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Update to 4.19.9 * libldb: performance issue with indexes (ldb 2.8.2 is already released); (bso#15590). * DH reconnect error handling can lead to stale sharemode entries; (bso#15624). * Incorrect FSCTL_QUERY_ALLOCATED_RANGES response when truncated; (bso#15699). * irpc_destructor may crash during shutdown; (bso#15280). * Compound SMB2 requests don't return NT_STATUS_NETWORK_SESSION_EXPIRED for all requests, confuses MacOSX clients; (bso#15696). * Crash when readlinkat fails; (bso#15700).- Adjust spec to split out rpcd_* binaries into a separate sub package; (bsc#1231414).- Incorrect FSCTL_QUERY_ALLOCATED_RANGES response when truncated; (bso#15699); (bsc#1229684). - Update to 4.19.8 * Invalid client warning about command line passwords; (bso#15671); * Version string is truncated in manpages; (bso#15672); * --version-* options are still not ergonomic, and they reject tilde characters; (bso#15673); * cmdline_burn does not always burn secrets; (bso#15674); * Samba doesn't parse SDDL found in defaultSecurityDescriptor in AD_DS_Classes_Windows_Server_v1903.ldf; (bso#15685); * We have added new options --vendor-name and --vendor-patch- revision arguments to ./configure to allow distributions and packagers to put their name in the Samba version string so that when debugging Samba the source of the binary is obvious; (bso#15654); * When claims enabled with heimdal kerberos, unable to log on to a Windows computer when user account need to change their own password; (bso#15655); * Fix clock skew error message and memory cache clock skew recovery; (bso#15676); * CTDB RADOS mutex helper misses namespace support; (bso#15665); * The images don't build after the git security release and CentOS 8 Stream is EOL; (bso#15660); * Fix unnecessary delays in CTDB while processing requests under high load; (bso#15678); * Dynamic DNS updates with the internal DNS are not working; (bso#13019); * s4:nbt_server: does not provide unexpected handling, so winbindd can't use nmb requests instead cldap; (bso#15620); * Panic in vfs_offload_token_db_fetch_fsp(); (bso#15664); * "client use kerberos" and --use-kerberos is ignored for the machine account; (bso#15666); * Regression DFS not working with widelinks = true; (bso#15435); * ntlm_auth make logs more consistent with length check; (bso#15677);- Fix a crash when joining offline and 'kerberos method' includes keytab; (bsc#1228732); - Fix reading the password from STDIN or environment vars if it was already given in the command line; (bsc#1228732);- Update to 4.19.7 * ldb qsort might r/w out of bounds with an intransitive compare function (ldb 2.8.1 is already released); (bso#15569). * Many qsort() comparison functions are non-transitive, which can lead to out-of-bounds access in some circumstances (ldb 2.8.1 is already released); (bso#15625). * Need to change gitlab-ci.yml tags in all branches to avoid CI bill; (bso#15638). * netr_LogonSamLogonEx returns NR_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED with SysvolReady=0; (bso#14981). * Anonymous smb3 signing/encryption should be allowed (similar to Windows Server 2022); (bso#15412). * Panic in dreplsrv_op_pull_source_apply_changes_trigger; (bso#15573). * winbindd, net ads join and other things don't work on an ipv6 only host; (bso#15642). * Smbcacls incorrectly propagates inheritance with Inherit-Only flag; (bso#15636). * http library doesn't support 'chunked transfer encoding'; (bso#15611). - Update to 4.19.6 * fd_handle_destructor() panics within an smbd_smb2_close() if vfs_stat_fsp() fails in fd_close(); (bso#15527). * samba-gpupdate: Correctly implement site support; (bso#15588). * libgpo: Segfault in python bindings; (bso#15599). * Packet marshalling push support missing for CTDB_CONTROL_TCP_CLIENT_DISCONNECTED and CTDB_CONTROL_TCP_CLIENT_PASSED; (bso#15580).- Update to 4.19.5 * Windows 2016 fails to restore previous version of a file from a shadow_copy2 snapshot; (bso#13688). * Symlinks on AIX are broken in 4.19 (and a few version before that); (bso#15549). * Fake directory create times has no effect; (bso#12421). * ctime mixed up with mtime by smbd; (bso#15550). * samba-gpupdate --rsop fails if machine is not in a site; (bso#15548). * gpupdate: The root cert import when NDES is not available is broken; (bso#15557). * samba-gpupdate should print a useful message if cepces-submit can't be found; (bso#15552). * samba-gpupdate logging doesn't work; (bso#15558). * smbpasswd reset permissions only if not 0600; (bso#15555).- Remove -x from bash shebang update-apparmor-samba-profile; (bsc#1218431).- Update to 4.19.4 * net changesecretpw cannot set the machine account password if secrets.tdb is empty; (bso#13577). * For generating doc, take, if defined, env XML_CATALOG_FILES; (bso#15540). * Trivial C typo in nsswitch/winbind_nss_netbsd.c; (bso#15541). * vfs_linux_xfs is incorrectly named; (bso#15542). * systemd stumbled over copyright-message at smbd startup; (bso#15377). * Following intermediate abolute share-local symlinks is broken; (bso#15505). * ctdb RELEASE_IP causes a crash in release_ip if a connection to a non-public address disconnects first; (bso#15523). * shadow_copy2 broken when current fileset's directories are removed; (bso#15544). * smbd does not detect ctdb public ipv6 addresses for multichannel exclusion; (bso#15534). * 'force user = localunixuser' doesn't work if 'allow trusted domains = no' is set; (bso#15469). * smbget debug logging doesn't work; (bso#15525). * smget: username in the smburl and interactive password entry doesn't work; (bso#15532). * smbget auth function doesn't set values for password prompt correctly; (bso#15538). * Unable to copy and write files from clients to Ceph cluster via SMB Linux gateway with Ceph VFS module; (bso#15440). * Multichannel refresh network information; (bso#15547).- Update to 4.19.3 * sid_strings test broken by unix epoch > 1700000000; (bso#15520). * smbd crashes if asked to return full information on close of a stream handle with delete on close disposition set; (bso#15487). * smbd: fix close order of base_fsp and stream_fsp in smb_fname_fsp_destructor(); (bso#15521). * Improve logging for failover scenarios; (bso#15499). * Files without "read attributes" NFS4 ACL permission are not listed in directories; (bso#15093). * CVE-2018-14628 [SECURITY] Deleted Object tombstones visible in AD LDAP to normal users; (bso#13595). * Kerberos TGS-REQ with User2User does not work for normal accounts; (bso#15492). * vfs_gpfs stat calls fail due to file system permissions; (bso#15507). * Samba doesn't build with Python 3.12; (bso#15513).- packaging: samba-tool domain provision requires python3-Markdown; (bsc#1216519).- Update to 4.19.2 * Use-after-free in aio_del_req_from_fsp during smbd shutdown after failed IPC FSCTL_PIPE_TRANSCEIVE; (bso#15423). * clidfs.c do_connect() missing a "return" after a cli_shutdown() call; (bso#15426). * macOS mdfind returns only 50 results; (bso#15463). * GETREALFILENAME_CACHE can modify incoming new filename with previous cache entry value; (bso#15481). * libnss_winbind causes memory corruption since samba-4.18, impacts sendmail, zabbix, potentially more; (bso#15464). * ctdbd: setproctitle not initialized messages flooding logs; (bso#15479). * CVE-2023-5568 Heap buffer overflow with freshness tokens in the Heimdal KDC in Samba 4.19; (bso#15491). * The heimdal KDC doesn't detect s4u2self correctly when fast is in use; (bso#15477).- use systemd-logind rather than utmp for y2038 safety; (bsc#1216159).- CVE-2023-4091: samba: Client can truncate file with read-only permissions; (bsc#1215904); (bso#15439). - CVE-2023-42669: samba: rpcecho, enabled and running in AD DC, allows blocking sleep on request; (bso#1215905); (bso#15474). - CVE-2023-42670: samba: The procedure number is out of range when starting Active Directory Users and Computers; (bsc#1215906); (bso#15473). - CVE-2023-3961: samba: Unsanitized client pipe name passed to local_np_connect(); (bsc#1215907); (bso#15422). - CVE-2023-4154: samba: dirsync allows SYSTEM access with only "GUID_DRS_GET_CHANGES" right, not "GUID_DRS_GET_ALL_CHANGES; (bsc#1215908); (bso#15424).- Update to 4.19.0 * File doesn't show when user doesn't have permission if aio_pthread is loaded; (bso#15453). * ctdb_killtcp fails to work with --enable-pcap and libpcap ≥ 1.9.1; (bso#15451). * Logging to stdout/stderr with DEBUG_SYSLOG_FORMAT_ALWAYS can log to syslog; (bso#15460). * ‘samba-tool domain level raise’ fails unless given a URL; (bso#15458). * reply_sesssetup_and_X() can dereference uninitialized tmp pointer; (bso#15420). * missing return in reply_exit_done(); (bso#15430). * TREE_CONNECT without SETUP causes smbd to use uninitialized pointer; (bso#15432). * Avoid infinite loop in initial user sync with Azure AD Connect when synchronising a large Samba AD domain; (bso#15401). * Samba replication logs show (null) DN; (bso#15407). * 2-3min delays at reconnect with smb2_validate_sequence_number: bad message_id 2; (bso#15346). * DCERPC_PKT_CO_CANCEL and DCERPC_PKT_ORPHANED can't be parsed; (bso#15446). * CID 1539212 causes real issue when output contains only newlines; (bso#15438). * KDC encodes INT64 claims incorrectly; (bso#15452). * mdssvc: Do an early talloc_free() in _mdssvc_open(); (bso#15449). * Windows client join fails if a second container CN=System exists somewhere; (bso#9959). * regression DFS not working with widelinks = true; (bso#15435). * Heimdal fails to build on 32-bit FreeBSD; (bso#15443). * samba-tool ntacl get segfault if aio_pthread appended; (bso#15441). - Update to 4.18.6 * reply_sesssetup_and_X() can dereference uninitialized tmp pointer; (bso#15420); * Missing return in reply_exit_done(); (bso#15430); * post-exec password redaction for samba-tool is more reliable for fully random passwords as it no longer uses regular expressions containing the password value itself; (bso#15289); * Windows client join fails if a second container CN=System exists somewhere; (bso#9959); * Spotlight sometimes returns no results on latest macOS; (bso#15342); * Renaming results in NT_STATUS_SHARING_VIOLATION if previously attempted to remove the destination; (bso#15417); * Spotlight results return wrong date in result list; (bso#15427); * "net offlinejoin provision" does not work as non-root user; (bso#15414); * rpcserver no longer accepts double backslash in dfs pathname; (bso#15400); * cm_prepare_connection() calls close(fd) for the second time; (bso#15433); * 2-3min delays at reconnect with smb2_validate_sequence_number: bad message_id 2; (bso#15346); * samba-tool ntacl get segfault if aio_pthread appended; (bso#15441); * DCERPC_PKT_CO_CANCEL and DCERPC_PKT_ORPHANED can't be parsed; (bso#15446); * Python tarfile extraction needs change to avoid a warning (CVE-2007-4559 mitigation); (bso#15390); * Regression DFS not working with widelinks = true; (bso#15435); * mdssvc: Do an early talloc_free() in _mdssvc_open(); (bso#15449); - Update to 4.18.5 * CVE-2022-2127: lm_resp_len not checked properly in winbindd_pam_auth_crap_send; (bso#15072); (bsc#1213174). * CVE-2023-34966: Samba Spotlight mdssvc RPC Request Infinite Loop Denial-of-Service Vulnerability; (bso#15340); (bsc#1213173). * CVE-2023-34967: Samba Spotlight mdssvc RPC Request Type Confusion Denial-of-Service Vulnerability; (bso#15341); (bsc#1213172). * CVE-2023-34968: Spotlight server-side Share Path Disclosure; (bso#15388); (bsc#1213171). * CVE-2023-3347: Samba doesn't require SMB2+ signing if `server signing = mandatory` is set; (bso#15397); (bsc#1213170). * secure channel faulty since Windows 10/11 update 07/2023; (bso#15418); (bsc#1213384). - Update to 4.18.4 * Backport --pidl-developer fixes; (bso#15404). * Named crashes on DLZ zone update; (bso#14030). * smbcacls and smbcquotas do not check // before the server; (bso#2312). * cli_list loops 100% CPU against pre-lanman2 servers; (bso#15382). * smbclient leaks fds with showacls; (bso#15391). * smbd returns NOT_FOUND when creating files on a r/o filesystem; (bso#15402). * NSS_WRAPPER_HOSTNAME doesn't match NSS_WRAPPER_HOSTS entry and causes test timeouts; (bso#15355). * net ads lookup (with unspecified realm) fails; (bso#15384). * Register Samba processes with GPFS; (bso#15381). * Python tarfile extraction needs change to avoid a warning (CVE-2007-4559 mitigation); (bso#15390). * The winbind child segfaults when listing users with `winbind scan trusted domains = yes`; (bso#15398). * Remove comments about deprecated 'write cache size'; (bso#15383). * smbget memory leak if failed to download files recursively; (bso#15403). - Update to 4.18.3 * Symlinks to files can have random DOS mode information in a directory listing; (bso#15375). * vfs_fruit might cause a failing open for delete; (bso#15378). * winbind recurses into itself via rpcd_lsad; (bso#15361). * wbinfo -u fails on ad dc with >1000 users; (bso#15366). * DS ACEs might be inherited to unrelated object classes; (bso#15338). * a lot of messages: get_static_share_mode_data: get_static_share_mode_data_fn failed: NT_STATUS_NOT_FOUND; (bso#15362). * aes256 smb3 encryption algorithms are not allowed in smb3_sid_parse(); (bso#15374). * Setting veto files = /.*/ break listing directories; (bso#15360). * "samba-tool domain provision" does not run interactive mode if no arguments are given; (bso#15363). * dsgetdcname: assumes local system uses IPv4; (bso#15325). - Update to 4.18.2 * Log flood: smbd_calculate_access_mask_fsp: Access denied: message level should be lower; (bso#15302). * Floating point exception (FPE) via cli_pull_send at source3/libsmb/clireadwrite.c; (bso#15306). * test_tstream_more_tcp_user_timeout_spin fails intermittently on Rackspace GitLab runners; (bso#15328). * Reduce flapping of ridalloc test; (bso#15329). * large_ldap test is unreliable; (bso#15351). * New filename parser doesn't check veto files smb.conf parameter; (bso#15143). * mdssvc may crash when initializing; (bso#15354). * large directory optimization broken for non-lcomp path elements; (bso#15313). * streams_depot fails to create streams; (bso#15357). * shadow_copy2 and streams_depot don't play well together; (bso#15358). * Flapping tests in; (bso#15316). * winbindd idmap child contacts the domain controller without a need; (bso#15317). * idmap_autorid may fail to map sids of trusted domains for the first time; (bso#15318). * idmap_hash doesn't use ID_TYPE_BOTH for reverse mappings; (bso#15319). * net ads search -P doesn't work against servers in other domains; (bso#15323). * Temporary smbXsrv_tcon_global.tdb can't be parsed; (bso#15353). * Tests use depricated and removed methods like assertRegexpMatches; (bso#15343). - Update to 4.18.1 * CVE-2023-0225: AD DC "dnsHostname" attribute can be deleted by unprivileged authenticated users. (bso#15276);(bsc#1209483). * CVE-2023-0614: Access controlled AD LDAP attributes can be discovered (bso#15270); (bsc#1209485). * CVE-2023-0922: Samba AD DC admin tool samba-tool sends passwords in cleartext(bso#15315);(bsc#1209481). * ldb wildcard matching makes excessive allocations; (bso#15331). * large_ldap test is inefficient; (bso#15332). - Update to 4.18.0 * SMB server performance improvements * More succinct samba-tool error messages * Color output with samba-tool --color The NO_COLOR environment variable will disable colour output * New samba-tool dsacl subcommand for deleting ACEs * New wbinfo option --change-secret-at * Net option to change the NT ACL default location * Azure AD / Office365 synchronization improvements- Fix DFS not working with widelinks enabled; (bsc#1213607); (bso#15435);- Move from samba-libs to samba-client-libs; (bsc#1213940);- net ads lookup with unspecified realm fails; (bso#15384); (bsc#1213826);- secure channel faulty since Windows 10/11 update 07/2023; (bso#15418); (bsc#1213384).- CVE-2022-2127: lm_resp_len not checked properly in winbindd_pam_auth_crap_send; (bso#15072); (bsc#1213174). - CVE-2023-34966: Samba Spotlight mdssvc RPC Request Infinite Loop Denial-of-Service Vulnerability; (bso#15340); (bsc#1213173). - CVE-2023-34967: Samba Spotlight mdssvc RPC Request Type Confusion Denial-of-Service Vulnerability; (bso#15341); (bsc#1213172). - CVE-2023-34968: Spotlight server-side Share Path Disclosure; (bso#15388); (bsc#1213171). - CVE-2023-3347: Samba doesn't require SMB2+ signing if `server signing = mandatory` is set; (bso#15397); (bsc#1213170).- Update to 4.17.9 * Backport --pidl-developer fixes; (bso#15404). * smbd_scavenger crashes when service smbd is stopped; (bso#15275). * vfs_fruit might cause a failing open for delete; (bso#15378). * named crashes on DLZ zone update; (bso#14030). * winbind recurses into itself via rpcd_lsad; (bso#15361). * cli_list loops 100% CPU against pre-lanman2 servers; (bso#15382). * smbclient leaks fds with showacls; (bso#15391). * aes256 smb3 encryption algorithms are not allowed in smb3_sid_parse(); (bso#15374). * winbindd gets stuck on NT_STATUS_RPC_SEC_PKG_ERROR; (bso#15413). * smbget memory leak if failed to download files recursively; (bso#15403).- Update to 4.17.8 * log flood: smbd_calculate_access_mask_fsp: Access denied: message level should be lower; (bso#15302). * Floating point exception (FPE) via cli_pull_send at source3/libsmb/clireadwrite.c; (bso#15306). * test_tstream_more_tcp_user_timeout_spin fails intermittently on Rackspace GitLab runners; (bso#15328). * Reduce flapping of ridalloc test; (bso#15329). * large_ldap test is unreliable; (bso#15351). * New filename parser doesn't check veto files smb.conf parameter; (bso#15143). * mdssvc may crash when initializing; (bso#15354). * Large directory optimization broken for non-lcomp path elements; (bso#15313). * streams_depot fails to create streams; (bso#15357). * shadow_copy2 and streams_depot don't play well together; (bso#15358). * wbinfo -u fails on ad dc with >1000 users; (bso#15366). * winbindd idmap child contacts the domain controller without a need; (bso#15317). * idmap_autorid may fail to map sids of trusted domains for the first time; (bso#15318). * idmap_hash doesn't use ID_TYPE_BOTH for reverse mappings; (bso#15319). * net ads search -P doesn't work against servers in other domains; (bso#15323). * DS ACEs might be inherited to unrelated object classes; (bso#15338). * Temporary smbXsrv_tcon_global.tdb can't be parsed; (bso#15353). * Setting veto files = /.*/ break listing directories; (bso#15360); (bsc#1212375). * CVE-2020-25720 [SECURITY] Create Child permission should not allow full write to all attributes (additional changes); (bso#14810). * dsgetdcname: assumes local system uses IPv4; (bso#15325).- Update to 4.17.7 * CVE-2023-0922: Samba AD DC admin tool samba-tool sends passwords in cleartext; (bso#15315); (bsc#1209481). * CVE-2023-0225: Samba AD DC "dnsHostname" attribute can be deleted by unprivileged authenticated users; (bso#15276); (bsc#1209483). * CVE-2023-0614: samba: Access controlled AD LDAP attributes can be discovered; (bso#15270); (bsc#1209485). * large_ldap test is inefficient; (bso#15332). * CVE-2020-25720 [SECURITY] Create Child permission should not allow full write to all attributes (additional changes); (bso#14810). - Update to 4.17.6 * streams_xattr is creating unexpected locks on folders; (bso#15314). * Use of the Azure AD Connect cloud sync tool is now supported for password hash synchronisation, allowing Samba AD Domains to synchronise passwords with this popular cloud environment; (bso#10635). * Spotlight doesn't work with latest macOS Ventura; (bso#15299). * New samba-dcerpc architecture does not scale gracefully; (bso#15310). * vfs_ceph incorrectly uses fsp_get_io_fd() instead of fsp_get_pathref_fd() in close and fstat; (bso#15307). * With clustering enabled samba-bgqd can core dump due to use after free; (bso#15293). * fd_load() function implicitly closes the fd where it should not; (bso#15311). - Update to 4.17.5 * smbc_getxattr() return value is incorrect; (bso#14808). * Compound SMB2 FLUSH+CLOSE requests from MacOSX are not handled correctly; (bso#15172). * synthetic_pathref AFP_AfpInfo failed errors; (bso#15210). * samba-tool gpo listall fails IPv6 only - finddcs() fails to find DC when there is only an AAAA record for the DC in DNS; (bso#15226). * smbd crashes if an FSCTL request is done on a stream handle; (bso#15236). * DFS links don't work anymore on Mac clients since 4.17; (bso#15277). * vfs_virusfilter segfault on access, directory edgecase (accessing NULL value); (bso#15283). * CVE-2022-38023 [SECURITY] Samba should refuse RC4 (aka md5) based SChannel on NETLOGON (additional changes); (bso#15240). * %U for include directive doesn't work for share listing (netshareenum); (bso#15243). * Shares missing from netshareenum response in samba 4.17.4; (bso#15266). * ctdb: use-after-free in run_proc; (bso#15269). * irpc_destructor may crash during shutdown; (bso#15280). * auth3_generate_session_info_pac leaks wbcAuthUserInfo; (bso#15286). * smbclient segfaults with use after free on an optimized build; (bso#15268). * smbstatus leaking files in msg.sock and msg.lock; (bso#15282). * Leak in wbcCtxPingDc2; (bso#15164). * Access based share enum does not work in Samba 4.16+; (bso#15265). * Crash during share enumeration; (bso#15267). * rep_listxattr on FreeBSD does not properly check for reads off end of returned buffer; (bso#15271). * Avoid relying on C89 features in a few places; (bso#15281).- Make (32bit) samba-libs conflict with old samba-ad-dc-libs package to satisfy installcheck.- Make samba-libs conflict with old samba-ad-dc-libs package to satisfy installcheck.- Remove non functioning ifup/ifdown samba-winbindd scripts; (bsc#1207414).- libdsdb-module-samba4 should be packaged as part of samba-libs and not samba-ad-dc-libs. Additionally no need for it to be removed conditionally.- Clean up logic for PAM migration settings in spec file.- Change with_dc default to 0 (for non TW builds), ADDC feature is deprecated and will no longer be included in >= SLE15-SP5; (jsc#PED-1122).