Title: jwm-full.tcz Description: Joe's Window Manager Version: 2.4.5 Author: Joe Wingbermuehle Original-site: http://joewing.net/projects/jwm Copying-policy: accompanied Documentation: http://joewing.net/projects/jwm/config.shtml Size: 128K Extension_by: aus9 @linuxquestions.org Tags: window manager Comments: JWM is a floating desktop. Includes some scripts (c) Robert Shingledecker. I am unable to test on libX (UPDATERS) Delete all your $HOME/.jwm* files Too many changes to list reasons/preferences/research in changelog see build script under http://tinycorelinux.net/15.x/x86_64/tcz/src/jwm-full Main changes: (keys) launch keys CA become Alt only (keys) aterm becomes xterm to allow lxterminal execute too. (theme) helvetica -> sans font (theme) popup enabled for mouse hover over icons (tray) understem now V to show desktops (tray) height made 20 so I could see the icons on 22" monitor (tray) add blue JWM icon for clickable menu (tray) add most fltk clickable icons (rc) stop showing coordinates in moving floating app (rc) add more icon pathways to support icon launchers (rc) delete support for ondemand due to error for $ jwm -p (rc) add auto startup exe for example if not using ~/.X.d If you add new tray icon launchers, you may need either lxde-icon-theme or humanity-icon-theme as this update no longer has svg support. Before making changes, backup target file...make changes then run $ jwm -p Fix -> restart jwm from menu -> retest command. BONUS if you use volumeicon it can appear and work as expected in your tray but it may disappear if changing theme/settings see info for that TCE Optional TCE=jwm-themes Change-log: 2014/12/01 v 2.2.2 on 5x (maluvia) Current: 2024/11/08 v 2.4.5 on 15x too many to list here (aus9)