\begindata{text,538210340} \textdsversion{12} \template{default} \define{global } # Copyright 1992 Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. # $Disclaimer: # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its # documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, # provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that # both that copyright notice, this permission notice, and the following # disclaimer appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of # IBM, Carnegie Mellon University, and other copyright holders, not be # used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software # without specific, written prior permission. # # IBM, CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY, AND THE OTHER COPYRIGHT HOLDERS # DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING # ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT # SHALL IBM, CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY, OR ANY OTHER COPYRIGHT HOLDER # BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY # DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, # WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS # ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE # OF THIS SOFTWARE. # $ #~group Scrollbars #~type boolean #~views string boolean #~help This preference, when yes, alters the defaults of many other scrollbar preferences in order to emulate the older style ATK scrollbars. This preference defaults to no on color screens, and yes on monochrome screens. #~endhelp MimicOldScrollbar: #~type boolean #~views string boolean #~help Whether a border is drawn around the interior of the frame. This defaults to no when mimicing the old scrollbar, otherwise it defaults to yes. #~endhelp ScrollDrawBorders: #~type integer #~views integer slider #~range 0 4 #~help This integer preference specifies which "look" should be used for all the components of the scroll bar. The default of 4 indicates "OSF/Motif" (TM) appearance. The only supported style is the "OSF/Motif" (TM) appearance. The other styles may or may not work correctly and may effect the behavior of the scroll bar as well as it's appearance. The possible values for this preference are: \leftindent{\leftindent{1. Double Boxed. 2. Three Dimensional. 3. Plain Box. 4. OSF/Motif (TM). }}Setting this will also have the effect of setting the ScrollMatteStyle, ScrollBarStyle, ScrollButtonStyle, and ScrollElevatorStyle preferences. Any of these preferences may be set individually or with any of the others including ScrollStyle. \indent{ }\smaller{\section{Notices }\leftindent{OSF and Motif are registered trademarks of the Open Software Foundation.}} #~endhelp ScrollStyle: 4 #~type color #~views string color #~help \bold{\bold{ }(see the preferences help file for more information)} This color will be used to compute several other colors to provide a "3D" effect for the "Three Dimensional" and "OSF/Motif" (TM) style scroll bars. Setting this will also have the effect of setting the ScrollMatteForeground, ScrollBarForeground, ScrollButtonForeground, and ScrollElevatorForeground preferences. Any of these preferences may be set individually or with any of the others including ScrollForeground. \smaller{\section{Notices }\leftindent{OSF and Motif are registered trademarks of the Open Software Foundation.}} #~endhelp ScrollForeground: #~type color #~views string color #~help \bold{ (see the preferences help file for more information) }This color will be used to compute several other colors to provide a "3D" effect for the "Three Dimensional" and "OSF/Motif" (TM) style scroll bars. Setting this will also have the effect of setting the ScrollMatteBackground, ScrollBarBackground, ScrollButtonBackground, and ScrollElevatorBackground preferences. Any of these preferences may be set individually or with any of the others including ScrollBackground. \smaller{\section{Notices }\leftindent{OSF and Motif are registered trademarks of the Open Software Foundation.