- Update to 4.17.4 * CVE-2022-44640 Upstream Heimdal free of user-controlled pointer in FAST; (bsc#14929); * CVE-2021-20251 Bad password count not incremented atomically; (bsc#14611); * CVE-2022-42898 krb5_pac_parse() buffer parsing vulnerability; (bsc#15203); * CVE-2022-37966 rc4-hmac Kerberos session keys issued to modern servers; (bso#15237); * CVE-2022-37967 Kerberos constrained delegation ticket forgery possible against Samba AD DC; (bso#15231); * CVE-2022-38023 RC4/HMAC-MD5 NetLogon Secure Channel is weak and should be avoided; (bso#15240); * pam_winbind uses time_t and pointers assuming they are of the same size; (bso#15224); * Heimdal session key selection in AS-REQ examines wrong entry; (bso#15219); * filter-subunit is inefficient with large numbers of knownfails; (bso#15258); * smbd allows setting FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY on directories; (bso#15252); * The KDC logic arround msDs-supportedEncryptionTypes differs from Windows; (bso#13135); * libnet: change_password() doesn't work with dcerpc_samr_ChangePasswordUser4(); (bso#15206); * Heimdal session key selection in AS-REQ examines wrong entry; (bso#15219); * Memory leak in snprintf replacement functions; (bso#15230); * RODC doesn't reset badPwdCount reliable via an RWDC (CVE-2021-20251 regression); (bso#15253); * Prevent EBADF errors with vfs_glusterfs; (bso#15198); * %U for include directive doesn't work for share listing (netshareenum); (bso#15243); * Stack smashing in net offlinejoin requestodj; (bso#15257); * Windows 11 22H2 and Samba-AD 4.15 Kerberos login issue; (bso#15197); * Heimdal session key selection in AS-REQ examines wrong entry; (bso#15219); - Remove deprecated if-{down,up} scripts; (bsc#1206444); - Adjust the systemd drop-in file for named service; (bsc#1201689); * Paths are additive so do not repeat paths from named.service * Prefix the samba DLZ directory with "-" to ignore this path if it does not exists- Introduce without-smb1-server spec flag; (bsc#1205104); - Update to 4.17.3 * CVE-2022-42898: Samba buffer overflow vulnerabilities on 32-bit systems; (bsc#1205126); (bso#15203); - Replace obsolete python-gpgme with python-gpg * Upstream replaced it in v4.9.5 -- bso#13728 - Update to 4.17.2 * CVE-2022-3592 [SECURITY] samba: Wide links protection broken; (bso#15207); (bsc#1204499). * CVE-2022-3437 [SECURITY] samba: Buffer overflow in Heimdal unwrap_des3();(bso#15134); (bsc#1204254). - Update to 4.17.1 * CVE-2021-20251 [SECURITY] Bad password count not incremented atomically; (bso#14611). * smbXsrv_connection_shutdown_send result leaked; (bso#15174). * Flush on a named stream never completes; (bso#15182). * Permission denied calling SMBC_getatr when file not exists; (bso#15195). * Samba 4.5 sometimes cannot be upgraded to Samba 4.6 or later over DRS: WERROR_DS_DRA_MISSING_PARENT due to faulty GET_ANC; (bso#15189). * pytest: add file removal helpers for TestCaseInTempDir; (bso#15191). * CVE-2021-20251 [SECURITY] Bad password count not incremented atomically; (bso#14611). * Samba 4.5 sometimes cannot be upgraded to Samba 4.6 or later over DRS: WERROR_DS_DRA_MISSING_PARENT due to faulty GET_ANC; (bso#15189). * Flush on a named stream never completes; (bso#15182). * vfs_gpfs silently garbles timestamps > year 2106; (bso#15151). * CVE-2021-20251 [SECURITY] Bad password count not incremented atomically; (bso#14611). * multi-channel socket passing may hit a race if one of the involved processes already existed; (bso#15200). * memory leak on temporary of struct imessaging_post_state and struct tevent_immediate on struct imessaging_context (in rpcd_spoolss and maybe others); (bso#15201). * Since popt1.19 various use after free errors using result of poptGetArg are now exposed; (bso#15205); (boo#1204279). * Remove special case for O_CREAT in SMB_VFS_OPENAT from vfs_glusterfs; (bso#15192). * GETPWSID in memory cache grows indefinetly with each NTLM auth; (bso#15169). * CVE-2021-20251 [SECURITY] Bad password count not incremented atomically; (bso#14611). - Install a systemd drop-in file for named service to allow read/write access to the DLZ directory; (bsc#1201689); - Fix use after free errors resulting from using return of poptGetArg exposed since popt-1.19; (boo#1204279); (bso#15205). - s3: smbd: Fix memory leak in smbd_server_connection_terminate_done(); (bso#15174). - Disable SMB1 for tumbleweed builds. - Update to 4.17.0 * acl_xattr VFS module may unintentionally use filesystem permissions instead of ACL from xattr; (bso#15126). * Missing SMB2-GETINFO access checks from MS-SMB2; (bso#15153). * assert failed: !is_named_stream(smb_fname)") at ../../lib/util/fault.c:197; (bso#15161). * acl_xattr VFS module may unintentionally use filesystem permissions instead of ACL from xattr; (bso#15126). * assert failed: !is_named_stream(smb_fname)") at ../../lib/util/fault.c:197; (bso#15161). * Cross-node multi-channel reconnects result in SMB2 Negotiate returning NT_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; (bso#15159). * winbind at info level debug can coredump when processing wb_lookupusergroups; (bso#15160). * Make use of glfs_*at() API calls in vfs_glusterfs; (bso#15157). * Possible use after free of connection_struct when iterating smbd_server_connection->connections; (bso#15128). * `net usershare add` fails with flag works with --long but fails with -l; (bso#15145). * acl_xattr VFS module may unintentionally use filesystem permissions instead of ACL from xattr; (bso#15126). * Performance regression on contended path based operations; (bso#15125). * Missing READ_LEASE break could cause data corruption; (bso#15148). * libsamba-errors uses a wrong version number; (bso#15141). * SMB1 negotiation can fail to handle connection errors; (bso#15152). * New filename parser doesn't check veto files smb.conf parameter; (bso#15143). * 4.17.rc1 still uses symlink-race prone unix_convert(); (bso#15144). * Backport fileserver related changed to 4.17.0rc2; (bso#15146). * Manpage for smbstatus json is missing; (bso#15147). * Backport fileserver related changed to 4.17.0rc2; (bso#15146). * Performance regression on contended path based operations; (bso#15125). * Backport fileserver related changed to 4.17.0rc2; (bso#15146). * Fix issues found by coverity in smbstatus json code; (bso#15140). * Backport fileserver related changed to 4.17.0rc2; (bso#15146). - Migration to /usr/etc: Saving user changed configuration files in /etc and restoring them while an RPM update. - Update to 4.16.4 * CVE-2022-2031: Samba AD users can bypass certain restrictions associated with changing passwords; (bsc#1201495); (bso#15047); * CVE-2022-32744: Samba AD users can forge password change requests for any user; (bsc#1201493); (bso#15074); * CVE-2022-32745: Samba AD users can crash the server process with an LDAP add or modify request; (bsc#1201492); (bso#15008); * CVE-2022-32746: Samba AD users can induce a use-after-free in the server process with an LDAP add or modify request; (bsc#1201490); (bso#15009); * CVE-2022-32742: Server memory information leak via SMB1; (bsc#1201496); (bso#15085); - Update to 4.16.3 * Using vfs_streams_xattr and deleting a file causes a panic; (bso#15099); * Add support for bind 9.18; (bso#14986); * logging dsdb audit to specific files does not work; (bso#15076); * Problem when winbind renews Kerberos; (bso#14979); (bsc#1196224); * Samba with new lorikeet-heimdal fails to build on gcc 12.1 in developer mode; (bso#15095); * Crash in streams_xattr because fsp->base_fsp->fsp_name is NULL; (bso#15105); * Crash in rpcd_classic - NULL pointer deference in mangle_is_mangled(); (bso#15118); * smbclient commands del & deltree fail with NT_STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_NOT_FOUND with DFS; (bso#15100); (bsc#1200556); * Fix check for chown when processing NFSv4 ACL; (bso#15120); * The pcap background queue process should not be stopped; (bso#15082); * testparm: Fix typo in idmap rangesize check; (bso#15097); * net ads info returns LDAP server and LDAP server name as null; (bso#15106); * ldconfig: /lib64/ is not a symbolic link; (bso#15108); * CTDB child process logging does not work as expected; (bso#15090); - Update spec file to fix the optional Heimdal DC build - Fix external trusts with MIT Kerberos 1.20 - Add missing samba-client requirement to samba-winbind package; (bsc#1198255); - Move pdb backends from package samba-libs to package samba-client-libs and remove samba-libs requirement from samba-winbind; (bsc#1200964); (bsc#1198255); - Add sysuser-shadow requirement for packages using systemd-sysusers - Use the canonical realm name to refresh the Kerberos tickets; (bsc#1196224); (bso#14979); - Moved logrotate files from user specific directory /etc/logrotate.d to vendor specific directory /usr/etc/logrotate.d. - Update to 4.16.2 * Use pathref fd instead of io fd in vfs_default_durable_cookie; (bso#15042); * vfs_gpfs with vfs_shadowcopy2 fail to restore file if original file had been deleted; (bso#15069); * Reintroduce netgroups support; (bso#15087); * net ads info shows LDAP Server: depending on contacted server; (bso#14674); * Update from 4.15 to 4.16 breaks discovery of [homes] on standalone server from Win and IOS; (bso#15062); * waf produces incorrect names for python extensions with Python 3.11; (bso#15071); * smbclient -E doesn't work as advertised; (bso#15075); * The samba background daemon doesn't refresh the printcap cache on startup; (bso#15081); * Out-by-4 error in smbd read reply max_send clamp; (bso#14443); - Fix samba4.blackbox.net_ads_dns_async test with bind9 >= 9.17.7 - Support building with MIT Kerberos 1.20 - Bronze bit and S4U support with MIT Kerberos 1.20 for Samba AD DC; (CVE-2020-17049); - Resource Based Constrained Delegation (RBCD) for Samba AD DC - Support building with gcc 12.1 - Use requires_eq macro to require the libldb2 version available at samba-dsdb-modules build time; (bsc#1199362); - Update to 4.16.1 * Share and server swapped in smbget password prompt; (bso#14831); * Durable handles won't reconnect if the leased file is written to; (bso#15022); * rmdir silently fails if directory contains unreadable files and hide unreadable is yes; (bso#15023); * SMB2_CLOSE_FLAGS_FULL_INFORMATION fails to return information on renamed file handle; (bso#15038); * Need to describe --builtin-libraries= better (compare with - -bundled-libraries); (bso#8731); * vfs_shadow_copy2 breaks "smbd async dosmode" sync fallback; (bso#14957); * shadow_copy2 fails listing snapshotted dirs with shadow:fixinodes; (bso#15035); * PAM Kerberos authentication incorrectly fails with a clock skew error; (bso#15046); * Username map - samba erroneously applies unix group memberships to user account entries; (bso#15041); * KVNO off by 100000; (bso#14951); * Uninitialized litemask in variable in vfs_gpfs module; (bso#15027); * vfs_gpfs recalls=no option prevents listing files; (bso#15055); * smbd doesn't handle UPNs for looking up names; (bso#15054); - Update update-apparmor-samba-profile script, replace non-printable delimiter with more human readable separator as sed can accept separators that can appear in the input data. - Fix update-apparmor-samba-profile script, sed doesn't like multibyte separators; (bsc#1198309). - Update to 4.16.0 * New samba-dcerpcd binary to provide DCERPC in the member server setup * Certificate Auto Enrollment * Ability to add ports to dns forwarder addresses in internal DNS backend * No longer using Linux mandatory locks for sharemodes * SMB1 protocol has been deprecated, particularly older dialects * SMB1 protocol SMBCopy command removed * SMB1 server-side wildcard expansion removed - Add python3-dnspython to samba-ad-dc recommens; (bsc#1187101); - Use systemd-sysusers to create system users; (bsc#1182847);- Install a systemd drop-in file for named service to allow read/write access to the DLZ directory; (bsc#1201689);- Update to 4.15.12 * CVE-2022-42898: samba: heimdal: Samba buffer overflow vulnerabilities on 32-bit systems; (bso#15203); (bsc#1205126). - Update to 4.15.11 * Allow rebuild of Centos 8 images after move to vault for Samba 4.15; (bso#15193). * CVE-2022-3437: samba: Buffer overflow in Heimdal unwrap_des3(); (bso#15134); (bsc#1204254)- Update to 4.15.10 * Possible use after free of connection_struct when iterating smbd_server_connection->connections; (bso#15128); (bsc#1200102). * smbXsrv_connection_shutdown_send result leaked; (bso#15174). * Spotlight RPC service returns wrong response when Spotlight is disabled on a share; (bso#15086). * acl_xattr VFS module may unintentionally use filesystem permissions instead of ACL from xattr; (bso#15126). * Missing SMB2-GETINFO access checks from MS-SMB2; (bso#15153). * assert failed: !is_named_stream(smb_fname)") at ../../lib/util/fault.c:197; (bso#15161). * Missing READ_LEASE break could cause data corruption; (bso#15148). * rpcclient can crash using setuserinfo(2); (bso#15124). * Samba fails to build with glibc 2.36 caused by including in libreplace; (bso#15132). * SMB1 negotiation can fail to handle connection errors; (bso#15152). * samba-tool domain join segfault when joining a samba ad domain; (bso#15078). - Update to 4.15.9 * CVE-2022-32742:SMB1 code does not correct verify SMB1write, SMB1write_and_close, SMB1write_and_unlock lengths; (bso#15085); (bsc#1201496). * CVE-2022-32746: samba: Use-after-free occurring in database audit logging; (bso#15009); (bso#15096); (bsc#1201490). * CVE-2022-2031: samba, ldb: AD users can bypass certain restrictions associated with changing passwords; (bso#15047); (bsc#1201495); * CVE-2022-32745: samba: ldb: AD users can crash the server process with an LDAP add or modify request; (bso#15008); (bso#15096); (bsc#1201492). * CVE-2022-2031: samba, ldb: AD users can bypass certain restrictions associated with changing passwords; (bso#15047); (bsc#1201495); * CVE-2022-32744: samba, ldb: AD users can forge password change requests for any user; (bso#15074); (bso#15047); (bsc#1201493).- CVE-2022-1615: Do not ignore errors in random number generation; (bso#15103); (bsc#1202976); - CVE-2022-32743: Implement validated dnsHostName write rights; (bso#14833); (bsc#1202803);- Fix Use after free when iterating smbd_server_connection->connections after tree disconnect failure; (bso#15128); (bsc#1200102).- CVE-2022-32746: samba: Use-after-free occurring in database audit logging; (bso#15009); (bso#15096); (bsc#1201490). - CVE-2022-32745: samba: ldb: AD users can crash the server process with an LDAP add or modify request; (bso#15008); (bso#15096); (bsc#1201492). - CVE-2022-2031: samba, ldb: AD users can bypass certain restrictions associated with changing passwords; (bso#15047); (bsc#1201495); - CVE-2022-32742:SMB1 code does not correct verify SMB1write, SMB1write_and_close, SMB1write_and_unlock lengths; (bso#15085); (bsc#1201496). - CVE-2022-32744: samba, ldb: AD users can forge password change requests for any user; (bso#15074); (bso#15047); (bsc#1201493).- Update to 4.15.8 * Use pathref fd instead of io fd in vfs_default_durable_cookie; (bso#15042); * Setting fruit:resource = stream in vfs_fruit causes a panic; (bso#15099); * Add support for bind 9.18; (bso#14986); * logging dsdb audit to specific files does not work; (bso#15076); * vfs_gpfs with vfs_shadowcopy2 fail to restore file if original file had been deleted; (bso#15069); * netgroups support removed; (bso#15087); (bsc#1199247); * net ads info shows LDAP Server: depending on contacted server; (bso#14674); (bsc#1199734); * waf produces incorrect names for python extensions with Python 3.11; (bso#15071); * smbclient commands del & deltree fail with NT_STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_NOT_FOUND with DFS; (bso#15100); (bsc#1200556); * vfs_gpfs recalls=no option prevents listing files; (bso#15055); * waf produces incorrect names for python extensions with Python 3.11; (bso#15071); * Compile error in source3/utils/regedit_hexedit.c; (bso#15091); * ldconfig: /lib64/ is not a symbolic link; (bso#15108); * smbd doesn't handle UPNs for looking up names; (bso#15054); * Out-by-4 error in smbd read reply max_send clamp; (bso#14443); - Move pdb backends from package samba-libs to package samba-client-libs and remove samba-libs requirement from samba-winbind; (bsc#1200964); (bsc#1198255); - Use the canonical realm name to refresh the Kerberos tickets; (bsc#1196224); (bso#14979);- Fix smbclient commands del & deltree failing with NT_STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_NOT_FOUND with DFS; (bso#15100); (bsc#1200556).- Revert NIS support removal; (bsc#1199247);- Use requires_eq macro to require the libldb2 version available at samba-dsdb-modules build time; (bsc#1199362);- Add missing samba-client requirement to samba-winbind package; (bsc#1198255);- Update to 4.15.7 * Share and server swapped in smbget password prompt; (bso#14831); * Durable handles won't reconnect if the leased file is written to; (bso#15022); * rmdir silently fails if directory contains unreadable files and hide unreadable is yes; (bso#15023); * SMB2_CLOSE_FLAGS_FULL_INFORMATION fails to return information on renamed file handle; (bso#15038); * vfs_shadow_copy2 breaks "smbd async dosmode" sync fallback; (bso#14957); * shadow_copy2 fails listing snapshotted dirs with shadow:fixinodes; (bso#15035); * PAM Kerberos authentication incorrectly fails with a clock skew error; (bso#15046); * username map - samba erroneously applies unix group memberships to user account entries; (bso#15041); * NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED translates into EPERM instead of EACCES in SMBC_server_internal; (bso#14983); * Simple bind doesn't work against an RODC (with non-preloaded users); (bso#13879); * Crash of winbind on RODC; (bso#14641); * uncached logon on RODC always fails once; (bso#14865); * KVNO off by 100000; (bso#14951); * LDAP simple binds should honour "old password allowed period"; (bso#15001); * wbinfo -a doesn't work reliable with upn names; (bso#15003); * Simple bind doesn't work against an RODC (with non-preloaded users); (bso#13879); * Uninitialized litemask in variable in vfs_gpfs module; (bso#15027); * Regression: create krb5 conf = yes doesn't work with a single KDC; (bso#15016);- Add provides to samba-client-libs package to fix upgrades from previous versions; (bsc#1197995);- Add missing samba-libs requirement to samba-winbind package; (bsc#1198255);- Update to 4.15.6 * Renaming file on DFS root fails with NT_STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_NOT_FOUND; (bso#14169); * Samba does not response STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER when opening 2 objects with same lease key; (bso#14737); * NT error code is not set when overwriting a file during rename in libsmbclient; (bso#14938); * Fix ldap simple bind with TLS auditing; (bso#14996); * net ads info shows LDAP Server: depending on contacted server; (bso#14674); * Problem when winbind renews Kerberos; (bso#14979); (bsc#1196224); * pam_winbind will not allow gdm login if password about to expire; (bso#8691); * virusfilter_vfs_openat: Not scanned: Directory or special file; (bso#14971); * DFS fix for AIX broken; (bso#13631); * Solaris and AIX acl modules: wrong function arguments; (bso#14974); * Function aixacl_sys_acl_get_file not declared / coredump; (bso#7239); * Regression: Samba 4.15.2 on macOS segfaults intermittently during strcpy in tdbsam_getsampwnam; (bso#14900); * Fix a use-after-free in SMB1 server; (bso#14989); * smb2_signing_decrypt_pdu() may not decrypt with gnutls_aead_cipher_decrypt() from gnutls before 3.5.2; (bso#14968); * Changing the machine password against an RODC likely destroys the domain join; (bso#14984); * authsam_make_user_info_dc() steals memory from its struct ldb_message *msg argument; (bso#14993); * Use Heimdal 8.0 (pre) rather than an earlier snapshot; (bso#14995); * Samba autorid fails to map AD users if id rangesize fits in the id range only once; (bso#14967);- Fix mismatched version of libldb2; (bsc#1196788). - Drop obsolete SuSEfirewall2 service files.- Drop obsolete Samba fsrvp v0->v1 state upgrade functionality; (bsc#1080338).- Fix ntlm authentications with "winbind use default domain = yes"; (bso#13126); (bsc#1173429); (bsc#1196308).- Fix samba-ad-dc status warning notification message by disabling systemd notifications in bgqd; (bsc#1195896); (bso#14947).- libldb version mismatch in Samba dsdb component; (bsc#1118508);- Update to 4.15.5 * CVE-2021-44141: UNIX extensions in SMB1 disclose whether the outside target of a symlink exists; (bso#14911); (bsc#1193690). * CVE-2021-44142: Out-of-Bound Read/Write on Samba vfs_fruit module; (bso#14914); (bsc#1194859). * CVE-2022-0336: Re-adding an SPN skips subsequent SPN conflict checks; bso#14950); (bsc#1195048).- CVE-2021-44141: Information leak via symlinks of existance of files or directories outside of the exported share; (bso#14911); (bsc#1193690); - CVE-2021-44142: Out-of-bounds heap read/write vulnerability in VFS module vfs_fruit allows code execution; (bso#14914); (bsc#1194859); - CVE-2022-0336: Samba AD users with permission to write to an account can impersonate arbitrary services; (bso#14950); (bsc#1195048);- Update to 4.15.4 * Duplicate SMB file_ids leading to Windows client cache poisoning; (bso#14928); * Failed to parse NTLMv2_RESPONSE length 95 - Buffer Size Error - NT_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; (bso#14932); * kill_tcp_connections does not work; (bso#14934); * Can't connect to Windows shares not requiring authentication using KDE/Gnome; (bso#14935); * smbclient -L doesn't set "client max protocol" to NT1 before calling the "Reconnecting with SMB1 for workgroup listing" path; (bso#14939); * Cross device copy of the crossrename module always fails; (bso#14940); * symlinkat function from VFS cap module always fails with an error; (bso#14941); * Fix possible fsp pointer deference; (bso#14942); * Missing pop_sec_ctx() in error path inside close_directory(); (bso#14944); * "smbd --build-options" no longer works without an smb.conf file; (bso#14945);- Use pkgconfig(krb5) as dependency for the -devel package: allow OBS to pick the right flavor of krb5-devel (full vs mini). - Do not require the 'krb5' symbol by samba-client-libs: this package has an automatic dependency due to linkage on Automatic deps are always better. - Do not require the 'krb5' symbol from samba-libs: samba-libs requires samba-client-libs, which in turn requires krb5 libraries. Samba-libs itself has no need for krb5 (but get it indirectly anyway).