#!/usr/bin/perl -w

=head1 NAME

phttp.monitor - parallel http monitor.


type this:

 phttp.monitor --help

and read, it is a safe job.


phttp.monitor checks http servers in parallel without forking. The request
can be an arbitrary multi-line string and the response can be parsed using
an arbitrary regular expression. So, HTTP proxies, GET POST PUT TRACE directives,
authorization scheme, xxx code or  complex content responses,  are all possible.


 O on success for all hosts, or usage demand (--help option)
 1 on failure of any host


list of hosts that failed the test with the connection time (in secondes) 
beetween (), if any, like :

 www.foo.org(15) www.boo.com(1)

=head1 DETAILS

detail output (just after summary) follows this convention:


=item *

lines beginning with + are successes

=item *

lines beginning with ~ are just warnings

=item *

lines beginning with - are failures


=head1 CAVEATS


Be careful that the number of open file handles is limited. Usually 1024
and since 0, 1, 2 (stdin, stdout, stderr) are already open, you have 
only 1021 maximum connections allowed and upon upper connections the tests will 
systematically fail.

=head2 TIMEOUT

The timeout counter for each host begins just after the first connect command.
The name resolution is already done so it does not count. But since everything
is done in parallel, be carefull that the timeout can come from your proper
bandwidth, cpu etc. For example, using the same host on both sides (client and
server) and running phttp.monitor with a "-n 19" nice value, the first 
complete response comes after ~35 secondes and the last 
after ~55 secondes. All were successful, thanks to Apache. 
Yes, I demanded the same header page 1021 times and I am not rich 
(an old Cirix 133 Mega hertz).

=head2 DOS

Deny Of Service is easy if you have a good tube and a good box.
Please, do not use this software for hard war.
Be nice.

=head1 LICENCE

This is GNU PUBLIC LICENCE software

=head1 AUTHOR

Gilles LAMIRAL lamiral@mail.dotcom.fr


require 5.002;   # Give me more than five
use strict;       # 
use English;      # because use French does not work...
use Getopt::Long; # way home
use Socket;       # ou chaussette
use POSIX;        # or Y
use FileHandle;   
use IO::Select;
# No I did not go in a laugh school, I just sucked a clown...
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday usleep);


my $VERSION = 0.02; 

	$debugGeneral,  $debugOptions, $debugResolution,
	$debugCreation, $debugConnection, $debugSelection,
	$debugWriting,  $debugReading,    $debugResults,
	$debugAnalyse,  $debugEverything,

#my $hostname;
	$request,    $nbrequests, $inserthost,
	$timeout,    $softimeout, $regex);

usage(), exit(0) if ($help);

my @list = split(/\s+/, join(" ", @ARGV, (" ")) x $nbrequests);

#my $iaddr     = gethostbyname($hostname);
#my @iaddr     = unpack('C4', $iaddr);
#$debugGeneral and print 'my ip          = ', join('.',@iaddr), "\n";
my $proto     = getprotobyname('tcp');
#my $paddr     = sockaddr_in(0, $iaddr);

$debugGeneral and print dump_posix();

$debugGeneral and print "CREATING THE USEFUL DATA\n";
my (%client, %onrace, %offrace, %badrace, %goodrace, %pacerace, %fh2id);

my $count = 0;
foreach my $host (@list) {
	$client{$count}{'host'} = $host;
	$client{$count}{'success'} = "";
	$client{$count}{'problem'} = "";


my $readwriteable_handles = new IO::Select();

($debugGeneral or $debugWriting or $debugReading)

# What write

my %notconnected = %onrace;

ONRACE: while(keys(%onrace)){
	my (@new_writeable, @new_readable, @new_errorable);
	$debugGeneral and print dump_onrace();

	my @id = sort { $a <=> $b } keys(%onrace);

	IDT: foreach my $id (@id) {
		my $now = gettimeofday;
		my $begin = $client{$id}{"begin"};
		if (($now - $begin) > $timeout) {
			# game over, baby.
			$client{$id}{"problem"} .= "- hard timeout reached\n";
			$debugConnection and print "hard timeout reached\n";
			next IDT;

