gnome-control-center-3.34.6-lp152.2.6.1<>,Da/=„zUX!*P-{l-jLri'QC|Č'_sF_g[47]tu>,;!V=̂?'͝R5kE"A\(D6\pffuwQ%5Y47-K{)~qunIBАx]ՃY`uZr>?cn`>I; 0m ٜ7qHdI}64U¥ԧa9G>DQ?Qd * C %+4dd d Td d Hd d<d 0d"$"Td#"(K)K1K(2N82X94:BB.F/aG/tdH1dI2dX2"Y3"Z3[3\4d]5d^>&bCcD5dDeDfDlDuDdvFwKdxMdyNzPPPQIQPQdQjQCgnome-control-center3.34.6lp152.2.6.1The GNOME Control CenterThe control center is GNOME's main interface for configuration of various aspects of your desktop.alamb20YopenSUSE Leap 15.2openSUSEGPL-2.0-or-laterhttp://bugs.opensuse.orgSystem/GUI/GNOMEhttps://www.gnome.orglinuxx86_64D0)$835l+(LnaQ^S;/i=P]EV@DNH3L< Gg DC?%3nPn g!N@Eeba~|z >B 70PeKenF \)wJF?4 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-control-center-3.34.6-lp152.2.6.1.src.rpmacmeapplication()application(gnome-applications-panel.desktop)application(gnome-background-panel.desktop)application(gnome-bluetooth-panel.desktop)application(gnome-control-center.desktop)application(gnome-datetime-panel.desktop)application(gnome-default-apps-panel.desktop)application(gnome-display-panel.desktop)application(gnome-info-overview-panel.desktop)application(gnome-keyboard-panel.desktop)application(gnome-mouse-panel.desktop)application(gnome-network-panel.desktop)application(gnome-notifications-panel.desktop)application(gnome-power-panel.desktop)application(gnome-printers-panel.desktop)application(gnome-privacy-panel.desktop)application(gnome-region-panel.desktop)application(gnome-removable-media-panel.desktop)application(gnome-search-panel.desktop)application(gnome-sharing-panel.desktop)application(gnome-sound-panel.desktop)application(gnome-thunderbolt-panel.desktop)application(gnome-universal-access-panel.desktop)application(gnome-user-accounts-panel.desktop)application(gnome-wacom-panel.desktop)application(gnome-wifi-panel.desktop)control-center2fontilusgnome-control-centergnome-control-center(x86-64)metainfo()metainfo(gnome-control-center.appdata.xml)themus@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@`^@^@^E:@^g@^]+]B]@]@]@]Γ@]A]]]v>]o@]D%\\ޢ@\P\@\\@\\@\\@\@\M\~d\w@\v{\n\^\^\]o@[[ 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Bring back gnome-control-center-disable-error-message-for-NM.patch and rebase it against latest code base(bsc#1190875).- Update to version 3.34.6: + Sound: fix translation of "System Sounds".- Update to version 3.34.5: + Remove some dead code. + Display: Fix resolution options getting stuck in a low resolution (bsc#1160173 glgo#GNOME/Settings#903). + Network: - Print warning if failed to save to libsecret. - Handle security combo box being not selected correctly. - Fix small memory leaks. + Sharing: Fix small memory leak. + User Accounts: - Fix uninitialized variable. - Fix small memory leak. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.34.4: + Thunderbolt: Fix memory leak. + Printers: Fix read of freed memory. + User Accounts: - Use absolute path of command usermod. - Fix carousel arrow location when animations are disabled. - Fix memory leak. - Fix uninitialized variable. + Region & Language: Fix LC_* variables not being correctly reset. + Sound: Add missing subwoofer icons. + Updated translations. - Drop gnome-control-center-can-not-find-usermod.patch: Fixed upstream.- No longer recommend gnome-control-center-lang: the lang package has relevant supplements which pulls it in whenever needed. - Move /usr/share/locale/en from the -lang package to the main package: English is installed on all systems. This avoids gnome-control-center-lang being triggered for installation on english-only systems.- Add gnome-control-center-fno-common.patch: fix build with - fno-common (boo#1160393 glgo#GNOME/gnome-control-center!681).- Add gnome-control-center-Initialize-GError-to-NULL-before-use.patch: backport upstream commit 54caab7b, initialize GError* to NULL before use, fix g-c-c crash.- Rebase gnome-control-center-more-power-button-actions.patch for 3.34: Rename 'Shutdown' to 'Force Off' and adjust the order by severity (bsc#1091796, bsc#1158476).- Add gnome-control-center-can-not-find-usermod.patch: g-c-c use command usermod to verify user is valid, usermod is in /usr/sbin, environment PATH doesn't include this path, so g-c-c can't find this command. Upstream commit c6be204 (bsc#1158341 glgo#GNOME/gnome-control-center!653).- Update to version 3.34.2: + Applications: Fix a memory leak. + Background: Fix crash if a BgRecentSource is unreffed during an async operation. + Display: Use correct mode for supported scale checking. + Printer: Provide a scheme to address parser. + User Accounts: Fix password dialog crashes and hangs. + Updated translations.- Drop patches fixed upstream: + control-center-fix-crash-due-to-object-name-clashes.patch + control-center-fix-crash-opening-hidden-network.patch + control-center-sharing-fix-margin-issue.patch + gnome-control-center-fix-users-crash.patch + gnome-control-center-periodic-wifi-scan.patch + gnome-control-center-users-empty-state.patch- Rebase gnome-control-center-bring-back-firewall-zone.patch- BuildRequires /usr/bin/Xvfb instead of the xorg-x11-server-Xvfb package. This is for the compatibility with older X packages where Xvfb is not splitted.- Update to version 3.34.1: + Background: - Allow load background file relative to XML file. - Update clock in both preview modes. + Date & Time: Allow changing the timezone when auto-update is prohibited. + Network: - Disable the "Apply" button until a change has been made. - Fix Add Connection dialog. - Accept empty values for the cloned mac address. + Online Accounts: Fix a crash. + Printers: - Give printer name fewer characters in width. - Check whether URI is valid while searching for printers. + Region & Language: Fix crash in keyboard layout population. + Search: Fix crash on clicking 'Search Locations'. + Sharing: Set new shared folder visible as soon as it gets added. + Sound: Remove leftover canberra-gtk header inclusion. + Updated translations. - Drop patches fixed upstream: + gnome-control-center-Remove-leftover-canberra-gtk.patch. + control-center-network-fix-ce-apply-button.patch.- Add gnome-control-center-Remove-leftover-canberra-gtk.patch: sound: Remove leftover canberra-gtk header inclusion. Following this, drop pkgconfig(libcanberra-gtk3) BuildRequires: No longer needed, nor used. - Add explicit xorg-x11-server-Xvfb BuildRequires: Previously pulled in by libcanberra-gtk3. Needed for tests to succeed.- Update to version + Sound: fix sliders not behaving properly. + Changes in version 3.34.0: + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.33.90: + Background: Clarify remove background button. + Display: Various bugfixes. + Search: - Introduce Drag n' Drop - Visual polishment. + Updated translations. - Changes from version 3.33.3: + Various minor improvements from the Every Detail Matters session. + Add shadows to application icons + Documented Communication Guidelines + Development builds with Flatpak working again + Background: Redesigned panel. + Display: Move Night Light to a tab, instead of a dialog. + Keyboard Shortcuts: - Panel renamed from "Keyboard". - Minor UI adjustments. + Mouse & Touchpad: Reinstate keyboard navitation. + Power: Don't treat all batteries as laptop batteries. + Sharing: Use a HdyLeaflet. + User Accounts: Present the default avatar in the avatar popover. + Wacom: Ensure calibrator UI CSS only applies to its UI. + Updated translations. - Remove control-center-fix-mtu-label.patch - Remove control-center-network-add-domain-suffix-match.patch - Remove gnome-control-center-disable-error-message-for-NM.patch- Update to version 3.32.2+9: + display: - Add guards for NULL display configuration. - Add failure returns into CcDisplayConfig. + universal-access: - Don't use widget names for GSettings keys. - Fix leaks checking settings. - Fix duplicate settings call. + Updated translations. - Switch to git checkout via source service, upstream is lacking in stable releases. In the future we will use a stable tag when possible, but when upstream slacks off, we will use a checkout of the stable branch.