- Reorganize libs packages. Split samba-libs into samba-client-libs, samba-libs, samba-winbind-libs and samba-ad-dc-libs, merging samba public libraries depending on internal samba libraries into these packages as there were dependency problems everytime one of these public libraries changed its version (bsc#1192684). The devel packages are merged into samba-devel. - Rename package samba-core-devel to samba-devel - Add python-rpm-macros to build requirements - Update the symlink create by samba-dsdb-modules to private samba ldb modules following libldb2 changes from /usr/lib64/ldb/samba to /usr/lib64/ldb2/modules/ldb/samba- Update to 4.15.3 * Recursive directory delete with veto files is broken in 4.15.0; (bso#14878); * A directory containing dangling symlinks cannot be deleted by SMB2 alone when they are the only entry in the directory; (bso#14879); * SIGSEGV in rmdir_internals/synthetic_pathref - dirfsp is used uninitialized in rmdir_internals(); (bso#14892); * MaxQueryDuration not honoured in Samba AD DC LDAP; (bso#14694); * The CVE-2020-25717 username map [script] advice has undesired side effects for the local nt token; (bso#14901); (bsc#1192849); * User with multiple spaces (eg FredNurk) become un-deletable; (bso#14902); * Avoid storing NTTIME_THAW (-2) as value on disk; (bso#14127); * smbXsrv_client_global record validation leads to crash if existing record points at non-existing process; (bso#14882); * Crash in vfs_fruit asking for fsp_get_io_fd() for an XATTR call; (bso#14890); * Samba process doesn't log to logfile; (bso#14897); * set_ea_dos_attribute() fallback calling get_file_handle_for_metadata() triggers locking.tdb assert; (bso#14907); * Kerberos authentication on standalone server in MIT realm broken; (bso#14922); * Segmentation fault when joining the domain; (bso#14923); * Support for ROLE_IPA_DC is incomplete; (bso#14903); * rpcclient cannot connect to ncacn_ip_tcp services anymore; (bso#14767); * winexe crashes since 4.15.0 after popt parsing; (bso#14893); * net ads status -P broken in a clustered environment; (bso#14908); * Memory leak if ioctl(FSCTL_VALIDATE_NEGOTIATE_INFO) fails before smbd_smb2_ioctl_send; (bso#14788); * winbindd doesn't start when "allow trusted domains" is off; (bso#14899); * smbclient login without password using '-N' fails with NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER on Samba AD DC; (bso#14883); * A schannel client incorrectly detects a downgrade connecting to an AES only server; (bso#14912); * Possible null pointer dereference in winbind; (bso#14921); * Fix -k legacy option for client tools like smbclient, rpcclient, net, etc.; (bso#14846); * Add Debian 11 CI bootstrap support; (bso#14872); * Crash in recycle_unlink_internal(); (bso#14888);- Fix dependency problem upgrading from libndr0 to libndr2 and from libsamba-credentials0 to libsamba-credentials1; (bsc#1192684);- Fix regression introduced by CVE-2020-25717 patches, winbindd does not start when 'allow trusted domains' is off; (bso#14899); - Update to 4.15.2 * CVE-2016-2124: SMB1 client connections can be downgraded to plaintext authentication; (bso#12444); (bsc#1014440); * CVE-2020-25717: A user on the domain can become root on domain members; (bso#14556); (bsc#1192284); * CVE-2020-25718: Samba AD DC did not correctly sandbox Kerberos tickets issued by an RODC; (bso#14558); (bsc#1192246); * CVE-2020-25719: Samba AD DC did not always rely on the SID and PAC in Kerberos tickets; (bso#14561); (bsc#1192247); * CVE-2020-25721: Kerberos acceptors need easy access to stable AD identifiers (eg objectSid); (bso#14557); (bsc#1192505); * CVE-2020-25722: Samba AD DC did not do suffienct access and conformance checking of data stored; (bso#14564); (bsc#1192283); * CVE-2021-3738: Use after free in Samba AD DC RPC server; (bso#14468); (bsc#1192215); * CVE-2021-23192: Subsequent DCE/RPC fragment injection vulnerability; (bso#14875); (bsc#1192214); - Update to 4.15.1 * vfs_shadow_copy2: core dump in make_relative_path; (bso#14682); * Log clutter from filename_convert_internal; (bso#14685); * MacOSX compilation fixes; (bso#14862); * rodc_rwdc test flaps; (bso#14868); * Provide a fix for MS CVE-2020-17049 in Samba [SECURITY] 'Bronze bit' S4U2Proxy Constrained Delegation bypass in Samba with embedded Heimdal; (bso#14642); * Python ldb.msg_diff() memory handling failure; (bso#14836); * "in" operator on ldb.Message is case sensitive; (bso#14845); * Release LDB 2.4.1 for Samba 4.15.1; (bso#14848); * samldb_krbtgtnumber_available() looks for incorrect string; (bso#14854); * Fix Samba support for UF_NO_AUTH_DATA_REQUIRED; (bso#14871); * Allow special chars like "@" in samAccountName when generating the salt; (bso#14874); * Correctly ignore comments in CTDB public addresses file; (bso#14826); * Fix transit path validation; (bso#12998); * Fix that child winbindd logs to log.winbindd instead of log.wb-; (bso#14852); * SMB3 cancel requests should only include the MID together with AsyncID when AES-128-GMAC is used; (bso#14855); * Prepare to operate with MIT krb5 >= 1.20; (bso#14870); * Heimdal prefers RC4 over AES for machine accounts; (bso#14864);- Enable samba-tool without ad dc.- Adjust spec to use pam macros; (bsc#1191046).- Adjust spec for size * allow some Recommends instead Requires to be configured for cifs-utils, samba-libs-python3 & samba-gpupdate; (bsc#1182847). * remove fam, undocumented and unneeded.- Add missing build dependency on bison when building with the embedded Heimdal Kerberos- Update to 4.15.0 * Removed SMB development dialects SMB2_22, SMB2_24 and SMB3_10 * VFS layer modernized. * Add the ability to set allow/deny lists for zone transfer clients in Bind DLZ plugin * Server multi-channel support no longer experimental * Improved command line user experience, unifying the options in different commands * Winbindd no longer scans trusted domains on startup and will use enterprise principals by default. * The net utility is now able to support the offline domain join feature * New options for 'samba-tool dns zoneoptions' for aging control and to mark old records as static or dynamic * DNS tombstones are now deleted as appropriate and use a consistent timestamp format * The 'samba-tool dns update' command validates and rejects now malformed IPv4 and IPv6 addresses * The 'samba-tool domain backup' command correctly takes out locks against concurrent modification during backup when using the LMDB backend * TruACL support has been removed * NIS support has been removed- Fix 'net rpc' authentication when using the machine account; (bsc#1189017); (bso#14796);- Fix dependency problem upgrading from libndr0 to libndr1; (bsc#1189875); - Fix dependency problem upgrading from libsmbldap0 to libsmbldap2; (bsc#1189875); - Fix wrong kvno exported to keytab after net ads changetrustpw due to replication delay; (bsc#1188727); - Add Certificate Auto Enrollment Policy; (jsc#SLE-18456). - Update to 4.13.10 * s3: smbd: Ensure POSIX default ACL is mapped into returned Windows ACL for directory handles; (bso#14708); * Take a copy to make sure we don't reference free'd memory; (bso#14721); * s3: lib: Fix talloc heirarcy error in parent_smb_fname(); (bso#14722); * s3: smbd: Remove erroneous TALLOC_FREE(smb_fname_parent) in change_file_owner_to_parent() error path; (bso#14736); * samba-tool: Give better error information when the 'domain backup restore' fails with a duplicate SID; (bso#14575); * smbd: Correctly initialize close timestamp fields; (bso#14714); * Spotlight RPC service doesn't work with vfs_glusterfs; (bso#14740); * ctdb: Fix a crash in run_proc_signal_handler(); (bso#14475); * gensec_krb5: Restore ipv6 support for kpasswd; (bso#14750); * smbXsrv_{open,session,tcon}: Protect smbXsrv_{open,session,tcon}_global_traverse_fn against invalid records; (bso#14752); * samba-tool domain backup offline doesn't work against bind DLZ backend; (bso#14027); * netcmd: Use next_free_rid() function to calculate a SID for restoring a backup; (bso#14669); - Update to 4.13.9 * s3: smbd: SMB1 SMBsplwr doesn't send a reply packet on success; (bso#14696); * Add documentation for dsdb_group_audit and dsdb_group_json_audit to "log level", synchronise "log level" in smb.conf with the code; (bso#14689); * Fix smbd panic when two clients open same file; (bso#14672); * Fix memory leak in the RPC server; (bso#14675); * s3: smbd: Fix deferred renames; (bso#14679); * s3-iremotewinspool: Set the per-request memory context; (bso#14675); * rpc_server3: Fix a memleak for internal pipes; (bso#14675); * third_party: Update socket_wrapper to version 1.3.2; (bso#11899); * third_party: Update socket_wrapper to version 1.3.3; (bso#14639); * idmap_rfc2307 and idmap_nss return wrong mapping for uid/gid conflict; (bso#14663); * Fix the build on OmniOS; (bso#14288); - Update to 4.13.8 * CVE-2021-20254: Fix buffer overrun in sids_to_unixids(); (bso#14571 - Update to 4.13.7 * Release with dependency on ldb version 2.2.1.- CVE-2021-20254 Buffer overrun in sids_to_unixids(); (bnc#14571); (bsc#1184677).- Fix offline domain backup not possible using lmdb version >= 0.9.26; (bso#14676); - Require libldb >= 2.2.1; (bsc#1183572); (bsc#1183574); - Update to 4.13.6 * CVE-2020-27840: samba: Unauthenticated remote heap corruption via bad DNs; (bso#14595); (bsc#1183572). * CVE-2021-20277: samba: out of bounds read in ldb_handler_fold; (bso#14655); (bsc#1183574). - Update to 4.13.5 * s3:modules:vfs_virusfilter: Recent talloc changes cause infinite start-up failure; (bso#14634); * s3: libsmb: Add missing cli_tdis() in error path if encryption setup failed on temp proxy connection; (bso#13992); * smbd: In conn_force_tdis_done() when forcing a connection closed force a full reload of services; (bso#14604); * dbcheck: Check Deleted Objects and reduce noise in reports about expired tombstones (bso#14593); * s3: Fix fcntl waf configure check; (bso#14503); * s3/auth: Implement "winbind:ignore domains"; (bso#14602); * smbd: Use fsp->conn->session_info for the initial delete-on-close token; (bso#14617); * s3: VFS: nfs4_acls. Add missing TALLOC_FREE(frame) in error path; (bso#14648); * classicupgrade: Treat old never expires value right; (bso#14624); * g_lock: Fix uninitalized variable reads; (bso#14636); * s3:pysmbd: Fix fd leak in py_smbd_create_file(); (bso#13898); * lib:util: Avoid free'ing our own pointer; (bso#14625); * HEIMDAL: krb5_storage_free(NULL) should work; (bso#12505);- Spec file fixes around systemd and requires; (bsc#1182830); - Align systemd service unit files with upstream provided ones.- Update to 4.13.4 * Work around special SMB2 IOCTL response behavior of NetApp Ontap 7.3.7; (bso#14607); * Temporary DFS share setup doesn't set case parameters in the same way as a regular share definition does; (bso#14612); * lib: Avoid declaring zero-length VLAs in various messaging functions; (bso#14605); * Do not create an empty DB when accessing a sam.ldb; (bso#14579); * vfs_fruit may close wrong backend fd; (bso#14596); * Temporary DFS share setup doesn't set case parameters in the same way as a regular share definition does; (bso#14612); * vfs_virusfilter: Allocate separate memory for config char*; (bso#14606); * vfs_fruit may close wrong backend fd; (bso#14596); * Work around special SMB2 IOCTL response behavior of NetApp Ontap 7.3.7; (bso#14607); * The cache directory for the user gencache should be created recursively; (bso#14601); * Be more flexible with repository names in CentOS 8 test environments; (bso#14594);- Uninstalling samba-client: Failed to disable unit, cifs.service does not exists; (bsc#1180388);- Update to 4.13.3 + libcli: smb2: Never print length if smb2_signing_key_valid() fails for crypto blob; (bso#14210); + s3: modules: gluster. Fix the error I made in preventing talloc leaks from a function; (bso#14486); + s3: smbd: Don't overwrite contents of fsp->aio_requests[0] with NULL via TALLOC_FREE(); (bso#14515); + s3: spoolss: Make parameters in call to user_ok_token() match all other uses; (bso#14568); + s3: smbd: Quiet log messages from usershares for an unknown share; (bso#14590); + samba process does not honor max log size; (bso#14248); + vfs_zfsacl: Add missing inherited flag on hidden "magic" everyone@ ACE; (bso#14587); + s3-libads: Pass timeout to open_socket_out in ms; (bso#13124); + s3-vfs_glusterfs: Always disable write-behind translator; (bso#14486); + smbclient: Fix recursive mget; (bso#14517); + clitar: Use do_list()'s recursion in clitar.c; (bso#14581); + manpages/vfs_glusterfs: Mention silent skipping of write-behind translator; (bso#14486); + vfs_shadow_copy2: Preserve all open flags assuming ROFS; (bso#14573); + interface: Fix if_index is not parsed correctly; (bso#14514);- Update to 4.13.2 + s3: modules: vfs_glusterfs: Fix leak of char **lines onto mem_ctx on return; (bso#14486); + RN: vfs_zfsacl: Only grant DELETE_CHILD if ACL tag is special; (bso#14471); + smb.conf.5: Add clarification how configuration changes reflected by Samba; (bso#14538); + daemons: Report status to systemd even when running in foreground; (bso#14552); + DNS Resolver: Support both dnspython before and after 2.0.0; (bso#14553); + s3-vfs_glusterfs: Refuse connection when write-behind xlator is present; (bso#14486); + provision: Add support for BIND 9.16.x; (bso#14487); + ctdb-common: Avoid aliasing errors during code optimization; (bso#14537); + libndr: Avoid assigning duplicate versions to symbols; (bso#14541); + docs: Fix default value of spoolss:architecture; (bso#14522); + winbind: Fix a memleak; (bso#14388); + s4:dsdb:acl_read: Implement "List Object" mode feature; (bso#14531); + docs-xml/manpages: Add warning about write-behind translator for vfs_glusterfs; (bso#14486); + nsswitch/nsstest.c: Avoid nss function conflicts with glibc nss.h. + vfs_shadow_copy2: Avoid closing snapsdir twice; (bso#14530); + third_party: Update resolv_wrapper to version 1.1.7; (bso#14547); + examples:auth: Do not install example plugin; (bso#14550); + ctdb-recoverd: Drop unnecessary and broken code; (bso#14513); + RN: vfs_zfsacl: Only grant DELETE_CHILD if ACL tag is special; (bso#14471);- Adjust smbcacls '--propagate-inheritance' feature to align with upstream; (bsc#1178469).- Update to samba 4.13.1 + CVE-2020-14383: An authenticated user can crash the DCE/RPC DNS with easily crafted records; (bsc#1177613); (bso#14472); + CVE-2020-14323: Unprivileged user can crash winbind; (bsc#1173994); (bso#14436); + CVE-2020-14318: Missing handle permissions check in SMB1/2/3 ChangeNotify; (bsc#1173902); (bso#14434); - Adjust systemd tmpfiles.d configuration, use /run/samba instead of /var/run/samba; (bsc#1177355);- Fix vfs_ceph query_directory regression; (bso#14519) - Drop liburing-devel for SLE15-SP2; (bsc#1177245)- Register CTDB recovery lock holder with ceph-mgr - Add liburing-devel dependency- Update to samba 4.13.0 + Require Python 3.6 + Move wide links functionality into VFS module + Deprecate NT4-like 'classic' Samba domain controllers + Deprecate SMBv1 only protocol options + Remove deprecated "ldap ssl ads" option + Unify asynchronous DCE-RPC server; (jsc#SES-645) + Replay multichannel lease break requests; (bso#11897); (jsc#SES-655) + Drop internal byteorder.h header from util-devel package + Remove final code for the AD DC LDAP backend + Add AD DC Group Policy Scripts + Only use gnutls_aead_cipher_encryptv2() for GnuTLS > 3.6.14; (bso#14399) + Fix %U substitutions if it contains a domain name; (bso#14467) + Fix krb5.conf creation for 'net ads join'; (bso#14479) + Fix build problem if libbsd-dev is not installed; (bso#14482) + Toggle vfs_snapper using "--with-shared-modules"; (bso#14437) + Fix idmap_ad RFC4511 response handling; (bso#14465) + Fix panic in get_lease_type(); (bso#14428)- Update to samba 4.11.13 + CVE-2020-1472(ZeroLogon): s3:rpc_server/netlogon: Protect netr_ServerPasswordSet2 against unencrypted passwords; (bsc#1176579); (bso#14497); + CVE-2020-1472(ZeroLogon): s3:rpc_server/netlogon: Support "server require schannel:WORKSTATION$ = no" about unsecure configurations; (bsc#1176579); (bso#14497); + CVE-2020-1472(ZeroLogon): s4 torture rpc: repeated bytes in client challenge; (bsc#1176579); (bso#14497); + CVE-2020-1472(ZeroLogon): libcli/auth: Reject weak client challenges in netlogon_creds_server_init() "server require schannel:WORKSTATION$ = no"; (bsc#1176579); (bso#14497); - Update to samba 4.11.12 + s3: libsmb: Fix SMB2 client rename bug to a Windows server; (bso#14403); + dsdb: Allow "password hash userPassword schemes = CryptSHA256" to work on RHEL7; (bso#14424); + dbcheck: Allow a dangling forward link outside our known NCs; (bso#14450); + lib/debug: Set the correct default backend loglevel to MAX_DEBUG_LEVEL; (bso#14426); + s3:smbd: PANIC: assert failed in get_lease_type(); (bso#14428); + lib/util: do not install "test_util_paths"; (bso#14370); + lib:util: Fix smbclient -l basename dir; (bso#14345); + s3:smbd: PANIC: assert failed in get_lease_type(); (bso#14428); + util: Allow symlinks in directory_create_or_exist; (bso#14166); + docs: Fix documentation for require_membership_of of pam_winbind; (bso#14358); + s3:winbind:idmap_ad: Make failure to get attrnames for schema mode fatal; (bso#14425);- Add obsoletes to libsmbldap2 package to fix upgrades from previous versions; (bsc#1172810);- Fix net command unable to negotiate SMB2; (bsc#1174120);- Update to samba 4.11.11 + CVE-2020-10730: NULL de-reference in AD DC LDAP server when ASQ and VLV combined; (bso#14364); (bsc#1173159] + CVE-2020-10745: invalid DNS or NBT queries containing dots use several seconds of CPU each; (bso#14378); (bsc#1173160). + CVE-2020-10760: Use-after-free in AD DC Global Catalog LDAP server with paged_result or VLV; (bso#14402); (bsc#1173161) + CVE-2020-14303: Endless loop from empty UDP packet sent to AD DC nbt_server; (bso#14417); (bsc#1173359). - Update to samba 4.11.10 + Fix segfault when using SMBC_opendir_ctx() routine for share folder that contains incorrect symbols in any file name; (bso#14374). + vfs_shadow_copy2 doesn't fail case looking in snapdirseverywhere mode; (bso#14350) + ldb_ldap: Fix off-by-one increment in lldb_add_msg_attr; (bso#14413). + Malicous SMB1 server can crash libsmbclient; (bso#14366) + winbindd: Fix a use-after-free when winbind clients exit; (bso#14382) + ldb: Bump version to 2.0.11, LMDB databases can grow without bounds. (bso#14330) - Update to samba 4.11.9 + nmblib: Avoid undefined behaviour in handle_name_ptrs(); (bso#14242). + 'samba-tool group' commands do not handle group names with special chars correctly; (bso#14296). + smbd: avoid calling vfs_file_id_from_sbuf() if statinfo is not valid; (bso#14237). + Missing check for DMAPI offline status in async DOS attributes; (bso#14293). + smbd: Ignore set NTACL requests which contain S-1-5-88 NFS ACEs; (bso#14307). + vfs_recycle: Prevent flooding the log if we're called on non-existant paths; (bso#14316) + smbd mistakenly updates a file's write-time on close; (bso#14320). + RPC handles cannot be differentiated in source3 RPC server; (bso#14359). + librpc: Fix IDL for svcctl_ChangeServiceConfigW; (bso#14313). + nsswitch: Fix use-after-free causing segfault in _pam_delete_cred; (bso#14327). + Fix fruit:time machine max size on arm; (bso#13622) + CTDB recovery corner cases can cause record resurrection and node banning; (bso#14294). + ctdb: Fix a memleak; (bso#14348). + libsmb: Don't try to find posix stat info in SMBC_getatr(). + ctdb-tcp: Move free of inbound queue to TCP restart; (bso#14295); (bsc#1162680). + s3/librpc/crypto: Fix double free with unresolved credential cache; (bso#14344); (bsc#1169095) + s3:libads: Fix ads_get_upn(); (bso#14336). + CTDB recovery corner cases can cause record resurrection and node banning; (bso#14294) + Starting ctdb node that was powered off hard before results in recovery loop; (bso#14295); (bsc#1162680). + ctdb-recoverd: Avoid dereferencing NULL rec->nodemap; (bso#14324) - Update to samba 4.11.8 + CVE-2020-10700: Use-after-free in Samba AD DC LDAP Server with ASQ; (bso#14331); (bsc#1169850); + CVE-2020-10704: LDAP Denial of Service (stack overflow) in Samba AD DC; (bso#14334); (bsc#1169851); - Update to samba 4.11.7 + s3: lib: nmblib. Clean up and harden nmb packet processing; (bso#14239). + s3: VFS: full_audit. Use system session_info if called from a temporary share definition; (bso#14283) + dsdb: Correctly handle memory in objectclass_attrs; (bso#14258). + ldb: version 2.0.9, Samba 4.11 and later give incorrect results for SCOPE_ONE searches; (bso#14270) + auth: Fix CIDs 1458418 and 1458420 Null pointer dereferences; (bso#14247). + smbd: Handle EINTR from open(2) properly; (bso#14285) + winbind member (source3) fails local SAM auth with empty domain name; (bso#14247) + winbindd: Handling missing idmap in getgrgid(); (bso#14265). + lib:util: Log mkdir error on correct debug levels; (bso#14253). + wafsamba: Do not use 'rU' as the 'U' is deprecated in Python 3.9; (bso#14266). + ctdb-tcp: Make error handling for outbound connection consistent; (bso#14274). - Update to samba 4.11.6 + pygpo: Use correct method flags; (bso#14209). + vfs_ceph_snapshots: Fix root relative path handling; (bso#14216); (bsc#1141320). + Avoiding bad call flags with python 3.8, using METH_NOARGS instead of zero; (bso#14209). + source4/utils/oLschema2ldif: Include stdint.h before cmocka.h; (bso#14218). + docs-xml/winbindnssinfo: Clarify interaction with idmap_ad etc; (bso#14122). + smbd: Fix the build with clang; (bso#14251). + upgradedns: Ensure lmdb lock files linked; (bso#14199). + s3: VFS: glusterfs: Reset nlinks for symlink entries during readdir; (bso#14182). + smbc_stat() doesn't return the correct st_mode and also the uid/gid is not filled (SMBv1) file; (bso#14101). + librpc: Fix string length checking in ndr_pull_charset_to_null(); (bso#14219). + ctdb-scripts: Strip square brackets when gathering connection info; (bso#14227).- Add libnetapi-devel to baselibs conf, for wine usage; (bsc#1172307);- Installing: samba - samba-ad-dc.service does not exist and unit not found; (bsc#1171437);- Fix samba_winbind package is installing python3-base without python3 package; (bsc#1169521);- Require libldb2 >= 2.0.10 after security release.- CVE-2020-10704: LDAP Denial of Service (stack overflow) in Samba AD DC; (bso#14334); (bsc#1169851); - CVE-2020-10700: Use-after-free in Samba AD DC LDAP Server with ASQ; (bso#14331); (bsc#1169850);- Fix smbclient crash with double free (with unresolved krb5 credential cache); (bso#14344); (bsc#1169095).- Starting ctdb node that was powered off hard before results in recovery loop; (bso#14295); (bsc#1162680).- CTDB doesn't retry outgoing connections on bind (and some other) failures; (bso#14274); (bsc#1162680).- Revert: Allow idmap_rid to have primary group other than "Domain Users"; (bsc#1087931).