	# We have to look if the connection succeeded
	# before doing IO
	@id = sort { $a <=> $b } keys(%notconnected);
	ID: foreach my $id (@id) {
		my($command) = "";
		$command = connect($client{$id}{"fhandle"}, $client{$id}{"hispaddr"});
		$debugConnection and print "reconnect host id : $client{$id}{'host'} $id\n";
		if (defined($command) and ($command == 1)) {
			# Linux success
			$debugConnection and print "reconnect succeeded : [$command]\n";
			$client{$id}{"success"} .= "+ reconnect succeeded\n";
			#next ID;
		} elsif ((not defined($command)) 
			and (($! == EISCONN()))) {
			# Solaris success
			$client{$id}{"success"} .= "+ reconnect command succeeded EISCONN : $!\n";
			$debugConnection and print "reconnect command succeeded EISCONN : $! ", 
				scalar($! + 0), "\n";
			# good and sorry.
			#next ID;
		} elsif ((not defined($command)) 
			and (($! == EALREADY()) or ($! == EAGAIN()))) {
			#$client{$id}{"problem"} .= "~ reconnect command EALREADY : $!\n";
			$debugConnection and print "reconnect command EALREADY : $! ", 
				scalar($! + 0), "\n";
			# not so bad, play again.
			next ID;
		} elsif (defined($command) and ($command == -1) and ($! == ETIMEOUT())) {
			$client{$id}{"problem"} .= "- reconnect command failed ETIMEOUT : $!\n";
			$debugConnection and print "reconnect command failed by timeout : $!\n";
			next ID;
		} else {
			$client{$id}{"problem"} .= "- reconnect command failed : $!\n";
			$debugConnection and print "reconnect command failed : $! ", 
				scalar($! + 0), "\n";
			if (defined($command)) {
				$debugConnection and print "command status : $command\n"; 
				$debugConnection and print "command status : not defined\n"; 
			$debugConnection and print "deleting $client{$id}{'host'} $id\n";
			next ID;
		$fh2id{$client{$id}{"fhandle"}} = $id;
	@new_writeable = $readwriteable_handles->can_write(10);
	@new_readable  = $readwriteable_handles->can_read(2);
	$debugWriting and print "writeable : ", join (" ", map { $fh2id{$_} } @new_writeable), "\n";
	$debugReading and print "readable  : ", join (" ", map { $fh2id{$_} } @new_readable), "\n";
	WRITE: foreach my $sock (@new_writeable) {
		my($id, $nleft, $bytes_wrote);
		$id = $fh2id{$sock};
		$nleft = length ($client{$id}{"wbuf"});
		next if ($nleft == 0);
		$debugWriting and print "syswrite to $client{$id}{'host'} $nleft bytes\n";
		$bytes_wrote = syswrite ($sock, $client{$id}{"wbuf"}, $nleft);
		if (defined($bytes_wrote)){
			$debugWriting and print "bytes_wrote = $bytes_wrote\n";
			if ($bytes_wrote == 0) {
				# Server close the connexion
				$client{$id}{"problem"} .= "- server close the connexion : $!\n";
				$debugWriting and print "server close the connexion : $!\n";
				substr($client{$id}{"wbuf"}, 0, $bytes_wrote) = "";
				if (length($client{$id}{"wbuf"}) == 0) {
					# No more writing
					$client{$id}{"success"} .= "+ syswrite command succeeded\n";
					$debugWriting and print "syswrite command succeeded on $client{$id}{'host'}\n";
			if ($! == EAGAIN()){
				$debugWriting and print  "EAGAIN\n";
				next WRITE;
			}elsif($! == EINPROGRESS()){
				$debugWriting and print  "EINPROGRESS\n";
				next WRITE;
				$debugWriting and print  "Do not know what happened : $!\n";
				next WRITE;
	READ: foreach my $sock (@new_readable) {
		my($id, $buf);
		$id = $fh2id{$sock};
		$buf = <$sock>;
		if ($buf) {
				and print "reading from $client{$id}{'host'} : ",
				length($buf), " bytes\n";
			$client{$id}{'rbuf'} .= $buf;
		} else {
			$debugReading and print "reading from $client{$id}{'host'} : ", 0, " bytes\n";
	usleep (100000);


$debugResults and dump_final();



exit 1 if scalar(%badrace);
exit 0;

