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prefer file system over empty MS-DOS partition table (bsc#1186823) - 4.2.78- remove double mount options (see bsc#1186298) - 4.2.77- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#754 - added UsedFeature for NVMe disks (for bsc#1172866) - 4.2.76- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#734 - merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#732 - merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#717 - merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#715 - track device block size when creating an Md RAID (bsc#1164295) - simplify combining disks with different block sizes into RAID (bsc#1164295) - add block_size check for Md::add_device() - update doc on RAID block size - ignore clusterd VGs also in vgchange command (bsc#1161775) - ignore umount/swapoff failure if it looks inactive already (bsc#1168615) - fixed typo - 4.2.75- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#719 - document device block size handling (RAID, LVM, BTRFS) - document device block size handling (BCACHE) - clarify LV block size remark - 4.2.74- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#720 - fix unit test - 4.2.73- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#718 - allow control over environment variables - query number of partition slots from parted - respect number of partition slots reported by parted for GPT (bsc#1161783) - run travis with "--privileged" to avoid permissions error - 4.2.72- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#714 - simplify combining disks with different block sizes into RAID (bsc#1164295) - Revert "add tests for adjust_block_size()" - Revert "add adjust_block_size() method to Region class (bsc#1164295)" - update doc - 4.2.71- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#713 - Make BlkDevice::possible_mount_bys public (for bsc#1166096) - Increase minor so version - 4.2.70- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#712 - update doc on RAID block size - 4.2.69- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#711 - increase minor so version - 4.2.68- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#709 - add adjust_block_size() method to Region class (bsc#1164295) - track device block size when creating an Md RAID (bsc#1164295) - add tests for adjust_block_size() - add block_size check for Md::add_device() - 4.2.67- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#708 - merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#707 - Translated using Weblate (Finnish) (bsc#1149754) - Add option for ignoring clustered LVM - Update lib version - Ignore clustered LVM - Revert "Add option for ignoring clustered LVM" - Revert "Update lib version" - Revert "Translated using Weblate (Finnish)" (bsc#1149754) - Sync branches (SLE-15-SP1) - 4.2.66- Translated using Weblate (Spanish) (bsc#1149754) - 4.2.65- Translated using Weblate (Italian) (bsc#1149754) - 4.2.64- Translated using Weblate (French) (bsc#1149754)- Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan)) (bsc#1149754) - 4.2.63- Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) (bsc#1149754) - 4.2.62- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#706 - added support for btrfs RAID1C{3,4} - increase minor so version - 4.2.61- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#705 - fixed failure message - 4.2.60- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#704 - added being and end function to ProbeCallbacks - extended documentation - 4.2.59- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#703 - Remove OutputProcessor class- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#702 - added callback for missing commands during probing - added unit tests - improved readability of defines for external commands - simplyfied code - fixed typo - added probing callback for missing commands - 4.2.58- Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) (bsc#1149754) - 4.2.57- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#701 - check for existence of lvm vg before using it (bsc#1161191) - 4.2.56- Translated using Weblate (Finnish) (bsc#1149754) - 4.2.55- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#700 - merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#699 - Unmount when mount point was active - Mount when mount point is active - Bump version - Add comments - Fix mount and unmount (forward port) - 4.2.54- Translated using Weblate (Slovak) (bsc#1149754) - 4.2.53- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#698 - remove default option '-m crc=1' for mkfs.xfs - use udevadm from /usr/bin instead of /sbin (bsc#1160890) - 4.2.52- Translated using Weblate (German) (bsc#1149754) - 4.2.51- Translated using Weblate (Dutch) (bsc#1149754)- Translated using Weblate (Catalan) (bsc#1149754)- Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) (bsc#1149754) - 4.2.50- Translated using Weblate (Japanese) (bsc#1149754)- Translated using Weblate (Czech) (bsc#1149754)- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#696 - updated pot and po files - 4.2.49- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#697 - merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#693 - Translated using Weblate (Estonian) (bsc#1149754) - Translated using Weblate (Finnish) (bsc#1149754) - Add unit tests - Bump version - Ensure default to 0 for optional columns - Improve test - Revert "Translated using Weblate (Finnish)" (bsc#1149754) - Revert "Translated using Weblate (Estonian)" (bsc#1149754) - Allow optional fstab columns (merge SLE-15-SP1) - 4.2.48- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#695 - added probing of BitLocker (bsc#1159318) - added unit test - fixed message - add minimal support for BitLocker - 4.2.47- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#694 - Fix partition id when creating partition - Bump version - 4.2.46- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#691 - Add method to get partition id name - Bump version - Add note - Partition Id names - 4.2.45- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#692 - improved sort-key for block devices (for bsc#1140018) - extended documentation - 4.2.44- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#690 - provide sort-key for device name (for bsc#1140018) - adapted utility programs to changes in networkx 2.4 - removed obsolete variable - 4.2.43- Translated using Weblate (Finnish) (bsc#1149754) - 4.2.42- Translated using Weblate (German) (bsc#1149754) - 4.2.41- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#689 - use ranks in graphviz output to ease readability (bsc#1149154) - reduce test devicegraph to required information - 4.2.40- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#688 - Add new callbacks for LUKS activation - Bump version - Add specialized Luks callbacks - 4.2.39- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#687 - use correct size for btrfs resize command during shrink (bsc#1157762) - 4.2.38- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#686 - extended some testcases to also check executed commands - merged testsuite/actions into testsuite/dependencies - added tests for shrinking btrfs - extended tests - extended and added testcases - 4.2.37- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#685 - added testcases for growing btrfs - check that all command and file mockups are used - added testcases for growing and shrinking ext4 - added testcases for resizing filesystems - 4.2.36- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#684 - list all devices in subvolume actions (bsc#1152523) - consistent list of block devices in compound actions - removed unneeded use of c_str - updated explanations for translators - show all block devices for action texts of btrfs subvolumes - 4.2.35- Translated using Weblate (Estonian) (bsc#1149754) - 4.2.34- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#683 - extended unit test (bsc#1135341) - updated documentation (bsc#1149148) - added internal check - fixed typo - 4.2.33- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#682 - merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#681 - Translated using Weblate (Danish) (bsc#1149754) - Translated using Weblate (Estonian) (bsc#1149754) - fixed handling of btrfs subvolumes with special (regex control) characters in the path (bsc#1135341) - 4.2.32- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#680 - fixed escaping of graphviz escString (bsc#1157916) - 4.2.31- Translated using Weblate (Estonian) (bsc#1149754) - 4.2.30- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#679 - use estimation from resize2fs for min size of ext4 (bsc#1149148) - use 64bit feature forr max size of ext4 - separated parser for ntfsresize output - added example programs - added unit tests - extended exception logging - cleanup - consistent naming of example programs - changed path of resize2fs to /usr/sbin - improved calculation of resize information - 4.2.29- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#678 - Only join entries when path matches - Select the most reasonable mount point - Add unit tests - Update version - Bind mount workaround - 4.2.28- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#677 - Make default mount_options public (needed for jsc#SLE-7687) - Bump version - Rename Mountable::Impl#get_default_mount_options - Split MountPoint#set_default_mount_options into pieces (needed for jsc#SLE-7687) - 4.2.27- Translated using Weblate (Estonian) (bsc#1149754) - 4.2.26- Translated using Weblate (Estonian) (bsc#1149754) - 4.2.25- Translated using Weblate (Estonian) (bsc#1149754) - 4.2.24- Translated using Weblate (Estonian) (bsc#1149754) - 4.2.23- Translated using Weblate (Estonian) (bsc#1149754) - 4.2.22- Translated using Weblate (Estonian) (bsc#1149754) - 4.2.21- Translated using Weblate (Estonian) (bsc#1149754) - 4.2.20- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#676 - handle is_permanent() in possible_mount_bys() (bsc#1155566) - simplified code - 4.2.19- Translated using Weblate (Estonian) (bsc#1149754) - 4.2.18- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#675 - Log messages about the mount_by fallback are just warnings (related to bsc#1151075) - 4.2.17- Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan)) (bsc#1149754) - 4.2.16- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#674 - cache luks activation information (for bsc#1129496) - use password from LUKS activation for resize (bsc#1153871) - extended integration test - fixed typos - 4.2.15- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#673 - parse cipher and key size in cryptsetup output - added cipher and key size to Encryption (for jsc#SLE-7376) - probe sector size for Encryption - extended documentation - added sanity check - coding style - added test case for paes cipher - handle cipher and key size for encryption - 4.2.14- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#672 - Add open_options - Bump version - Extra options to open encryption - 4.2.13- Translated using Weblate (Danish) (bsc#1149754) - 4.2.12- Translated using Weblate (Catalan) (bsc#1149754) - 4.2.11- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#671 - added integration test - 4.2.10- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#670 - added notes - 4.2.9- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#668 - removed unneeded code - cleanup integration tests - code cleanup - 4.2.8- Translated using Weblate (Japanese) - 4.2.7- Translated using Weblate (Slovak) - 4.2.6- Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))- Translated using Weblate (Dutch)- Translated using Weblate (Czech)- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#667 - update pot and po files - 4.2.5- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#666 - added note - use dev_t to save major and minor numbers - improved unit test - coding style - consistent function name - added support for plain encryption (bsc#1088641) - added unit test - added integration tests - 4.2.4- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#665 - extended documentation - 4.2.3- Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) - 4.2.2- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#663 - update packaging documentation - 4.2.1- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#662 - merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#661 - Adapt Dockerfile for SLE-15-SP1 - Translated using Weblate (Slovak) - Translated using Weblate (Catalan) - Translated using Weblate (Czech) - Translated using Weblate (Japanese) - Translated using Weblate (Arabic) - Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) - Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan)) - Translated using Weblate (Dutch) - Translated using Weblate (French) - Translated using Weblate (German) - Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) - Translated using Weblate (Italian) - Translated using Weblate (Korean) - Translated using Weblate (Polish) - Translated using Weblate (Russian) - Translated using Weblate (Spanish) - Translated using Weblate (Swedish) - Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) - Translated using Weblate (Finnish) - Fix dectection of surrounding region (bsc#1146686) - Bump lib version - Fix surrounding detection - Revert "Translated using Weblate (Catalan)" - Revert "Translated using Weblate (Finnish)" - Revert "Translated using Weblate (Dutch)" - Revert "Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))" - Revert "Translated using Weblate (Swedish)" - Revert "Translated using Weblate (Spanish)" - Revert "Translated using Weblate (Russian)" - Revert "Translated using Weblate (Polish)" - Revert "Translated using Weblate (Korean)" - Revert "Translated using Weblate (Italian)" - Revert "Translated using Weblate (Hungarian)" - Revert "Translated using Weblate (German)" - Revert "Translated using Weblate (French)" - Revert "Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan))" - Revert "Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China))" - Revert "Translated using Weblate (Arabic)" - Revert "Translated using Weblate (Japanese)" - Revert "Translated using Weblate (Czech)" - Revert "Translated using Weblate (Slovak)" - Revert "Adapt Dockerfile for SLE-15-SP1" - Merge SLE-15-SP1 - 4.2.0- Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) - 4.1.145- Translated using Weblate (French) - 4.1.144- Translated using Weblate (Indonesian) - 4.1.143- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#660 - added functions to query existance of holders - 4.1.142- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#659 - added parser for 'cryptsetup luksDump' - added example - added support for LUKS2 - extended documentation - coding style - extended integration tests - fixed documentation - fixed typo - relaxed parser for whitespace changes - LUKS2 support - 4.1.141- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#658 - probe zone model for disks - added unit test - avoid compiler warning - coding style - 4.1.140- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#657 - extended documentation - 4.1.139- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#656 - improve sorting of pmem devices - 4.1.138- Translated using Weblate (German) - 4.1.137- Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) - 4.1.136- Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) - 4.1.135- Translated using Weblate (Slovak) - 4.1.134- Translated using Weblate (Dutch) - 4.1.133- Translated using Weblate (Japanese) - 4.1.132- Translated using Weblate (Czech) - 4.1.131- Translated using Weblate (Catalan) - 4.1.130- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#655 - allow to customize style of graphviz output - use new style api - added examples for style api usage - coding style - added unit test - 4.1.129- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#654 - updated pot and po files - 4.1.128- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#653 - improve filesystem related commit action messages - added unit test - added integration test - removed unneeded include statement- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#652 - added unit test for LVM over MD - 4.1.127- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#651 - extended fstab handling for multiple devices btrfs - added unit test - fixed documentation - 4.1.126- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#650 - sort block devices when creating btrfs (needed in testsuite) - 4.1.125- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#649 - use devid from devicegraph when resizing btrfs - extended integration test - added note - fix resizing btrfs on e.g. LVM - 4.1.124- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#648 - allow to reuse commands and files in mockup files - read sub uuid in blkid output - updated devicegraphs - add id to FilesystemUser - removed obsolete setenv calls to enable multiple devices btrfs - work on btrfs multiple device support - 4.1.123- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#647 - Enable multi-device Btrfs probing by default - Bump lib version - Enable multi-device Btrfs by default - 4.1.122- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#646 - Initial changes - Rename auxiliary struct - Block shrink multi-device Btrfs - Adapt action text when growing multi-device Btrfs - Add integration test - Bump lib version - Resize multi-device Btrfs - 