Title: rofi.tcz Description: libX11/XWayland launcher and misc tool as below Version: 1.7.5+wayland3 Author: https://github.com/lbonn/rofi/blob/wayland/AUTHORS Original-site: https://github.com/lbonn/rofi Copying-policy: Accompanied Size: 236K Extension_by: aus9 @linuxquestions.org Tags: launcher Comments: Fork of https://github.com/davatorium/rofi An X11 & (X)wayland pop-up window switcher, run dialog, dmenu replacement. It supports keyboard & mouse navigation, type to filter, tokenized search and log into a remote machine via ssh. (Untested) config = $HOME/.config/rofi/config.rasi You should correct pathway to theme if not user=tc PLUS you have 1xtheme file $HOME/.config/rofi/themes/fancy.rasi which is called by last line in your config file NORMAL USE: If not using wbar icon, run $ rofi -show drun -show-icons Scroll thru selections via arrow key or mouse Press enter against selection to open it If App is already open elsewhere, you may switch to it --- subject to WM settings Press Escape key to exit app if no selection made. OR mouse click outside app to exit (change config for click-to-exit if you like app open if you need to swap workspaces for a while) Highly recommend you create a keybinding for above in WM, if WM allows kb shortcuts Selection + Enter key opens "target app" and closes rofi If your WM supports workspaces, $ rofi -show window provides a list of what is open on each workspace To run it like dmenu (exe search not a desktop file search) $ rofi -show run but note the following enhancements, IMHO, string search is anywhere in exe name eg search for "gr" without quotes has hits including addgroup, groff, vigr etc fancy theme includes tabs for windows etc TESTED basic functions on icewm/xorg and sway/xwayland rofi on wayland likely to bork if xwayland not loaded and enabled See rofi-doc & rofi-theme-selector Change-log: 2024/08/27 v 1.7.5+wayland3 on 15x Current: 2024/08/27