oneChannelGUI 1.5.11 Raffaele A Calogero
Snapshot Date: 2008-04-09 00:13:10 -0700 (Wed, 09 Apr 2008) | URL: | Last Changed Rev: 30758 / Revision: 30951 | Last Changed Date: 2008-03-31 00:01:58 -0700 (Mon, 31 Mar 2008) |
| lamb1 | Linux (SUSE 10.1) / x86_64 | OK | OK | |
wilson2 | Linux (openSUSE 10.3) / x86_64 | OK | OK | |
wellington | Linux (openSUSE 10.3) / i686 | OK | [ OK ] | |
liverpool | Windows Server 2003 R2 (32-bit) / x64 | OK | OK | OK |
pelham | Mac OS X Leopard (10.5.1) / i386 | OK | OK | OK |
* checking for working pdflatex ... OK
* using log directory '/loc/home/biocbuild/bbs-2.2-bioc/meat/oneChannelGUI.Rcheck'
* using R version 2.7.0 beta (2008-04-07 r45159)
* using session charset: ISO8859-1
* checking for file 'oneChannelGUI/DESCRIPTION' ... OK
* this is package 'oneChannelGUI' version '1.5.11'
* checking package dependencies ... OK
* checking if this is a source package ... OK
* checking whether package 'oneChannelGUI' can be installed ... OK
* checking package directory ... OK
* checking for portable file names ... OK
* checking for sufficient/correct file permissions ... OK
* checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK
* checking top-level files ... OK
* checking index information ... OK
* checking package subdirectories ... OK
* checking R files for non-ASCII characters ... OK
* checking R files for syntax errors ... OK
* checking whether the package can be loaded ... OK
* checking whether the package can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK
* checking for unstated dependencies in R code ... OK
* checking S3 generic/method consistency ... OK
* checking replacement functions ... OK
* checking foreign function calls ... OK
* checking R code for possible problems ... NOTE
addAnnLib: no visible binding for global variable
addAnnLib: no visible binding for global variable '.affylmGUIglobals'
addAnnLib : onOK: no visible binding for global variable
addAnnLib : onOK: no visible binding for global variable
addAnnLib : <anonymous>: no visible binding for global variable
affyPlotMA: no visible binding for global variable
affyPlotMA: no visible binding for global variable '.affylmGUIglobals'
affyPlotMA : plotFunction: no visible binding for global variable
affyPlotMA : CopyToClip: no visible global function definition for
affyPlotMA: no visible global function definition for 'tkrplot'
.aptDir: no visible binding for global variable '.affylmGUIglobals'
aptFolder: no visible binding for global variable
aptFolder: no visible binding for global variable '.affylmGUIglobals'
AptMidas: no visible binding for global variable 'affylmGUIenvironment'
AptMidas: no visible binding for global variable '.affylmGUIglobals'
AptMidas: no visible binding for global variable 'tmp'
AptMidas: no visible binding for global variable 'tt'
changeMenu: no visible binding for global variable
changeMenu: no visible binding for global variable '.affylmGUIglobals'
chooseEDir: no visible binding for global variable '.affylmGUIglobals'
combineGeoMSF: no visible binding for global variable
combineGeoMSF : onOK: no visible binding for global variable
combineGeoMSF : <anonymous>: no visible binding for global variable
combineGeoMSF: no visible binding for global variable
ComputeContrasts: no visible binding for global variable
ComputeLinearModelFit: no visible binding for global variable
ComputeLinearModelFit: no visible binding for global variable
.consistentFilter: no visible binding for global variable
.consistentFilter: no visible binding for global variable
.consistentFilter : onOK: no visible binding for global variable
.consistentFilter : <anonymous>: no visible binding for global variable
consistentFilters: no visible binding for global variable
consistentFilters: no visible binding for global variable
consistentFilters : onOK: no visible binding for '<<-' assignment to
consistentFilters : onOK: no visible binding for global variable
consistentFilters : onCancel: no visible binding for global variable
consistentFilters : <anonymous>: no visible binding for global variable
consistentFilters: no visible binding for global variable
consistentFilters : onOK: no visible binding for global variable
createGeoTarget: no visible binding for global variable
crosshybFilter: no visible binding for global variable
crosshybFilter: no visible binding for global variable
crosshybFilter : onCancel: no visible binding for global variable
crosshybFilter : onOK: no visible binding for global variable
crosshybFilter : <anonymous>: no visible binding for global variable
dabgFilter: no visible binding for global variable '.affylmGUIglobals'
dabgFilter : onOK: no visible binding for '<<-' assignment to
dabgFilter : onOK: no visible binding for global variable
dabgFilter : onCancel: no visible binding for '<<-' assignment to
dabgFilter : onCancel: no visible binding for global variable