# burk !
################################## END OF MAIN #################################

sub getoptions {
		"help"                 => \$help,
	        "Dopt"                 => \$debugOptions,
	        "Dgen"                 => \$debugGeneral,
	        "Dres"                 => \$debugResolution,
	        "Dcre"                 => \$debugCreation,
	        "Dcon"                 => \$debugConnection,
	        "Dsel"                 => \$debugSelection,
	        "Dwri"                 => \$debugWriting,
	        "Drea"                 => \$debugReading,
		"Dana"                 => \$debugAnalyse,
		"Dfin"                 => \$debugResults,
	        "Dall"                 => \$debugEverything,

		"port=i"               => \$port,
		"nbrequests=i"         => \$nbrequests,
		"request=s"            => \$request,
		"inserthost!"           => \$inserthost,
		"timeout=i"            => \$timeout,
		"softimeout=i"         => \$softimeout,
		"regex=s"              => \$regex,
#		"hostname=s"           => \$hostname,

sub defaultvalues {
	$port       = defined($port)       ? $port : 80;
	$request = defined($request)       ? $request 
		: 'HEAD / HTTP/1.0\nUser-Agent: phttp.monitor\n\n';
	# Thanks so much Larry Wall ! finger in the nose.
	$request =~ s!\Q\n!\n!g ;
	$nbrequests = defined($nbrequests) ? $nbrequests : 1;
	$inserthost = defined($inserthost) ? $inserthost : 1;
	$timeout    = defined($timeout)    ? $timeout    : 20;
	$softimeout = defined($softimeout) ? $softimeout : $timeout;
	$regex      = defined($regex)      ? $regex      : '^HTTP/([\d\.]+)\s+200\b';

	$debugOptions    = 1, $debugGeneral   = 1, $debugCreation = 1,
	$debugResolution = 1,
	$debugConnection = 1, $debugSelection = 1, $debugWriting  = 1,
	$debugReading    = 1, $debugResults   = 1, $debugAnalyse  = 1
		if ($debugEverything);

	$debugOptions and print dump_options();
	sub dump_options {
		# Why I wrote a function for this?
		# Silly !
		my (@dump);
		push (@dump,
			"port           = $port", "\n",
			"request        = $request", "\n",
			"nbrequests     = $nbrequests", "\n",
			"inserthost     = $inserthost", "\n",
			"timeout        = $timeout", "\n",
			"softimeout     = $softimeout", "\n",
			"regex          = $regex", "\n",
		return (@dump);

sub usage {
	print <<EOF;
VERSION               : $VERSION
USAGE                 : $0 [options] host1 host2 ...


 --help               : print the command usage (this message).
 --port         <int> : the http port to connect to.
			default is 80.

 --request   <string> : the request send to the servers.
			default is
			HEAD / HTTP/1.0\\nUser-Agent: phttp.monitor\\n\\n
			CAVEAT: Do not forget to quote the string.
			use -Dopt to see what you really input.
			You can use \\n to mean newline.

 --(no)inserthost    : insert individual hostname and port in 
                        the HTTP request.
                        really usefull with virtual servers.
                        default is on.
                        If you do not want this feature, use --noinserthost

 --nbrequests   <int> : number of requests to do per host
                        do not use it to make DOS attack, please.
			default is 1.

 --timeout      <int> : time out for any connection.
                        do not forget that all is done in parallel and may
			that timeout can come from bandwith, cpu usage, etc.
			default is 20.
 --softimeout   <int> : soft timeout for any connection.
                        the connection will not be interupted when the
			soft timeout is reached but the test will fail.
			default is <--timeout>
 --regex     <string> : regular expression to match for a good http response.
			default is :
			CAVEAT: Do not forget to quote the string.
			use -Dopt to see what you really input.