- Update to version 3.32.2: + Applications: Use larger icons. + Display: - Set Night Light screen temperature strings as translatable. - Fix crash if a monitor has no preferred mode. + Mouse & Touchpad: Reinstate keyboard navigation in the panel. + Power: Correct the value of 90 minutes to 5400. + Region & Language: Fix input source options not being applied. + Sound: Clean up labels of devices without origin. + Updated translations.- Update gnome-control-center-more-power-button-actions.patch: Rename 'Shutdown' to 'Force Off' and adjust the order by severity (bsc#1091796).- Add control-center-fix-mtu-label.patch: network: Fix mtu label not requesting enough space (glgo#GNOME/gnome-control-center!475, bsc#1040055). - Modify gnome-control-center-bring-back-firewall-zone.patch: rebase patch with control-center-fix-mtu-label.patch applied.- Modified gnome-control-center-disable-error-message-for-NM.patch: Only prompt users to use Yast to configure network when NetworkManager is not running (boo#1134381).- Since libgomekbd has followed SLPP standard, replaced requires libgnomekbd to gnomekbd-tools.- Modified gnome-control-center-disable-error-message-for-NM.patch: Disable tests for network panel.- Update to version 3.32.1: + Add shadows to application icons. + Applications: Fix wrong IDs being passed to portal permission store. + Display: Various bugfixes to multimonitor setups. + Mouse & Touchpad: Sync touchpad scrolling switch states correctly. + Network: Only show Bluetooth devices in Bluetooth section. + Online Accounts: Fix invisible widgets. + Wi-Fi: Fix connection names with markup not showing up. + Updated translations.- Refresh patches with refresh_service osc service. - Disable meson_test as gnome-control-center-disable-error-message-for-NM.patch breaks the tests.- Rebase gnome-control-center-disable-error-message-for-NM.patch (bsc#1128195).- Update to version + Emergency release with a fix for broken translations and the Display panel. - Drop gnome-control-center-fix-crash-retrive-disksize.patch: Fixed upstream.- Add gnome-control-center-fix-crash-retrive-disksize.patch: info: Fix crashes when retrieving disk size. Patch from upstream stable branch, to be dropped when switching to 3.32 branch as the issue is fixed in a different way there.- Update to version 3.32.0: + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.31.92: + Revert making Settings responsive; it needs more polish to reach the quality we want. + User Accounts: - Improve behavior when dealing with very long names. - Fix crashes. - Remove custom file size limit for avatars. - Allow bigger custom avatars. + Updated translations. - Add pkgconfig(udisks2) BuildRequires: New dependency.- Modify gnome-control-center-bring-back-firewall-zone.patch, Add control-center-network-fix-ce-apply-button.patch: network: disable the "Apply" button until a change has been made (glgo#GNOME/gnome-control-center!402 bsc#1040054).- Add control-center-network-fix-ce-apply-button.patch: network: disable the "Apply" button until a change has been made (glgo#GNOME/gnome-control-center!402 bsc#1040054).- Update to version 3.31.90: + Make Settings and various panels responsive. + Various accessibility fixes. + Printers: Various cleanups. + Region and Language: Make rows reordetable with drag and drop. + Sound: Redesign the Sound panel. + User Accounts: - Allow ‘Remove User’ button to be focused. - Round user images. + Updated translations. - Add pkgconfig(gsound) BuildRequires: New dependency.- Update to version 3.31.4: + Introduce the new Applications panel. + Panels can now expose a custom sidebar widget. + Improve CI image building scripts. + Applications: Introduce the new Applications panel. + Bluetooth: Cleanup and reorganize code. + Display: Add Night Light slider to set temperature. + Network: - Allow Wi-Fi panel to reach narrower sizes. - Cleanups and smaller performance improvement preparations. + Notifications: Use libhandy's HdyColumn. + Online Accounts: Use libhandy's HdyColumn. + Power: Label PENDING_CHARGE state as "Not Charging". + Printers: Cleanups and memory leaks plugs. + Privacy: Use libhandy's HdyColumn. + Thunderbolt: Fix double-free. + User Accounts: Rename classes. + Wacom: Map Wacom-driver-specific generic IDs to 0. + Updated translations. - Add pkgconfig(libhandy-0.0) BuildRequires: New optional dependency. This is needed to access widgets to make the shell adaptive. - Add bolt Recommends: Needed for the thunderbolt panel.- Update to version 3.31.2: + Use X-GNOME-UsesNotifications on various desktop files. + Introduce new icon. + Add interative test panels. + Date & Time: Grey out automatic timezone. + Display: - Correctly add minor axis to snapping. - Correctly snap on various situations. + Network: Cleanup many classes. + Online Accounts: Track lifecycle of CcGoaPanel across async calls. + Privacy: Use templates. + Region and Language: - Use a popover instead of a dialog for input options. - Redesign language chooser widget. - Plug various leaks. - Major cleanups. + Sharing: Bind hostname entry. + User Accounts: - Use templates. - Do not crash when libpwquality fails. + Wacom: - Port calibrator UI to GTK. - Remove clutter-gtk dependency. + Updated translations. - Add python3-dbusmock and python3-pytest-xvfb BuildRequires: Needed to run tests during build. - Drop explicit pkgconfig(clutter-gtk-1.0) BuildRequires: Only needed for cheese, and that should pull it in on it's own.- Update to version 3.30.3: + Display: Various bugfixes. + Network: Move AP list population into an idle handler. + Power: Fix device label alignment. + Thunderbolt: Fix double free in bolt client. + Universal Access: Reverse Repeat Keys Speed direction. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.30.2: + Display: - Hide unsupported resolutions again. - Improve snapping. - Stop night light dialog being destroyed twice. + Online Accounts: Track the lifecycle of CcGoaPanel across async calls. + Region: Fix double-free when closing the input chooser dialog. + Wi-Fi: Disable periodic scan only when Wi-Fi is disabled. + Updated translations.- Add gnome-control-center-periodic-wifi-scan.patch: Request periodic Wi-Fi scans (bsc#1097347, bgo#793647).- Update to version 3.30.1: + Fix crash in the object cache system. + Color: Fix fallout from GtkTemplate port. + Power: Do not crash when canceling KDB brightness proxy creation. + Region: - Do not release locale keys in IM hash table. - Plug leaking GFile objects. - Replace tab characters by whitespaces. - Fix language section not marked as insensitive. - Cancel async permission when panel is closed. + Sharing: Bind hostname entry from UI. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.30.0: + Updated translations. - Enable tests run to increase QA of package.