zabbix-server-3.0.31-lp152.2.3.1<>,_)}/=„, Լ^*f=oOT|A_Ktr@I9!L 43<8*FLoF(c/ܑ@Bf~cF,;u:GUB\1Mq 0ٰnk#WoFQh`Ķ)HWhKʰ\KtSLU ;鎄b-|_eڄm=<7pg(FQthU m۰5kō21D*v)]?a'H>FȤ?Ȕd # Fdhpt ( |GG G G 4G G  LG!hG"G$7$\G%x%&0(()8)59)5:.*5=>?@FG$GH@GI\GXY\G]G^!bCcd|ef„l†u˜Gvô wGxGyz4DHNȐCzabbix-server3.0.31lp152.2.3.1System files for the Zabbix serverThe Zabbix server component._)}goat13 openSUSE Leap 15.2openSUSEGPL-2.0-or-laterhttp://bugs.opensuse.orgSystem/Monitoringhttp://www.zabbix.comlinuxx86_64 test -n "$FIRST_ARG" || FIRST_ARG="$1" # disable migration if initial install under systemd [ -d /var/lib/systemd/migrated ] || mkdir -p /var/lib/systemd/migrated || : if [ "$FIRST_ARG" -eq 1 ]; then for service in zabbix-server.service ; do sysv_service="${service%.*}" touch "/var/lib/systemd/migrated/$sysv_service" || : done else for service in zabbix-server.service ; do # The tag file might have been left by a preceding # update (see 1059627) rm -f "/run/rpm-zabbix-update-$service-new-in-upgrade" if [ ! -e "/usr/lib/systemd/system/$service" ]; then touch "/run/rpm-zabbix-update-$service-new-in-upgrade" fi done for service in zabbix-server.service ; do sysv_service="${service%.*}" if [ -e /var/lib/systemd/migrated/$sysv_service ]; then continue fi if [ ! -x /usr/sbin/systemd-sysv-convert ]; then continue fi /usr/sbin/systemd-sysv-convert --save $sysv_service || : done fi /usr/bin/getent group zabbixs >/dev/null || /usr/sbin/groupadd -r zabbixs /usr/bin/getent passwd zabbixs >/dev/null || /usr/sbin/useradd -r -d /var/lib/zabbixs -s /bin/false -c "Zabbix Server Daemon" -g zabbixs zabbixsif [ "$1" -gt 1 ]; then chown root:zabbixs /etc/zabbix/zabbix-server.conf chmod 0640 /etc/zabbix/zabbix-server.conf chown -R root:zabbixs /run/zabbixs || : chown -R root:zabbixs /var/log/zabbixs || : if [ $(stat -c '%a' /run/zabbixs) -ne '770' ]; then chmod 0770 /run/zabbixs chmod 0770 /var/log/zabbixs fi fi test -n "$FIRST_ARG" || FIRST_ARG="$1" [ -d /var/lib/systemd/migrated ] || mkdir -p /var/lib/systemd/migrated || : if [ "$YAST_IS_RUNNING" != "instsys" -a -x /usr/bin/systemctl ]; then /usr/bin/systemctl daemon-reload || : fi if [ "$FIRST_ARG" -eq 1 ]; then if [ -x /usr/bin/systemctl ]; then /usr/bin/systemctl preset zabbix-server.service || : fi elif [ "$FIRST_ARG" -gt 1 ]; then for service in zabbix-server.service ; do if [ ! -e "/run/rpm-zabbix-update-$service-new-in-upgrade" ]; then continue fi rm -f "/run/rpm-zabbix-update-$service-new-in-upgrade" if [ ! -x /usr/bin/systemctl ]; then continue fi /usr/bin/systemctl preset "$service" || : done for service in zabbix-server.service ; do sysv_service=${service%.*} if [ -e /var/lib/systemd/migrated/$sysv_service ]; then continue fi if [ ! -x /usr/sbin/systemd-sysv-convert ]; then continue fi /usr/sbin/systemd-sysv-convert --apply $sysv_service || : touch /var/lib/systemd/migrated/$sysv_service || : done fi systemd-tmpfiles --create /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/zabbix-server.conf test -n "$FIRST_ARG" || FIRST_ARG="$1" if [ "$FIRST_ARG" -eq 0 -a -x /usr/bin/systemctl ]; then # Package removal, not upgrade /usr/bin/systemctl --no-reload disable zabbix-server.service || : ( test "$YAST_IS_RUNNING" = instsys && exit 0 test -f /etc/sysconfig/services -a \ -z "$DISABLE_STOP_ON_REMOVAL" && . /etc/sysconfig/services test "$DISABLE_STOP_ON_REMOVAL" = yes -o \ "$DISABLE_STOP_ON_REMOVAL" = 1 && exit 0 /usr/bin/systemctl stop zabbix-server.service ) || : fi test -n "$FIRST_ARG" || FIRST_ARG="$1" if [ "$FIRST_ARG" -ge 1 ]; then # Package upgrade, not uninstall if [ -x /usr/bin/systemctl ]; then /usr/bin/systemctl daemon-reload || : ( test "$YAST_IS_RUNNING" = instsys && exit 0 test -f /etc/sysconfig/services -a \ -z "$DISABLE_RESTART_ON_UPDATE" && . /etc/sysconfig/services test "$DISABLE_RESTART_ON_UPDATE" = yes -o \ "$DISABLE_RESTART_ON_UPDATE" = 1 && exit 0 /usr/bin/systemctl try-restart zabbix-server.service ) || : fi else # package uninstall for service in zabbix-server.service ; do sysv_service="${service%.*}" rm -f "/var/lib/systemd/migrated/$sysv_service" || : done if [ -x /usr/bin/systemctl ]; then /usr/bin/systemctl daemon-reload || : fi fic8ur#b MKu$.2uYjxGSv .9/- ڡ: F Q26 (vm$A큠A큤A큤A큤AAA큤A큤A큤AA큤A큤A큤AA큤A큤A큤A큤A큤A큤A큤A큤A큤A큤A^_)}:_)}_)}_)}_)}_)}_)}_)}_)}_)}_)}_)}^_)};^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ _)};_)};^^ _)};_)};^^ _)};_)};^^ _)};_)};^^ _)}_)};_)};^^ _)}_)}_)}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-server/etc/alternatives/zabbix-server.1.gz@@@rootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootzabbixszabbixsrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootzabbixszabbix-3.0.31-lp152.2.3.1.src.rpmconfig(zabbix-server)zabbix-serverzabbix-server(x86-64) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@    /bin/sh/bin/sh/bin/sh/bin/shconfig(zabbix-server)^@\@\O\e\@\P@@\\&@[@[@[#@[#@[[[[y[[i[{@ZZ1@ZF.