installing R.css in E:/biocbld/bbs-2.3-bioc/meat/hexbin.buildbin-libdir
Using auto-selected zip options 'hexbin-ZIPDATA=zip hexbin-HELP=ziponly'
---------- Making package hexbin ------------
adding build stamp to DESCRIPTION
installing NAMESPACE file and metadata
making DLL ...
gfortran -O3 -c hbin.f -o hbin.o
gfortran -O3 -c hcell.f -o hcell.o
gfortran -O3 -c herode.f -o herode.o
gfortran -O3 -c hsm.f -o hsm.o
windres --preprocessor="gcc -E -xc -DRC_INVOKED" -I E:/biocbld/bbs-2.3-bioc/R/include -i hexbin_res.rc -o hexbin_res.o
gcc -std=gnu99 -shared -s -o hexbin.dll hexbin.def hbin.o hcell.o herode.o hsm.o hexbin_res.o -LE:/biocbld/bbs-2.3-bioc/R/bin -lgfortran -lR
... DLL made
installing DLL
installing R files
installing inst files
installing data files
preparing package hexbin for lazy loading
Loading required package: grid
Loading required package: lattice
Creating a new generic function for "plot" in "hexbin"
Creating a new generic function for "summary" in "hexbin"
installing man source files
installing indices
zipping data
installing help
>>> Building/Updating help pages for package 'hexbin'
Formats: text html latex example chm
Note: removing empty section \references in file 'NHANES.Rd'
Note: removing empty section \references in file 'NHANES.Rd'
NHANES text html latex example chm
colramp text html latex example chm
erode.hexbin text html latex example chm
getHMedian text html latex example chm
gplot.hexbin text html latex example chm
grid.hexagons text html latex example chm
grid.hexlegend text html latex example chm
hboxplot text html latex example chm
hcell2xy text html latex example chm
hcell2xyInt text html latex example chm
hdiffplot text html latex example chm
hexGraphPaper text html latex example chm
Note: removing empty section \examples in file 'hexList.Rd'
Note: removing empty section \examples in file 'hexList.Rd'
hexList text html latex chm
hexMA.loess text html latex example chm
hexTapply text html latex example chm
hexVP-class text html latex example chm
Note: removing empty section \examples in file 'hexVP.abline.Rd'
Note: removing empty section \examples in file 'hexVP.abline.Rd'
hexVP.abline text html latex chm
Note: removing empty section \details in file 'hexViewport.Rd'
Note: removing empty section \details in file 'hexViewport.Rd'
hexViewport text html latex example chm
hexbin text html latex example chm
hexbinplot text html latex example chm
hexplom text html latex example chm
hexpolygon text html latex example chm
hsmooth-methods text html latex chm
inout.hex text html latex chm
list2hexList text html latex chm
old-classes text html latex chm
optShape text html latex example chm
panel.hexboxplot text html latex example chm
Note: removing empty section \details in file 'panel.hexgrid.Rd'
Note: removing empty section \examples in file 'panel.hexgrid.Rd'
Note: removing empty section \details in file 'panel.hexgrid.Rd'
Note: removing empty section \examples in file 'panel.hexgrid.Rd'
panel.hexgrid text html latex chm
Note: removing empty section \details in file 'panel.hexloess.Rd'
Note: removing empty section \examples in file 'panel.hexloess.Rd'
Note: removing empty section \details in file 'panel.hexloess.Rd'
Note: removing empty section \examples in file 'panel.hexloess.Rd'
panel.hexloess text html latex chm
plotMAhex text html latex example chm
pushHexport text html latex chm
smooth.hexbin text html latex example chm
zipping help files
Microsoft HTML Help Compiler 4.74.8702
Compiling e:\biocbld\bbs-2.3-bioc\meat\R.INSTALL.6116\hexbin\chm\hexbin.chm
Compile time: 0 minutes, 0 seconds
34 Topics
259 Local links
2 Internet links
1 Graphic
Created e:\biocbld\bbs-2.3-bioc\meat\R.INSTALL.6116\hexbin\chm\hexbin.chm, 81,365 bytes
Compression decreased file by 92,505 bytes.
adding MD5 sums
packaged installation of package 'hexbin' as
* DONE (hexbin)