netpbm-vulnerable-10.80.1-lp152.6.3.1<>,8`65}/=„nD %?gp925 ͺ|7D?:"hc0՝{mXngt_%2JɘDû,tun"%8@O"Z&ڒ#l]Fh\@Vy3ybsUԸ)@q]noxD|tg_A7Pw~jO_PGXh02atIhkOGxWbtFv{7jA^=劼SC:½>>/H?/8d ( S- Fg    . 08BLpx   ( 89X:F+G+H+I+X+Y+\+]+^+b,c,d-be-gf-jl-lu-|v-w.x.y.z..../4Cnetpbm-vulnerable10.80.1lp152.6.3.1Utilities with (Potential) Security IssuesProvides utilities that have been shipped with main package along others, but was considered vulnerable.`65}cloud106^openSUSE Leap 15.2openSUSEBSD-3-Clause AND GPL-2.0+ AND IJG AND MIT AND SUSE-Public-Domainhttp://bugs.opensuse.orgProductivity/Graphics/Convertors큤`65G`65=7b70020e3f24d9fc8206465de2f078cad01d8096d9cd92cf63d1782ce359b15768fae25da966fe210e458e56d2dcecfa93ee4ed3c62119bf2c01d05a5a0c86ffrootrootrootrootnetpbm-10.80.1-lp152.6.3.1.src.rpmnetpbm-vulnerablenetpbm-vulnerable(x86-32)@@@@@@@@`\@\P[3|@ZF.@Z7YYf@Y:Y5GX43@XI@W@VrUJ@UPTl@Dirk Müller pgaj skip failing tests for armv7hl (bsc#1181571)- enable the testsuite - create netpbm-vulnerable subpackage and move pstopnm there [bsc#1139636]- asan_build: build ASAN included - debug_build: build more suitable for debugging - security update - added patches CVE-2017-2579 [bsc#1024288], CVE-2017-2580 [bsc#1024291] + netpbm-CVE-2017-2579,2580.patch neccessary for running with ASAN + netpbm-asan.patch- security update * CVE-2018-8975 [bsc#1086777] + netpbm-CVE-2018-8975.patch- Add patch makeman-py3.patch to make sure to use python3 when building - Unpack the stuff only once- updated to 10.80.1 * pnmtopalm: Refuse to create a compressed image with more than 8 bits per pixel. * pbmtext, libnetpbm font facilities: allow glyphs in font files that have no bitmap data; just used for their advance value to code a space. * pbmtext: Improve error message when there is a problem reading the font file. * libnetpbm font facilities: consider font invalid if a glyph is more than 65536 pixels high or wide. * ppmshadow: handle images with a black background and low contrast images (i.e. little difference between foreground and background). * ppmbrighten: fix bug: red pixels change hue. Introduced in after Netpbm 10.11 (October 2002) and before Netpbm 10.18 (September 2003). * palmtopnm: fix crash if invalid input contains color index that is not in the palette. Always broken (palmtopnm was new in Netpbm 9.10 (October 2001)). * pnmtopalm: fix incorrect output with certain input files and - packbits_compression. Always broken. -packbits_compression was new in Netpbm 10.27 (March 2005). * pnmtopalm: Correct error message recommending running pnmquant when the real solution is to run pnmremap to modify the image to Palm standard colors. * pnmtopalm: Fix bug causing "color not in colormap" failure with - colormap and maxval other than 255. * libnetpbm: font facilities: fix invalid memory reference with certain font files. * libnetpbm: ppm_readcolordict: Improve error message when there is a problem reading the color dictionary. Affects ppmhist. * pgmmake: Fix bug: treats non-numeric gray-level argument as zero. Always broken (Pgmmake was new in Netpbm 10.32, February 2006). * pdbimgtopam, pamtopdbimg: fix various cases of incorrect output, some always present (programs were new in Netpbm 10.52.00 (October 2010)). * libnetpbm: pnm_parsecolorn(), pnm_parsecolor(): fix parsing of rgb: color specifications: yields value slightly too dim. Affects many programs. Broken in Netpbm 10.79 (June 2017).