;ELC ;;; compiled by jwz@thalidomide on Sat May 14 17:12:33 1994 ;;; from file /th/jwz/emacs19/lisp/w3/w3.el ;;; emacs version 19.10 Lucid (beta23). ;;; bytecomp version 2.24; 26-Apr-94. ;;; optimization is on. ;;; this file uses opcodes which do not exist in Emacs 18. (if (and (boundp 'emacs-version) (or (and (boundp 'epoch::version) epoch::version) (string-lessp emacs-version "19"))) (error "This file was compiled for Emacs 19.")) (byte-code "!!!!$!$!!M!M" [noninteractive featurep efs efs-auto require ange-ftp fboundp gopher-dispatch-object autoload "gopher" "Get a gopher doc." t html-mode "html-mode" "Edit html documents." w3-vars add-hook #[(hook-var function &optional at-end) " ! L J< @= C \"?  C\" BL)" [boundp hook-var nil old lambda w3-member function at-end append] 5 "Add a function to a hook.\nFirst argument HOOK-VAR (a symbol) is the name of a hook, second\n argument FUNCTION is the function to add.\nThird (optional) argument AT-END means to add the function at the end\n of the hook list instead of the beginning. If the function is already\n present, this has no effect.\nReturns nil if FUNCTION was already present in HOOK-VAR, else new\n value of HOOK-VAR."] setenv #[(variable &optional value) "\n\"\n\"\nP!P \n    @\" = @\" \n Qlj U A K\n QB?+" [string-match "=" variable error "Environment variable name `%s' contains `='" "\\`" regexp-quote nil process-environment scan case-fold-search pattern value delq] 5 "Set the value of the environment variable named VARIABLE to VALUE.\nVARIABLE should be a string. VALUE is optional; if not provided or is\n`nil', the environment variable VARIABLE will be removed. \nThis function works by modifying `process-environment'." "sSet environment variable: \nsSet %s to value: "]] 5) (fset 'nntp-header-number '(macro . #[(header) " E" [aref header 0] 3 "\ Return article number in HEADER."])) (fset 'nntp-header-subject '(macro . #[(header) " E" [aref header 1] 3 "\ Return subject string in HEADER."])) (fset 'nntp-header-from '(macro . #[(header) " E" [aref header 2] 3 "\ Return author string in HEADER."])) (fset 'nntp-header-xref '(macro . #[(header) " E" [aref header 3] 3 "\ Return xref string in HEADER."])) (fset 'nntp-header-lines '(macro . #[(header) " E" [aref header 4] 3 "\ Return lines in HEADER."])) (fset 'nntp-header-date '(macro . #[(header) " E" [aref header 5] 3 "\ Return date in HEADER."])) (fset 'nntp-header-id '(macro . #[(header) " E" [aref header 6] 3 "\ Return Id in HEADER."])) (fset 'nntp-header-references '(macro . #[(header) " E" [aref header 7] 3 "\ Return references in HEADER."])) (defvar w3-b64-encoding "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/" "\ The string to use to encode with base 64.") (byte-code "MMMM" [b0 #[(x) " \"\"H" [w3-b64-encoding logand lsh x -18 63] 5] b1 #[(x) " \"\"H" [w3-b64-encoding logand lsh x -12 63] 5] b2 #[(x) " \"\"H" [w3-b64-encoding logand lsh x -6 63] 5] b3 #[(x) "\n\"H" [w3-b64-encoding logand x 63] 4]] 2) (fset 'b64-encode #[(str) " !GV OQ Ok P*" [b64-encode-internal str "" y x 76 0 "\n" nil] 5 "\ Do base64 encoding on string STR and return the encoded string. This code was converted to lisp code by me from the C code in ftp://cs.utk.edu/pub/MIME/b64encode.c. Returns a string that is broken into 76 byte lines."]) (fset 'b64-encode-internal #[(str) "GVO!O!PGUHHH \"\" \"\"\n\"# ! ! ! !%GUHH \"\" \"\"\" ! ! !$GUH \"\"! ! !#," [0 nil w3 w2 w1 word str 3 b64-encode-internal 1 2 logior lsh logand 255 16 8 format "%c%c%c%c" b0 b1 b2 b3 "%c%c%c=" "%c%c==" ""] 7 "\ Do base64 encoding on string STR and return the encoded string. This code was converted to lisp code by me from the C code in ftp://cs.utk.edu/pub/MIME/b64encode.c. Returns the entire string, not broken up into 76 byte lines."]) (fset 'w3-uuencode-buffer #[(&optional buff) "pq!ed ʼn&!)" [buff w3-lazy-message "UUencoding..." call-process-region w3-uuencode-program t nil "w3-temp-file" "UUencoding... done."] 8 "\ UUencode buffer BUFF, with a default of the current buffer."]) (fset 'w3-uudecode-buffer #[(&optional buff) "p qeb#\nP!!ed #! \n!!я*" [buff w3-generate-unique-filename newname re-search-forward "^begin [0-9][0-9][0-9] \\(.*\\)$" nil t replace-match "begin 600 " w3-lazy-message "UUdecoding..." call-process-region w3-uudecode-program erase-buffer insert-file-contents "UUdecoding... done." (delete-file newname) ((error))] 4 "\ UUdecode buffer BUFF, with a default of the current buffer."]) (fset 'w3-decode-pgp/pem #[(arg) " " [mc-decrypt-message w3-parse-mime-headers] 1 "\ Decode a pgp/pem response from an HTTP/1.0 server. This expects the decoded message to contain all the necessary HTTP/1.0 headers to correctly act on the decoded message (new content-type, etc)."]) (defvar w3-basic-auth-storage nil "\ Where usernames and passwords are stored. Its value is an assoc list of assoc lists. The first assoc list is keyed by the server name. The cdr of this is an assoc list based on the 'directory' specified by the url we are looking up.") (fset 'w3-public-key-exists #[(entity scheme) "\n=!q  &eb#\n=!qeb #\n\"p!) )" [nil retval scheme pgp get-buffer-create " *keytmp*" erase-buffer call-process mc-pgp-path t "+batchmode" "-kxaf" entity search-forward mc-pgp-key-begin-line pem find-file-noselect mc-ripem-pubkeyfile message "Bad value for SCHEME in w3-public-key-exists %S" kill-buffer] 8 "\ Return t iff a key for ENTITY exists using public key system SCHEME. ENTITY is the username/hostname combination we are checking for. SCHEME is a symbol representing what public key encryption program to use. Currently only 'pgp (Pretty Good Privacy) and 'pem (RIPEM) are recognized."]) (fset 'w3-get-server-keys #[(entity &optional scheme) "  \"Ī \" \" \"#! !))" [scheme mc-default-scheme w3-public-key-exists entity nil string-match "\\([^@]+\\)@\\(.*\\)" " *w3-get-keys*" w3-working-buffer w3-retrieve format "gopher://%s:79/0%s/w" w3-match 1 2 mc-snarf-keys kill-buffer] 7 "\ Make sure the key for ENTITY exists using SCHEME. ENTITY is the username/hostname combination to get the info for. This should be a string you could pass to 'finger'. SCHEME is a symbol representing what public key encryption program to use. Currently only 'pgp (Pretty Good Privacy) and 'pem (RIPEM) are recognized."]) (fset 'w3-fetch-with-pgp #[(url recipient type) "! !\"lj \n  \"!q \n  \"ebQ#e`|   =۪ =#B =᪇ =\"BD)!!!+" [noninteractive require mailcrypt w3-create-mime-request url w3-view-this-url t nil w3-request-extra-headers w3-request-data request w3-get-server-keys recipient type get-buffer-create " *w3-encryption*" erase-buffer "\n\n" mail-header-separator "\n" mc-encrypt-message re-search-forward buffer-string "Authorized" format "%s entity=\"%s\"" pgp "PGP" pem "PEM" w3-pgp/pem-entity "Content-type" "application/x-www-%s-reply" "pgp" "pem" kill-buffer w3-retrieve w3-parse-relative-link "/"] 6 "\ Retrieve a document with public-key authentication. URL is the url to request from the server. RECIPIENT is the server's entity name (usually webmaster@host) TYPE is a symbol representing what public key encryption program to use. Currently only 'pgp (Pretty Good Privacy) and 'pem (RIPEM) are recognized."]) (fset 'w3-basic-auth #[(url &optional prompt overwrite) " !@\nA@Q\n8 \n  \"\n \"!  #! BD B  \n\" \n \n@@!P\"\n@A \n@@!!P\"\n@A \nA\nH  \"!  #!  \"\n B\nAB ." [w3-grok-http-href url href ":" server 2 path nil user pass byserv retval assoc w3-basic-auth-storage prompt read-string "Username: " user-real-login-name w3-passwd-entry-func "Password: " b64-encode format "%s:%s" string-match regexp-quote "/*[^/]+" w3-basepath overwrite] 8 "\ Get the username/password for the specified URL. If optional argument PROMPT is non-nil, ask for the username/password to use for the url and its descendants. If optional third argument OVERWRITE is non-nil, overwrite the old username/password pair if it is found in the assoc list."]) (byte-code "!M" [boundp MULE string-width length] 2) (fset 'w3-truncate-string #[(str len &optional pad) "! !ĉ ! X8! \\ XTi\" \" ĉO  !Z\"P + G V  O  G VϪ GZ\"P" [boundp MULE string-to-char-list str 0 sw n cl string-width len char-width string-match make-string 46 pad ""] 5 "\ Truncate string STR so that string-width of STR is not greater than LEN. If width of the truncated string is less than LEN, and if a character PAD is defined, add padding end of it."]) (fset 'w3-split #[(str del) " \" ƉO ƕO \"h D\nB` Ț D\nB\n*" [nil y x string-match del str 0 "^[ \\ ]+$" ""] 3 "\ Split the string STR, with DEL (a regular expression) as the delimiter. Returns an assoc list that you can use with completing-read."]) (fset 'w3-handle-form #[(num) "eb#Ŕŕ\"‰ \n   \"A\"A!B#ޔޕB@b#ޕޔB``BAA\"@@|\"A\"A\"A \"A! \"A!\n \" ꘫ\"\"AB욬횫 욫 ƚ    \n1 2B2dP!!   # @b !@`9   \n1 %\"ƪ!d." [re-search-forward "]*\\)>" nil t w3-parse-args 1 "" formatfun options prompt maxlength size checked value default name type input nd st tmp method action args assoc "method" "GET" "action" w3-view-url "" "type" "text" "name" "value" string-to-int "size" "20" "maxlength" "10000" "checked" "SUBMIT" "src" "CHECKBOX" "RADIO" "on" "HIDDEN" w3form num w3-hidden-forms intern "w3-form-format-" fboundp w3-form-format-unknown w3-insert w3-add-zone w3-node-style w3-member ("CHECKBOX" "RADIO") " "] 18 "\ Parse a form, expecting the region to be narrowed between the
tags."]) (fset 'w3-form-format-int #[(&rest args) " @ A@#" [w3-truncate-string args "" 95] 4 "\ Format an integer entry field"]) (byte-code "MMM" [w3-form-format-url w3-form-format-int w3-form-format-float w3-form-format-date] 2) (fset 'w3-form-format-reset #[(&rest args) "@‡@" [args "" "Reset fields"] 2 "\ Format a reset button"]) (fset 'w3-form-format-password #[(&rest args) "@A@G\nY\n\" G\" G\nY\n GZ\"P*" [args "" size value make-string 42 46] 5 "\ Format a password entry field"]) (fset 'w3-form-format-checkbox #[(&rest args) " 8\nŪ\")" [2 args checked format "[%s]" "X" " "] 3 "\ Format a checkbox entry"]) (fset 'w3-form-format-radio 'w3-form-format-checkbox) (fset 'w3-form-format-submit #[(&rest args) "@‡@" [args "" "Submit this form"] 2 "\ Format a form submit button"]) (fset 'w3-form-format-text #[(&rest args) " @ A@#" [w3-truncate-string args 95] 4 "\ Format a text field"]) (defun w3-form-format-textarea (&rest args) "\ Format a multiline text box" "Multiline text entry") (byte-code "MM" [w3-form-format- w3-form-format-text w3-form-format-unknown] 2) (fset 'w3-handle-textareas #[(num action) " \n   eb#єӔӕ\"!#!є` {\n\n \"A |! `   \n  %. " ["TEXTAREA" nil 100 input nd st options maxlength size checked value default name type re-search-forward "]*\\)>\\\n*" t 0 w3-parse-args 1 replace-match "" "\\n*]*>\\\n*" assoc "name" w3-insert "Multiline Text Entry Area" w3-add-zone w3-node-style w3form action num] 16 "\ Handle %s\n" name x default "CHECKED" ""] 7] "\n" w3-truncate-string w3-form-format-text w3-add-zone w3-node-style w3form action num] 16 "\ Handle " "Text:" "askp" "%s\n
  • %s" "Password:" "askl" "%s\n
  • %s" "select" "choose" "%s\n
  • %s" "\n
  • "] 7 "\ Convert a Gopher+ ASK block into a form. Returns a string to be inserted into a buffer to create the form."]) (fset 'w3-grok-gopher-link #[(st nd) "\" S\nU? \n{ O P \n ." [nil gopher+ port server selector type mapcar #[(var) "b\nw `{\"`T" [st "^ \n" nd set-variable var] 4] (type selector server port) st nd 0 1] 5 "\ Return a list of link attributes from a gopher string. Order is: title, type, selector string, server, port, gopher-plus?"]) (fset 'w3-format-gopher-link #[(gophobj) "@A@@GV@O888 \n    ÚGVO O \"A! \"A ê ՚ \n P & ؚ \n P &  \n P !&." [gophobj 0 1 "" 2 3 4 nil desc plus port serv type ref title assoc w3-gopher-labels "(UNK)" fboundp w3-insert-graphic w3-gopher-icons "8" format "
  • %s %s\n" "T" "
  • %s %s\n" "
  • %s %s\n" w3-hexify-string] 8 "\ Insert a gopher link as an tag"]) (fset 'w3-gopher-clean-text #[(&optional buffer) " q\"\"\"" [buffer w3-working-buffer w3-replace-regexp " $" "" "^\\.\\\n" "^\\. *$\\\n*"] 3 "\ Clean up text from gopher retrieval"]) (fset 'w3-parse-gopher #[(&optional buffer) "!\"!\"!\"\"eb!!umϊy`)`)\"Bye ՘֘טت\"\"O##!!*" [w3-replace-regexp regexp-quote "&" "&" ">" ">" "<" "<" "\\\n*\\.\\\n*\\'" "\n" looking-at delete-char 1 nil objs w3-grok-gopher-link 0 erase-buffer w3-insert "" w3-current-file "" "1/" "1" "Gopher root" string-match format "^[%s]+/" w3-gopher-types 2 "
      " mapconcat w3-format-gopher-link "
    "] 6 "\ Parse out a gopher response"]) (fset 'w3-gopher-retrieve #[(host port selector &optional wait-for) "\n ; ! $Ɖp \n     GV O \n;\n! \n P\"eb#\n!>f=f\n>!! e|f=f= ebe`|f=f= ebe`| d d_ $d\"\n!R\"\"!!u)," [w3-open-stream "*gopher*" w3-working-buffer host port string-to-int nil buff parsed len proc w3-clear-tmp-buffer selector w3-current-file w3-current-port w3-current-server w3-current-last-buffer "gopher" w3-current-type 0 1 message process-send-string "\n" wait-for re-search-forward t w3-process-status (run open) 43 2 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 copy-marker read 45 w3-lazy-message "Read %d of %d bytes (%d%%)" 100 "Read %d bytes." w3-accept-process-output (w3-kill-process proc) ((error)) w3-replace-regexp "\\\n*Connection closed.*\\\n*" "" "\\\n*Process .*gopher.*\\\n*" looking-at " " delete-char] 11 "\ Fetch a gopher object and don't mess with it at all"]) (fset 'w3-do-gopher-cso-search #[(descr) "@A@8‰ \" \" \" \" #$eb\"\"\"eb &db!-" [descr 2 nil search-term search-type file port host string-match "search-by=\\([^&]+\\)" w3-match 1 "search-term=\\([^&]+\\)" w3-gopher-retrieve format "2query %s=%s" "^[2-9]" w3-replace-regexp "^-[0-9][0-9][0-9]:[0-9]*:" "" "^[^15][0-9][0-9]:.*" "^[15][0-9][0-9]:\\(.*\\)" "


    " w3-insert "Results of CSO search\n" "

    " " = " "

    \n" "
    "] 7 "\ Do a gopher CSO search and return a plaintext document"]) (fset 'w3-do-gopher #[(descr) "@A@888p \n ̚ \"!̚ &ܚ \" \n #ܚ \" ቔO OQ  \n #ܚ !!!! \n #= \n P#= \n P#eb#`T#d{. .!!)ߚ񚬌 򚬆К ߚ 򚫎! !56!5 7\n8 9:<." [descr 2 3 4 nil parse-gopher buff extr type file port host "www/gopher-cso-search" string-match "search-by=" w3-do-gopher-cso-search "text/html" w3-clear-tmp-buffer w3-insert " CSO SEARCH \n" "

    This is a CSO search

    \n" "
    \n" "
  • Search by: \n
  • Search for: \n" "
  • \n" "

  • " t "www/gopher-search" "\\ " w3-gopher-retrieve "www/gopher" "\\?" 0 " " "Gopher Server\n" "

    Searchable Gopher Index

    " "
    Enter the search keywords below

    " "