@ZYY*@YkU@X@X_XOW@WzOWo@V@V@V@V_V@V<@V<@V7P@V7P@UȒ@UȒ@U8U/@U/@U/@U:U:T@TT@TZ@Boris Manojlovic Boris Manojlovic Boris Manojlovic Boris Manojlovic Boris Manojlovic Boris Manojlovic boris@steki.netJan Engelhardt boris@steki.netboris@steki.netboris@steki.netJan Engelhardt Jan Engelhardt Jan Engelhardt Boris Manojlovic Boris Manojlovic updated to latest release 3.0.31 + CVE-2020-15803 patch - added zabbix-CVE-2020-15803.patch - resolves boo#1174253 - Bug Fixes + ZBX-17600 Fixed security vulnerability cve-2020-11800 (remote code execution)- upated to latest release 3.0.29 - Bug Fixes + ZBX-17101 Fixed url validation before output + ZBX-16750 Fixed broken validation of peer certificate issuer and subject strings in tls connect, fixed logging + ZBX-16178 Fixed distributive can contain untracked backup file include/ updated to latest release 3.0.28 + ZBX-15915 Fixed linking error if round() is undefined + ZBX-16074 Added file revision number generation for compilation on ms windows + ZBX-11284 Removed sid url argument for form cancel buttons + ZBX-15416 Fixed locale validation in user create and update api methods- updated to latest release 3.0.27 - bugfix release; + ZBX-16019 Fixed host.conn, host.ip, ipaddress and host.dns macros expansion in global scripts + ZBX-15674 Fixed map status to be displayed ok if there are no problem in submaps + ZBX-2494 Fixed sorting of items, item prototypes, lld rules and screens to avoid deadlocks in database between server and frontend + ZBX-10404 Fixed password being passed in plain text in media type edit form + ZBX-15721 Fixed escaping of control characters in json encoder + ZBX-15937 Fixed agent startup problem in win 2008 r2 w/o sp1 by merging zbx-15728 + ZBX-15588 Fixed function names that are written to the log file when using log_level_debug + ZBX-15870 Fixed redundant jsloader loading in login page + ZBX-15913 Fixed possible crash when sending custom alerts + ZBX-13347 Fixed possible crash in history syncer process when processing discovered item value- updated to latest release 3.0.26 - bugfix release; + ZBX-15867 fixed invalid DNS being accepted when receiving discovery contents from Zabbix proxy + ZBX-15552 fixed compilation with LibreSSL as OpenSSL replacement and OpenSSL without PSK support + ZBX-15788 fixed crash when substituting LLD macros in calculated item formula expression + ZBX-15670 fixed inefficient vmware eventlog downloading + ZBX-14858 fixed processing of unlimited vmware maxQueryMetrics value + ZBX-10496 fixed links to installation instructions in README file + ZBX-15494 fixed handling numbers that written in scientific notation + ZBX-15316 fixed problem with socket inheritance preventing Windows agent from restarting under certain circumstances- added patch zabbix-3.0.25-new-m4-pgsql.patch to mitigate postgresql-devel separation into devel and server-devel packages in openSUSE:Factory- updated to latest release 3.0.25 - bugfix release - bugs fixed; + ZBX-15220 fixed displaying of last value for values received in the same second + ZBX-15460 reset agent availability when host status changes, e.g., when host gets disabled + ZBX-11761 added warnings in case of TLS identity mismatch + ZBX-15355 fixed undefined index in configuration.import API call + ZBX-15354 fixed undefined index in API calls without "auth" parameter + ZBX-14331 fixed error allowing users to change type of a host interface that already has items attached + ZBX-15313 fixed unit suffix support in calculated item expressions + ZBX-14592 fixed calculation of SLA and availability report when problem has negative duration + ZBX-15156 fixed undefined offset error in host screen with web item + ZBX-14624 fixed agent collector not releasing connection to missing/removed disk devices + ZBX-14604 fixed displaying of the graph name on screens + ZBX-15233 renamed fuzzytime() function description in dropdown list + ZBX-12801 excluded zabbix_sender.dll from MS Windows builds with TLS + ZBX-15260 improved misleading warning message when agent fails to find log file during processing logrt[] item + ZBX-15206 fixed deprecated net-snmp attribute + ZBX-15238 fixed updating nextcheck time in discovery rules to avoid overlaps between discovery executions + ZBX-8383 updated Tomcat template for compatibility with recent Tomcat versions, fixed constraint error when importing new data.tmpl + ZBX-14606 removed strict-transport-security header from frontend + ZBX-14977 fixed creation of unneeded database record if host prototype inventory mode is disabled; fixed validation for host and host prototype inventory mode + ZBX-15146 fixed SQL error occurred when too long IP address is attempted to be written in database- POSIX compliant scriptlets must use chown "A:B", not "A.B". - Do not let fdupes run across common partitions/subvolumes.