libnewt0_52-0.52.20-150000.7.2.3<>,+ȉdZ^p9|vWW뮂,=kYx:oW΃Ka]PLD~][ D2'H(9r{b0J(Kt=ةp8-7>qq[[ԭ(=yIi4ai!t90{/@@9L-^>@(?d # W  28@H L P X   0 X = (_8h 9 :D > @ F G H I X Y \@]H^kbwc defluvw`xhypzClibnewt0_520.52.20150000.7.2.3Shared libraries for Nifty Erik's Windowing ToolkitThis package contains the shared libraries needed by programs built with newt. Newt is a programming library for color text-mode widget-based user interfaces. Newt can be used to add stacked windows, entry widgets, check boxes, radio buttons, labels, plain text fields, scrollbars, etc., to text mode user interfaces.dZ^ibs-power9-12 SUSE Linux Enterprise 15SUSE LLC LGPL-2.1+ dZVdZ\    /sbin/ldconfig/sbin/*@YǞ@YZ1T@T@Rz/ Build without py2 if needed - Fix upstream url- Use current factory dependencies - Always build python3 bindings - Small cleanup with spec-clenaer- Rectify RPM groups.- build python3 subpackage- update to 0.52.20: + improve handling of long strings in whiptail menu (#1353792) + support screen resize as hotkey in form (#1432926) from 0.52.19: + support --notags in whiptail checklist and radiolist (#1319794) + don't hard-code -I/usr/include/slang in CPPFLAGS (Alex Suykov) + use $(CC) instead of $(CPP) to generate .depend files (Samuel Martin) + update translations from Zanata- Set RPM groups- Cleanup spec file with spec-cleaner - Use url for source - Remove conditions dealing with unsupported releases of SLES - Update to 0.52.18 * fix widget key collision in snack on 64-bit archs (#1151455) * handle NEWT_EXIT_ERROR in snack * fix preprocessor warnings in snack * optimize textbox reflowing * remove newtListitem declarations (#1074092)- update to 0.52.16 + add newtComponentGetSize and newtComponentGetPosition + modify Makefile to use SOEXT + free gpm socket name and unlink gpm socket on form exit + fix memory leaks in whiptail + add missing whiptail options to help and man page + fix errors found by gcc-with-cpychecker + fix building with tcl8.6 + add fallback to python-config + replace tabs in + compile snackmodule.c with flag -fPIC (Kang Kai) + include new translations from transifex + allow newtWinMenu and newtWinEntries with no buttons or items + don't draw scale when not mapped + build with large-file support for stat64 + remove unused variables in test code + update FSF address + remove obsolete macros + make some