- Update to version 3.29.92: + Fix a couple of memory leaks in the tests. + Don't hardcode Python path in tests. + Stop aggressively caching D-Bus objects not related to hardware. + CI: Improve Flatpak job. + User Accounts: - Silence some compiler warnings. - Remove stub string from translation. + Wacom: Remove unused widgets from the .ui file. + Wi-Fi: Fix a potential crash. + Updated translations. - Drop gnome-control-center-remove-implicit-language-setting.patch: Fixed upstream.- Add gnome-control-center-remove-implicit-language-setting.patch: user-accounts: remove implicit language setting when a new user navigating the user panel at the first time (bsc#1078968, commit a1066a2).- Update to version 3.29.90: + Use symbolic icons in Shell search. + Network: Better device names. + Power: Improve wording of some strings. + Region & Language: Make Language Chooser dialog implement mockups. + Wi-Fi: Improve Airplane Mode. - No longer export ACLOCAL_FLAGS="-I libgd" to buildroot, no longer needed. - Drop removal of .la files, we are using meson buildsystem now, so no longer needed. - Disable gnome-control-center-disable-error-message-for-NM.patch: This downstream patch needs rebase.- Update to version 3.29.4: + Introduce Dynamic Panel. + Many code cleanups and modernizations. + CI: - Support for multiarch builds (ARMv8 and PPC64). - Support generating Flatpaks on demand. + Display: Improve display arrangement widget. + Network: Add a testsuite. + Sharing: Expose Remote Desktop work on Wayland. + User Accounts: - Use term "Confirm" instead of "Verify". - Use the same phrase when passwords do not match. + Wacom: - Hide when no Wacom devices are connected. - Remove deprecated APIs. + Wi-Fi: Hide when no Wi-Fi adapters are available. - Add pkgconfig(libsecret-1) BuildRequires: New dependency. - Drop control-center-ignore-unmanaged-wifi-devices.patch and gcc-user-accounts-Force-symlink-creation.patch: Fixed upstream.- Help translation-update-upstream finding the right gettext domain name: pass "po gnome-control-center-2.0" to the call.- Add gcc-user-accounts-Force-symlink-creation.patch: user-accounts: Force symlink creation. So that we can run Settings more than once in GNOME Builder. Without the -f flag, ln errs out after these symlinks are created, and Builder refuses to run after that (glgo#GNOME/gnome-control-center#107).- Update to version 3.29.2: + Improve logging engine. + Add an object caching mechanism. + Display: Fix a few crashers. + Power: Fix showing approximate percentages. + Thunderbolt: Introduce new Thunderbolt panel. + User Accounts: Fix hint for wrong enterprise user/password.- Drop pkgconfig(gconf-2.0) BuildRequires: No longer needed, nor used.- Update to version 3.28.2: + Don't pass --overview on desktop file. + Display: Fix crashes on Night Light dialog. + Network: Fix various Bluetooth and VPN issues. + User Accounts: - Fix building without Cheese. - Fix wrong enterprise user/password hint. + Updated translations.- Add control-center-ignore-unmanaged-wifi-devices.patch: wifi: only manage Wi-Fi devices managed by NM (bsc#1079320).- BuildRequire translation-update-upstream also for Leap- Drop gnome-control-center-890979-change-remote-passwd.patch: Remote password could be changed without this patch. - Enable gnome-control-center-info-never-use-gnome-software.patch, gnome-control-center-more-power-button-actions.patch and gnome-control-center-bring-back-firewall-zone.patch in Leap15 (bsc#1091305).- Add control-center-fix-crash-due-to-object-name-clashes.patch and control-center-fix-crash-opening-hidden-network.patch: fix crash due to object name clashes in NM and g-c-c (bsc#1083668, bgo#785099). - Add control-center-sharing-fix-margin-issue.patch: set end margin for labels in Networks list box (bsc#1087134).- Add gnome-control-center-users-empty-state.patch and gnome-control-center-fix-users-crash.patch: fix crash opening users as root (bsc#1087583 bgo#773673).- Drop pkgconfig(libnm-glib-vpn) and pkgconfig(libnm-gtk) BuildRequires: No longer needed, nor checked for by meson.- Update to version 3.28.1: + Keyboard: Make "Set Shortcut" button accessible. + Online Accounts: Remove pending account when closing the panel. + Printers: Fix crash when panel is closed quickly. + User Accounts: Prevent freezes caused by external cameras. + Updated translations. - Drop update-desktop-files BuildRequires: it is no longer required anymore.- Unconditionally enable translation-update-upstream: on Tumbleweed, this results in a NOP and for Leap in SLE paid translations being used (boo#1086036).- Update to version 3.28.0: + Network: Don't crash when connecting to hidden networks. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.27.92: + Network: - Use monospace font for Wi-Fi hotspot password. - Add a new empty page for Wi-Fi when no adapter is found. - Don't show "Auto-connect" option for VPNs. + Power: Don't treat device batteries as power supplies. + Printers: - Add new command line actions: "authenticate-jobs" and "show-jobs". - Add authentication dialog for print jobs. - Improve code robustness. + User Accounts: Don't show legacy faces. + Updated translations. - Rebase gnome-control-center-disable-error-message-for-NM.patch. - Drop gnome-control-center-icon-name.patch: fixed upstream.- Modernize spec-file by calling spec-cleaner- Add gnome-control-center-icon-name.patch: Fix the icon names as installed to the system (glgo#GNOME/gnome-control-center#3).- Update to version 3.27.90: + Split the window decorations between the header bars. + Disable the menubar. And drop the old shell. + Allow search to be filtered by panel "keywords". + Port to meson build system and drop autotools. + Make Bluetooth, Network, and Wacom panels mandatory on Linux. + Remember the last used panel. + Info: Ignore more virtual filesystems. + Network: - Make asynchronous calls cancellable; - Allow empty 802.1x certificate passwords; - Avoid crashing if NM reports no devices or no connections; - Consider empty IPv6 gateway to be valid; + Notifications: Add link to help/documentation. + Power: - Add gaming input devices label; - Add 20 and 25 minutes suspend timeouts (complying with EU energy regulations). + Printers: - Stay backwards compatible with old cups; - Don't show the supply level bar if there's no ink info. + Privacy: Add link to Location Services privacy policy. + Sound: - Update art work (new icons); - Respect setting (gsetting) for allowing output volume over 100%; - Update gvc to not require ALSA support. + User Accounts: - Fix password strength check; - Update user face pictures (new pictures); - Introduce a new avatar chooser popover. + Wacom: Add support for three-button styli. + Updated translation. - Add meson BuildRequires, replace configure/make/make_install macros with meson/meson_build/meson_install and remove call for All of these changes reflect the upstream port to Meson build system. - Add gobject-2.0, gthread-2.0 and gdk-wayland-3.0 pkgconfig modules and xsltproc BuildRequires avoiding implicit dependencies. - Drop gnome-common BuildRequires: it's no longer required anymore. - Port gnome-control-center-bring-back-firewall-zone.patch's autotools-based chunk to Meson build system. - Drop gnome-control-center-follow-polkit-permissions-for-tz.patch: merged upstream. - Remove control-center-network-add-domain-suffix-match.patch's first part: merged upstream.- Drop gnome-control-center-allow-extra-tools-in-shell.patch and gnome-control-center-add-alacarte-for-sle.patch: The new UI doesn't have a main window with all icons any more (bsc#1071214).- Drop %glib2_gsettings_schema_requires macro: the functionality now is covered by file triggers.