Title: dillo-gopher.tcz Description: Gopher protocol support for Dillo Version: 3c52557 Author: Charles E. Lehner Original-site: https://git.scuttlebot.io/%25n7g%2BJlKZjPV6CRfSQL5YUWk%2BxYgpPjN4Gcxl1NmTgME%3D.sha256 Copying-policy: GPL v3 Size: 8.0K Extension_by: CNK Tags: FLTK light internet gopher browser dillo plugin plug-in Comments: This plug-in for the Dillo web browser adds support for the Gopher protocol. Your choice of Dillo extension should be loaded before loading this extension. ---- Compiled for TC Pure64 13 ---- Change-log: 2022/02/25 First packaged version, 3c52557 Current: 2022/02/25 First packaged version, 3c52557