- Version update to 10.79.3: * Fix license clash between GPL-2 and GPL-3 * Few small fixes- Drop patch netpbm-missing-file-close.patch fixed differently by upstream - Drop patch netpbm-jasper.patch which is no longer needed - Remove accidental -O0 added to cflags - Version update to 10.79.2: * Fix 'format-security' GNU compiler warning. * libnetpbm: pnm_parsecolorn(), pnm_parsecolor(): fix parsing of rgb: color specifications: yields value slightly too dim. * pamgauss: Add -maximize, -oversample . Thanks Anton Shepelev * pnmconvol: Extend -normalize to be applicable to convolution kernels specified by PGM file. Thanks Anton Shepelev * g3topbm: tolerate fill bits. * pbmtog3: Add -align8, -align16. * ppmshadow: Improve results for very small maxval. * ppmshadow: eliminate extraneous messages from pnmconvol. * libnetpbm: Improve error message for purported image that is exactly 1 byte long (so ends in the middle of what would be the magic number). * pbmtox10bm: Get the Perl interpreter for this Perl program from the PATH instead of hardcoded as /usr/bin/perl (like all other Netpbm Perl programs). * ppmcolormask: fix incorrect output when input maxval is not 255. * bmptopnm: fix crash when input is a Windows BMP with negative number for width. Always broken. (bmptopnm was new, as bmptoppm, in original Netpbm, 1992). * pamcomp: fix incorrect output with -mixtransparency. Always broken. (-mixtransparency was new in Netpbm 10.56, September 2011). * pamcomp: remove debug trace message with -mixtransparency. Always broken. (-mixtransparency was new in Netpbm 10.56, September 2011). * pnmtojpeg: fix array bounds violation in argument list. Always broken (pnmtojpeg was new to Netpbm in Netpbm 8.2 (March 2000). * pamcrater: fix incorrect output with non-square image. Introduced in Netpbm 10.69 (December 2014). * svgtopam: fix treating negative width or height values in SVG like twos complement positive numbers; fail instead. Always broken (svgtopam was new in Netpbm 10.33 (March 2006)). * svgtopam: fix error messages when input has splines or negative positions. Always broken (svgtopam was new in Netpbm 10.33 (March 2006)). * libnetpbm: fix bug: pm_system_XXX closes Standard Input if you supply a Standard Output accepter but not a Standard Input feeder. Broken since Netpbm 10.40 (September 2007). * Build: don't try to build standardppmdfont.c if it already exists (so don't require ppmdcfont to exist). Broken around Netpbm 10.35 (2006). * Build: Define _XOPEN_SOURCE=500 in source files that use M_PI. While C libraries in the past have always provided this with just _XOPEN_SOURCE=null, it appears that M_PI is actually defined by Single Unix Specification 2, aka UNIX98, for which you need _XOPEN_SOURCE=500, and Cygwin has changed to enforce this.- updated to 10.78.5 * pamgauss: Fix skewed output with even dimension. * bmptopnm: fix crash when input is a Windows BMP with negative number for width.- updated to 10.78.4 * pamcrater: fix incorrect output with non-square image. * libnetpbm: fix bug: pm_system_XXX closes Standard Input if you supply a Standard Output accepter but not a Standard Input feeder. * fix incorrect output with -mixtransparency. * pamcomp: remove debug trace message with -mixtransparency. * pnmtojpeg: fix array bounds violation in argument list. * ppmpat: Add -color. * ppmpat: Add -argyle1, -argyle2. * pnmtotiff: Fail with -miniswhite or -minisblack on color image rather than produce an invalid TIFF. * tifftopnmcmyk: Default rows per strip to the TIFF library default instead of whatever yields 8K strips. * tifftonm: Fix incorrect PBM output with two-color paletted TIFF image. * tifftopnm: Fix memory corruption when image is more pixels than can be represented as a C unsigned integer. * tifftopnmcmyk: Fix bug: fails with very wide images and no - rowsperstrip. * svgtopam: Fix crash when out of memory. * pnmcrop: Add -closeness * libnetpbm: ppmd_fill_path: remove debug trace. * pnmpad: Fix bug: incorrect output width. - removed netpbm-no-build-date.patch: not needed since: * --version global option: with SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH environment variable, display source code datetime instead of build datetime.