Title: lbreakouthd.tcz Description: A ball-and-paddle game with nice graphics Version: 1.1.9 Author: Original game Michael Speck this TCE - LGames themes - see /usr/local/share/lbreakouthd/themes/Standard/CREDITS Original-site: https://lgames.sourceforge.io/LBreakoutHD/ Copying-policy: main - GPL v 3 font - SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1 Size: 3.8M Extension_by: aus9 @linuxquestions.org Tags: game Comments: a fork of lbreakout game by Michael Speck Supports 16:9 ratio monitors. Please read the README which is so important its in this TCE. Some known issues are also discussed here https://lgames.sourceforge.io/faq.php see ~/.config/lbreakouthd/lbreakouthd.conf Optional TCE input-joystick-6.6.8-tinycore64 not tested Change-log: 2025/01/08 v 1.1.9 on 15x Current: 2025/01/08