 --Dgen               : print general debug information.
 --Dopt               : print option and variables values.
 --Dres               : print debug information on name resolution.
 --Dcre               : print debug information on non blocking socket creation.
 --Dcon               : print debug information on socket connection.
 --Dsel               : print debug information on selecting socket.
 --Dwri               : print debug information on writing socket.
 --Drea               : print debug information on reading socket.
 --Dana               : print debug information on analysing results.
 --Dfin               : print debug information on final results.
 --Dall               : print all debug information.

 host1 host2 ...      : list of host to check


with no option, the default behavior is exactly like the command:

$0 \\
    --port=80 \\
    --nbrequests=1 \\
    --request='HEAD / HTTP/1.0\\nUser-Agent: phttp.monitor\\n\\n' \\
    --inserthost \\
    --timeout=20 \\
    --softimeout=20 \\


sub write_preparation {
	my @id = sort { $a <=> $b } keys(%onrace);
	$debugWriting and print "PREPARING THE WRITE MESSAGES\n";
	foreach my $id (@id) {
		# I did not start to try with real HTTP server !
		#my $message = "$id" x 100 . "\n";

		my $message = qq!$request!;
		if ($inserthost) {
			$message =~ s/\n\n/\nHost: $client{$id}{'host'}\n\n/;
		$client{$id}{"wbuf"} = $message x 1;
		$debugWriting and print $client{$id}{"wbuf"};
		$client{$id}{"length_to_write"} = length($client{$id}{"wbuf"});

sub outrace {
	my ($id) = @_;
	$client{$id}{'end'} = gettimeofday;

sub finishrace {
	my ($id) = @_;
	$client{$id}{'end'} = gettimeofday;

sub first_connection {
	($debugGeneral or $debugConnection) and print "ASKING FOR CONNECTIONS\n";
	$debugConnection and print dump_onrace();

	my @id = sort { $a <=> $b } keys(%onrace);
	foreach my $id (@id) {
		my ($command);
		$debugConnection and printf "%-4s %s\n", $id, $client{$id}{'host'};
		$client{$id}{"begin"} = gettimeofday;
		$command = connect($client{$id}{"fhandle"}, $client{$id}{"hispaddr"});
		$debugConnection and print "connect : $!\n";
		if ((not defined($command)) and ($! == EINPROGRESS())){
			# Good in non blocking context
			$client{$id}{"success"} .= "+ first connect succeeded\n";
			$client{$id}{"problem"} .= "- first connect failed : [$command] $!\n";
			$debugConnection and print "first connect failed : [$command] $!\n";

sub resolve_names {
	($debugGeneral or $debugResolution) and print "RESOLVING NAMES\n";
	$debugResolution and print dump_onrace();
	my @id = sort { $a <=> $b } keys(%onrace);
	foreach my $id (@id) {
		my ($command, $hisiaddr, $hispaddr);
		$hisiaddr = inet_aton($client{$id}{'host'});
		if (defined($hisiaddr)){
			# Good
			$client{$id}{"success"} .= "+ resolving $client{$id}{'host'} succeeded\n";
			$debugResolution and printf "%-4s %20s %-15s\n", 
				$id, $client{$id}{'host'}, join('.', unpack('C4', $hisiaddr));
			# Bad
			$client{$id}{"problem"} .= "- could not resolve $client{$id}{'host'}\n";
			$debugResolution and printf "%-4s %20s %-15s\n", 
				$id, $client{$id}{'host'}, "....";
			# This is just because it fails early.
			$client{$id}{'begin'} = gettimeofday;
		$hispaddr = pack_sockaddr_in($port, $hisiaddr);
		if (defined($hispaddr)){
			# Good
			$client{$id}{"success"} .= "+ pack_sockaddr_in command succeeded\n";
			$client{$id}{"hispaddr"} = $hispaddr;
			# Bad
			$client{$id}{"problem"} .= "- pack_sockaddr_in command failed\n";
			$debugConnection and print "pack_sockaddr_in command failed\n";
sub create_sockets {
	($debugGeneral or $debugCreation)
		and print dump_onrace();