    " gopher+ " +" ask-block " !" re-search-forward "^\\+ASK:[ \\ \\ ]*" "^\\+[^:]+:" x erase-buffer w3-convert-ask-to-form "text/plain" "" w3-gopher-clean-text w3-mime-viewer w3-current-mime-viewer w3-current-mime-type w3-current-file w3-current-port w3-current-server w3-current-last-buffer "gopher" w3-current-type] 9 "\ Fetch a gopher object"]) (fset 'w3-decimal-to-roman #[(n) "É  Y  Y    _Z ̦U Vʪ\\SHH$ YH# Z WSH# Ti ӥ Z." [1000 "" 7 nil curcnt k i2 j str curmod 1 n 5 4 0 format "%s%c%c" w3-roman-characters "%s%c" 10 2] 7 "\ Convert from decimal to roman numerals"]) (fset 'w3-expand-list #[(data) " A@ 8\")" [nil buffer-read-only w3-unhide-zone data 2] 4 "\ Expand a list that has been hidden."]) (fset 'w3-rehide-list #[(data) " A@ 8\")" [nil buffer-read-only w3-hide-zone data 2] 4 "\ Hide a list that was viewable."]) (fset 'w3-build-table #[(indent-level attributes) "q\n\"\nS\"A8 eb Q\" R\"\"*" [w3-working-buffer make-string indent-level 9 assoc "DL" w3-list-chars-assoc "*" y x w3-replace-regexp "[ \\ \\\n]*]*>[ \\ \\\n]*" "\n" " " "[ \\ \\\n]*]*>[ \\ \\\n]*" " " "]*>"] 6 "\ Build a Definition List"]) (fset 'w3-build-ordered-list #[(indent-level &optional attributes) "\n\"\n\"AėŚ\n\"A \n qebS\"A8͉\"eb#̔̕\"!\"A\"A\n!\"$!!C`SS\"A8$!T.eb\" ??eb!`d\"e` `͓ d͓E%+" [assoc "roman" attributes "folded" "no" "yes" "label" "\\/ Expand List \\/" label hidden roman w3-working-buffer 1 nil indent-level "OL" w3-list-chars-assoc "." make-string 9 tabs alt url parm z y x re-search-forward "]*\\)>[ \\ ]*" t w3-parse-args replace-match "" "src" "alt" format "\n%s%3s%s " w3-decimal-to-roman "%d" w3-insert fboundp w3-insert-graphic center w3-replace-regexp "]*>" "\n" w3-hide-zone w3-add-zone w3expandlist make-marker] 9 "\ Builds ordered lists"]) (fset 'w3-build-unordered-list #[(indent-level attributes) "\n\"A×Ě\n\"\n\"A \n  AÚ?  qeb\"PS\"A8Ӊ#ݔݕ\"!\"A\"A #H \"4!C`SS\"A8$ !-eb\"\n??eb!`d\"e` `ӓ dӓE%+" [assoc "folded" attributes "no" "yes" "plain" "label" "\\/ Expand List \\/" label plain hidden w3-working-buffer "\n" make-string indent-level 9 "UL" w3-list-chars-assoc "*" nil alt url parm y x re-search-forward "]*\\)>" t w3-parse-args 1 replace-match "" "src" "alt" w3-insert " " fboundp w3-insert-graphic center w3-replace-regexp "]*>" w3-hide-zone w3-add-zone w3expandlist make-marker] 10 "\ Build unordered lists"]) (fset 'w3-handle-lists #[(indent-level) "{”•\"! bT{”•\"_`G G\\\\Z\"#`d}͚ \"Ϛ \" \"\"~+" [1 w3-parse-args 2 nil pos parm type w3-sublists-exist indent-level re-search-forward format "" t "OL" w3-build-ordered-list "DL" w3-build-table w3-build-unordered-list w3-fill-paragraphs-in-list] 5 "\ Handle building of lists - INDENT-LEVEL is how many tabs to use to indent from the left margin."]) (fset 'w3-fill-paragraphs-in-list #[(indent-level type) "\"eb \"ǚȪPʉ   Q\"eb#y` `   }eb#הו{ Ք  GY Oٚ#UP! \"G `  הוOʉB$(#y!oed\").," [w3-replace-regexp "\\\n\\\n+" "\n" make-string indent-level 9 type "OL" " " " " nil ptag nd st fill-prefix "<[bB][Rr]> *" "\n" "" re-search-forward "^[^\\\n]" t 0 " *]*\\)> *" 1 2 "re" "" replace-match "\n\n" string-match "ID=\"\\([^\"]+\\)\"" w3-add-zone w3-default-style w3par "^[^\\ ]" insert-before-markers fill-region] 13 "\ This will fill all the paragraphs within the current list. INDENT-LEVEL is the number of tabs to use as the leading fill."]) (fset 'w3-sublists-exist #[(type) "` \"#`db#`+" [thestart re-search-forward format "" type nil t newend "<\\(DL\\|OL\\|UL\\|DIR\\|MENU\\)\\([^>]*\\)>"] 4 "\ Figure out if there are sublists in the current list. Expects point to be _AFTER_ the current list tag, and type to be bound to what sort of list it is (OL, UL, DL, MENU, etc)"]) (fset 'w3-do-lists #[nil "e b#!\nT\n\"\"b*" [0 last tmp re-search-forward "<\\(DL\\|OL\\|UL\\|DIR\\|MENU\\)\\([^>]*\\)>" nil t w3-handle-lists 1 w3-lazy-message "Building lists...%s" make-string 46] 5]) (fset 'w3-parse-mime-types #[(&optional fname) " ! ! ! \"!q !\"\"\"eb#ؔؕ{ٕٔ{!\n\"\"^\n@! \n@ B!B!\nAcp!," [nil x extns mtype fname expand-file-name "~/.mime-types" file-exists-p file-readable-p error "%s is non-existant or unreadable." get-buffer-create " *mime-types*" erase-buffer insert-file-contents w3-replace-regexp "#.*" "" "\\\n+" "\n" "[ \\ ]+$" re-search-forward "^\\([^ \\ \\\n]+\\)[ \\ ]+\\(.*\\)[ \\ ]*\\\n+" t 1 2 replace-match mapcar #[(x) " @P" ["." x] 2] w3-split "[ \\ \\.]+" w3-extension-to-mime w3-mime-mimetypes-overrides w3-mime-extensions kill-buffer] 6 "\ Parse out the ~/.mime-types files"]) (fset 'w3-parse-mailcap #[(&optional fname) "!!!!!\"\"!q\"!) !\"\"\"!P\"ebm?Kw`w `\" `{w`w `\" fU窋` U窃 `{ww`w fU T`}ebp!db~ `{` `\".\"\n! #j\n \n#  BCB.B.j A\" B ABj3 A\"5 5 )j #j." [nil old-major info viewer save-pos minor major fname file-exists-p expand-file-name "~/.mailcap" file-readable-p error "%s is non-existant or unreadable" 0 get-buffer-create " *mailcap*" string-match w3-nonrelative-link w3-working-buffer w3-retrieve erase-buffer insert-file-contents w3-replace-regexp "#.*" "" "\\\n+" "\\\n" "\\\\[ \\ \\\n]+" " " regexp-quote "\\" "[ \\ ]*\\\n" " \\ \\\n" "^/;" downcase-region "/ \\ \\\n" "^;" 42 ".*" "; \\ \\\n" "^;\\\n" 39 read w3-parse-mailcap-extras assoc w3-mime-viewers w3-mailcap-entry-passes-test message "%s/%s failed test clause..." w3-mime-mailcap-handle-info w3-mime-mailcap-overrides w3-in-assoc tmp "Skipping %s/%s from mailcap..."] 7 "\ Parse out the ~/.mailcap file"]) (fset 'w3-mailcap-entry-passes-test #[(info) " \"A \"\"@š A@ʚ 8̚ 8͚!Ъ @š A@Қ 8̚ 8͚!Ѫ @ A& *К" [nil assoc "test" info test status mapcar car w3-split " +" "-n" 2 "$DISPLAY" "\"$DISPLAY\"" getenv "DISPLAY" 0 1 "-z" apply call-process] 8 "\ Return t iff a mailcap entry passes its test clause or no test clause is present."]) (fset 'w3-parse-mailcap-extras #[(st nd) "}ebmw`w\n`\"\n`{w`fUw`w`{ B BC ." [nil val-pos name-pos results value name st nd " \\\n\\ " "^ \\\n\\ =" downcase-region " \\ \\\n" 0 61 " \\ \\\n=" "^;"] 6 "\ Grab all the extra stuff from a mailcap entry"]) (fset 'w3-mime-mailcap-handle-info #[(major minor info) " Q\"A B B \"A B B \"A B B \"A BB\"A BB\"A BB*" [nil major "/" minor typ tmp assoc "label" info w3-mime-descriptions "description" "compose" w3-mime-composers "edit" w3-mime-editors "print" w3-mime-printers "x11-bitmap" w3-mime-bitmaps] 4]) (fset 'w3-mime-viewer #[(encoding) "\"ÉOÔTO \" \n  \"\n\n," [encoding "/" string-match 0 major nil minor assoc w3-mime-viewers alist viewr w3-in-assoc] 3 "\ Get the mime viewer command for ENCODING, return nil if none found. Expects an argument like text/html, or application/dvi"]) (fset 'w3-parse-viewer-types #[nil "@A@@A j GǦ @@RG\\V @@̘ͪ @@$ @@̘ͪ @@$ A? O," [w3-mime-viewers nil "" str mnr mjr tmp 60 ", " "/" format "%s\nAccept: %s/%s" ".*" "*" "%s, %s/%s" 2] 7 "\ Create a string usable for an Accept: header from w3-mime-viewere"]) (fset 'w3-create-multipart-request #[(file-list) "  #P # Q+B" [current-time-string "message/http-request" nil ref-url content separator "separator-" mapconcat #[(char) " >!Ç" [char w3-mime-separator-chars char-to-string ""] 2] "" #[(file) " \"" ["--" separator "\nContent-type: " content "\n\n" w3-create-mime-request file ref-url] 8] file-list "\n" "--"] 6 "\ Create a multi-part MIME request for all files in FILE-LIST"]) (fset 'w3-create-mime-request #[(fname ref-url) " \n\"! #͚P҉̰\n ! !\"QG#&\n+\"" [w3-member w3-current-server w3-bad-server-list w3-view-url t url nil extra-headers request mapconcat #[(x) "@AQ" [x ": "] 3] w3-request-extra-headers "\n" "" format "%s %s HTTP/1.0\n" "From: %s\n" "Accept-encoding: x-compress; x-gzip\n" "%s" "Accept: %s\n" "User-Agent: Emacs-W3/%s\n" w3-request-method "GET" fname w3-personal-mail-address w3-basic-auth "Authorization: Basic %s\n" w3-mime-accept-string w3-version-number ref-url "Referer: " w3-request-data "Content-length: %d\n\n%s" "GET %s\n"] 15 "\ Create a MIME request for fname, referred to by REF-URL."]) (fset 'w3-parse-mime-headers #[(&optional no-delete) "qeebw#`Td \n  }ebwwp!  B B mw`w`\"`{\nw`w`{ \n B B I | \"A \"A!  U U U U \"A\"\"\"\"剔O\"&&Q!*&뚬&욫\"\"/\"\"&!#*!*!*!!#!!db\"$+ U U U U U U! \"AՁ@ \"AՁA \"ABCD*DCEFD!)dbGH\"+ IUJ!~ ." [w3-working-buffer st " \\ \\\n" nil re-search-forward "^ *$" t nd save-pos status hname hvalu result "^ \\ " read "status" "^:\\\n" downcase-region ": \\ " "^;\\\n" no-delete assoc "content-type" w3-current-mime-type "content-encoding" w3-current-mime-encoding w3-mime-viewer w3-current-mime-viewer w3-current-mime-headers 500 501 400 401 "www-authenticate" y string-match "[ \\ ]" 0 type intern "w3-" "-auth" x "pem" "pgp" "entity=\"\\([^\"]+\\)\"" w3-fetch-with-pgp w3-current-file w3-match 1 fboundp w3-view-url w3-retrieve w3-insert "
    Sorry, but I do not know how to handle" " authentication. If you'd like to write it," " send it to wmperry@indiana.edu.
    " 402 403 404 301 302 303 "uri" "location" "method" "GET" redirmeth redir w3-request-method w3-maybe-relative "
    Error! This URL tried to redirect me to itself!