- Fix nmbstatus not reporting detailed information about workgroups; (bsc#1159464); - Fix querying all names registered within broadcast area; (bso#8927);- Update to samab 4.11.5 + CVE-2019-14902: Replication of ACLs down subtree on AD Directory is not automatic; (bso#12497); (bsc#1160850). + CVE-2019-19344: Fix server crash with dns zone scavenging = yes; (bso#14050); (bsc#1160852). + CVE-2019-14907: server-side crash after charset conversion failure (eg during NTLMSSP processing); (bso#14208); (bsc#1160888). - Update to samba 4.11.4 + Ensure SMB1 cli_qpathinfo2() doesn't return an inode number; (bso#14161). + Ensure we don't call cli_RNetShareEnum() on an SMB1 connection; (bso#14174). + NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED becomes EINVAL when using SMB2 in SMBC_opendir_ctx; (bso#14176). + SMB2 - Ensure we use the correct session_id if encrypting an interim response; (bso#14189). + Prevent smbd crash after invalid SMB1 negprot; (bso#14205). + printing: Fix %J substition; (bso#13745). + Remove now unneeded call to cmdline_messaging_context(); (bso#13925). + Fix incomplete conversion of former parametric options; (bso#14069). + Fix sync dosmode fallback in async dosmode codepath; (bso#14070). + vfs_fruit returns capped resource fork length; (bso#14171). + libnet_join: Add SPNs for additional-dns-hostnames entries; (bso#14116). + smbd: Increase a debug level; (bso#14211). + Prevent azure ad connect from reporting discovery errors reference-value-not-ldap-conformant; (bso#14153). + krb5_plugin: Fix developer build with newer heimdal system library; (bso#14179). + replace: Only link libnsl and libsocket if required; (bso#14168); + ctdb: Incoming queue can be orphaned causing communication; breakdown; (bso#14175). + ldb: Release ldb 2.0.8. Cross-compile will not take cross-answers or cross-execute; (bso#13846). + heimdal-build: Avoid hard-coded /usr/include/heimdal in asn1_compile-generated code; (bso#13856).- Fix Ceph snapshot root relative path handling; (bso#14216); (bsc#1141320).- Update to samba 4.11.3 + CVE-2019-14861: DNSServer RPC server crash, an authenticated user can crash the DCE/RPC DNS management server by creating records with matching the zone name; (bso#14138); (bsc#1158108). + CVE-2019-14870: DelegationNotAllowed not being enforced, the DelegationNotAllowed Kerberos feature restriction was not being applied when processing protocol transition requests (S4U2Self), in the AD DC KDC; (bso#14187); (bsc#1158109).- CVE-2019-14861: DNSServer RPC server crash, an authenticated user can crash the DCE/RPC DNS management server by creating records with matching the zone name; (bso#14138); (bsc#1158108). - CVE-2019-14870: DelegationNotAllowed not being enforced, the DelegationNotAllowed Kerberos feature restriction was not being applied when processing protocol transition requests (S4U2Self), in the AD DC KDC; (bso#14187); (bsc#1158109).- Update to samba 4.11.2 + CVE-2019-10218: Client code can return filenames containing path separators; (bsc#1144902); (bso#14071). + CVE-2019-14833: Samba AD DC check password script does not receive the full password; (bso#12438). + CVE-2019-14847: User with "get changes" permission can crash AD DC LDAP server via dirsync; (bso#14040). - Fixes from 4.11.1 + Overlinking libreplace against librt and pthread against every binary or library causes issues; (bso#14140); + kpasswd fails when built with MIT Kerberos; (bso#14155); + Fix spnego fallback from kerberos to ntlmssp in smbd server; (bso#14106); + Stale file handle error when using mkstemp on a share; (bso#14137); + non-AES schannel broken; (bso#14134); + Joining Active Directory should not use SAMR to set the password; (bso#13884); + smbclient can blunder into the SMB1 specific cli_RNetShareEnum() call on an SMB2 connection; (bso#14152); + Deleted records can be resurrected during recovery; (bso#14147); + getpwnam and getpwuid need to return data for ID_TYPE_BOTH group; (bso#14141); + winbind does not list forest trusts with additional trust attributes; (bso#14130); + fault report points to outdated documentation; (bso#14139); + pam_winbind with krb5_auth or wbinfo -K doesn't work for users of trusted domains/forests; (bso#14124); + classicupgrade results in uncaught exception - a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'; (bso#14136); + pod2man is not longer required, stop checking at build time; (bso#14131); + Exit code of ctdb nodestatus should not be influenced by deleted nodes; (bso#14129); + username/password authentication doesn't work with CUPS and smbspool; (bso#14128); + smbc_readdirplus() is incompatible with smbc_telldir() and smbc_lseekdir(); (bso#14094);- CVE-2019-14847: User with "get changes" permission can crash AD DC LDAP server via dirsync; (bso#14040); (bsc#1154598); - CVE-2019-10218: Client code can return filenames containing path separators; (bso#14071); (bsc#1144902);- CVE-2019-14833: samba: Accent with "check script password" Samba AD DC check password script does not receive the full password; (bso#12438); (bsc#1154289).- Update to samba 4.11.0 + For details on all items see WHATSNEW.txt in samba-doc package + Python2 runtime support removed; python 3.4 or later required + Security improvements: - SMB1 disabled by default - lanman and plaintext authentication deprecated - winbind: PAM_AUTH and NTLM_AUTH events logged - GnuTLS 3.2 required; system FIPS mode setting honored + CephFS Snapshot integration, exposed as previous file versions + ctdb changes: - onnode -o option removed - ctdbd logs when using more than 90% of a CPU thread - CTDB_MONITOR_SWAP_USAGE variable removed + AD Domain controller improvements: - Upgrade AD databse format - BIND9_FLATFILE deprecated - default process model chagned to prefork - bind9 dns operation duration logging - Default schema updated to 2012_R2; function level is unchanged - many performance improvements + Configuration webserver support removed- Fix broken username/password authentication with CUPS and smbspool; (bsc#1152143); (bso#14128).- Fix auth problems when printing via smbspool backend with kerberos; (bnc#1148539); (bso#13832).- Update to samba 4.10.8 + CVE-2019-10197: user escape from share path definition; (bso#14035); (bsc#1141267);- Fix build on newer systems by modifying samba.spec to use consistent non-relative paths for pammodules in configure line and specification of library to package.- Update to samba 4.10.7 + Unable to create or rename file/directory inside shares configured with vfs_glusterfs_fuse module; (bso#14010). + build: Allow build when '--disable-gnutls' is set; (bso#13844) + samba-tool: Add 'import samba.drs_utils' to; (bso#13973). + Fix 'Error 32 determining PSOs in system' message on old DB with FL upgrade; (bso#14008). + s4/libnet: Fix joining a Windows pre-2008R2 DC; (bso#14021) + join: Use a specific attribute order for the DsAddEntry nTDSDSA object; (bso#14046). + vfs_catia: Pass stat info to synthetic_smb_fname(); (bso#14015). + lookup_name: Allow own domain lookup when flags == 0; (bso#14091). + s4 librpc rpc pyrpc: Ensure tevent_context deleted last; (bso#13932). + DEBUGC and DEBUGADDC doesn't print into a class specific log file; (bso#13915). + Request to keep deprecated option "server schannel", VMWare Quickprep requires "auto"; (bso#13949). + dbcheck: Fallback to the default tombstoneLifetime of 180 days; (bso#13967). + dnsProperty fails to decode values from older Windows versions; (bso#13969). + samba-tool: Use only one LDAP modify for dns partition fsmo role transfer; (bso#13973). + third_party: Update waf to version 2.0.17; (bso#13960). + netcmd: Allow 'drs replicate --local' to create partitions; (bso#14051). + ctdb-config: Depend on /etc/ctdb/nodes file; (bso#14017).- CVE-2019-10197: user escape from share path definition; (bso#14035); (bsc#1141267).- Prepare for use future use of kernel keyrings, modify /etc/pam.d/samba to include; (bsc#1144059).- Update samba-winbind script to work with systemd; (bsc#1132739); - Drop samba dhcpcd hook scripts - Update to samba 4.10.6 + s3: winbind: Fix crash when invoking winbind idmap scripts; (bso#13956). + smbd does not correctly parse arguments passed to dfree and quota scripts; (bso#13964). + samba-tool dns: use bytes for inet_ntop; (bso#13965). + samba-tool domain provision: Fix --interactive module in python3; (bso#13828). + ldb_kv: Skip @ records early in a search full scan; (bso#13893). + docs: Improve documentation of "lanman auth" and "ntlm auth" connection; (bso#13981). + python/ntacls: Use correct "state directory" smb.conf option instead of "state dir"; (bso#14002). + registry: Add a missing include; (bso#13840). + Fix SMB guest authentication; (bso#13944). + AppleDouble conversion breaks Resourceforks; (bso#13958). + vfs_fruit makes direct use of syscalls like mmap() and pread(); (bso#13968). + s3:mdssvc: Fix flex compilation error; (bso#13987). + s3/vfs_glusterfs[_fuse]: Avoid using NAME_MAX directly; (bso#13872). + dsdb:samdb: schemainfo update with relax control; (bso#13799). + s3:util: Move static file_pload() function to lib/util; (bso#13964). + smbd: Fix a panic; (bso#13957). + ldap server: Generate correct referral schemes; (bso#12478). + s4 dsdb/repl_meta_data: fix use after free in dsdb_audit_add_ldb_value; (bso#13941). + s4 dsdb: Fix use after free in samldb_rename_search_base_callback; (bso#13942). + dsdb/repl: we need to replicate the whole schema before we can apply it; (bso#12204). + ldb: Release ldb 1.5.5; (bso#12478). + Schema replication fails if link crosses chunk boundary backwards; (bso#13713). + 'samba-tool domain schemaupgrade' uses relax control and skips the schemaInfo update provision; (bso#13799). + dsdb_audit: avoid printing "... remote host [Unknown] SID [(NULL SID)] ..."; (bso#13916). + python/ntacls: We only need security.SEC_STD_READ_CONTROL in order to get the ACL; (bso#13917). + s3:loadparm: Ensure to truncate FS Volume Label at multibyte boundary; (bso#13947). + Using Kerberos credentials to print using spoolss doesn't work; (bso#13939). + wafsamba: Use native waf timer; (bso#13998). + ctdb-scripts: Fix tcp_tw_recycle existence check; (bso#13984).- Update to samba-4.10.5 (including updates for 4.10.4, 4.10.3) + CVE-2019-12435 rpc/dns: Avoid NULL deference if zone not found in DnssrvOperation2; (bso#13922); (bsc#1137815). + CVE-2019-12436 dsdb/paged_results: Ignore successful results without messages; (bso#13951); (bsc#1137816). - Update to samba-4.10.4 + s3: SMB1: Don't allow recvfile on stream fsp's; (bso#13938). + py/provision: Fix for Python 2.6; (bso#13882). + netcmd: Fix 'passwordsettings --max-pwd-age' command; (bso#13873). + s3-libnet_join: 'net ads join' to child domain fails when using "-U admin@forestroot"; (bso#13861). + vfs_ceph: Explicitly enable libcephfs POSIX ACL support; (bso#13896); (bsc#1130245). + vfs_ceph: Fix cephwrap_flistxattr() debug message; (bso#13940); (bsc#1134697). + ctdb-common: Avoid race between fd and signal events; (bso#13895). + ctdb-common: Fix memory leak in run_proc; (bso#13943). + lib: Initialize getline() arguments; (bso#13892). + winbind: Fix overlapping id ranges; (bco#13903). + lib util debug: Increase format buffer to 4KiB; (bso#13902). + nsswitch pam_winbind: Fix Asan use after free; (bso#13927). + s4 lib socket: Ensure address string owned by parent struct; (bso#13929). + s3 rpc_client: Fix Asan stack use after scope; (bso#13936). + s3:smbd: Handle IO_REPARSE_TAG_DFS in SMB_FIND_FILE_FULL_DIRECTORY_INFO; (bso#10097). + smb2_tcon: Avoid STATUS_PENDING completely on tdis; (bso#10344). + smb2_sesssetup: avoid STATUS_PENDING responses for session setup; (bso#12845). + smb2_tcon: Avoid STATUS_PENDING completely on tdis; (bso#13698). + smb2_sesssetup: avoid STATUS_PENDING responses for session setup; (bso#13796). + dbcheck: Fix the err_empty_attribute() check; (bso#13843). + vfs_snapper: Drop unneeded fstat handler; (bso#13858). + vfs_default: Fix vfswrap_offload_write_send() NT_STATUS_INVALID_VIEW_SIZE check; (bso#13862). + smb2_server: Grant all 8192 credits to clients; (bso#13863). + smbd: Implement SMB_FILE_NORMALIZED_NAME_INFORMATION handling; (bso#13919). + s3/vfs_glusterfs: Dynamically determine NAME_MAX; (bso#13872). + s3: modules: ceph: Use current working directory instead of share path; (bso#13918); (bsc#1134452). + winbind: Use domain name from lsa query for sid_to_name cache entry; (bso#13831). + memcache: Increase size of default memcache to 512k; (bso#13865). + docs: Update smbclient manpage for "--max-protocol"; (bso#13857). + s3:utils: If share is NULL in smbcacls, don't print it; (bso#13937). + s3:smbspool: Fix regression printing with Kerberos credentials; (bso#13939). + ctdb-scripts: CTDB restarts failed NFS RPC services by hand, which is incompatible with systemd; (bso#13860). + ctdb-daemon: Revert "We can not assume that just because we could complete a TCP handshake"; (bso#13888). + ctdb-daemon: Never use 0 as a client ID; (bso#13930). + ctdb-common: Fix memory leak; (bso#13943). + s3:debug: Enable logging for early startup failures; (bso#13904) - Update to samba-4.10.3 + CVE-2018-16860: Heimdal KDC: Reject PA-S4U2Self with unkeyed checksum; (bso#13685); (bsc#1134024).- CVE-2019-12435: zone operations can crash rpc server; (bso#13922); (bsc#1137815).- Fix cephwrap_flistxattr() debug message; (bso#13940); (bsc#1134697). - Add ceph_snapshots VFS module; (jsc#SES-183).- Fix vfs_ceph realpath; (bso#13918); (bsc#1134452).- Update to samba-4.10.2: + CVE-2019-3870 (World writable files in Samba AD DC private/ dir); (bso#13834). + CVE-2019-3880 (Save registry file outside share as unprivileged user); (bso#13851). + py/kcc_utils: py2.6 compatibility; (bso#13837). + libcli: permit larger values of DataLength in SMB2_ENCRYPTION_CAPABILITIES of negotiate response; (bso#13869). + regfio: Improve handling of malformed registry hive files; (bso#13840). + ctdb-version: Simplify version string usage; (bso#13789). + lib: Make fd_load work for non-regular files; (bso#13859). + dbcheck: in the middle of the tombstone garbage collection causes replication failures, dbcheck: add --selftest-check-expired-tombstones cmdline option; (bso#13816). + ndr_spoolss_buf: Fix out of scope use of stack variable in NDR_SPOOLSS_PUSH_ENUM_OUT(); (bso#13818). + s4/messaging: Fix undefined reference in linking; (bso#13854). + acl_read: Fix regression for empty lists; (bso#13836). + s4:dlz make b9_has_soa check dc=@ node; (bso#13841). + s3:client: Fix printing via smbspool backend with kerberos auth; (bso#13832). + s4:librpc: Fix installation of Samba; (bso#13847). + s3:lib: Fix the debug message for adding cache entries; (bso#13848). + s3:utils: Add 'smbstatus -L --resolve-uids' to show username; (bso#13793). + s3:lib: Fix the debug message for adding cache entries; (bso#13848). + s3:waf: Fix the detection of makdev() macro on Linux; (bso#13853). * ctdb-build: Drop creation of .distversion in tarball; (bso#13789). * ctdb-packaging: Test package requires tcpdump, ctdb package should not own system library directory; (bso#13838). - Update to samba-4.10.1: + py/kcc_utils: py2.6 compatibility; (bso#13837); + libcli: permit larger values of DataLength in SMB2_ENCRYPTION_CAPABILITIES of negotiate response; (bso#13869); + regfio: Improve handling of malformed registry hive files; (bso#13840); + ctdb-version: Simplify version string usage; (bso#13789); + lib: Make fd_load work for non-regular files; (bso#13859); + dbcheck in the middle of the tombstone garbage collection causes replication failures, dbcheck: add --selftest-check-expired-tombstones cmdline option; (bso#13816); + ndr_spoolss_buf: Fix out of scope use of stack variable in NDR_SPOOLSS_PUSH_ENUM_OUT(); (bso#13818); + s4/messaging: Fix undefined reference in linking; (bso#13854); + acl_read: Fix regression for empty lists; (bso#13836); + s4:dlz make b9_has_soa check dc=@ node; (bso#13841); + s3:client: Fix printing via smbspool backend with kerberos auth; (bso#13832); + s4:librpc: Fix installation of Samba; (bso#13847); + s3:lib: Fix the debug message for adding cache entries; (bso#13848); + s3:utils: Add 'smbstatus -L --resolve-uids' to show username; (bso#13793); + s3:lib: Fix the debug message for adding cache entries; (bso#13848); + s3:waf: Fix the detection of makdev() macro on Linux; (bso#13853); + ctdb-build: Drop creation of .distversion in tarball; (bso#13789); + ctdb-packaging: Test package requires tcpdump, ctdb package should not own system library directory; (bso#13838); - Update to samba-4.10.0: + s4-server: Open and close a transaction on sam.ldb at startup; (bso#13760); + access_check_max_allowed() doesn't process "Owner Rights" ACEs; (bso#13812); + s4/scripting/bin: Open unicode files with utf8 encoding and write + unicode string. + sambaundoguididx: Use the right escaped oder unescaped sam ldb files; (bso#13759); + Fix idmap cache pollution with S-1-22- IDs on winbind hickup; (bso#13813); + passdb: Update ABI to 0.27.2. + lib/winbind_util: Add winbind_xid_to_sid for --without-winbind; (bso#13813); + lib:util: Move debug message for mkdir failing to log level 1; (bso#13823);- MacOS credit accounting breaks with async SESSION SETUP; (bsc#1125601); (bso#13796). - Mac OS X SMB2 implmenetation sees Input/output error or Resource temporarily unavailable and drops connection; (bso#13698)- Explicitly enable libcephfs POSIX ACL support; (bso#13896); (bsc#1130245).- CVE-2019-3880: Save registry file outside share as unprivileged user; (bso#13851); (bsc#1131060 ).- CVE-2019-3870 pysmbd: missing restoration of original umask after umask(0); (bso#13834); (bsc#1130703);- Update to samba-4.9.5 + audit_logging: Remove debug log header and JSON Authentication: prefix; (bso#13714); + Fix upgrade from 4.7 (or earlier) to 4.9; (bso#13760); + s3: lib: nmbname: Ensure we limit the NetBIOS name correctly; (bso# CID: 1433607; (bso#11495); + smbd: uid: Don't crash if 'force group' is added to an existing share connection; (bso#13690); + s3: VFS: vfs_fruit. Fix the NetAtalk deny mode compatibility code; (bso#13770); + s3: SMB1 POSIX mkdir does case insensitive name lookup; (bso#13803); + s3:utils/smbget fix recursive download with empty source directories; (bso#13199); + samba-tool drs showrepl: Do not crash if no dnsHostName found; (bso#13716); + s3:libsmb: cli_smb2_list() can sometimes fail initially on a connection; (bso#13736); + join: Throw CommandError instead of Exception for simple errors; (bso#13747); + ldb: Avoid inefficient one-level searches; (bso#13762); + s3: libsmb: use smb2cli_conn_max_trans_size() in cli_smb2_list(); (bso#13736); + tldap: Avoid use after free errors; (bso#13776); + Fix idmap xid2sid cache churn; (bso#13802); + access_check_max_allowed() doesn't process "Owner Rights" ACEs; (bso#13812); + s3-smbd: Avoid assuming fsp is always intact after close_file call; (bso#13720); + s3-vfs-fruit: Add close call; (bso#13725); + s3-smbd: Use fruit:model string for mDNS registration; (bso#13746); + s3-vfs: add glusterfs_fuse vfs module; (bso#13774); + printing: Check lp_load_printers() prior to pcap cache update; (bso#13766); + vfs_ceph: vfs_ceph strict_allocate_ftruncate calls (local FS) ftruncate and fallocate; (bso#13807); + lib/audit_logging: Actually create talloc; (bso#13737); + netcmd/user: python[3]-gpgme unsupported and replaced by python[3]-gpg; (bso#13728); + dns: Changing onelevel search for wildcard to subtree; (bso#13738); + samba-tool: Don't print backtrace on simple DNS errors; (bso#13721); + sambaundoguididx: Use the right escaped oder unescaped sam ldb files; (bso#13759); + ctdb: Print locks latency in machinereadable stats; (bso#13742); + messages_dgm: Messaging gets stuck when pids are recycled; (bso#13786); + audit_logging: auth_json_audit required auth_json; (bso#13715); + man pages: Document prefork process model; (bso#13765); + CVE-2019-3824 ldb: Release ldb 1.4.6; (bso#13773); + s3:auth: ignore create_builtin_guests() failing without a valid idmap configuration; (bso#13697); + s3:auth_winbind: Ignore a missing winbindd as NT4 PDC/BDC without trusts; (bso#13722); + s3:auth_winbind: return NT_STATUS_NO_LOGON_SERVERS if winbindd is not available; (bso#13723); + s4:server: Add support for 'smbcontrol samba shutdown' and 'smbcontrol debug/debuglevel'; (bso#13752); + Python: Ensure ldb.Dn can doesn't rencoded str with py2; (bso#13616); + vfs_glusterfs: Adapt to changes in libgfapi signatures; (bso#13330); + s3-vfs: Use ENOATTR in errno comparison for getxattr; (bso#13774); + notifyd: Fix SIGBUS on sparc; (bso#13704); + waf: Check for libnscd; (bso#13787); + s3:vfs: Correctly check if OFD locks should be enabled or not; (bso#13770); + lib/util: Count a trailing line that doesn't end in a newline; (bso#13717); + Recovery lock bug fixes; (bso#13800); + s3: net: Do not set NET_FLAGS_ANONYMOUS with -k; (bso#13726); + s3:libsmb: Honor disable_netbios option in smbsock_connect_send; (bso#13727); + vfs_fileid: Fix get_connectpath_ino; (bso#13741); + vfs_fileid: Fix fsname_norootdir algorithm; (bso#13744);- Fix vfs_ceph ftruncate and fallocate handling; (bso#13807); (bsc#1127153).- Fix update-apparmor-samba-profile script after apparmor switched to using named profiles. The change is backwards compatible; (bsc#1126377);- LoadParm().load_default() fails with "Unable to load default file"; (bsc#1089758);- Abide by load_printers smb.conf parameter; (bso#13766); (bsc#1124223);- Update to samba-4.9.4 + libcli/smb: Don't overwrite status code; (bso#9175). + wbinfo --group-info 'NT AUTHORITY\System' does not work; (bso#12164). + Session setup reauth fails to sign response; (bso#13661). + vfs_fruit: Validation of writes on AFP_AfpInfo stream; (bso#13677). + vfs_shadow_copy2: Nicely deal with attempts to open previous version for writing; (bso#13688). + Restoring previous version of stream with vfs_shadow_copy2 fails with NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_INVALID fsp->base_fsp->fsp_name; (bso#13455). + CVE-2018-16853: Fix S4U2Self crash with MIT KDC build; (bso#13571). + s3-vfs: Prevent NULL pointer dereference in vfs_glusterfs; (bso#13708) + PEP8: fix E231: missing whitespace after ','. + winbindd: Fix crash when taking profiles;(bso#13629) + CVE-2018-14629 dns: Fix CNAME loop prevention using counter regression; (bso#13600) + 'samba-tool user syscpasswords' fails on a domain with many DCs; (bso#13686). + CVE-2018-16853: Do not segfault if client is not set; (bso#13571). + lib:util: Fix DEBUGCLASS pointer initializiation; (bso#13679) + ctdb-daemon: Exit with error if a database directory does not exist; (bso#13696). + s3:libads: Add net ads leave keep-account option; (bso#13498).- Drop more %if..%endif guards which are idempotent. - Drop requires on ldconfig which are already auto-discovered. - Do not ignore errors from useradd/groupadd.- Remove python2 build dependency from samba-libs; (bsc#1116900);- Update update-apparmor-samba-profile script to ignore the shares's paths containing substitution variables in any place, not only at the beginning of the path.