- Update to version 3.26.2: + Background: Fix background preview with newer gtk+ versions. + Info: Fix opening the panel from the .desktop file. + Network: - Don't require a private key password for TLS connections. - Avoid a crash with the proxy dialog. - Avoid crashing if NM doesn't report any devices or connections. + Notifications: Add help link. + Printers: Fix compilation with cups versions < 1.7. + Privacy: Fix the Empty Trash button. + Sound: Fix random selection of input/output device when the selected one is removed. + Wifi: Fix help link. + Updated translations.- Add gnome-control-center-bring-back-firewall-zone.patch: network: Bring back the firewall zone combo box to select proper firewall zone for each connection (fate#316719).- Add control-center-network-add-domain-suffix-match.patch: wifi: Add domain-suffix-match entry (bgo#787882, bsc#1047509).- Rebase gnome-control-center-disable-error-message-for-NM.patch on 3.26.1.- Update to version 3.26.1: + Honor OnlyShowIn/NotShowIn in panel desktop files. + Make alternative window decoration layouts work with the new split header bar. + Background: Improve panel responsiveness. + Color: Ensure a reasonable minimum height. + User Accounts: Fix password strength check. + Wifi: Prevent some potential crashes. + Updated translations.- Drop conditional and currently not applied gnome-control-center-probe-radius-server-cert.patch: All upstream bugs closed as fixed, so we do not need this anymore. Following this drop conditional NetworkManager(cacert-patch) Requires. - Drop all suse_update_desktop_file macros, no longer needed.- Update to version 3.26.0: + Updated translations.- Remove --with-pic which is a no-op due to --disable-static. - Avoid running fdupes across hardlink boundaries. One summary grammar fix.- Update to version + Fix inability to run Settings shell caused by a broken translation. + Updated translations. - Drop gnome-control-center-fix-finish-translation.patch: Fixed upstream.- Clean up the SLE patches structure, only keep what makes sense for openSUSE, move the rest to patch tag PATCH-FEATURE-SLE.- Update to version 3.25.92: + A few more layout adjustments for the new shell. + Make Devices and Details rows selectable. + Crash and memory leak fixes. + Display: - Fix the two output UI to start with the current configuration. - Ensure we generate the UI initially on two output mode. - Don't show inactive monitors in the arrangement widget. - Show refresh rates with two digits after the radix. - Round the displayed scale values logically. - Fix some valid scaled multi monitor layouts being rejected by mutter. + Sharing: Add Wayland screen sharing support - only shown if mutter advertises the capability. + Updated translations. - Add gnome-control-center-fix-finish-translation.patch: Fix the finish translation, it broke the build.- Drop since a long time obsolete gnome-menus Requires.- Update to version 3.25.91: + Several small UI improvements and layout adjustments. + Various crash fixes. + Updated translations. - Disable gnome-control-center-disable-error-message-for-NM.patch again, needs rebase.- Rebase gnome-control-center-disable-error-message-for-NM.patch on 3.25.90.- Rebase SLE / Leap patches and set applied suse_version to 1500: + gnome-control-center-allow-extra-tools-in-shell.patch. + gnome-control-center-info-never-use-gnome-software.patch. + gnome-control-center-more-power-button-actions.patch.- Update to version 3.25.90: + Changed to a new shell design with a side bar to switch panels. + The info panel was split into default apps, overview and removable media. + Fixed Toronto being translated as Tortola in some locales. + Display: Redesigned. + Network: Redesigned. + Power: Restore Power Off option for Power Button. + Updated translations. - Disable gnome-control-center-allow-extra-tools-in-shell.patch and gnome-control-center-disable-error-message-for-NM.patch: Needs rebase.- Update to version 3.25.4: + A new Wi-Fi panel is introduced replacing the corresponding functionality in the Network panel. + Bluetooth: Center empty states in the panel. + Display: Adapt to new Mutter interface with scaling per mode. + Keyboard: - Fix several memory leaks. - Follow the usual search pattern for filtering. - Consider additional bindings in uniqueness checks. - Consider multiple bindings when resetting. + Network: - Replace the notebook with a stack. - Stop managing wi-fi devices. + Printers: Fix a crash when the user cancels the add new printer dialog. + Region & Language: - Embed "Restart session" button below the Language entry. - Make the "Restart" notification persist until the session restarts. + Wacom: - Make the calibrator only reactive to the tablet being calibrated. - Fix undesired cursor offsets after the calibration is applied. - Recognize and pair pad devices with others on the same tablet. - Stop handling glib2_gsettings_schema_post(un), desktop_database_post(un) and icon_theme_cache_post(un) in post(un), we have file-triggers taking care of this for us now. - Drop obsolete clean section.- Update to version 3.25.3: + Fix memory leaks + Background: handle EXIF orientation in chooser + Network: - Reduce connection editor dialog width. - Rely on notebook tabs to switch connection editor pages. - Align details page labels at start. - Move checkboxes to Details page. - Drop Reset page. - Adapt forget button label according to connection type. - Move Security page to the end. - Use radio buttons instead of a combobox in IP pages. - Avoid crashing if the NMDevice doesn't have a hw-address. - Simplify the ignored Network interface types. + Online Accounts: - Move the margins and spacing lower down the hierarchy. - Increase the spacing above the "Remove Account" button. + Printers: - Don't block when removing printers. - Allow undoing deletion of a printer. - Add 10s timeout for printer removal. - Scroll view to show newly added Printer. - Move options dialog spinner out of the action area. - Add print "Test Page" button to Options Dialog. - Hide supply level bar when there is no inklevel data. + Region & Language: - Make the input source chooser back button activate on click. - Don't return the input chooser dialog if nothing is selected. - Avoid starting with a gap at the bottom of the input chooser. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.25.2: + Memory leak and correctness fixes. + Add keywords to several panels to ease search. + Make more dialogs use headerbars. + Display: - Fix blurry icons in night light dialogue. - Add support for mutter's new display config API. + Info: - Fix total disc size for btrfs subvolumes. - Split up "Base system" and "OS type" to separate lines. + Keyboard: - Discard the added shortcut on Escape. - Allow searching for shortcut accelerators. + Network: - Fix SSID not changing when enabling hotspot. - Fix initial state of Wi-Fi device when using Hotpost. - Update wireless-security from network-manager-applet. - Fix mobile broadband switch state. - Remove support for firewalld zones. - Update connection titles when they change. - Sort connections by title. + Notifications: Forward notification settings to portal. + Printers: - Add search capabilities to the panel. - Improve panel layout. - Allow printer model label to ellipsize. - Don't block on the network in the jobs dialogue. - Add an extra button "Clean Print Heads" when available. - Fix possible crash when exiting Printers panel. + Region: Use locale aware date time formats for previewing. + Search: UI improvements. + Universal Access: Add Cursor Size selection dialogue. + User Accounts: - Fix layout in add user dialog. - Add strength indicator level for weak passwords. - Improve password hints. - Fix photo popup position on wayland. - Handle EXIF orientation. + Updated translations. - Drop gnome-control-center-info-disc-size-for-btrfs.patch: Fixed upstream.