* checking for file 'marray/DESCRIPTION' ... OK
* preparing 'marray':
* checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK
* installing the package to re-build vignettes
installing R.css in E:/biocbld/bbs-2.3-bioc/tmpdir/Rinst531243405
---------- Making package marray ------------
adding build stamp to DESCRIPTION
installing NAMESPACE file and metadata
installing R files
installing inst files
installing data files
preparing package marray for lazy loading
Loading required package: limma
installing man source files
installing indices
not zipping data
installing help
>>> Building/Updating help pages for package 'marray'
Formats: text html latex example chm
boxplot text html latex example chm
bracketMethods text html latex chm
Note: removing empty section \value in file 'cbind.Rd'
Note: removing empty section \examples in file 'cbind.Rd'
Note: removing empty section \value in file 'cbind.Rd'
Note: removing empty section \examples in file 'cbind.Rd'
cbind text html latex chm
checkTargetInfo text html latex example chm
coerce-methods text html latex chm
dim text html latex example chm
findID text html latex example chm
htmlPage text html latex example chm
image text html latex example chm
ma2D text html latex example chm
maBoxplot text html latex example chm
maColorBar text html latex example chm
maCompCoord text html latex example chm
maCompInd text html latex example chm
Note: removing empty section \details in file 'maCompLayout.Rd'
Note: removing empty section \details in file 'maCompLayout.Rd'
maCompLayout text html latex example chm
maCompNormA text html latex example chm
maCompPlate text html latex example chm
maCoord2Ind text html latex example chm
maDefaultPar text html latex example chm
maDotsDefaults text html latex example chm
maDotsMatch text html latex example chm
maGenControls text html latex example chm
maGeneTable text html latex example chm
maImage text html latex example chm
maImage.func text html latex example chm
maInd2Coord text html latex example chm
maLegendLines text html latex example chm
maLoess text html latex example chm
maLoessLines text html latex example chm
maMAD text html latex example chm
maMed text html latex example chm
maNA text html latex chm
maNorm text html latex example chm
maNorm2D text html latex example chm
maNormLoess text html latex example chm
maNormMAD text html latex example chm
maNormMain text html latex example chm
maNormMed text html latex example chm
maNormScale text html latex example chm
maNum2Logic text html latex example chm
maPalette text html latex example chm
maPlot text html latex example chm
maPlot.func text html latex example chm
maSelectGnames text html latex example chm
maText text html latex example chm
maTop text html latex example chm
maTwoSamples text html latex chm
mapGeneInfo text html latex example chm
marray-internal text html latex chm
marrayInfo-class text html latex example chm
marrayLayout-class text html latex example chm
marrayNorm-class text html latex example chm
marrayRaw-class text html latex example chm
opVersionID text html latex example chm
plotMA text html latex example chm
print-methods text html latex chm
read.Galfile text html latex example chm
Note: removing empty section \details in file 'read.marrayInfo.Rd'
Note: removing empty section \details in file 'read.marrayInfo.Rd'
read.marrayInfo text html latex example chm
Note: removing empty section \details in file 'read.marrayLayout.Rd'
Note: removing empty section \note in file 'read.marrayLayout.Rd'
Note: removing empty section \details in file 'read.marrayLayout.Rd'
Note: removing empty section \note in file 'read.marrayLayout.Rd'
read.marrayLayout text html latex example chm
Note: removing empty section \details in file 'read.marrayRaw.Rd'
Note: removing empty section \details in file 'read.marrayRaw.Rd'
read.marrayRaw text html latex example chm
rm.na text html latex example chm
Note: removing empty section \examples in file 'showLargeObject.Rd'
Note: removing empty section \examples in file 'showLargeObject.Rd'
showLargeObject text html latex chm
stat.confband.text text html latex example chm
stat.gnames text html latex example chm
swirl text html latex chm
write.list text html latex example chm
write.marray text html latex example chm
write.xls text html latex example chm
Microsoft HTML Help Compiler 4.74.8702
Compiling e:\biocbld\bbs-2.3-bioc\meat\marray\chm\marray.chm
Compile time: 0 minutes, 13 seconds
69 Topics
700 Local links
37 Internet links
1 Graphic
Created e:\biocbld\bbs-2.3-bioc\meat\marray\chm\marray.chm, 110,271 bytes
Compression decreased file by 274,612 bytes.
adding MD5 sums
* DONE (marray)
* creating vignettes ... OK
* removing junk files
* checking for LF line-endings in source and make files
* checking for empty or unneeded directories
* building 'marray_1.20.0.tar.gz'