    " "Please notify the server maintainer." 204 kill-buffer] 7 "\ Parse mime headers and remove them from the html"]) (fset 'w3-lf-to-crlf #[(str) "\n#" [mapconcat #[(x) "U‡!" [x 10 " \n" char-to-string] 2] str ""] 4 "\ Convert all linefeeds to carriage-return-line-feed pairs in string STR"]) (fset 'w3-mime-response-p #[nil "q šeb\"!!#!ebw!" [w3-working-buffer w3-current-type "http" re-search-forward regexp-quote w3-lf-to-crlf w3-create-mime-request w3-current-file ".*" nil t replace-match "" " \\ \\\n" looking-at "^HTTP/.+"] 6 "\ Determine if the current buffer is a MIME response"]) (fset 'w3-parse-global-history #[(&optional fname) "\n!!\"!q !ebye`|#ϔϕ{ʔʕ{BBg)" [fname expand-file-name w3-global-history-file file-exists-p message "%s does not exist." get-buffer-create " *w3-tmp*" erase-buffer insert-file-contents 2 re-search-forward "^\\([^ \\ ]+\\)[ \\ ]+\\(.*\\)" nil t 1 w3-global-history-completion-list] 4 "\ Parse out the mosaic global history file for completions, etc."]) (fset 'w3-write-global-history #[(&optional fname) "  ! \"!q !!q ! \") !p!" [fname w3-global-history-file file-exists-p message "Creating history file %s." get-buffer-create " *W3HIST*" erase-buffer w3-insert "ncsa-mosaic-history-format-1\nGlobal\n" insert-file-contents nil url mapcar #[(x) "@eb !#?eb R!" [x url re-search-forward regexp-quote nil t w3-insert " " current-time-string "\n"] 5] w3-history-list write-file kill-buffer] 3 "\ Write the global history file into w3-global-history-file" nil]) (fset 'w3-parse-docs-menu #[nil "\n#ĉ \n ! !!!q  !ebm!y``{Td^|y``{Td^| \n\"\n B\nB\n+\nB\ne`Td^|p!)\n@@ښ\nA\n\n\n@@ۚܪ\n@@\n@A<\n@A@\n@AD# B \nA\nM  C# ." [append ((separator)) w3-starting-documents ((separator)) nil url name y x real-menu tmp-menu file-exists-p w3-documents-menu-file file-readable-p message "No documents menu found... continuing." get-buffer-create " *w3-temp*" erase-buffer insert-file-contents looking-at "-+$" 0 w3-rassoc (separator) kill-buffer "" separator "--------" vector w3-fetch t w3-navigate-menu "-----"] 7 "\ Parse the Mosaic documents menu"]) (fset 'w3-hotlist-refresh #[nil " " [w3-parse-hotlist] 1 "\ Reload the default hotlist file into memory" nil]) (fset 'w3-hotlist-delete #[nil "! ! \"$\"@ !q ! !#!y`y`| ! \"p! #*)=! " [w3-hotlist message "No hotlist in memory!" file-exists-p w3-hotlist-file "Hotlist file %s does not exist." assoc completing-read "Delete Document: " nil t title get-buffer-create " *HOTW3*" buffer erase-buffer insert-file-contents re-search-forward regexp-quote previous-line 1 0 2 write-file w3-delete-from-alist kill-buffer "%s was not found in %s" w3-running-FSF19 window-system x delete-menu-item ("Navigate") w3-build-FSF19-menu] 7 "\ Deletes a document from your hotlist file" nil]) (fset 'w3-hotlist-rename-entry #[(title) "! !! \" !! \"\n\"\"!\"!nq !!eb\n!#!y`y`|A@ $!A@D\n\"B !p!'(! \n #-" [w3-hotlist error "No hotlist in memory!" file-exists-p expand-file-name w3-hotlist-file "Hotlist file %s does not exist." file-readable-p "Hotlist file %s exists, but is unreadable." assoc title mapcar car get-buffer-create " *HOTW3*" nil new buff used obj w3-member read-string "New name: " erase-buffer insert-file-contents re-search-forward regexp-quote t previous-line 1 0 2 w3-insert format "%s %s\n%s\n" current-time-string w3-delete-from-alist write-file kill-buffer w3-running-FSF19 window-system delete-menu-item ("Navigate") w3-build-FSF19-menu message "%s was not found in %s"] 7 "\ Rename a personal annotation" (byte-code "\n$C" [completing-read "Rename entry: " w3-hotlist nil t] 5)]) (fset 'w3-hotlist-append #[(fname) " ! )" [w3-hotlist x w3-parse-hotlist fname] 2 "\ Append a hotlist to the one in memory" "fAppend hotlist file: "]) (fset 'w3-parse-hotlist #[(&optional fname) " !\"p!\n  \nq !eb#!s!`d#הו{ yy``{ Ӛ[  D BQ\n!q," [fname w3-hotlist-file nil w3-hotlist file-exists-p message "%s does not exist!" old-buffer get-buffer-create " *HOTW3*" buffer cur-link cur-alias erase-buffer insert-file-contents re-search-forward "^\n" t replace-match "" goto-line 3 "^[^ ]*" 0 1 kill-buffer] 5 "\ Read in the hotlist specified by FNAME"]) (fset 'w3-use-hotlist #[nil " \n!\n$\n\"A@\n\n!)" [w3-setup-done w3-do-setup w3-hotlist message "No hotlist in memory!" assoc completing-read "Goto Document: " nil t url w3-fetch] 6 "\ Possibly go to a link in your W3/Mosaic hotlist. This is part of the emacs World Wide Web browser. It will prompt for one of the items in your 'hotlist'. A hotlist is a list of often visited or interesting items you have found on the World Wide Web." nil]) (fset 'w3-hotlist-add-document-at-point #[(pref-arg) "!!`!!8 #*" [w3-view-this-url t "nil" title url error "No link under point." 3 w3-zone-data w3-zone-at w3-hotlist-add-document pref-arg] 5 "\ Add the document pointed to by the hyperlink under point to the hotlist." "P"]) (fset 'w3-hotlist-add-document #[(pref-arg &optional the-title the-url) "! !  !  C\"!\nq  DB!\"!!!db! &!p!, !=! " [get-buffer-create " *HOTW3*" buffer the-title pref-arg read-string "Title: " buffer-name title the-url w3-view-url t url w3-rassoc w3-hotlist error "That item already in hotlist, use w3-hotlist-rename-entry." erase-buffer file-exists-p w3-hotlist-file message "Creating hotlist file %s" w3-insert "ncsa-xmosaic-hotlist-format-1\nDefault\n\n" backward-char 1 insert-file-contents "\n" " " current-time-string write-file kill-buffer w3-running-FSF19 window-system x delete-menu-item ("Navigate") w3-build-FSF19-menu] 7 "\ Add this documents url to the hotlist" "P"]) (fset 'w3-fetch-annotations #[nil "!!\"ȉ \n  !qdb!)!$ ! !  \" !> Tڦ U\nTݦ\n\"\" !V !Ꮘ O!\"\"," [w3-group-annotation-server error "No group annotation server defined!" format "ANN_GET /url=\"%s\";=\n" w3-view-url t nil 0 tmp2 tmp proc cmd get-buffer-create w3-working-buffer w3-insert "\n" w3-open-stream "*anno*" w3-group-annotation-port message "Fetching annotations..." processp process-send-string w3-process-status (run open) 200 "Fetching annotations..%s" make-string 50 46 w3-accept-process-output (w3-kill-process proc) ((error)) w3-replace-regexp regexp-quote -1 "" "Process .*anno.* \\(exit\\|kill\\|finish\\).*"] 5 "\ Fetch the annotations for the current document"]) (fset 'w3-is-annotation #[nil " ! U" [w3-current-server w3-group-annotation-server string-to-int w3-current-port w3-group-annotation-port] 2 "\ Is this a group annotation?"]) (fset 'w3-delete-group-annotation #[nil "! !\"ȉp \n  !q !$  !  \" !> !qُ !\"\"eb  !#eb#\n\n)\nȉ\"!,!" [w3-group-annotation-server error "No group annotation server defined!" w3-is-annotation format "ANN_DELETE /url=\"%s\";=\n" w3-view-url t nil buff parseit proc cmd get-buffer-create w3-working-buffer erase-buffer w3-open-stream "*anno*" w3-group-annotation-port processp process-send-string w3-process-status (run open) w3-accept-process-output (w3-kill-process proc) ((error)) w3-replace-regexp regexp-quote "" "Process .*anno.* exit.*" w3-current-type "historylist" w3-current-file w3-current-last-buffer re-search-forward "[^ \n]+" "success!" w3-sentinel message "Deleted..." "This is not an annotation."] 5 "\ Delete this group annotation" nil]) (fset 'w3-add-group-annotation #[nil "!! ! ! q !  #!*" [w3-view-url t get-buffer-create "*Annotation*" buf url w3-mutable-windows pop-to-buffer switch-to-buffer erase-buffer w3-insert "\n\n" html-mode w3-current-annotation define-key html-mode-map "" w3-do-group-annotation message "Hit C-cC-c to send this annotation."] 4 "\ Add an annotation to the current url" nil]) (fset 'w3-do-group-annotation #[nil "  Ǫ $\" # & p!!q !$\"!>!q䏈!\"\"eb)+#)Ӊ\"!-" [buffer-size bufsize buffer-string bufstr format "ANN_%s /url=\"%s\";title=\"%s\";user=\"%s\";date=%s;length=%d;=%s\n" w3-editing-annotation "CHANGE" "SET" w3-current-annotation read-string "Title: " "Annotation by %s (%s@%s)" user-full-name user-real-login-name system-name "%s@%s" current-time-string cmd nil proc parseit not-modified kill-buffer get-buffer-create w3-working-buffer erase-buffer w3-open-stream "*anno*" w3-group-annotation-server w3-group-annotation-port process-send-string w3-process-status (run open) w3-accept-process-output (w3-kill-process proc) ((error)) w3-replace-regexp regexp-quote "" "Process .*anno.* exit.*" w3-current-type "historylist" w3-current-file re-search-forward "[^ \n]+" t w3-sentinel message "Annotation delivered..."] 11 "\ Finish adding an annotation" nil]) (fset 'w3-parse-personal-annotations #[nil " \"! \"!ʼn \n !q \"!eb\"ebey`|mdSfUdb!)d`U` `u\n \n{  \"O  \"TO\"L@@@@!DDBAc!." [file-exists-p format "%s/LOG" w3-personal-annotation-directory file-readable-p nil w3-personal-annotations num url txt end start get-buffer-create " *panno*" erase-buffer insert-file-contents w3-replace-regexp "\\\n+" "\\\n" 2 10 w3-insert "\n" 1 0 string-match " " w3-split "[ \\ ]" w3-grok-annotation-format kill-buffer] 6 "\ Read in personal annotation file"]) (fset 'w3-grok-annotation-format #[(anno) "!q #!#!eb#͔͕{!)" [get-buffer-create " *annotmp*" erase-buffer file-exists-p format "%s/PAN-%s.html" w3-personal-annotation-directory anno insert-file-contents re-search-forward "\\(.*\\)" nil t 1 "No title" kill-buffer] 5 "\ Grab the title from an annotation"]) (fset 'w3-fetch-personal-annotations #[nil "!\n \" @@ !Uͪ @A@@ @A@A@% B AS +" [w3-view-url t w3-personal-annotations nil annolist anno url assoc format "%s" string-to-char w3-personal-annotation-directory 47 "" "/"] 7 "\ Grab any personal annotations for the current url"]) (fset 'w3-is-personal-annotation #[(url) "\n\"" [string-match "file:/.*/PAN-.*\\.html" url] 3 "\ Is URL a personal annotation?"]) (fset 'w3-delete-personal-annotation #[nil "!!É !\"!ʔʕO  @A@@ @@ Ak!q \"!\"\"eb\"!Éed\"#+!   @A@@ @ B Ak#!)!+!" [w3-is-personal-annotation w3-view-url t nil w3-personal-annotations anno annotated-url num string-match "file:/.*/PAN-\\(.*\\)\\.html" 1 get-buffer-create " *annotmp*" erase-buffer insert-file-contents format "%s/LOG" w3-personal-annotation-directory replace-regexp "[ \\ ]+\\b%s\\b[ \\ ]*" " " delete-matching-lines "^%s +$" require-final-newline version-control make-backup-files write-region kill-buffer delete-file "%s/PAN-%s.html" message "Couldn't find url that this is annotating!" "This isn't a personal annotation."] 7 "\ Delete a personal annotation." nil]) (fset 'w3-add-personal-annotation #[nil "!! q ! ! !  #!*" [w3-view-url t get-buffer-create "*Personal Annotation*" buf url w3-mutable-windows pop-to-buffer switch-to-buffer erase-buffer w3-insert "\n\n" html-mode w3-current-annotation define-key html-mode-map "" w3-do-personal-annotation message "Hit C-cC-c to send this annotation."] 4 "\ Add an annotation to this document." nil]) (fset 'w3-find-highest-annotation-number #[nil "eb#Ȕȕ{\"\" i  \"@T)" [nil x re-search-forward "[^ \\ \\\n]*[ \\ ]\\(.*\\)" t mapcar #[(x) " @!" [string-to-int x] 2] w3-split 1 "[ \\ ]" (0) sort >] 5 "\ Find the highest annotation number in this buffer"]) (fset 'w3-do-personal-annotation #[nil "!!! #\"͉ p!!q \"!\"!eb!!eb !#eb!#!db#!͉%&'ed\"# *$! %!\"ed#+DD/B/." [w3-personal-annotation-directory file-exists-p file-directory-p error "No personal annotation directory!" w3-current-annotation buffer-string read-string "Title: " format "Annotation by %s on %s" user-real-login-name current-time-string nil num fname title txt url not-modified kill-buffer get-buffer-create " *annotmp*" erase-buffer "%s/LOG" insert-file-contents w3-insert "ncsa-mosaic-personal-annotation-log-format-1\n" "Personal\n" int-to-string w3-find-highest-annotation-number "%s/PAN-%s.html" re-search-forward regexp-quote t " " "\n" require-final-newline version-control make-backup-files write-region "%s\n%s\n


    \n" w3-annotation-marker "
    %s (%s@%s)
    \n" user-full-name system-name "
    " w3-personal-annotations] 8 "\
    Finish doing a personal annotation." nil])
    (fset 'w3-create-wais-source #[(server port dbase) " !q 	\n$ced̉%!)*" [w3-generate-unique-filename get-buffer-create " *waisq-tmp*" y x erase-buffer format "(:source\n:version 3\n:ip-name \"%s\"\n:tcp-port %s\n:database-name \"%s\"\n)" server port dbase write-region nil kill-buffer] 6 "\
    Create a temporary wais source description file.
    Returns the file name the description is in."])
    (fset 'w3-wais-stringtoany #[(str) "	G	#ư" ["(:any :size " str " :bytes #( " mapconcat identity " " " ) )"] 7 "\
    Return a wais subelement that specifies STR in any database"])
    (fset 'w3-retrieve-wais-docid #[(server port dbase local-id) "	\n#Ѱ!!!$ !qcedۉ% &㏈+" [w3-create-wais-source server port dbase dbf format "(:question :version 2\n" "           :result-documents\n" "           ( (:document-id\n" "              :document\n" "              (:document\n" "               :doc-id\n" "               (:doc-id :original-database %s\n" "                :original-local-id %s )\n" "               :number-of-bytes -1\n" "               :type \"\"\n" "               :source\n" "               (:source-id :filename \"%s\") ) ) ) )" w3-wais-stringtoany w3-unhex-string local-id qstr w3-generate-unique-filename qf get-buffer-create w3-working-buffer write-region nil erase-buffer call-process w3-waisq-prog "-f" "-v" "1" (delete-file dbf) ((error)) (delete-file qf) ((error))] 13 "\
    Retrieve a wais document.
    SERVER is the server the database is on (:ip-name in source description)
    PORT is the port number to contact (:tcp-port in the source description)
    DBASE is the database name (:database-name in the source description)
    LOCAL-ID is the document (:original-local-id in the question description)"])
    (fset 'w3-perform-wais-query #[(server port dbase search) "	\n#  ְ#cedى% &q 	 \n!\"!eb#e|\"\"eb!#b=s G!#&
    !@AفBCفDE," [w3-create-wais-source server port dbase w3-generate-unique-filename w3-none-gotten results qfname dbfname w3-clear-tmp-buffer format "(:question\n" " :version 2\n" " :seed-words \"%s\"\n" " :sourcepath \"" w3-temporary-directory "\"\n" " :sources\n" " (  (:source-id\n" "     :filename \"%s\"\n" "    )\n" " )\n" " :maximum-results 100)\n" search write-region nil erase-buffer call-process w3-waisq-prog w3-working-buffer "-g" "-f" w3-current-server w3-current-port w3-current-file insert-file-contents re-search-forward "(:question" t 0 w3-replace-regexp "Process.*finished.*" "" "#" message "Done reading info - parsing results..." ":result-documents[^(]+" (byte-code "p!" [read results] 2) ((error (byte-code "•b" [w3-none-gotten results 0] 1))) w3-insert "Results of WAIS search\n" "

    Searched " " for " "

    \n" "
    \n" "Found " int-to-string " matches.\n" "
    1. " mapconcat w3-parse-wais-doc-id "\n
    2. " "\n
    \n" "No results" "text/html" w3-current-mime-type (delete-file qfname) ((error)) (delete-file dbfname) ((error))] 16 "\ Perform a wais query. SERVER is the server the database is on (:ip-name in source description) PORT is the port number to contact (:tcp-port in the source description) DBASE is the database name (:database-name in the source description) SEARCH is the search term (:seed-words in the question description)"]) (fset 'w3-wais-anytostring #[(x) " >A@#" [mapconcat char-to-string :bytes x ""] 4 "\ Convert a (:any ....) wais construct back into a string."]) (fset 'w3-parse-wais-doc-id #[(x) " >A@\n>A@ >A@\n>A@\n>A@\n\n>A@ >A@ >A@ >A@ >A@ >A@ >A@ >A@ \n !!!!!!!!!!!!&. " [:document x document :doc-id doc-id :score score :headline title :type type :number-of-bytes size :original-server server :original-database dbase :original-local-id localid :distributor-server dist-server :distributor-database dist-dbase :distributor-local-id dist-id :copyright-disposition 0 copyright format "%s (Score = %s)" w3-current-server w3-current-port w3-current-file w3-hexify-string w3-wais-anytostring] 16 "\ Return a list item that points at the doc-id specified by X"]) (fset 'w3-print-this-url #[(&optional url) "!$Ț  \n !q \nc)! К њ  \n !q \nc)! Ӌ*" [url w3-view-url t completing-read "Format: " (("HTML Source") ("Formatted Text") ("LaTeX'd")) nil format "HTML Source" w3-current-source x get-buffer-create w3-working-buffer erase-buffer w3-retrieve lpr-buffer "Formatted Text" "LaTeX'd" w3-convert-html-to-latex ((byte-code "ed \"%  #!!" [write-region expand-file-name "w3-tmp.latex" w3-temporary-directory nil 5 shell-command format "cd %s ; latex w3-tmp.latex ; %s w3-tmp.dvi ; rm -f w3-tmp*" w3-print-command kill-buffer "*Shell Command Output*"] 6))] 5 "\ Print out the current document (in LaTeX format)" nil]) (fset 'w3-print-url-under-point #[nil "!!" [w3-print-this-url w3-view-this-url t] 3 "\ Print out the url under point (in LaTeX format)" nil]) (fset 'w3-convert-html-to-latex #[nil "q ed #$eb\"\"\"ebQ!!db!\"\"\"!\"!\"\"\"\"\"\"!\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"ȁ@A\"ȁBC\"ȁDE\"ȁFG\"ȁHI\"ȁJK\"ȁL\"ȁM\"ȁN\"ȁOP\"ȁQR\"ȁST\"ȁUV\"ȁW\"ہX!Y\"ہZ![\"ȁ\\\"" [w3-working-buffer w3-use-html2latex shell-command-on-region format "%s %s" w3-html2latex-prog w3-html2latex-args t w3-replace-regexp "\\\\" "\\\\backslash " "{" "\\\\{" "}" "\\\\}" w3-insert "\\documentstyle" w3-latex-docstyle "\n" "\\begin{document}\n" "\\end{document}" "<\\(XMP\\|LISTING\\)>" "\\\\begin{verbatim}" "" "\\\\end{verbatim}" "<\\(ISINDEX\\|NEXTID\\)[^>]*>" "" regexp-quote "$" "\\\\$" ">" "$>$" "%" "\\\\%" "#" "\\\\#" "_" "\\\\_" "~" "\\\\~" "
  • *" "\\\\item " "^" "\\\\^" "

    " "\\\\par" "\\([^<]*\\)" "\\\\section{\\1}" "" "\\\\psfig{figure=\\1,width=\\\\columnwidth}" "

    " "\\\\section{" "

    " "\\\\subsection{" "

    " "\\\\subsubsection{" "

    " "