- fixed spec file to required correct php version- updated to latest release 3.0.24 - added feature: + ZBXNEXT-4841 removed hardcoded location for iconv.h; thanks to Helmut Grohne for the patch + ZBXNEXT-3047 fixed compilation errors on Windows platform with static OpenSSL libraries + ZBXNEXT-4836 added license information and OpenSSL linking exception to README file, show crypto library version when started with '-V' - Bug fixes: - bugfixes: + ZBX-14635 fixed rare LLD failures when moving host between groups + ZBX-13719 fixed loss of calc_fnc index in graph edit form + ZBX-13009 fixed percentage calculation on availability reports list page + ZBX-15132 backported daylight saving related scheduled checks fix from ZBX-12965 BX-14899 fixed wrong net.tcp.listen values on obsolete Linux systems + ZBX-15142 fixed time format for vmware performance counters query + ZBX-14833 fixed selectHosts option in dservice.get API method to return the list of hosts by IP and proxy + ZBX-15062 fixed binary heap trying to reallocate slots on every insert + ZBX-14805 fixed unauthorized request error when resetting filter after enabling/disabling elements + ZBX-14758 fixed encoding for cookie names and values + ZBX-14691 fixed faulty behaviour of mandatory fields in Trigger expression form + ZBX-13505 fixed link coloring in map when related trigger is not monitored + ZBX-14953 fixed not closed connection with vmware at the end of update session via a call to Logout() + ZBX-14966 removed the notes about sqlite from zabbix_server.conf + ZBX-14422 fixed SQL queries being logged when accessing API, even if debug mode is disabled + ZBX-15027 fixed startup failures due to orphaned or zombie processes remaining when zabbix daemon is terminated during startup- updated to latest release 3.0.23 + added feature: * ZBXNEXT-4782 improve out of memory error message by adding statistics and backtrace; improve something impossible has just happened error message by adding backtrace - Bug Fixes: + ZBX-14779 extended support of system.stat[ent], system.stat[cpu,pc], system.stat[cpu,ec] on IBM AIX to LPAR type 'dedicated' + ZBX-14851 fixed the host visible name in the event details/messages from server when using long utf8 text + ZBX-14972 fixed the case where data from non-monitored VMware services are not removed from vmware cache + ZBX-14856 added support for OpenSSL 1.1.1 + ZBX-14971 added note on runtime control with PID numbers larger than 65535 to server, proxy and agentd help messages and man pages + ZBX-14734 fixed the verification of the assignment of two web checks with the same name from different templates to one host + ZBX-14749 fixed cloning inherited host prototype on host + ZBX-14663 fixed calculation of Y zero position in graph + ZBX-14811 fixed color of the host name in the title of the Screens + ZBX-14776 fixed sorting when changing status of media type + ZBX-14757 fixed fields becoming writable upon form refresh in host prototype form + ZBX-14689 fixed updating of the Graph list of host when selecting a group of hosts + ZBX-14803 fixed incorrect profile update causing page filter to sometimes show duplicate values + ZBX-14727 fixed selection of data for trigger overview, data overview and graphs if first drop down entry is "none" + ZBX-14650 fixed item parameters description + ZBX-14882 fixed crash in vmware collector when receiving invalid xml + ZBX-14853 fixed error of vmware items caused by misconfigured vmware maxQueryMetrics parameter + ZBX-14845 fixed filter in triggers status page not being reset when navigating from dashboard and host inventory- Update descriptions and also trim marketing wording.- Remove strange self-conflicts. - Set bash-completion to noarch and suitable RPM group.- Remove redundant %clean section. - Replace %__-type macro indirections. - Remove one idempotent %if..%endif guard. - Do not ignore failures from user/group creation.