Title:          squashfs-tools.tcz
Description:    compressed read-only file filesystem tools
Version:        4.3-git
Author:         see below
Original-site:  https://github.com/plougher/squashfs-tools
Copying-policy: GPL v2
Size:           108KB
Extension_by:   bmarkus
Tags:           cli squash sf filesystem compression zlib lzma lzo zstd
Comments:       Binaries only
                defaults to zlib 4k block size
Change-log:     2013/05/30 First version, 4.2
                2014/09/15 Updated to 4.3
                2014/09/26 recompiled on tc-6.x (juanito)
Current:        2017/11/17 updated 4.3 -> 4.3-git (juanito)