    " "\\\\paragraph{" "
    " "\\\\subparagraph{" "" "<\\(UL\\|DIR\\|MENU\\)>" "\\\\begin{itemize}" "" "\\\\end{itemize}" "
      " "\\\\begin{enumerate}" "
    " "\\\\end{enumerate}" "
    " "\\\\begin{description}" "
    " "\\\\end{description}" "
    \\([^<]*$\\)" "\\\\item[\\1]" "
    " "]*>" "" "<\\(EM\\|B\\|STRONG\\|DFN\\)>\\([^<]*\\)" "{\\\\bf \\2}" "<\\(CODE\\|SAMP\\|TT\\|KBD\\|VAR\\)>\\([^<]*\\)" "{\\\\tt \\2}" "<\\(CITE\\|U\\)>\\([^<]*\\)" "{\\\\underline \\2}" "<\\(I\\|ADDRESS\\)>\\([^<]*\\)" "{\\\\it \\2}" "]*>" "<" "$<$" "&" " and " "<[^>]*>"] 7 "\ Convert an html document into LaTeX - this is pretty much the same as the sed scripts from info.cern.ch" nil]) (fset 'w3-start-viewer #[(fname cmd &optional view) "!q ) !!\n%" [view get-buffer-create erase-buffer start-process fname getenv "ESHELL" "SHELL" "/bin/sh" "-c" cmd] 7 "\ Start a subprocess, named FNAME, executing CMD If third arg VIEW is non-nil, show the output in a buffer when the subprocess exits."]) (fset 'w3-pass-to-viewer #[nil "q \n9\n>!!!! !!!! \n \n \n; ʪ=Ѫ!!!#!edʉ&ed#!\nP\"\n\"\n!!!#\"*\n"] 4 "\ Create a new buffer name based on START."]) (fset 'w3-generate-unique-filename #[nil " \" # \"! T #i \"+" [format "w3-tmp.%d" user-real-uid "" 0 x fname base "%s%d" file-exists-p expand-file-name w3-temporary-directory] 4 "\ Generate a unique filename in w3-temporary-directory"]) (fset 'w3-extension-to-mime #[(extn) " \n\"A" [assoc extn w3-mime-extensions] 3 "\ This will convert a file extensions (EXTN) to a mime-type, using the variable w3-mime-extensions"]) (byte-code "!" [boundp w3-lazy-message-time 0] 2) (fset 'w3-lazy-message-1 #[(&rest args) "? A@U? \"" [w3-show-status w3-lazy-message-time current-time apply message args] 3 "\ Just like `message', but is a no-op if called more than once a second. Will not do anything if w3-show-status is nil."]) (fset 'w3-lazy-message-2 #[(&rest args) " \"" [w3-show-status apply message args] 3 "\ Just like `message', but will not do anything if w3-show-transfer-status is nil."]) (byte-code "!MM" [fboundp current-time w3-lazy-message w3-lazy-message-1 w3-lazy-message-2] 2) (fset 'w3-build-url #[(protocol) " ! Ș!!! ͘! Ϙ!!!\n ! Ԙ!$!! Ҙ Ҙ! #$ #GO ᘫ!!!\n  ! 嘫!!!\n ! Ҫ \nҪ\nPQ !U P$," [nil file port host user protocol error "Protocol is unknown to me!" "news" read-string "Enter news server name, or blank for default: " "Enter port number, or blank for default: " "Newgroup name or Message-ID: " "mailto" "E-mail address: " "http" "Enter server name: " "Remote file: " "" "Must specify a remote machine!" "file" w3-confirmation-func "Local file?" read-file-name "Local File: " t "Login as user (blank=anonymous): " "Remote machine name: " "anonymous" "File: " format "/%s@%s:" "telnet" "tn3270" "Login as user (blank=none): " "Port number (blank=23): " "Must specify a host machine!" "gopher" message "%s:%s%s" "//" ":" string-to-char 47 "/"] 8 "\ Build a url for PROTOCOL, return it as a string" (byte-code " $ \"AC" [assoc completing-read "Protocol: " w3-acceptable-protocols-alist nil t] 6)]) (fset 'w3-grok-wais-href #[(url) "\n\"\n\"\n\"\n\" E+" [string-match "wais:/+\\([^/:]+\\):*\\([^/]*\\)/+\\(.*\\)" url w3-match 1 2 3 data port host] 6 "\ Return a list of server, port, database, search-term, doc-id"]) (fset 'w3-grok-http-href #[(url) " \" \nɔɕO$\"\"!\"\"\"\"\"ԔTԕOԉO֘֘\"\"\"֘!UOF." [w3-current-server w3-current-port y x string-match "http:/\\([^/].*\\)" url format "http://%s:%s/%s" 1 "http:\\([^/].*\\)" w3-parse-relative-link w3-match "http:+/*\\([^:/]*\\):*\\([^/]*\\)/*\\(/.*\\)" server 2 port 3 file "#.+$" 0 dest "" "/*\\([^:]+\\):*\\([0-9]*\\)" "/" "80" w3-using-proxy 47 string-to-char nil] 7 "\ Return a list of server, port, file, dest from URL"]) (fset 'w3-grok-file-href #[(url) "\"\"\"\" \" ϔTϕO ωO \" ωO ϔTO \" ωO Қ \" \" \" ! #! #\"\"ωO \" \" !\" \nF-" [nil pswd dest file server user string-match "//" url "^\\(file\\|ftp\\):/*\\([^/]*\\)/*\\(/.*\\)" w3-match 2 3 "anonymous" "#.+$" 0 "@" ":" "localhost" "\\(.*\\):\\(.*\\)" 1 fboundp ange-ftp-set-passwd efs-set-passwd "#\\(.+\\)$" "file:\\(.*\\)" expand-file-name w3-basepath w3-current-file] 5 "\ Return a list of username, server, file, destination out of URL"]) (fset 'w3-grok-news-href #[(url) "\n\"\nÔÕO\nĔĕO\nŔŕOɚɚ ɚ E+" [string-match "news:/*\\([^/:]*\\):*\\([0-9]*\\)/*\\(.*\\)" url 1 2 3 art port host "" "119" w3-news-server] 5 "\ Parse out a news url"]) (fset 'w3-grok-gopher-href #[(url) "\n\"\n\"\n\"\n\"!\n\"\n\"\n\"\n\"\n Ԛ ՚ ך ! GW O\n\"A ." [nil y x extra type selector port host string-match "gopher:/*\\([^/]+\\)/*\\(.*\\)" url error "Can't understand url %s" w3-match 1 w3-unhex-string 2 "^\\([^:]+\\):\\([0-9]+\\)\\([?+]*\\)" 3 "70" "" "?" ask-block "+" gopher+ string-to-char w3-use-hypertext-gopher assoc w3-gopher-to-mime] 7 "\ Return a list of attributes from a gopher url. List is of the type: host port selector-string MIME-type extra-info"]) (fset 'w3-buffer-is-hypertext #[(&optional buff) "pqeb#)" [buff re-search-forward "<\\(TITLE\\|HEAD\\|BASE\\|H[0-9]\\|ISINDEX\\|P\\)>" nil t] 4 "\ Return t if a buffer contains HTML, as near as we can guess."]) (fset 'w3-have-visited-url #[(url &rest args) " \n\"" [assoc url w3-global-history-completion-list] 3 "\ Return non-nil iff the user has visited URL before. The return value is a cons of the url and the date last accessed as a string"]) (defun w3-directory-files (url &rest args) "\ Return a list of files on a server." nil) (defun w3-file-writable-p (url &rest args) "\ Return t iff a url is writable by this user" nil) (defun w3-copy-file (url &rest args) "\ Copy a url to the specified filename." nil) (fset 'w3-file-directly-accessible-p #[(url) " \n\"\n\"ƪ ǚ Ț\n!A@?ʪ)" [string-match w3-nonrelative-link url w3-match 1 type nil "file" "ftp" w3-grok-file-href t] 4 "\ Returns t iff the specified URL is directly accessible on your filesystem. (nfs, local file, etc)."]) (fset 'w3-file-attributes #[(url &rest args) "\"\"ʼnɚ! @ \"!ωBωBωB8!!ω !\"AYW!ωBωBωB\"A\"Aω !ωBωBωB!!ω !,㚬䚫!&A@&@&A@&8!&8!\"AAAAAAAA&8!!)+" [url string-match "^\\([^:]+\\):/" w3-match 1 nil exists data type "http" w3-grok-http-href w3-be-anal-about-file-attributes w3-member w3-bad-server-list w3-file-directory-p 0 -1 w3-extension-to-mime w3-file-extension 2 "HEAD" " *w3-temp*" w3-working-buffer w3-request-data w3-request-method w3-retrieve assoc "status" w3-current-mime-headers 200 300 "content-length" "content-type" w3-current-file kill-buffer "ftp" "file" w3-grok-file-href href file-attributes "@" ":" make-list 12] 13 "\ Return a list of attributes of URL. Value is nil if specified file cannot be opened. Otherwise, list elements are: 0. t for directory, string (name linked to) for symbolic link, or nil. 1. Number of links to file. 2. File uid. 3. File gid. 4. Last access time, as a list of two integers. First integer has high-order 16 bits of time, second has low 16 bits. 5. Last modification time, likewise. 6. Last status change time, likewise. 7. Size in bytes. (-1, if number is out of range). 8. File modes, as a string of ten letters or dashes as in ls -l. If URL is on an http server, this will return the content-type if possible. 9. t iff file's gid would change if file were deleted and recreated. 10. inode number. 11. Device number. If file does not exist, returns nil."]) (defun w3-file-name-all-completions (file dirname &rest args) "\ Return a list of all completions of file name FILE in directory DIR. These are all file names in directory DIR which begin with FILE." nil) (defun w3-file-name-completion (file dirname &rest args) "\ Complete file name FILE in directory DIR. Returns the longest string common to all filenames in DIR that start with FILE. If there is only one and FILE matches it exactly, returns t. Returns nil if DIR contains no name starting with FILE." nil) (defun w3-file-local-copy (file &rest args) "\ Copy the file FILE into a temporary file on this machine. Returns the name of the local copy, or nil, if FILE is directly accessible." nil) (fset 'w3-insert-file-contents #[(url &rest args) " !) ! !" [w3-retrieve url insert-buffer w3-working-buffer kill-buffer] 2 "\ Insert the contents of the URL in this buffer."]) (fset 'w3-file-directory-p #[(url &rest args) "OÚ" [url -1 nil "/"] 3 "\ Return t iff a url points to a directory"]) (fset 'w3-file-exists #[(url &rest args) "\n\"\n\"Ț   \n!\"A!YW,֚ך\n!A@@A@8!8!*" [string-match "^\\([^:]+\\):/" url w3-match 1 nil exists type "http" "HEAD" " *w3-temp*" w3-working-buffer w3-request-data w3-request-method w3-retrieve assoc "status" w3-current-mime-headers 500 kill-buffer 200 300 "ftp" "file" w3-grok-file-href file-exists-p "@" ":" 2] 8 "\ Return t iff a file exists."]) (fset 'w3-buffer-visiting #[(url) "  \n @q @! ?=!\n @ A)U\n*" [buffer-list nil found bufs buffer-name w3-working-buffer major-mode w3-mode w3-view-url t url] 2 "\ Return the name of a buffer (if any) that is visiting URL."]) (fset 'w3-file-size #[(url &rest args) "\n\"\n\" ʚ \n!\"A!, ՚ ֚\n!A@@A@8!8!8;!Ū+" [string-match "^\\([^:]+\\):/" url w3-match 1 -1 nil data size type "http" "HEAD" " *w3-temp*" w3-working-buffer w3-request-data w3-request-method w3-retrieve assoc "content-length" w3-current-mime-headers kill-buffer "ftp" "file" w3-grok-file-href file-attributes "@" ":" 2 7 string-to-int] 8 "\ Return the size of a file in bytes, or -1 if can't be determined."]) (fset 'w3-parse-newsrc #[(&optional newsrc-file) " P!!!\"!!!\"!q !\"щmgU `wgU \"`x`{!bgUuwgUw!eޕ}p!e}up!~BB!e}p!~BBbwgUu)gU$  #!B#yO.p!#)" [newsrc-file expand-file-name "~/.newsrc" w3-news-server file-exists-p file-readable-p message "Using newsrc file %s... " error "%s could not be read." get-buffer-create " *newsrc*" erase-buffer insert-file-contents w3-replace-regexp "^[ \\ ]options.*\\\n" "" nil p2 p newsgroup read-list subscribe 10 "^:!\n" "unparsable line in %s" buffer-name " " read 58 1 looking-at "\\([0-9]+\\)-\\([0-9]+\\)" 2 "[0-9]+" 0 44 ding "Ignoring bogus line for %s in %s" sleep-for put w3-newsrc kill-buffer parsed t] 5 "\ Parse out a newsrc. This was largely yanked out of gnus"]) (fset 'w3-save-newsrc #[(&optional fname) "!q !!eb!db!ˉ  @ A@ AA =e ! @Ѫ A#ֱK+" [get-buffer-create " *newsrc*" erase-buffer insert-file-contents fname expand-file-name "~/.newsrc" delete-non-matching-lines "^[ \\ ]options" symbol-plist w3-newsrc nil info grp grps parsed symbol-name ": " "! " mapconcat #[(range) ":@AQ" [range "-"] 3] "," "\n"] 6 "\ Save the newsrc of the user"]) (fset 'w3-retrieve-newsgroup #[(group &optional show-all howmany) "N 9 !\" \"\nqeb#!oҔҕ{!Ӕӕ{!)B ! \"\"!\"!)B !NA͉@!!@A\"@A:@S\"ATXSS\"T@A\"#G!-" [w3-newsrc parsed w3-parse-newsrc group symbol-name string-match "flee" nntp-version nntp/command "GROUP" nntp-server-buffer re-search-forward "[0-9]+[ \\ ]+[0-9]+[ \\ ]+\\([0-9]+\\)[ \\ ]+\\([0-9]+\\)" nil t w3-accept-process-output nntp/connection string-to-int 1 2 nntp-request-group nntp-status-message msg "[0-9]+[ \\ ]+\\([0-9]+\\)[ \\ ]+\\([0-9]+\\)" w3-match read last temp seqs info stat w3-lazy-message "Finding unread articles..." show-all w3-make-sequence howmany nntp-retrieve-headers] 6 "\ Select newsgroup NEWSGROUP and return a list of headers of the remaining articles"]) (fset 'w3-wais #[(url) "  ƕO$! !p \n  \n@\nA@\n8 \n8\"\n@\nA@\n8\"\n8\"$\n8\"\n@\nA@\n8\"\n8\"$\n8ݱ *" [w3-wais-gateway-server w3-wais-gateway-port w3-fetch format "http://%s:%s/%s" url 0 nil w3-grok-wais-href lb href w3-clear-tmp-buffer "wais" w3-current-type w3-current-server w3-current-port 2 w3-current-file w3-current-last-buffer string-match "\\([^/]+\\)/.*3=\\([^ ;]+\\)" w3-retrieve-wais-docid w3-match 1 "\\([^\\?]+\\)\\?\\(.*\\)" w3-perform-wais-query "WAIS search\n" "

    WAIS search of " "

    " "
    \n" "
    \n" "Enter search term: \n" "
    \n"] 9 "\ Retrieve a document via WAIS"]) (byte-code "!!" [boundp after-change-functions make-variable-buffer-local] 2) (fset 'w3-after-change-function #[(&rest args) "q ebw!#`  #ΔΕ{! #ΔΕ{!eb #ΔΕ{\nP!db\n\n!! Vd d_ % Vd d_ $dUd#dUd\"!*" [w3-working-buffer nil status-message w3-current-content-length " \\ \\\n" looking-at "HTTP/[0-9].[0-9]" 0 re-search-forward "$ *$" t w3-current-isindex "^content-type:[ \\ ]*\\([^\\ \\\n]+\\)\\ *$" w3-eat-trailing-space 1 w3-current-mime-type "^content-length:\\([^\\ \\\n]+\\)\\ *$" string-to-int "^status:\\([^\\ ]*\\)" replace-match "btatus:" w3-lazy-message w3-quotify-percents "Read %d of %d bytes (%d%%) [%s]" 100 "Read %d of %d bytes (%d%%)" "Read %d bytes. [%s]" "Read %d bytes." "Waiting for response."] 6 "\ The nitty gritty details of messaging the HTTP/1.0 status messages in the minibuffer."]) (fset 'w3-http #[(url) "p !  \n@\nA@ \n8 \n8  \" \"! Ӛ  Ӛ      $ !$ ;q #!% #!\"& ! !  !\"\"4!\"9 \"<= \"q@ !A>!B!C !`BDE)!F\")G H!." [w3-grok-http-href url href lb w3-clear-tmp-buffer "http" w3-current-type w3-current-last-buffer server port 2 file 3 dest w3-member w3-bad-port-list w3-confirmation-func format "Warning! Trying to connect to port %s - continue? " "" "80" "/" w3-current-server w3-current-port w3-current-file w3-find-this-link w3-lazy-message "Fetching: %s %s %s" w3-open-stream "WWW" w3-working-buffer string-to-int process erase-buffer "text/html" w3-current-mime-type w3-mime-viewer w3-current-mime-viewer w3-insert "ERROR\n" "

    ERROR - Could not establish connection

    " "

    " "The browser could not establish a connection " "to %s:%s.

    " "The server is either down, or the URL" "(%s) is malformed.

    " w3-view-url t message process-kill-without-query process-send-string w3-create-mime-request w3-show-http2-transfer boundp after-change-functions add-hook w3-after-change-function w3-be-asynchronous set-process-sentinel w3-sentinel w3-gateway-method host set-process-filter w3-filter w3-process-status (run open) nil w3-accept-process-output (w3-kill-process process) ((error)) remove-hook ding "Aborting connection to bad port..."] 12 "\ Retrieve URL via http. If SOURCE is non-nil, then don't parse the buffer."]) (fset 'w3-file #[(url) " !@\nA@\n8\n8p   !=   O̚ܪ#! ! !! !q  )\"O!  !=!O̚ܪ# ! !!!!!-.-9-<)." [w3-grok-file-href url href user site 2 file 3 dest obuf w3-clear-tmp-buffer w3-current-last-buffer "/" "@" ":" filename file-directory-p w3-directory-format hypertext "ftp" w3-current-type w3-find-this-link w3-current-user w3-current-server format "%s%s" -1 nil "" w3-current-file w3-format-directory get-buffer w3-working-buffer kill-buffer find-file get-buffer-create (insert-file-contents filename nil) ((error (byte-code "\nP!" [w3-retrieve "www://error/nofile/" filename] 3))) expand-file-name string-match "file:" 0 w3-mime-viewer w3-extension-to-mime w3-file-extension viewer w3-source (insert-file-contents file) ((error (byte-code "\nP!" [w3-retrieve "www://error/nofile/" file] 3)))] 7 "\ Find a link to an ftp site - simple transformation to ange-ftp format"]) (fset 'w3-get-new-newsgroups #[(&optional tm) " !\nO\"A\nO\n\nOWΪ\nGUϪ\n\nO\nO\nO\n+" [current-time-string tm x assoc 4 7 monthabbrev-alist y 9 10 z "NEWGROUPS " -2 nil "0" "" 2 " " 11 13 14 16 17 19] 12 "\ Get a string suitable for an NTTP server to get a list of new newsgroups. Optional argument TM is a list of three integers. The first has the most significant 16 bits of the seconds, while the second has the least significant 16 bits. The third integer gives the microsecond count. (The format returned either by (current-time) or file-attributes mod-time, etc.)"]) (fset 'w3-news-get-header #[(header) "qeb Q#ǔǕ{)" [nntp-server-buffer re-search-forward "^" header ": +\\(.*\\)" nil t 1 ""] 4 "\ Get header information HEADER out of news article in nntp buffer"]) (fset 'w3-news-get-body #[nil "qeb!Õd{)" [nntp-server-buffer re-search-forward "\\\n\\\n" 0] 2 "\ Get body of article from the nntp buffer"]) (fset 'w3-format-news #[nil "!!!!!!!\"\"!\"\"!!  ##@ABCD3." [w3-fix-entities-in-string w3-news-get-header "From" "Subject" "Organization" mapcar car w3-split "Newsgroups" "[ \\ \\\n]+" "References" "[ \\ \\\n<>]+" "Date" w3-news-get-body body date refs grps org subj from w3-clear-tmp-buffer "" w3-current-file w3-current-type "\n" " \n" " " "\n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" "

    " "

    \n" "

    \n" " From:

    " "

    \n" " Newsgroups: " mapconcat #[(grp) " ð" [" " ""] 5] ", " "
    \n" " Organization: " "
    \n" " Date: " "
    \n" "

    \n" "

    References\n" "

      \n" #[(ref) " ð" ["
    1. " "
    2. \n"] 5] "
    \n" "
    \n" "
      \n" "
    • " "Post to this group
    • \n" "
    • Reply to " "
    • \n" "
      " "
      \n" "   
      \n" " \n" " \n" "\n" ""] 51 "\ Format a news buffer in html"]) (fset 'w3-format-whole-newsgroup #[(newsgroup header-list) " #ֱ" [w3-clear-tmp-buffer "\n" " \n" " " newsgroup "\n" " \n" " \n" " \n" "

      " "

      \n" "
        \n" mapconcat #[(artcl) "HH!H!\"\" ϰ+" [artcl 6 w3-fix-entities-in-string 1 2 from subj id string-match "<\\(.*\\)>" w3-match "
      1. " "
        \n" " " "
      2. \n"] 8] header-list "" "
      \n" "
      \n" " \n" "
      \n" ""] 20]) (fset 'w3-show-all-newsgroups #[nil "N !ĉϱ@!A@AA=d# @ժ%cKݱ+" [w3-newsrc parsed w3-parse-newsrc symbol-plist nil info grp grps "\n" " \n" " Newsgroups \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" "

      Newsgroup listing

      \n" "
      \n" symbol-name format "    %7d%s %s" w3-retrieve-newsgroup t ": " "! " "   
      \n" "
      \n" " \n" "
      \n" ""] 8 "\ Show a hypertext list of all newsgroups."]) (fset 'w3-news #[(article) "!p !q  q)! @\n A@  8 \n \n !\"\"O֚\" \n !\"! q \"&㘫 !\"(\n) *+," [noninteractive require nntp buff get-buffer-create w3-working-buffer w3-current-last-buffer w3-grok-news-href article info host port 2 w3-current-nntp-server nntp-close-server nntp-server-opened nntp-open-server string-to-int string-match "@" -1 nil ">" format "<%s>" nntp-request-article w3-format-news w3-insert "ERROR\n" "

      Error requesting article...

