liboauth0-32bit-1.0.3-150000.5.2.3<>,؉e Յp9|#)LW*4O8(W:FNo*Q9sI>rq\~Q'LJP`NiTziv]cٛ:-{drdD6A9{+ùv^&o!I+]]!Ϯ.wEf`iyQ';`v $_]J́g4)qMyD*=W%?=&:ki]8to-nxd\*kx8(^TQ&gcmi}>> D? 4d % B ,=^dk|     ,4l(8 94 : > 3G <H DI LX PY \\ ] ^ b c td e f l u v w x y     0Cliboauth0-32bit1.0.3150000.5.2.3Shared library from liboauthliboauth is a collection of c functions implementing the API. liboauth provides functions to escape and encode stings according to OAuth specifications and offers high-level functionality built on top to sign requests or verify signatures using either NSS or OpenSSL for calculating the hash/signatures. This archive contains the shared library files from liboauth.e Յh01-ch3cSUSE Linux Enterprise 15SUSE LLC MITԡe Յe Յ    /bin/ܕPNǚ RPM group fixes. Remove redundant %clean section. Replace %__-type macro indirections.- Add openssl 1.1 compatibility (bsc#1055285) * add liboauth-openssl_1.1_compatibility.patch from Update to version 1.0.3 * clarify documentation of oauth_curl * fix possible memleak in oauth_curl (only relevant if an error occurs) * fix TOCTOU in oauth_curl_post_file: the file may change between stat() and fopen()- Remove dependency bloat on curl/openssl on main and devel packages.- add libtool as buildrequire to avoid implicit dependency- add baselibs.conf to allow libgdata13 to link against it- bump to 0.9.4 release- bump to 0.9.1 release - add libopenssl-devel install dependancy to liboauth-devel- fix warning about shared library packaging policy- initial creation of the package/bin/ -fmessage-length=0 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=085c5ef1c02c783b927f34126fa93242f0cf757a, stripped PR RRRRRRRR Rutf-837b190c2f5a28722c2f9a5cc3e11c764a2b56a573e3c4e8fff05dac8df4562c1? 7zXZ !t/e I]"k%wdD%4e.+M_Z;?vC"ihp"^!/  84Gn&Ja*RQ8pi0 Ș{R(#‡6}O/{K x^jbee' S7ۙ7d7:^#,CI\ShꂒZ瞲%&6Q؏DHMm^'L_Ăξ˽30:J/x֐|?80mgc ֭sf& '\Z+1Ri# /&f˲406Ҹ+Oe{HQBGgoXLkY/dl+7Qa>Fӳ+U#%*L1ոp#43k hqkXY q!Y^iA^]8匱td[,Jϙ26##dR/8cʢ(rlVec} 2PnMȔGi򐖥| n-ahذ\;A݋F&{ޓD?E6bMeF _pPFzItޫcA,FT/(v%_siG>"+O'a9B[ZK4"rOq*h'r$䟐ij,GKүYT+BLx#Rv8`_Dw1X GOnUruII*N㏖,Ypo凥nQƳ֎v⤎'kS2(U:R_E-TbA3mَ@tZ^<@G$8O{vbPߛ?_n `Dk8X:Ybeq`?09E(Ƨ, 9wT3hͭYy|ɰ\h!•[/q J6[`iW@ƃT[ RF&3\'(.x{eg"k#j]]V E#їŃCp=ċȱkpy^g֤j:DTw_W'Bř_'TtX}ju o{Ra )<:‡n/[Z W-A*;4UXڵƠJݰk8FFU{y0? sxmͱjn6OXoUJ՗ 2$':dS/pǚn`24/v`_A(:̧pޛ|mo^s ɷ#JSjGp6*1}Y^O %Q{LUp7R͉S թҫiafEg׷<"!ڊ4 Q8i ʖeчkt1WækU.bQՍTe˭@FHM"yvEyhdMBoG\um"&6}R[۝8ŭ0&CK%](:9t0-*.Vz..ߘO6j*|0%{CaO[t-e-W$=ΪpOa#c0H|gfGH1,њ_#gOLGqj" ĻɆ;7,.`܋綠T*5 '(Ŷ0{b@ll\(aۉÐ[7mUbBixg2&#DzT0IVbg!UE.Xx?PfCQ+gj JXYDUo.2`?]j%/iǴp ? }g.  ۊ#u3Y26[6sߥHV~yu"]y^=@!U#U.ζ:>L|rU襠eO~3BP/GrFvszn%gS |olǬN :,B;S킩O^6|rOG[M; d)8h>WʋuHΟueX'Fg&M@_nV.WB ۈX(R[1"1ΘbgI;P@F,GOgg ##mFqg W_D9MtЄ3|%ː^ZnyYiGZ;—yMY>Ъ2Bo'Wډ;2V={I7@"@ 7E뉨A#b'#ԊC{!s\PDC(>Ә{7>G[brfz&~6h, YZ