}} #~endhelp ScrollBackground: #~type color #~views string color #~help \bold{} This color will be used to draw the background (the raised or depressed area) of the matte (the area around the scroll bar(s) and the document), the bar or the buttons. Setting this will also have the effect of setting the ScrollMatteTop, ScrollBarTop, ScrollButtonTop, and ScrollElevatorTop preferences. Any of these preferences may be set individually or with any of the others including ScrollTop. #~endhelp ScrollTop: #~type color #~views string color #~help \bold{ }The color which will be used to draw the upper shadow of the matte (the area around the view and scroll bar(s)) or the bottom shadow of the bar(s) (since they are supposed to look depressed). Setting this will also have the effect of setting the ScrollMatteTopShadow, ScrollBarTopShadow, ScrollButtonTopShadow, and ScrollElevatorTopShadow preferences. Any of these preferences may be set individually or with any of the others including ScrollTopShadow. \smaller{\section{Notices }\leftindent{OSF and Motif are registered trademarks of the Open Software Foundation.}} #~endhelp ScrollTopShadow: #~type color #~views string color #~help \bold{ }The color which will be used to draw the bottom shadow of the matte, or the upper shadow of the bar(s). Setting this will also have the effect of setting the ScrollMatteBottomShadow, ScrollBarBottomShadow, ScrollButtonBottomShadow, and ScrollElevatorBottomShadow preferences. Any of these preferences may be set individually or with any of the others including ScrollBottomShadow. \smaller{\section{Notices }\leftindent{OSF and Motif are registered trademarks of the Open Software Foundation.}} #~endhelp ScrollBottomShadow: #~type color #~views string color #~help \bold{\bold{ }(see the preferences help file for more information)} This color will be used to compute several other colors to provide a "3D" effect for the matte in "Three Dimensional" and "OSF/Motif" (TM) style scroll bars. \smaller{\section{Notices }\leftindent{OSF and Motif are registered trademarks of the Open Software Foundation.}} #~endhelp ScrollMatteForeground: #~type color #~views string color #~help \bold{ (see the preferences help file for more information) }This color will be used to compute several other colors to provide a "3D" effect for the matte in "Three Dimensional" and "OSF/Motif" (TM) style scroll bars. \smaller{\section{Notices }\leftindent{OSF and Motif are registered trademarks of the Open Software Foundation.}} #~endhelp ScrollMatteBackground: #~type color #~views string color #~help \bold{} This color will be used to draw the background (the raised or depressed area) of the matte. #~endhelp ScrollMatteTop: #~type color #~views string color #~help \bold{ }The color which will be used to draw the upper shadow of the matte (the area around the view and scroll bar(s)) . #~endhelp ScrollMatteTopShadow: #~type color #~views string color #~help \bold{ }The color which will be used to draw the bottom shadow of the matte. \smaller{\section{Notices }\leftindent{OSF and Motif are registered trademarks of the Open Software Foundation.}} #~endhelp ScrollMatteBottomShadow: #~type color #~views string color #~help \bold{\bold{ }(see the preferences help file for more information)} This color will be used to compute several other colors to provide a "3D" effect for the bar in "Three Dimensional" and "OSF/Motif" (TM) style scroll bars. \smaller{\section{Notices }\leftindent{OSF and Motif are registered trademarks of the Open Software Foundation.}} #~endhelp ScrollBarForeground: #~type color #~views string color #~help \bold{ (see the preferences help file for more information) }This color will be used to compute several other colors to provide a "3D" effect for the bar in "Three Dimensional" and "OSF/Motif" (TM) style scroll bars. \smaller{\section{Notices }\leftindent{OSF and Motif are registered trademarks of the Open Software Foundation.}} #~endhelp ScrollBarBackground: #~type color #~views string color #~help \bold{} This color will be used to draw the background (the raised or depressed area) of the bar. #~endhelp ScrollBarTop: #~type color #~views string color #~help \bold{ }The color which will be used to draw the upper shadow of the bar. #~endhelp ScrollBarTopShadow: #~type color #~views string color #~help \bold{ }The color which will be used to draw the bottom shadow of the bar. #~endhelp ScrollBarBottomShadow: #~type color #~views string color #~help \bold{\bold{ }(see the preferences help file for more information)} This color will be used to compute several other colors to provide a "3D" effect for the buttons in "Three Dimensional" and "OSF/Motif" (TM) style scroll bars. \smaller{\section{Notices }\leftindent{OSF and Motif are registered trademarks of the Open Software Foundation.