Title:          xmms.tcz
Description:    XMMS multimedia system
Version:        1.2.11
Author:         Peter Alm
Original-site:  www.xmms.org/ 
Copying-policy: GPL
Size: 516K
Extension_by:   Jason W
Tags:	    XMMS multimedia system
Comments:       xmms audio player gtk1 gtk
                Requires glib1, gtk1, and optionally ogg-vorbis.
		Use with either alsa or OSS, install the one of your
		choice for sound.
Change-log:     2008/07/09 First version
                2008/11/27 Recompiled for 486 and size optimization.
	        2009/06/18 Recompiled with ALSA plugin support.
		2009/07/29 Using wrapper for xmms/wmxmms to solve the issue
			   with the Xorg composite extension.
Current:	2010/02/23 Patched for Crossfade and CVE-2007-0653.0654