graphviz-perl-2.40.1-lp152.7.13.1<>,'a(/=„bR!W);v d`vzK!m5_an&Fo[PY[lrK];+*{lB3UMsۜ5.!躐h7z %i-WD#'c/uLITu26ZG&wI#.o3s?`n{/w>>?d $ @  &0< B H T  (7Ft(89@:yFGHIXY\(]4^LbcGdefluvw xy$z`ptzCgraphviz-perl2.40.1lp152.7.13.1Perl extension for GraphvizThe graphviz-perl package contains the Perl extension for the graphviz tools.a(goat13B/openSUSE Leap 15.2openSUSEEPL-1.0http://bugs.opensuse.orgProductivity/Graphics/Visualization/Graph큤a(a( a(fd9ded43362b66f395d2497a5fe7b6d1fcb299a7ce164c2b8f19da875371e08449d0f0e71d94cbd38f7e04bacd5cc4b2046e945e5f48ddfcca36ec9519b0aeb033b79c5ef263d4ed61c63dda1469cf191d2b854de77621c9575af27f589059f5rootrootrootrootrootrootgraphviz-addons-2.40.1-lp152.7.13.1.src.rpmgraphviz-perlgraphviz-perl(x86-64)^ϧ\Z]@Y@Y|YY@YV@Y@YY*Ux&U&iTi@Christian Vögl Christian Vögl dimstar@opensuse.orgpth@suse.depth@suse.depth@suse.dedimstar@opensuse.orgtchvatal@suse.comtchvatal@suse.comtchvatal@suse.combwiedemann@suse.commpluskal@suse.comopensuse.lietuviu.kalba@gmail.comLed - Added graphviz-null_dereference.patch to fix CVE-2018-10196 (boo#1093447)- Added graphivz-malformed_input.patch from commit 839085f8 to fix CVE-2019-11023 (boo#1132091)- Disable building the graphviz-ocaml package: we have no consumer of it, but not building it allows us to elminiate a build cycle.- Reverse last change.- Remove and graphviz-addon.* as they aren't needed anymore.- Replace the recommends for graphviz-gnome by a 'supplements packageand' so that graphviz doesn't pull in all the X11 related stuff on a machine without graphical desktop (bsc#930442).- Exclude %{_mandir}/man1/smyrna.1%{ext_man} from graphiz' main package, since the man page is packaged in the -smyrna sub package already.- Add bcond for java and ocaml that can be overriden in staging prj- Drop smyrna and gvedit separate spec, now handled by graphviz-addons * Switch graphviz-gvedit to Qt5: + graphviz-qt5.patch - Drop graphviz-plugin subkpg in favor of graphviz-addons.spec that is generated from graphviz directly - Make sure all patches are applied also in main package so none get lost by accident - Refresh patch graphviz-plugins-fix_install_dirs.patch - Make sure graphviz php plugins are generated using php7 * set the php7 path in graphviz-plugins-fix_install_dirs.patch - Remove tkspline from tcl package as it is no longer shipped - Make sure the pic/pie is enforced on all the libs/bins- Update to 2.40.1 release: * Remove usage of ast_common.h * network-simplex fixes and optimization (Stephen North) * built-in tred tool now available in the various swig generated language bindings (John Ellson) * number rounding added to SVG renderer (same as PS and TK rounding) to aid regression testing. (John Ellson) * additional regressson test framework, used in Travis CI builds. (Erwin Janssen) * PHP7 support (requires swig-3.0.11 or later). (John Ellson) * Allow user to specify clustering algorithm in gvmap. (Emden Gansner) * Add Sierpinski graph generator