dabgFilter : <anonymous>: no visible binding for global variable
dabgFilter: no visible binding for global variable 'ReturnVal'
deleteLocalData: no visible binding for global variable
delete.ML: no visible binding for global variable
delete.ML: no visible binding for global variable '.affylmGUIglobals'
dfMAplot: no visible binding for global variable '.affylmGUIglobals'
dfMAplot : onOK: no visible binding for '<<-' assignment to 'ReturnVal'
dfMAplot : onOK: no visible binding for global variable
dfMAplot : onCancel: no visible binding for global variable
dfMAplot : <anonymous>: no visible binding for global variable
dfMAplot: no visible binding for global variable 'ReturnVal'
.downloadLibs: no visible binding for global variable
.downloadLibs: no visible binding for global variable
EG2probeset: no visible binding for global variable '.affylmGUIglobals'
EG2probeset: no visible binding for global variable
erankProdAltSpl: no visible binding for global variable
erankProdAltSpl: no visible binding for global variable
erankProdAltSpl : onCancel: no visible binding for global variable
erankProdAltSpl : onOK: no visible binding for global variable
erankProdAltSpl : <anonymous>: no visible binding for global variable
erankProdAltSplFilter: no visible binding for global variable
erankProdAltSplFilter: no visible binding for global variable
erankProdAltSplFilter : onOK: no visible binding for global variable
erankProdAltSplFilter : <anonymous>: no visible binding for global
variable '.affylmGUIglobals'
ExportNormalizedExpressionValues: no visible binding for global
variable 'affylmGUIenvironment'
ExportNormalizedExpressionValues1: no visible binding for global
variable 'affylmGUIenvironment'
extractAffyids: no visible binding for global variable
extractAffyids: no visible binding for global variable
extractAffyids : onOK: no visible binding for global variable
extractAffyids : <anonymous>: no visible binding for global variable
extractAffyids : OpenAFile: no visible binding for global variable
filteringTable: no visible binding for global variable
geneExonLibs: no visible binding for global variable
geneExonLibs: no visible binding for global variable
GetNormalizationMethod: no visible binding for global variable
GetNormalizationMethod : onCancel: no visible binding for global
variable '.affylmGUIglobals'
GetNormalizationMethod : onOK: no visible binding for global variable
GetNormalizationMethod : <anonymous>: no visible binding for global
variable '.affylmGUIglobals'
.gettingEG: no visible binding for global variable
GOenrichment: no visible binding for global variable
GOenrichment: no visible binding for global variable
GOenrichment : onOK: no visible binding for '<<-' assignment to
GOenrichment : onOK: no visible binding for global variable
GOenrichment : onCancel: no visible binding for global variable
GOenrichment : <anonymous>: no visible binding for global variable
GOenrichment: no visible binding for global variable 'ReturnVal'
GOenrichment : OpenAFile: no visible binding for global variable
initialize.extAffylmGUI: no visible binding for global variable
initialize.extAffylmGUI: no visible binding for global variable
'.affylmGUIglobals' no visible binding for global variable
'.affylmGUIglobals' no visible binding for global variable
'affylmGUIenvironment' : onOK: no visible binding for global
variable 'affylmGUIenvironment' : <anonymous>: no visible binding for
global variable '.affylmGUIglobals'
inspecting.splice.index: no visible binding for global variable
inspecting.splice.index: no visible binding for global variable
intensityFilter: no visible binding for global variable
intensityFilter : onOK: no visible binding for '<<-' assignment to
intensityFilter : onOK: no visible binding for global variable
intensityFilter : onCancel: no visible binding for '<<-' assignment to
intensityFilter : onCancel: no visible binding for global variable
intensityFilter : <anonymous>: no visible binding for global variable
intensityFilter: no visible binding for global variable 'ReturnVal'
intronicBg: no visible binding for global variable
intronicBg: no visible binding for global variable '.affylmGUIglobals'
intronicBg : onCancel: no visible binding for global variable
intronicBg : onOK: no visible binding for global variable
intronicBg : onOK: no visible binding for global variable
intronicBg : <anonymous>: no visible binding for global variable
IPAlistFilter: no visible binding for global variable
iqrFilter: no visible binding for global variable '.affylmGUIglobals'
iqrFilter : onCancel: no visible binding for global variable
iqrFilter : onOK: no visible binding for global variable
iqrFilter : <anonymous>: no visible binding for global variable
largedatasetNorm: no visible binding for global variable
largedatasetNorm: no visible binding for global variable
