Title: abe.tcz Description: 2d scrolling game as below Version: 1.1 Author: Gabor Torok, Pedro Izecksohn & Alex Clarck Original-site: https://sourceforge.net/projects/abe Copying-policy: GPL v 2 Size: 3.0M Extension_by: aus9 @linuxquestions.org Tags: game scrolling Comments: A scrolling, platform-jumping, key-collecting, ancient pyramid exploring game, vaguely in the style of similar games for the Commodore+4. (arrow keys=move) (esc=quit) (enter=use a balloon) space = jump OR toggle some settings in the settings screen Optional TCE input-joystick-6.6.8-tinycore64 not tested Suggest setup sound first. First find a wav file. If $ aplay /usr/local/share/sounds/alsa/Noise.wav plays a noise you are good to go. If you have been using pulse to swap your devices, you may like to try https://tinyurl.com/disablehdmi if you need analog sound. If sound too difficult to setup run $ abe --nosound $ abe -t # tests video modes available If you are not using FM -> desktop files to launch nor wbar launchers....try $ abe GREMLIN, Settings -> space toggle to easy or hard fails for me, ditto some other settings. Change-log: 2025/01/04 v 1.1 on 15x Current: 2025/01/04