- update to latest release 3.0.22 - bug fixes: * ZBX-14496 fixed unauthorized request error when sorting list after enabling/disabling elements * ZBX-14614 fixed server template linking with triggers having no dependencies * ZBX-6565,ZBX-13645,ZBX-14559 fixed agent on AIX 6.1 TL0, 7.1 TL0: system.stat[memory,avm], compilation, crash on net.dns[] items * ZBX-13015 fixed X axis labels with DST transition in the displayed period * ZBX-14778 fixed housekeeper attempting to remove history of discovery rules/prototypes * ZBX-14775 fixed configuration of the maximum available count of aggregated metrics in a single request to vmware vCenter * ZBX-14676 fixed displaying links containing UTF-8 characters * ZBX-14677 fixed vmware performance counter retrieval on installations with large number of datastores * ZBX-12293 renamed trigger functions by adding function name at the beginning and removing the operator and "N" and placing operator in a separate field allowing two new operators "<=" and ">=" for selection * ZBX-14593 fixed error message for invalid vmware endpoint * ZBX-14614 fixed trigger dependency link to the template instead of the host during the discovery action * ZBX-372 added "zone" parameter to proc.num[] item for Solaris * ZBX-14410 fixed output of information about the error for expressions with functions of triggers or calculated items * ZBX-14433 fixed several problems in displaying of X axis on the graphs- removal of iksemel/jabber support-Fix bnc#1105278 -Fixes the zabbix apache configuration file as both apache2.2 and apache2.4 configurations were used in same if statement- update to latest 3.0.20 - Bug fixes: * ZBX-14548 fixed the disk usage counters reading for ESX/ESXi hosts * ZBX-9236 fixed timeselector period used to select 'all' values of particular item * ZBX-13393 fixed agent compilation error on AlphaServer Tru64 5.1B * ZBX-14566 fixed possible data loss due to MariaDB server restart * ZBX-13010 fixed crash of poller processes in ODBC checks, simplified code * ZBX-14491 fixed link "show value mappings", which leads to no permission page * ZBX-12380 improved function parameter parsing for trigger functions * ZBX-14432 removed redundant code in event details screen * ZBX-14410 improved error message handling in zbx_function_find() * ZBX-12104 added limit ZBX_HISTORY_PERIOD for {ITEM.VALUE} macro resolving in trigger name * ZBX-14402 fixed internal item parameter that does not match documentation- update to latest release 3.0.18 - Bug Fixes: * ZBX-13549 fixed displaying of not monitored triggers in maps * ZBX-14333 fixed {ESC.HISTORY} and action log not to display colon without target host when executed on Zabbix server * ZBX-13043 removed error message for when user has defined media but all of them are disabled * ZBX-13774 fixed creating and updating items with multiple specific scheduling intervals * ZBX-12175 fixed subfilter entries with long names going off the screen * ZBX-12644 fixed filter being partially reset when using pagination in availability report page * ZBX-12882 fixed in popup window being allowed to select applications from different hosts when editing item mass update form * ZBX-13788 fixed host availability stuck in unknown state after proxy changes * ZBX-12372 fixed duplication of prefix "/" for second parameter "path" in items "*" * ZBX-13781 fixed possible crash in the function "" of Zabbix Agentd * ZBX-14336 fixed persistent xss vulnerability in services * ZBX-12425 fixed selection of web items in the "Plain text" screen element * ZBX-13781 fixed CRLF injection in Zabbix Agentd * ZBX-13766 fixed comparison of two large float numbers in expressions * ZBX-13481 fixed incorrect parsing of BITS data type in SNMP response * ZBX-13742 fixed parsing of the operator "not" in trigger expression * ZBX-13680 fixed action not being cloned due to existing operation id being submitted * ZBX-13660 fixed data types passed to is_ushort() for converting PID, port and process number * ZBX-12935,ZBX-13539 fixed displaying of floating point values under the "Latest data" page * ZBX-13500 fixed fractional values in triggers being misinterpreted without a leading 0 * ZBX-13561 fixed incorrectly displayed pie graph when first item has no data- updated to latest release 3.0.16 - Bug Fixes: * ZBX-13542 fixed http steps on template not inheriting hosts application setting * ZBX-13339 improved deallocation of memory * ZBX-13412 fixed JS error and wrong form behaviour when changing item type, type of information, data type * ZBX-13257 fixed display of the latest item in Audit log * ZBX-13351 improved OpenSSL error messages * ZBX-13362 fixed potentially wrong rows deleting by housekeeper in PostgreSQL * ZBX-13472 fixed description of "Server" and "ServerActive" configuration options * ZBX-13455 added frontend error message when templates cannot be linked to LLD host * ZBX-13434 fixed incorrect trigger dependencies being set after copying triggers to multiple hosts; thanks to Kotaro Miyashita for the patch * ZBX-13342 fixed order by query in frontend Maintenance tab * ZBX-6167 fixed partial updating in maintenance.update * ZBX-13062 banned using of mutex in threads of metrics collection * ZBX-13236 fixed error message of function parameters parse- updated to latest release 3.0.15 - bug fixes * ZBX-13398 fixed configure script for Debian GNU/Linux "buster" and "sid" to work with PostgreSQL * ZBX-13441 fixed crashes in case of