	my @id = sort { $a <=> $b } keys(%onrace);
	foreach my $id (@id) {
		my $command;
		$client{$id}{"fhandle"} = new FileHandle;
		$command = socket($client{$id}{"fhandle"}, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto);
		if (defined($command)) {
			if ($command != 0){
				# Good
				$client{$id}{"success"} .= "+ socket command succeeded\n";
				$debugCreation and print "socket command succeeded $id -> $client{$id}{'host'}\n";
			}else {
				# Bad
				$client{$id}{"problem"} .= "- socket command failed [$command] $!\n";
				$debugCreation and print "socket command failed $id -> $client{$id}{'host'} [$command] $!\n";
				# This is just because it fails early.
				$client{$id}{'begin'} = gettimeofday;
			# Bad
			$client{$id}{"problem"} .= "- socket command failed [undef] $!\n";
			$debugCreation and print "socket command failed $id -> $client{$id}{'host'} [undef] $!\n";
			# This is just because it fails early.
			$client{$id}{'begin'} = gettimeofday;
		$command = fcntl($client{$id}{"fhandle"}, F_SETFL(), O_NONBLOCK);
		if ($command == 0){
			# Good
			$client{$id}{"success"} .= "+ fcntl command succeeded\n";
			# Bad
			$client{$id}{"problem"} .= "- fcntl command failed $!\n";
			$debugCreation and print "fcntl command failed $!\n";
			# This is just because it fails early.
			$client{$id}{'begin'} = gettimeofday;

sub dump_posix {
	my (@dump);
	push (@dump,
		"eagain         = ", EAGAIN(), "\n",
		"einprogress 	= ", EINPROGRESS(), "\n",
		"etimeout    	= ", ETIMEDOUT(), "\n",
		"ealready    	= ", EALREADY(), "\n",
		"eisconn    	= ", EISCONN(), "\n",
	return (@dump);

sub dump_onrace {
	my @dump;
	push (@dump,
		"ONRACE : ",
		join(" ", sort { $a <=> $b } keys(%onrace)),
	return @dump;

sub dump_final {

	print "-" x 0, "\n" x 0,
	      "-" x 36, " RESULTS ", "-" x 35, , "\n",
	print "SUCCESS : ",
		join (" ", 
			sort map { 
				. "("
				. int($client{$_}{'end'} - $client{$_}{'begin'} + 0.5)
				. ")"
			} keys(%pacerace)),
	print "FAILED  : ",
		join (" ", sort map {
				. "("
				. int($client{$_}{'end'} - $client{$_}{'begin'} + 0.5)
				. ")"
			} keys(%badrace)),
	print "-" x 80, "\n";


sub analyse_race {
	$debugGeneral and print "ANALYSING RESPONSES\n";
	foreach my $id (sort { $a <=> $b } keys(%goodrace)) {
		my $rbuf = $client{$id}{'rbuf'};
		my $host = $client{$id}{'host'};
		my $timeresponse = $client{$id}{'end'} - $client{$id}{'begin'};
		$debugAnalyse and print "$host response in $timeresponse s :\n$rbuf";
		if ($rbuf =~ m~$regex~) {
			$client{$id}{"success"} .= "+ match the pattern expected\n";
			my $end = $client{$id}{'end'};
			my $begin = $client{$id}{'begin'};
			if (($end - $begin) > $softimeout) {
				# game over, baby.
				$client{$id}{"problem"} .= "- soft timeout reached\n";
				$debugAnalyse and print "soft timeout reached\n";
			$client{$id}{"problem"} .= "- did not match the pattern expected\n";

sub summary {
	my @summary;
	$debugGeneral and print "SUMARY LINE :\n";
	return unless (scalar(%badrace));
	foreach my $id 
		(sort {
			$client{$::a}{'host'} cmp $client{$::b}{'host'}
			($client{$::a}{'end'} - $client{$::a}{'begin'})
			($client{$::b}{'end'} - $client{$::b}{'begin'})
			$::a <=> $::b
		} keys(%badrace)) {
			. "("
			. int($client{$id}{'end'} - $client{$id}{'begin'} + 0.5)
			. ")"
	print join (" ", @summary), "\n" x 1;

	# The first I wrote (it works, of course)
	# the sorting is alphabetic
	print join (" ", sort map {
			. "("
			. int($client{$_}{'end'} - $client{$_}{'begin'} + 0.5)
			. ")"
		} keys(%badrace)),
	"\n" x 2;


sub details {
	$debugGeneral and print "DETAILS :\n";
	foreach my $id 
		(sort {
			$client{$::a}{'host'} cmp $client{$::b}{'host'}
			$::a <=> $::b
		} keys(%badrace)) {
			"\nDetail for id:$id -> $client{$id}{'host'}(",
			int($client{$id}{'end'} - $client{$id}{'begin'} + 0.5),