largedatasetNorm : onCancel: no visible binding for global variable
largedatasetNorm : onOK: no visible binding for global variable
largedatasetNorm : <anonymous>: no visible binding for global variable
libraryFilesDir: no visible binding for global variable
listFilter: no visible binding for global variable
listFilter: no visible binding for global variable '.affylmGUIglobals'
listFilter : OpenAFile: no visible binding for global variable
masigpro: no visible binding for global variable 'affylmGUIenvironment'
masigpro: no visible binding for global variable '.affylmGUIglobals'
masigpro : onOK: no visible binding for global variable
masigpro : onCancel: no visible binding for global variable
masigpro : <anonymous>: no visible binding for global variable
masigpro.edesign: no visible binding for global variable
masigpro.edesign: no visible binding for global variable
masigpro.edesign : onClose: no visible binding for global variable
masigpro.edesign : <anonymous>: no visible binding for global variable
masigpro.view: no visible binding for global variable
masigpro.view: no visible binding for global variable
masigpro.view : onCancel: no visible binding for global variable
masigpro.view : onOK: no visible binding for global variable
masigpro.view : <anonymous>: no visible binding for global variable
masigpro.view : plotFunction: no visible binding for global variable
masigpro.view: no visible global function definition for 'tkrplot'
masigpro.view : onOK: no visible binding for global variable
metaArrayIC: no visible binding for global variable
metaArrayIC: no visible binding for global variable '.affylmGUIglobals'
metaArrayMerge : OpenAFile: no visible binding for global variable
metaArrayMerge: no visible binding for global variable
metaArrayMerge: no visible binding for global variable
metaArrayMerge : onCancel: no visible binding for global variable
metaArrayMerge : onOK: no visible binding for global variable
metaArrayMerge : <anonymous>: no visible binding for global variable
midasFilter: no visible binding for global variable
midasFilter: no visible binding for global variable '.affylmGUIglobals'
midasFilter : onOK: no visible binding for global variable
midasFilter : <anonymous>: no visible binding for global variable
ML.edesign: no visible binding for global variable
ML.edesign: no visible binding for global variable '.affylmGUIglobals'
ML.edesign : onClose: no visible binding for global variable
ML.edesign : <anonymous>: no visible binding for global variable
myExpresso: no visible binding for global variable
myExpresso: no visible binding for global variable '.affylmGUIglobals'
NewLimmaFile: no visible binding for global variable
NormalizeNow: no visible binding for global variable
NormalizeNow: no visible binding for global variable
normBoxplot: no visible binding for global variable
normBoxplot: no visible binding for global variable '.affylmGUIglobals'
ocPlotHist: no visible binding for global variable
ocPlotHist: no visible binding for global variable '.affylmGUIglobals'
ocPlotHist : onCancel: no visible binding for global variable
ocPlotHist : onOK: no visible binding for global variable
ocPlotHist : <anonymous>: no visible binding for global variable
ocPlotPCA: no visible binding for global variable
ocPlotPCA: no visible binding for global variable '.affylmGUIglobals'
ocPlotPCA : onCancel: no visible binding for global variable
ocPlotPCA : onOK: no visible binding for global variable
ocPlotPCA : <anonymous>: no visible binding for global variable
oneChannelGUI: no visible binding for global variable
oneChannelGUI: no visible binding for global variable
OpenAFile: no visible binding for global variable '.affylmGUIglobals'
OpenAGeoFile: no visible binding for global variable
OpenAGeoFile: no visible binding for global variable
OpenALimmaFile: no visible binding for global variable
OpenBeadStudioFiles : onOK: no visible binding for global variable
OpenBeadStudioFiles: no visible binding for global variable
OpenCDFandTargetsfiles : onOK: no visible binding for global variable
OpenCDFandTargetsfiles: no visible binding for global variable
OpenExonandTargetsfiles : onOK: no visible binding for global variable
OpenExonandTargetsfiles: no visible binding for global variable
OpenExonandTargetsfiles: no visible binding for '<<-' assignment to
OpenExonandTargetsfiles : onOK: no visible binding for '<<-' assignment
to 'ReturnValX'
OpenExonandTargetsfiles: no visible binding for global variable
OpenGeoFiles : onOK: no visible binding for global variable
OpenGeoFiles: no visible binding for global variable
OpenGeoFiles: no visible binding for global variable 'geoVSbioc'
OpenLargefiles : onOK: no visible binding for global variable
OpenLargefiles: no visible binding for global variable
plierToZero: no visible binding for global variable