dependencies arch-specific - removed upstream newt-0.52.14-incorrect-fsf-address.patch- update license to new format- Use suse-version not sles-version/sbin/ldconfig/sbin/ldconfigibs-power9-12 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// 64-bit LSB shared object, 64-bit PowerPC or cisco 7500, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=3b5747581358c2ae16fa51c8cc75a2263ea5bbc8, strippedPPPPPPPPPPPPPPRRRRj!bYPutf-8b8e37a8a44687871c2bedc926380d585dca2c94534ed7e46d0ae34e96c3c343d?7zXZ !t/'8]"k%ndnE}%s&fG;83M]geG/~\MVmHs{|y[C`!x,z7|E&Hnڍ?YEzXOan^'`Gl-tve8Naa;W*NV(wǏ33dz"q[ i*VݞΊJA/oFowM^v]WjshKOw`tŮ޹ `"U \ ZQݢÞ RRr:|ы4 /0!V2hн 6}|0 6,Ւ4ZS0{k+L_ژ՗]}X[hHv"+V ,%R0ٲshPqp q1s*Z }4έHNlm}A41n5TV0H7 m|nbNq0:I Pui5-+Akh'+y1C XE[JxB k3&z ԋ/ E1e` < # w$57HH~}K:'}&جwpRqĘuRK ƧML`J;u̍M}zUY$)X&]H4if;}=F 4bTr)ݝªȓlD&'ex'mxY )f]+Լ FZ})} [M#|ϓNMf$|ZB̥bH>&`'N|fEV0,a˄_ Rm뻈NaP!h#ejre2u{OբEϚLXHF,'uin˻Z;Ģi^9q5W &rNeTʺRB _C"LeQ,$(.a`[,Pb?GWb+XGI Nv[PfOJoaMr{LWxA *PQA>{\p1`$x!Gn檮9VШ34ۮbqf /t/\l+I޸ `lO# z9 TU׃[Evak8l>(/׏SlaUtzhr7%ץBJk4@4}R.ݏQdF< ҅5vPqy5Q zÛ΀0D[ :LQߛYr$t;us ڐ]9й2R718y^[5 KqNJ{ * nbMvq<ՈEL`jJqPJYނV&Nj,J¸Vn\[% YEgIyqsRjy3ȡ9[PjJڳlӹA#[,Mocv =ux( uuq]fCs0!K񊘘Eb㶴}~>(x1I_+M/PZ"#ߋ ,O1f8*W}4v[@) } 'B-!du#PSc! ֏:Q (Uy"]Ž&5S3|?VjW. #AF/NRčS7Ifs;[qRIHzdqb@Xv:?d0 5I[&~Mb&8hP {#+ rO<4iA%{͟TAd XXtLظ~@sv <Bth #c5J$舶Y6^=N~Pz+bɴ3]`ٺNb(}%O?Djf<=,M7V=͞o'~ysJϢ r( &?nPR23 ."-bBfC} r(m\:1HC{_x/(GJ2t%!!|ir>zMg0')hKNAG{l TU$l?#^x',ՊX(~7dF5}O%Upwg ;IYȇ QޖrWSXc-wBg{ ХȖ'r% FtkOF,Qt)CLۥx̍1H Fm7{ł369;ԳE/u{<2FTm- \ᡞjHl{@qY̍CBo!5]* uyAg2L;/ ǹ40i ݭi@=tE餚{]yoŮShCkvWh|t˱ĴKvR ok%cV##&+4PӕM=Wʽͅ LT&+HAƍ(*LwUa/|햁F8cYy6m,3*0ax= ܶ[Ѯᄊ;YN2dz3qzc{ix.Hwe1 4=BC~=`w.F"Ď4*=Χ+;r)<ǀ2j(!-Q@3PCge Hv\DA8mjt^[k:I!DŽ JxR/әzRC&'onT܏T.,~ص̨\/KS$(dR* И3?iVq2mm22IUzWYyu̟64NWJ̮%7BhDf~ÞtES}ucC>qw mϧeU ZR4lWL{$wXxYNKir^IJrF0B{t{5BL%iIU2=75rUo{(aJvSnx/*N`4u8z,fPY?Ąu?6ekތ) n'#`/zP@tKBw,1VPɬ0s7=W@VgEŇD]MzSlj;:kT%U퐃3PSȀt#%K-c՗e=!g`ƫX,mD8s=uʫ!%V]aB#JՍxA` [ %{p>e>T\N:1 ?9,qEW8:R| Ϋ{7mq۪NB[A ̈x{0e;?Hf hH^]BdfY 5%Y@ZXy*e/郱y֖8ȏ+IG<D[bٹ>0CŇ%Ԙ/ٳ4)-Pʚ62VrJcUƪԿ<䙬m”x0-0T]s[R ߻_-c-DsPkשGrc譧nQ>l~C+~ 7=QēwhwߧυcECNBP@j}D8MxcXs-^1Ŀf bk~>W%g_ W}bE}Lc8N# <{6#u8Ni<#Id6 9W}FX# I& ]]+VJ&H¼0,U'(<2M8,OP1[0lO?[}qj^y- ګJ; Z#+*dM[!jϵrB=4[1,2ڌz~X&ܔ$ ,;Ee *]5icMϿ` d\2Fa`M_?O7$+2կ!< n+8t[HXiy/ˁ/%Dn9=9w5p v3݆ 2P(ӕSt0B>EC &W4 WEʺ)?bF*pwfAHbo2 %hR9JÍ U[IATG%ai p%w@9ҚR-ǥ0 P ) ;^&."F~E-U8;bgG-5j