\begindata{text,538387208} \textdsversion{12} \template{default} \define{global } # Copyright 1992 Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. # $Disclaimer: # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its # documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, # provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that # both that copyright notice, this permission notice, and the following # disclaimer appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of # IBM, Carnegie Mellon University, and other copyright holders, not be # used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software # without specific, written prior permission. # # IBM, CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY, AND THE OTHER COPYRIGHT HOLDERS # DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING # ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT # SHALL IBM, CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY, OR ANY OTHER COPYRIGHT HOLDER # BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY # DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, # WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS # ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE # OF THIS SOFTWARE. # $ #~group EZ #~type boolean #~views string boolean #~help When yes text can be shown in multiple colors, or stippled if it is being displayed on a monochrome screen. When no color styles will be ignored. This preference defaults to no for monochrome displays, and yes on non-monochrome displays. #~endhelp ShowColorStyles: yes #~type boolean #~views string boolean #~help In addition to responding to the EMACS editor command set, EZ has the option of responding to the command set of the Berkeley VI editor. When this preference is set to true, the keycommand t will toggle between command sets. This is so you can switch between VI command set and EMACS command set. It is set to false by default so beginning users don't suddenly discover EZ no longer behaves. EZ can be made to come up in VI mode by setting the \bold{editor} preference, or by setting an environment variable. #~endhelp AllowKeyToggleToViMode: no #~type boolean #~views string boolean #~help If you are editing a file which is really a symbolic link to another file, what should EZ do when you ask to save the buffer? Should it follow the symbolic link and replace the pointed-to file? Or should it replace the link itself with a new, real file? Turning this preference on will result in EZ asking you which option you prefer the first time you try to save a file which is really a symbolic link. See the \bold{ClobberSymlinks} preference. #~endhelp AskAboutSymlinks: no #~type string #~views string #~help It is comparatively easy for a user who prefers the VI command set to the EMACS command set to have EZ start up with the VI command set by default. Either set ez.Editor to \italic{vi} or set any one of the following environment variables to the string \italic{vi}: EDITOR, EDIT, ED, FCEDIT, VISUAL. #~endhelp Editor: NULL #~type font #~views string font #~help Controls the size and appearance of the font used for text in the EZ window. The default is a 12 point variable width font with serifs. #~endhelp BodyFont: Andy12 #~type string #~views string #~help Determines whether EZ makes backup files automatically, and if so, what extension it puts on them. The default is no backup files unless you include this preference and specify an extension. If you provide an extension, then when you save a file, EZ stores both a new version of your file and a backup version, which does not include the changes you made in the current EZ session; it puts your specified extension on the backup version. Note that the period ("\bold{.}") that usually precedes extensions is not included automatically. If you want a period (as in .BAK), be sure to type it in the name of your extension. Note also that this kind of backup file is different from a checkpoint file, which EZ \italic{does} create by default. #~endhelp BackupExtension: #~type string #~views string #~help Determines what extension appears on checkpoint files. Note that the period ("\bold{.}") that usually precedes extensions is not included automatically. If you want a period (as in the default .CKP), be sure to type it in the name of your extension. #~endhelp CheckpointExtension: .CKP #~type directory #~views filename filechoices #~help Determines in which directory checkpoint files are written. The default operation is to save the checkpoint file in the same directory as the file being edited. By setting the checkpoint directory, you can cause all checkpoint files to be saved into that directory. #~endhelp CheckpointDirectory: #~type boolean #~views string boolean #~help Where the user has specified a CheckpointDirectory preference and this preference has been enabled, checkpoint filenames will take this form: / #uid.@ful@path@name#. where @ful@path@name is the name of the file being checkpointed. #~endhelp CheckpointGawdyNames: no #~type integer #~views integer slider #~range 0 600 #~help Determines how much time must elapse since a change was made to a buffer before EZ will checkpoint the buffer and save the contents in a .CKP file. (See the \italic{ez-buffers} help document to learn about how buffers work.) Specifying a larger value increases the delay between occurrences of checkpointing. The default value is 120 seconds. \ #~endhelp CheckpointMinimum: 120 #~type integer #~views integer slider #~range 0 60 #~help Determines how often EZ checks to see if a buffer has been modified for the length of time required by \bold{ez.CheckpointMinimum}. It is not recommended that you change this preference; in particular, decreasing it only draws processing resources away from more important functions. Change \bold{ez.CheckpointMinimum} instead. The default value is 30 seconds. #~endhelp CheckpointInterval: 30 #~type boolean #~views string boolean #~help Controls whether saving a buffer whose file is a symbolic link results in replacing the link with the file contents (the default), or replacing the link's target. See the \bold{AskAboutSymlinks} preference. #~endhelp ClobberSymlinks: yes #~type boolean #~views string boolean #~help If this is set to "no" and you are trying to save a file under an new name that already exists, the system will prompt the user telling him that the file already exists and do you want to overwite it. Its default value is "yes." #~endhelp OverwriteFiles: yes #~type integer #~views integer slider #~range 1 10 #~help Tells EZ how many windows it can open during startup. (You can open multiple windows by typing \bold{\typewriter{ez}} followed by multiple file names.) Any files over the maxinit number will be placed into buffers instead of windows. The default is 2 windows. \ #~endhelp MaxInitWindows: 2 #~type boolean #~views string boolean #~help Determines whether the user will be allowed to resize the message line. #~endhelp ResizableMessageLine: yes #~type boolean #~views string boolean #~help Determines whether the message line will grow and shrink based on it's contents. #~endhelp DynamicMessageLineSize: no #~type integer #~views integer slider #~range 1 10 #~help Sets the minimum size of the message line area in lines. \ #~endhelp MinimumMessageLines: 1 #~type integer #~views integer slider #~range 1 60 #~help Controls the length of time messages appear in the message area at the bottom of the EZ window. A message will remain on the message line until MessageTimeout seconds have elapsed (unless another message replaces it). After the required time has elapsed, the message disappears when you type any keystroke into the window. The default is 15 seconds. \ #~endhelp MessageTimeout: 15 #~type string #~views string #~help Determines the marker that is put in the window's title bar when the file you are editing is read-only. The default is "(readonly)". #~endhelp ReadOnlyTitle: (readonly) #~type boolean #~views string boolean #~help When this is set to "yes" , visit file will use the current working directory for the root of the prompt for a new file name. If it is "no" it uses the directory of the file currently being edited in that window. The default is "no." #~endhelp UseCurrentWorkingDirectory: no #~type boolean #~views string boolean #~help Determines whether you can make recursive edits when using the Query Replace and Spellchecking features of EZ. The default setting of "off" means that recursive edits are not possible; a setting of "on" makes them possible. Enabling recursive edits means that you can temporarily "leave" the spellchecking or query replace functions to make more extensive revisions than is allowed within those functions. To enter recursive edit mode in the Spellchecker, type \bold{e}; in Query Replace, type \bold{r}. The word(s) selected by the routine are deselected, and you can edit any part of the document you choose. When you are finished editing, press \bold{^C} (Ctrl-c) to re-enter the Spellchecker or Query Replace routine. \ Note that the routines re-start from the current position of the text caret. If you have moved the text caret past some misspelled words or instances of the string being replaced, they will not be found. Also, the word that was selected when you entered recursive edit mode will not be corrected or replaced, so you must make that change by hand. #~endhelp ExpertMode: no #~type boolean #~views string boolean #~help Controls whether the text in the window display and printed versions of an EZ document is justified on the right edge as well as the left. The default "on" setting justifies both margins; a setting of "off" gives a ragged right margin. Within EZ, overrides the more general \bold{justified} preference, if they disagree. #~endhelp Justified: yes #~type integer #~views integer slider #~help When a style has indicated that tabs should represent some number of spaces this preference sets the number of spaces. #~endhelp TabsCharSpaces: 8 #~type integer #~views integer slider #~range 1 72 #~help Sets the numerator of the scaling factor from screen to paper of tabs when printing. #~endhelp TabScalingMultiplier: 14 #~type integer #~views integer slider #~range 1 72 #~help Sets the denominator of the scaling factor from screen to paper of tabs when printing. #~endhelp TabScalingDivisor: 12 #~type boolean #~views string boolean #~help Enables an experimental mode where styles are displayed on screen in a way similar to the way the styles would be entered with Scribe or TeX. #~endhelp ExposeStylesOnStartup: no #~type boolean #~views string boolean #~help When off, this preference causes style menus to be available only when there is a region selected; otherwise the style menus with be available at all times a changeable document is displayed. #~endhelp AlwaysDisplayStyleMenus: yes #~type boolean #~views string boolean #~help When this preference is on, if a block of text is highlighted that starts at the beginning of a line, the highlight goes back to the left edge of the inset. Also, if the end of the block is at the beginning of a line, the highlight will stop on the previous line, at the right edge of the inset. #~endhelp HighlightToBorders: no #~type filename #~views filename filechoices #~help If you have this preference specified, when you just type 'ez' without a filename, EZ will bring up the specified filename in whatever directory you are in. #~endhelp DefaultStartUpFile: #~type boolean #~views string boolean #~help When ez is started with no files on the command line by default a scratch buffer will be provided. If this preference is set to no, you will be prompted for a file to edit. #~endhelp DefaultIsScratchBuffer: yes #~type string list , #~views string stringlist #~help Specifies the title formats included in both the Table of Contents window and a printed table of contents. See the \italic{ez-contents } help file for more information. Title formats to be included in the Table of Contents can also be set on a command line for \italic{ezprint} . #~endhelp ContentsList: chapter,section,subsection,paragraph,function #~type boolean #~views string