plierToZero: no visible binding for global variable '.affylmGUIglobals'
plotGO: no visible binding for global variable 'affylmGUIenvironment'
plotGO: no visible binding for global variable '.affylmGUIglobals'
plotGO : onOK: no visible binding for global variable
plotGO : <anonymous>: no visible binding for global variable
plotGO : onCancel: no visible binding for global variable
plotGO : onOK: no visible binding for global variable
PlotOptionsv1: no visible binding for global variable
PlotOptionsv1 : onOK: no visible binding for global variable
PlotOptionsv1 : <anonymous>: no visible binding for global variable
rankProd: no visible binding for global variable 'affylmGUIenvironment'
rankProd: no visible binding for global variable '.affylmGUIglobals'
rankProd : onOK: no visible binding for '<<-' assignment to 'ReturnVal'
rankProd : onOK: no visible binding for global variable
rankProd : onCancel: no visible binding for '<<-' assignment to
rankProd : onCancel: no visible binding for global variable
rankProd : <anonymous>: no visible binding for global variable
rankProd: no visible binding for global variable 'ReturnVal'
rankProd: no visible binding for global variable 'annlib'
rawpCheck: no visible binding for global variable
rawpCheck: no visible binding for global variable '.affylmGUIglobals'
recoverUnfiltered: no visible binding for global variable
recoverUnfiltered: no visible binding for global variable
recoverUnfiltered: no visible binding for global variable 'x'
recoverUnfiltered: no visible binding for global variable 'x.exon'
reviqrFilter: no visible binding for global variable
reviqrFilter : onCancel: no visible binding for global variable
reviqrFilter : onOK: no visible binding for global variable
reviqrFilter : <anonymous>: no visible binding for global variable
sample.size.evaluation: no visible binding for global variable
sample.size.evaluation: no visible binding for global variable
sample.size.evaluation : onOK: no visible binding for global variable
sample.size.evaluation : <anonymous>: no visible binding for global
variable '.affylmGUIglobals'
sample.size.evaluation : no visible binding for global
variable 'affylmGUIenvironment'
sample.size.evaluation : onCancel: no visible binding for global
variable '.affylmGUIglobals'
sample.size.evaluation : onOK: no visible binding for global variable
sample.size.evaluation1: no visible binding for global variable
sample.size.evaluation1: no visible binding for global variable
sample.size.evaluation1 : onCancel: no visible binding for global
variable '.affylmGUIglobals'
sample.size.evaluation1 : onOK: no visible binding for global variable
sample.size.evaluation1 : <anonymous>: no visible binding for global
variable '.affylmGUIglobals'
sample.size.evaluation1 : no visible binding for global
variable 'affylmGUIenvironment'
SaveAsLimmaFile: no visible binding for global variable
SaveAsLimmaFile: no visible binding for global variable
SetED: no visible binding for global variable '.affylmGUIglobals'
showDataset: no visible binding for global variable
showTopTable: no visible binding for global variable
showTopTable: no visible binding for global variable 'annlib'
siggenes: no visible binding for global variable 'affylmGUIenvironment'
siggenes: no visible binding for global variable '.affylmGUIglobals'
siggenes : onOK: no visible binding for global variable
siggenes : <anonymous>: no visible binding for global variable
siggenes: no visible binding for global variable 'annlib'
simFilter: no visible binding for global variable '.affylmGUIglobals'
simFilter : <anonymous>: no visible binding for global variable
spliceIndex: no visible binding for global variable
spliceIndex: no visible binding for global variable '.affylmGUIglobals'
templA: no visible binding for global variable 'affylmGUIenvironment'
templA: no visible binding for global variable '.affylmGUIglobals'
templA : onCancel: no visible binding for global variable
templA : onOK: no visible binding for global variable
templA : <anonymous>: no visible binding for global variable
trainTest: no visible binding for global variable
trainTest: no visible binding for global variable '.affylmGUIglobals'
trainTest : onOK: no visible binding for global variable
trainTest : <anonymous>: no visible binding for global variable
trainTest : onCancel: no visible binding for global variable
trainTest: possible error in Try(x = exprs(testAffyData)): unused
argument(s) (x = exprs(testAffyData))
trainTest : onOK: no visible binding for global variable
VennDiagram: no visible binding for global variable '.affylmGUIglobals'
VennDiagram : onCancel: no visible binding for global variable
VennDiagram : onOK: no visible binding for global variable
VennDiagram : <anonymous>: no visible binding for global variable
VennDiagram: no visible binding for global variable