- Update to samba-4.9.3 + CVE-2018-14629: Unprivileged adding of CNAME record causing loop in AD Internal DNS server; (bso#13600); (bsc#1116319); + CVE-2018-16841: Double-free in Samba AD DC KDC with PKINIT; (bso#13628); (bsc#1116320); + CVE-2018-16851: NULL pointer de-reference in Samba AD DC LDAP server; (bso#13674); (bsc#1116322); + CVE-2018-16852: NULL pointer de-reference in Samba AD DC DNS servers; (bso#13669); (bsc#1116321); + CVE-2018-16853: Samba AD DC S4U2Self crash in experimental MIT Kerberos configuration (unsupported); (bso#13678); (bsc#1116324); + CVE-2018-16857: Bad password count in AD DC not always effective; window; (bso#13683); (bsc#1116323);- Update to samba-4.9.2 + dsdb: Add comments explaining the limitations of our current backlink behaviour; (bso#13418); + Fix problems running domain backups (handling SMBv2, sites); (bso#13621); + testparm: Fix crashes with PANIC: Messaging not initialized on SLES 12 SP3; (bso#13465); + Make vfs_fruit able to cleanup AppleDouble files; (bso#13642); + File saving issues with vfs_fruit on samba >= 4.8.5; (bso#13646); + Enabling vfs_fruit looses FinderInfo; (bso#13649); + Cancelling of SMB2 aio reads and writes returns wrong error NT_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; (bso#13667); + Fix CTDB recovery record resurrection from inactive nodes and simplify vacuuming; (bso#13641); + examples: Fix the smb2mount build; (bso#13465); + libtevent: Fix build due to missing open_memstream on Illiumos; (bso#13629); + winbindd_cache: Fix timeout calculation for sid<->name cache; (bso#13662); + dsdb encrypted_secrets: Allow "ldb:// and "mdb://" in file path; (bso#13653); + Extended DN SID component missing for member after switching group membership; (bso#13418); + Return STATUS_SESSION_EXPIRED error encrypted, if the request was encrypted; (bso#13624); + python: Allow forced signing via smb.SMB(); (bso#13621); + lib:socket: If returning early, set ifaces; (bso#13665); + ldb: Bump ldb version to 1.4.3, Python: Ensure ldb.Dn can accept utf8 encoded unicode; (bso#13616); + smbd: Fix DELETE_ON_CLOSE behaviour on files with READ_ONLY attribute; (bso#13673); + waf: Add -fstack-clash-protection; (bso#13601); + winbind: Fix segfault if an invalid passdb backend is configured; (bso#13668); + Fix bugs in CTDB event handling; (bso#13659); + Misbehaving nodes are sometimes not banned; (bso#13670);- lib:socket: If returning early, set ifaces; (bso#13665); (bsc#1111373);- winbind requires latest version of libtevent-util0 to start- Backport latest gpo code from master + Read policy from local gpt cache + Offline policy application + Make group policy extensible via register/unregister gpext + gpext's run via a process_group_policy method- Enable profiling data collection- Change samba-kdc package name to samba-ad-dc - Move samba-ad-dc.service to the samba-ad-dc package- Update to samba-4.9.1 + s3: nmbd: Stop nmbd network announce storm; (bso#13620); + s3-rpcclient: Use spoolss_init_spoolss_UserLevel1 in winspool cmds; (bso#13597); + CTDB recovery lock has some race conditions; (bso#13617); + s3-rpc_client: Advertise Windows 7 client info; (bso#13597); + ctdb-doc: Remove PIDFILE option from ctdbd_wrapper man page; (bso#13610);- Tumbleweed doesn't define the sle_version macro, so we must include a check for suse_version also. Otherwise python3 is disabled on Tumbleweed.- Update to samba-4.9.0 + samba_dnsupdate: Honor 'dns zone scavenging' option, only update if needed; (bso#13605); + wafsamba: Fix 'make -j'; (bso#13606);- Update to samba-4.9.0rc5 + s3: VFS: vfs_full_audit: Ensure smb_fname_str_do_log() only returns absolute pathnames; (bso#13565); + s3: util: Do not take over stderr when there is no log file; (bso#13578); + Durable Reconnect fails because cookie.allow_reconnect is not set; (bso#13549); + krb5-samba: Interdomain trust uses different salt principal; (bso#13539); + vfs_fruit: Don't unlink the main file; (bso#13441); + smbd: Fix a memleak in async search ask sharemode; (bso#13602); + Fix Samba GPO issue when Trust is enabled; (bso#11517); + samba-tool: Add "virtualKerberosSalt" attribute to 'user getpassword/syncpasswords'; (bso#13539); + Fix CTDB configuration issues; (bso#13589); + ctdbd logs an error until it can successfully connect to eventd; (bso#13592);- Update to samba-4.9.0rc4 + s3: smbd: Ensure get_real_filename() copes with empty pathnames; (bso#13585); + samba domain backup online/rename commands force user to specify password on CLI; (bso#13566); + wafsamba/samba_abi: Always hide ABI symbols which must be local; (bso#13579); + Fix a panic if fruit_access_check detects a locking conflict; (bso#13584); + Fix memory and resource leaks; (bso#13567); + python: Fix print in; (bso#13580); + Aliasing issue causes incorrect IPv6 checksum; (bso#13588); + Fix CTDB configuration issues; (bso#13589); + s3: vfs: time_audit: fix handling of token_blob in smb_time_audit_offload_read_recv(); (bso#13568);- Add missing zlib-devel dependency which was previously pulled in by libopenssl-devel- Update to samba-4.9.0rc3+git.22.3fff23ae36e + CVE-2018-10858: libsmb: Harden smbc_readdir_internal() against returns from malicious servers; (bso#13453); + CVE-2018-1140: ldbsearch '(distinguishedName=abc)' and DNS query with escapes crashes, ldb: Release LDB 1.3.5 for CVE-2018-1140; (bso#13374); + CVE-2018-10918: cracknames: Fix DoS (NULL pointer de-ref) when not servicePrincipalName is set on a user; (bso#13552); + CVE-2018-10919: acl_read: Fix unauthorized attribute access via searches; (bso#13434); + ctdb_mutex_ceph_rados_helper: Set SIGINT signal handler; (bso#13540); + CVE-2018-1139 libcli/auth: Do not allow ntlmv1 over SMB1 when it is disabled via "ntlm auth"; (bso#13360); + s3-tldap: do not install test_tldap; (bso#13529); + ctdb_mutex_ceph_rados_helper: Fix deadlock via lock renewals; (bso#13540); + CVE-2018-1140 Add NULL check for ldb_dn_get_casefold() in ltdb_index_dn_attr(); (bso#13374); + ctdb-eventd: Fix CID 1438155; (bso#13554); + Fix CIDs 1438243, (Unchecked return value) 1438244 (Unsigned compared against 0), 1438245 (Dereference before null check) and 1438246 (Unchecked return value); (bso#13553); + ctdb: Fix a cut&paste error; (bso#13554); + systemd: Only start smb when network interfaces are up; (bso#13559); + Fix quotas don't work with SMB2; (bso#13553); + s3/smbd: Ensure quota code is only called when quota support detected; (bso#13563); + s3/libsmb: Explicitly set delete_on_close token for rmdir; (bso#13204); + s3:waf: Install eventlogadm to /usr/sbin; (bso#13561); + Shorten description in vfs_linux_xfs_sgid manual; (bso#13562);- Update to samba-4.9.0rc2+git.21.a1069afb007 + s3: smbd: Using "sendfile = yes" with SMB2 can cause CPU spin; (bso#13537); + s3: smbd: Fix path check in smbd_smb2_create_durable_lease_check(); (bso#13535); + samba-tool trust: Support discovery via netr_GetDcName; (bso#13538); + s4-dsdb: Only build dsdb Python modules for AD DC; (bso#13542); + Fix portability issues on freebsd; (bso#13520); + DNS wildcard search does not handle multiple labels correctly; (bso#13536); + samba-tool domain trust: Fix trust compatibility to Windows Server 1709 and FreeIPA; (bso#13308); + Fix portability issues on freebsd; (bso#13520); + ctdb-protocol: Fix CTDB compilation issues; (bso#13545); + ctdb-docs: Replace obsolete reference to CTDB_DEBUG_HUNG_SCRIPT option; (bso#13546); + ctdb-doc: Provide an example script for migrating old configuration; (bso#13550); + ctdb-event: Implement event tool "script list" command; (bso#13551);- Update to samba-4.8.4+git.37.a7a861d7982; + CVE-2018-1139: Weak authentication protocol allowed; (bsc#1095048); (bsc#13360); + CVE-2018-1140: Denial of Service Attack on DNS and LDAP server; (bsc#1095056); (bso#13466); (bso#13374); + CVE-2018-10858: Insufficient input validation on client directory listing in libsmbclient; (bsc#1103411); (bso#13453); + CVE-2018-10918: Denial of Service Attack on AD DC DRSUAPI server; (bsc#1103414); (bso#13552); + CVE-2018-10919: Confidential attribute disclosure from the AD LDAP server; (bsc#1095057); (bso#13434); + s3:winbind: winbind normalize names' doesn't work for users; (bso#12851); + winbind: Fix UPN handling in canonicalize_username(); (bso#13369); + s3: smbd: Fix SMB2-FLUSH against directories; (bso#13428); + samdb: Fix building Samba with gcc 8.1; (bso#13437); + s3:utils: Do not segfault on error in DoDNSUpdate(); (bso#13440); + smbd: Flush dfree memcache on service reload; (bso#13446); + ldb: Save a copy of the index result before calling the + lib/util: No Backtrace given by Samba's AD DC by default; (bso#13454). + s3: smbd: printing: Re-implement delete-on-close semantics for print files missing since 3.5.x; (bso#13457). + python: Fix talloc frame use in make_simple_acl(); (bso#13474). + krb5_wrap: Fix keep_old_entries logic for older Kerberos libraries;(bso#13478). + krb5_plugin: Add winbind localauth plugin for MIT Kerberos; (bso#13480).- Add missing package descriptions; (bsc#1093864); - Fix dependency issue between samba-python and samba-kdc; (bsc#1062876); - Call update-apparmor-samba-profile when running samba-ad-dc; (bsc#1092099);- Update to 4.8.2 + After update to 4.8.0 DC failed with "Failed to find our own NTDS Settings objectGUID" (bso#13335). + fix incorrect reporting of stream dos attributes on a directory (bso#13380). + vfs_ceph: add asynchronous fsync; fake synchronous call (bso#13412). + vfs_ceph: add fake async pwrite/pread send/recv hooks; (bso#13425) + vfs_ceph: Fix memory leak; (bso#13424). + libsmbclient: Fix hard-coded connection error return of ETIMEDOUT; (bso#13419). + s4-lsa: Fix use-after-free in LSA server; (bso#13420). + winbindd: Do re-connect if the RPC call fails in the passdb case; (bso#13430). + cleanupd: Sends MSG_SMB_UNLOCK twice to interested peers; (bso#13416). + cleanupd: Use MSG_SMB_BRL_VALIDATE to signal cleanupd unclean process shutdown; (bso#13414). + ctdb-client: Remove ununsed functions from old client code; (bso#13411). + printing: Return the same error code as windows does on upload failures; (bso#13395). + nsswitch: Fix memory leak in winbind_open_pipe_sock() when the privileged pipe is not accessable; (bso#13400). + s4:lsa_lookup: remove TALLOC_FREE(state) after all dcesrv_lsa_Lookup{Names,Sids}_base_map() calls; (bso#13420). + rpc_server: Fix NetSessEnum with stale sessions; (bso#13407). + s3:smbspool: Fix cmdline argument handling; (bso#13417).- Move library from kdc to libs package, as it is required by some client libs; (bsc#1074135); - Update to 4.8.1; (bsc#1091179); + s3: ldap: Ensure the ADS_STRUCT pointer doesn't get freed on error, we don't own it here; (bso#13244); + s3: smbd: Fix possible directory fd leak if the underlying OS doesn't support fdopendir(); (bso#13270); + Round-tripping ACL get/set through vfs_fruit will increase the number of ACE entries without limit; (bso#13319); + s3: smbd: SMB2: Add DBGC_SMB2_CREDITS class to specifically debug credit issues; (bso#13347); + s3: smbd: Files or directories can't be opened DELETE_ON_CLOSE without delete access; (bso#13358); + s3: smbd: Fix memory leak in vfswrap_getwd(); (bso#13372); + s3: smbd: Unix extensions attempts to change wrong field in fchown call; (bso#13375); + ms_schema/samba-tool visualize: Fix python2.6 incompatibility; (bso#13337); + Fix invocation of gnutls_aead_cipher_encrypt(); (bso#13352); + Windows 10 cannot logon on Samba NT4 domain; (bso#13328); + winbindd: Recover loss of netlogon secure channel in case the peer DC is rebooted; (bso#13332); + s3:smbd: Don't use the directory cache for SMB2/3; (bso#13363); + ctdb-client: Fix bugs in client code; (bso#13356); + ctdb-scripts: Drop "net serverid wipe" from 50.samba event script; (bso#13359); + s3: lib: messages: Don't use the result of sec_init() before calling sec_init(); (bso#13368); + libads: Fix the build '--without-ads'; (bso#13273); + winbind: Keep "force_reauth" in invalidate_cm_connection, add 'smbcontrol disconnect-dc'; (bso#13332); + vfs_virusfilter: Fix CIDs 1428738-1428740; (bso#13343); + dsdb: Fix CID 1034966 Uninitialized scalar variable; (bso#13367); + rpc_server: Fix core dump in dfsgetinfo; (bso#13370); + smbclient: Fix notify; (bso#13382); + Fix smbd panic if the client-supplied channel sequence number wraps; (bso#13215); + Windows 10 cannot logon on Samba NT4 domain; (bso#13328); + lib/util: Remove unused '#include ' from tests/tfork.c; (bso#13342); + Fix build errors with cc from developerstudio 12.5 on Solaris; (bso#13343); + Fix the picky-developer build on FreeBSD 11; (bso#13344); + s3:modules: Fix the build of vfs_aixacl2.c; (bso#13345); + s3:smbd: map nterror on smb2_flush errorpath; (bso#13338); + lib:replace: Fix linking when libtirpc-devel overwrites system headers; (bso#13341); + winbindd: 'wbinfo --name-to-sid' returns misleading result on invalid query; (bso#13312); + s3:passdb: Do not return OK if we don't have pinfo set up; (bso#13376); + Allow AESNI to be used on all processor supporting AESNI; (bso#13302);- Use new foreground execution flags for systemd samba daemons; (bsc#1088574); (bsc#1071090); (bsc#1065551); + Add %post scriptlet to clear old sysconfig flags - Update vendor-files to commit 880b3e7. + Set samba sysconfig template variables to "" + Add required daemon flags directly to systemd unit- Specfile cleanup + Remove %if..%endif guards which don't affect the build + Remove redundant %clean section + Replace old $RPM_* shell vars with macros- BuildRequire pkgconfig(systemd) and pkgconfig(libsystemd) in place of systemd and systemd-devel: Allow OBS to optimize the workload by allowing the usage of the 'build-optimized' systemd packages.- Enable building samba with python3, and create a samba-python3 package.- Update to 4.8 + New GUID Index mode in sam.ldb for the AD DC + GPO support for samba KDC + Time machine support with vfs_fruit + Encrypted secrets + AD Replication visualization + Improved trust support - ability to not scan global trust list - AD external trusts have limited support - verbose trusted domain listing + VirusFilter VFS module + NT4-style replication removed + vfs_aio_linux removed- Disable samba-pidl package, due to the removal of dependency perl-Parse-Yapp; (bsc#1085150);- Update to 4.7.6; + CVE-2018-1050: DOS vulnerability when SPOOLSS is run externally; (bso#11343); (bsc#1081741); + CVE-2018-1057: Authenticated users can change other users' password; (bso#13272); (bsc#1081024).- Disable python until full python3 port is done; (bsc#1082139); + Remove contents of package samba-python + Remove contents of package libsamba-policy0 + Remove contents of package libsamba-policy-devel + Remove library from samba-libs package + Remove library from samba-libs package + Remove smbtorture binary and manpage from samba-test- samba fails to build with glibc2.27; (bsc#1081042);- Update to 4.7.5; (bsc#1080545); + smbd tries to release not leased oplock during oplock II downgrade; (bso#13193); + Fix copying file with empty FinderInfo from Windows client to Samba share with fruit; (bso#13181); + build: Deal with recent glibc sunrpc header removal; (bso#10976); + Make Samba work with tirpc and libnsl2; (bso#13238); + vfs_ceph: Add fs_capabilities hook to avoid local statvfs; (bso#13208); (bsc#1075206); + Kerberos: PKINIT: Can't decode algorithm parameters in clientPublicValue; (bso#12986); + ctdb-recovery-helper: Deregister message handler in error paths; (bso#13188); + samba: Only use async signal-safe functions in signal handler; (bso#13240); + Kerberos: PKINIT: Can't decode algorithm parameters in clientPublicValue; (bso#12986); + repl_meta_data: Fix linked attribute corruption on databases with unsorted links on expunge. dbcheck: Add functionality to fix the corrupt database; (bso#13228); + Fix smbd panic when chdir returns error during exit; (bso#13189); + Make Samba work with tirpc and libnsl2; (bso#13238); + Fix POSIX ACL support on HPUX and possibly other big-endian OSs; (bso#13176);- Update to 4.7.4; (bsc#1080545); + s3: smbclient: Implement 'volume' command over SMB2; (bso#13140); + s3: libsmb: Fix valgrind read-after-free error in cli_smb2_close_fnum_recv(); (bso#13171); + s3: libsmb: Fix reversing of oldname/newname paths when creating a reparse point symlink on Windows from smbclient; (bso#13172); + Build man page for vfs_zfsacl.8 with Samba; (bso#12934); + repl_meta_data: Allow delete of an object with dangling backlinks; (bso#13095); + s4:samba: Fix default to be running samba as a deamon; (bso#13129); + Performance regression in DNS server with introduction of DNS wildcard, ldb: Release 1.2.3; (bso#13191); + vfs_zfsacl: Fix compilation error; (bso#6133); + "smb encrypt" setting changes are not fully applied until full smbd restart; (bso#13051); + winbindd: Fix idmap_rid dependency on trusted domain list; (bso#13052); + vfs_fruit: Proper VFS-stackable conversion of FinderInfo; (bso#13155); + winbindd: Dependency on trusted-domain list in winbindd in critical auth codepath; (bso#13173); + repl_meta_data: Fix removing of backlink on deleted objects; (bso#13120); + ctdb: sock_daemon leaks memory; (bso#13153); + TCP tickles not getting synchronised on CTDB restart; (bso#13154); + winbindd: winbind parent and child share a ctdb connection; (bso#13150); + pthreadpool: Fix deadlock; (bso#13170); + pthreadpool: Fix starvation after fork; (bso#13179); + messaging: Always register the unique id; (bso#13180); + s4/smbd: set the process group; (bso#13129); + Fix broken linked attribute handling; (bso#13095); + The KDC on an RWDC doesn't send error replies in some situations; (bso#13132); + libnet_join: Fix 'net rpc oldjoin'; (bso#13149); + g_lock conflict detection broken when processing stale entries; (bso#13195); + s3:smb2_server: allow logoff, close, unlock, cancel and echo on expired sessions; (bso#13197); + s3:libads: net ads keytab list fails with "Key table name malformed"; (bso#13166); (bsc#1067700); + Fix crash in pthreadpool thread after failure from pthread_create; (bso#13170); + s4:samba: Allow samba daemon to run in foreground; (bso#13129); (bsc#1065551); + third_party: Link the aesni-intel library with "-z noexecstack"; (bso#13174); + vfs_glusterfs: include glusterfs/api/glfs.h without relying on "-I" options; (bso#13125);- Re-enable usage of libnsl (did got lost with glibc change) - Use TI-RPC (sunrpc is deprecated and will be removed soon from glibc)- smbc_opendir should not return EEXIST with invalid login credentials; (bnc#1065868).- Update to 4.7.3; (bsc#1069666); + Non-smbd processes using kernel oplocks can hang smbd; (bso#13121); + python: use communicate to fix Popen deadlock; (bso#13127); + smbd on disk file corruption bug under heavy threaded load; (bso#13130); + tevent: version 0.9.34; (bso#13130); + s3: smbd: Fix delete-on-close after smb2_find; (bso#13118); + CVE-2017-14746: s3: smbd: Fix SMB1 use-after-free crash bug; (bsc#1060427);(bso#13041); + CVE-2017-15275: s3: smbd: Chain code can return uninitialized memory when talloc buffer is grown; (bsc#1063008); (bso#13077); - Build with AD DC support only in openSUSE.- Replace references to /var/adm/fillup-templates with new %_fillupdir macro (boo#1069468)- samba-tool requires samba-python; (bnc#1067771).- Run all daemons in the foreground and let systemd handle it; (bsc#1065551). - Update to 4.7.1; + Fix exporting subdirs with shadow_copy2; (bso#13091); + Currently if getwd() fails after a chdir(), we panic; (bso#13027); + Ensure default SMB_VFS_GETWD() call can't return a partially completed struct smb_filename; (bso#13068); + sys_getwd() can leak memory or possibly return the wrong errno on older systems; (bso#13069); + smbclient doesn't correctly canonicalize all local names before use; (bso#13093); + Fix broken linked attribute handling; (bso#13095); + Missing LDAP query escapes in DNS rpc server; (bso#12994); + Link to -lbsd when building replace.c by hand; (bso#13087); + Cannot delete non-ACL files on Solaris/ZFS/NFSv4 ACL filesystem; (bso#6133); + Map SYNCHRONIZE acl permission statically in zfs_acl vfs module; (bso#7909); + Samba fails to honor SEC_STD_WRITE_OWNER bit with the acl_xattr module; (bso#7933); + Missing assignment in sl_pack_float; (bso#12991); + Wrong Samba access checks when changing DOS attributes; (bso#12995); + samba_runcmd_send() leaves zombie processes on timeout; (bso#13062); + groupmap cleanup should not delete BUILTIN mappings; (bso#13065); + Enabling vfs_fruit results in loss of Finder tags and other xattrs; (bso#13076); + man pages: Properly ident lists; (bso#9613); + smb.conf.5: Sort parameters alphabetically; (bso#13081); + Fix GUID string format on GetPrinter info; (bso#12993); + Remote serverid check doesn't check for the unique id; (bso#13042); + CTDB starts consuming memory if there are dead nodes in the cluster; (bso#13056); + ctdb-common: Ignore event scripts with multiple '.'s; (bso#13070); + libgpo doesn't sort the GPOs in the correct order; (bso#13046); + Remote serverid check doesn't check for the unique id; (bso#13042); + vfs_catia: Fix a potential memleak; (bso#13090); + Fix file change notification for renames; (bso#12903); + Samba DNS server does not honour wildcards; (bso#12952); + Can't change password in samba from a Windows client if Samba runs on IPv6 only interface; (bso#13079); + vfs_fruit: Replace closedir() by SMB_VFS_CLOSEDIR; (bso#13086); + Apple client can't cope with SMB2 async replies when creating symlinks; (bso#13047); + s4:rpc_server:backupkey: Move variable into scope; (bso#12959); + Fix ntstatus_gen.h generation on 32bit; (bso#13099); + Fix a double free in vfs_gluster_getwd(); (bso#13100); + Fix resouce leaks and pointer issues; (bso#13101); + vfs_solarisacl: Fix build for samba 4.7 and up; (bso#13049);- Add samba-kdc to baselibs.conf. - Do not wrap samba-kdc's package definition into if/endif: the package won't be generated simply based on the fact that there is no files section for the package. Allows the source validator to ensure samba-kdc is a built package.