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Index of /mirrors/cdn.media.ccc.de/congress/2004/audio/

File Name  ↓ File Size  ↓ Date  ↓ 
Parent directory/--
lectures/-2021-04-16 09:04:05
056 LiberTOS.mp30 B2005-10-11 14:29:20
331 Biometrie ueberwinden Wdh.mp31.6 MiB2005-04-25 11:49:00
249 Opening Event.mp36.8 MiB2005-04-25 11:48:00
113 Automated Hacking via Google.mp37.9 MiB2005-04-25 11:08:00
312 Wirklich selbst denken oder durchdrehen.mp311.4 MiB2005-04-25 11:49:00
146 Mehr Sicherheit fuer HostAP-WLANs.mp313.6 MiB2005-04-25 11:46:00
052 Die Ueblichen Verdaechtigen.mp313.6 MiB2005-04-25 11:04:00
125 Old Skewl Hacking.mp313.7 MiB2005-04-25 11:40:00
173 Closing Event.mp314.0 MiB2005-04-25 11:47:00
058 The Blinking Suspects.mp314.3 MiB2005-04-25 11:05:00
049 Zufallszahlengeneratoren.mp315.5 MiB2005-04-25 11:04:00
057 SUN Bloody Daft Solaris Mechanisms.mp316.1 MiB2005-04-25 11:05:00
142 Lightning Talks Day 1.mp316.6 MiB2005-04-25 11:45:00
060 Digital Prosthetics.mp316.9 MiB2005-04-25 11:05:00
101 XMPP - Jabber.mp317.1 MiB2005-04-25 11:07:00
215 The Incomputable Alan Turing.mp317.3 MiB2005-04-25 11:48:00
016 Phishing the Web.mp318.7 MiB2005-04-25 11:02:00
081 Quantenmechanik fuer Nicht Physiker.mp318.8 MiB2005-04-25 11:06:00
151 Side Channel Analysis of Smart Cards.mp319.0 MiB2005-04-25 11:46:00
098 Portable Software-Installation with pkg source.mp319.4 MiB2005-04-25 11:07:00
141 Pirate Radio.mp319.8 MiB2005-04-25 11:45:00
045 Internet Censorship in China.mp320.0 MiB2005-04-25 11:04:00
051 Recent features to OpenBSD-ntpd and bgpd.mp320.0 MiB2005-04-25 11:04:00
127 Security Frameworks.mp320.7 MiB2005-04-25 11:41:00
111 The Kernel Accelerator Device.mp320.7 MiB2005-04-25 11:08:00
063 Edit This Page.mp320.7 MiB2005-04-25 11:05:00
099 GPL fuer Anfaenger.mp320.8 MiB2005-04-25 11:07:00
015 Sicherheit bei VoIP-Systemen.mp320.9 MiB2005-04-25 11:02:00
156 Videoueberwachung im europaeischen Vergleich.mp320.9 MiB2005-04-25 11:46:00
131 Learning OpenPGP by Example.mp321.0 MiB2005-04-25 11:41:00
037 GNOME Anwendungsentwicklung.mp321.0 MiB2005-04-25 11:03:00
182 Radioaktive Paesse.mp321.5 MiB2005-04-25 11:47:00
134 Secure Instant Messaging.mp321.6 MiB2005-04-25 11:41:00
178 Humanoid Robots.mp322.7 MiB2005-04-25 11:47:00
047 Datamining the NSA.mp322.9 MiB2005-04-25 11:04:00
028 Biometrie ueberwinden.mp323.0 MiB2005-04-25 11:03:00
308 MD5 To Be Considered Harmful Someday.mp323.1 MiB2005-04-25 11:49:00
080 USB-Unbekannter Serieller Bus.mp323.2 MiB2005-04-25 11:06:00
135 Voting Machine Technology.mp323.3 MiB2005-04-25 11:41:00
244 High Speed Computing with FPGAs.mp323.4 MiB2005-04-25 11:48:00
038 Free Software Usage in South America.mp323.5 MiB2005-04-25 11:03:00
018 Computer und Robotik in Entenhausen.mp323.6 MiB2005-04-25 11:02:00
153 Suchmaschinenpolitik.mp323.7 MiB2005-04-25 11:46:00
023 Ciphire Mail.mp323.7 MiB2005-04-25 11:03:00
100 Anonymous communications.mp323.8 MiB2005-04-25 11:07:00