failures (e.g. timeouts) during VMware hypervisor discovery * ZBX-12643 improved error log message in case Zabbix server database cannot be used due to empty "users" table * ZBX-13325 fixed trend.get() method with Oracle backend * ZBX-13055 fixed problems with DNS resolver interface on NetBSD * ZBX-13345 removed SID from URL in screen edit mode * ZBX-13246 fixed processing of command line arguments which are longer than 2KB for proc.num and proc.mem items on AIX * ZBX-13254 fixed 'skip' parameter behaviour for log[], log.count[], logrt[], logrt.count[] items in case log files initially do not exist * ZBX-13253 fixed losing the 1st record by log[] and logrt[] items if 'skip' parameter is used and log file initially is empty * ZBX-12991 removed default values for "active_since" and "active_till" fields in maintenance.create API method * ZBX-11305 fixed color and label for event status on event details page * ZBX-13085 fixed trigger mass update form redirect to trigger list on attempt to attach dependent trigger if there was errors in previous submit attempts * ZBX-13078 fixed javascript error in user group permission granting popup- updated to latest release 3.0.14 - New Features and Improvements * [ZBX-12825] implemented delayed URL validation; enabled user macros containing URLs as valid; made URL validation as optional; improved URL validation - Bug Fixes * [ZBX-13181] fixed database configuration error reporting and message filtering when messages are received from clear_messages function * [ZBX-13024] fixed parsing "request" parameter for URLs without input parameters * [ZBX-12856] fixed empty host filter when adding dependent trigger in trigger edit form * [ZBX-13042] fixed unclickable template link on host items list page * [ZBX-12925] fixed logic of commit/rollback operations * [ZBX-13088] fixed incomplete data in notification reports for yearly report types * [ZBX-12884] fixed misleading permissions visualization in user form for host groups and hosts lists * [ZBX-12887] fixed alert error message visibility to unrelated users * [ZBX-12497] improved VMware event log data collection and processing * [ZBX-8054] relieved windows agent of dependency on MFC * [ZBX-13024] fixed missed url search part in request login parameter * [ZBX-13044] fixed undefined index when setting strict-transport-security http header * [ZBX-12897] fixed error causing empty list in popup window when opened from page having host group filter * [ZBX-12232] fixed mysql m4 configuration script for mariadb C connector * [ZBX-12247] fixed multiselect not showing results for read-only objects in screen configuration * [ZBX-13016] fixed warning message shown by deprecated PHP 7.2 function create_function() * [ZBX-12130] fixed max length validation in textarea fields * [ZBX-8049] fixed zabbix[java,,ping] to stay supported when java gateway is down * [ZBX-12971] fixed possibility of host availability being stuck in unknown state when monitoring though proxy * [ZBX-12655] added filter on event details page to show messages sent to users only from same groups * [ZBX-12856] fixed wrong default value for host filter when adding dependent trigger in trigger edit form * [ZBX-9567] added missing fields to webscenario data handling * [ZBX-11051] fixed displaying highest severity when dashboard filter options contain unacknowledged only * [ZBX-10710] fixed CPU guest time utilization accounting in Linux- updated to latest release 3.0.13 - New Features and Improvements + [ZBXNEXT-1421] added service sorting by name if multiple services has same 'sortorder' value + [ZBXNEXT-4081] improved error message for case when none of supported database modules exists - Bug Fixes + [DEV-593] fixed multiple security issues + [ZBX-12854] fixed crash of VMware collector with DebugLevel=4 + [ZBX-11902] fixed CPU count for LPAR partitions in IBM AIX + [ZBX-12260] fixed windows agent to support UTF-16LE, UCS-2, UCS-2LE encodings + [ZBX-12722] fixed scrollbar causing a JS error in "500 latest values" page due to unnecessarily initialization + [ZBX-12710] fixed OS type detection logic + [ZBX-12543] fixed problems with session management + [ZBX-12259] added an informative warning about lack of data for macros used in LLD rule filter- updated to latest release 3.0.12 + [ZBXNEXT-1862] modified server, proxy and agent to follow changes in /etc/resolv.conf - Bug Fixes + [ZBX-12788] fixed error when template is added to hosts via mass update form + [ZBX-12666] fixed ETag comparison check in jsLoader for web server with enabled compression + [ZBX-6669] fixed use of current host as filter when selecting items for graph forms and trigger forms + [ZBX-10547] fixed IT services calculation in parallel transactions not seeing each other changes when