- Update to version 3.24.3: + Memory leak and correctness fixes. + Network: - Update connection titles when they change. - Sort connections by title. + Wacom: - Make the calibrator only reactive to the tablet being calibrated. - Fix undesired cursor offsets after the calibration is applied. - Recognize and pair pad devices with others on the same tablet. + Updated translations.- Apply gnome-control-center-more-power-button-actions.patch for SLE and Leap 42.x only (boo#1040245).- Update to version 3.24.2: + Memory leak and correctness fixes. + Keyboard: Discard the added shortcut on Escape. + Network: Fix mobile broadband switch state. + Updated translations.- Add gnome-control-center-info-disc-size-for-btrfs.patch: Fix total disc size for btrfs subvolumes displayed in info panel, backported upstream commit b619f7c (bsc#890385, bsc#1037234, bgo#708786).- Update to version 3.24.1: + Fix check for existing shortcut settings. + Fix possible crash when exiting Printers panel. + Fix blurry icons in night light dialogue.- Add gnome-control-center-more-power-button-actions.patch: Bring back the "shutdown" and "interactive" power key actions in "Power" panel (bsc#993381).- Update to version 3.24.0: + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.23.92: + Universal Access: Add cursor size configuration. + Network: - Fix SSID not changing when enabling hotspot. - Fix initial state of Wi-Fi device when using hotspot. + Notifications: Forward notification settings to portal. + Printers: - Improve panel layout. - Allow printer model label to ellipsize. - Don't block on the network in the jobs dialogue. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.23.91: + Display: - Bump dependencies for Night Light schemas. - Really fix typo in "Tomorrow". - Tweak night light dialog UI to match latest mockups. + Online Accounts: New panel design. + Printers: - Make the printer address always sensitive. - Do not apply rename/location changes in focus-out-event. - Don't block when renaming printers. - Ellipsize the "Details Dialog" title and the "location" in the printer entry. - Tweak the printer supply level bar. - Subscribe to jobs notifications. - Count only current user's jobs. + Privacy: Set destructive-action for confirmation buttons only. + User Accounts: Fix crash when name is changed and dialogue closed. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.23.90: + New Printers, User Accounts and Online Accounts designs. + Keyboard shortcuts bug fixes. + Add "Night Light" functionality to Display settings. + Add Wayland support to Wacom settings, and update design. - Drop gnome-control-center-display-fix-possible-crash-on-startup.patch: fixed upstream.- Update to version 3.22.1: + Display: Ensure the preselected resolution matches the current mode. + Keyboard: Fix capture of Alt+PrintScreen shortcuts. + Updated translations. - Drop gnome-control-center-printers-fix-compilation-warning.patch: Fixed upstream.- Add gnome-control-center-printers-fix-compilation-warning.patch: Adapt to changes in cups. - Add gnome-control-center-display-fix-possible-crash-on-startup.patch: Display: Fix possible crash on startup (bgo#771875). - Stop passing V=1 to make, we do debugging locally.- Update to version 3.22.0: + Network: - Only show a gateway entry for the first IPv4 address, NetworkManager ignored every subsequent ones, but we still had a UI for those. - Fix application of the default gateway. - Fix possible crashes when editing IPv4 gateways or routes. + Power: - Fix "automatic suspend" label not taking batteries into account. - Fix initial state of the Wi-Fi switch. + Updated translations.- Rebase gnome-control-center-890979-change-remote-passwd.patch on 3.21.92.- Add gnome-control-center-info-never-use-gnome-software.patch: On SLE12-SP2 and Leap42.2, never search for gnome-software as an option when checking for updates in info panel, because we use gpk-update-viewer (bsc#999336).- Update to version 3.21.92: + Privacy: Fix quoting of distro name and privacy URL. + Network: - Fix warning when enabling hotspot. - Fix saving of IPv6 gateway. - Fix warning if IPv6 gateway is empty. - Fix IPv6 settings not being applicable when method changes. - Return better error when 8021x security is invalid. - Avoid warning when ad-hoc mode is invalid. - Re-set the SSID when enabling the Hotspot. - Fix crash when changing IPv4 DNS. + Keyboard: - Many UI changes following up from the panel redesign. - Don't grab the mouse pointer when capturing shortcuts. - Don't regrab the keyboard after an event if already grabbed. - Fix grabs not working when initially showing the dialog. - Don't apply "Backspace" straight away. - Allow Tab and Super in accels. - Normalise Shift and Tab in shortcuts. - Fix shortcut label in RTL languages. + Region: Avoid a crash on panel destruction.- Rebase and re-enable gnome-control-center-allow-extra-tools-in-shell.patch.- Disable gnome-control-center-allow-extra-tools-in-shell.patch: Needs rebase. - Conditionally apply translations-update-upstream BuildRequires and macro for non-openSUSE only.- Drop gnome-control-center-hide-firewall-zone-entry.patch: no longer needed, since upstream code now checks if firewalld is running and hides the widgets dynamically.- Update gnome-control-center-add-alacarte-for-sle.patch: Rebase on top of rebased gnome-control-center-allow-extra-tools-in-shell.patch.- Update gnome-control-center-allow-extra-tools-in-shell.patch: + Fix leak of strings. + Add tools with category X-GNOME-DesktopSettings into the personal g-c-c category to enable itweb-settings. + Disable logspam in absence of optional components (bnc#866235 bsc#952008).- Drop Mesa-demo-x Requires: No longer needed. Fixes boo#996633.- Drop long disabled and no longer needed patches: + gnome-control-center-system-proxy-configuration.patch. + gcc-private-connection.patch.- Update to version 3.21.90: + Fix truncated panel names for larger fonts. + Port to libnm 1.2. + Display: - Add option to enable and disable overscan compensation when supported by the driver. - Ensure only one output is set as primary. - Separate interlaced from normal modes. + Info: - Fetch renderer information from gnome-session. - Show OS build-id. + Keyboard: Update to a new design. + Mouse: - Show only relevant widgets for the hardware we're able to detect. - Detect and warn if we're running on the synaptics driver. - Make all listbox rows unactivatable. - Remove superfluous GtkListBoxRow. - Allow keyboard navigation/focus to the Touchpad section switches. - Offer a separate option for edge scrolling. - Don't allow two-finger and edge scrolling at the same time. + Network: - Use VPN plugin paths as specified in the .name files. - Ensure the Wifi list is updated as networks appear/disapper. - Hide firewall zone combo when firewalld is not running. - Remove bridge, bond, team, VLAN and virtual devices support these are most useful on non-desktop systems for which a UI like Cockpit is better suited. - Remove the first page of the "Add Connection" wizard. - Update wireless-security UI from network-manager-applet. - Remember "Ignore CA certificate". - Fix removed connections not disappearing. - Fix hotspot silently failing with long hostname. - Fix several crashes. + Online Accounts: - Don't use deprecated