}} #~endhelp ScrollButtonForeground: #~type color #~views string color #~help \bold{ (see the preferences help file for more information) }This color will be used to compute several other colors to provide a "3D" effect for the buttons in "Three Dimensional" and "OSF/Motif" (TM) style scroll bars. \smaller{\section{Notices }\leftindent{OSF and Motif are registered trademarks of the Open Software Foundation.}} #~endhelp ScrollButtonBackground: #~type color #~views string color #~help \bold{} This color will be used to draw the background (the raised or depressed area) of the buttons. #~endhelp ScrollButtonTop: #~type color #~views string color #~help \bold{ }The color which will be used to draw the upper shadow of the buttons. \smaller{\section{Notices }\leftindent{OSF and Motif are registered trademarks of the Open Software Foundation.}} #~endhelp ScrollButtonTopShadow: #~type color #~views string color #~help \bold{ }The color which will be used to draw the bottom shadow of the buttons. \smaller{\section{Notices }\leftindent{OSF and Motif are registered trademarks of the Open Software Foundation.}} #~endhelp ScrollButtonBottomShadow: #~type color #~views string color #~help \bold{\bold{ }(see the preferences help file for more information)} This color will be used to compute several other colors to provide a "3D" effect for the elevator in "Three Dimensional" and "OSF/Motif" (TM) style scroll bars. \smaller{\section{Notices }\leftindent{OSF and Motif are registered trademarks of the Open Software Foundation.}} #~endhelp ScrollElevatorForeground: #~type color #~views string color #~help \bold{ (see the preferences help file for more information) }This color will be used to compute several other colors to provide a "3D" effect for the elevator in "Three Dimensional" and "OSF/Motif" (TM) style scroll bars. \smaller{\section{Notices }\leftindent{OSF and Motif are registered trademarks of the Open Software Foundation.}} #~endhelp ScrollElevatorBackground: #~type color #~views string color #~help \bold{} This color will be used to draw the background (the raised or depressed area) of the elevator. #~endhelp ScrollElevatorTop: #~type color #~views string color #~help \bold{ }The color which will be used to draw the upper shadow of the elevator. #~endhelp ScrollElevatorTopShadow: #~type color #~views string color #~help \bold{ }The color which will be used to draw the bottom shadow of the elevator. #~endhelp ScrollElevatorBottomShadow: #~type color #~views string color #~help \bold{\bold{ }(see the preferences help file for more information)} This color will be used to compute several other colors to provide a "3D" effect for the dot in "Three Dimensional" and "OSF/Motif" (TM) style scroll bars. \smaller{\section{Notices }\leftindent{OSF and Motif are registered trademarks of the Open Software Foundation.}} #~endhelp ScrollDotForeground: #~type color #~views string color #~help \bold{ (see the preferences help file for more information) }This color will be used to compute several other colors to provide a "3D" effect for the dot in "Three Dimensional" and "OSF/Motif" (TM) style scroll bars. \smaller{\section{Notices }\leftindent{OSF and Motif are registered trademarks of the Open Software Foundation.}} #~endhelp ScrollDotBackground: #~type color #~views string color #~help \bold{} This color will be used to draw the background (the raised or depressed area) of the dot. #~endhelp ScrollDotTop: #~type color #~views string color #~help \bold{ }The color which will be used to draw the upper shadowof the dot. \smaller{\section{Notices }\leftindent{OSF and Motif are registered trademarks of the Open Software Foundation.}} #~endhelp ScrollDotTopShadow: #~type color #~views string color #~help \bold{ }The color which will be used to draw the bottom shadow of the dot. \smaller{\section{Notices }\leftindent{OSF and Motif are registered trademarks of the Open Software Foundation.