- Update to 4.7.0; + Whole DB read locks: Improved LDAP and replication consistency; (bso#12858). + Samba AD with MIT Kerberos + Dynamic RPC port range: Default range changed from "1024-1300" to "49152-65535". + Authentication and Authorization audit support: New auth_audit debug class. + Multi-process LDAP Server: The LDAP server in the AD DC now honours the process model used for the rest of the 'samba' process. + Improved Read-Only Domain Controller (RODC) Support; (bso#12977). + Additional password hashes stored in supplementalCredentials. + Improvements to DNS during Active Directory domain join. + Significant AD performance and replication improvements. + Query record for open file or directory. + Removal of lpcfg_register_defaults_hook(). + Change of loadable module interface. + SHA256 LDAPS Certificates: The self-signed certificate generated for use on LDAPS will now be generated with a SHA256 self-signature, not a SHA1 self-signature. + CTDB no longer allows mixed minor versions in a cluster. + CTDB now ignores hints from Samba about TDB flags when attaching to databases. + New configuration variable CTDB_NFS_CHECKS_DIR. + The CTDB_SERVICE_AUTOSTARTSTOP configuration has been removed. + The CTDB_SCRIPT_DEBUGLEVEL configuration variable has been removed. + The example NFS Ganesha call-out has been improved. + A new "replicated" database type is available.- CVE-2017-12163: Prevent client short SMB1 write from writing server memory to file; (bso#13020); (bsc#1058624).- CVE-2017-12150: Some code path don't enforce smb signing, when they should; (bso#12997); (bsc#1058622).- CVE-2017-12151: Keep required encryption across SMB3 dfs redirects; (bso#12996); (bsc#1058565).- Clean specfile assuming SUSE-only system and product >=SLE11 + %{ul_version}, %{rhel_version}, %{mandriva_version}, %{centos_version} are always undefined + %{_vendor} is "suse" and %{suse_version} is at least 1100- Update to 4.6.7; (bsc#1054017) + Joining a Huawai storage fails: empty CLDAP ping answer; (bso#11392). + smbcacls can fail against a directory on Windows using SMB2.; (bso#12937). + vfs_ceph provides inconsistent directory listings; (bso#12911). + Misused talloc context can cause a user to crash their smbd by chaining SMB1 commands.; (bso#12836). + Use-after free can crash libsmbclient code.; (bso#12927). + Server exit with active AIO can crash.; (bso#12925). + Ensure notifyd doesn't return from smbd_notifyd_init; (bso#12910). + fd leak to ctdb sub-processes leads to SELinux AVC denial in audit logs; (bso#12898). + vfs_fruit shouldn't send MS NFS ACEs to Windows clients; (bso#12897). + smbspool_krb5_wrapper does not tell CUPS that it requires negotiate for authentication; (bso#12886). + finder sidebar showing question mark instead of icon when using ip to connect with vfs_fruit; (bso#12840). + Winbind stops obtaining the 'unixHomeDirectory' & 'loginShell' attributes from AD.; (bso#12720). + KCC run at selftest startup can fail spuriously due to a race; (bso#12869). + winbindd changes the local password and gets NT_STATUS_WRONG_PASSWORD for the remote change; (bso#12782). + rpc_pipe_client memory leaks due to long term memory context passed to rpc_pipe_open_interface(); (bso#12890). + CVE-2017-2619 breaks accessing previous versions of directories with snapshots in subdirectories of the share; (bso#12885). + dns_name_equal doing OOB read; (bso#12813). + replica_sync tests flap; (bso#12753). + Selftest should not call 'net cache flush' and wipe important winbind entries; (bso#12868). + Old Samba versions don't support using recent ldb versions (>=1.1.30); (bso#12859). + pam_winbind fails with kerberos method = secrets and keytab; (bso#10490). + race starting winbindd against posixacl test; (bso#12843). + Crash in the reentrant smbd_smb2_create_send() if the something fails in the subsequent try; (bso#12832). + spnego.c passes the wrong argument order to gensec_update_ev() for the FALLBACK case; (bso#12788). + Clients with SMB3 support can't connect with "server max protocol = SMB2_02"; (bso#12772). + A log message of samb-tool user syncpasswords reverses string arguments in a debug message "Call Popen[...".; (bso#12768). + The smb tarmode tests kills the share dir contents; (bso#12867). + Fix for a bug in MacOS X Sierra NTLMv2 processing; (bso#12862). + CVE-2017-2619 regression with non-wide symlinks to directories; (bso#12860). + manpage/index.html lists links not in alphabetical order; (bso#12854). + smbcacls got error NT_STATUS_NETWORK_NAME_DELETED; (bso#12831). + If a record is locked in a database, then recovery does not complete; (bso#12857). + script does not log any information; (bso#12856). + SIGSEGV in cm_connect_lsa_tcp dereferencing conn->lsa_tcp_pipe->transport after error; (bso#12852). + smbclient can't parse DOMAIN+username if a different winbind separator is used; (bso#12849). + Related requests with SessionSetup fail with INTERNAL_ERROR; (bso#12845). + Related requests with TreeConnect fail with NETWORK_NAME_DELETED; (bso#12844). + cli->server_os not filled correctly; (bso#12779). + REGRESSION: smbclient doesn't print the session setup anymore; (bso#12824). + smblcient doesn't handle STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED gracefully for FSCTL_VALIDATE_NEGOTIATE_INFO; (bso#12808). + CTDB NFS call-out failures do not cause event failures; (bso#12837). + net command fails due to incorrectly return code; (bso#12828). + Fix building Samba with GCC 7.1; (bso#12827).- Fix duplicate CTDB_LOGGING params when downgraded and upgraded again; (bsc#1048339).- fix cephwrap_chdir(); (bsc#1048790). - Update to 4.6.6 + CVE-2017-11103: Orpheus' Lyre KDC-REP service name validation; (bsc#1048278).- Fix ctdb logs to /var/log/log.ctdb instead of /var/log/ctdb; (bsc#1048339).- Fix inconsistent ctdb socket path; (bsc#1048352). - Fix non-admin cephx authentication; (bsc#1048387).- Update to 4.6.5; (bsc#1040157) + Specifying CTDB_LOGGING=syslog:nonblocking causes ctdbd to crash at startup; (bso#12814). + vfs_expand_msdfs tries to open the remote address as a file path; (bso#12687). + PANIC (pid 1096): assert failed: lease_type_is_exclusive(e_lease_type); (bso#12798). + With clustering get update_num_read_oplocks failed and PANIC: num_share_modes == 1 assertion failure; (bso#11844). + contend_level2_oplocks_begin_default oplock optimisation doesn't carry over to leases; (bso#12766). + `ctdb nodestatus` incorrectly displays status for all nodes with wrong exit code; (bso#12802). + CTDB can spin hard on revoking readonly delegations if a node becomes disconnected; (bso#12697). + Printing a share mode entry with leases can crash in the ndr code; (bso#12793). + Fix flakey unit tests for eventd; (bso#12792). + CTDB daemon crashes if built with clang; (bso#12770). + smbcacls fails if no password is specified; (bso#12765). + idmap_rfc2307: Lookup of more than two SIDs fails; (bso#12757). + samba-tool user syncpasswords doesn't trigger the script when a user gets removed; (bso#12767). + systemd: fix detection of libsystemd; (bso#12764). + Notify subsystem only maps first inotify mask to Windows notify filter; (bso#12760). + Allow passing trusted domain password as plain-text to PASSDB layer; (bso#12751). + Can't case-rename files with vfs_fruit; (bso#12749). + wrong sid->uid mapping for SIDs residing in sIDHistory; (bso#12702). + vfs_acl_common should force "create mask = 0777", not 0666; (bso#12562). + Ordering of notify responses broken; (bso#12756).- s3: libsmb: Fix error where short name length was read as 2 bytes, should be 1; (bso#11822); (bsc#1042419).- Revert explicit winbind %{version}-%{release} dependency. + The ABI has stabilized since (bsc#936909), so remove to fix cross-media dependencies; (bsc#1037899).- Fix CVE-2017-7494 remote code execution from a writable share; (bso#12780); (bsc#1038231).- Update to 4.6.3; (bsc#1036011) + s3:vfs:shadow_copy2: vfs_shadow_copy2 fails to list snapshots from shares with GlusterFS backend; (bso#12743). + Fix for Solaris C compiler; (bso#12559). + s3: locking: Update oplock optimization for the leases era; (bso#12628). + Make the Solaris C compiler happy; (bso#12693). + s3: libgpo: Allow skipping GPO objects that don't have the expected LDAP attributes; (bso#12695). + Fix buffer overflow caused by wrong use of getgroups; (bso#12747). + lib: debug: Avoid negative array access; (bso#12746). + cleanupdb: Fix a memory read error; (bso#12748). + streams_xattr and kernel oplocks results in NT_STATUS_NETWORK_BUSY; (bso#7537). + winbindd: idmap_autorid allocates ids for unknown SIDs from other backends; (bso#11961). + vfs_fruit: Resource fork open request with flags=O_CREAT|O_RDONLY; (bso#12565). + manpages/vfs_fruit: Document global options; (bso#12615). + lib/pthreadpool: Fix a memory leak; (bso#12624). + Lookup-domain for well-known SIDs on a DC; (bso#12727). + winbindd: Fix error handling in rpc_lookup_sids(); (bso#12728). + winbindd: Trigger possible passdb_dsdb initialisation; (bso#12729). + credentials_krb5: use gss_acquire_cred for client-side GSSAPI use case; (bso#12611). + lib/crypto: Implement samba.crypto Python module for RC4; (bso#12690). + ctdb-readonly: Avoid a tight loop waiting for revoke to complete; (bso#12697). + ctdb_event monitor command crashes if event is not specified; (bso#12723). + ctdb-docs: Fix documentation of "-n" option to 'ctdb tool'; (bso#12733). + smbd: Fix smb1 findfirst with DFS; (bso#12558). + smbd: Do an early exit on negprot failure; (bso#12610). + winbindd: Fix substitution for 'template homedir'; (bso#12699). + s4:kdc: Disable principal based autodetected referral detection; (bso#12554). + idmap_autorid: Allocate new domain range if the callers knows the sid is valid; (bso#12613). + LINKFLAGS_PYEMBED should not contain -L/some/path; (bso#12724). + PAM auth with WBFLAG_PAM_GET_PWD_POLICY returns wrong policy for trusted domain; (bso#12725). + rpcclient: Allow -U'OTHERDOMAIN\user' again; (bso#12731). + winbindd: Fix password policy for pam authentication; (bso#12725). + s3:gse: Correctly handle external trusts with MIT; (bso#12554). + auth/credentials: Always set the realm if we set the principal from the ccache; (bso#12611). + replace: Include sysmacros.h; (bso#12686). + s3:vfs_expand_msdfs: Do not open the remote address as a file; (bso#12687). + s3:libsmb: Only print error message if kerberos use is forced; (bso#12704). + winbindd: Child process crashes when kerberos-authenticating a user with wrong password; (bso#12708). + vfs_fruit: Office document opens as read-only on macOS due to CNID semantics; (bso#12715). + vfs_acl_xattr: Fix failure to get ACL on Linux if memory is fragmented; (bso#12737).- Generate and update vendor-files tarball from Git + SuSEfirewall2 service samba-client only setup IPv4 rule; (bsc#1034416).- Generate source tarball directly from Git using OBS tar_scm + use version string derived from parent Git tag and commit hash - remove obsolete vendor-files/tools/package-data version ID + explicitly generate ctdb manpages, needed without "make dist"- Update to 4.6.2 + remove bso#12721 patches now upstream- Enable samba-ceph build for openSUSE and SLE12SP3+; (fate#321622). + x86-64 and aarch64- Enable librados CTDB lock helper for samba-ceph package; (fate#321622).- Build and install the html man pages (bsc#1021907).- Fix CVE-2017-2619 regression with "follow symlinks = no"; (bso#12721).- Update to 4.6.1 + symlink race permits opening files outside share directory; CVE-2017-2619; (bso#12496); (bsc#1027147) + testparm checks for valid idmap parameters + add new krb client encryption types + support for printer driver upload from windows 10 + inherit owner = 'unix only' for improved quota support + improved CTDB event support + new primary group support for idmap_ad + idmap_hash deprecated + mvxattr added to recursively rename extended attributes- Remove chkconfig requirements for systemd systems- Don't call insserv if systemd is used- Fix check if we need to require insserv- async_req: make async_connect_send() "reentrant"; (bso#12105); (bsc#1024416).- Force usage of ncurses6-config thru NCURSES_CONFIG env var; (bsc#1023847).- add missing patch for libnss_wins segfault; (bsc#995730).- Fix vfs_ceph builds against recent Ceph versions; (bsc#1021933).- Document "winbind: ignore domains" parameter; (bsc#1019416).- Add base Samba dependency to samba-ceph package.- Update to 4.5.3 + Heap-based Buffer Overflow Remote Code Execution Vulnerability; CVE-2016-2123; (bso#12409); (bsc#1014437). + Don't send delegated credentials to all servers; CVE-2016-2125; (bso#12445); (bsc#1014441). + denial of service due to a client triggered crash in the winbindd parent process; CVE-2016-2126; (bso#12446); (bsc#1014442). - 4.5.1 and 4.5.2 updates + various streams vfs fixes + various printing fixes + ntlm_auth: do not map explicitly empty domain + various stability fixes in smbd + match file compression ReFS behavior- Add missing ldb module directory; (bnc#1012092).- s3/client: obey 'disable netbios' smb.conf param, don't connect via NBT port; (bsc#1009085); (bso#12418).- Include vfstest in samba-test; (bsc#1001203).- s3/winbindd: using default domain with format fails; (bsc#997833).- Fix segfault in libnss_wins; (bso#12277); (bso#12269); (bsc#995730).- Update to 4.5.0 + NTLM1 Authentication disabled by default + SMB2.1 leases enabled by default + Support for OFD locks + ctdb tool rewritten + Added shadow copy snapshot prefix parameter- Fix illegal memory access after memory has been deleted; (bso#11836); (bsc#975299).- Prevent core, make sure response-> is always cleared out; (bsc#993692).- Don't package man pages for VFS modules that aren't built; (boo#993707).- Fix population of ctdb sysconfig after source merge; (bsc#981566).- Enable vfs_ceph builds for Factory (x86-64) + Package as samba-ceph to avoid Ceph dependency in base package.- Update to 4.4.5 + Prevent client-side SMB2 signing downgrade; CVE-2016-2119; (bso#11860); (bsc#986869).- Remove obsolete; (bsc#983938).- Honor smb.conf socket options in winbind; (bsc#975131).- Don't use htons() with IP_PROTO_RAW; (bso#11705); (bsc#969522).- Update to 4.4.4 + SMB3 multichannel: Add implementation of missing channel sequence number verification; (bso#11809). + smbd:close: Only remove kernel share modes if they had been taken at open; (bso#11919). + notifyd: Prevent NULL deref segfault in notifyd_peer_destructor; (bso#11930). + s3:rpcclient: Make '--pw-nt-hash' option work; (bso#10796). + Fix case sensitivity issues over SMB2 or above; (bso#11438). + s3:smbd: Fix anonymous authentication if signing is mandatory. (bso#11910) + Fix NTLM Authentication issue with squid; (bso#11914). + pdb: Fix segfault in pdb_ldap for missing gecos; (bso#11530). + Fix memory leak in share mode locking; (bso#11934).- Update to 4.4.3 + Various post-badlock regressions; (bso#11841); (bso#11850); (bso#11858); (bso#11870); (bso#11872). + Only allow idmap_hash for default idmap config (bso#11786). + smbd: Avoid large reads beyond EOF; (bso#11878). + vfs_acl_common: Avoid setting POSIX ACLs if "ignore system acls" is set; (bso#11806). + libads: Record session expiry for spnego sasl binds; (bso#11852).- Fix NTLMSSP regressions caused by previous CVE fixes; (bso#11849); (bsc#975962); (bsc#979268), (bsc#977669).- Revert shared library packaging to comply with SLPP- Update to 4.4.2 + A man-in-the-middle can downgrade NTLMSSP authentication; CVE-2016-2110; (bso#11688); (bsc#973031). + Domain controller netlogon member computer can be spoofed; CVE-2016-2111; (bso#11749); (bsc#973032). + LDAP conenctions vulnerable to downgrade and MITM attack; CVE-2016-2112; (bso#11644); (bsc#973033). + TLS certificate validation missing; CVE-2016-2113; (bso#11752); (bsc#973034). + Named pipe IPC vulnerable to MITM attacks; CVE-2016-2115; (bso#11756); (bsc#973036). + "Badlock" DCERPC impersonation of authenticated account possible; CVE-2016-2118; (bso#11804); (bsc#971965). + DCERPC server and client vulnerable to DOS and MITM attacks; CVE-2015-5370; (bso#11344); (bsc#936862).- Fix samba.tests.messaging test and prevent potential tdb corruption by removing obsolete now invalid tdb_close call; (bsc#974629).- Obsolete libsmbclient from libsmbclient0 while not providing it; (bsc#972197).- Update to 4.4.0. + Read of uninitialized memory DNS TXT handling; (bso#11128); (bso#11686); CVE-2016-0771. + Getting and setting Windows ACLs on symlinks can change permissions on link target; (bso#11648); CVE-2015-7560. + Sockets with htons(IPPROTO_RAW); (bso#11705); CVE-2015-8543. + s3: smbd: posix_acls: Fix check for setting u:g:o entry on a filesystem with no ACL support; (bso#10489). + docs: Add example for domain logins to smbspool man page; (bso#11643). + smbd: Show correct disk size for different quota and dfree block sizes; (bso#11681). + docs: Add smbspool_krb5_wrapper manpage; (bso#11690). + winbindd: Return trust parameters when listing trusts; (bso#11691). + ctdb: Do not provide a useless pkgconfig file for ctdb; (bso#11696). + Crypto.Cipher.ARC4 is not available on some platforms, fallback to M2Crypto.RC4.RC4 then; (bso#11699). + s3:utils/smbget: Set default blocksize; (bso#11700). + Streamline 'smbget' options with the rest of the Samba utils; (bso#11700). + s3:clispnego: Fix confusing warning in spnego_gen_krb5_wrap(); (bso#11702). + s3: smbd: Fix timestamp rounding inside SMB2 create; (bso#11703). + loadparm: Fix memory leak issue; (bso#11708). + lib/tsocket: Work around sockets not supporting FIONREAD; (bso#11714). + s3:vfs:glusterfs: Fix build after quota changes; (bso#11715). + ctdb-scripts: Drop use of "smbcontrol winbindd ip-dropped ..."; (bso#11719). + lib:socket: Fix CID 1350010: Integer OVERFLOW_BEFORE_WIDEN; (bso#11723). + smbd: Fix CID 1351215 Improper use of negative value; (bso#11724). + smbd: Fix CID 1351216 Dereference null return value; (bso#11725). + s3:smbd:open: Skip redundant call to file_set_dosmode when creating a new file; (bso#11727). + docs: Add manpage for cifsdd; (bso#11730). + param: Fix str_list_v3 to accept ; again; (bso#11732). + lib/socket: Fix improper use of default interface speed; (bso#11734). + lib:socket: Fix CID 1350009: Fix illegal memory accesses (BUFFER_SIZE_WARNING); (bso#11735). + libcli: Fix debug message, print sid string for new_ace trustee; (bso#11738). + Fix installation path of Samba helper binaries; (bso#11739). + Fix memory leak in loadparm; (bso#11740). + tevent: version 0.9.28: Fix memory leak when old signal action restored; (bso#11742). + smbd: Ignore SVHDX create context; (bso#11753). + Fix net join; (bso#11755). + s3:libads: setup the msDS-SupportedEncryptionTypes attribute on ldap_add; (bso#11755). + passdb: Add linefeed to debug message; (bso#11763). + s3:utils/smbget: Fix option parsing; (bso#11767). + libnet: Make Kerberos domain join site-aware; (bso#11769). + Reset TCP Connections during IP failover; (bso#11770). + ldb: Version 1.1.26; (bso#11772). + s3:smbd: Add negprot remote arch detection for OSX; (bso#11773). + vfs_glusterfs: Fix use after free in AIO callback; (bso#11774). + mkdir can return ACCESS_DENIED incorrectly on create race; (bso#11780). + "trustdom_list_done: Got invalid trustdom response" message should be avoided; (bso#11782). + Mismatch between local and remote attribute ids lets replication fail with custom schema; (bso#11783). + Quota is not supported on Solaris 10; (bso#11788). + Talloc: Version 2.1.6; (bso#11789). + smbd: Enable multi-channel if 'server multi channel support = yes' in the config; (bso#11796). + build: Fix build when '--without-quota' specified; (bso#11798). + lib/socket/interfaces: Fix some uninitialied bytes; (bso#11802). + Access based share enum: handle permission set in configuration files; (bso#8093). + See also WHATSNEW.txt from the samba-doc package.- Update to 4.3.6. + Getting and setting Windows ACLs on symlinks can change permissions on link target; CVE-2015-7560; (bso#11648); (bsc#968222). + Fix Out-of-bounds read in internal DNS server; CVE-2016-0771; (bso#11128); (bso#11686); (bsc#968223).- Upgrade on-disk FSRVP server state to new version; (bsc#924519).- Only obsolete but do not provide gplv2/3 package names; (bsc#968973).- Relocate existing lock files to /var/lib/samba/lock; (bsc#968963).- Obsolete no longer existing samba-32bit package; (bsc#967625).- Update to 4.3.5. + s3:utils/smbget: Fix recursive download; (bso#6482). + s3: smbd: posix_acls: Fix check for setting u:g:o entry on a filesystemi with no ACL support; (bso#10489). + s3:smbd/oplock: Obey kernel oplock setting when releasing oplocks; (bso#11400). + vfs_shadow_copy2: Fix case where snapshots are outside the share; (bso#11580). + smbclient: Query disk usage relative to current directory; (bso#11662). + winbindd: Handle expired sessions correctly; (bso#11670). + smbd: Show correct disk size for different quota and dfree block sizes; (bso#11681). + smbcacls: Fix uninitialized variable; (bso#11682). + s3:smbd: Ignore initial allocation size for directory creation; (bso#11684). + s3-client: Add a KRB5 wrapper for smbspool; (bso#11690). + s3-parm: Clean up defaults when removing global parameters; (bso#11693). + Use M2Crypto.RC4.RC4 on platforms without Crypto.Cipher.ARC4; (bso#11699). + s3: smbd: Fix timestamp rounding inside SMB2 create; (bso#11703). + ctdb: Remove error messages after kernel security update; CVE-2015-8543; (bso#11705). + loadparm: Fix memory leak issue; (bso#11708). + lib/tsocket: Work around sockets not supporting FIONREAD; (bso#11714). + ctdb-scripts: Drop use of "smbcontrol winbindd ip-dropped ..."; (bso#11719). + s3:smbd:open: Skip redundant call to file_set_dosmode when creating a new file; (bso#11727). + param: Fix str_list_v3 to accept ";" again; (bso#11732).- Shift samba-client sysconfig data into samba and samba-winbind; (bsc#947361).- Simplify shared library packaging; (bsc#966956).- Enable clustering (CTDB) support; (bsc#966271).- s3: smbd: Fix timestamp rounding inside SMB2 create; (bso#11703); (bsc#964023).- Add quotes around path of update-apparmor-samba-profile; (bnc#962177).- Remove autoconf build-time requirement.- Update to 4.3.4. + vfs_fruit: Enable POSIX directory rename semantics; (bso#11065). + Crash: Bad talloc magic value - access after free; (bso#11394). + Copying files with vfs_fruit fails when using vfs_streams_xattr without stream prefix and type suffix; (bso#11466). + samba-tool: Fix uncaught exception if no fSMORoleOwner attribute is given; (bso#11613). + Fix a typo in the smb.conf manpage, explanation of idmap config; (bso#11619). + Correctly initialize the list head when keeping a list of primary followed by DFS connections; (bso#11624). + Reduce the memory footprint of empty string options; (bso#11625). + lib/async_req: Do not install async_connect_send_test; (bso#11639). + Fix typos in man vfs_gpfs; (bso#11641). + Make "hide dot files" option work with "store dos attributes = yes"; (bso#11645). + Fix a corner case of the symlink verification; (bso#11647); (bnc#960249). + Do not disable "store dos attributes" on-the-fly; (bso#11649). + Update lastLogon and lastLogonTimestamp; (bso#11659).