libGLw1-8.0.0-lp152.5.3.1<>,<afָ/=„5BOdp~:)eCC0ѥݳ$]P!C 2һS[&%;1N99&")uTG pWN9G\ @4k2܇?A Ե5- :aG[pa 2^Ų㓠Y+L ;Ybc;^נo},m "EJU(ðF͕@@/;GoFRdZ^)c,C}x8hMF7>F 4? $d   B     ,   H |  (8 9 : > G@ VB eF mG H I X Y Z [ \ ] ^ Ab c 0d e f l u v w x y z     ClibGLw18.0.0lp152.5.3.1Xt OpenGL drawing area widget libraryXt OpenGL drawing area widget library shipped by the Mesa Project.afgoat09JtopenSUSE Leap 15.2openSUSEMIThttp://bugs.opensuse.orgSystem/Librarieshttp://www.mesa3d.orglinuxx86_64@ dA큤    /sbin/ldconfig/sbin/, @V?@VJTr@TN3P\VPYOStefan Dirsch fix symlink of devel package (bsc#1191122)- n_Use-newly-introduced-GLAPIVAR-for-variables.patch * moved bits from Mesa's n_Define-GLAPIVAR-separate-from-GLAPI.patch into this one (boo#1082297) - always build with Motif support- includes everything needed for missing sle issue entries: fate #315643-315645, 319159-319161, 319618 (bsc#1041368)- Consolidate building of libGLw for Xt and Motif.- n_Use-newly-introduced-GLAPIVAR-for-variables.patch Use newly introduced GLAPIVAR instead of GLAPI for variable declarations. This adds an 'extern' in cases where GLAPI doesn't have one and avoids a variable declarartion to become a definition (bsc#970725).- updated to current git 8.0.0_20130123_c4f7cdf; since 1.0.0_20120320_4d1acb3 this is just a version bump to 8.0.0 and one typo fix (git commit c4f7cdf) - specfile cleanup- fixed buildrequires: pkgconfig(dri) -> pkgconfig(gl) - added baselibs.conf as source to specfile- fixed BuildRequires- fixed build on openSUSE 12.2- enable Motif support if %use_motif is set (currently done in X11:XOrg, but likely planned also for openSUSE:Factory:NonFree project)/sbin/ldconfig/sbin/ldconfigMesaGLwgoat09 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=d173bdc3ab53a2448f90e680f1e63ee8dc80a3eb, strippeddirectoryASCII textPRRRRRRRv<={D57utf-88422248a644723922bc27258f9f03bc4eaa02bef33e42361357d77ea30a665d0?7zXZ !t/~=]"k%jjd֗1ͫXά-y lk$x@gA+SLnm[@DS5 wrL ]T8M0U ^ܣx(v XtP*E.NgY){SIT#, U+l08Ɠ;_|qd]pU9JLzY2ڥ>*dܩ θuds}o-k$!C}2Pz4ۃa)NA]Gq\bVn].؀ʰE< Tȑb!kΎ€AZCJl[e:ϟW-U\.dwtZgsl(.eAKvDXU9 z,AÝB'U* {h #ާاl`Bz%g1wง 5 'N[i;^:N.G*`"e8`N`ڽ'⫉|!h՚/;a8]R@IS3y%6gV{0x:J)=lF.K.*2źhi!?uچ=+NڜaZ,"Ϡxf=RRK>7{%]⨖MuR!Ye&>ZdHwB ؈39DSŻx4-B+A4uF44Xj0-RFҵ?jWTh2{svk;@@BXD=}"nh{];}U{c t[AU!# 4F=<'y8ؾZdqzZH0a ܤ J_0x'0`J#88.n3SNAmiwni S.o,?rgsȗ@lF3ςv;KQc {>YJMv{qۃ&S '˿v?MvYb"[5V[.d1V$( ɶq~