python3-liborcus-0.18.1-150400.13.3.2<>,X,eS6p9|[:aE) }ZǼե& ܶ@VƟ1;A\begb) (]uFS4moƛ\[ԞЕ{Śs^a5 QR!. 7t2O8cX7 u>P@Kķ%|녿`BnF1.3h䂤=it ;mX 'T5pP:ZBzɫƔ̢`K)6aO@h~^>>,?,d ( Ehl|  L h    V8(8 $9 $: 2$F%G%H&4I&lX&|Y&\&]&^'b( c(d)de)if)ll)nu)v)w+<x+ty+&z,D,T,X,^,Cpython3-liborcus0.18.1150400.13.3.2Python bindings for liborcusPython 3 bindings for liborcus.eS6ibs-power9-13SUSE Linux Enterprise 15SUSE LLC MPL-2.0 ^y_# ( A큤A큤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-0.18.1-150400.13.3.2.src.rpmliborcus-python3python3-liborcuspython3-liborcus(ppc-64)@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@"d@dr@d da@a7a``"y@_@^@]n]_@]V]UI@\[_[WZH@Zv@Zp^@ZOhZ2gZ@XXBWEWEW4p@W+5V޾Vm@VwUQTN3fstrba@suse.comfstrba@suse.comdanilo.spinella@suse.commliska@suse.czmliska@suse.czfstrba@suse.comdanilo.spinella@suse.comdanilo.spinella@suse.comfstrba@suse.comchristophe@krop.frtchvatal@suse.comtchvatal@suse.comtchvatal@suse.comtchvatal@suse.comtchvatal@suse.comjbrielmaier@suse.deadam.majer@suse.detchvatal@suse.comadam.majer@suse.detchvatal@suse.comtchvatal@suse.comt Removed patches: * liborcus-filesystem.patch * liborcus-tests.patch + reworked in order to send them upstream - Added patches: * 0001-Possibility-to-build-against-a-host-of-filesystem-im.patch * 0003-Allow-running-tests-with-python-3.4.patch * 0002-Allow-using-older-boost-filesystem.patch + split into chunks per topic so that upsteam can decide what to do- Clean up the spec file and require gcc-c++ >= 7, since that is the first version that supports C++17 - Run tests on all distributions and architectures * Allow disabling them on command line by specifying "--without tests" - Changed patch: * no-std-filesystem.patch -> liborcus-filesystem.patch + rework the patch to detect std::filesystem, std::experimental::filesystem and boost::filesystem (in that order, and use them if found) - Added patch: * liborcus-tests.patch + fix tests on all platforms + do not use C++20 features with the boost::filesystem::directory_iterator + do not assume that pathlib integrates seamlessly with open and do not use f-string formating, both being python 3.6+ features- Update to 0.18.1: * sax parser: * added support for optionally skipping multiple BOM's in the beginning of XML stream. This affects all XML-based file format filters such as xls-xml (aka Excel 2003 XML). * xml-map: * fixed a bug where an XML document consisting of simple single-column records were not properly converted to sheet data. * xls-xml: * fixed a bug where the filter would always pass border color even when it was not set. * buildsystem: * added new configure switches --without-benchmark and --without-doc-example to optinally skip building of these two directories. - Remove patch gcc13-fix.patch- Use -fexcess-precision=fast in order to support GCC compiler: Fixes: Add include fix gcc13-fix.patch for GCC 13 compiler.- Added patch: * no-std-filesystem.patch + use boost::filesystem instead of std::filesystem, in order to allow building with older compilers- Update to 0.17.2: * fixed a bug where the state of style:cell-protect="none" was not explicitly pushed, thereby having had the same effect as not having this attribute. After the fix, style:cell-protect="none" will explicitly push the hidden state to false, locked state to false, and the formula-hidden state to false. - Update to 0.17.1: * addressed a number of coverity issues. * removed a variety of compiler warnings. * re-generated sax parser tokens from ODF v1.3. * revised the style import code to only push style attributes that are actually specified in the XML. * revised the XML structure validation strategy to ignore any mis-placed elements and their sub structures rather than aborting the import.