- Prevent access denied if the share path is "/"; (bso#11647); (bnc#960249).- Update to 4.3.3. + Malicious request can cause Samba LDAP server to hang, spinning using CPU; CVE-2015-3223; (bso#11325); (bnc#958581). + Remote read memory exploit in LDB; CVE-2015-5330; (bso#11599); (bnc#958586). + Insufficient symlink verification (file access outside the share); CVE-2015-5252; (bso#11395); (bnc#958582). + No man in the middle protection when forcing smb encryption on the client side; CVE-2015-5296; (bso#11536); (bnc#958584). + Currently the snapshot browsing is not secure thru windows previous version (shadow_copy2); CVE-2015-5299; (bso#11529); (bnc#958583). + Fix Microsoft MS15-096 to prevent machine accounts from being changed into user accounts; CVE-2015-8467; (bso#11552); (bnc#958585).- Update to 4.3.2. + vfs_gpfs: Re-enable share modes; (bso#11243). + dcerpc.idl: Accept invalid dcerpc_bind_nak pdus; (bso#11327). + s3-smbd: Fix old DOS client doing wildcard delete - gives an attribute type of zero; (bso#11452). + Add libreplace dependency to texpect, fixes a linking error on Solaris; (bso#11511). + s4: Fix linking of 'smbtorture' on Solaris; (bso#11512). + s4:lib/messaging: Use correct path for names.tdb; (bso#11562). + Fix segfault of 'net ads (join|leave) -S INVALID' with nss_wins; (bso#11563). + async_req: Fix non-blocking connect(); (bso#11564). + auth: gensec: Fix a memory leak; (bso#11565). + lib: util: Make non-critical message a warning; (bso#11566). + Fix winbindd crashes with samlogon for trusted domain user; (bso#11569); (bnc#949022). + smbd: Send SMB2 oplock breaks unencrypted; (bso#11570). + ctdb: Open the RO tracking db with perms 0600 instead of 0000; (bso#11577). + s3:smb2_server: Make the logic of SMB2_CANCEL DLIST_REMOVE() clearer; (bso#11581). + s3-smbd: Fix use after issue in smbd_smb2_request_dispatch(); (bso#11581). + manpage: Correct small typo error; (bso#11584). + s3: smbd: If EAs are turned off on a share don't allow an SMB2 create containing them; (bso#11589). + Backport some valgrind fixes from upstream master; (bso#11597). + auth: Consistent handling of well-known alias as primary gid; (bso#11608). + winbind: Fix crash on invalid idmap configs; (bso#11612). + s3: smbd: have_file_open_below() fails to enumerate open files below an open directory handle; (bso#11615). + Changing log level of two entries to DBG_NOTICE; (bso#9912).- Ensure samlogon fallback requests are rerouted after kerberos failure; (bnc#953382); (bnc#953972).- Ensure to link with --as-needed flag by removing SUSE_ASNEEDED=0. - Always use the default optimization even on pre-9.2 systems.- Remove redundant configure options while adding with-relro.- Relocate the lockdir to the /var/lib/samba/lock directory.- Cleanup and enhance the pidl sub package.- Require renamed python-ldb-devel and python-talloc-devel at build-time. - Requires python-ldb and python-talloc from the python subpackage.- Update to 4.3.1. + s3: smbd: Fix our access-based enumeration on "hide unreadable" to match Windows; (bso#10252). + nss_winbind: Fix hang on Solaris on big groups; (bso#10365). + smbd: Fix file name buflen and padding in notify repsonse; (bso#10634). + kerberos: Make sure we only use prompter type when available; winbind: Fix 100% loop; (bso#11038). + source3/lib/msghdr.c: Fix compiling error on Solaris; (bso#11053). + s3:ctdbd_conn: make sure we destroy tevent_fd before closing the socket; (bso#11316). + s3: smbd: Fix mkdir race condition; (bso#11486). + pam_winbind: Fix a segfault if initialization fails; (bso#11502). + s3: dfs: Fix a crash when the dfs targets are disabled; (bso#11509). + s4:lib/messaging: Use 'msg.lock' and 'msg.sock' for messaging related subdirs; (bso#11515). + s3: smbd: Fix opening/creating :stream files on the root share directory; (bso#11522). + lib/param: Fix hiding of FLAG_SYNONYM values; (bso#11526). + net: Fix a crash with 'net ads keytab create'; (bso#11528). + s3: smbd: Fix a crash in unix_convert(); (bso#11535). + s3: smbd: Fix NULL pointer bug introduced by previous 'raw' stream fix (bso#11522); (bso#11535). + vfs_fruit: Return value of ad_pack in vfs_fruit.c; (bso#11543). + vfs_commit: set the fd on open before calling SMB_VFS_FSTAT; (bso#11547). + s3:locking: Initialize lease pointer in share_mode_traverse_fn(); (bso#11549). + s3:smbstatus: Add stream name to share_entry_forall(); (bso#11550). + s3:lib: Validate domain name in lookup_wellknown_name(); (bso#11555). + s3: lsa: lookup_name() logic for unqualified (no DOMAIN component) names is incorrect; (bso#11555).- Fix 100% CPU in winbindd when logging in with "user must change password on next logon"; (bso#11038).- Relocate the tmpfiles.d directory to the client package; (bnc#947552).- Do not provide libpdb0 from libsamba-passdb0 but add it to baselibs.conf instead; (bnc#942716).- Package /var/lib/samba/private/sock with 0700 permissions; (bnc#946051).- Package /var/lib/samba/msg with 0755 permissions; (bso#11515); (bnc#945502).- Require to install libfam0-gamin from samba-libs on post-12.1 and pre-13.15 systems; (bnc#945013).- Update to 4.3.0. + Samba "map to guest = Bad uid" doesn't work; (bso#9862). + revert LDAP extended rule 1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941 LDAP_MATCHING_RULE_IN_CHAIN changes; (bso#10493). + No objectClass found in replPropertyMetaData on ordinary objects (non-deleted); (bso#10973). + Stream names with colon don't work with fruit:encoding = native; (bso#11278). + NetApp joined to a Samba/ADDC cannot resolve SIDs; (bso#11291). + tevent_fd needs to be destroyed before closing the fd; (bso#11316). + "force group" with local group not working; (bso#11320). + strsep is not available on Solaris; (bso#11359). + smbtorture does not build when configured --with-system-mitkrb5; (bso#11411). + Build with GPFS support is broken; (bso#11421). + Build broken with --disable-python; (bso#11424). + net share allowedusers crashes; (bso#11426). + nmbd incorrectly matches netbios names as own name; (bso#11427). + Python bindings don't check integer types; (bso#11429). + Python bindings don't check array sizes; (bso#11430). + CTDB's eventscript error handling is broken; (bso#11431). + Fix crash in nested ctdb banning; (bso#11432). + Cannot build ctdbpmda; (bso#11434). + samba-tool uncaught exception error; (bso#11436). + Crash in notify_remove caused by change notify = no; (bso#11444). + Poor SMB3 encryption performance with AES-GCM; (bso#11451). + Poor SMB3 encryption performance with AES-GCM (part1); (bso#11451). + fix recursion problem in rep_strtoll in lib/replace/replace.c; (bso#11455). + --bundled-libraries=!ldb,!pyldb,!pyldb-util doesn't disable ldb build and install; (bso#11458). + xid2sid gives inconsistent results; (bso#11464). + ctdb: Fix the build on FreeBSD 10.1; (bso#11465). + Handling of 0 byte resource fork stream; (bso#11467). + AD samr GetGroupsForUser fails for users with "()" in their name; (bso#11488).- Configure with --bundled-libraries=NONE; (bso#11458).- Adapt net-kdc-lookup patch for post-3.3 Samba versions; (bnc#295284).- Remove libiniparser-devel build-time requirement.- Update to 4.2.3. + s4:lib/tls: Fix build with gnutls 3.4; (bso#8780). + s4.2/ Fixed fsmo transfer exception; (bso#10924). + winbindd: Sync secrets.ldb into secrets.tdb on startup; (bso#10991). + Logon via MS Remote Desktop hangs; (bso#11061). + s3: lib: util: Ensure we read a hex number as %x, not %u; (bso#11068). + tevent: Add a note to tevent_add_fd(); (bso#11141). + s3:param/loadparm: Fix 'testparm --show-all-parameters'; (bso#11170). + s3-unix_msg: Remove socket file after closing socket fd; (bso#11217). + smbd: Fix a use-after-free; (bso#11218); (bnc#919309). + s3-rpc_server: Fix rpc_create_tcpip_sockets() processing of interfaces; (bso#11245). + s3:smb2: Add padding to last command in compound requests; (bso#11277). + Add IPv6 support to ADS client side LDAP connects; (bso#11281). + Add IPv6 support for determining FQDN during ADS join; (bso#11282). + s3: IPv6 enabled DNS connections for ADS client; (bso#11283). + Fix invalid write in ctdb_lock_context_destructor; (bso#11293). + Excessive cli_resolve_path() usage can slow down transmission; (bso#11295). + vfs_fruit: Add option "veto_appledouble"; (bso#11305). + tstream: Make socketpair nonblocking; (bso#11312). + idmap_rfc2307: Fix wbinfo '--gid-to-sid' query; (bso#11313). + Group creation: Add msSFU30Name only when --nis-domain was given; (bso#11315). + tevent_fd needs to be destroyed before closing the fd; (bso#11316). + Build fails on Solaris 11 with "‘PTHREAD_MUTEX_ROBUST’ undeclared"; (bso#11319). + smbd/trans2: Add a useful diagnostic for files with bad encoding; (bso#11323). + Change sharesec output back to previous format; (bso#11324). + Robust mutex support broken in 1.3.5; (bso#11326). + Kerberos auth info3 should contain resource group ids available from pac_logon; winbindd: winbindd_raw_kerberos_login - ensure logon_info exists in PAC; (bso#11328); (bnc#912457). + s3:smb2_setinfo: Fix memory leak in the defer_rename case; (bso#11329). + tevent: Fix CID 1035381 Unchecked return value; (bso#11330). + tdb: Fix CID 1034842 and 1034841 Resource leaks; (bso#11331). + s3: smbd: Use separate flag to track become_root()/unbecome_root() state; (bso#11339). + s3: smbd: Codenomicon crash in do_smb_load_module(); (bso#11342). + pidl: Make the compilation of PIDL producing the same results if the content hasn't change; (bso#11356). + winbindd: Disconnect child process if request is cancelled at main process; (bso#11358). + vfs_fruit: Check offset and length for AFP_AfpInfo read requests; (bso#11363). + docs: Overhaul the description of "smb encrypt" to include SMB3 encryption; (bso#11366). + s3:auth_domain: Fix talloc problem in connect_to_domain_password_server(); (bso#11367). + ncacn_http: Fix GNUism; (bso#11371).- Disable rpath usage; (bnc#902421).- Make the winbind package depend on the matching libwbclient version and vice versa; (bnc#936909).- Backport changes to use resource group sids obtained from pac logon_info; (bso#11328); (bnc#912457).- Order winbind.service Before and Want nss-user-lookup target.- Remove fam-devel build-time dependency for post-6 RHEL systems.- Update to 4.2.2. + s3:smbXsrv: refactor duplicate code into smbXsrv_session_clear_and_logoff(); (bso#11182). + gencache: don't fail gencache_stabilize if there were records to delete; (bso#11260). + s3: libsmbclient: After getting attribute server, ensure main srv pointer is still valid; (bso#11186). + s4: rpc: Refactor dcesrv_alter() function into setup and send steps; (bso#11236). + s3: smbd: Incorrect file size returned in the response of "FILE_SUPERSEDE Create"; (bso#11240). + Mangled names do not work with acl_xattr; (bso#11249). + nmbd rewrites browse.dat when not required; (bso#11254). + vfs_fruit: add option "nfs_aces" that controls the NFS ACEs stuff; (bso#11213). + s3:smbd: Add missing tevent_req_nterror; (bso#11224). + vfs: kernel_flock and named streams; (bso#11243). + vfs_gpfs: Error code path doesn't call END_PROFILE; (bso#11244). + s4: libcli/finddcs_cldap: continue processing CLDAP until all addresses are used; (bso#11284). + ctdb: check for talloc_asprintf() failure; (bso#11201). + spoolss: purge the printer name cache on name change; (bso#11210); (bnc#901813). + CTDB statd-callout does not scale; (bso#11204). + vfs_fruit: also map characters below 0x20; (bso#11221). + ctdb: Coverity fix for CID 1291643; (bso#11201). + Multiplexed RPC connections are not handled by DCERPC server; (bso#11225). + Fix terminate connection behavior for asynchronous endpoint with PUSH notification flavors; (bso#11226). + ctdb-scripts: Fix bashism in ctdbd_wrapper script; (bso#11007). + ctdb: Fix CIDs 1125615, 1125634, 1125613, 1288201 and 1125553; (bso#11201). + SMB2 should cancel pending NOTIFY calls with DELETE_PENDING if the directory is deleted; (bso#11257). + s3:winbindd: make sure we remove pending io requests before closing client sockets; (bso#11141); (bnc#931854). + Fix panic triggered by smbd_smb2_request_notify_done() -> smbXsrv_session_find_channel() in smbd; (bso#11182). + 'sharesec' output no longer matches input format; (bso#11237). + waf: Fix systemd detection; (bso#11200). + CTDB: Fix portability issues; (bso#11202). + CTDB: Fix some IPv6-related issues; (bso#11203). + CTDB statd-callout does not scale; (bso#11204). + 'net ads dns gethostbyname' crashes with an error in TALLOC_FREE if you enter invalid values; (bso#11234). + libads: record service ticket endtime for sealed ldap connections; (bso#11267). + lib/util: Include DEBUG macro in internal header files before samba_util.h; (bso#11033).- Avoid a crash inside the tevent epoll backend; (bso#11141); (bnc#931854).- Remove the independently built libraries ldb, talloc, tdn, and tevent and the post-10.3 renamed libsmbclient from baselibs.conf.- Drop redundant doc attribute from man pages.- Update to 4.2.1. + s3:winbind:grent: Don't stop group enumeration when a group has no gid; (bso#8905). + Initialize dwFlags field of DNS_RPC_NODE structure; (bso#9791). + s3: lib: ntlmssp: If NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_TARGET_INFO isn't set, cope with servers that don't send the 2 unused fields; (bso#10016). + build:wafadmin: Fix use of spaces instead of tabs; (bso#10476). + waf: Fix the build on openbsd; (bso#10476). + s3: client: "client use spnego principal = yes" code checks wrong name; (bso#10888). + spoolss: Retrieve published printer GUID if not in registry; (bso#11018). + s3: lib: libsmbclient: If reusing a server struct, check every cli->timout miliseconds if it's still valid before use; (bso#11079). + vfs_fruit: Enhance handling of malformed AppleDouble files; (bso#11125). + backupkey: Explicitly link to gnutls and gcrypt; (bso#11135). + replace: Remove superfluous check for gcrypt header; (bso#11135). + Backport subunit changes; (bso#11137). + libcli/auth: Match Declaration of netlogon_creds_cli_context_tmp with implementation; (bso#11140). + s3-winbind: Fix cached user group lookup of trusted domains; (bso#11143). + talloc: Version 2.1.2; (bso#11144). + Update libwbclient version to 0.12; (bso#11149). + brlock: Use 0 instead of empty initializer list; (bso#11153). + s4:auth/gensec_gssapi: Let gensec_gssapi_update() return NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE for unknown errors; (bso#11164). + docs/idmap_rid: Remove deprecated base_rid from example; (bso#11169); (bnc#913304). + s3: libcli: smb1: Ensure we correctly finish a tevent req if the writev fails in the SMB1 case; (bso#11173). + backupkey: Use ndr_pull_struct_blob_all(); (bso#11174). + Fix lots of winbindd zombie processes on Solaris platform; (bso#11175). + s3: libsmbclient: Add missing talloc stackframe; (bso#11177). + s4-process_model: Do not close random fds while forking; (bso#11180). + s3-passdb: Fix 'force user' with winbind default domain; (bso#11185).- Prevent samba package updates from disabling samba kerberos printing.- Add sparse file support for samba; (fate#318424).- Purge printer name cache on spoolss SetPrinter change; (bso#11210); (bnc#901813).- Correctly retain errno from Btrfs snapshot ioctls; (bnc#923374).- Simplify libxslt build requirement and README.SUSE install. - Remove no longer required cleanup steps while populating the build root.- Remove deprecated base_rid example from idmap_rid manpage; (bso#11169); (bnc#913304).- Update to 4.2.0. + smbd: Stop using vfs_Chdir after SMB_VFS_DISCONNECT; (bso#1115). + pam_winbind: fix warn_pwd_expire implementation; (bso#9056). + nsswitch: Fix soname of linux nss_*.so.2 modules; (bso#9299). + Make 'profiles' work again; (bso#9629). + s3:smb2_server: protect against integer wrap with "smb2 max credits = 65535"; (bso#9702). + Make validate_ldb of String(Generalized-Time) accept millisecond format ".000Z"; (bso#9810). + Use -R linker flag on Solaris, not -rpath; (bso#10112). + vfs: Add glusterfs manpage; (bso#10240). + Make 'smbclient' use cached creds; (bso#10279). + pdb: Fix build issues with shared modules; (bso#10355). + s4-dns: Add support for BIND 9.10; (bso#10620). + idmap: Return the correct id type to *id_to_sid methods; (bso#10720). + printing/cups: Pack requested-attributes with IPP_TAG_KEYWORD; (bso#10808). + Don't build vfs_snapper on FreeBSD; (bso#10834). + nss_winbind: Add getgroupmembership for FreeBSD; (bso#10835). + idmap_rfc2307: Fix a crash after connection problem to DC; (bso#10837). + s3: smb2cli: query info return length check was reversed; (bso#10848). + s3: lib, s3: modules: Fix compilation on Solaris; (bso#10849). + lib: uid_wrapper: Fix setgroups and syscall detection on a system without native uid_wrapper library; (bso#10851). + winbind3: Fix pwent variable substitution; (bso#10852). + Improve samba-regedit; (bso#10859). + registry: Don't leave dangling transactions; (bso#10860). + Fix build of socket_wrapper on systems without SO_PROTOCOL; (bso#10861). + build: Do not install 'texpect' binary anymore; (bso#10862). + Fix testparm to show hidden share defaults; (bso#10864). + libcli/smb: Fix smb2cli_validate_negotiate_info with min=PROTOCOL_NT1 max=PROTOCOL_SMB2_02; (bso#10866). + Integrate CTDB into top-level Samba build; (bso#10892). + samba-tool group add: Add option '--nis-domain' and '--gid'; (bso#10895). + s3-nmbd: Fix netbios name truncation; (bso#10896). + spoolss: Fix handling of bad EnumJobs levels; (bso#10898). + Fix smbclient loops doing a directory listing against Mac OS X 10 server with a non-wildcard path; (bso#10904). + Fix print job enumeration; (bso#10905); (bnc#898031). + samba-tool: Create NIS enabled users and unixHomeDirectory attribute; (bso#10909). + Add support for SMB2 leases; (bso#10911). + btrfs: Don't leak opened directory handle; (bso#10918). + s3: nmbd: Ensure NetBIOS names are only 15 characters stored; (bso#10920). + s3:smbd: Fix file corruption using "write cache size != 0"; (bso#10921). + pdb_tdb: Fix a TALLOC/SAFE_FREE mixup; (bso#10932). + s3-keytab: fix keytab array NULL termination; (bso#10933). + s3:passdb: fix logic in pdb_set_pw_history(); (bso#10940). + Cleanup add_string_to_array and usage; (bso#10942). + dbwrap_ctdb: Pass on mutex flags to tdb_open; (bso#10942). + Fix RootDSE search with extended dn control; (bso#10949). + Fix 'samba-tool dns serverinfo ' for IPv6; (bso#10952). + libcli/smb: only force signing of smb2 session setups when binding a new session; (bso#10958). + s3-smbclient: Return success if we listed the shares; (bso#10960). + s3-smbstatus: Fix exit code of profile output; (bso#10961). + socket_wrapper: Add missing prototype check for eventfd; (bso#10965). + libcli: SMB2: Pure SMB2-only negprot fix to make us behave as a Windows client does; (bso#10966). + vfs_streams_xattr: Check stream type; (bso#10971). + s3: smbd: Fix *allocate* calls to follow POSIX error return convention; (bso#10982). + vfs_fruit: Add support for AAPL; (bso#10983). + Fix spoolss IDL response marshalling when returning error without clearing info; (bso#10984). + dsdb-samldb: Check for extended access rights before we allow changes to userAccountControl; (bso#10993); CVE-2014-8143; (boo#914279). + Fix IPv6 support in CTDB; (bso#10996). + ctdb-daemon: Use correct tdb flags when enabling robust mutex support; (bso#11000). + vfs_streams_xattr: Add missing call to SMB_VFS_NEXT_CONNECT; (bso#11005). + s3-util: Fix authentication with long hostnames; (bso#11008). + ctdb-build: Fix build without xsltproc; (bso#11014). + packaging: Include CTDB man pages in the tarball; (bso#11014). + pdb_get_trusteddom_pw() fails with non valid UTF16 random passwords; (bso#11016). + Make Sharepoint search show user documents; (bso#11022). + nss_wrapper: check for nss.h; (bso#11026). + Enable mutexes in gencache_notrans.tdb; (bso#11032). + tdb_wrap: Make mutexes easier to use; (bso#11032). + lib/util: Avoid collision which alread defined consumer DEBUG macro; (bso#11033). + winbind: Retry after SESSION_EXPIRED error in ping-dc; (bso#11034). + s3-libads: Fix a possible segfault in kerberos_fetch_pac(); (bso#11037). + vfs_fruit: Fix base_fsp name conversion; (bso#11039). + vfs_fruit: mmap under FreeBSD needs PROT_READ; (bso#11040). + Fix authentication using Kerberos (not AD); (bso#11044). + net: Fix sam addgroupmem; (bso#11051). + vfs_snapper: Correctly handles multi-byte DBus strings; (bso#11055); (bnc#913238). + cli_connect_nb_send: Don't segfault on host == NULL; (bso#11058). + utils: Fix 'net time' segfault; (bso#11058). + libsmb: Provide authinfo domain for encrypted session referrals; (bso#11059). + s3-pam_smbpass: Fix memory leak in pam_sm_authenticate(); (bso#11066). + vfs_glusterfs: Add comments to the pipe(2) code; (bso#11069). + vfs/glusterfs: Change xattr key to match gluster key; (bso#11069). + vfs_glusterfs: Implement AIO support; (bso#11069). + s3-vfs: Fix developer build of vfs_ceph module; (bso#11070). + s3: netlogon: Ensure we don't call talloc_free on an uninitialized pointer; (bso#11077); CVE-2015-0240; (bnc#917376). + vfs: Add a brief vfs_ceph manpage; (bso#11088). + s3: smbclient: Allinfo leaves the file handle open; (bso#11094). + Fix Win8.1 Credentials Manager issue after KB2992611 on Samba domain; (bso#11097). + debug: Set close-on-exec for the main log file FD; (bso#11100). + s3: smbd: leases - losen paranoia check. Stat opens can grant leases; (bso#11102). + s3: smbd: SMB2 close. If a file has delete on close, store the return info before deleting; (bso#11104). + doc:man:vfs_glusterfs: improve the configuration section; (bso#11117). + snprintf: Try to support %j; (bso#11119). + ctdb-io: Do not use sys_write to write to client sockets; (bso#11124). + doc-xml: Add 'sharesec' reference to 'access based share enum'; (bso#11127).- Update to 4.2.0rc5. + Ensure we don't call talloc_free on an uninitialized pointer; CVE-2015-0240; (bso#11077); (bnc#917376).- Fix usage of freed memory on server exit; (bso#11218); (bnc#919309).- Fix tdb_store_flag_to_ntdb() gcc5 build failure.- Fix vfs_snapper DBus string handling; (bso#11055); (bnc#913238).- Update to 4.1.16. + dsdb-samldb: Check for extended access rights before we allow changes to userAccountControl; (bso#10993); CVE-2014-8143; (boo#914279).- Adjust baselibs.conf due to libpdb0 package rename to libsamba-passdb0.- Fix libsmbclient DFS referral handling. + Reuse connections derived from DFS referrals; (bso#10123); (fate#316512). + Set domain/workgroup based on authentication callback value; (bso#11059).