turnkey-appengine-2009.04 (1) hardy; urgency=low

  * Initial public release of TurnKey Linux AppEngine

  * Google App Engine configurations

    - Preconfigured cgi, webapp and django appengine application templates

        - /var/www/appengine/template-*

    - Django template includes a stipped down Django zipfile

        - Latest version of Python Django
        - Uses ZipFile to get around 1000 file appengine limit

    - Welcome page including useful information and link to offline documentation

  * Includes postfix MTA (bound to localhost) for sending of email from
    google appengine. Also includes webmin postfix module for convenience.

  * Includes python imaging library (PIL) for appengine Image API

  * Major component versions

    google_appengine            2.1.0
    google-appengine-docs       20090115
    google-app-engine-django    r76
    django.zip                  created from: 1.0.2-final
    antlr_python_runtime        3.1.2

    lighttpd                    1.4.19-0ubuntu3
    python-imaging              1.1.6-1ubuntu
    postfix                     2.5.1-2ubuntu1.2

  * Note: Please refer to turnkey-core's changelog for changes common to all
    appliances. Here we only describe changes specific to this appliance.

 -- Alon Swartz <alon@turnkeylinux.org>  Sun, 06 Apr 2009 16:23:23 +0200