Title: arandr.tcz Description: Front end to libXrandr Version: 0.1.11 Author: chrysn Original-site: http://christian.amsuess.com/tools/arandr/#project Copying-policy: GPL v3 Size: 68K Extension_by: aus9 Tags: xrandr monitor screen graphics Comments: monitor resolution app MUST be on Xorg (2d or 3d). Click Outputs for your active HDMI* DVI* etc -> Resolution -> Choose your preference -> Click the Tick button I am unable to test 2 monitors. If you wish to save new setting -> Click the download icon and choose a filename (example) 1920 .sh is added and creates $HOME/.screenlayout/1920.sh after you press the save button or press enter To automate it -> (change below to your filename please) echo '$HOME/.screenlayout/1920.sh &' > $HOME/.X.d/monitor To test without reboot, exit to prompt and run $ startx If unhappy, delete $HOME/.X.d/monitor Change-log: 2018/04/05 v 0.1.9 on 9x used python2.7 2020/08/01 v 0.1.10 on 11x used python3.6 Current: 2023/04/27 v 0.1.11 on 14x