GoaProviderGroup API. - Add a Calendar group. - Let goa_provider_show_account create the full UI. + Power: - Translate the "When the Power Button is pressed" drop-down. - Show "Suspend & Power Off" section only when relevant. + Printers: - Add compatibility code for older cups. - Use a panel wide page for empty state. - Present spinner while populating the panel. - Rename printers asynchronously. - Added new async API to check availability of maintenance commands. - Check all supported CUPS commands, not just the first one. + Privacy: - React to changes in permissions store. - Various layout and cosmetic cleanups. + Region: - Reset the input chooser on escape. - Improve widget spacing. + Search: - Work around applications not shipping icons at all sizes. - Introduce the new Search Locations dialog. + Sharing: Update to a new design. + Universal Access: - Specify a window when testing visual bell. - Correct label for "Sound Keys". - Allow keyboard navigation/focus to the settings switches. + User Accounts: - Update to a new design. - Fix missing records in the history dialog. + Updated translations. - Drop gnome-control-center-touchpad-wayland-cap.patch; incorporated upstream. - Set define with_cacert_patch to 0, gnome-control-center-probe-radius-server-cert.patch needs rebase.- Add gnome-control-center-disable-error-message-for-NM.patch: Improve the check whether NM or wicked is running, so it won't show an error about NM on systems where wicked instead of NM is being used (bsc#989801).- Drop pkgconfig(libsystemd-login) BuildRequires: this dependency has ot been in use since version 3.7.4.- Move online accounts panel to a separate subpackage and ensure gnome-online-accounts is required by this subpackage (icons are provided by it). Add Supplements to ensure it will be pulled when gnome-online-accounts is installed. (FATE#318572)- Add gnome-control-center-touchpad-wayland-cap.patch: mouse: Make touchpad capability checking on wayland work as intended (bgo#765879).- Don't require NetworkManager for SLE. It isn't used on SLES.- Adjust BuildRequired versions according to configure: + gsettings-desktop-schemas >= 3.19.3. + gnome-settings-daemon >= 3.19.1.- Update to version 3.20.1: + Translate the "When the Power Button is pressed" drop-down. + Fix a number of build warnings. + Fix crash opening Wacom panel under Wayland. + Fix Wi-Fi list being empty when enabled within the Network panel. + Throw an error when using the Synaptics touchpad driver. + Add support for older versions of CUPS. + Hide firewall zone combo when firewalld isn't running. + Fix the visual bell test not working in some cases. + Updated translations. - Drop 0001-network-Fix-empty-Wifi-list.patch: Fixed upstream.- Update to GNOME 3.20 Fate#318572 - Drop commit-0f5e433: fixed upstream - Drop commit-23c4ea2: fixed upstream - Drop commit-a53065d: fixed upstream - Drop commit-b242a00: fixed upstream - Drop commit-ccebd62: fixed upstream - Drop commit-d2074fa: fixed upstream - Drop commit-eed8f71: fixed upstream - Drop gnome-control-center-bnc862415-timezone.patch: Fixed upstream (bnc#862415). - Drop gnome-control-center-bnc865632-disable-popup-for-NM.patch: Fixed upstream (bnc#865632). - Drop gnome-control-center-bnc894394-hide-firewall-zone-entry.patch: Fixed upstream (bnc#894394). - Drop gnome-control-center-bnc947761-fix-color-dialog-translations.patch: Fixed upstream (bnc#947761). - Drop gnome-control-center-change-password-i18n.patch: Fixed upstream (bnc#880303). - Drop gnome-control-center-datetime-i18n.patch: Fixed upstream (bnc#884425 bgo#732585). - Drop gnome-control-center-display-login-region.patch: Fixed upstream (bsc#955322). - Drop gnome-control-center-fix-wifi-list.patch: Replaced by 0001-network-Fix-empty-Wifi-list.patch (bsc#870322). - Rebase gcc-private-connection.patch (bnc#751211). - Rebase gnome-control-center-allow-extra-tools-in-shell.patch (bnc#866235). - Rebase gnome-control-center-probe-radius-server-cert.patch: Toggle with_cacert_patch to 1 to enable it (bnc#574266).- Set define with_cacert_patch to 0, needed now since we have non-rebased patches in NetworkManager.- Add 0001-network-Fix-empty-Wifi-list.patch: Fix Wifi list not showing APs correctly (bsc#870322, bgo#709641).- Add gnome-control-center-fix-wifi-list.patch: Fix Wifi list not showing APs correctly (bsc#870322).- Update to version 3.20.0: + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.19.92: + All: Dialogues sizing fixes. + Color: Fix dialogue title not being translated. + Display: Add a frequency/refresh rate drop-down. + Privacy: - Fix margins around location dialogue widgets. - Better description for 'Location Services'. - Vertically center "Location Services" label. - Only disable apps switches, not the whole row. + Printers: - Drop border of the "Add" new printer button. - Fix manual PPD selection dialogue not having a parent.- Update to version 3.19.91: + Privacy: Add Location Services permissions for sandboxed applications. + Printers: Fix a lot (but not all) of possible hangs. + Universal Access: Fix empty panel when using newer GTK+. + User accounts: Don't link directly to GStreamer. - Drop pkgconfig(gstreamer-1.0) BuildRequires: no longer needed.- Drop nautilus requires: nothing in g-c-c depends on nautilus' presence.- Update to version 3.19.90: + Network: - Prevent secrets from getting lost on each connection edit. - Fix a crash when clicking to forget a VPN on the editor. + Printers: Redesign the Printer Jobs Dialog. + Region & Language: Prevent a potential crash when exiting the panel. + Wacom: Workaround deadlocks in Clutter event handlers. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.19.5: + Added plenty of missing widget mnemonics for better UI keyboard navigation. + Bluetooth: - Avoid broken state when enabling Bluetooth. - Don't change the switch status when transitioning. - Bump required gnome-bluetooth version to 3.18.2. + Network: Elipsize device metadata fields. + Region & Language: Ensure that system and user formats are consistent. + Sharing: Ensure Tracker rygel plugin is disabled. + Wacom: Avoid crashing when opening the panel on wayland sessions. + Updated translations.- Add gnome-control-center-display-login-region.patch: Fix bug login language button in region list disappear (bsc#955322).- Update to version 3.19.4: + Port to newer Grilo 0.3.0 API. + Build fix: Update grl_registry_load_plugin_by_id API change. - Replace pkgconfig(grilo-0.2) BuildRequires with pkgconfig(grilo-0.3), following upstream port to Grilo 0.3 API.- Rebase gnome-control-center-follow-polkit-permissions-for-tz.patch to apply cleanly against g-c-c 3.18.2; re-enable patch in specfile (boo#956879).- Modify gnome-control-center-allow-extra-tools-in-shell.patch to not include alacarte in the control center any longer, this stopped working on gnome-shell a long time ago (boo#901843, bgo#734237). - SLE still requires alacarte in their g-c-c, so add separate patch gnome-control-center-add-alacarte-for-sle.patch and apply it only for SLE 12 for now.- Add gnome-control-center-bnc947761-fix-color-dialog-translations.patch Fix the unlocalised heading on the Add Profile dialog on Color panel (bnc#947761).- Update to version 3.18.2: + Build fixes. + Fix a number of memory leaks. + Updated translations. - Drop gnome-control-center-fix-desktop-file-trans.patch and gnome-control-center-fix-nb-tans.patch: Fixed upstream.- Fix bug The keyboard display window missed (bnc#951122) Add require libgnomekbd in spec file.