- Update to 4.2.0rc4. - Add libsamba-debug, libsocket-blocking, libsamba-cluster-support, and libhttp to the libs package; (boo#913547). - Rename libpdb packages to libsamba-passdb. - Drop libsmbsharemodes packages.- Enable avahi support on post-12.2 systems.- Update to 4.1.15. + pam_winbind: Fix warn_pwd_expire implementation; (bso#9056). + nsswitch: Fix soname of linux nss_*.so.2 modules; (bso#9299). + Fix profiles tool; (bso#9629). + s3-lib: Do not require a password with --use-ccache; (bso#10279). + s4:dsdb/rootdse: Expand extended dn values with the AS_SYSTEM control; (bso#10949). + s4-rpc: dnsserver: Fix enumeration of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses; (bso#10952). + s3:smb2_server: Allow reauthentication without signing; (bso#10958). + s3-smbclient: Return success if we listed the shares; (bso#10960). + s3-smbstatus: Fix exit code of profile output; (bso#10961). + libcli: SMB2: Pure SMB2-only negprot fix to make us behave as a Windows client does; (bso#10966). + s3: smbd/modules: Fix *allocate* calls to follow POSIX error return convention; (bso#10982). + Fix 'domain join' by adding 'drsuapi.DsBindInfoFallBack' attribute 'supported_extensions'; (bso#11006). + idl:drsuapi: Manage all possible lengths of drsuapi_DsBindInfo; (bso#11006). + winbind: Retry LogonControl RPC in ping-dc after session expiration; (bso#11034).- yast2-samba-client should be able to specify osName and osVer on AD domain join; (bnc#873922).- Lookup FSRVP share snums at runtime rather than storing them persistently; (bnc#908627).- Specify soft dependency for in Winbind systemd service file; (bnc#889175).- Fix spoolss error response marshalling; (bso#10984).- Update to 4.1.14. + pidl/wscript: Remove --with-perl-* options; revert buildtools/wafadmin/ Tools/ back to upstream state; (bso#10472). + s4-dns: Add support for BIND 9.10; (bso#10620). + nmbd fails to accept "--piddir" option; (bso#10711). + nss_winbind: Add getgroupmembership for FreeBSD; (bso#10835). + S3: source3/smbd/process.c::srv_send_smb() returns true on the error path; (bso#10880). + vfs_glusterfs: Remove "integer fd" code and store the glfs pointers; (bso#10889). + s3-nmbd: Fix netbios name truncation; (bso#10896). + spoolss: Fix handling of bad EnumJobs levels; (bso#10898). + s3: libsmbclient-smb2. MacOSX 10 SMB2 server doesn't set STATUS_NO_MORE_FILES when handed a non-wildcard path; (bso#10904). + spoolss: Fix jobid in level 3 EnumJobs response; (bso#10905). + s3: nmbd: Ensure NetBIOS names are only 15 characters stored; (bso#10920). + s3:smbd: Fix file corruption using "write cache size != 0"; (bso#10921). + pdb_tdb: Fix a TALLOC/SAFE_FREE mixup; (bso#10932). + s3-keytab: Fix keytab array NULL termination; (bso#10933). + Cleanup add_string_to_array and usage; (bso#10942).- Remove and cleanup shares and registry state associated with externally deleted snaphots exposed as shadow copies; (bnc#876312).- Use the upstream tar ball, as signature verification is now able to handle compressed archives.- Fix leak when closing file descriptor returned from dirfd; (bso#10918).- Fix spoolss EnumJobs and GetJob responses; (bso#10905); (bnc#898031). + Fix handling of bad EnumJobs levels; (bso#10898).- Remove dependency on gpg-offline as signature checking is implemented in the source validator.- Update to 4.1.13. + s3-libnet: Add libnet_join_get_machine_spns(); (bso#9984). + s3-libnet: Make sure we do not overwrite precreated SPNs; (bso#9984). + s3-libads: Add all machine account principals to the keytab; (bso#9985). + s3: winbindd: Old NT Domain code sets struct winbind_domain->alt_name to be NULL. Ensure this is safe with modern AD-DCs; (bso#10717). + Fix unstrcpy; (bso#10735). + pthreadpool: Slightly serialize jobs; (bso#10779). + s3: smbd: streams - Ensure share mode validation ignores internal opens (op_mid == 0); (bso#10797). + s3: smbd:open_file: Open logic fix; Use a more natural check; (bso#10809). + vfs_media_harmony: Fix a crash bug; (bso#10813). + docs: Mention incompatibility between kernel oplocks and streams_xattr; (bso#10814). + nmbd: Send waiting status to systemd; (bso#10816). + libcli: Fix a segfault calling smbXcli_req_set_pending() on NULL; (bso#10817). + nsswitch: Skip groups we were not able to map; (bso#10824). + s3-winbindd: Use correct realm for trusted domains in idmap child; (bso#10826). + s3: nmbd: Ensure the main nmbd process doesn't create zombies; (bso#10830). + s3: lib: Signal handling - ensure smbrun and change password code save and restore existing SIGCHLD handlers; (bso#10831). + idmap_rfc2307: Fix a crash after connection problem to DC; (bso#10837). + s3-winbindd: Do not use domain SID from LookupSids for Sids2UnixIDs call; (bso#10838). + s3: smb2cli: Query info return length check was reversed; (bso#10848). + registry: Don't leave dangling transactions; (bso#10860).- Update to 4.2.0rc2.s390zp38 1730976331  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~4.19.8+git.399.71536ca297e-150600.  samba__init__.py_glue.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.so_ldb.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.soauth.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.soauth_util.pycolour.pycommon.pycompression.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.socredentials.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.socrypto.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.sodbchecker.pydcerpc__init__.pyatsvc.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.soauth.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.sobase.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.soclaims.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.sodcerpc.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.sodfs.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.sodns.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.sodnsp.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.sodnsserver.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.sodrsblobs.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.sodrsuapi.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.soecho.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.soepmapper.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.soidmap.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.soinitshutdown.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.soirpc.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.sokrb5ccache.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.sokrb5pac.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.solsa.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.somdssvc.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.somessaging.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.somgmt.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.somisc.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.sonbt.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.sonetlogon.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.sontlmssp.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.sopreg.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.sosamr.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.sosecurity.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.soserver_id.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.sosmb_acl.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.sospoolss.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.sosrvsvc.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.sosvcctl.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.sounixinfo.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.sowinbind.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.sowindows_event_ids.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.sowinreg.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.sowinspool.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.sowitness.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.sowkssvc.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.soxattr.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.sodescriptor.pydnsresolver.pydnsserver.pydomain_update.pydrs_utils.pydsdb.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.sodsdb_dns.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.soemulate__init__.pytraffic.pytraffic_packets.pyforest_update.pyfunctional_level.pygensec.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.sogetopt.pygp__init__.pygp_centrify_crontab_ext.pygp_centrify_sudoers_ext.pygp_cert_auto_enroll_ext.pygp_chromium_ext.pygp_ext_loader.pygp_firefox_ext.pygp_firewalld_ext.pygp_gnome_settings_ext.pygp_msgs_ext.pygp_scripts_ext.pygp_sec_ext.pygp_smb_conf_ext.pygp_sudoers_ext.pygpclass.pyutillogging.pyvgp_access_ext.pyvgp_files_ext.pyvgp_issue_ext.pyvgp_motd_ext.pyvgp_openssh_ext.pyvgp_startup_scripts_ext.pyvgp_sudoers_ext.pyvgp_symlink_ext.pygp_parse__init__.pygp_aas.pygp_csv.pygp_inf.pygp_ini.pygp_pol.pygpo.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.sograph.pyhostconfig.pyidmap.pyjoin.pykcc__init__.pydebug.pygraph.pygraph_utils.pykcc_utils.pyldif_import_export.pylogger.pymdb_util.pymessaging.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.soms_display_specifiers.pyms_forest_updates_markdown.pyms_schema.pyms_schema_markdown.pyndr.pynet.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.sonet_s3.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.sonetbios.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.sonetcmd__init__.pycommon.pycomputer.pycontact.pydbcheck.pydelegation.pydns.pydomain__init__.pyauth__init__.pypolicy.pysilo.pysilo_member.pybackup.pyclaim__init__.pyclaim_type.pyvalue_type.pyclassicupgrade.pycommon.pydcpromo.pydemote.pyfunctional_prep.pyinfo.pyjoin.pykeytab.pyleave.pylevel.pymodels__init__.pyauth_policy.pyauth_silo.pyclaim_type.pyexceptions.pyfields.pymodel.pyschema.pysite.pysubnet.pyuser.pyvalue_type.pypasswordsettings.pyprovision.pysamba3upgrade.pyschemaupgrade.pytombstones.pytrust.pydrs.pydsacl.pyencoders.pyforest.pyfsmo.pygpcommon.pygpo.pygroup.pyldapcmp.pymain.pynettime.pyntacl.pyou.pyprocesses.pypso.pyrodc.pyschema.pysites.pyspn.pytestparm.pyuser.pyvalidators.pyvisualize.pyntacls.pyntstatus.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.soparam.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.sopolicies.pypolicy.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.soposix_eadb.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.soprovision__init__.pybackend.pycommon.pykerberos.pykerberos_implementation.pysambadns.pyregistry.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.soremove_dc.pyreparse_symlink.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.sosafe_tarfile.pysamba3__init__.pylibsmb_samba_cwrapper.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.solibsmb_samba_internal.pymdscli.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.soparam.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.sopassdb.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.sosmbconf.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.sosmbd.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.sosamdb.pyschema.pysd_utils.pysecurity.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.sosites.pysmbconf.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.sosubnets.pysubunit__init__.pyrun.pytdb_util.pytests__init__.pyaudit_log_base.pyaudit_log_dsdb.pyaudit_log_pass_change.pyauth.pyauth_log.pyauth_log_base.pyauth_log_ncalrpc.pyauth_log_netlogon.pyauth_log_netlogon_bad_creds.pyauth_log_pass_change.pyauth_log_samlogon.pyauth_log_winbind.pyblackbox__init__.pybug13653.pycheck_output.pydowngradedatabase.pyhttp_chunk.pyhttp_content.pymdsearch.pymisc_dfs_widelink.pyndrdump.pynetads_dns.pynetads_json.pysamba_dnsupdate.pysmbcacls.pysmbcacls_basic.pysmbcacls_dfs_propagate_inherit.pysmbcacls_propagate_inhertance.pysmbcontrol.pysmbcontrol_process.pytraffic_learner.pytraffic_replay.pytraffic_summary.pycommon.pycomplex_expressions.pycompression.pycore.pycred_opt.pycredentials.pydcerpc__init__.pyarray.pybare.pybinding.pycreatetrustrelax.pydnsserver.pyinteger.pylsa.pymdssvc.pymisc.pyraw_protocol.pyraw_testcase.pyregistry.pyrpc_talloc.pyrpcecho.pysam.pysamr_change_password.pysrvsvc.pystring_tests.pytestrpc.pyunix.pydckeytab.pydns.pydns_aging.pydns_base.pydns_forwarder.pydns_forwarder_helpersserver.pydns_invalid.pydns_packet.pydns_tkey.pydns_wildcard.pydocs.pydomain_backup.pydomain_backup_offline.pydsdb.pydsdb_api.pydsdb_dns.pydsdb_lock.pydsdb_schema_attributes.pyemulate__init__.pytraffic.pytraffic_packet.pyencrypted_secrets.pygensec.pyget_opt.pygetdcname.pyglue.pygpo.pygpo_member.pygraph.pygroup_audit.pyhostconfig.pyimports.pyjoin.pykcc__init__.pygraph.pygraph_utils.pykcc_utils.pyldif_import_export.pykrb5alias_tests.pyas_canonicalization_tests.pyas_req_tests.pyauthn_policy_tests.pyclaims_in_pac.pyclaims_tests.pycompatability_tests.pydevice_tests.pyetype_tests.pyfast_tests.pygroup_tests.pykcrypto.pykdc_base_test.pykdc_tests.pykdc_tgs_tests.pykpasswd_tests.pylockout_tests.pyms_kile_client_principal_lookup_tests.pynt_hash_tests.pypac_align_tests.pypkinit_tests.pyprotected_users_tests.pyraw_testcase.pyrfc4120_constants.pyrfc4120_pyasn1.pyrodc_tests.pys4u_tests.pysalt_tests.pysimple_tests.pyspn_tests.pytest_ccache.pytest_idmap_nss.pytest_ldap.pytest_min_domain_uid.pytest_rpc.pytest_smb.pyxrealm_tests.pykrb5_credentials.pyldap_raw.pyldap_referrals.pyldap_spn.pyldap_upn_sam_account.pyldap_whoami.pylibsmb-basic.pylibsmb.pyloadparm.pylogfiles.pylsa_string.pymessaging.pyndr.pynet_join.pynet_join_no_spnego.pynetbios.pynetcmd.pynetlogonsvc.pyntacls.pyntacls_backup.pyntlm_auth.pyntlm_auth_base.pyntlm_auth_default_domain.pyntlm_auth_krb5.pyntlmdisabled.pypam_winbind.pypam_winbind_chauthtok.pypam_winbind_setcred.pypam_winbind_warn_pwd_expire.pyparam.pypassword_hash.pypassword_hash_fl2003.pypassword_hash_fl2008.pypassword_hash_gpgme.pypassword_hash_ldap.pypassword_quality.pypassword_test.pypolicy.pyposixacl.pyprefork_restart.pyprocess_limits.pyprovision.pypso.pypy_credentials.pyregistry.pyreparsepoints.pys3_net_join.pys3idmapdb.pys3param.pys3passdb.pys3registry.pys3windb.pysafe_tarfile.pysamba3sam.pysamba_startup_fl_change.pysamba_tool__init__.pybase.pycomputer.pycontact.pydemote.pydnscmd.pydomain_auth_base.pydomain_auth_policy.pydomain_auth_silo.pydomain_claim.pydomain_models.pydrs_clone_dc_data_lmdb_size.pydsacl.pyforest.pyfsmo.pygpo.pygpo_exts.pygroup.pyhelp.pyjoin.pyjoin_lmdb_size.pyjoin_member.pyntacl.pyou.pypasswordsettings.pyprocesses.pypromote_dc_lmdb_size.pyprovision_lmdb_size.pyprovision_password_check.pyprovision_userPassword_crypt.pyrodc.pyschema.pysites.pytimecmd.pyuser.pyuser_check_password_script.pyuser_virtualCryptSHA.pyuser_virtualCryptSHA_base.pyuser_virtualCryptSHA_gpg.pyuser_virtualCryptSHA_userPassword.pyuser_wdigest.pyvisualize.pyvisualize_drs.pysamba_upgradedns_lmdb.pysamdb.pysamdb_api.pysddl.pysecurity.pysegfault.pysid_strings.pysmb-notify.pysmb.pysmb1posix.pysmb2symlink.pysmb3unix.pysmbconf.pysmbd_base.pysmbd_fuzztest.pysource.pysource_chars.pystrings.pysubunitrun.pytdb_ut -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs://  !"#$%&'()*+,-./012345675859:;<<=>?@4ABCDEFGHIJ554<55K5555554<L55555M55K555555<4<555555NOPdirectoryPython script, ASCII text executableELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=3aaddd3670b786e7011e25d7afd9506dd02916cf, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=567aee0b80d66d4a190ea49aa9be2bd2aab7bb5b, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=71102b4efd01286e5d1a95ab218d1fcab1dd82dd, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=e35ff433d46679dc63d9d65ecea24eb9705d65d1, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=b578d80f337205edfd3337167acf739925df3e2b, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=3325ecda48a1e84c6b2d71527be1b9a40ba4d2c7, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=e8098f269818f86c95ceb0a517b90aefb8bdcc21, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=19d91456482a4a48ccf6ece1971d99ebb47dafd4, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=2cb388f7dc6411365a750e06e6c44dd98cc5eaa7, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=9c5e262cacba234254b5151d86fb8782969caf87, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=24eddba5514f78f55c2f7bf94e6eccb47df1200b, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=4c0e0990843a016657710966cb81b1b3ae1dea5f, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=8bc7885426c681ed0e79738056425599c6c4965e, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=49e7a24bca05da372e939782de21fb1d1ac28534, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=e79a865d6a727148da447e7fb14afee8f08f6a77, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=9abe351093dceebdfa59048e12f7cd79dc0d288f, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=bfc1b4365843768fe6517b1d34218273dd86d7c1, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=cc9e68321e3e5d3247d5b561cb614565cd063cd8, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=bc211a17e3ebee45f07f4bd35ee82658f33f9f10, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=6ca3ad5a26c592d161ca2cd8fdb594c68b60a366, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=ac16ea375ac7a8f95054e3f1275f15f777c4ecd9, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=85598b83bcbadf37079ae74fc256fbf0eaf1210f, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=4ad33b6e5f744affbec954fd0f308147abd9ae21, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=5cf16690875d593f0d2f739b442f9475735cdfa9, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=7778db111393c227787ad3f416d1d53656a14166, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=f6205d461d5311ef16c31b40a246cd639ca2647f, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=679041fd2b19745e1f9cd93549aa6880f6354ba9, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=677a941bb77c123e8daea24d215d9ecfd9b21770, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=ee9323d63a3a7d8fbd03daa684f2cc5565dbe117, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=ec1237fc6688b594e29b642fa19b9fcdf9ce36ea, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=29127e55abcd3098dec20341138639dedd210bc3, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=3a2fdce05e9bc9017fd42b230a29fec554eee94a, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=4a0e7e51b78656b3342f8ea3f6eef943dc73928a, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=178ba2cc961a024584e42741e2e3c557c5a9e4ac, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=607b5c13549960917cf42ff47f51b7be55ee0214, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=6e22e341a6931f87bae7db35e67ba8ab6d4d427e, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=43354ebb83ed2829966603f1bdd04d0569d01a17, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=259889214d53f1f56e3e10787dbf2f30b7381080, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=42328de63f574072043c60ec7a9057dcac099456, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=969ec55a9af3b330325dfc33a0df443183dc653d, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=78814f86bf66e01ddd28c21f787a82248cc63a99, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=e8dfeae3fad4ba3daf4080d0b4c047e9def20a67, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=626a6f25d1c287ea75708fa7b7bab81eb5056516, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=3a1836b85996e84d1f9a1b0d6d5b1f7404e5d78e, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=58a3481693880adcd07479df693f163df95e6426, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=f5000c751e7f068a344127d2746f143db9b5fccb, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=2384e6a79051c1e00dabacd83a9601ef37760dd2, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=aec3b24d7121fce3b83fecf5f0ff4e4aff990769, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=4c2f3c3a7484c42d7e22cd8df864491b220ab522, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=d46cfc075f1f32ab31ee5ac3405f8d27e7e0bbb2, strippedASCII textPython script, UTF-8 Unicode text executableELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=b2d7e2897b01737c27cbf7f4448b8abcb8086838, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=865873daa31f43fba6d656c5d403a40df1d66610, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=a4d387fe3910554528b5cc5fb977506a97d1fb06, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=c07b590cdd9497abdb76b43840801fed18ed58fa, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=d708e52f33ef16aa2e46454125b7ca84a0521fce, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=39ea5408bbceadec56864180c945c091721cbef9, strippedPython script, ASCII text executable, with very long linesELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=523e18d6500e3b78fd278f6bc690036afa8d15e1, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=2e6d67442d3646d107cadddd6193d374c793e284, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=21abe0c3b6708db2c122f63989b5db49c62054c0, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=31d77f5e15536cd0a08582cbbf53cf37937e038a, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=d35ce391c26ec8b4c8c9a6203bcc9038014eb430, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=71d81fabcb703fd3c04964016a121960d7b75fb4, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=dee3a71444d99207863dbaa1e57c8831ce5681b4, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=068daa46c70c92abcfc689affc2b2b58aac27e9d, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=8f4f89e5605c3cbb84aa5435e235c7f542447098, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=d461257e7265b2d65742b6379ee43b462c3258b1, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=15ad7a65c182eca530c89140e9c9fe111d7cc380, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=b0900834fb623c2ae6a9eabe81a64973e5d9fffb, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=59db1b6373edb007d37515bc051088110c2b0929, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=85c6c7809a670ebfd2d1fb734cfa9558e09be6e6, strippedUTF-8 Unicode textPython script, UTF-8 Unicode text executable, with escape sequencesPython script, UTF-8 Unicode text executable, with very long linesELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=766e5c01f1aaa6d26190414cf3f5a0db4305d2d8, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=8b319a0b6c69c92b94bfd1b239f7cb33bd9c540f, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=058f6d88f6a264c9e3f803021bad0b215ce51c1a, 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