      " "The status message returned by the NNTP server was:
      " "

      " nntp-status-message "If you feel this is an error, send me mail." "" w3-show-all-newsgroups w3-format-whole-newsgroup w3-retrieve-newsgroup "news" w3-current-type w3-current-server w3-current-port w3-current-file] 8 "\ Find a news reference"]) (fset 'w3-news-generate-reply-form #[(to newsgroups body &rest refs) " !q \"" [get-buffer-create w3-working-buffer erase-buffer "\n" " \n" " News Post/Reply Form\n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" "

      News Post/Reply Form

      \n" "
      \n" "
      \n" "
        \n" "
      • Reply by:" "
      • \n" "
      • Email:
      • \n" "
      • Newsgroups: " "Include/quote article in followup
      • \n" "
      \n" "
      \n" " \n" " \n" "
      \n" " \n" "
      \n" " \n" " \n" "\n"] 34 "\ Generate an HTML reply form."]) (fset 'w3-open-local #[(fname) " P!" [w3-setup-done w3-do-setup w3-fetch "file:" fname] 3 "\ Find a local file, and interpret it as a hypertext document. This is part of the emacs World Wide Web browser. It will prompt for an existing file or directory, and retrieve it as a hypertext document. If it is a directory, and w3-directory-format is 'hypertext, then an HTML directory listing is created on the fly. Otherwise, dired-mode is used to visit the buffer." "FLocal file: "]) (fset 'w3-format-directory #[(dir) " !‰GS q \"! \"!!GZ_\" OԚ @# @#! 8 8 ښ ! ߚ Ӛ  !@ᚬ@⚫@\"! @;@@ @$! @@@#!@@#!@ᚬ ! \" ! #!A6!." [directory-files dir nil size mod-time attr div file files w3-working-buffer erase-buffer w3-insert format "Index of %s\n" "

      Directory listing of %s


      " "

      \n" w3-lazy-message "Building directory list... (%d%%)" 100 -1 "/" "%s%s" "%s/%s" file-attributes 5 7 (0 0) w3-running-lemacs w3-running-old-lemacs w3-running-FSF19 current-time-string 0 int-to-string "." ".." "
      &folder;Parent Directory" "
      &symlink;%s -> %s" "
      &folder;%s/" "
      &unknown.document;%s" "\n
      " "Last Mod: " ", " "Size: " " bytes" "\n" "\n
      "] 7 "\ Format the files in DIR into hypertext"]) (fset 'w3-telnet #[(url) "\n\"\nÔÕOŔ\nŔŕSOP # \"  TO  O  \" &\n\"!\"!P $! \" D%P $! \" D#\"-" [string-match "telnet:/*\\(.*@\\)*\\([^/]*\\)/*" url 2 server 1 name format "%s%s" "@" "" title ":" thebuf nil 0 "23" port window-system start-process "htmlsub" w3-xterm-command "-title" "-ut" "-e" w3-gateway-local-host-regexp w3-local-telnet-prog w3-remote-telnet-prog message "Please log in as %s" w3-use-transparent require transparent sit-for transparent-window get-buffer-create "%s%s:%s" "Press any key to return to emacs" terminal-emulator] 12 "\ Open up a telnet connection"]) (fset 'w3-tn3270 #[(url) "\n\"\nÔÕOŔ\nŔŕSO \"P #  TO O  &\n\"!\"!P $! D%P $! D#\"-" [string-match "tn3270:/*\\(.*@\\)*\\([^/]*\\)/*" url 2 server 1 name ":" thebuf format "%s%s" "@" "" title nil 0 "23" port window-system start-process "htmlsub" w3-xterm-command "-title" "-ut" "-e" w3-tn3270-emulator message "Please log in as %s" w3-use-transparent require transparent sit-for transparent-window get-buffer-create "%s%s:%s" "Press any key to return to emacs" terminal-emulator] 11 "\ Open up a tn3270 connection"]) (fset 'w3-mailto #[(url) "\n\"\nÔÕO! ! \n!\n  \n#! *" [string-match "mailto:/*\\(.*\\)" url 1 w3-view-url t to w3-mutable-windows fboundp w3-mail-other-window-command w3-mail-command mail-other-window mail mail-to w3-insert format "%s\nX-URL-From: %s" mail-subject] 5 "\ Send mail to someone"]) (fset 'w3-gopher #[(url) " !\nA@ \" \nA@\"!\n!\n8!UϪ\n8!\n8\n8\n@\nA@!%p\" !)" [w3-grok-gopher-href url descr w3-member w3-bad-port-list w3-confirmation-func format "Warning! Trying to connect to port %s - continue? " w3-use-hypertext-gopher w3-do-gopher gopher-dispatch-object vector string-to-char 2 0 49 string-to-int ding message "Aborting connection to bad port..."] 8 "\ Handle gopher URLs"]) (fset 'w3-generate-error #[(type data) " ɱ ʚ б њձױ" [type "nofile" "Error\n" "

      No file " data " found

      \n" "
      \n" "The file " " could not be found. Either it does not" "exist, or is unreadable.\n" "nobuf" "Error\n" "

      No buffer " "
      \n" "The buffer " " could not be found. It has either\n" "been killed or renamed.\n" "nohist" "

      No history items found.

      \n" "There is no history list available at this time. Either\n" "you have not visited any nodes, or the variabe \n" "w3-keep-history is nil.\n" "If you feel this is a bug, " "send mail to wmperry@indiana.edu\n
      "] 9 "\ Generate an HTML error buffer for error TYPE with data DATA."]) (fset 'w3-generate-auto-html #[(type) " !ɱ @A@ @@̱ Amc)Κɱ @A@ @@#c Anc)Ԛ!۱@@@A#cAkc)ݚ:!\"#$&@!@)#&!&@\"-&@!&!@!$!A@##@!#@!2#@\"5$2G5G\\V5P5$$*#A#F;\"!!$$$-" [type "hotlist" reverse w3-hotlist tmp "\n \n " " Hotlist \n \n" " \n \n

      Hotlist from " w3-hotlist-file "

        \n" "
      1. " "
      2. \n" "\n
      \n \n
      " "starting-points" w3-starting-documents " Starting Points \n \n" " \n \n

      Starting Point on the Web" format "
    • %s
    • \n" "history" w3-history-list w3-retrieve "www://error/nohist" urls " History List For This Session of W3" "\n \n \n \n

      " "History List For This Session of W3

        \n" "
      1. %s\n" "help" w3-doc-functions funcs "" funcstr w3-doc-variables vars varstr nil keys fboundp where-is-internal w3-mode-map t "%s\n
      2. %5s: %s" "M-x %s" w3-running-FSF19 key-description documentation boundp prin1-to-string thevar documentation-property variable-documentation doc "%s\n
      3. %20s: %s\n" 80 "\n" w3-insert "Help For W3 V%s\n" w3-version-number "

        Current keybindings:


        \n" "

          " "
        " "

        Modifiable variables:


        \n"] 7 "\ Generate one of several automatic html pages"]) (fset 'w3-internal-url #[(url) "\n\"\n\"\n\" !q   Κ!!P!Ӛ\"\"\"\"֚!*" [string-match "www:/+\\([^/]+\\)/\\(.*\\)" url w3-match 1 2 data type get-buffer-create w3-working-buffer "www" w3-current-type w3-current-server w3-current-file "preview" get-buffer insert-buffer w3-retrieve "www://error/nobuf/" "error" "\\([^/]+\\)/\\(.*\\)" w3-generate-error "auto" w3-generate-auto-html] 5 "\ Handle internal urls (previewed buffers, etc"]) (byte-code "MM" [w3-www w3-internal-url w3-ftp w3-file] 2) (fset 'w3-x-exec #[(url) " !q \" \" \" ʉ  \"\"\"\" \"\"\"\"!\"%#\"!\"!\"\"!\" \".\".\"A\"00G\" @\"  ! !  A[ P!00ced % eb!!u ʪ  U@." [get-buffer-create w3-working-buffer erase-buffer string-match "x-exec:/+\\([^/]+\\)\\(/.*\\)" url process-environment w3-match 1 2 nil w3-local-exec-path y found safe-paths query-string path-info executable w3-current-server w3-current-file "\\(.*\\)\\?\\(.*\\)" setenv "SERVER_SOFTWARE" "X-exec/1.0" "SERVER_NAME" system-name "GATEWAY_INTERFACE" "CGI/1.1" "SERVER_PROTOCOL" "HTTP/1.0" "SERVER_PORT" "" "REQUEST_METHOD" w3-request-method "HTTP_ACCEPT" mapconcat #[(x) "UćULJ!" [x 10 t y "" 58 nil "," char-to-string] 2] w3-mime-accept-string "PATH_INFO" w3-unhex-string "PATH_TRANSLATED" "SCRIPT_NAME" "QUERY_STRING" "REMOTE_HOST" assoc "content-type" w3-request-extra-headers "CONTENT_TYPE" w3-request-data "CONTENT_LENGTH" expand-file-name file-exists-p file-executable-p w3-retrieve "www://error/nofile/" call-process-region t looking-at " \\ \\\n" delete-char w3-mime-response-p "HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found\n" "Server: Emacs-W3/x-exec\n" 0 "HTTP/1.0 200 Document follows\n"] 8 "\ Handle local execution of scripts."]) (fset 'w3-fix-proxy-url #[nil " \n\"\n\" Q!  \n!\n  ̘\n@ \nA@\n8 И\n@ \nA@\n8 ј Ҙ\n@\nA@ \n8 Ԙ\n@ \nA@\n8+" [string-match w3-nonrelative-link w3-current-file w3-match 1 type read "w3-grok-" "-href" prsr info w3-current-type "news" w3-current-server w3-current-port 2 "http" "ftp" "file" w3-current-user "gopher"] 5 "\ Fix a proxy url so that it doesn't get appended twice."]) (fset 'w3-retrieve #[(url) " ! ! \" ƔƕO\n\"\n\"A \"?˭\n\"A   OҚӪ Q \" \"P!! ! !q \"&! \"( ! ꚬ(뚬 ! /0\"뚫/0B0(1 1!!1 !? B9B9," [get-buffer w3-working-buffer kill-buffer string-match "\\([^:]*\\):/*" url 1 type assoc "no_proxy" w3-proxy-services t w3-using-proxy nil handler w3-current-file tmp -1 "/" "" w3-match intern "w3-" fboundp get-buffer-create erase-buffer w3-insert " Link Error! \n" "

        An error has occurred...

        \n" format "The link type %s" " is unrecognized or unsupported at this time.

        \n" "If you feel this is an error, please" "send me mail." "

