Title: vifm.tcz Description: console & terminal file manager Version: 0.13 Author: see doc TCE for AUTHORS Original-site: https://vifm.info Copying-policy: GPL v2 for main TCE some headers see COPYING.3party Size: 784K Extension_by: aus9 @ linuxquestions.org Tags: console terminal file manager Comments: Highly recommend: https://wiki.vifm.info/index.php?title=Quickstart_Tutorial Normal builtin keys link below https://vifm.info/cheatsheets.shtml Copying to buffer/Selecting dir or file is called yanking hence yy (yanks), in command mode its the same as :yank Normally followed by a delete or paste input and doc TCE, especially vifm-help.txt Run 2 panes by $ vifm /dir1 /dir2 # like mc On restart it may remember your last dirs so :cd /dir3 /dir4 # will change to new dirs In a virtual terminal, mc function keys like F3,4,5,6,8 work as expected except F3 opens vi for inline view (unless configs changed) F4 opens vi for edits and both will need input of quit view by :q or save and quit edit by :wq In Console, Function keys fail (for me) -> use vi commands only I use arrow keys to highlight selection dir or file, and eg :copy (will copy dir or file to other directory ) :copy (force over write if exists at other dir) You may like to edit the config file? It is not created until you launch vifm. Next $ rm -rf $HOME/.config/vifm/vifmrc $ cp /tmp/tcloop/vifm/usr/local/share/vifm/vifmrc $HOME/.config/vifm You can use external GUI TCES like leafpad too To completely exit file manager while in normal mode...input ZZ (all caps) or convert to command mode and input :q In normal mode input : puts you into command mode, normally followed by letter(s) Change-log: 2024/03/28 v 0.13 on 15x Current: 2024/03/28