Title: strongswan-doc.tcz Description: Documentation part of strongswan the OpenSource IPsec-based VPN Solution Version: 5.9.14 Author: Andreas Steffen Original-site: https://www.strongswan.org/ Copying-policy: GPLv2 Size: 132K Extension_by: rhermsen Tags: man pages strongswan vpn ipsec Comments: StrongSwan is an OpenSource IPsec implementation. strongSwan originally was designed for Linux, but has since been ported to Android, FreeBSD, Mac OS X, Windows and other platforms. The focus of strongSwan is on: 'simplicity of configuration strong encryption and authentication methods powerful IPsec policies supporting large and complex VPN networks modular design with great expandability Configuration templates are located in strongswan-doc.tcz. (/usr/local/share/strongswan/templates/config/) Change-log: 2024/08/27 First Version, 5.9.14 Current: 2024/08/27 First Version, 5.9.14