VennDiagram : plotFunction: no visible binding for global variable
VennDiagram: no visible global function definition for 'tkrplot'
whichKindOfArray: no visible binding for global variable
whichKindOfArray: no visible binding for '<<-' assignment to
whichKindOfArray: no visible binding for global variable
whichKindOfArray : onOK: no visible binding for '<<-' assignment to
whichKindOfArray : onOK: no visible binding for global variable
whichKindOfArray : onCancel: no visible binding for global variable
whichKindOfArray : <anonymous>: no visible binding for global variable
whichKindOfArray: no visible binding for global variable 'ReturnVal'
Found possibly global 'T' or 'F' in the following functions:
aptFolder AptMidas createGeoTarget crosshybFilter deleteLocalData
dfMAplot .downloadLibs EG2probeset extractAffyids filteringTable
.gettingEG GOenrichment inspecting.splice.index intronicBg
IPAlistFilter listFilter masigpro.view metaArrayMerge ML.edesign
myExpresso NewLimmaFile oneChannelGUI OpenAFile OpenAGeoFile
OpenExonandTargetsfiles rankProd showTopTable siggenes targetWidget
templA trainTest VennDiagram whichKindOfArray
* checking Rd files ... OK
* checking Rd cross-references ... OK
* checking for missing documentation entries ... OK
* checking for code/documentation mismatches ... OK
* checking Rd \usage sections ... OK
* checking data for non-ASCII characters ... OK
* creating oneChannelGUI-Ex.R ... OK
* checking examples ... OK
* checking package vignettes in 'inst/doc' ... OK
* creating oneChannelGUI-manual.tex ... OK
* checking oneChannelGUI-manual.tex using pdflatex ... OK
* Installing *source* package 'oneChannelGUI' ...
** R
** data
** inst
** preparing package for lazy loading
Loading required package: Biobase
Loading required package: tools
Welcome to Bioconductor
Vignettes contain introductory material. To view, type
'openVignette()'. To cite Bioconductor, see
'citation("Biobase")' and for packages 'citation(pkgname)'.
Loading required package: affylmGUI
Loading required package: limma
Loading required package: tcltk
Loading Tcl/Tk interface ... done
Loading required package: affy
Loading required package: affyio
Loading required package: preprocessCore
Loading required package: tkWidgets
Loading required package: widgetTools
Loading required package: DynDoc
** help
Note: removing empty section \value
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Note: removing empty section \value
Note: removing empty section \note
Note: removing empty section \value
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Note: removing empty section \value
Note: removing empty section \arguments
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Note: removing empty section \examples
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Note: removing empty section \seealso
Note: removing empty section \value
Note: removing empty section \details
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Note: removing empty section \note
Note: removing empty section \value
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Note: removing empty section \value
Note: removing empty section \details
Note: removing empty section \references
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Note: removing empty section \details
Note: removing empty section \value
Note: removing empty section \details
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Note: removing empty section \value
Note: removing empty section \details
Note: removing empty section \seealso
Note: removing empty section \value
Note: removing empty section \references
Note: removing empty section \value
Note: removing empty section \details
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Note: removing empty section \references
Note: removing empty section \value
Note: removing empty section \references
Note: removing empty section \value
Note: removing empty section \details
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Note: removing empty section \references
Note: removing empty section \seealso
Note: removing empty section \value
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Note: removing empty section \note
Note: removing empty section \value
Note: removing empty section \details
Note: removing empty section \note
Note: removing empty section \value
Note: removing empty section \details
Note: removing empty section \note
Note: removing empty section \value
Note: removing empty section \references
Note: removing empty section \value
Note: removing empty section \value
Note: removing empty section \value
Note: removing empty section \details
Note: removing empty section \value
Note: removing empty section \details
Note: removing empty section \value
Note: removing empty section \details
Note: removing empty section \value
Note: removing empty section \details