083 Quanteninformationstheorie fuer Nicht Physiker.mp323.8 MiB2005-04-25 11:06:00
029 Robocup.mp323.9 MiB2005-04-25 11:03:00
123 Gentoo Hardened.mp323.9 MiB2005-04-25 11:40:00
209 Freedom of expression in new Arab landscape.mp324.0 MiB2005-04-25 11:48:00
157 Lightning Talks Day 2.mp324.2 MiB2005-04-25 11:46:00
077 Weird Programming 2.mp324.2 MiB2005-04-25 11:06:00
208 Gamecube Hacking.mp324.4 MiB2005-04-25 11:48:00
165 Softwarepatente - Der Tag danach.mp324.6 MiB2005-04-25 11:47:00
164 Barrierefreies Internet.mp324.7 MiB2005-04-25 11:47:00
079 AVG aint vector graphics.mp324.8 MiB2005-04-25 11:06:00
017 Next Generation Peer to Peer Systems.mp324.9 MiB2005-04-25 11:02:00
039 Squeak and Croquet.mp325.0 MiB2005-04-25 11:03:00
232 Positionsbezogene Ad-hoc Kollaboration ueber WLAN.mp325.0 MiB2005-04-25 11:48:00
117 Kampagne Fair Sharing.mp325.1 MiB2005-04-25 11:40:00
040 Firewall Piercing.mp325.3 MiB2005-04-25 11:03:00
055 CCC-Jahresrueckblick.mp325.3 MiB2005-04-25 11:04:00
115 The Fiasco Kernel.mp325.3 MiB2005-04-25 11:41:00
246 RFID Technologie und Implikationen.mp325.3 MiB2005-04-25 11:48:00
114 Der 2. Korb der Urheberrechtsnovelle.mp325.4 MiB2005-04-25 11:08:00
118 Verified Fiasco.mp325.4 MiB2005-04-25 11:40:00
041 Einfuehrung in Kryptographische Methoden.mp325.5 MiB2005-04-25 11:03:00
310 Information-Wissen-Macht.mp325.6 MiB2005-04-25 11:49:00
278 TKUeV-Das Ohr am Draht.mp325.7 MiB2005-04-25 11:48:00
044 Machine Learning in Science and Engineering.mp325.7 MiB2005-04-25 11:04:00
109 Anti-Honeypot Techniques.mp325.8 MiB2005-04-25 11:08:00
250 Lightning Talks Day 3.mp325.9 MiB2005-04-25 11:48:00
121 Black Ops of DNS.mp326.0 MiB2005-04-25 11:40:00
183 Tor.mp326.1 MiB2005-04-25 11:48:00
097 Das Literarische Code-Quartett.mp326.2 MiB2005-04-25 11:07:00
072 The Reality of Network Address Translators.mp326.7 MiB2005-04-25 11:05:00
168 Spampolitik.mp326.7 MiB2005-04-25 11:47:00
019 Verdeckte Netzwerkanalyse.mp326.8 MiB2005-04-25 11:03:00
078 Aspects of Elliptic Curve Cryptography.mp326.9 MiB2005-04-25 11:06:00
159 State of Emergent Democracy.mp327.3 MiB2005-04-25 11:46:00
013 The Art of Fingerprinting.mp328.1 MiB2005-04-25 11:39:00
133 How to Herd Cats.mp328.1 MiB2005-04-25 11:41:00
046 Tollcollect.mp328.2 MiB2005-04-25 11:04:00
120 Softwarepatente - Ruestzeug zur Debatte.mp328.3 MiB2005-04-25 11:40:00
171 Siegerehrung Lockpicking.mp328.4 MiB2005-04-25 11:47:00
126 Apache Security.mp328.6 MiB2005-04-25 11:41:00
059 Wikipedia Sociographics.mp329.2 MiB2005-04-25 11:05:00
129 Die Propagandawueste des realen Krieges.mp330.7 MiB2005-04-25 11:41:00
316 Bericht von den BigBrotherAwards.mp339.1 MiB2005-04-25 11:49:00
158 How to find anything on the web.mp339.2 MiB2005-04-25 11:46:00
090 Hacktivity.mp343.0 MiB2005-04-25 11:07:00
066 Bluetooth Hacking.mp344.9 MiB2005-04-25 11:05:00
095 Security Nightmares 2005.mp350.3 MiB2005-04-25 11:07:00
074 Hacker-Jeopardy.mp360.2 MiB2005-04-25 11:06:00