starting worker pid=10540 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:45.016
starting worker pid=17356 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:45.047
starting worker pid=14332 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:45.063
starting worker pid=6184 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:45.063
starting worker pid=17632 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:45.063
starting worker pid=7028 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:45.079
starting worker pid=4664 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:45.079
starting worker pid=17972 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:45.079
starting worker pid=17520 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:45.079
starting worker pid=11664 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:45.079
starting worker pid=18276 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:45.094
starting worker pid=10588 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:45.110
starting worker pid=17256 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:45.110
starting worker pid=6504 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:45.141
starting worker pid=15660 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:45.157
starting worker pid=18408 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:45.157
starting worker pid=8244 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:45.172
starting worker pid=18404 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:45.172
starting worker pid=10760 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:45.172
starting worker pid=14052 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:45.204
starting worker pid=17236 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:45.204
starting worker pid=15992 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:45.219
starting worker pid=17272 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:45.266
starting worker pid=8988 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:45.266
starting worker pid=6496 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:45.282
starting worker pid=14952 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:45.297
starting worker pid=18108 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:45.329
starting worker pid=18132 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:45.329
starting worker pid=17924 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:45.344
starting worker pid=17604 on localhost:11623 at 07:00:45.438
starting worker pid=18120 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:08.657
starting worker pid=15772 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:09.016
starting worker pid=15832 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:09.016
starting worker pid=18060 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:09.032
starting worker pid=17204 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:09.032
starting worker pid=16496 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:09.032
starting worker pid=9748 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:09.063
starting worker pid=7796 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:09.094
starting worker pid=16652 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:09.094
starting worker pid=13616 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:09.094
starting worker pid=17504 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:09.110
starting worker pid=16348 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:09.110
starting worker pid=18052 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:09.110
starting worker pid=8188 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:09.126
starting worker pid=17764 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:09.126
starting worker pid=17124 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:09.126
starting worker pid=5344 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:09.188
starting worker pid=15644 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:09.188
starting worker pid=16160 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:09.188
starting worker pid=17404 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:09.188
starting worker pid=6560 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:09.188
starting worker pid=17136 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:09.188
starting worker pid=13164 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:09.204
starting worker pid=15468 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:09.204
starting worker pid=14176 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:09.235
starting worker pid=12588 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:09.251
starting worker pid=16112 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:09.251
starting worker pid=16696 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:09.251
starting worker pid=2988 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:09.251
starting worker pid=18288 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:09.266
starting worker pid=8656 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:09.282
starting worker pid=15636 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:09.297
starting worker pid=15752 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:09.313
starting worker pid=17432 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:09.329
starting worker pid=18384 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:09.329
starting worker pid=14580 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:09.360
starting worker pid=18292 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:09.360
starting worker pid=17212 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:09.376
starting worker pid=14916 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:09.438
starting worker pid=8856 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:21.188
starting worker pid=16516 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:21.188
starting worker pid=16440 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:21.188
starting worker pid=8300 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:21.235
starting worker pid=18080 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:21.251
starting worker pid=12272 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:21.266
starting worker pid=7388 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:21.298
starting worker pid=17188 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:21.391
starting worker pid=15508 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:21.391
starting worker pid=5624 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:21.438
starting worker pid=7592 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:21.438
starting worker pid=16672 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:21.438
starting worker pid=17232 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:21.438
starting worker pid=15924 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:21.438
starting worker pid=10592 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:21.454
starting worker pid=17748 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:21.454
starting worker pid=18040 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:21.454
starting worker pid=16336 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:21.454
starting worker pid=16036 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:21.469
starting worker pid=16708 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:21.485
starting worker pid=12292 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:21.485
starting worker pid=18420 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:21.485
starting worker pid=15304 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:21.501
starting worker pid=5012 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:21.501
starting worker pid=10364 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:21.532
starting worker pid=17240 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:21.532
starting worker pid=16404 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:21.548
starting worker pid=17660 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:21.548
starting worker pid=6940 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:21.548
starting worker pid=17236 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:21.548
starting worker pid=16828 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:21.548
starting worker pid=15488 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:21.548
starting worker pid=6852 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:21.579
starting worker pid=16732 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:21.579
starting worker pid=15612 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:21.579
starting worker pid=16308 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:21.579
starting worker pid=11664 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:21.579
starting worker pid=6960 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:21.579
starting worker pid=9700 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:21.594
starting worker pid=12532 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:41.110
starting worker pid=5144 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:41.110
starting worker pid=17560 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:41.126
starting worker pid=15560 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:41.173
starting worker pid=5964 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:41.173
starting worker pid=15540 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:41.173
starting worker pid=12608 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:41.188
starting worker pid=17636 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:41.188
starting worker pid=15292 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:41.204
starting worker pid=17116 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:41.204
starting worker pid=16884 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:41.204
starting worker pid=13652 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:41.204
starting worker pid=11120 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:41.235
starting worker pid=10192 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:41.251
starting worker pid=16408 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:41.251
starting worker pid=16148 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:41.266
starting worker pid=9364 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:41.282
starting worker pid=17372 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:41.282
starting worker pid=9228 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:41.282
starting worker pid=15648 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:41.298
starting worker pid=17160 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:41.298
starting worker pid=18284 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:41.298
starting worker pid=4836 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:41.298
starting worker pid=18188 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:41.313
starting worker pid=16032 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:41.313
starting worker pid=11740 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:41.329
starting worker pid=17672 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:41.345
starting worker pid=17892 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:41.345
starting worker pid=16028 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:41.376
starting worker pid=16416 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:41.407
starting worker pid=8984 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:41.423
starting worker pid=18260 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:41.438
starting worker pid=17288 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:41.454
starting worker pid=18408 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:41.470
starting worker pid=17752 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:41.470
starting worker pid=16624 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:41.532
starting worker pid=17692 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:41.532
starting worker pid=17656 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:41.548
starting worker pid=18404 on localhost:11623 at 07:01:41.579
# of selected samples: 5
# of selected variants: 10
# of selected samples: 90
# of selected variants: 1,348
# of selected samples: 5
# of selected variants: 10
# of selected variants: 903
# of selected samples: 59
# of selected samples: 58
# of selected samples: 32
# of selected samples: 5
# of selected variants: 10
# of selected samples: 90
# of selected variants: 1,348
# of selected samples: 5
# of selected variants: 10
# of selected samples: 5
# of selected variants: 10
# of selected samples: 90
# of selected variants: 1,348
# of selected samples: 5
# of selected variants: 10
# of selected samples: 10
# of selected samples: 10
# of selected variants: 10
# of selected samples: 10
RUNIT TEST PROTOCOL -- Thu May 06 07:02:03 2021
Number of test functions: 152
Number of errors: 0
Number of failures: 0
1 Test Suite :
SeqVarTools RUnit Tests - 152 test functions, 0 errors, 0 failures
Number of test functions: 152
Number of errors: 0
Number of failures: 0
> proc.time()
user system elapsed
37.81 1.29 124.60