Title: seatd.tcz Description: seat management daemon Version: 0.8.0 Author: Kenny Levinsen Original-site: https://git.sr.ht/~kennylevinsen/seatd/refs Copying-policy: Accompanied Size: 36K Extension_by: aus9 @linuxquestions.org Tags: seat sway Comments: minimal seat management daemon, and a universal seat management library Socket will be created at /run/seatd.sock Any old socket from past session will be deleted Both seatd & seatd-launch are now SUID Examples seatd -g staff /run/seatd.sock & XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/$(id -u) weston seatd -g staff /run/seatd.sock & XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/$(id -u) labwc Change-log: 2023/04/21 v 0.7.0 on 14x Current: 2024/04/18 v 0.8.0 suid for both exes on 15x