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Note: removing empty section \references
Note: removing empty section \seealso
Note: removing empty section \value
Note: removing empty section \details
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Note: removing empty section \references
Note: removing empty section \value
Note: removing empty section \note
Note: removing empty section \seealso
Note: removing empty section \value
Note: removing empty section \details
Note: removing empty section \note
Note: removing empty section \arguments
Note: removing empty section \seealso
Note: removing empty section \value
Note: removing empty section \details
Note: removing empty section \note
Note: removing empty section \value
Note: removing empty section \details
Note: removing empty section \note
Note: removing empty section \value
Note: removing empty section \details
Note: removing empty section \note
Note: removing empty section \references
Note: removing empty section \seealso
Note: removing empty section \value
Note: removing empty section \note
Note: removing empty section \value
Note: removing empty section \seealso
Note: removing empty section \value
Note: removing empty section \value
Note: removing empty section \note
Note: removing empty section \value
Note: removing empty section \seealso
Note: removing empty section \value
Note: removing empty section \seealso
Note: removing empty section \value
Note: removing empty section \details
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Note: removing empty section \value
Note: removing empty section \details
Note: removing empty section \note
Note: removing empty section \value
Note: removing empty section \details
Note: removing empty section \seealso
Note: removing empty section \value
Note: removing empty section \details
Note: removing empty section \references
>>> Building/Updating help pages for package 'oneChannelGUI'
Formats: text html latex example
AptMidas text html latex example
EG2probeset text html latex example
GOenrichment text html latex example
IPAlistFilter text html latex example
ML.edesign text html latex example
OpenBeadStudioFiles text html latex
OpenLargefiles text html latex example
PlotOptionsv1 text html latex example
VennDiagram text html latex example
combineGeoMSF text html latex example
consistentFilters text html latex example
createGeoTarget text html latex example
crosshybFilter text html latex example
crosshybhuex.annotation text html latex
crosshybhuex10stv2na23hg18 text html latex
crosshybmoex.annotation text html latex
crosshybmoex10stv1na23mm8 text html latex
crosshybraex.annotation text html latex
crosshybraex10stv1na23rn4 text html latex
dfMAplot text html latex example
erankProdAltSpl text html latex example
erankProdAltSplFilterl text html latex example
extractAffyids text html latex example
filteringTable text html latex example
geneExonLibs text html latex example
geoVSbioc text html latex
huex.annotation text html latex
huex10stv2na23hg18 text html latex
hugene.annotation text html latex text html latex example
inspecting.splice.index text html latex example
intensityFilter text html latex example
iqrFilter text html latex example
listFilter text html latex example
masigpro text html latex example
masigpro.edesign text html latex example
masigpro.view text html latex example
metaArrayIC text html latex example
metaArrayMerge text html latex example
moex.annotation text html latex
moex10stv1na23mm8 text html latex
mogene.annotation text html latex
myExpresso text html latex example
normBoxplot text html latex example
ocPlotHist text html latex example
ocPlotPCA text html latex example
oneChannelGUI-package text html latex example
oneChannelGUI text html latex example
plierToZero text html latex example
plotGO text html latex example
raex.annotation text html latex
raex10stv1na23rn4 text html latex
ragene.annotation text html latex
rankProd text html latex example
rawpCheck text html latex example
reviqrFilter text html latex example
sample.size.evaluation text html latex example
sample.size.evaluation1 text html latex example
showDataset text html latex example
showTopTable text html latex example
siggenes text html latex example
simFilter Note: removing empty section \value
Note: removing empty section \note
Note: removing empty section \value
Note: removing empty section \details
Note: removing empty section \note
Note: removing empty section \seealso
Note: removing empty section \value
Note: removing empty section \details
Note: removing empty section \value
Note: removing empty section \note
Note: removing empty section \references
text html latex example
spliceIndex text html latex example
targetWidget text html latex example
templA text html latex example
trainTest text html latex example
** building package indices ...
* DONE (oneChannelGUI)