Title: volumeicon.tcz Description: alsa volume applet for panels Version: 0.5.1 Author: various Original-site: https://github.com/Maato/volumeicon Copying-policy: GPL v3 Size: 52K Extension_by: you Tags: alsa Comments: tested on icewm panel alsa sound must be set up first please applet does not work with wbar. For a RH mouse user, left click normally mutes master volume and right click opens context menu Autostart applet add line to existing file, its not a script just a file $ cat ~/X.d/my-autostarts pcmanfm --desktop & volumeicon & /home/tc/.local/bin/fox & Change-log: 2023/03/13 Original 0.5.1 on 14x Current: 2023/03/13