}} #~endhelp ScrollDotBottomShadow: #~type integer #~views integer slider #~range 8 30 #~help Determines the width of the scrollbar . This defaults to 18 when mimicing the old scrollbars, and 20 otherwise. #~endhelp ScrollBarWidth: #~type integer #~views integer slider #~range 6 28 #~help The width (in pixels) of the rectangle which indicates where the cursor is or where the selection is. This defaults to 8 when mimicing the old scrollbars, and 6 otherwise. #~endhelp DotWidth: #~type integer #~views integer slider #~range 0 10 #~help The space in pixels between the border around the document and scroll bar(s) and the document and scrollbar(s) themselves. This defaults to 0 when mimicing, and to 1 otherwise. #~endhelp ScrollbarWindowPadding: #~type integer #~views integer slider #~range 4 26 #~help The width of the elevator in pixels. This defaults to 18 when mimicing, and to 16 otherwise. #~endhelp ElevatorWidth: #~type integer #~views integer slider #~range 6 28 #~help The height (or width for horizontal scroll bars) of the buttons at either end of the scroll bar(s). Note: changing this may cause the reaction of the scrollbar on left and right clicks to be off by one or more lines. Defaults to 12 when mimicing, and 16 otherwise. #~endhelp ScrollButtonSize: #~type integer #~views integer slider #~range 0 30 #~help The height (or width for horizontal scroll bars) of the buttons at either end of the scroll bar(s). Note: changing this may cause the reaction of the scrollbar on left and right clicks to be off by one or more lines. Defaults to -1 when mimicing, and 4 otherwise. #~endhelp ScrollButtonPadding: #~type string #~views string #~help For text scrollbars this determines whether the scrollbar appears on the left or the right. If it is set to be "right"(capitalization matters here) the scrollbar will appear on the right of the text, if it is set to anything else the scrollbar will appear to the left. #~endhelp ScrollbarPosition: left #~type integer #~views integer slider #~range 0 5000 #~help This value is used to set the time interval before repeat scrolling kicks in. The value is in milliseconds. A value of 0 indicates that no repeat scrolling is to be used. #~endhelp StartScrollTime: 1000 #~type integer #~views integer slider #~range 0 1000 #~help This controls how fast repeat scrolling in small increments (line size) occurs. Again it is in milliseconds. #~endhelp ContScrollTime: 1000 #~type integer #~views integer slider #~range 0 1000 #~help This controls how fast repeat scrolling in large (page size) increments occurs. Again it is in milliseconds. Increments between the value of MaxContScrollTime and MinContScrollTime is done by interpolating between those two values. #~endhelp MinContScrollTime: 1000 #~type integer #~views integer slider #~range 0 1000 #~help This controls how fast repeat scrolling in large (page size) increments occurs. Again it is in milliseconds. Increments between the value of MaxContScrollTime and MinContScrollTime is done by interpolating between those two values. #~endhelp MaxContScrollTime: 1000 #~type integer #~views integer slider #~range 0 1000 #~help Controls how quickly the buttons repeat when scrolling by a line at a time with the right mouse button. #~endhelp ButtonRepeatTime: 100 #~type boolean #~views string boolean #~help If this is set to "yes," then the increment for repeat scrolling is constantly recalculated relative to the position of the mouse. With it on you can start scrolling by pages and then move the cursor up toward the top of the scroll bar to do more fine scrolling when they get close. If it is false then the repeat scrolling increment is determined by where you first press the mouse down in the scroll bar and can not be readjusted. #~endhelp AdjustScroll: no #~type boolean #~views string boolean #~help If this is set to "yes," then the image being scrolled will be updated as the user thumbs in the scroll bar with the left mouse down. The right mouse down will always thumb without updating the image. #~endhelp ThumbScroll: yes #~type boolean #~views string boolean #~help Turns on "Motif" style behavior for the mouse in the bar, and moves the scrollbar on most text documents to the right hand side. If set to yes the mouse behaves as follows: \leftindent{\bold{Clicking with the left mouse button} will scroll one screen in the direction of the click relative to the elevator. \bold{Clicking with the right mouse button }will immediately move the elevator to the indicated position and then allow you to drag it, or simply release the mouse button to leave the elevator where you clicked. All other operations are as described above.} #~endhelp MotifScrollBars: no #~type string #~views string #~help This preference can be used to specify an alternate "Class" to provide scrolling support. Currently only one alternative is provided, this is the scrolling package provided in previous releases of ATK. To use this alternative see the help file on "oscroll". #~endhelp ScrollClass: \enddata{text,538210340}