calculating common parent service + [ZBX-12441] fixed user permission check for macros containing user personal information in notification messages + [ZBX-12191] fixed start time and timeline period in events screen when switching to next pages + [ZBX-12779] fixed detection of PostgreSQL 10 + [ZBX-12281] fixed simultaneous sending of the same history data from passive proxy + [ZBX-12770] fixed links in select popup for user groups; updated group selection field in Administration->Users + [ZBX-8277] improved performance of hostgeneral.unlink() method; fixed SQL statement + [ZBX-10754] fixed inheritance of template properties in web scenarios + [ZBX-12727] fixed response for script.get() method with "editable" flag + [ZBX-12727] fixed dcheck.get(), dhost.get() and dservice.get() permission checks for admin users; related- updated to latest release 3.0.11 + [ZBX-1357] enabled Turkish translation to be displayed by default + [ZBX-1357] updated Czech, English (United States), French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Turkish translations; thanks to Zabbix translators - Bug fixes + [ZBX-11675] fixed crash that could occur during connection failures to MySQL + [ZBX-12617] fixed sorting by host name for items on availability report page + [ZBX-12696] fixed trigger not being calculated for newly received item values if last one of those is unsupported value + [ZBX-12548] fixed notification sound not being played for message with timeout set to greater than minute + [ZBX-12653] fixed heap corruption in Windows agent; thanks to Ronnie Kaech for the patch + [ZBX-12660] fixed result of hostinterface.replacehostinterfaces method + [ZBX-12469] added new context for 'Second' string to be properly translated in maintenance period form + [ZBX-12493] fixed address and ports array size in zbx_init_ipmi_host() to match OpenIPMI internals + [ZBX-12623] fixed label macro resolving in maps + [ZBX-11042] allowed libcurl to choose SMTP authentication mechanism other than PLAIN + [ZBX-8997] fixed trigger expression validation test form + [ZBX-12545] fixed undefined index error on latest data page when host was deleted in another session + [ZBX-12416] optimized data selection of user preferences stored in profiles + [ZBX-11607] fixed a rounding of large unsigned numbers + [ZBX-12404] fixed visibility of item data first row for 'latest data' page and 'audit log' page + [ZBX-12463] fixed undefined index error in "Last 20 issues" + [ZBX-12186] fixed parallel processing of multiple values for same lld rule + [ZBX-11887] fixed improper DB::refreshIds() call when selected row is locked + [ZBX-12022] fixed trigger resolving in services configuration; fixed popup window size + [ZBX-12429] fixed template replacement in mass update form + [ZBX-12396] fixed an error in screens if screen trigger overview element contains deleted host group + [ZBX-12439] fixed macro name field length in host configuration form + [ZBX-10820] fixed potential loss of data when server/proxy processes zabbix_sender data + [ZBX-12446] fixed discovery and auto registration to accept empty DNS names + [ZBX-12224] fixed connection to Oracle database when database server gives out warnings + [ZBX-12195] fixed contamination of script output with Zabbix'es own log messages when logging level is set to 4 or 5 and LogType=console + [ZBX-12270] fixed processing of AIX item 'system.stat[ent]' in agent; thanks to Marc for patch + [ZBX-12277] fixed trigger expression test form incorrectly replacing macros- updated to latest release 3.0.10 + New Features and Improvements * [ZBX-1357] updated Chinese (China), Czech, English (United States), Korean, Romanian, Ukrainian, Vietnamese translations; thanks to Zabbix translators * [ZBXNEXT-3659] reduced cache locking time during configuration synchronization + Bug Fixes * [ZBX-12349] fixed security vulnerability with execution of the remote commands on server; thanks to MATSUDA Daiki, Ron Waisberg for report * [ZBX-12231] fixed memory leak in agent if log[], logrt[] items use global regexps with multiple subexpressions * [ZBX-12187] fixed memory leak when using UserParameter with suppressed characters passed in arguments * [ZBX-12328] fixed collecting value of VMware host memory balloon size * [ZBX-12305] fixed incorrectly escaped IT Service parent name * [ZBX-11812] fixed sorting of host interfaces; fixed selection of the default host interface * [ZBX-11277] fixed update in mass update form when inventory mode is not set explicitly * [ZBX-10999] fixed user's access level to display popup content * [ZBX-9213] removed link from uneditable template and host names in all configuration sections * [ZBX-6533] improved LDAP authentication module status check for authentication form * [ZBX-12019] fixed incorrectly displayed calendar date in maintenance edit form * [ZBX-11304] fixed trigger wizard expressions sorting as well as wizard crash due incorrect expression removal * [ZBX-12023] fixed permission issue with event.get method * [ZBX-12226] fixed configuration synchronization with Oracle databases * [ZBX-12046] fixed handling of database failure during ID selection * [ZBX-11683] fixed problem with lost IDs of unlinkable templates * [ZBX-12142] fixed Oracle batch insert return value * [ZBX-10546] fixed undefined index error in host import form while importing templates * [ZBX-11285] fixed cookie vulnerability for tabbed forms * [ZBX-11486] fixed duplicated error messages in screens section * [ZBX-10807] fixed wrongly displayed field in item prototype form * [ZBX-11549] fixed 'numeric value' error in dashboard for php 7 * [ZBX-11559] fixed jquery binded function call on form submit * [ZBX-11405] fixed conditions to display treeview button in triggers section * [ZBX-12012] fixed resolving of Critical and Verbose event log levels by {ITEM.LOG.SEVERITY} macro * [ZBX-12093] fixed removing of applications that are created from application prototypes * [ZBX-10253] fixed translation string and validation of TLS settings in host.create(), host.update() and host.massUpdate() methods; added variables to hosts array required by CHost::validateUpdate() method * [ZBX-12100] fixed new line handling in SSH agent with numeric type of information * [ZBX-9958] fixed wrongly displayed list view after mass update failure- updated to version 3.0.9 + [ZBX-11024] fixed popup window size in actions configuration form + [ZBX-10997] fixed usage of wrong API in screen constructor + [ZBX-11477] fixed lost user name in profile title + [ZBX-10373] fixed check for screen items overlap + [ZBX-11889] fixed lastaccess update for passive proxy + [ZBX-11960] fixed interface dragging in host edit page in Chrome browser + [ZBX-11345] fixed webscenario update error when step does not exist + [ZBX-11975] fixed undefined index error in web scenario step creation + [ZBX-11980] fixed incorrect type handling in SSH checks + [ZBX-11959] fixed memory leak in the agent on OpenBSD, FreeBSD and NetBSD + [ZBX-11984] fixed host hyperlink style on event details page + [ZBX-11807] fixed poller stalling due to incorrect handling of unixODBC library + [ZBX-9358] improved randomness in session ID generation + [ZBX-11933] added fullscreen parameter in link to submap in maps + [ZBX-11893] fixed permission issue, when importing hosts that are monitored by proxy by Zabbix Admin type user + [ZBX-11905] fixed redirect to original requested page after login + [ZBX-11864] fixed formatting of URLs if an IPv6 is used in simple HTTPS checks + [ZBX-6851] fixed zero number display in Event ID column in windows eventlog history + [ZBX-11624] fixed undefined index error for regular expressions form + [ZBX-11855] fixed data truncation when escaping strings that contain carriage return + [ZBX-11758] fixed crash in web monitoring when variable is empty or the first step was called regexp function on Solaris + [ZBX-11765] fixed incorrect rollback in process of escalation for DB2 database- updated to version 3.0.7 - bugfix release for more info which bugs are fixed please look at updated to version 3.0.6 from 3.0.4 + added vmware.hv.datastore.size keys for VMware datastore capacity monitoring + improved performance by not inserting events of auto registration if no such action was enabled, insert/update/select in a bulk on auto registration data from proxy + added new key for virtual memory monitoring on Windows + added rollup health sensor item to vmware hypervisor template + added support for suffixed and negative trigger function parameters + improved concurrent VMware item polling speed, reduced size of cached VMware data + increased width of input fields + removed value length limitation in zabbix_sender when reading data from file/stream - more info which bugs are fixed can be found at and Security update [ZBX-11023] fixed SQL injection vulnerability in "Latest data" page; - added script name and command into a script execution form - updated translations - for more info please look at updated location of pid and log files for subpackages boo#987483- updated to stable release 3.0.2 + bug fix release most notable bugs bellow for more info please look at + fixed crash in agent collector + fixed possible crash in memory syncer + found and fixed memory leaks - improvements: + replaced user macro cache with expanded trigger expression caching + updated translations + added disabling of [-] or [+] buttons when screen column or row cannot be removed or added + improved XML import validation- updated to release version 3.0.1 + bug fix