boolean #~help When set to yes, this will automatically enumerate printed Table of Contents. See the \italic{ez-contents } help file. #~endhelp AutoEnumerate: no #~type boolean #~views string boolean #~help Sorry, I don't know what this does... (Rob Ryan) #~endhelp InitialChapNumber: no #~type boolean #~views string boolean #~help When set to yes, a table of contents will be included in each printed document, regardless of whether or not you open a Table of Contents window. A "yes" setting can be overridden by a -cn switch to \italic{ezprint} . See the \italic{ez-contents } help file. #~endhelp PrintContents: no #~type filename #~views filename filechoices #~help Allows you to specify an alternate tmac file for ezprint to use when printing. #~endhelp tmacFile: #~type filename #~views filename filechoices #~help Allows you to specify an alternate tmac file for ezprint to use when printing postscript through groff. #~endhelp tmacGroffFile: #~type filename #~views filename filechoices #~help Allows you to specify an alternate tmac file for ezprint to use for accents when printing. #~endhelp tmacAccentsFile: #~type boolean #~views string boolean #~help When set to yes the tmac files needed when printing a document will be included in the generated troff file instead of being included via .so directives. #~endhelp InlineMacros: no #~type boolean #~views string boolean #~help When set to yes footnotes will be printed as endnotes instead. #~endhelp Endnotes: no #~type boolean #~views string boolean #~help If set to "yes", EZ will tell troff to account for duplex printing. #~endhelp Duplex: no #~type boolean #~views string boolean #~help If set to "yes", EZ will use hyphenation when printing. #~endhelp Hyphenate: no #~type boolean #~views string boolean #~help Changing this changes how text behaves when you add it to a styled region. Normally when you have text within a style, like bold, when you add to the beginning of the style the text you add is \bold{not} in the style. When add to the end of the styled region, the text you add is in the style. (Hence the defaults listed above.) However, if you add text at the beginning of a paragraph, you will always pick up the style of the paragraph, regardless of the setting of StylesIncludeBeginning. #~endhelp StylesIncludeBeginning: yes #~type boolean #~views string boolean #~help Changing this changes how text behaves when you add it to a styled region. Normally when you have text within a style, like bold, when you add to the beginning of the style the text you add is \bold{not} in the style. When add to the end of the styled region, the text you add is in the style. (Hence the defaults listed above.) However, if you add text at the beginning of a paragraph, you will always pick up the style of the paragraph, regardless of the setting of StylesIncludeBeginning. #~endhelp StylesIncludeEnd: no #~type directory list #~views filename filechoices #~help Determines the directories where EZ looks for templates for text documents. You can add other directories to the default path, including ones where you store templates you have made yourself. To do so, place the full pathname(s) at the start of the list, separating each with a colon but no space. Programs look for templates in the order of the directories in the list, stopping when they find the required template. It is recommended that you include the defaults in your own list. This preference defaults to the single diretory $ANDREWDIR/lib/tpls. #~endhelp ATKTemplatePath: \ #~type directory list #~views filename filechoices #~help This is an obsolete name for the ATKTemplatePath preference. #~endhelp BE2TemplatePath: #~type boolean #~views string boolean #~help When this preference is set to yes, and plainer is invoked with no selected region, new text will be inserted in the second innermost style. When set to no the innermost style will be removed if there is no selected region. #~endhelp UseNewStylePlainer: yes #~type boolean #~views string boolean #~help When set to yes many additional keybindings are available for dealing with styles, otherwise these bindings are disabled. #~endhelp UseStyleKeybindings: yes #~type string #~views string #~help Setting this preferences allows you to change the prefix of the style keybidnings, it defaults to ESC-' The usual escape conventions are available for indicating control keys, and escape. #~endhelp StyleCommandPrefix: #~type boolean #~views string boolean #~help When set to yes forces the old text insertion rules to be used with respect to styles. #~endhelp UseOldInsertionRules: no #~type string #~views string #~help Specifies the printer to be used when printing. This can be overridden by the printer options dialog, or the environment variable PRINTER. #~endhelp Printer: #~type string #~views string #~help Specifies the printer to be used when printing. This can be overridden by the printer options dialog, or the environment variable PRINTER. This is an obsolete name for the Printer preference. #~endhelp SpoolDir: #~type boolean #~views string boolean #~help When yes, specifies that the old dialog boxes be used, these dialogs are faster than the new ones in some cases, but don't look as nice. (For info on the default dialog boxes see 'help dialogs'.) #~endhelp UseBuiltinDialogs: no #~type integer #~views integer slider #~range 0 100 #~help This is a value between 0 and 100 that controls when dialog boxes are used as opposed to the message line. A value of about 30 brings up most things in a dialog box. #~endhelp DialogPriority: 50 #~type boolean #~views string boolean #~help When yes, the Quit menu item will by default quit only the window it is chosen in. By default this preference is no, and choosing quit will exit the application. #~endhelp QuitWindowOnly: no #~type boolean #~views string boolean #~help When both QuitWindowOnly and this preference are yes, the Quit menu item will by default delete the buffer and the window. (Or only the window if the buffer is being viewed in other windows.) #~endhelp QuitBuffer: no \enddata{text,538387208}