Title: wl-rt8192u-3.8.10-tinycore.tcz Description: Realtek rt8192cu Wireless driver for 8192cu/8188cu USB adapters Version: v3.4.3_4369.x Author: Realtek, forked by skeller Original-site: https://github.com/dz0ny/rt8192cu Copying-policy: GPLv2 Size: 188K Extension_by: coreplayer2 Tags: Realtek 8192cu wireless driver Comments: Based on official Realtek driver v3.4.3_4369.20120622 forked to kernel-3.8.x by skeller github Driver requires no additional firmware Will not work with in-tree version rtl8192cu.ko, therefore wireless-3.8.10-tinycore.tcz can not be installed with this driver Install, set DHCP using tc network tools, reboot then start your preferred Wireless connection manager (for modprobe use 8192cu) tested with an RTL8188CUS 802.11n USB WLAN Adapter using wifi.tcz Change-log: --- Current: 2013/07/15 First Version.