4.1.121- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#645 - extended documentation - 4.1.120- Translated using Weblate (Dutch) - Translated using Weblate (Finnish) - 4.1.119- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#644 - added unit test - added integration tests - removed unneeded virtual specifier - wait for block device - moved integration tests - added note - allow to add devices to existing btrfs (for jsd#SLE-3877) - 4.1.118- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#643 - extended documentation - 4.1.117- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#642 - added documentation about multiple devices btrfs - added example - 4.1.116- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#641 - handle mixed mode in output of 'btrfs filesystem df' - 4.1.115- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#640 - parse UUID in output of mkfs.btrfs - fixed exception message - 4.1.114- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#639 - Use the Docker image from OBS - 4.1.113- Translated using Weblate (Indonesian) - 4.1.112- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#638 - parse devid in output of 'btrfs filesystem show' - reuse predefined regex - 4.1.111- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#637 - extended documentation - changed wording - 4.1.110- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#636 - handle btrfs raid levels during create - added unit test - fixed typo - 4.1.109- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#635 - handle multiple devices for btrfs subvolumes - 4.1.108- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#634 - added parser for 'btrfs filesystem df' - probe btrfs with multiple devices - updated unit test - added unit test - added integration tests - extended documentation - added pre-check for btrfs - added checks for nullptr - renamed variable (that really ties the function together) - simplyfied interface - coding style and cleanup - work on btrfs with multiple devices - 4.1.107- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#633 - make get_displayname available (to_s is overridden by use_ostream) - added unit tests - coding style - fixed class names - make get_displayname() available in ruby - 4.1.106- Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) - 4.1.105- Translated using Weblate (Swedish) - 4.1.104- Translated using Weblate (Spanish)- Translated using Weblate (Slovak)- Translated using Weblate (Russian)- Translated using Weblate (Polish)- Translated using Weblate (Korean)- Translated using Weblate (Italian)- Translated using Weblate (Hungarian)- Translated using Weblate (German)- Translated using Weblate (Dutch)- Translated using Weblate (Czech)- Translated using Weblate (Catalan)- Translated using Weblate (Arabic)- Translated using Weblate (Arabic)- Translated using Weblate (Arabic) - Translated using Weblate (Catalan) - Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) - Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan)) - Translated using Weblate (Czech) - Translated using Weblate (Dutch) - Translated using Weblate (French) - Translated using Weblate (German) - Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) - Translated using Weblate (Italian) - Translated using Weblate (Japanese) - Translated using Weblate (Korean) - Translated using Weblate (Polish) - Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) - Translated using Weblate (Russian) - Translated using Weblate (Slovak) - Translated using Weblate (Spanish) - Translated using Weblate (Swedish) - 4.1.103- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#630 - fix compilation with -O0 - 4.1.102- Translated using Weblate (Slovak) - 4.1.101- Translated using Weblate (Galician) - Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) - Translated using Weblate (German) - Translated using Weblate (Polish) - 4.1.100- Unifying name Bcache/bcache to bcache (#629) - 4.1.99- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#628 - handle topology for Partition and Luks - added unit test for bsc#1121129 - improved calculation of usable size for LVM PVs (bsc#1121129) - 4.1.98- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#625 - moved topology from PartitionableImpl to BlkDeviceImpl - added get_sysfs_file to BlkDeviceImpl - use new get_sysfs_file - added save_to_string to XmlFile (for debugging) - read pe_start from pvs command - coding style - enable logging - added pe_start to LvmPvImpl - added get_usable_size() to LvmPv - added unit test for LvmPv::get_usable_size() - updated hyper link - added documentation - preparations for bsc#1121129 - 4.1.97- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#621 - handle entries in crypttab whose block device do not exist (bsc#1123342) - added unit test - added documentation - added explanation - renamed variable - 4.1.96- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#620 - extended documentation - 4.1.95- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#619 - disable parted-sector-bug workaround on virtio-blk DASDs (bsc#1112037) - avoid empty nodes in mockup files - extended testsuite helper TsCmpActiongraph - added unit tests - throw exception based on Exception class - enable verbose output of checks during build - 4.1.94- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#618 - updated pot and po files - 4.1.93- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#617 - extended parser for lvs command - added function to join Texts - added unit tests - use callback to report unsupported logical volumes (bsc#1099744) - coding style - allow to ignore errors during in probe utility - consistent message style - added function to join names of block devices - improved messages for creating volume groups and mds - consistent naming style - use new join function in message about deleting filesystems - fixed typo - 4.1.92- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#615 - Workaround upgrade with multiple mout points per block device (bsc#1118865) - 4.1.91- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#616 - added debugging code - extended unit test - 4.1.90- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#613 - Rename method - Add method for removing a bcache cset - Add actions to modify an existing bcache - Increase minor version - Fix error messages - Small fixes - Allow to modify Bcache devices - 4.1.89- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#614 - detect DASDs using virtio-blk (bsc#1112037) - added unit test - avoid copying objects - 4.1.88- Translated using Weblate (Dutch) - Translated using Weblate (Slovak) - 4.1.87- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#612 - Fix dead links to old libstorage in the documentation- Translated using Weblate (Catalan) - Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) - Translated using Weblate (Czech) - Translated using Weblate (Danish) - Translated using Weblate (Japanese) - Translated using Weblate (Russian) - Translated using Weblate (Slovak) - Translated using Weblate (Spanish) - 4.1.86- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#611 - Remove setters for non-permanent stored values - Extend Bcache API with helper methods - Use bcache command - Increase minor version - 4.1.85- Translated using Weblate (Swedish) - Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan)) - Translated using Weblate (Arabic) - Translated using Weblate (Dutch) - Translated using Weblate (French) - Translated using Weblate (German) - Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) - Translated using Weblate (Korean) - Translated using Weblate (Polish) - Translated using Weblate (Russian) - 4.1.84- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#610 - check for some storage signatures next to partition tables (bsc#1115807) - added unit test - increase patchlevel - updated pot and po files - 4.1.83- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#609 - added roles to class MdadmDetail - probe devices order for MD RAIDs (bsc#1083542) - extended documentation - check for duplicate entries in mockup files - updated pot and po files - added callback recorder for probe callbacks - probe sort-key for device of MD RAIDs - 4.1.82- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#608 - Throw better exceptions - 4.1.81- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#607 - Add support for probing Flash-only bcache - Adapt testsuite - Add test for Flash-only bcache probing - CompoundAction: add helper method - Adapt bcache formatter - Add tests - Add bcache doc - Update lib version - Add support for flash-only bcache (with ABI compatibility) - 4.1.80- Translated using Weblate (Spanish) - 4.1.79- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#606 - Evaluating correct block size for DASD devices. (Workaround for a parted bug). (bsc#1089554) - 4.1.78- Translated using Weblate (Indonesian) - Translated using Weblate (Spanish) - 4.1.77- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#605 - merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#604 - Relax check for luks correctness bsc#1120070, bsc#1101870 - Unit tests for the fix of bsc#1120070, bsc#1101870 - Merge to master: Relax check for luks correctness bsc#1120070, bsc#1101870 - 4.1.76- Translated using Weblate (Czech) - 4.1.75- Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) - 4.1.74- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#602 - merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#601 - merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#600 - merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#599 - use exceptions to handle errors - Create crypttab with proper permissions (bsc#1059972) - Create lock with proper permissions (bsc#1059972) - Create log file with proper permissions (bsc#1059972) - Add missing quoting (bsc#1059972) - Improvements from review - Backport: Fix audit issues - avoid thread unsafe strerror function - Backport: avoid thread unsafe strerror function - Merge SLE-15-GA - 4.1.73- Translated using Weblate (German) - 4.1.72- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#598 - avoid thread unsafe strerror function - 4.1.71- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#597 - Create crypttab with proper permissions (bsc#1059972) - Create lock with proper permissions (bsc#1059972) - Create log file with proper permissions (bsc#1059972) - Add missing quoting (bsc#1059972) - Improvements from review - Fix audit issues - 4.1.70- Translated using Weblate (Finnish) - 4.1.69- Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) - 4.1.68- Translated using Weblate (Spanish) - 4.1.67- Translated using Weblate (Italian) - 4.1.66- Translated using Weblate (Italian) - 4.1.65- Translated using Weblate (Slovak) - 4.1.64- Translated using Weblate (Slovak) - 4.1.63- Translated using Weblate (French) - 4.1.62- Translated using Weblate (Czech)- Translated using Weblate (Japanese) - 4.1.61- Translated using Weblate (Dutch) - 4.1.60- Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) - 4.1.59- Translated using Weblate (Catalan) - 4.1.58- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#596 - updated pot and po files- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#595 - improved sformat to be type safe and handle Text properly - properly translate partition type texts - properly translate devices size texts - removed now obsolete c_str calls - added comment for translators - reduce format warning level - fixed typo - 4.1.57- Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))- Translated using Weblate (Italian) - 4.1.56- Translated using Weblate (Italian)- Translated using Weblate (German)- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#594 - use exceptions to handle errors- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#593 - added support to create udf (fate#312911) - added integration test - increased so patch number - handle block size in max_size for udf- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#592 - added comments for translators- Translated using Weblate (Slovak)- Translated using Weblate (Slovak)- Translated using Weblate (Slovak)- Translated using Weblate (Slovak)- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#591 - extended documentation- Translated using Weblate (Czech)- Translated using Weblate (French) - 4.1.55- Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) - 4.1.54- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#589 - Add method Luks#get_uuid- Translated using Weblate (Czech)- Translated using Weblate (Japanese) - 4.1.53- Translated using Weblate (Italian) - 4.1.52- Translated using Weblate (Catalan) - 4.1.51- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#588 - Regenerated potfiles - 4.1.50- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#585 - Fixed broken autobuild environment - Support for StrayBlkDevices in CompoundActions (bsc#1085134) - Moved predicates to base class - New unit test for Bcache compound actions - Use new check from superclass - Removed unnecessary include - Support for Bcache in CompoundActions - First (incomplete) CompoundAction formatter for Bcache - Fixed broken English - Use inherited methods - Use actual output for translator examples - Use multiple lines, not one neverending line - First complete CompoundAction formatter for Bcache - First unit test for MD-RAID compound actions - Added CompoundActions formatter for MD-RAIDs - More test cases for MD-RAID - User sanity check - Coding style cleanup - Updated year in useless legalese - Added missing sformat parameter - Added missing parameter doc in translator comment - Fixed translator comments - Moved device list formatting out to separate common function - Use better comparision function - Use existing constants - New CompoundActions- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#587 - extended documentation - ported check from snapper - minor improvements - 4.1.49- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#586 - mark AUTHORS as %doc- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#584 - mark LICENSE file as license - 4.1.48- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#583 - Use predicates to make the code much better readable - Added missing return - Use speaking function names for getters - Moved methods to base class - Use predicates and speaking getters to make the code much better readable (bsc#1085134) - 4.1.47- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#582 - make format of po files consistent with gettext - 4.1.46- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#580 - add bcache attributes (fate#325346) - [RFC] add bcache attributes (fate#325346) - 4.1.45- Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) - 4.1.44- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#581 - Added test case for weird UUID (bsc#1102572) - Whitespace - Fixed blkid output parser to honor escaped quotes (bsc#1102572) - Fixed blkid output parser to honor escaped quotes - 4.1.43- Translated using Weblate (Dutch) - 4.1.42- Translated using Weblate (Indonesian) - 4.1.41- Translated using Weblate (Indonesian)- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#579 - Use for bcache cset as display name string "bcache cache" (fate#325346) - 4.1.40- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#578 - use predefined constants - 4.1.39- Translated using Weblate (Russian) - 4.1.38- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#577 - implement searching for free name for bcache (fate#325346) - 4.1.37- Translated using Weblate (Dutch) - 4.1.36- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#576 - Added Travis ccache documentation - Added Travis ccache documentation and cache cleanup - 4.1.35- Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) - 4.1.34- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#575 - Use ccache in Travis builds - Use ccache in Travis builds (up to 4x faster) - 4.1.33- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#574 - Allow to set Md uuid for testing - 4.1.32- Translated using Weblate (Danish) - 4.1.31- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#573 - extended documentation - 4.1.30- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#572 - Allow bcache to have partitions (fate#325346) - Allow bcache to have partitions - 4.1.29- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#571 - do not translate snapshot description (bsc#1092757) - updated pot und po files - 4.1.28- Translated using Weblate (German) - 4.1.27- Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) - 4.1.26- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#570 - merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#569 - fixed variable scope to fix temporary mounting (bsc#1099144) - added unit test - 4.1.25- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#568 - avoid setenv after fork (bsc#1107403) - added unit test - 4.1.24- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#567 - added luks label to blkid parser - added unit test - 4.1.23- Translated using Weblate (Czech) - 4.1.22- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#566 - merge branch SLE-15-GA - merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#554 - merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#565 - merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#560 - merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#564 - merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#562 - detect correctly whether a file system is currently mounted (bsc#1105227) - adjust multipath parser to accept nvme related output (bsc#1089353) - Added some class descriptions - MdLinks: make it work also when even /dev/md does not exist - Avoid exceptions for inactive RAIDs (bsc#1090010) - Fixed the existing tests - test inactive noncontainer - detect raid containers differently - Mark inactive RAID in the BlkDevice attribute - A common way to configure the indentation style - Inactive raid - Merge SLE-15-GA into master - 4.1.21- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#560 - adjust multipath parser to accept nvme related output (bsc#1089353) - try to make multipath parser more robust - add unit tests - 4.1.20- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#562 - detect correctly whether a file system is currently mounted (bsc#1105227) - add unit tests - add spaces - 4.1.19- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#563 - do not crash when parsing docker devices (bsc#1104899) - 4.1.18- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#561 - Changed licence to GPL-2.0-only. - 4.1.17- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#548 - RAID: states of operation - RAID docs: nicer formatting for the older notes - autodocs: ignore Doxygen search data - Don't surprise myself. - 4.1.16- Translated using Weblate (Catalan) - 4.1.15- Translated using Weblate (Czech) - 4.1.14- Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan)) - 4.1.13- Translated using Weblate (Italian) - 4.1.12- Translated using Weblate (Slovak) - 4.1.11- Translated using Weblate (Dutch) - 4.1.10- Translated using Weblate (Slovak) - 4.1.9- Translated using Weblate (Japanese) - 4.1.8- Translated using Weblate (Slovak)- updated pot and po files- changed pretty name- added documentation- Translated using Weblate (Japanese)- Translated using Weblate (Czech)- merge branch master - Translated using Weblate (German)- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#558 - updated pot and po files - 4.1.7- Translated using Weblate (Japanese) - 4.1.6- extended NameSchema class - added StrayBlkDevice class (bsc#1085134) - extended unit tests - added unit test for probing xen xvd devices - cleanup - updated pot and po files - extended documentation - 4.1.5- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#557 - Update the "build_dependencies:*" tasks to read the alternative spec file - libjson-c-devel is needed as well - Added pkgconfig check for the libjson-c library - Do not crash when displaying summary for an encrypted but not mounted disk (bsc#1099181) - Added unit test - Fixed a typo- Translated using Weblate (German) - 4.1.4- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#555 - fix build with glibc 2.28 - 4.1.3- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#556 - update git2log script to latest version - 4.1.2- Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) - 4.1.1- added special handling when creating udev ids starting with dm-uuid for partitions on multipath (bsc#1099394) - use strlen- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#550 - document package version scheme- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#546 - document package version scheme - 4.1.0- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#545 - added document for limits - 3.3.317- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#544 - work on creating and deleting bcaches - updated swig catches - added unit tests - added integration tests - reuse code - cleanup - 3.3.316- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#543 - use sysfs path in find_by_any_name() - 3.3.315- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#542 - added support for f2fs (fate#325755) - added integration test - removed unused code - removed obsolete documentation - 3.3.314- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#541 - handle Intel Rapid Start Technology Partition ID (fate#325885) - extended documentation - coding style - 3.3.313- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#540 - do not use deprecated header file - coding style - 3.3.312- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#539 - handle device type attribute of udevadm info output - removed unused and obsolete file - do not try to activate LUKS on devices used by multipath (bsc#1089699) - improved explanation - 3.3.311- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#538 - Add method BlkDevice#is_active - 3.3.310- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#537 - updated unit test - extended unit test - fixed exception logging - 3.3.309- Translated using Weblate (Indonesian) - 3.3.308- Translated using Weblate (Russian) - 3.3.307- Translated using Weblate (French) - 3.3.306- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#536 - Expose Device#devicegraph (needed for bsc#1094157) - Encryption#set_dm_table_name adjusts #name (for bsc#1094157 and bsc#1094963) - Code improvement from code review - More code improvements from code review - 3.3.305- Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan))- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#535 - Return better exception (related to bsc#1094963) - Fix project name- Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))- Translated using Weblate (Spanish)- Translated using Weblate (Slovak) - 3.3.304- Translated using Weblate (Czech) - 3.3.303- Translated using Weblate (Italian) - 3.3.302- Translated using Weblate (Catalan) - 3.3.301- Translated using Weblate (Dutch) - 3.3.300- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#534 - handle exception (see bsc#1073633) - 3.3.299- Translated using Weblate (Japanese) - 3.3.298- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#533 - merged po files - 3.3.297- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#532 - improved error handling during probing partitions (see bsc#1095168) - 3.3.296- Translated using Weblate (Italian) - 3.3.295- Translated using Weblate (Russian) - 3.3.294- Translated using Weblate (Slovak) - 3.3.293- Translated using Weblate (Slovak) - 3.3.292- Translated using Weblate (Spanish) - 3.3.291- Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan)) - 3.3.290- Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan)) - 3.3.289- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#531 - added helper functions - place repair action before partition actions - insert action to repair GPTs if needed (bsc#1092193) - added unit test - 3.3.288- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#530 - Add conflict with old libdmraid (bsc#1088570) - 3.3.287- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#529 - fix probing of certain nvme systems (bsc#1093684) - 3.3.286- Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) - 3.3.285- Translated using Weblate (French) - 3.3.284- Translated using Weblate (Italian) - 3.3.283- Translated using Weblate (Czech) - 3.3.282- Translated using Weblate (Dutch) - 3.3.281- Translated using Weblate (Japanese) - 3.3.280- Translated using Weblate (Catalan) - 3.3.279- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#528 - added action to fix undersized GPT - updated pot file - merged po files - 3.3.278- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#527 - Use stricter NTFS max label size (bsc#1084867) - 3.3.277- Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) - 3.3.276- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#526 - improved error message (see bsc#1089554) - 3.3.275- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#525 - Fix lt translation - 3.3.274- Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan))- Translated using Weblate (Korean)- Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China))- Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) - 3.3.273- Translated using Weblate (Polish) - 3.3.272- Translated using Weblate (Slovak) - 3.3.271- Translated using Weblate (Greek) - 3.3.270- Translated using Weblate (German) - 3.3.269- Translated using Weblate (French) - 3.3.268- Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) - 3.3.267- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#524 - fixed probing of NTFS (in special cases) (bsc#1091585) - added unit test - 3.3.266- Translated using Weblate (Catalan) - 3.3.265- Translated using Weblate (Catalan) - 3.3.264- Translated using Weblate (Slovak) - 3.3.263- Translated using Weblate (Italian) - 3.3.262- Translated using Weblate (Spanish) - 3.3.261- Translated using Weblate (Spanish) - 3.3.260- Translated using Weblate (Czech) - 3.3.259- Translated using Weblate (Dutch) - 3.3.258- Translated using Weblate (Japanese) - 3.3.257- Translated using Weblate (Dutch) - 3.3.256- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#523 - merged po files - 3.3.255- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#522 - centralized reading /sys/block - added function light_probe (for bsc#1090753) - added integration test - 3.3.254- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#521 - added stand-alone functions to read fstab and crypttab - added integration tests - removed unneeded include - 3.3.253- Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) - 3.3.252- Translated using Weblate (Swedish) - 3.3.251- Translated using Weblate (Swedish) - 3.3.250- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#520 - fixed probing of active flag (bsc#1090520) - improved error handling - 3.3.249- Translated using Weblate (Polish) - 3.3.248- Translated using Weblate (Russian) - 3.3.247- Translated using Weblate (German) - 3.3.246- Translated using Weblate (French) - 3.3.245- Translated using Weblate (French) - 3.3.244- Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan))- Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China))- Translated using Weblate (Russian) - 3.3.243- Translated using Weblate (German) - 3.3.242- Translated using Weblate (German) - 3.3.241- Translated using Weblate (French) - 3.3.240- Translated using Weblate (French) - 3.3.239- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#518 - added function to query allowed MD parities (see bsc#1090182) - 3.3.238- Translated using Weblate (French)- 3.3.237- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#519 - update git2log script to avoid identical timestamps in changelog - 3.3.236- Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China))- Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan)) - 3.3.235- Translated using Weblate (Dutch) - 3.3.234- Translated using Weblate (Korean) - 3.3.233- Translated using Weblate (German) - 3.3.232- Translated using Weblate (Swedish) - 3.3.231- Translated using Weblate (Czech) - 3.3.230- Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) - 3.3.229- Translated using Weblate (Japanese) - 3.3.228- Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) - 3.3.227- Translated using Weblate (Italian)- Translated using Weblate (German) - 3.3.226- Translated using Weblate (Catalan) - 3.3.225- Translated using Weblate (Catalan) - 3.3.224- Translated using Weblate (Czech) - 3.3.223- Translated using Weblate (Spanish) - 3.3.222- Translated using Weblate (Swedish) - 3.3.221- Translated using Weblate (Japanese) - 3.3.220- Translated using Weblate (Arabic) - 3.3.219- Translated using Weblate (Dutch) - 3.3.218- Translated using Weblate (Czech) - 3.3.217- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#517 - updated documentation - merged po files (bsc#1089902) - 3.3.216- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#516 - fix unused partition slots calculation for logical partitions (bsc#1088483) - added unit test - 3.3.215- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#515 - use correct options for multipath (see bsc#1089353) - 3.3.214- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#514 - added unit test - 3.3.213- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#513 - keep exception type (bsc#1088570) - 3.3.212- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#512 - handle new mount type variable also in equal, print, ... - 3.3.211- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#511 - Add MountPoint#mount_type to XML format (follow up on bsc#1088426) - 3.3.210- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#510 - Expose the vfstype field from fstab (bsc#1088426) - 3.3.209- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#509 - Force acceptance of SR (fate#318196) - 3.3.208- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#508 - added helper function - support lock within same process - 3.3.207- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#507 - added function to set freq and passno - removed unneeded const - added documentation - 3.3.206- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#506 - added minix to enum of filesystem types - 3.3.205- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#505 - enable system-wide lock - 3.3.204- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#504 - handle pid_t in bindings - extended integration test - 3.3.203- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#503 - only insert resize action for devices existing in LHS and RHS (bsc#1085523) - added action dependency - added unit tests - fixed typo - added documentation - 3.3.202- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#502 - Simplified supplements for lang subpkg (bsc#1081454) - 3.3.201- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#501 - make LockException available in API - 3.3.200- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#500 - extended documentation - 3.3.199- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#499 - provide reasons why resize is not possible - added unit tests - added integration tests - use more common notation - 3.3.198- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#498 - added workaround for cryptsetup exit code regression (see bsc#1082640) - added convenience function - 3.3.197- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#497 - Enable exception - 3.3.196- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#496 - do not recognize 0x1f as extended partition - 3.3.195- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#495 - recognize 0x85 as extended partition - 3.3.194- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#494 - moved enum to storage namespace - added integration test - use mdadm to delete MD RAID (see bsc#1085470) - 3.3.193- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#493 - export more functions in API - 3.3.192- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#492 - handle erroneous small disks in get_unused_partition_slots() (bsc#1084777) - added unit tests - added note - 3.3.191- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#491 - added functions to copy devices and holders between devicegraphs - 3.3.190- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#489 - allow to remove partial volume group (bsc#955870) - updated pot file - added integration test - fixed typo - added convenience function - removed unused function - coding style - handle udev encoding for label in fstab and crypttab - removed unused define - added define by /dev/disk paths - use new defines - simplyfied code - coding style - 3.3.189- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#488 - avoid compiler warnings - removed unused capture - improved check function - moved CheckCallbacksRecorder class - extended unit test - propagate force_rw flag (bsc#1079000) - updated documentation - 3.3.188- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#487 - handle duplicate LVM PVs during probe - cleanup - added unit test - 3.3.187- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#486 - split large function - probe LUKS later - do not probe LUKS on devices used by multipath (bsc#1079817) - added unit test - fixed typo - 3.3.186- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#485 - added unit test - 3.3.185- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#484 - added unit test - coding style - 3.3.184- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#483 - added note - improved logging - try to delete directory before creating btrfs subvolume - handle change of path in mount point - added integration test - handle missing attribute for pvs - do not search for block device of missing pvs - improved exception handling - improved example - fixed log message - 3.3.183- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#482 - added check for existence of devicegraphs - 3.3.182- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#481 - always allow to activate multipath (see bsc#1082542) - 3.3.181- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#480 - log time in several formats to ease debugging - 3.3.180- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#479 - recalculate size of volume group when setting extent size (bsc#1079579) - added unit tests - coding style - added documentation - 3.3.179- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#478 - generate dot files with more information - 3.3.178- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#477 - added callbacks to handle errors during activation (bsc#1057426 and others) - updated pot file - improved integration test - 3.3.177- Translated using Weblate (Swedish) - 3.3.176- Translated using Weblate (Swedish) - 3.3.175- Translated using Weblate (Swedish) - 3.3.174- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#476 - improved integration tests - added documentation - 3.3.173- Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)- Translated using Weblate (Finnish) - 3.3.172- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#475 - allow SystemCmd to verify program exit code - added base class for callbacks - added callbacks for probing (bsc#1070459 and many others) - use callbacks base class - use new verify feature of SystemCmd - improved error handling - work on handling errors during probe - updated pot file - use callbacks base class - coding style - extended documentation - 3.3.171- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#474 - fixed device existence check (bsc#1082143) - 3.3.170- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#473 - Default to GPT for creating partition tables (fate#323457) - 3.3.169- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#472 - insert mount and unmount actions for resize - added unit tests - 3.3.168- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#471 - fixed parsing /proc/mounts for ntfs - fixed error handling when ntfsresize fails - 3.3.167- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#470 - consistent names - remove duplicate actions - added helper functions - fixed integration test - adjust existing unit test to so far supported setup - coding style - renamed function to reflect recent changes - 3.3.166- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#469 - added possible_mount_bys() - 3.3.165- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#468 - use parted with --ignore-busy (see bsc#1058667) - added convenience functions - 3.3.164- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#467 - cleanup - added integration test - added jfs support (boo#1078552) - 3.3.163- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#466 - improve ruby bindings - 3.3.162- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#465 - extended is_usable_as_blk_device() - 3.3.161- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#464 - use system devicegraph during probe- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#463 - added function is_usable_as_blk_device() - added function is_usable_as_partitionable() - 3.3.160- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#462 - added function to immediately activate/deactivate mount point - added documentation - code cleanup - 3.3.159- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#461 - work on error handling - added documentation - coding style - extended test case - 3.3.158- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#460 - Removed unit tests that clash with new glibc number formatting (bsc#1079855) - 3.3.157- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#459 - extended unit tests - added and improved math functions - do not rely on 80-bit floats (bsc#1078997) - added unit test - added note - 3.3.156- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#458 - removed deprecated functions - updated unit test - 3.3.155- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#457 - improved error logging - 3.3.154- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#454 - allow to set ssh port - 3.3.153- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#456 - fetch the full history in travis so the log can be generated correctly - 3.3.152- Translated using Weblate (Dutch) - 3.3.151- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#453 - added parser for stat - ignore disks without node in /dev (bsc#1076971) - coding style - 3.3.150- Translated using Weblate (Dutch)- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#450 - Ensure not to write malformed /etc/fstab entries (bsc#1066763) - 3.3.149- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#451 - work on error handling - 3.3.148- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#449 - fixed default value - 3.3.147- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#448 - Add GraphvizFlags::DISPLAYNAME to Devicegraph- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#447 - allow finer control of flags in write_graphviz- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#446 - use sid as vertex id- Translated using Weblate (Hungarian)- Translated using Weblate (Hungarian)- Translated using Weblate (Afrikaans)- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#444 - added Mountable::remove_mount_point()- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#443 - added PRETTY_CLASSNAME to GraphvizFlags- Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan))- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#442 - renamed integration tests - added integration tests- Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan))- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#441 - added integration test - added udevadm settle call- Translated using Weblate (Korean)- Translated using Weblate (Korean)- Translated using Weblate (Arabic)- Translated using Weblate (Arabic) - 3.3.146- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#439 - start rpcbind before doing NFS mounts - cleanup - added integration-test - 3.3.145- Translated using Weblate (Arabic)- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#438 - extended documentation - 3.3.144- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#437 - distinguish between mounted and unmounted in supports_shrink/grow - 3.3.143- Translated using Weblate (Korean)- Fixed an Arabic format string typo - 3.3.142- Translated using Weblate (Arabic) - 3.3.141- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#436 - added sanity check - propagate exception to ruby - 3.3.140- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#435 - propagate exception to ruby - 3.3.139- Translated using Weblate (Slovak) - 3.3.138- Translated using Weblate (Slovak)- Translated using Weblate (Slovak) - 3.3.137- Translated using Weblate (Spanish) - 3.3.136- Translated using Weblate (Polish) - 3.3.135- Translated using Weblate (Polish) - 3.3.134- Translated using Weblate (Slovak) - 3.3.133- Translated using Weblate (Slovak)- Translated using Weblate (Slovak) - 3.3.132- Translated using Weblate (Slovak) - 3.3.131- Translated using Weblate (Slovak) - 3.3.130- Translated using Weblate (Slovak) - 3.3.129- Translated using Weblate (Slovak)- Translated using Weblate (Slovak)- Translated using Weblate (Slovak) - 3.3.128- Translated using Weblate (Slovak) - 3.3.127- Translated using Weblate (Slovak) - 3.3.126- Translated using Weblate (Slovak)- Translated using Weblate (Slovak) - 3.3.125- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#431 - Update - 3.3.124- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#434 - find crypttab entries by correct block device - coding style - removed unused parameters- Translated using Weblate (German) - 3.3.123- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#433 - added helper function - improved probing of LUKs - added unit test - allow to find unused mockups - removed unused mockups - use name from crypttab when activating LUKS - allow to include more information in graphviz output - removed unused parser - 3.3.122- Translated using Weblate (German) - 3.3.121- Translated using Weblate (Slovak) - 3.3.120- Translated using Weblate (German) - 3.3.119- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#432 - updated - 3.3.118- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#430 - Revert "Add libstorage-ng-lang Recommends" - 3.3.117- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#429 - Add libstorage-ng-lang Recommends - 3.3.116- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#428 - use /etc/fstab and /proc/mounts for probing NFS - added NFS unit test - 3.3.115- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#427 - extended integration test - 3.3.114- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#426 - fixed alignment calculations - added unit test - 3.3.113- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#425 - added new align policy KEEP_START_ALIGN_END - updated unit tests - updated integration tests - 3.3.112- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#424 - propagate exception - 3.3.111- Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) - 3.3.110- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#423 - updated documentation - extended documentation - extended integration test - added convenience functions - updated catches file - added convert function - added integration test - 3.3.109- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#422 - added check for active flag - coding style - 3.3.108- Translated using Weblate (Italian) - 3.3.107- Translated using Weblate (German) - 3.3.106- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#421 - avoid use of cerr - updated exceptions - coding style - avoid use of cout - 3.3.105- Translated using Weblate (Italian) - 3.3.104- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#420 - remove LIBVERSION_MAJOR macro from - 3.3.103- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#418 - check divisor prior to modulo operation - avoid throw in destructor - 3.3.102- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#419 - Leave enough space even for 'reiserfs' - 3.3.101- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#416 - added obsoletes (bsc#1073645) - removed very old obsoletes - 3.3.100- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#417 - Explain why virtio udev links are filtered out- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#415 - fixed print call - 3.3.99- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#414 - renamed functions - provide find_by_any_name in API (bsc#1073254) - updated catches file - added integration test - 3.3.98- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#413 - disable vfat resize since support from utilility is unclear (see bsc#1072479) - 3.3.97- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#412 - switch to python 3 - 3.3.96- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#410 - added helper function - added helper class - added function to compare by subvolume id - probe active flag for BtrfsSubvolume - 3.3.95- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#409 - also renumber extended partitions - 3.3.94- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#408 - renumber primary partitions (bsc#1072656) - added unit test - 3.3.93- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#406 - removed sorting of results - 3.3.92- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#407 - Install libboost_test - 3.3.91- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#405 - handle active flag - provide more generic function - coding style - set active flag for blk filesystems - fixed subvolid regex - added log message - 3.3.90- Translated using Weblate (Italian) - 3.3.89- Translated using Weblate (Italian) - 3.3.88- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#404 - fixed documentation - 3.3.87- Translated using Weblate (Czech) - 3.3.86- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#403 - use print as a function - update examples - 3.3.85- Translated using Weblate (Czech) - 3.3.84- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#402 - improved error message - 3.3.83- Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) - 3.3.82- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#401 - package some utils - cleanup - 3.3.81- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#400 - added helper functions - sort devices using a sort key - added unit tests - remove sorting - increased library version - fixed usage text - avoid endl - extended documentation - 3.3.80- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#399 - increase log line limit - fixed output format - 3.3.79- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#398 - coding style - omit pointers - 3.3.78- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#397 - handle improved parted output (bsc#1066467) - coding style - 3.3.77- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#396 - make PartitionTable::is_partition_id_supported() public - 3.3.76- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#395 - removed unused variable- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#394 - Don't sort disks and dasds by default- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#393 - added unit test - 3.3.75- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#392 - added function to get mount_by method - remove "none" from crypt options - get mount-by method from crypttab - added crypt_options to Encryption class - improved unit test - coding style - coding style - 3.3.74- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#391 - added logging - 3.3.73- 3.3.72- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#390 - do not rely on sorting - added compare by sid function - 3.3.71- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#389 - added mount-by variable for encryption - extended documentation - use get_mount_by_name for luks - coding style - added logging - 3.3.70- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#387 - log errors of found by check - added checks (disabled until yast2-storage-ng is improved) - coding style - added missing member variables in print function - added check - added documentation - 3.3.69- Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) - 3.3.68- Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) - 3.3.67- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#386 - handle pmem prefix during sort - added unit test - coding style - more natural sorting of Mds - make compare funcions available in API - added compare function for partitionables - added unit test - added integration test - added test - 3.3.66- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#385 - extended documentation (result of bsc#1066290) - extended test data - extended test - 3.3.65- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#384 - added check for chunk size of MD RAID (see bsc#1065381) - support RAID 4 - added integration test - extended integration test - fixed typo - 3.3.64- Translated using Weblate (Japanese) - 3.3.63- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#383 - added document about spelling - consistent spelling - updated pot file - 3.3.62- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#382 - fixed compound action message (bsc#1066364) - also extract messages from compount action formatters - updated pot file - 3.3.61- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#381 - work on exceptions - 3.3.60- Translated using Weblate (Indonesian)- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#380 - changed interface of wait_for_devices() - improved comment - 3.3.59- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#379 - extended documentation - 3.3.58- 3.3.57- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#378 - added global function for wait for several devices - coding style - wait for devices before swapon (bsc#1064282) - wait for devices before creating md raid - wait for devices before pvcreate - 3.3.56- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#377 - probe page size (for bsc#1065381) - coding style - 3.3.55- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#376 - added udevadm settle calls - 3.3.54- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#375 - updated examples - removed unused code - unified Python and Ruby bindings - added examples - 3.3.53- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#374 - fixed typo - coding style - fixed off-by-one error in max_primary() - coding style - fixed max_logical() - added documentation - extended unit tests - added function to create implicit partition - extended Partitionable constructor - added unit tests - added unit tests - moved code - work on exceptions - extended documentation - consistent wording - consistent logging - updated pot-file - fixed typo - 3.3.52- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#373 - work on udev link handling - 3.3.51- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#372 - handle implicit partition table when detecting resize info - extended query for possible partition tables - make stream function public available - added integration test - no partition slots on implicit partition tables - specialized messages for creating and deleting partitions - added unit tests - improved integrations tests - updated - added integration test - work on exceptions - 3.3.50- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#371 - extended documentation - updated status - fixed typo - added hyperlink - save bus-id in Dasd class - added example program - added class ImplicitPt and probing of it - updated docygen.conf - updated swig files - added unit test - work on exceptions - extended unused_regions (bsc#1064429) - use references instead of copies - fixed typo - added documentation - 3.3.49- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#370 - dependency handling for thin logical volumes - unit tests - 3.3.48- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#369 - fixed min-size calculation for small filesystems - added block size parameter to ResizeInfo - handle new block_size parameter - implemented get_resize_info for thin pools and thins - allow to set reserved extents - added unit tests - extended integration tests - smarter resize info calculation - fixed comment - 3.3.47- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#368 - added helper functions - added functions to calculate default chunk size and metadata size for thin pools - added integration test - handle lvm pvs without lvm vg during probing - added note - added function to query max size for thins - improved lvs parser - updated documentation - added is_overcommitted() - handle reserved extents - added checks - work on exceptions - improved calculation of used extents - added max_size_for_lvm_lv - extended documentation - added checks - added unit tests - work on API of check functions - updated pot file - added helper function - fixed test - added check - simpler code - clearer documentation - 3.3.46- Translated using Weblate (Russian)- Adapt SetTuneOptions::commit - Drop CommitOptions destructor - Add const to CommitOptions arguments - Drop unneeded const in CommitOptions - Mark commit(CommitCallbacks*) as deprecated - 3.3.45- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#367- Translated using Weblate (Dutch) - 3.3.44- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#366 - work on filesystem tune options - extended integration tests - 3.3.43- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#365 - Honor mkfs_options when creating filesystems - 3.3.42- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#364 - handle chunk size - updated integration tests - 3.3.41- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#363 - added messages for thin pool and thin logical volumes - 3.3.40- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#362 - fixed stripes detection for thin-pools - set stripes like LVM does - 3.3.39- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#361 - get more data from lvs command - take stripes value from lvs instead of dmsetup - added chunk_size to LvmLv - updated unit test - 3.3.38- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#360 - extended exception message - thin volumes cannot be striped - work on exceptions - 3.3.37- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#359 - added unit test - 3.3.36- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#358 - fixed variable name - 3.3.35- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#357 - extended tests - consistent parameter style - 3.3.34- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#356 - added reserved extents variable - added documentation - 3.3.33- Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian)- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#355 - extended lvs parser - 3.3.32- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#354 - added udevadm settle call - 3.3.31- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#353 - call efibootmgr before deleting partitions - 3.3.30- Translated using Weblate (Czech) - 3.3.29- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#352 - added JsonFile class with simple JSON parser - use JSON report format for LVM tools - coding style - added exception class LvmLvNotFoundByLvName - added convenience functions - updated swig catches file - added integration test - coding style - 3.3.28- Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) - 3.3.27- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#351 - extended lvs parser - add lv_type to LvmLv - updated integration tests - updated swig catches file - allow to create thin-pools and thins - added integration test - do not allow to resize extended partition - 3.3.26- Translated using Weblate (Dutch) - 3.3.25- Translated using Weblate (Dutch) - 3.3.24- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#350 - raise global sid if needed during load - 3.3.23- Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China))- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#349 - added helper functions - provide functions to create/remove encryption while keeping children - added unit tests - updated swig catches file - also check devicegraphs - 3.3.22- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#348 - updated documentation - 3.3.21- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#347 - work on querying resize-info - work on unit tests - documentation - coding style - fixed typo - 3.3.20- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#345 - Update the scripts from openSUSE/linuxrc-devtools - Install graphviz as well - Use .tar.xz format for the source tarball - Do not use the shared YaST Travis script for building - 3.3.19- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#346 - added do_resize for Btrfs - updated documentation - cleanup - cleanup - 3.3.18- Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#344 - do not clean pot-file - 3.3.17- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#343 - implemented do_resize for Xfs - 3.3.16- Translated using Weblate (Catalan)- Translated using Weblate (Catalan) - 3.3.15- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#339 - Add .snapshots subvolume directly to /etc/fstab, not via the external installation-helper command - Add leading slash to .snapshots subvol name in /etc/fstab - Inherit mount opts from parent btrfs and add leading slash to subvol name - Reset diff reference after writing the file - Reset diff reference before change - 3.3.14- Translated using Weblate (Catalan)- Translated using Weblate (Finnish) - 3.3.13- Translated using Weblate (Japanese) - 3.3.12- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#341 - updated documentation - 3.3.11- Translated using Weblate (Japanese)- Translated using Weblate (Dutch)- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#340 - added pot file - added translation from libstorage - 3.3.10- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#338 - coding style - use --force and --yes more often when using lvm tools - added integration tests - also handle action resizing physical volumes - handle ResizeInfo for lvm pv - updated swig catches - 3.3.9- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#337 - added documentation - added more combine functions - added documentation - make function available in API - added function to query unused surrounding region - added unit tests - fixed some filesystem limits - coding style - do not look at filesystem usage for newly created filesystems - integration tests - redirect ntfs resize info query to probed devicegraph - fixed typo - 3.3.8- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#336 - changed some requires to suggests - require parted >= 3.2 - 3.3.7- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#335 - added function to query minimal number of devices for Md - added unit tests - removed unneeded include statements - 3.3.6- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#334 - fixed actiongraph generation for deleting partition tables (bsc#1056153) - added unit test - merged testsuite directories - 3.3.5- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#333 - use parteds 'resizepart' instead of 'resize' command (bsc#931765) - 3.3.4- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#332 - create partitions on GPT with empty name (see bsc#1023818) - 3.3.3- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#331 - Configure snapper if snapshots enabled - Set snapshot feature so snapper packages will be installed - Fixed docker setup for Travis - Fixed make_package script (snwint) - Move snapper config step1 from post-create to pre-mount - 3.3.2- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#329 - use linuxrc-devtools tooling for OBS auto-submission - remove VERSION and libstorage-ng.changes from git repo - add git2log and make_package scripts - don't forget to actually create the VERSION file - point more often to linuxrc-devtools project - add link to linuxrc-devtools workflow overview - 3.3.1- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#328 - fixed license file- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#327 - added subsystem deactivate functions - added deactivate function - added integration test - fixed typos- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#326 - generate Activate and Deactivate actions for BlkDevices - activate and deactivate actions for LvmLv - separate deactivation action for Md - deactivation action for Multipath - deactivate only active Encryptions - coding style - sort partition by number- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#324 - submit to default YaST project (YaST:Head) - generate changes file - set version to 3.3.0 - 3.3.0- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#323 - simpler code- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#322 - use define- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#321 - added exception handling- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#320 - support partition ids on dasd partition table- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#319 - special dependencies for DASD partition table - added unit test - coding style - fixed typo- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#318 - improved activation of Md- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#317 - updated paths- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#316 - allow independent control of container entries - also parse MD level in MdadmDetail - skip parted call on inactive and zero-size devices - added note - added MD level "container" - renamed superblock-version to metadata - use reference - recognize imsm and ddf - set initial MD level to unknown - probe MD level from mdadm --detail - coding style - cleanup - exception handling - added MdContainer and MdMember - added unit tests - added unit test - updated documentation - updated bindings - updated status - extended documentation- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#315 - moved document, fixed typo- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#314 - added program to generate downcast file - regenerated downcast file - coding style - fixed test - added unit tests - coding style- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#313 - added program to generate catches file - updated catches file- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#312 - try to fix installation on multipath- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#311 - regenerated catches file- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#310 - Comment some public Region methods- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#308 - coding style - fixed DM RAID activation - only probe active DM RAIDs - removed unneeded code- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#307 - implemented activation of DM RAID - updated documentation- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#306 - improved dmraid parser- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#305 - updated bindings- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#304 - added query function - updated unit tests - added support for DM RAIDs - added example program - fixed typo - coding style - added unit test - extended unit tests - activate Md before DmRaid - fixed typo- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#303 - Expose Alignment#grain - Expose Alignment#offset- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#302 - fixed syntax - work on exceptions - coding style - added unit tests - added unit tests- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#301 - added functions to set dasd type and format - consistent function names- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#284 - avoid integer overflow - correct name for unit tests - extended unit test - probe multipath devices - better interface - extended CmdBlkid for external journal information - probe external journals devices - added unit test - added override - added support for named MD RAIDs - added integration tests - extended unit test - added unit test - adapted integration test - extended documentation - coding style - generalised tests - corrected test - added documentation - avoid g++ warning by removing unused code - added override - removed unused variable - added unit test - renamed get_device to get_non_impl - pass mount_by to get_mount_by_name() - extended unit test - reduced scope of variable - added test case - shorter code - added documentation - added special handling for named RAIDs where the name is a number - added get_all_if for Mds - added debug messages - use strongly types enums - fixed command handling - reduced interface of SystemCmd - updated file list - allow to load mockup - generalised test - added function to adjust sids - extended int - added query function - added query function - coding style - renamed variables - renamed library - renamed variables - coding style - improved probing for multipath - set dm table name for partitions - set range for partitionables on dm - updates tests to md level enum change - simple valid check for multipath names - added unit tests - use wider int - sort udev ids like libstorage does - include multipath with alias in test case - added example program - activate mds - do not log debug log-level per default - updated swig catches - updated documentation - avoid cycle in actiongraph - added documentation - updated swig catches - fixed file list - extended documentation - updated swig catches file - removed wrong parameter documentation - coding style - generate swig catches for some deprecated functions - enable doxygen xml output (needed for generating swig catches) - fixed class name - coding style - updated list of exception classes - coding style - added dependency on doxygen.conf - provide definition of data member- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#147 - Detect libxml bit more properly to work on most distributions - Cleanup the spec file to adhere Factory packaging guidelines - Check for boost headers to ensure configure stops prior build failure if the boost-devel is not present - Split out the boost dependencies up to the latest boost package split on openSUSE_Tumbleweed - Do not require rubygem-test-unit on Factory - Remove boost-regexp dependency as it was removed in favor of higer C++ standard function- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#283 - fixed function names- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#282 - reuse existing table of filesystem names - improved exception message- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#281 - split directory examples into utils and examples- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#280 - Fix bug- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#279 - added used features flag for DASDs- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#278 - extended transmogify example - improved Action::RenameIn ordering for DASDs - added unit tests - added documentation - added bugzilla reference- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#277 - updated mockups to use parted --machine - removed old parted parser- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#276 - added check - do not use cylinder size as block size - avoid holder two actiongraph in memory - coding style - added more comparison operators - check partition order - coding style - added call to check() - workaround for parted sector size during resize - handle alignment in partition resize integration tests - simpler - renumber partitions on DASD partition table - added unit-tests - renamed unit-test - added integration test - renamed variable - fixed typos- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#259 - WIP - WIP - WIP - Add CompoundActionFormater base class - Add BtrfsSubvolumeFormater class - Update gitignore files - Add NfsFormater class - Add BtrfsFormater class - Add LvmLvFormater and LvmVgFormater - Add compound actions to actiongraph - Integrate CompoundAction and Actiongraph - Add bindings for CompoundAction - Remove old files - Update gitignore - Add CompoundAction#is_delete - Change return of find_by_target_device - Rename CompoundAction classes - Use Generator to generate compounds actions - Simplify CompoundAction creation - Rename and delete public methods - Return const objects - Remove empty destructors and improve constructors - Fix spelling - Add methods to LvmLv formatter - Add methods for LvmVg formatter - Delete improperly added file - Update example - Add automake subdir-objects option - Throw exception when action is unknown - Add tests for CompoundAction - Fix example - Improve formatters - Add files for compound actions example - Improve formatters - Improve tests - Improve text for compound actions with swap - Minor fixes - Rename data files - Fix test makefile - Improve variable names - Some improvements in formatters - Add gitignore - Remove spaces- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#274 - Add compound actions summary doc - Fix text - More text fixes- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#275 - enhanced get_possible_partition_table_types() for DASDs - simpler code- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#273 - added documentation - renamed variable and enums - set extended_slot to false on GPT - implemented partition slots for DASD partition table - added unit test - removed unused function - use vector instead of list - added assert - renamed typename - added utility function - added unit tests - simpler code - added comment - added convenience function - added integration test - better variable names- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#272 - added unit tests - new parse error tests - converted unit tests to new parted parser - removed old code - added note - fixed syntax - updated mockups- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#271 - recognize parted "diag" flag - log partition id as hex- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#270 - added find_by_name for Partitionable - split Topology class into Topology and Alignment - set minimal-grain to 0 B for DASDs - improved integration tests - set extra alignment for DASD partition table - fix sectors when calling parted on DASD partition table - use correct sector size - nicer check - keep minimal grain for DASDs - allow to get Alignment class - allow to align only to hard requirements - updated documentation about alignment - use partition id supported on all partition types- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#269 - adapted parted mkpart call for dasd partition table- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#268 - allow more control over mockup - rewrote parted parser including fixing sectors on DASDs - work on support for DASD partition table - updated unit-test - coding style- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#266 - added function to convert partition type to string- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#265 - avoid ambiguous code - replace own Regex class by C++11 regex - use C++11 regex instead of boost regex- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#264 - fixed human string parser- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#263 - use svg for graphs- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#262 - updated- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#261 - also allow to display actiongraph- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#260 - allow to keep temporary files- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#258 - removed obsolete file- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#257 - improved parser - added test case- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#256 - eliminated defects found by coverity- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#255 - updated cleanup lists- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#253 - make delete Filesystem or PartitionTable also delete signatures on disk - modified integration tests - added nop flag to actions - added helper function - set nop flag if btrfs filesystem is also deleted - extended documentation - removed unused functionality- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#252 - added unit tests - renamed integration test for consistency - removed unused variable - added integration test - coding style - handle tense - removed unneeded function override- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#251 - setup logger - coding style- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#250 - updated file list- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#249 - fixed documentation- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#248 - added in_etc_crypttab flag - also provide EtcFstab and EtcCrypttab in SystemInfo - coding style - set in_etc_crypttab - set correct crypt device - added documentation- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#247 - provide version information in bindings- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#246 - removed probing in constructor and added probe function - adapted unit tests - adapted examples - adapted integration tests - fixed comment - added DEVMAPPERDIR define - save and load in_etc_fstab - adapted integration test- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#245 - removed inadequate lvm activation - removed unused code - improved documentation - added missing include - provide begin() and end() - added function returning number of inactive lvm lvs - added utility functions - removed unused code - activate inactive lvm and luks if desired - updated bindings - added integration test - provide activate function in API - check callback pointer - fixed typo- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#244 - Propagate DifferentBlockSizes through the bindings- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#243 - added override- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#242 - fixed typo- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#241 - added check- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#240 - initialize values - reduced include- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#239 - added check - added unit tests - updated test - updated documentation - updated integration tests - consistent naming - added documentation - added convenience function - improved integration test- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#238 - added convenience function - removed nfs from dasd probing test - also remove descendants - added helper functions - return const objects - moved mount point data to dedicated class in devicegraph - adapted bindings - adapted example - adapted integration tests - added integration test for changeing mount-by method - added documentation - adapted unit tests - consistent naming - make functions as deprecated - do not longer allow to create Devicegraph without pointer to Storage - keep exact signature of deprecated functions - coding style - added warning- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#237 - fixed exception message - more detailed exception message - updated xml devicegraphs- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#236 - more detailed error messages - added comparison operators- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#235 - check types to avoid exception- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#234 - create parent directory of new subvolume- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#233 - document that nested RAIDs are unsupported- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#232 - added functions to handle default mount-by - removed obsolete classes - added documentation - renamed variable- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#231 - work on md size calculation - added documentation - fixed typo- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#230 - coding style - added unit test - improved function interface - removed debug output - install header- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#229 - probe subvolume id after create- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#228 - added functions to get source and target of a Holder - fixed integrations tests - added integration test- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#227 - added convenience functions - minor refactoring - added unit tests - added convenience functions - added integration tests- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#226 - flush results after each test - handle spare devices in size calculation - make a conservative calculation - improve results output - fix typo- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#225 - fixed check - added test for nested RAIDs - added workaround for bsc#1030896 - removed debug setting- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#224 - added sort-key for devices of MD RAID- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#223 - added flag in_etc_mdadm- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#222 - create /etc directory when mounting /- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#221 - probe some uuids after on disk creation- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#220 - coding style - reuse objects EtcFstab, EtcCrypttab and EtcMdadm - added writing of mdadm.conf - set partition id - handle new values in Md::Impl - probe md-name and uuid - add tense to CommitData- Fixed line number output for empty ranges - Unit tests for Diff - Fixed include path- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#219 - Added generic diff - Added log_diff() - Use log_diff() instead of log() - Fixed verbose mode - Fixed out of range segfault - Prevent diff context at file borders- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#218 - added support for DASDs (the block device)- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#217 - initialize value- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#215 - protect mount options since subvol can include spaces- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#213 - added btrfs subvolume support- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#214 - Handle fs type unknown - New test case for fs type unknown- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#212 - initialize value in ctor - set filename- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#211 - cleanup AsciiFile (possible after EtcFstab rewrite) - use AsciiFile to read fstab for mockup playback and record- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#210 - Use full filename for fstab and crypttab - Add missing space in mount command- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#209 - changed return type of get_mount_type() - added compatibility functions- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#208 - removed unneeded includes - removed obsolete handling of list- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#202 - Activate vgs - Add comment - Fix indentation- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#206 - New EtcFstab API - Methods to maintain correct mount order - Stricter constness and avoid endless call recursion - Added missing factory method - Added MountOpts::clear() - Unit tests for new EtcFstab class - Better runtime checks using exceptions - Tests for checking and fixing mount order - Added tests for pathological cases - Make line no. optional during parsing - Store filename for writing, too - Removed obsolete tests - Added EtcCrypttab class - Don't pad last column - Remove entry by pointer - Unit test for EtcCrypttab - New unit test: Nonexistent crypttab - Removed cruft - Don't stop parsing after the first error - Accept unparsable fs enums as type 'unknown' - Support for logging contents - Added missing includes - Get and set options completely at once - Use new EtcFstab: StorageImpl - Use new EtcFstab: ProcMounts - Use new EtcFstab: Nfs - Use new EtcCrypttab: Luks - Use new EtcCrypttab: Mountable and BlkFilesystem - Use new EtcFstab: XML mocking in testsuite - Omit 'defaults' for mount opts in XML - Code review fixes - Documentation fixes - Support for mocking during probing - Fixed unit test data- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#200 - split off Mountable from Filesystem - removed unused variable - added parsers for btrfs tools - removed unused functions - unified comments - fixed typo - added missing implementation - allow mocking of SystemCmds with unstable command-line - added include - avoid btrfs in test cases (will need more mockup) - extended style guide - added example program- Imported (#199)- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#197 - added some compile time checks - renamed macro to avoid name collision- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#196 - moved code to implementation classes - removed unneeded virtual in API - added Encryption::get_all() functions- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#195 - added comment - removed unused enum value- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#194 - redirect to probed devicegraph in EnsureMounted- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#192 - tiny code simplifications - added includes - make EnsureMounted more generic and work for Filesystem - added class to parse df output - added class SpaceInfo - added function to query nfs mounts - generalise and move some functions from BlkFilesystem to Filesystem - store SpaceInfo in Filesystem - cleanup - added basic NFS support - coding style - extended bindings for NFS - added integration tests - removed dangerous functions and added comment - updated python bindings - added check - added integration test - added Nfs::Impl::used_features()- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#191 - split off class BlkFilesystem from class Filesystem - updated testcases - updated example - updated documentation - updated bindings - updated testcases - updated integration tests- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#190 - coding style - removed abstract class - use direct parent class - avoid flushes- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#189 - detect nilfs2 - cleanup - shorter code - coding style - coding style - added support for ext2, ext3, reiserfs, iso9660 and udf - updated bindings to new filesystems - added integration tests- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#188 - removed cycle from actiongraph for Luks setup - cleanup- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#187 - Bind exceptions for BlkDevice::get_encryption- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#186 - fixed shrinking devices - enable commit- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#185 - added Encryption::get_type() - make get_type() in EncryptionImpl virtual- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#184 - implemented do_rename_in_etc_crypttab()- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#183 - save sid in devicegraphs - add dependencies to some actions of children of partition table - added test case - added documentation - use convenience function- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#180 - added set_number() function - renumber logical partitions in delete_partition() - added testcase - coding style - added actions to rename entries in fstab and crypttab - use integration test utils - implemented rename in fstab - override function - allow to skip more steps - better check - renamed functions - reuse code - the check was correct - coding style- Added Travis support (use Docker for building)- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#179 - fixed swig bindings for used_features()- Typo: Fixed inconsistent enum prefix (#178)- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#177 - added move constructor and assignment operator- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#176 - Make boot flag checks public- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#175 - turn udev_path into vector (see bsc#1011357)- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#174 - show base in log for hex - fixed typo - added tests - handle partition id on GPT - added unit tests - removed TODO mark - fixed typo - DRYer code - renamed test files - markdown improvements - renamed function- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#173 - updated history- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#172 - added interface to query used features - added bcache to used features - added unit tests- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#171 - added convenience functions- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#170 - make functions public available- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#169 - added parsing legacy_boot in parted output - actions for boot, legacy_boot and pmbr_boot - added integration tests - updated status document - removed out-commented code - extended documentation- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#168 - added probing pmbr-boot - added test case for pmbr boot- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#167 - moved setting BOOST_TEST_CATCH_SYSTEM_ERRORS- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#166 - Added LvmLv.get_all()- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#165 - added utility function to public API- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#164 - added convenience functions - moved template definitions to separate file- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#163 - added name for partition id- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#162 - added test case - moved test cases - reuse code - coding style - simpler code - reuse code - help compiler understand code - removed workaround - fixed partition name - run performance tests as last - coding style - allow to set udev path and ids - set udev path and if when creating partition - added test case - updated unit test to include object for partition table - make logical partitions children of extended partition - added note and todo - added checks - moved unit test- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#161 - also check udev_path and udev_ids in equal and log_diff - fixed typo - omit more udev-ids (use whitelist instead of blacklist) - added explanatory comment- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#160 - set default partition id based on partition type- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#159 - fixed initialization order - check that function is called on correct devicegraph- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#158 - use const unique_ptr for pimpl - added testcase - added documentation- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#157 - renamed class - removed printing to cout from Actiongraph - performance improvement - added performance test - removed examples with testsuite character - improved example- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#156 - updated status document - include feedback from code review- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#155 - updated documentation - added end user example - fixed typo - improvements from code review- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#143 - the dependency fix: updated from the specfile - specified distribution specific dependencies - corrected deps on tumbleweed- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#154 - handle tense - handle tense - throw on logic error - coding style - added humanstring example- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#153 - fixed temporary check - quote commit message in log- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#152 - removed some examples that were initial test programs- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#151 - cylinder -> sector cleanup- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#150 - added TmpMount class - added EnsureMounted class - use EnsureMounted class - added note - name enum strongly typed - now removed enum entirely- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#149 - added convenience function to query Ntfs objects - added convenience function to query Partitionable objects- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#148 - initialise class members- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#145 - improved device_exists - fixed typo - added support to resize (active) lukses - added integration tests for luks - coding style - moved check function to impls - added check function for Luks - added comment - added unit test for resizing luks - require to provide filename - incorporated comments from code review - ignore generated files- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#144 - added UntranslatedText and moved Text to own file - moded StopWatch to own file - added documentation - renamed variable- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#142 - fixed lvm vg dependency generation if modify actions exist purely on lhs - coding style - added convenience function - added flags to control handling of credentials - correcter explanation for translators - use ST_THROW macro - coding style - support to create, activate, deactivate and delete Luks - added encryption handling functions to BlkDevice - added unit tests - added integrations tests - handle tense - added skeleton actions for crypttab handling - handle tense - handle crypttab- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#141 - use C++11 initialisation - shorter code - removed unused check - coding style - added reusable sort_by_key function- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#140 - Added a failing test (TDD) for LVM dependencies - Bugfixes in Action::Create#add_dependencies - Dependencies between LVM operations - Fixes from code review: coding style - Another complex test for LVM dependencies - Reusable function to add grouped dependencies - Added a test for PVs being moved between VGs - Dependencies for moving PVs between different VGs - Added note about add_chain cost- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#139 - added const - added helper function - renamed variable - moved calculating dependencies for creating partitions to PartitionTable class - make vertices in actiongraph stable- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#138 - renamed function - indicate only-sync in graph output- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#137 - also save devicegraphs - renamed function - call function in base class - add dependency for reallot actions - added unit tests for reallot actions in lvm case - moved some tests to md subdirectory - always use svg instead of png- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#136 - Obsolete again old libstorage- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#135 - pass vector by reference- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#134 - do not call udevadm info for inactive devices- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#133 - fixed output - set flags for ostream - probe attr for lvm devices - added active flag to BlkDevice- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#131 - fixed parsing of 'dmsetup table' output if no devices were found - catch exceptions from Storage constructor- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#130 - Avoid conflict with old libstorage config file - Do not obsolete old libstorage in .spec- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#129 - added functions to query volume group - wait as late as possible - added note - moved detect_resize_info to Device - provide ResizeInfo for LvmPv - added override - generate actions for resizing lvm pvs - added tests for lvm pv resizing - added get_size_string() - inform children (LvmVg and Md) when parent has new region- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#128 - format numbers - handle ResizeInfo in LvmLv - added functions to find a volume group by the vg-name - make reallot handling work with Device instead of BlkDevice - handle reallot for volume groups - allow to save graphs - fixed consistency between variable name and partition- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#127 - added most common lvm actions - removed obsolete define - wait as late as possible - added define - include size in volume group create/delete text- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#126 - added override where appropriate- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#125 - make find by uuid functions non public - extended comment- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#124 - sort sids in output for better readability- Use stdin, not tmp files for passwords (bsc#986971) (#123)- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#122 - added convenience functions for lvm - make delete_partition take a Partition - removed obsolete code - shorter code - added function to delete logical volume - renamed file - make doxygen analyse more files - updated documentation - activate DEPRECATED define - consistent function names- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#121 - added convenience functions for Bcache and BcacheCset- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#120 - move dm-table-name from Encryption to BlkDevice - probe stripes and stripe-size - removed obsolete class - removed unused functions - fixed documentation- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#119 - removed unused functions- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#118 - also support downcast for bcache classes- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#117 - added copyright headers - moved filesystem classes from Devices to new Filesystems directory- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#116 - added and renamed examples - init logger - prefer vector over list - detect bcache in blkid output - renamed output files - simply call probe_pass_2 for all devices - extended check function - added get_string function - decentralized code - added bcache probing support - includes cleanup - added bcache probing testcase - added documentation links- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#115 - extended 'dmsetup table' parser to provide target and stripes- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#114 - updated doxygen list of input files- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#113 - enable client side searching- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#112 - extended lvm parsers - probe size of luks - probe size of lvm vg and lv - added copyright header - handle new class variables- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#111 - add get_partitionable() to API- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#110 - use new is_valid_name- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#109 - added is_valid_name for BldDevice- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#108 - use fallback lockup - removed now unused function- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#107 - use fallback lookup by major and minor number- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#106 - corrected order- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#105 - added note - added luks probing testcase- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#104 - extended SystemInfo for encryption - cleanup - prefer vector over list - added luks probing support - use C++11 range based for- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#103 - during probing find devices by major and minor number if find my name fails- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#102 - added convenience function - added unit tests- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#101 - work on LVM support - added documentation - added todo - added check - extended check functions - provide vectors of LVM objects - added get_lvs function - added get_lvm_pvs function - added get_blk_device function - downcast also LVM objects - added more convenient functions- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#96 - Added YaST requirements, based on meeting in NUE - AI formatting - MD formatting - More formatting - comments from review - comments - Clarified upgrade from EVMS- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#100 - added functions to search for lvm devices by uuid - added BlkDevice::get_all - cleanup - sort results of lvm commands - use get_all function- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#99 - added functions any_md, any_lvm and any_luks - explicit function name - probe mds only if blkid found some - added uuid to lvm objects - added get_all functions - added testcase - added parsers for pvs and lvs- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#98 - call parted with --wipesignatures when creating partitions - use long option - adapted tests- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#97 - removed perl bindings (only potential use-case kiwi was rewritten in python) - mark function as override- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#95 - initialise and log variable- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#94 - allow to set minimal_mbr_gap- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#93 - allow to set minimal grain- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#92 - added convenience functions- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#91 - added convenience functions- partition alignment, drop cylinders and geometry, change unit of sizes (#85)- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#89 - Added support to set label and uuid for swap devices - Allow to change label and UUID of pre-existing partitions - Fix from code review: ST_THROW- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#88 - Update - Update .gitignore- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#87 - added buildrequires graphviz since doxygen needs it- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#86 - Added check for PPC PowerNV- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#84 - Added ID_EFI- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#83 - swig bindings for Storage::Arch - include Arch.h in docs and devel package - fix list include - automake fix- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#81 - do not create devicegraph without storage object - coding style - added missing includes - coding style - coding style- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#80 - add documentation on parted partition alignment - enhance doc according to pr comments - added details on alignment- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#79 - removed now unneeded scope operator- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#78 - Disable changelog check- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#77 - added detailed flags for write_graphviz()- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#76 - added missing include (for whatever version travis/jenkins is using)- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#75 - clarify dependencies, how to test- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#74 - detect reducing/extending of devices - just keep one sorted vector of devices - added function to remove edge - added function to remove device - use exception macros - allow to add and remove spare devices to md - added integration tests - more descriptive parameter names - coding style - added comments - eliminate temporary variable - added some inline documentation - reshuffle code- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#73 - added second link in documentation - detect faulty devices in MD RAID - fixed comment- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#72 - test public interface - added testcases- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#71 - added set_range to API- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#70 - added documentation - added documentation- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#69 - Added integration with Jenkins- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#68 - added document about resizing - fixed typo- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#67 - reduce code duplication - throw exceptions in error case - also generate pictures of devicegraphs - renamed function and added comments- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#66 - avoid code duplication - added unit test- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#65 - work on tenses for messages- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#64 - avoid header file - use new size constants - avoid assert - use exception macro - no need for postfix - fixed error handling - cache, load and save Resize- and ContentInfo- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#63 - adapted filename to library rename - make code reusable - coding style - init logger - provide __str__ for more classes - added missing dependency - use exception macros - added is_probed query function - allow to query resize and content information- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#62 - avoid code repetition - updated gitignore- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#61 - added Action classes for resize- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#60 - removed unused functions - avoid boolean function argument- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#59 - several adoptions to library name change- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#58 - drop major and minor number from BlkDevice- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#57 - rename rpm and library to libstorage-ng- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#56 - drop bindings for legacy interface - dropped legacy interface and most/all legacy functions - renamed enum- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#55 - added and use LogfileLogger- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#54 - added downcast function in bindings- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#53 - Expose get_geometry() / set_geometry() to API- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#52 - added actions to handle /etc/mdadm.conf - renamed classes- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#51 - initialise member variables - replace cmp_lt_number by compare_by_number - ignore coverity output directory cov-int - fixed assert - use proper function - use proper functions - added check for overflow - replace ParseError by ParseException - extended testsuite- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#50 - more tweaking for broken ruby packaging- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#49 - make Exception hierarchy available in bindings - do not expose exception macros in public API- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#48 - avoid warning with g++ 5.2.1- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#47 - removed redundant ";" - added interface functions to query number of partitions- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#46 - support probing of Md using Md - fixed function name - consistent function/variable name- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#45 - added get_md_parity_name - added TODO note- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#44 - added quote for vector - moved code to - fixed documentation - initialise all member variables - added basic MD RAID support - added checks and unit-test - added DEVDIR macro as requested during code review - added node about consistent naming - use strlen instead of fixed value- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#43 - define sorting of results - use macro - shorter code - do not use legacy file for AC_INIT - remove function identical to base function - extended style document- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#42 - remove interim sync actions - included suggestions from code-review- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#41 - renamed classes - added num_actions()- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#40 - ensure "one definition rule"- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#39 - added region.to_value function - added disk.get_possible_partition_table_types() - added get_pt_type_name() - use new ST_THROW macro - call parted with filesystem type depending on partition id - do not set numeric partition id on non MSDOS partition tables - added more fs-types for parted mkpart call - use define - better names for partition table types- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#38 - added Device::remove_descendants() - moved num_children and num_parents to Impl - use new exceptions macro- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#37 - added functions to query partition table type of partition table object- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#36 - added missing include - use C++11 underlying_type for correctness - define copy constructor and copy assignment for Region- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#35 - fixed function name - added TmpDir class (complied with RAII) - added Vfat and Ntfs device classes - removed ntfs-3g naming workarounds - coding style - delete copy constructor and assignment operator for Device and Holder - use new ST_THROW macro- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#34 - moved test files - extended bindings - updated test program - added missing include - added test programs - moved test programs - added options to example probe program - consistent naming - avoid casts by using std::function - added logic check - use traits to avoid undetected typos - moved setting compiler flags before AC_PROG_CXX to avoid problems with --coverage - more descriptive exceptions - moved swig catches statements to own file - extended unit-test - test documenting exceptions with doxygen - use constant- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#33 - added test case - added branch coverage example - call region.empty - coding style - moved Exception to Utils - added test-cases - made text more comprehensible - added test-case - fixed off-by-one error - robuster test-case- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#32 - Add ruby remote probe example- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#31 - added missing DeviceTraits - consisting coding style - avoid warning with clang++ - added and use templates is_device/holder_of_type- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#30 - don't generate documentation for legacy interface - added some overall documentation - documented difference between high- and low-level device graph functions- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#29 - added subgraph and filtered_graph paragraph- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#28 - use fixture - added checks for big numbers - coding style - removed bogus operator - removed some asserts now handled via exceptions - added block-size to Region class - make Partition create functions take region parameter- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#27 - Prevent crash upon shutdown (object destruction sequence) - Added TO DO- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#26 - fixed file list- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#25 - more detailed message - added check - adapted to api change - implemented umount/swapoff actions - replaced specifier deprecated in C++11 - moved Logger to Utils - added nullptr checks - added traits for Holders - work on exception logging - exception handling for storage::to_partition - updated examples- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#24 - fixed Umount and RemoveFstab actions- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#23 - added functions to convert enums to strings- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#22 - added Filesystem::get_all()- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#21 - added const version - steps towards private Devicegraph::Impl graph - added convenient functions - use checker macro - avoid using Devicegraph::Impl.graph member- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#20 - make Actiongraph.graph private - added operator[] and fixed some constness - added probe mode that write devicegraph - rename class to reflect concept - make also graph type private - added typedefs - log destruction- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#19 - use font Arial also for action graph- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#18 - make Actiongraph part of public interface- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#17 - also provide non-const relatives functions - added function to remove a list of devices - use exception macros- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#16 - use long named option for readability- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#15 - added one more 'udevadm settle' call - use a define for udevadm settle- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#14 - added logger control functions to new api - allow Logger test function to also check component - added documentation - do not expose symbol - added constructor (just eye candy)- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#13 - added to_device_of_type template function - use new to_device_of_type function - added testcases - detailed exception messages - make exceptions take parameters instead of final message - remember base filename in exception locations- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#12 - work on exceptions- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#11 - prefix include guards- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#10 - generate bindings before running tests- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#9 - parallel compile and run of tests- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#8 - removed unneeded define- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#7 - set BOOST_TEST_CATCH_SYSTEM_ERRORS=no- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#5 - Added exception classes - added class SystemCmdException and CommandNotFoundException - added testsuite helpers - added unit tests for SystemCmd class - documented CmdParted class - improved error reporting with new exception classes don't throw exception for all kinds of parted stderr output - improved error reporting for CmdBtrfs, added CmdBtrfsSubvolumes class - added gpt fix backup - added files, added test case parse_empty - use const string& - remove do_probe and probe() from CmdBtrfsSubvolumes - use const string& - remove (not needed here), remove (to be adapted first) - added test case parse_bad_device_name, parse_no_devices and systemcmd_error - test case parse_wiped_disk_good added, better test names applied - test cases for ParseException added - tests for SystemCmd added - retcode != 0 doesn't work - ignore non zero exit code - check for boost version >= 1.58 - add test cases for exceptions - add TO DO for test cases parse_gpt_enlarge_good and parse_gpt_fix_backup_good- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#6 - Added use case document - Added pseudo code for suggested API - Use partition_table, not disk directly - Added multi_boot_pc_with_windows() C++ sample - use correct exception macro - added comment- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#4 - added rules to style guide - added reasons to use C++11- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#3 - updated URLs - added requirements and how to run unit test- extended comment- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#2 - Enable documentation of the storage_legacy namespace. - Added brief descriptions to classes.- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#1 - How to compile - How to make a RPM, code documentation.- make code- added design decisions- added heading- moved style guide to docs- added goals- use C++11 to_string- adapted testcase- moved testsuite compare classes to testsuite directory- make output work with older graphviz versions- added testcase- use back_inserter- make errors in actiongraph testsuite readable- improved test message- moved statement- work on compatibility layer- work on compatibility layer- throw exception instead of returning nullptr- renamed class to avoid likely conflict with keyword- work on compatibility layer- ported interface additions from fate#318392- ported interface additions from fate#318392- build on Fedora 21- sync version numbers with libstorage- mark functions as override- added per action callbacks- adapted enum names- first setting first and last flag on actions- save detailed actiongraph- added commit error callback- display name of partition id in message- fstab actions depend on the root filesystem mounted- place detailed node info in extra line- save libstorage version in output files- added namespace- allow to show details in graphviz output- added compare example which reads devicegraphs- added check for nullptr- don't save empty values- a devicegraph might have no devices or holders- work on strongly typed enums with swig 3.0.0- work on compatibility callbacks- skip nop action- rename devicegraph- install legacy header- added namespace- added include- work on compatibility layer- fixed efi detection- quote device- implemented real get_default_partition_table_type function- add storage backref to Devicegraph- install perl5 bindings into versioned directory- allow access to Arch and set some values- save architecture in Storage object- work on compatibility layer- added dummy functions for default partition table type- implemented create for msdos and gpt- generate bindings for filesystems classes- added btrfs (without multidevice) and xfs- use C++11- work on compatibility layer- added check function to Storage- delegate checking for modify actions- added convert functions- mostly reverted a previously patch- added type query functions- make functions creating partitions also take region- implemented calculating unused partition slots- work on compatibility layer- added partition type parameter to create partition functions- added constructor taking all values- removed functions from interface- added function to count partitions of a specific type- more verbose error message- handle range in Disk- catch exception- allow to create ext4 on disk (without partition)- save files in YaST2 dir- added include- better error handling- log beginning of commit action- wait for device before mkfs- handle rootprefix when writing fstab- set size when setting region- work on compatibility layer- work on compatibility layer- work on compatibility layer- extended compatibility layer- extended compatibility layer- improved messages- work on compatibility layer- added mkfs_options and tune_options- work on compatibility layer- use helper functions- fixed dependency generation- work on compatibility layer- handle mount-by when writing fstab- fixed variable order- extended compatibility layer- added Storage reference to Actiongraph- added functions for rootprefix- added include- added include- create mountpoint directory- write fstab entry- simpler syntax- treat empty fstab opts as "defaults"- fixed typo- improved commit messages- extended tests- moved code from Actions to Devices and added Actions- moved code- added action to format swap- updated testsuite data- added rotational/ssd to Disk- added sysfs-name and -path to BlkDevice- added script to demonstrate remote probing- allow to provide own functions for remote probing- implemented commit callbacks- removed unused Actiongraph declaration- provide getPresentDisks- use C++11 chrono::steady_clock- added simple compatibility for saveDeviceGraph- allow access to new Storage from old StorageInterface- fixed namespace- fixed use of PYTHON_INCLUDES- query perl include paths from perl- read mount-by type from fstab- added convenient functions- install StorageVersion.h- install perl files to vender_site- also use data from /etc/fstab for filesystem probing- fixed namespace- detect mountpoint from /proc/mounts- renamed functions- use udevadm to query udev device links- extended compaitbility code- some rudimentary probing for ext4 and swap- load more data- moved code- print more data- added function to query filesystem type- removed function from public interface- added todo- removed unused code- moved file- cleanup- handle udev path and id in compatibility layer- handle udev path and ids in BlkDevice- use external command to query links- formatting- moved get_classname and print to Impl- improved log_diff output- set verbose for 'make check'- handle gpt enlarge during probing- fixed gpt enlarge detection- also record stderr for mockup- implemented comparing device graphs- removed unused code- clear devicegraph in load- initialise values- removed file- added function to get holder sid pairs- added probe testcase (unfinished)- use external command- added clear function- added testsuite- use external command- pass complete object- allow to set mockup filename- added probe modes to read and write mockup- removed obsolete code (env.var. does not exist anymore)- implemented load and save in Mockup- added testcases for EtcFstab- added mockup mode- moved file- added testcases- added testcases- added testcases- added testcases- moved testsuite for SystemInfo to subdir- added testcase- added testcases- allow mockup for SystemCmd and AsciiFile- added test- use variable- added runtime checks- removed old stuff- added lvm classes- added spec file and utilities- split c and c++ flags- better cleanup- added translations (which are needed for testsuite)- added sysconfig fillup- integrate doxygen- use single location for dependencies- install integration-tests- avoid compiler warnings- ignore generated file- ignore generated file- find local swig bindings- generate file- added source files- added subdir- package test xml file- do not include non-existing file- added missing includes- package test scripts- moved file, generate file- added logging of environment- always create a "probed" devicegraph, even if empty- perl like function name- provide sformat also for plain string- namespace cleanup- namespace cleanup- log probed devicegraph- first integration tests- ignore operator<<- include and namespace fixes- report disk label type- fixed examples (still not all working)- make Region usable for interface- work on providing legacy interface and bindings- provide legacy functions- provide more getters and setters- avoid name conflict in swig generated target languages- fix includes- added testcases- added include- addes testcases- fixed compilation- added testcases- don't crash if no logger was setup- work on probing (design still unsatisfied)- updated gitignore- added include- removed generated file- added names for enum- added function to setup logger- fixed sformat string- added assert- added testcases- cleanup- save label as enum instead of string- added functions child and parent- save proved devicegraph- fix for strongly typed enums- added check- added Msdos device object- coding style- cleanup- copied SystemInfo and some utils from old libstorage- reformatted- use different namespace to avoid conflicts with old libstorage- work on style and bindings- added testcase- work on startup- cleanup- fixed order- work on bindings- work on testsuites- added testcase for perl bindings- use strict in perl examples- renamed testcase- renamed cast functions and use autorename for ruby- work on bindings- work on bindings- added tiny testsuite for ruby bindings- work on exceptions and testsuite- added testsuite for python bindings- fixed sid_t bindings- consistent naming- improved failure message- extended example- renamed INCLUDES to AM_CPPFLAGS- consistency- work on loading and saving device graphs- use template function- moved file- fixed compilation- use enum- added find example- work on loading device graph- fixed variable names- work on saving device graph- split Holder files- renamed function- added getSids function- added Environment class- added main class Storage- added swap function- avoid warning from swig- use enum- work on perl5 bindings- exception handling for bindings- added polymorphism example for ruby and perl- use common swig interface file- added BlkDevice::createFilesystem- make Device and Holder object contructors private, use create function instead- removed generated file- work on interface- work on swig bindings- work on swig bindings- work on swig bindings- work on swig bindings- work on bindings (not usable yet)- use impl ptr pattern for DeviceGraph- added back reference to device objects- remove old output files- added helper functions- use impl ptr pattern for Device objects- better module name- check exception message- disallow create/delete of disk, instead have partition table object- fixed mount ordering- changed action texts- display device graph- fixed return type- added testcase for dependencies- link to wiki- updated- added nop action for synchronization- removed example now in testsuite- dummy ordering for mount actions- use specific test tools- added testsuite- updated- restructured build stuff- updated build stuff- initial evallibstorage-rubyold-cirrus1 -fmessage-length=0 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (GNU/Linux), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=65d8978186e655103b542a231fea5a6ff9ee4ea9, strippedRRRRRRR R R R RR RRRRRc/^>WW]utf-8efbf727b46fb4634e973ca331d8e98056e73993f44974230bd6faacf83791078?7zXZ !t/]"k%+=Ve-3+'SLE𯕐O;Lq{RذI{džCOc 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