        William Perry
        " "
        " "error.html" boundp MULE w3-convert-code-for-mule w3-be-asynchronous w3-clean-text "wais" "http" w3-mime-response-p w3-parse-mime-headers w3-member w3-current-server w3-bad-server-list w3-current-mime-type w3-buffer-is-hypertext "text/html" w3-extension-to-mime w3-file-extension w3-fix-proxy-url w3-have-visited-url current-time-string w3-global-history-completion-list] 9 "\ Retrieve a document over the World Wide Web. The document should be specified by its fully specified Uniform Resource Locator. No parsing is done, just return the document as the server sent it. The document is left in the buffer specified by w3-working-buffer. w3-working-buffer is killed immediately before starting the transfer, so that no buffer-local variables interfere with the retrieval. HTTP/1.0 redirection will be honored before this function exits."]) (fset 'w3-fetch #[(&optional url) "! ! Ș \n=\n=\n \n!\"! !\"! ! \"! \"ɪɉ\" !*" [w3-view-url t w3-buffer-visiting url buf x w3-setup-done w3-do-setup "file:nil" nil w3-reuse-buffers no yes ding message "Warning: Invalid value for variable w3-reuse-buffers: %s" prin1-to-string sit-for 2 w3-confirmation-func format "URL found in buffer %10s, reuse " buffer-name w3-retrieve w3-add-urls-to-history get-buffer w3-working-buffer w3-be-asynchronous string-match "^http:" w3-sentinel switch-to-buffer] 5 "\ Retrieve a document over the World Wide Web. The World Wide Web is a global hypertext system started by CERN in Switzerland in 1991. The document should be specified by its fully specified Uniform Resource Locator. The document will be parsed, printed, or passed to an external viewer as appropriate. See the variable w3-mime-viewers for how to specify a viewer for a file type." (byte-code " ʼn=!%C" [w3-setup-done w3-do-setup completing-read "URL: " w3-global-history-completion-list nil major-mode w3-mode w3-view-url t ""] 7)]) (fset 'w3-forward-in-history #[nil "!! N @ A@ AA@\n = \"  ! !\nb!." [intern w3-view-url t x w3-history y yes w3-reuse-buffers url buf pnt none error "No forward found for %s" buffer-name switch-to-buffer w3-fetch] 3 "\ Go forward in the history from this page" nil]) (fset 'w3-backward-in-history #[nil "!! N @ A@ AA@\n = \"  ! !\nb!." [intern w3-view-url t x w3-history y yes w3-reuse-buffers url buf pnt none error "No backward found for %s" buffer-name switch-to-buffer w3-fetch] 3 "\ Go backward in the history from this page" nil]) (fset 'w3-add-urls-to-history #[(referer url) "!\n\n! `E N N\n\np`E N N \n# #*" [referer intern url y x w3-current-last-buffer w3-history none put] 4 "\ REFERER is the url we followed this link from. URL is the link we got to."]) (fset 'w3-quotify-percents #[(str) "\"ʼnOPŕOj\nP)" [str "" x string-match "%" 0 "%%" nil] 3 "\ Convert all '%'s in STR to be '%%' so it can be passed to format."]) (fset 'w3-use-starting-documents #[nil " )" [w3-starting-documents w3-hotlist w3-use-hotlist] 1 "\ Use the list of predefined starting documents from w3-starting-documents" nil]) (fset 'w3-show-starting-documents #[nil " !" [w3-setup-done w3-do-setup w3-fetch "www://auto/starting-points"] 2 "\ Show the list of predefined starting documents from w3-starting-documents" nil]) (fset 'w3-insert-formatted-url #[(p) " !! `!!8\"#! \"##\nq !)!*" [nil str buff p w3-view-this-url t error "No url under point" format "%s" read-string "Link text: " 3 w3-zone-data w3-zone-at w3-view-url buffer-name read-buffer "Insert into buffer: " w3-insert message "Cancelled."] 10 "\ Insert a formatted url into a buffer. With prefix arg, insert the url under point." "P"]) (fset 'w3-length-after-parsing #[(str) " \" \"P ǕOk P !G)" ["" tmp string-match "\\([^<]*\\)<[^>]+>" str w3-match 1 0 nil w3-fix-entities-in-string] 5 "\ Returns the length of a string after removing all text between <>, and resolving all HTML entity references"]) (fset 'w3-first-n-items #[(l n) " GV  W\n 8C To\n*" [0 nil y x n l] 4 "\ Return the first N items from list L"]) (fset 'w3-breakup-menu #[(menu-desc max-len) "G V \"B  \"B" [menu-desc max-len "More..." w3-first-n-items w3-breakup-menu] 4]) (fset 'w3-get-url-at-point #[(&optional pt) "bm!xo! Qg!\" x` w!` `{," [pt ".a-zA-Z0-9---_/:~" nil start filename-chars looking-at "[] \n[{}()]" " \n ({[]})" backward-char 1 string-match "[" "]" char-to-string message "No URL found around point!"] 4 "\ Get the URL closest to point, but don't change your position. Has a preference for looking backward when not directly on a symbol."]) (fset 'w3-follow-url-at-point #[(&optional pt) "\n!!" [w3-fetch w3-get-url-at-point pt] 3 "\ Follow the URL under PT, defaults to link under (point)" "d"]) (fset 'w3-batch-fetch #[nil "!ÉJlj   @ ֘!  A ܘ! A ɘ !A !@!eb!  @\"c Ø&\"\"!Ø P!PTi Ped#A. " [noninteractive error "`w3-batch-fetch' is to be used only with -batch" "" 0 command-line-args-left 80 nil w3-fetch "text" ".txt" file-extn header file-format retrieval-function w3-delimit-links w3-delimit-emphasis w3-strict-width args x curname fname "html" message "Saving all text as raw HTML..." w3-retrieve ".html" "" "binary" "Saving as raw binary..." "Text from: %s\n---------------\n" "Saving all text as formatted..." "Going with default, saving all text as formatted..." buffer-read-only toggle-read-only format w3-file-extension w3-basepath w3-current-file t w3-strip-leading-spaces "root" file-exists-p write-region] 12 "\ Fetch all the URLs on the command line and save them to files in the current directory. The first argument after the -f w3-batch-fetch on the command line should be a string specifying how to save the information retrieved. If it is \"html\", then the page will be unformatted when it is written to disk. If it is \"text\", then the page will be formatted before it is written to disk. If it is \"binary\" it will not mess with the file extensions, and just save the data in raw binary format. If none of those, the default is \"text\", and the first argument is treated as a normal URL."]) (fset 'w3-eat-trailing-space #[(x) "GSEY H > So TO*" [x 32 9 10 skip-chars y 0] 5 "\ Remove spaces/tabs at the end of a string"]) (fset 'w3-strip-leading-spaces #[(x) "GSEXH >TkO+" [x 0 32 9 10 skip-chars z y nil] 6 "\ Remove spaces at the front of a string"]) (fset 'w3-reload-all-files #[nil "@\"Ao!) " [nil w3-setup-done w3-hotlist w3-mime-accept-string w3-style-regexp (w3 w3-mule w3-emacs w3-emacs19 w3-epoch w3-lucid w3-new-lucid w3-next) x delq features require w3 w3-do-setup] 4 "\ Reload all w3 files" nil]) (fset 'w3-source-document-at-point #[nil "!" [w3-source-document t] 2 "\ View source to the document pointed at by link under point" nil]) (fset 'w3-source-document #[(under) " ! ! ! p! ! ?? !q ceb ! ! !+" [under w3-view-this-url w3-view-url t url message "No link at point!" w3-current-source w3-retrieve buffer-string kill-buffer src w3-generate-new-buffer-name tmp get-buffer-create buffer-enable-undo set-buffer-modified-p nil w3-mutable-windows pop-to-buffer switch-to-buffer] 3 "\ View this documents source" "P"]) (fset 'w3-mail-document-under-point #[nil "!" [w3-mail-current-document t] 2 "\ Mail the document pointed to by the hyperlink under point." nil]) (fset 'w3-mail-current-document #[(under) "$!! ʚ ! ʚ   !q  c) ! њ ! њ Ӛ ! Ӛ   !q  c) ! )! !   #!!\"uiW!u ʚ \"$iW!u +" [completing-read "Format: " (("HTML Source") ("Formatted Text") ("LaTeX Source")) nil t format under w3-view-this-url w3-view-url url "HTML Source" w3-retrieve w3-current-source x get-buffer-create w3-working-buffer erase-buffer "Formatted Text" w3-fetch "LaTeX Source" w3-convert-html-to-latex buffer-string str w3-mutable-windows fboundp w3-mail-other-window-command w3-mail-command mail-other-window mail mail-subject w3-insert "%s from URL %s" re-search-forward mail-header-separator 1 79 "-" "\n" "" "" mail-to] 5 "\ Mail the current-document to someone" "P"]) (fset 'w3-parse-relative-link #[(url) " š ƚǪ PQ ɚ ˚Ǫ PR ͚ Ǫ њǪ PRP ҚP Q ֚!!٪ ͚P!!UǚHP!P!P*" [w3-current-file w3-current-type "http" "http://" w3-current-server w3-current-port "80" "" ":" "gopher" "gopher://" "70" "/" "news" "news:" w3-news-server "//" "119" "ftp" "file://" w3-current-user "@" "www" buffer-file-name get-buffer "file:" resolved w3-remove-relative-links url string-to-char 35 0 47 w3-basepath] 5 "\ Try to resolve a link like \"library/io.html\""]) (fset 'w3-internal-use-history #[(hist-item) "@A@8 @q! A)`@!\n!\nb !* ! !\n!\nb !Ueb O! !!+" [hist-item 2 pnt buf url buffer-list nil found x w3-view-url t switch-to-buffer number-or-marker-p w3-fetch buffer-name string-to-char 35 w3-find-specific-link 1 w3-maybe-relative message "Couldn't understand whats in the history."] 5 "\ Go to the link in the history"]) (fset 'w3-relative-link #[(url) "OÚ`\"ebO!!!" [url 0 1 "#" push-mark t w3-find-specific-link nil w3-fetch w3-parse-relative-link] 4]) (fset 'w3-maybe-eval #[nil "! " [w3-confirmation-func "This is emacs-lisp code, evaluate it?" eval-current-buffer emacs-lisp-mode] 2 "\ Maybe evaluate a buffer of emacs lisp code"]) (fset 'w3-build-continuation #[nil "q ! \" G[O! !   !!  \" C\" +" [w3-working-buffer w3-default-continuation w3-file-extension w3-current-file extn cont assoc w3-uncompressor-alist 0 w3-source w3-mime-viewer "www/source" w3-current-mime-viewer w3-current-mime-type w3-extension-to-mime append (w3-pass-to-viewer) w3-default-action] 4 "\ Build a series of functions to be run on this file"]) (fset 'w3-link-info #[(&optional url no-show) "!!ĉ \"\"\"\" И\"ҪQ  ט\"!!\"AP  P!U  ט!!\"AP P \"#)!-" [url w3-view-this-url t w3-view-url nil type fil serv result ctype string-match "^\\([^:]+\\):/*\\([^/]+\\)/*\\(.*\\)" w3-match 1 2 3 "news" "@" "news article" "newsgroup (" ")" "NNTP site at %s" w3-news-server "file" "^file://" "local file system." assoc w3-extension-to-mime w3-file-extension w3-mime-descriptions " file" "%s" "gopher" " site at %s." string-to-char 48 "gopher document" "gopher directory" "ftp" format "A %s on the %s" no-show message] 6 "\ Get more information on a link." nil]) (fset 'w3-use-links #[nil "!%\"A  @A \"j \"A\"AB B U $ \"A!-" [w3-current-links error "No tags in this document." t completion-ignore-case assoc completing-read "Type of relation: " (("Reverse" . "rev") ("Normal" . "rel")) nil "normal" (("Reverse" . "rev") ("Normal" . "rel")) type table x y "href" w3-fetch "Link: "] 7 "\ Select one of the tags from this document and fetch it." nil]) (fset 'w3-fix-fake-urls #[(st nd) " }eb P\" Q\")" [st nd w3-replace-regexp w3-nonrelative-link "\\(:[^ >]+\\)" " \\1\\2" "[^=\"]+" "\\(:[^ >\\\n]+\\)" " \\1\\2 "] 4 "\ Fix fake urls into real \"\" type links" "r"]) (fset 'w3-update-source-files #[(w3-source-directory) "\nOŚƪ#  \" # \"!\n #!*" [format "%s%sw3.tar.z" w3-source-directory -1 nil "/" "" "/anonymous@cs.indiana.edu:/pub/elisp/w3/w3.tar.z" oldfile newfile file-newer-than-file-p copy-file 3 shell-command "gunzip %s" "cd %s ; tar xf %s"] 6 "\ Retrieve the latest version of the w3 browser and copy it to` w3-source-directory" "DWhere to store w3.tar.z? "]) (fset 'w3-hexify-string #[(str) "! # !#" [boundp MULE code-convert-string str *internal* w3-mule-retrieval-coding-system mapconcat #[(char) "VWWVWVW\"\"!" [char 122 46 97 90 64 57 16 format "%%0%x" "%%%x" char-to-string] 3] w3-fix-entities-in-string ""] 4 "\ Escape characters in a string"]) (fset 'w3-find-this-file #[nil " = ! !ǚ \n #!\n #!!" [w3-current-type major-mode w3-mode w3-mutable-windows find-file-other-window w3-current-file find-file "ftp" format "/anonymous@%s:%s" w3-current-server message "Sorry, I can't get that file so you can alter it."] 5 "\ Do a find-file on the currently viewed html document if it is a file: or ftp: reference" nil]) (fset 'w3-delete-from-alist #[(x alist) " \n\"\n@=\nA \n\"\n\"" [assoc x alist delq] 4 "\ Remove X from ALIST, return new alist"]) (fset 'w3-count-occurences #[(regexp) "m` #\n`Uuj Te) *" [0 nil opoint n re-search-forward regexp t 1] 4 "\ Count # of matches for REGEXP after point. Modified from the how-many function of emacs19"]) (fset 'w3-insert-this-url #[(pref-arg) "!!p !! ʚ? q!q+" [get-buffer read-buffer "Insert into buffer: " pref-arg w3-view-this-url t w3-view-url url oldbuf thebuf "Not on a link!" w3-insert] 4 "\ Insert the current url in another buffer, with prefix ARG, insert URL under point" "P"]) (fset 'w3-show-hotlist #[nil " \n!!" [w3-setup-done w3-do-setup w3-hotlist error "Sorry, no hotlist is in memory." w3-fetch "www://auto/hotlist"] 2 "\ View the hotlist in hypertext form" nil]) (fset 'w3-lookup-style #[(type) " \n\"A9 J )" [assoc type w3-style-assoc x] 4 "\ Return the physical style of logical style "]) (fset 'w3-make-sequence #[(start end) " U‡ V‡ X B Sr )" [start end nil sqnc] 2 "\ Make a sequence (list) of numbers from START to END"]) (fset 'w3-maybe-relative #[(url) " \n\"\n!\n!" [string-match w3-nonrelative-link url w3-relative-link w3-fetch] 3 "\ Take a url and either fetch it, or resolve relative refs, then fetch it"]) (fset 'w3-in-assoc #[(elt list) "\n \n@@\n@@ \"\n@\nAg )" [nil rslt list string-match elt] 4 "\ Check to see if ELT matches any of the regexps in the car elements of LIST"]) (fset 'w3-member #[(elt list) " @At" [list elt] 3 "\ Function defined so that we are sure member will always use equal, like its supposed to. This was pulled from Jamie Zawinskies byte compiler "]) (fset 'w3-goto-last-buffer #[nil " !!!" [w3-current-last-buffer w3-mutable-windows pop-to-buffer switch-to-buffer message "No previous buffer found."] 2 "\ Go to last WWW buffer visited" nil]) (fset 'w3-file-extension #[(fname &optional x) "\n\" \nĉO\nĔOƇ" [string-match "\\.[^\\.]+$" fname x 0 nil ""] 3 "\ Return the filename extension of FNAME. If optional variable X is t, then return the basename of the file with the extension stripped off."]) (fset 'w3-basepath #[(file &optional x) "\n!!" [file "" x file-name-nondirectory file-name-directory] 2 "\ Return the base pathname of FILE, or the actual filename if X is true"]) (fset 'w3-replace-regexp #[(regexp to-string) "eb # #q" [re-search-forward regexp nil t replace-match to-string] 4 "\ Quiet replace-regexp."]) (fset 'w3-find-highest-link-num #[nil "qebd#d#){  !\nV !+O\n)" [w3-working-buffer 0 lnkctr re-search-forward "]" end subst string-to-int] 5 "\ Find highest NAMEd link, so we can number on from there."]) (fset 'w3-clear-tmp-buffer #[nil " !q\n " [get-buffer-create w3-working-buffer buffer-read-only toggle-read-only erase-buffer] 2 "\ Clear the temporary W3 buffer"]) (fset 'w3-preview-this-buffer #[nil " P!" [w3-fetch "www://preview/" buffer-name] 3 "\ See what this buffer will look like when its formatted as HTML. HTML is the HyperText Markup Language used by the World Wide Web to specify formatting for text. More information on HTML can be found at info.cern.ch:/pub/www/doc." nil]) (fset 'w3-gateway-initialize-host-process #[(host user pass) "ď!q !\n $  eb#!!j P\"eb#!!j P\"eb#!!j *" [nil (delete-process w3-gateway-host-process) ((error)) (kill-process w3-gateway-host-process) ((error)) get-buffer-create w3-working-buffer erase-buffer start-process "GATEWAY" w3-gateway-host-program host x w3-gateway-program-interactive re-search-forward w3-gateway-handholding-login-regexp t w3-accept-process-output w3-gateway-host-process w3-lazy-message "Waiting for login prompt..." process-send-string user "\n" w3-gateway-handholding-password-regexp "Waiting for password prompt..." pass w3-gateway-host-prompt-pattern "Waiting for shell prompt..."] 5 "\ Start up the remote host for use as a telnet gateway"]) (fset 'w3-kill-process #[(proc) "= != != !q ! )\"" [w3-gateway-method native delete-process proc program kill-process host process-buffer interrupt-process erase-buffer error "Unknown w3-gateway-method %S"] 3 "\ Kill the process PROC"]) (fset 'w3-accept-process-output #[(proc) " \n \" " [w3-running-FSF19 w3-running-old-lemacs w3-running-lemacs w3-running-epoch accept-process-output proc 1] 3 "\ Allow any pending output from subprocesses to be read by Emacs. It is read into the process' buffers or given to their filter functions. Where possible, this will not exit until some output is received from PROC, or 1 second has elapsed."]) (fset 'w3-process-status #[(proc) "> != !>Ƈ !qeb #ƪ)\"" [w3-gateway-method (native program) process-status proc host (stop exit signal closed) exit process-buffer re-search-forward w3-gateway-host-prompt-pattern nil t open error "Unkown w3-gateway-method %S"] 4 "\ Return the process status of a w3 buffer"]) (fset 'w3-open-stream #[(name buffer host service) "\n\"ê =! = \n\n$ !  \" ) =!!>#!\"!q \n\nް\"eb #!!je|) = )\n\n!%+ !  \" q`+eb,# !n+`|eb#\"᪂ + \")" [w3-gateway-local-host-regexp string-match host native w3-gateway-method tcp require open-network-stream name buffer service proc boundp MULE w3-inhibit-code-conversion w3-gateway-host-process processp w3-process-status (run open) w3-gateway-initialize-host-process w3-gateway-host w3-gateway-host-username w3-gateway-host-password set-process-buffer get-buffer-create w3-working-buffer erase-buffer process-send-string w3-gateway-host-program " " "\n" re-search-forward w3-gateway-host-program-ready-regexp nil t w3-accept-process-output w3-lazy-message "Waiting for remote process to initialize..." 0 program start-process w3-gateway-telnet-program int-to-string tmp w3-gateway-telnet-ready-regexp "connect:" (delete-process proc) ((error)) w3-replace-regexp ".*connect:.*" "" error "Unknown w3-gateway-method %S"] 9 "\ Open a stream to a host"]) (fset 'w3-unhex #[(x) "VYZ\\Z\\Z" [x 57 97 10 65 48] 2]) (fset 'w3-unhex-string #[(str) "\"Ŕ\\! _\\!\\ \nO !QŕO+I\nP)" [str "" tmp string-match "%[0-9a-f][0-9a-f]" 0 start w3-unhex 1 ch1 16 2 code char-to-string nil] 6 "\ Remove %XXX embedded spaces, etc in a url"]) (fset 'w3-rassoc #[(key list) "\n \n@A \n@\nAm )" [nil found list key] 3 "\ An 'rassoc' function - don't want to bother with loading cl just for this function"]) (fset 'w3-insert-entities-in-string #[(str) "\n#" [mapconcat #[(x) "U‡UćUƇUȇ!" [x 60 "<" 62 ">" 38 "&" 32 " " char-to-string] 2] str ""] 4 "\ Remove special characters in STR and replace them with HTML[+] entities"]) (fset 'w3-fix-entities-in-string #[(str) " #Q \n  \" \" \"A\n ҉O$\n ҕO T\n P\n+" ["" "\\(" mapconcat #[(x) "@" [x] 1] w3-html-entities "\\|" "\\)" nil x regexp tmp string-match str assoc w3-match 1 format "%s%s%s" 0] 7 "\ Remove &xxx; entities in string STR"]) (fset 'w3-edit-source #[nil "q =Ū =Ǫ\n\"#  !q !!*" [w3-working-buffer format "Editing %s Annotation: %s" w3-editing-annotation group "Group" personal "Personal" "Unknown" w3-basepath w3-current-file t buffer-string str ttl get-buffer-create w3-insert kill-buffer] 6 "\ Edit the html document just retrieved"]) (fset 'w3-clean-text #[nil "q\"\"" [w3-working-buffer w3-replace-regexp "Connection closed by.*" "" "Process WWW.*"] 3 "\ Clean up a buffer after telnet (trash at beginning, connection closed)"]) (fset 'w3-source #[nil "!! q ! !! \n ! !)" [buffer-name generate-new-buffer "Document Source" tmp w3-working-buffer kill-buffer rename-buffer set-buffer-modified-p nil buffer-enable-undo w3-mutable-windows pop-to-buffer switch-to-buffer] 3 "\ Show the source of a file"]) (fset 'w3-uncompress #[nil "q\n! \"!ed \"A$)" [w3-working-buffer w3-file-extension w3-current-file extn assoc w3-uncompressor-alist message "Uncompressing" shell-command-on-region t] 6 "\ Uncompress a file"]) (byte-code "MM" [w3-filter #[(proc string) "q c \" \" \") " [w3-working-buffer string string-match "\nConnection closed by" set-process-filter proc nil w3-sentinel] 3] w3-sentinel #[(proc string) "q!\" ! !\"! \"B!! @ As)" [w3-working-buffer boundp after-change-functions remove-hook w3-after-change-function w3-be-asynchronous w3-clean-text MULE w3-convert-code-for-mule w3-current-type w3-view-url t get-buffer w3-mime-response-p w3-parse-mime-headers w3-member w3-current-server w3-bad-server-list w3-current-mime-type w3-extension-to-mime w3-file-extension w3-current-file w3-build-continuation x nil] 5]] 2) (fset 'w3-show-history-list #[nil "!" [w3-fetch "www://auto/history"] 2 "\ Format the w3-history-list prettily and show it to the user" nil]) (fset 'w3-save-as #[nil "$\"!!\n  ͚\n!) њ\n!)!qc)eb\n\"c ֚ ך\n!)!qc) ed #+" [completing-read "Format: " (("HTML Source") ("Formatted Text") ("LaTeX Source") ("Binary")) nil t expand-file-name read-file-name "File name: " default-directory w3-view-url url fname format "Binary" w3-current-source w3-be-asynchronous w3-retrieve "HTML Source" txt get-buffer-create w3-working-buffer "\n" "Formatted Text" "LaTeX Source" w3-convert-html-to-latex write-region] 6 "\ Save a document to the local disk" nil]) (fset 'w3-upcase-region #[(st nd) "b #Ɣ\"ƕn \")" [st re-search-forward "\\(<[^>]+>\\)\\|\\(&[^;]+;\\)" nd t upcase-region 0] 4 "\ Uppercase a region of text, ignoring text within < and >"]) (fset 'w3-match #[(s x) " O" [s x] 3 "\ Return regexp match x in s."]) (fset 'w3-build-links-list #[nil "qeb  \n  eb#Ӕ֔֕\"!#Ӕ!`bw`bx`)W \"A\"A\"A\"A \"A\"A\n\"A {!'\"!! *=b  嬨Q!* 0A0@ 1A1@bw!G\\bx!GG\\\\33!! 56    \n %8    \n $+.. " [w3-working-buffer buffer-read-only toggle-read-only "" cur-id cur-txt cur-urn cur-rel cur-href cur-rev cur-title cur-meth nil been-visited st-del nd-del re-search-forward w3-link-begin-regexp t 0 start w3-parse-args 1 replace-match " " cur-url w3-link-end-regexp end " " assoc "name" "href" "ref" "rev" "urn" "title" "methods" w3-fix-entities-in-string string-match w3-nonrelative-link w3-parse-relative-link w3-have-visited-url w3-delimit-links linkname w3-insert "{" "[" "}" w3-link-start-delimiter w3-link-end-delimiter " \\ \\\n" w3-link-delimiter-info w3-add-zone w3-visited-node-style w3-node-style w3 w3-default-style] 13 "\ Build links out of url specs in the temporary buffer. This function looks in the buffer pointed to by w3-working-buffer. The links will be fully usable by w3-follow-link, etc."]) (fset 'w3-handle-links #[nil "qeb eb#ʔ! #`! S\" S|\"A \" !B+5*" [w3-working-buffer buffer-read-only toggle-read-only "" cur-href nil result re-search-forward "" end w3-parse-args cur-lnk assoc "href" string-match w3-nonrelative-link w3-parse-relative-link] 5 "\ Parse out the LINK attributes. This will take the attributes out of the current w3-working-buffer and return an assoc list of the form (Rel or rev tag . url)"]) (fset 'w3-embed-text #[(data type) "\nc\nı" [type "text/html" data "
        " "
        "] 3 "\ Use DATA as extra text for this document."]) (fset 'w3-embed-postscript #[(data type) " !q ced $ʉ & !͏ p!) \")" [w3-generate-unique-filename fname get-buffer-create " *w3-temp*" erase-buffer data write-region 5 call-process "pstoxbm" nil insert-file-contents (delete-file fname) ((error)) buffer-string kill-buffer w3-embed-image "image/xbm"] 7 "\ Embed a LaTeX document"]) (fset 'w3-embed-mpeg #[(data type) " \nQ\"!\nTo \nQ\"!q  ced %q `\"+" ["w3-img-" 0 x fnam file-exists-p expand-file-name ".mpg" w3-temporary-directory get-buffer-create " *w3-temp*" erase-buffer data write-region nil 5 w3-working-buffer w3-add-delayed-mpeg] 6 "\ Embed an mpeg movie in the buffer"]) (fset 'w3-embed-eqn #[(data type) " !q DZedˉ &\n # !ӏ p!) \")" [w3-generate-unique-filename fname get-buffer-create " *w3-temp*" erase-buffer ".EQ" data ".EN" call-process-region "eqn" t nil "|" "groff" ">" call-process "pstoxbm" insert-file-contents (delete-file fname) ((error)) buffer-string kill-buffer w3-embed-image "image/xbm"] 11 "\ Embed an equation in the buffer"]) (fset 'w3-embed-image #[(data type) "\n \"@ Q\n\"! Tm Q\n\"!q ced$p!)ӱ+" ["w3-img-" w3-rassoc type w3-mime-extensions 0 x extn fnam file-exists-p expand-file-name w3-temporary-directory get-buffer-create " *w3temp*" erase-buffer data write-region 5 kill-buffer "\"embedded"] 5 "\ Use DATA as an image of content-type TYPE and insert it in the buffer."]) (fset 'w3-handle-embeds #[nil "eb#˔˕\"!\"A\"A \"A`\n\n\"\n!\n! p!+# ޔ{ ޕ|! ! \" ." [nil st src data cvtr type args re-search-forward "]*\\)>" t w3-parse-args 1 replace-match "" assoc "type" "text/plain" "src" w3-in-assoc w3-embedded-data-converters " *w3-temp*" w3-source w3-working-buffer string-match w3-nonrelative-link w3-parse-relative-link w3-retrieve buffer-string kill-buffer "" 0 message "Nonterminated tag, trying to cope." fboundp] 6 "\ Handle .... tags."]) (fset 'w3-handle-personal-annotations #[nil "!  =d =e!db! @\" At!)!" [w3-lazy-message "Finding personal annotations..." w3-fetch-personal-annotations annos w3-annotation-position bottom top message "Bad value for w3-annotation-position" w3-insert "


