turnkey-drupal7-15.3 (1) turnkey; urgency=low * Update Drupal7 to latest upstream version - 7.65. -- Jeremy Davis <jeremy@turnkeylinux.org> Thu, 21 Mar 2019 16:38:37 +1100 turnkey-drupal7-15.2 (1) turnkey; urgency=low * Updated Drupal7 to latest upstream version - 7.61. * Rebuild to resolve inadvertant removal of mariadb during sec-updates - part of #1246. -- Jeremy Davis <jeremy@turnkeylinux.org> Wed, 21 Nov 2018 18:08:23 +1100 turnkey-drupal7-15.1 (1) turnkey; urgency=low * Rebuilt to include Drupal 7.60 due to security issue(s) described in SA-CORE-2018-006 - https://www.drupal.org/sa-core-2018-006 -- Jeremy Davis <jeremy@turnkeylinux.org> Thu, 18 Oct 2018 10:37:23 +1100 turnkey-drupal7-15.0 (1) turnkey; urgency=low * Updated Drupal7 to latest stable upstream (via drush) * Updated Drush to latest stable relevant version * Install Adminer directly from stretch/main repo * Provide "adminer" root-like user for Adminer MySQL access * Replace MySQL with MariaDB (drop-in MySQL replacement) * Updated version of mysqltuner script * Includes PHP7.0 (installed from Debian repos) * Updated PHP default settings * Remove phpsh (no longer maintained) * Note: Please refer to turnkey-core's changelog for changes common to all appliances. Here we only describe changes specific to this appliance. -- Vlad Kuzmenko <vlad@turnkeylinux.org> Thu, 18 Nov 2017 04:00:42 +0200 turnkey-drupal7-14.2 (1) turnkey; urgency=low * Updated Drupal7 to latest stable upstream (via drush). * Updated Drush to latest stable relevant version. * Updated Adminer to 4.2.5 * Installed security updates. * Note: Please refer to turnkey-core's changelog for changes common to all appliances. Here we only describe changes specific to this appliance. -- Jeremy Davis <jeremy@turnkeylinux.org> Wed, 19 Apr 2017 15:41:40 +1000 turnkey-drupal7-14.1 (1) turnkey; urgency=low * Drupal7: - Latest stable version of Drush v7.x (installed via composer at build time). - Latest version of Drupal 7 installed via Drush. - Fixed cron (closes #559). - Removed php5-xcache (#untracked-bug) - Changed included modules as per recommendation of Mike Stiv (drupal ninja). - Latest versions of modules & dependencies installed (& some enabled). - Removed superfluous dependencies. - Increased PHP memory limits for both cli & web (#untracked-bug) * Note: Please refer to turnkey-core's changelog for changes common to all appliances. Here we only describe changes specific to this appliance. -- Jeremy Davis <jeremy@turnkeylinux.org> Fri, 05 Feb 2016 18:11:26 +1100 turnkey-drupal7-14.0 (1) turnkey; urgency=low * Drupal7: - Latest 7.x version of Drush is now installed via composer at build time. - Latest version of Drupal7 is installed via Drush. - Latest versions of modules are now installed via Drush. * Replaced PHPMyAdmin with Adminer * Hardened default SSL settings * Note: Please refer to turnkey-core's changelog for changes common to all appliances. Here we only describe changes specific to this appliance. -- Jeremy Davis <jeremy@turnkeylinux.org> Fri, 03 Jul 2015 13:55:12 +1000 turnkey-drupal7-13.0 (1) turnkey; urgency=low * Drupal7: - Latest version of Drush is now installed via pear at build time. - Latest version of Drupal7 is now installed via Drush. - Latest versions of modules are now installed via Drush. * PHPMyAdmin: - Configured to allow users preferences stored in database. - Specified blowfish_secret and regeneration on firstboot (security). * Note: Please refer to turnkey-core's changelog for changes common to all appliances. Here we only describe changes specific to this appliance. -- Alon Swartz <alon@turnkeylinux.org> Thu, 10 Oct 2013 17:45:58 +0300 turnkey-drupal7-12.1 (1) turnkey; urgency=low * Drupal7: - Latest version of Drush is now installed via pear at build time. - Latest version of Drupal7 is now installed via Drush. - Latest versions of modules are now installed via Drush. - Fixed support for complex passwords in inithook (LP#1102662). - Increased php cli memory limit for Drush (LP#1048443). * Added phpsh (interative shell for PHP) and php5-cli (generically useful). * Upstream source component versions: ckeditor 4.0.2 * Note: Please refer to turnkey-core's changelog for changes common to all appliances. Here we only describe changes specific to this appliance. -- Alon Swartz <alon@turnkeylinux.org> Sun, 07 Apr 2013 08:00:00 +0200 turnkey-drupal7-12.0 (1) turnkey; urgency=low * Initial public release of TurnKey Drupal7, based on TKLPatch submitted by John Carver. * Installed from upstream tarball, includes support for inline upgrades. * Set Drupal admin email and password on firstboot (convenience, security). * Regenerates all secrets during installation / firstboot (security). * Includes drush for command line administration and configuration. * Replaced Drupal's poor-man-cron with drush cron. * Includes many useful/popular drupal7 modules: - devel - views - panels - rules - pathauto - google_analytics - backup_migrate - recaptcha - imageapi - lightbox2 - getid3 - imce - ckeditor - jquery_ui - transliteration - tagadelic - advanced_help - admin_menu - ctools - globalredirect - logintoboggan - simpletest - fivestart - token - webform - email - link - date * MySQL related: - Set MySQL root password on firstboot (convenience, security). - Force MySQL to use Unicode/UTF8. - Includes PhpMyAdmin (listening on port 12322 - uses SSL). * SSL support out of the box. * Includes php-xcache PHP opcode cacher / optimizer (performance). * Includes postfix MTA (bound to localhost) for sending of email (e.g. password recovery). Also includes webmin postfix module for convenience. * Major component versions drupal 7.14 (upstream archive) drush 7.x-5.1 (upstream archive) apache2 2.2.16-6+squeeze7 mysql-server 5.1.63-0+squeeze1 phpmyadmin 4:3.3.7-7 * Note: Please refer to turnkey-core's changelog for changes common to all appliances. Here we only describe changes specific to this appliance. -- Alon Swartz <alon@turnkeylinux.org> Wed, 01 Aug 2012 08:00:00 +0200