- Update to version 3.18.1: + Fix a crash when disabling Sharing. + Make section headings accessible in Universal Access, and Region & Language. + Fix a warning about an unparented dialogue in the Printers panel. + Updated translations. - Add gnome-control-center-fix-desktop-file-trans.patch: Fix syntax errors in gnome-sharing-panel.desktop translations.- Update to version 3.18.0: + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.17.92: + Build fixes. + Power: Fix "automatically brightness" setting not showing up. + Printers: Fix crash when certain characters were used, adding a printer manually. + Region & Language: - Show the current locale instead of en_US as the language if not already set. This happened for newly created users. - Fix keyboard navigation in the input chooser. + User Accounts: Don't crash if GDM isn't installed. + Updated translations.- Rebase gnome-control-center-allow-extra-tools-in-shell.patch.- Update to version 3.17.90: + Date & Time: Support for new "Pyongyang Time". + Network: - Rename hotspot security key to "Password". - Fix unintentionally centered checkbutton labels. + Notifications: Don't crash because of zero-length string. + Power: - Improve labels for wifi and mobile broadband toggles. - Replace WiMax reference with LTE. + Printers: Fix a problem where the wrong printer driver would get installed. + Region and Language: Don't ever show all input sources in the chooser. + Sharing: - Accessibility improvements. - Remove "Bluetooth" (Obex) sharing, moved into the Bluetooth panel. - Better UI when Bluetooth is disabled. - Rebase gnome-control-center-fix-nb-tans.patch. - Drop gnome-control-center-Pyongyang-Time.patch and corresponding source files, no longer needed.- Update to version 3.17.3: + Shell: Plenty of command-line options handling fixes. + Date & Time: - Show date buttons in the order that the locale uses them. - Further date button ordering fixes for Cechen and HK English. - Fix incorrect sensitivity when permission is missing. - Fix accessibility of the hour and minutes spinbuttons. + Display: - Don't show rotation for builtin display on tablets. - Add support for tiled monitors (usually 4K monitors). + Network: - Fix all Wi-Fi networks having gear buttons. - Only share a new wifi connection if the user is allowed to. - Fix possible crash when changing airplane mode. - Fix possible crash when connections change after Network panel was closed. + Power: - Describe batteries properly when not called BAT0. - Fix possible crash if up_client_get_devices() fails. - Make the automatic suspend row accessible. + Printers: - Fix possible crash after closing the panel. - Set focus of the 'New printer dialog' correctly. - Fix focus chain of the 'New printer dialog'. - Install selected printer when the row is activated. - Fix setting of page size. - Don't expand search entry. - Show border around 'No printers detected' text. - Don't show the same device multiple times. + Region & Language: Fixes to the region and language lists. + Sharing: Make it possible to override SSHD_SERVICE for Debian-based systems. + Sound: Support more channels in speaker test. + User Accounts: Fix enterprise user login never working. + Wacom: Fix window decorations being visible in calibrator window. - Temp disable gnome-control-center-allow-extra-tools-in-shell.patch, gcc-private-connection.patch and gnome-control-center-follow-polkit-permissions-for-tz.patch: Needs rebase.- Update to version 3.17.2: + Keyboard: Honor immutable command/name in custom commands. + Network: - Make the gear buttons round. - Prevent a use after free crash when removing virtual devices. + Power: - Add support for display dimming using an ambient light sensor. - Hide Bluetooth power section when w/o BT. - Remove "When battery power is critical" label which isn't configurable by normal users since UPower 1.0. + Updated translations. - Rebase gnome-control-center-hide-firewall-zone-entry.patch and gcc-private-connection.patch.- Ensure ./panels/common/gsd-common-enums.h is created before starting the full make process. In some rare cases, parallel build triggers this file too late.- Toggle with_cacert_patch to 1: the patch has been rebased.- Add gnome-control-center-fix-nb-tans.patch: Fix translation of Keyboard brightness in Norwegian bokmål (bgo#753005).- Update to version 3.16.3: + Date & Time: Fix accessibility of the hour and minutes spinbuttons. + Network: - Prevent a use after free crash when removing virtual devices. - Fix all Wi-Fi networks having gear buttons. - Only share a new wifi connection if the user is allowed to. - Fix possible crash when changing airplane mode. - Fix possible crash when connections change after Network panel was closed. + Power: - Hide Bluetooth power section when w/o BT. - Fix "When battery power is critical" label with UPower 1.0. - Fix possible crash if up_client_get_devices() fails. - Make the automatic suspend row accessible. + Printers: - Set focus of the 'New printer dialog' correctly. - Fix focus chain of the 'New printer dialog'. - Fix setting of page size. - Don't expand search entry. - Show border around 'No printers detected' text. - Check whether we have a device name. - Don't show the same device multiple times. + Region & Language: Fixes to the region and language lists. - Disable gcc-private-connection.patch for now.- Set define with_cacert_patch to 0, stop applying gnome-control-center-probe-radius-server-cert.patch as it has been disabled in NetworkManager.- Keep translations in the desktop files for GNOME Shell search results (boo#913870): + Add -n (--no-i18n) to %suse_update_desktop_file. + Add some missing desktop files.- Update to version 3.16.2: + Fix a couple of minor memory leaks. + Network: Prevent some dialogs from becoming too wide. + Notifications: - Make section headings accessible. - Do not show nameless apps. - Align icons. + Printers: Update printer options correctly. + Wacom: Stop using removed last-calibration-resolution gsetting. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.16.1: + Add AppData file so it cannot be removed in GNOME Software. + Color: - Set the default profile quality at startup. - Set the users profile title when generating a profile. - Allow to change profile color by activating the list box row. + Display: - Fix some memory leaks. - Close the dialog when the RR configuration changes. + Mouse and Touchpad: - Fix checking touchpad capabilities when multiple devices are present - Fix sensitivity of two-finger scroll toggle with libinput X11 driver. - Fix tap-to-click toggle sensitivity with libinput X11 driver. + Network: Fix a crash on IPv6 settings dialog. + Online accounts: - Disable the remove button for locked accounts - Prevent the attention-needed icon from getting hidden and widen the list. + Power: Make section headings accessible. + Printers: Recognize more supply types. + Sound: Fix duplicated Bluetooth devices. + User Accounts: Show restart notification when account type changed. + Wacom: - Support tablets where the stylus doesn't have an eraser such as the Huion and UC-Logic tablets. - Require udev to be present to build Wayland support. - Fix possible crashes. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.16.0: + Network: Fix many reference leaks and potential crashers. + Online Accounts: Remove scrollbars with single entry lists. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.15.92: + Revert "Disable SSLv3 because of POODLE": gnome-online-accounts now uses WebKit2. + Make HighContrast icons work + Network: - Don't save hidden configuration options. - Make "only for this network" work for IPv6 VPNs. + Power: Fix alignment of "Screen brightness" label. + Region: - Fix leak in input chooser. - Reuse the input chooser instance. + Sharing: Update help URI. + Sound: - Prevent two alerts being played at the same time under certain circumstances. - Fix visibility of bar when orientation is the same as the default. - Fix a crash when switching inputs or outputs. + User Accounts: Fix fingerprint delete dialog formatting. + Wacom: - Allow button mapping if the stylus has one button too. - test: add Huion H610 Pro panel. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.15.91: + Details: Fix a possible crash with Firefox' nightly builds. + Display: Fix clone mode leading to broken setups in some cases. + Region: Add a way to sort input sources, so that the default source can be chosen. + User Accounts: - Don't show fingerprint options if disabled. - Fix possible crash handling Enterprise logins. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.15.90: + Common: - Fix build on non-Linux systems. - Remove list box header when remove first item. + Details: Fix spelling of VMware. + Display: Replace display labeler with gnome-shell's one. + Keyboard: Custom shortcut should require name and command. + Network: Fix possible crash when handling zone names. + Power: - Fix initial state of Bluetooth switch. - Fix iDevice batteries appearing before they're ready. - Fix ambiguous wifi and mobile broadband labels. + Privacy: Add automatic problem reporting setting. + Sharing: Don't add the folder if the dialog isn't explicity accepted. + User Accounts: Update padding on style-updated. + Wacom: Fix final use-stock deprecated property.- Update to version 3.15.4: + Common: - Lots of clean ups and porting to non-deprecated GTK+ APIs. - Reset language chooser to original state when used the 2nd time. - Use 'UTF-8' instead of 'utf8' as locale codeset suffix improving compatibility with non-GNU libc's. - Unset sort terms when search entry is programatically cleared. - Adapted to peripheral settings schemas move to gsettings-desktop-schemas. + UI: - Marked several dialog suggested action buttons as such resulting in the intended blue shade. - Removed several superfluous frames. - Fixed several spacing issues. + Background: Fix crash when choosing background due to missing icon. + Network: - Also work with NM 1.0. - Display an error instead of the panel on NM absence. - Use a GtkStack to switch between button/spinner fixing the big spinners. + Mouse: Fixed to work on wayland sessions. + Notifications: - Force smaller icons. - Scroll the view not just the list. - Design improvements. + Printers: - Improve scrolling in new printers list. - Make driver installation dialog modal. + Privacy: Fix mnemonic widget for software switch. + Region: Fix a crash when iterating locales. + Sharing: - Prevent an endless loop and resulting stack overflow. - Put a real description string in the media dialog. + Universal access: Disable hover on non-clickable rows. + User acounts: - Fix enterprise accounts deleting. - Change default size for avatar cropping. - Don't crash when closing fingerprint dialog. - Don't show empty row for remote users. - Do not show notification if not needed. - HiDpi support for user's icons. - Add pkgconfig(gudev-1.0) BuildRequires: new verified dependency.- Update to version 3.14.3 (boo#916784): + Background: Fix crash to missing icon. + Network: - Also work with NetworkManager 1.0. - Allocate storage for zone name during D-Bus call. + Power: Fix initial state of Bluetooth switch. + Printers: Remove border around model name. + Sharing: - Prevent an endless loop and resulting stack overflow. - Don't add the folder if the dialog isn't explicity accepted. - Update help URI. + Shell: Unset sort terms when search entry is programatically cleared. + Universal Access: Fix typo. + User Accounts: - Change default size for avatar cropping to match Cheese. - Don't crash when closing fingerprint dialog. - Don't crash when network changes. - Don't show empty row for remote users. - Drop gnome-control-center-power-fix-initial-state-of-Bluetooth.patch and gnome-control-center-NM-1.0.patch: Fixed upstream.- Add with_cacert_patch condition. When enabled: + Add NetworkManager(cacert-patch) Requires + Apply gnome-control-center-probe-radius-server-cert.patch + This needs to be toggled whenever NetworkManager is updated and the nm-probe-radius-server-cert.patch there is not rebased yet.- Refresh gnome-control-center-probe-radius-server-cert.patch- Add gnome-control-center-power-fix-initial-state-of-Bluetooth.patch: The initial state of the switch was never set, so if it happened to be on, the switch didn't match reality (bgo#725654).- Add gnome-control-center-NM-1.0.patch: Add compatibility to NetworkManager 1.0. - Disable gnome-control-center-probe-radius-server-cert.patch until NetworkManager has been fixed up again.- Re-enable translation-update-upstream.- Update to version 3.14.2: + Disable SSLv3 because of POODLE. + Background: - Fix possible crash when date isn't available. - Fix crash when adding the second color. + Power: Disable hover on non-clickable rows. + Printers: Automatically keep the selected row scrolled in view. + Region: - Make Add/Done buttons blue as intended. - Don't crash for locales with no country code. + Search: Use g_get_system_data_dirs() to discover providers. + Sound: Fix the main volume bars to correctly display changes in volume. + Universal Access: Make Add/Done buttons blue as intended. + User Accounts: - Fix a crash when taking a photo in the avatar chooser. - Reset language dialog to original state when used the 2nd time. + Updated translations. - Drop gnome-control-center-no-country-code-crash.patch, gnome-control-center-user-account-cheese-crash.patch, and gnome-control-center-crash-when-date-unavailable.patch: Fixed upstream.- Downgrade cups-pk-helper Requires to Recommends (boo#904047) - Add gnome-control-center-follow-polkit-permissions-for-tz.patch to allow timezone changes by user if permitted by polkit permissions (boo#904058) - Add patches from upstream for critical issues: + gnome-control-center-no-country-code-crash.patch: fix a crash for locales with no country codes (boo#904071, bgo#738963) + gnome-control-center-user-account-cheese-crash.patch: user-account -- do not crash while taking a picture for user avatar using cheese (boo#904070, bgo#697039) + gnome-control-center-crash-when-date-unavailable.patch: background -- do not crash when date is unavailable (boo#904073, bgo#736475).- Recommend the installation of dbus( through the online-accounts panel, it is possible to configure DLNA Media Servers (for gnome-photos). This feature relies on dleyna-server.- Update to version 3.14.1: + Keyboard: Allow shortcut explanation text to wrap. + Network: Hide airplane switch when g-s-d says so. + Power: Conditionally display the bluetooth button. + Printers: Don't crash for URIs with leading "//". + Region: Obtain keyboard variant from IBus. + User Accounts: - Show correct language if it isn't set. - Make sure widgets are the same height. - Fix language chooser response if language is unknown. - Preset language chooser if language is known.acmecontrol-center2fontilusgnome-control-center-brandinggnome-control-center-branding-openSUSEgnome-control-center-branding-upstreamthemuslamb20 1636434864  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefgh2.  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