        Personal Annotations

          " "\n
        • " "

        " "Finding personal annotations... done."] 4 "\ Take care of personal annotations"]) (fset 'w3-insert-headers #[nil "!\nÉdb@\" @ A!$Ab dU?! b!!+" [w3-lazy-message "Inserting HTTP/1.0 headers..." w3-show-headers nil y x hdrs assoc w3-current-mime-headers w3-insert "
      4. " " :" w3-insert-entities-in-string "

    " "Inserting HTTP/1.0 headers... done." "
      "] 7 "\ Insert some HTTP/1.0 headers if necessary"]) (fset 'w3-fixup-bad-html #[nil "!\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"ebP#ٔf=b!d!_!Z!USbcKSbcA)!" [message "Checking for bad HTML..." w3-replace-regexp "<\\(TBL[^>]*\\)>" "<\\1>\n
      " "" "\n
      " "" "
  • " "" "
    " "
    " "" "]*>" "
    " "\\(]*>\\)" "\\1\n" nil st re-search-forward "]*>" "[ \\ \\\n]*\\([^ \\ \\\n]\\)" t 2 60 looking-at "<[Pp][ >]" "<[DdOoUu][Ll]" "<[dD][iI][rR]" "<[Mm][Ee][Nn][Uu]" "

    " "Checking for bad HTML... done."] 5 "\ Fix lots of bad html markup"]) (fset 'w3-kill-comments #[nil "eb!‰#Ȕ#ȕ` |`f>Y`Sf>OcJ*!" [w3-lazy-message "Removing SGML comments..." nil nd st re-search-forward "[ \\ \\\n]*[ \\ \\\n]*" (32 9 10) (32 9 10) " " "Removing SGML comments... done."] 4 "\ Take care of SGML comments in a buffer."]) (fset 'w3-prepare-buffer #[(&optional no-display) "!\nq ! !  Z$\"eb eb#!`d{`d| \"\" / eb\"\" eb :;:@?<<:@?==:@?>>:@???:@?@@:@p:@A=B:A!:C>:@=:A@@D:8<:@E=:@F=G:A!:@H>:@?:A@=D:8<:@I=J:A!:K>:@=:A@@D:8" replace-match w3-handle-embeds w3-fixup-bad-html w3-balance-pre w3-balance-xmp w3-handle-arbitrary-tags w3-check-index "" "