- Update to 0.17.0: * set the baseline C++ version to 17. * cleaned up the public API to replace pstring with std::string_view, union with std::variant, and boost::optional with std::optional. With this change, the public API no longer has dependency on boost. * switched to using ixion::model_iterator for horizontal iteration of cells instead of using mdds::mtv::collection. * fixed a bug where exporting a spreadsheet document containing adjacent merged cells regions to html incorrectly exported the merged cell areas. * cached cell values are now correctly loaded from the xlsx file. * utf-8 names are now allowed as element and attribute names in the sax parser. * unquoted utf-8 property values are now allowed in the css parser. * added yaml output option in orcus-json. * fixed a bug where mapping of an XML document with namespace aliases sometimes corrupts the alias values. * added orcus.FormulaTokenOp enum type in python which describes type formula token operator types in a more finer grained manner. * added notes to how to use orcus-xml and orcus-json to map XML and JSON documents to spreadsheet documents. - Drop GCC11_build_fixes.patch- Define conditionally make_build to fix build on systems that do not have that macro- Add upstream changes to fix build with GCC 11 (boo#1181872): * GCC11_build_fixes.patch- Update to 0.16.1: * match up with ixion 0.16 release- Update to 0.15.4: * Bugfixes release- Update to 0.15.3: * Minor fixes around fixing various xml related bugs- Update to 0.15.1: * minor bugfixes after the 0.15.0 was released - Remove merged patches * fix-linking.patch * 32bit.patch- Fix building on SLE12 - Add patches to fix 32bit build: * fix-linking.patch * 32bit.patch- Update to version 0.15.0: * Various performance improvements * Multiple parser issues fixed * Map and structure mode added to orcus-json * Other improvements and fixes - bump required versions of mdds and libixion- Add missing dependency on libboost_system-devel- Version update to 0.14.1: * addressed a number of coverity issues. * Boost 1.67 support + Drop patch boost_1_67.patch * Various cell handling issues fixed- boost_1_67.patch: fix building with Boost 1.67 (bsc#1089811)- Version updat eto 0.13.4: * Various false positive fixes in detection of xml files- Version update to 0.13.3: * Various improvements in 2003 XML imports - Rename name-python3 to python3-name to match other python modules- Version update to 0.13.2: * Various small fixes * Improvements in Excel 2003 XML import iflter- Fix python-xml dep to properly state python3-xml- Switch license to MPL-2.0- Update to 0.13.1: * Required by libreoffice 6.0 * Fixes many crashers * Speedup improvements * More features for xslx importer- use individual libboost-*-devel packages instead of boost-devel- Version update to 0.12.1 as required by lo 5.3- Version update to 0.11.2: * Fix build with mdds 1.2 * few small fixes- Changes from version 0.11.1: + Fix for OSX build inside LibreOffice. + Boost.Filesystem is needed uncoditionally.- Fix libixion -> liborcus typo- Coflict with liborcus-0_10-0- Change package name to correspond to the soname of the libraries provided.- Version update to 0.11.0: * Use mdds 1.0 * Use ixion 0.11 * Use python3 instead of python2- Version update to 0.9.2: * Various bugfixes and update for libreoffice 5.1- Version bump to 0.7.1: * Various boost bugfixes and update for new ixion - Obsoleted patch: * liborcus-boost-1.56.patch- Fix build with boost-1.56 * liborcus-boost-1.56.patchibs-power9-13 1699952344 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -g -fexcess-precision=fastobs:// script, ASCII text executableASCII textELF 64-bit LSB shared object, 64-bit PowerPC or cisco 7500, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=09d03436bbd15b2b8cfab1d8bdcea25828f7d7ba, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, 64-bit PowerPC or cisco 7500, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=881aa1405947bbbf3c733224ed22f850207ab10f, stripped  RRRRRRRRRRRRRR R R R RRRRRR RRRRRR R R R RRRR RR$j~V xutf-818beb6c3298fc10d0f48fd700f7e781d5bb94a2bebb587e2473c0772c1a31ea0? 7zXZ !t/D.'.]"k%a Ó6&.E}E;WRm^_iqE"?? emsJ$. 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