Title: dillo-git.tcz Description: Git protocol support for Dillo Version: 8132f42 Author: Charles E. Lehner Original-site: https://git.scuttlebot.io/%25SYQOj%2FQ7XCiOqUzMwK6SiKLWRuk93GZYprqjt1S5%2FBI%3D.sha256 Copying-policy: GPL v3 Size: 16.0K Extension_by: CNK Tags: FLTK light internet git browser dillo plugin plug-in Comments: This plug-in for the Dillo web browser adds support for the Git protocol. It allows browsing Git commit histories (beware long output for big Git repos). Your choice of Dillo extension should be loaded before loading this extension. ---- Compiled for TC Pure64 13 ---- Change-log: 2022/02/25 First packaged version, 8132f42 Current: 2022/02/25 First packaged version, 8132f42