to gvgen. (Emden Gansner) * Extensive code cleanup (Erwin Janssen) * Removal of libgd source - use vanilla libgd from separate install * Windows builds (Erwin Janssen) * Appveyor CI for automated Windows build testing (Erwin Janssen) * Travis CI for Fedora/Centos builds (Erwin Janssen) * Added JSON output format, -Tjson (Emden Gansner) * New curved arrowhead, cylinder node shape. * Resolves bugs: 2599, 1172 * Add cylinder shape for databases. * Free installed plugins * Update makefile for dot so that the using libpanco_C in the static build include PANGOFT2 as well as PANGOCAIRO_LIBS (needed for some versions of Ubuntu) * Add json output format * output class value in svg files * Add plain shape for use with HTML-like labels. * Add icurve arrowhead. * Revert to old, translate to origin semantics in neato, etc. Add flag notranslate if that is what the user desires. - Run over with spec-cleaner and convert deps to pkgconfig - Fix Group - Remove unused pre requirements as there is no pre phase - Inline sed changes and do not rely on pipes - Do not add needless requires to devel pkg, there are no such stated dependencies in any of the .pc files provided - Add scriptlet to allow generating of the extras subpkg instead of having independent spec files- Add reproducible.patch to not have binaries depend on build system timings- Remove pangocairo and lasi support as it introduces build cycle- Build with pangocairo and lasi support.- fix ksh-specific constrictions in script - add patches: + graphviz-2.38.0-fix-gvmap.patchgoat13 16300521102.40.1-lp152. -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// module source textELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=53473732349bc9cdbe75120e1143516287f5123a, strippedtroff or preprocessor input, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix) PPPR RRRRR R RRRR R(m+ 彭utf-8150e76e8b864022199f1ed38a93a6ccbc9ade0507adfef4db29f308b10b2c8c3? 7zXZ !t/. ]"k%7^).J55!NJ YUxEΞ 9z|XyD+^RqN͔ \/!,T>R{#z>M ܏u;u:ž;>sƗ@!{Y"Q2#ia7~_ lW!]QiCx޼ Jt* y E7Fw^n.^tSo[}$0{+仈€ܭ _"8JÐR\j-(kϬ$džqV<|"jֲvnUoMZM :)>ejYZA8^=4E2cJs:Ř$7,ti=̡.U6gh(W@enYY RRc \w ˈ}*G[RI (rRb7W ט^[hIF/6˓u'瘾a9DvJ #N- ʦУ2 丯&qV<~R+7lP*E}䖴/Kgd+pB)>4IgV7rK'cx{^c>ycK9hoR7ޠ{Uo=β//Ae Oo2u_ܣc ɼN>ԫC7NB(Ri$IGapyOд]Jc-d$B;5;]Oٰm=v=DsyŨNݨ WVF/*\w^X)0Hhn:/";v u";'G&jDYI rC-wY|# rH!R!8zhCǃ(4^ֱyg54Q,cSD|ALp1ܓkt:_+.?C݄YӬ rRg1#0zF1q8j-V>R+vR# #dUo1z-)#VC_L{A<h3 Bw5o\#<5Ujʏ'%dU E;ѳAו:蕑H!d-sk=Qo2xEN﮳9-du./z5c}.U)Ȇ!Ⱥ&~fhYzR]=@˄PKʇgџ%ڽEܐrrfڗ].,~6IqU_oQ,:/Rkg{ĨPftqC5hhГo2K!+2H~ee`9/e'Yh-~"GBv'NK̉/eC.f1|Ti *E,n!/4ôw#GH|sao1k S@w+V!޹j} \7i>ķP7RU$sĒG]5=z>헗,85=o]}VF-ͰZiyhj_(R90+eAi&5JF, j;r%K$r#ubz a)klԴZq2{Gz@^^C{ئ AaVf,R}@v] \%dPcY.*V^~>nQv@?,%IzSijdN"7N3b*b8jۓm{ 9>2T/w Tg6Q#9h+xcou#I#x:_ԨR{uxt4=wv)ACʩGi[2nE$D>wpgMezhwLvnV\ocưUg0e!y=OrV xw[/("/ ť~M^PrWn+pNm~ F2NgwɥاG cCx>^hWn NR1*F1el҅Jn@Q dRO;L-z\VQ)y<ns_ xB*wDG\ԜE<%FI N/;KC /@[5< ?U92z$;om(/YЁ5)/KԨǁ8`Bd"K{TZ KM`(j5[K{ޕQ2 nyby'P a׫b&֨p9(O߰iLJŃȍ=X_\M<u YZ