release + [ZBX-10441] fixed visibility of "Audit" and "Action log" pages for "Zabbix Admin" users + [ZBX-10291] fixed server crash in escalator process if escalation is in progress and action is deleted + [ZBX-10427] fixed "Undefined variable" errors in "Host status" widget + [ZBX-10399] fixed "undefined index" errors with broken value maps + [ZBX-10415] fixed host availabilty update errors on Oracle database + [ZBX-10398] fixed misplaced "Edit screen" and "Edit slide show" buttons when screen is having dynamic elements + [ZBX-10405] fixed history cache shared memory leak when processing log item meta values + [ZBX-10341] fixed template screen import + [ZBX-10366] fixed parsing of VMware responses containing too deep XML data + [ZBX-10311] fixed user media edition by guest with Zabbix super admin user type + [ZBX-9984] fixed incorrect template listing in linking form + [ZBX-10238] fixed error message when linking two templates with same item keys + [ZBX-10319] fixed graphs consuming 100% CPU when given incorrect "stime" parameter in URL- updated zabbix-bash-completion to 3.0-1.0- updated to released version 3.0 + Redesign of Zabbix front-end + Encryption and authentication + Forecasting and trend prediction + Ready for business checks + Support of private and public maps, screens and slideshows + Defining dependencies between trigger prototypes + Linking to applications based on discovery values + Multiple OID support in SNMP discovery + Ability to graph log items + Added support of context for user macros + Resolution of user macros made transparent + SMTP authentication options + Multiple escalator support + VMware monitoring improvements + Dropping IE8 support + Filtering options + Mass editing buttons instead of dropdown + User agent options in web monitoring + XML import/export (value maps) + Zabbix API improvements (value maps) + Miscellaneous front-end improvements: paging, mass ops etc + Forced housekeeper execution + Default configuration file improvements + Performance improvements + Value cache improvements + Ability to run Zabbix daemons in foreground + Zabbix agent crash log on Windows platforms + TCP connection timeout on Windows platforms + Support for IPv6 addresses in Java gateway + Proxy configuration size increase + Logging IP addresses of incoming/outgoing connections between Zabbix server and Zabbix proxy + Setting DebugLevel=5 in daemon configuration file + Database recovery message on DebugLevel=2 + Macro improvements + New value maps (HTTP responce codes) + Dropped support of zabbix_agent binary + Item changes/improvements + Commandline utilities improvements (zabbix_get) + Updated translations - For more info and explained bulletpoints please look at /usr/share/doc/packages/zabbix*/rn3.0.0.html- enabled compilation with openssl to provide TLS support between clients and server communication- update to first beta release of version 3 zabbix-3.0.0beta1- updated to zabbix-3.0.0alpha6 - dropped zabbix_agent - the inetd version of Zabbix agent - for list of bugs closed please look at rn3.0.0alpha6.html file in this package- updated to zabbix-3.0.0alpha4 - for list of bugs closed please look at rn3.0.0alpha4.html file in this package- updated patch for foreground run (systemd support) zabbix-3.0.0-run_foreground.patch- initial packaging of 3.0.0 alpha3- made foreground patch apply cleanly to 2.4.6- updated to latest upstream release 2.4.5 + Czech translation displayed in the language dropdown + net.tcp.service[ntp] works over UDP now + for a full list of fixes see updated to latest upstream release 2.4.5 + timeout configuration parameter for Java gateway + fixed SMS sending with Teltonika and Huawei modems + fixed inability to enable/disable LLD-created triggers + for a full list of fixes see for java gateway, require at least version 1.6 of java-devel- fix inability to skip building Java gateway- define bash completion version only once - link to bash completion source - use tar.gz instead of zip, not requiring unzip anymore- added bash completion package- removed non-existent --with-vmware configure flag- updated to latest release 2.4.4 + Improved performance for VMWare monitoring + Support for extended IP ranges + Updated translations + Bugfixes for full list go to fix building with net-snmp on SLE 10 broken by bad m4 macro- updated to latest upstream version 2.4.3 + Added support for SNMP values of type OID. + bugfixes for full list look at updated to latest upstream version 2.4.2 + Increased limitation of command length for remote commands with agent. + Updated translations + bugfixes for more info go to: 1596554658  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFG3.0.31-lp152.           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