    " "" "
    " w3-fix-xmp w3-fix-pre w3-fix-render-hints w3-handle-footnotes w3-handle-notes w3-handle-links w3-current-links w3-fix-extras w3-handle-generic-emphasis "[ \\ ]*[ \\ ]*" "" "[ \\ ]* [ \\ ]*" " " w3-handle-whitespace w3-handle-headers w3-restore-pre w3-handle-base x w3-delay-image-loads w3-current-file w3-current-server w3-current-type w3-current-user w3-current-port http w3-grok-http-href "http" 2 file ftp w3-grok-file-href "ftp" gopher w3-grok-gopher-href "gopher" w3-build-links-list w3-handle-graphics w3-handle-forms w3-do-lists "
  • " "\n *" "
    " "\n
    " "
    " "" 0 "</title[ \\ \\\n]*>" nd st w3-fix-entities-in-string w3-strip-leading-spaces w3-eat-trailing-space w3-basepath 50 w3-generate-new-buffer-name w3-fix-paragraphs "<X>\\\n+\\(\\ *\\)<W3BR>" "\n\\1" " " w3-fix-unknown-tags w3-fix-entities w3-restore-xmp w3-insert "\n" looking-at "\\\n" delete-char 1 boundp MULE w3-mule-attribute-zones w3-zones-list w3-mule-attribute w3-fix-extent-endpoints w3-file-done-hooks no-display w3-mode rename-buffer w3-mutable-windows pop-to-buffer switch-to-buffer bufferp w3-current-last-buffer major-mode w3-keep-old-buffers kill-buffer w3-keep-history w3-view-url url assoc w3-history-list "file:historylist" "Done." fboundp w3-insert-graphic w3-delay-mpeg-loads message "Processing images..." w3-load-delayed-images w3-load-delayed-mpegs w3-find-this-link w3-find-specific-link buffer-read-only toggle-read-only set-buffer-modified-p get-buffer "Conversion errors" switch-to-buffer-other-window w3-running-epoch set-variable buffer-style w3-default-style w3-running-FSF19 w3-only-links sit-for] 7 "\ Function to prepare w-buffer for processing. This will completely reformat a buffer - if you just want to parse out links, see the documentation for w3-build-links-list."]) (fset 'w3-handle-base #[nil "eb#ǔǕ\"!\n\"A! ; \" \"!\n *B" [nil url base re-search-forward "<BASE\\([^>]+\\)>" t w3-parse-args 1 replace-match "" assoc "href" message "Malformed 'BASE' tag." string-match "^\\([^:]+\\):/+" intern w3-match] 5 "\ Handle BASE tag"]) (fset 'w3-handle-notes #[nil "!\nqebÉ#˔˕\"! \"A \"A \"!\"!J+\"!" [w3-lazy-message "Handling notices..." w3-working-buffer nil x img role re-search-forward "<NOTE\\([^>]*\\)>" t w3-parse-args 1 replace-match "<HR><BR><B>" assoc "role" "NOTE" "src" w3-insert format "<IMG SRC=\"%s\" ALIGN=\"CENTER\">" "<B>%s:</B>" w3-replace-regexp "</NOTE>" "<BR><HR>" "Handling notices... done."] 5 "\ Handle NOTE tags, as per the HTML+ 'Notes and Admonishments' section."]) (fset 'w3-handle-footnotes #[nil "!\nqeb#db!ebʼn\n   #Δ! #Δ!`   {\n  | b #!db #\n\" T eb*#Δ! #Δ!`   {\n  | b #!db #\n\" T eb*,!" [w3-lazy-message "Handling footnotes...." w3-working-buffer re-search-forward "<FOOTNOTE>" nil t w3-insert "<P>Footnotes<BR><HR>" 1 txt nd st fcounter 0 replace-match "" "</FOOTNOTE>" format "<A HREF=\"#w3-internal-footnote%d\">%d</A>" "<P ID=\"w3-internal-footnote%d\">%d. " "<MARGIN>" "</MARGIN>" "Handling footnotes... done."] 5 "\ Handle footnotes, margin notes, etc, from the HTML+ spec"]) (fset 'w3-fix-render-hints #[nil "!\nqebÉ#˔˕\"!\"A\"A \" \"\" \" \"\"G+!" [w3-lazy-message "Fixing custom render attributes..." w3-working-buffer nil sty tag x re-search-forward "<RENDER\\([^>]+\\)>" t w3-parse-args 1 replace-match "" assoc "tag" "style" w3-replace-regexp format "<%s>" "</%s>" "Fixing custom render attributes... done."] 5 "\ Parse out the RENDER hints ala the HTML+ specification."]) (fset 'w3-handle-arbitrary-tags #[nil "qeb#Ŕŕ{Ɣƕ{!\"!\"*X" [w3-working-buffer re-search-forward "<!ENTITY[ \\ ]+\\([^ ]*\\)[ \\ ]+\"\\([^\"]*\\)\">" nil t 1 2 defn entity replace-match "" w3-replace-regexp regexp-quote format "&%s;"] 5 "\ Find occurences of <!ENTITY ...> and replace them correctly."]) (fset 'w3-balance-xmp #[nil "qeb!! ZdbVS!o+" [w3-working-buffer w3-count-occurences "<XMP>" st "</XMP>" nd df 0 w3-insert "</XMP>\n"] 2 "\ This function will attempt to balance embedded plaintext elements <XMP> tags. This is necessary or the parser will fail some critical regular expression matches."]) (fset 'w3-balance-pre #[nil "qeb!! ZdbVS!o+" [w3-working-buffer w3-count-occurences "<PRE[^>]*>" st "</PRE>" nd df 0 w3-insert "</PRE>\n"] 2 "\ This function will attempt to balance embedded plaintext elements (<PRE> tags). This is necessary or the parser will fail some critical regular expression matches."]) (fset 'w3-fix-extras #[nil "!\nqeb #ǔɔɕ{\n!\nQ#ǔ!`\n!\n\"A$bA!b@!-!" [w3-lazy-message "Doing textual highlighting..." w3-working-buffer re-search-forward w3-style-regexp nil t 0 st 1 dastyle replace-match "" "</" ">" nd w3-lookup-style sty assoc w3-style-chars-assoc ltrs w3-add-zone (w3style) w3-delimit-emphasis w3-insert "Doing textual highlighting... done."] 5 "\ Replace <B>, <I>, etc tags in the buffer. Appropriate zones will be created, and highlighting will be added when possible."]) (fset 'w3-find-graphic-entity #[(entity) " \n\"A  @ P!nj B\nB *" [assoc entity w3-icon-path-cache retval nil done w3-icon-directory-list w3-file-exists t] 3 "\ Return where we found the bitmap for entity... this searches through w3-icon-directory-list and tries to find the bitmap corresponding to entity."]) (fset 'w3-fix-entities #[nil "!\nqeb!  \"! \" \" #Ԕԕ{!!!k\")eb!" [w3-lazy-message "Finding HTML+ entities..." w3-working-buffer fboundp w3-insert-graphic w3-delay-image-loads w3-graphics-always-show-entities mapcar #[(entry) "eb @#! A@! `“ AA$^" [re-search-forward entry nil t replace-match "" w3-add-delayed-graphic w3-find-graphic-entity make-marker center] 5] w3-graphics-entities-alist #[(entry) "eb @#! A@!C` AA$a" [re-search-forward entry nil t replace-match "" w3-insert-graphic w3-find-graphic-entity center] 5] #[(entry) "eb @ AA\"" [w3-replace-regexp entry ""] 3] nil case-fold-search re-search-forward "&#\\([0-9]+\\);*" t replace-match char-to-string string-to-int 1 #[(x) " @ A\"" [w3-replace-regexp x] 3] w3-html-entities] 5 "\ Replace &#XXX with ASCII character XXX."]) (fset 'w3-fix-pre #[nil "qeb#Ô!\n#Ô! \n {!ɘ? T\n {D\nB\n |\nb !\"\n |++" [w3-working-buffer nil w3-pre-data 0 w3-pre-data-count re-search-forward "<PRE[^>]*>" t replace-match "" start "</PRE>" end w3-eat-trailing-space repl w3-insert "***PREDATA" int-to-string] 5 "\ Extract <PRE> fields, and put them back in later."]) (fset 'w3-restore-pre #[(&optional done) "qeb V !P# ʪ  \"A@ ΪQlj#eb SL" [w3-working-buffer w3-pre-data-count 0 re-search-forward "***PREDATA" int-to-string nil t replace-match done "<PRE>" "\n" assoc w3-pre-data "</PRE>"] 6 "\ Restore the <PRE> fields"]) (fset 'w3-fix-xmp #[nil "qeb#Ô#`\n T\n{D\nB\n|b !\"*K" [w3-working-buffer nil w3-xmp-data 0 w3-xmp-data-count re-search-forward "<XMP>" t start "</XMP>" end w3-insert "***XMPDATA" int-to-string] 5 "\ Extract <XMP> fields, and put them back in later."]) (fset 'w3-restore-xmp #[nil "qeb Veb !P#  \"A@OQlj# SW" [w3-working-buffer w3-xmp-data-count 0 re-search-forward "***XMPDATA" int-to-string nil t replace-match "\n" assoc w3-xmp-data 5 -6] 6 "\ Restore the <XMP> fields"]) (fset 'w3-check-index #[nil "qeb#ɚP\"É" [w3-working-buffer re-search-forward "\\\n*<ISINDEX>\\\n*" nil t w3-current-isindex replace-match w3-use-forms-index w3-current-type "http" "<FORM>\nThis is a searchable index. Search for:" " <INPUT NAME=\"isindex\"><P></FORM>" ""] 4 "\ Check to see if this is an indexed file. If it is, update the mode line"]) (fset 'w3-handle-whitespace #[nil "qeb\"\"\"\"\"" [w3-working-buffer w3-replace-regexp "<P>\\\n*" "<P>" "\\\n" " " " " " +" "\\. +" ". "] 3 "\ Fix newlines, tabs, and spaces"]) (fset 'w3-handle-headers #[nil "!\nqeb#1ǔǕ{ɔɕ{\n  Δϔϔϕ{!! !œ \"P#Δϔϔϕ{!! ! `œ\"A\n\"\nϔϕOʼnB$\"{!$ &'ZV &'Z$$88\"b8$@\"# !b !A@$A@\"#)b !b !.\n�eb!" [w3-lazy-message "Parsing headers..." w3-working-buffer re-search-forward "[ \\ \\\n]*\\(<P[^>]*>\\)*[ \\ \\\n]*<H\\([0-9]+\\)\\([^>]*\\)>" nil t 2 siz 3 tags x y make-marker 0 1 w3-eat-trailing-space w3-strip-leading-spaces "<P>" replace-match "" st format "</H%s>" "[ \\ \\\n]*\\(<P[^>]*>\\)*" end assoc w3-header-chars-assoc forms w3-add-zone w3-header-style w3header string-match "ID=\"\\([^\"]+\\)\"" w3-delimit-emphasis w3-length-after-parsing len window-width w3-strict-width w3-right-border w3-insert "<BR>" make-string "Parsing headers... done."] 14 "\ Do the headers"]) (fset 'w3-fix-horizontal-rules #[nil "eb# \nZ \"\"!d" [re-search-forward "<[Hh][rR]>" nil t replace-match format "<p>%s<p>" make-string w3-strict-width window-width w3-right-border w3-horizontal-rule-char] 6 "\ Replace all the <HR> tags"]) (fset 'w3-fix-unknown-tags #[(&optional pt recur) "!\nqeb# eœ ɔœɔɕ{\n  !  }\")\n\"#!`\"+`d}\"~!" [w3-lazy-message "Removing unknown tags..." w3-working-buffer re-search-forward "<\\(PRE\\|XMP\\)>" nil t make-marker pt 1 tp nd st replace-match "" w3-replace-regexp "<[^>]*>" format "</%s>" w3-fix-unknown-tags "Removing unknown tags... done."] 4 "\ Remove unknown tags in a buffer"]) (fset 'w3-fix-paragraphs-in-region #[nil "qeb P\"\"\"ebɉ\n   #U ֔ɓהו{ٚPٚȪ P!!\"A\"A`) #֔ ) #֔ )    ^^ɓ\n\n$CB$\n\"2�皫\n#2�蚫)Z)\n\"\n\"b\n#!r)2�)Z)\n#)2�2� Pbwc\nb\n\")2�.eb\"\"" [w3-working-buffer w3-replace-regexp "<[bB][Rr]> *" fill-prefix "<PW3>" "\\\n\\\n+\\ " "\n " "^ +" "" nil nd next-t next-p eol args align st ptag re-search-forward "<P\\([^>]*\\)>[ \\\n]*" t make-marker 0 1 w3-parse-args-string "W3" "ALIGN=" replace-match "\n\n" assoc "id" "align" "left" "\\ " "<P" w3-add-zone w3-default-style w3par fill-region "justify" "center" fill-column 7 center-region "^" " " "right" "indent" " " " \n" "\\\n\\\n+" "<[sS][Pp]>" " "] 8 "\ Fill paragraphs in the visible part of the buffer"]) (fset 'w3-fix-paragraphs #[(&optional pt recur) "!\nq eb eb# e`Zʔʕ{     } ) \"#`\"+`d} ~!" [w3-lazy-message "Filling paragraphs..." w3-working-buffer pt w3-fix-horizontal-rules re-search-forward "<\\(PRE\\|XMP\\)>" nil t 5 1 tp nd st w3-fix-paragraphs-in-region format "</%s>" w3-fix-paragraphs] 4 "\ Fix filling of paragraphs in a new buffer"]) (fset 'w3-add-delayed-mpeg #[(src st) " \nÓB B\"Q!\n`\nE$" [src make-marker st nil w3-delayed-movies w3-insert "[MPEG(" w3-basepath t ")]" w3-add-zone w3mpeg] 7 "\ Add a delayed mpeg for the current buffer."]) (fset 'w3-add-delayed-graphic #[(src st align alt) " “ FB c ǘ? ` $" [make-marker st nil src align alt w3-delayed-images "" w3-add-zone w3delayed] 9 "\ Add a delayed image for the current buffer."]) (fset 'w3-handle-graphics #[nil "q!!eb!�#ʔ̔!̔!!̔̕\"!\"A\"A\"Q\"A!\"\"!\"ABB&$$.�ebЉ#̔̕\"!\"A\"A\"Q\"\"!`!`D%,," [w3-working-buffer get-buffer "Conversion errors" kill-buffer fboundp w3-insert-graphic re-search-forward "<IMG[ \\ ]+\\([^>]+\\)>" nil t 0 w3-zone-at 1 w3-zone-data w3-parse-args replace-match "" center alt align src img lnk st assoc "src" "alt" "[IMAGE(" w3-basepath ")] " intern "align" "center" string-match w3-nonrelative-link w3-parse-relative-link "ismap" ismap w3-delay-image-loads w3-add-delayed-graphic "<IMG[ \\ \\\n]*\\([^>]+\\)>" w3-insert w3-add-zone w3graphic] 6 "\ A function to parse out IMG tags. In epoch, this will actually insert the picture into the buffer. The ALT attribute is displayed when not in epoch (or when epoch fails to read in the graphic correctly."]) (fset 'w3-find-emphasis-face #[(attributes) "\n\"\n\"ć\n\"\"Aȇ\n\"\"Aˇ\n\"\n\"\n\"\"AЇ\n\"ч\n\"҇\n\"ԇ!ׇ" [assoc "b" attributes "i" bold-italic "sup" "SUP" w3-style-assoc bold "sub" "SUB" italic "tt" "hv" "tr" "TT" w3-tt-style w3-bold-style w3-italic-style "u" w3-underline-style message "Error in an <em> tag - unknown emphasis." nil] 3 "\ Return a face from the various attributes of an <em> tag."]) (fset 'w3-handle-generic-emphasis-1 #[nil "#!ʔ̔̕\"!#`!) !\n d^ $," [nil end strt face args re-search-forward "<em\\([^>]*\\)>" t message "Something is wrong with an <em> tag" 0 w3-parse-args 1 replace-match "" "</em[^>]*>" w3-find-emphasis-face w3-add-zone (w3style)] 5]) (fset 'w3-handle-generic-emphasis #[nil "eb#ǔ   Abr\n@ b bY+" [nil st opos pos re-search-forward "<em" t 0 w3-subemphasis-exists w3-handle-generic-emphasis-1] 4 "\ Handle the <em> tag."]) (fset 'w3-subemphasis-exists #[nil "#Ĕ)`)#ĔĕB*" [re-search-forward "</em[^>]*>" nil t 0 end-tag search-limit "<em"] 5 "\ Return t iff there is a nested <em> tag"]) (fset 'w3-convert-graphic-to-useable-format #[(buf fname xbm) "q !! \" \" #ed\nA#Q$*" [buf nil converter w3-current-mime-type w3-extension-to-mime w3-file-extension w3-current-file assoc w3-graphic-converter-alist message "Cannot convert %s to www/present!" "Converting image %s (%s)..." shell-command-on-region format w3-max-colors xbm w3-ppmtoxbm-command w3-ppmtoxpm-command "> " fname t] 8 "\ Convert the image data in buffer BUF into a format useable by lemacs or epoch. Second arg FNAME is the filename to redirect output into. If third arg XBM is t, convert it to an Xbitmap, otherwise convert it to an XPM (recommended, as they can do color). Returns a filename containing the bitmap specification"]) (require 'ring) (defvar w3-document-cache (make-ring w3-cache-size) "\ Internal doc cache") (fset 'w3-find-in-cache #[(url) "A@ X \"@ A Tf," [w3-document-cache ln 0 x nil y retval ring-ref url] 4 "\ Return the document referenced by URL if it is in the document cache."]) (fset 'w3-store-in-cache #[nil " \"#Rp e!d !q c #B\"ed%p!." [format "(let ((doc \"%s\"))\n" buffer-string "" "(w3-clear-tmp-buffer)\n" "(insert doc)\n" mapconcat #[(x) "\n=\n=Ū\n=\nJ!\nJ$" [format "(setq %S %s%S)\n" x tab-stop-list w3-current-mime-viewer "'" "" w3-current-last-buffer buffer-name] 6] w3-persistent-variables "\n" w3-generate-unique-filename w3-view-url t nd url st fnam buf prolog get-buffer-create " *w3-cache*" erase-buffer w3-write-zones ring-insert w3-document-cache write-region nil 5 kill-buffer] 7 "\ Store the current document in the cache."]) (fset 'w3-load-flavors #[nil "! ! !!!̏" [w3-running-lemacs require w3-lemacs w3-running-old-lemacs w3-old-lemacs w3-running-epoch w3-epoch w3-running-FSF19 w3-emacs19 w3-emacs nil (byte-code "!" [require w3-site-init] 2) ((error))] 3 "\ Load the correct zone/font info for each flavor of emacs"]) (fset 'w3-submit-bug #[nil "!Ú ! ! c c#!iW!uciW!uc\"ҔҕOޔޕO \"O#䪁!誁))!,ذ/!\n\nQ!4Q!7QiW!u!iW!u!)" [w3-view-url t url "file:nil" nil w3-mutable-windows fboundp w3-mail-other-window-command w3-mail-command mail-other-window mail mail-to "wmperry@indiana.edu" mail-subject "Bug found in w3-mode" re-search-forward mail-header-separator next-line 1 29 w3-insert "-" "Description of System:" 75 "\n" string-match "WWW \\([^ ]*\\) \\(.*\\)" w3-version "WWW Browser Version: " ", of " 2 " Emacs Version: " emacs-version 0 " of" w3-running-epoch "(Epoch)" "" boundp MULE "(MULE)" window-system " Window System: " symbol-name window-system-version " System Type: " prin1-to-string system-type " URL: " featurep ange-ftp " Ange-FTP: " ange-ftp-version efs " EFS: " efs-version "Description of Problem:" "\n\n"] 20 "\ Function to submit a bug to the programs maintainer" nil]) (fset 'w3-nuke-spaces-in-search #[(x) "\n \n!UŪ\nOP\nOc )" ["" new x string-to-char 32 "+" 0 1 nil] 5 "\ Remove spaces from search strings . . ."]) (fset 'w3-parse-args #[(st nd) "}ebmw`w\n`\"\n`{w`fUw`fU fU Tҏ{ w`{ B B( ." [nil val-pos name-pos results value name st nd " \\\n\\ " "^ \\\n\\ =" downcase-region " \\ \\\n" 0 61 " \\ \\\n=" 34 39 (byte-code "!`Sw" [forward-sexp 1 "\"" nil] 3) ((error (byte-code "w`" ["^ \\ \\\n" nil] 2))) "^ \\ \\\n"] 6 "\ Return an assoc list of attribute/value pairs from an SGML-type string"]) (fset 'w3-parse-args-string #[(str) "!\nq !ced\"*" [get-buffer-create " *w3-tmp*" buff erase-buffer set-syntax-table w3-parse-args-syntax-table str w3-parse-args] 3 "\ Return an assoc list of attribute/value pairs from an SGML-type string"]) (fset 'w3-search #[nil "! Ě!!!!   \" \"  O!Uת Q!*" [w3-current-isindex message "Not a searchable index!" w3-current-type "http" "Sorry, searching is not implemented on local files yet." w3-nuke-spaces-in-search read-string "Search on (+ separates keywords): " w3-view-url t url querystring string-match "\\(.*\\)\\?.*" w3-match 1 w3-fetch string-to-char w3-current-file -1 nil 63 "" "?"] 6 "\ Perform a search, if this is a searchable index." nil]) (fset 'w3-help #[nil "!" [w3-fetch "www://auto/help"] 2 "\ Print documentation on w3 mode." nil]) (fset 'w3-remove-relative-links-helper #[(name) "\n\"\nÕOÔUƉ!! P\nÉSO! P)\n\"ÔU\nO\nÉO\nÕOP" [string-match "\\.\\./" name 0 nil tmp w3-basepath w3-current-file "\\./" 2] 4]) (fset 'w3-remove-relative-links #[(name) "\n\"\n!t\n" [string-match "\\.+/" name w3-remove-relative-links-helper] 3 "\ Strip . and .. from pathnames"]) (fset 'w3-version #[nil " !" [message w3-version] 2 "\ Show the version # of W3 in the minibuffer" nil]) (fset 'w3 #[nil " \" P! !" [w3-setup-done w3-do-setup string-match ".*:.*" w3-default-homepage w3-fetch "file:"] 3 "\ Retrieve the default World Wide Web home page. The World Wide Web is a global hypertext system started by CERN in Switzerland in 1991. The home page is specified by the variable w3-default-homepage. The document should be specified by its fully specified Uniform Resource Locator. The document will be parsed as HTML (if appropriate) and displayed in a new buffer." nil]) (fset 'w3-reload-document #[nil "!`p! ! b+" [w3-view-url t (("Pragma" . "no-cache")) w3-request-extra-headers pnt tmp kill-buffer w3-fetch] 3 "\ Reload the current document" nil]) (fset 'w3-leave-buffer #[nil "\n = =\"p! ! ! ! !)" [w3-current-last-buffer x w3-running-FSF19 window-system pm set-variable lucid-menu-bar-dirty-flag t bury-buffer bufferp buffer-name w3-mutable-windows pop-to-buffer switch-to-buffer] 3 "\ Bury this buffer,but don't kill it" nil]) (fset 'w3-quit #[nil "\n = =\"! p! ! ! ! !)" [w3-current-last-buffer x w3-running-FSF19 window-system pm set-variable lucid-menu-bar-dirty-flag t boundp w3-mpeg-kill-processes kill-buffer bufferp buffer-name w3-mutable-windows pop-to-buffer switch-to-buffer] 3 "\ Quit WWW mode" nil]) (fset 'w3-view-this-url #[(&optional no-show) "`! !@= 8!\" 8 @= ? 8! 8͚Ϊ 8!$ @= ? A@!\" ?!*" [w3-zone-at ext w3-zone-data data w3 no-show message "%s" w3-quotify-percents 2 w3form "Form entry (name=%s, type=%s)" 3 "" "TEXT" nil w3graphic "Inlined image (%s)" "No link at point."] 7 "\ View the URL of the link under point" nil]) (fset 'w3-load-delayed-images #[nil "!\")‰" [fboundp w3-insert-graphic nil buffer-read-only mapcar #[(data) "\n\"" [apply w3-insert-graphic data] 3] w3-delayed-images] 3 "\ Load inlined images that were delayed, if necessary. This function searches through w3-delayed-images and fetches the appropriate picture for each point in the buffer and inserts it." nil]) (fset 'w3-view-url #[(&optional no-show) "\nÚ\nȘP !%�\n̚ΘP \nК\nјP !U O !%\n֚\nP !U O !%\n՚ !\"\nښ # ! )" ["" url w3-current-type "gopher" format "%s://%s%s/%s" w3-current-server w3-current-port "70" ":" w3-quotify-percents w3-current-file "news" "news://" "119" "/" "http" "80" string-to-char 47 1 nil "ftp" w3-current-user "@" "file:%s" "www" "www:/%s/%s" no-show message] 9 "\ View the current document's URL" nil]) (fset 'w3-save-this-url #[nil "!" [w3-save-url t] 2 "\ Save url under point in the kill ring" nil]) (fset 'w3-save-url #[(under-pt) "!! B! !)" [under-pt w3-view-this-url t w3-view-url x kill-ring kill-ring-yank-pointer fboundp w3-store-in-x-clipboard] 3 "\ Save current url in the kill ring" "P"]) (fset 'w3-end-of-document #[nil "db" [] 1 "\ Go to end of document" nil]) (fset 'w3-start-of-document #[nil "eb" [] 1 "\ Go to start of document" nil]) (fset 'w3-mail-to-author #[nil " \n @ A \"A \"AȚb \"AZ\n\n!!+" [w3-current-links nil found y x assoc "rel" "rev" "made" "href" w3-fetch error "Cannot find the 'made' link for this document, sorry."] 4 "\ Send mail to the author of this document, if possible." nil]) (fset 'w3-kill-emacs-func #[nil " !# ̏ A s)! " [w3-keep-history w3-history-list w3-write-global-history message "Cleaning up w3 storage..." directory-files w3-temporary-directory t "w3.*" x nil (byte-code " @!" [delete-file x] 2) ((error)) "Cleaning up w3 storage... done." w3-old-kill-emacs-hook] 5 "\ Routine called when exiting emacs. Do miscellaneous clean up."]) (fset 'w3-do-setup #[nil " ! !\"!  ! PB)OO!\"\"\"!!#QB\"=$?%?&?!?()=)=)=-?\".=$?%?&?!?()=)=)=-?.$(%\"020!!!!$%&)55!8!!8!8@�!AɁB�!AɁC�!!D� EF� GH� IIƁJ�!JJƁK�!KKKƁL�!LLLہM�!ہM�!N�IOہP�!Q�ORS� RT$U� %U� ()=)=U� &V�TW$X� %X� ()=)=Y� ()=Z� &[�W\\�]�!W^�_�`\"a`b� cd�e#f�Qcgh�i�j� k� #glglm�n�![�o" [w3-load-flavors w3-setup-version-specifics w3-create-faces file-exists-p w3-global-history-file w3-parse-global-history boundp data-directory file-name-as-directory expand-file-name "w3" maybe-dir file-directory-p "file:" w3-icon-directory-list mapcar #[(x) " P! B)" [getenv x "_proxy" y] 4] car w3-split w3-nonrelative-link 0 -3 3 nil regexp-quote "\\|" w3-proxy-services getenv "no_proxy" "\\(" mapconcat #[(x) "U‡UćU!UɇULJ!" [x 44 "\\|" 32 "" 46 regexp-quote "." 42 ".*" 63 char-to-string] 2] "" "\\)" w3-delimit-emphasis guess w3-running-lemacs w3-running-old-lemacs w3-running-epoch MULE w3-running-FSF19 window-system x ns pm w3-emacs19-hack-faces-p w3-delimit-links add-hook kill-emacs-hook w3-kill-emacs-func w3-old-kill-emacs-hook "~/.w3" load-file w3-use-transparent require transparent w3-passwd-entry-func featurep efs efs-auto efs-read-passwd ange-ftp ange-ftp-read-passwd error "You must use either ange-ftp or efs!" w3-mime-default-mailcap "~/.mailcap" "~/.mime-types" w3-parse-mime-types w3-hotlist w3-parse-hotlist w3-personal-annotations w3-parse-personal-annotations w3-news-server gnus-default-nntp-server gnus-nntp-server nntp-server-name "NNTPSERVER" "news" w3-default-homepage "WWW_HOME" "http://cs.indiana.edu/elisp/w3/docs.html" w3-mime-accept-string w3-parse-viewer-types w3-color-planes x-display-planes 8 w3-color-display x-color-display-p x-display-color-p ns-display-color-p t fboundp w3-insert-graphic string-match "ppmtoxpm" w3-ppmtoxpm-command w3-ppmtoxbm-command w3-parse-docs-menu w3-style-regexp "<\\(" w3-style-assoc "\\)>" w3-pgp/pem-entity format "%s@%s" user-real-login-name system-name w3-personal-mail-address run-hooks w3-load-hooks w3-setup-done] 8 "\ Do setup - this is to avoid conflict with user settings when W3 is dumped with emacs."]) (fset 'w3-mark-link-as-followed #[(ext dat) " ! ! ! %\n*" [w3-zone-start ext w3-zone-end nd st w3-delete-zone w3-add-zone w3-visited-node-style dat t w3-delimit-links] 6 "\ Mark a link as followed, by removing the old extent EXT, and replacing it with a new extent with the w3-visited-node-style face."]) (fset 'w3-follow-link #[nil "`! !! @= \") 8; 8!! @= \" @= A@! @= ! @= ! ! A$ ! @= ! ! A$ @\"*" [w3-zone-at ext w3-zone-data dat message "No link, form entry, or image at point." w3 nil buffer-read-only w3-mark-link-as-followed 2 w3-maybe-relative "No link." w3form w3-do-form-entry w3graphic w3expandlist w3-expand-list w3delayed apply w3-load-single-delayed-graphic w3-zone-start w3-zone-end w3-delete-zone w3mpeg w3-load-single-delayed-mpeg "Confused about what type of link is at point: %S"] 6 "\ Attempt to follow the hypertext reference under point." nil]) (fset 'w3-complete-link #[nil "! ! \" $ \"A!+" [nil t completion-ignore-case choice links-alist w3-map-links #[(data arg) " 8 8B B" [3 data 2 links-alist] 3] error "No links in current document." sort #[(x y) "@ @" [x y] 2] completing-read "Link: " w3-fetch assoc] 5 "\ Choose a link from the current buffer and follow it" nil]) (fset 'w3-mode #[nil " \" !\n ! \" Ӛԉ)" [w3-setup-done w3-do-setup mapcar #[(x) "JB" [x] 2] w3-persistent-variables tmp kill-all-local-variables use-local-map w3-mode-map w3-mode major-mode "WWW" mode-name run-hooks w3-mode-hooks #[(x) " @ A\"" [set-variable x] 3] w3-mode-version-specifics w3-current-isindex w3-current-type "http" "-Searchable" mode-line-process] 3 "\ Mode for viewing HTML documents. Will try to bring up the document specified by w3-default-homepage. Current keymap is: \\{w3-mode-map}" nil]) (provide 'w3)