- updated to 10.76.0 * pnmquantall: Fix failure when temporary file location is not the same filesystem as the output file. * pnmquantall: Fix incorrect handling of when the Pnmremap or the final rename fails. * giftopnm: Fix bug: crash on little-endian computers that can't toleration unaligned memory access. Thanks Ignatios Souvatzis ( Broken in Netpbm 10.47 (June 2009). * cmuwmtopbm: fix trivial memory leak. Always broken (cmuwmtopbm was in primordial Pbmplus, in 1988). * Build: tifftopnm.c: fix undefined WIFSIGNALED, etc.- Added patch: * netpbm-jasper.patch + Fix build with newer jasper- updated to 10.75.1 * see HISTORY for upstream changelog * refreshed, reduced, extended patches: netpbm-security-code.patch netpbm-security-scripts.patch netpbm-gcc-warnings.patch- updated to 10.72.4 * see HISTORY for upstrem changelog * added useful returns + netpbm-gcc-warnings.patch * forwardported . netpbm-security-code.patch- Drop all libp? symlinks- updated to 10.70.4 * pambackground: fix bug: segfault or incorrect results in most cases. * ppmtoarbtxt: Fix some undefined behavior when program limits are exceeded. * anytopnm: convert all images in a multi-image GIF instead of just the first. * nmnorm: add -bsingle, -wsingle. * pamtosvg: fix use of unset variable; probably results in a crash. * pnmgamma -srgbtobt709, -bt709tosrgb: fix bug; incorrect output nearly always. * pamtilt: fix bug: unconditional crash. * pgmmorphconv: fix bug: always produces PGM Plain format. * giftopnm: Fix bug: crashes if purported GIF has neither a global color map nor a local one. * pgmmorphconv: add -gradient. * pnmhisteq: add -noblack and -nowhite. * tifftopnm: allow input file to be nonseekable. * Add yuy2topam. * Add pgmtosbig. * Add st4topgm, pgmtost4. * ppmtoarbtxt: fix bug: wrong output when high numbers represent darker. * ppmtorgb3: Fix buffer overflow with long input file name. * st4topgm: Fix bug: with no argument, uses file named "'" instead of Standard Input. * pnmconvol: Fix bug: wrong output for pixels that convolve to negative values (should be clipped to zero).- updated to 10.68.1 * pnmconvol: add -bias . * Remove pnmcomp, install a pnmcomp symlink for pamcomp. * Fix incorrect option parsing when there are multiple common options (e.g. -plain -quiet). * cameratopam: fix buffer overflow. * cameratopam: fix incorrect output. * ppmtopict: Fix unconditional crash.cloud106 161416537310.80.1-lp152. -fmessage-length=0 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=6c2f953454d2501fd8cc716ab4e4c6e09062d737, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedtroff or preprocessor input, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix)RRRRRRRR/Au]C96utf-8e2822dbe0632fbb0ab0cdb9343f4d02001c7b6b1e5b68e7d11a7bf5bf7ca7cf3? 7zXZ !t/]"k%0PT%7{)dHmڣWQ@'AxI 0,𶅀>a!t:NC^+]6]id].C;YM\`-.Z6<& \*PhWݘ E5ud4lOH271כ|_N1Jb'M6er4#̶f"BL(avN,W-t3rIJpބY6}/; O{؆^;7$6_;awZQz\9ճA+ɫN Ăү} H!h?ۤlsmF 1[wL; ٜEˬs%`= b(.}y{ A`ˠ(osr٨m92q"1PYTx/}n;7F&W'YEG}FL^Nii/k\,oICdgb._X+ǐ$~2Nc){^4 [u` *pfzzv ZG}ݤrPKSJ՜?PzXGL+ Yqn lfLVc ,uzxc{Q]O,F]U؊'?D~P[wj8OO8b>Wi*Ƨ#IaB-/?[ [mzu P3OU#;M.eEw &5lx('S Nn e@Y@EvLu5r!+ ,CS#ߖ9CXySJ}}>rNĈ\/v< kˇߡG`b%͹ ]!GI }(ԕ[& 13N&V}JI#)qxvar9XC2Yj],K@SjЕcʀ(t"Ԧ5nߣo勸DI!HS/@.4D ɭ\䚄.n(