cronie-anacron-1.5.1-lp152.7.3.1<>,'a:l/=„}BA]'K0<ԀxTƲjS?tpdsJ\{խ3QJiUvv?s rj)1/&6Xe>^E8y02 DRۡxNoC1fO`ZNL=PZ$G''ͫtv۩GU@4/Fh[)@ҥ@lt,"L45lezG)=3hC6L.KX " ..!Vֳz>PP%$"Ž1DBqDY: >@?d # D (I bn         A  L p   P(8 9h: >BFJG` H I XY\ ] ^bcd<eAfDlFuX v|w x y4 zXhlrCcronie-anacron1.5.1lp152.7.3.1Utility for running regular jobsAnacron becames part of cronie. Anacron is used only for running regular jobs. The default settings execute regular jobs by anacron, however this could be overloaded in settings.a:lcloud130KopenSUSE Leap 15.2openSUSEBSD-3-Clause and GPL-2.0 and MIThttp://bugs.opensuse.orgSystem/Base[ -e /var/spool/anacron/cron.daily ] || touch /var/spool/anacron/cron.daily [ -e /var/spool/anacron/cron.weekly ] || touch /var/spool/anacron/cron.weekly [ -e /var/spool/anacron/cron.monthly ] || touch /var/spool/anacron/cron.monthlyG U큤A큤a:ia:ia:ja:ha:ha:ia:ia:ia:i907e4a9f15159d88cdf6733d551c1aabbfb6756550b44682c72802d9ea0bf2fe0f030f0a1c8124fca5e8b3a34ddc2ad206843227e753d0c10cc4ad1932564ceeb86d279a12b8aef8e42e3a541a87d10de0941393b868a6161c5c0a931999095f0bcc53b14db6f4a742dfa52bf43ada70d05a15cac4ce721f7258ea5144f97be0aa686d78f142157e4ddd8504d4471289542b231fa732d3a250d0dbb470f22ac4@@@rootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootcronie-1.5.1-lp152.7.3.1.src.rpmconfig(cronie-anacron)cronie-anacroncronie-anacron(x86-32)@@@@@@@@@    /bin/sh/bin/shconfig(cronie-anacron) $@]*]d@\P\\6ZZ@Z Z@Y@XP@XӸWSWRU@U@U@UJ@UU@Up=T_W@Danilo Spinella Kristyna Streitova Kristyna Streitova Kristýna Streitová Kristýna Streitová Kristýna Streitová rbrown@suse.comjsegitz@suse.comkstreitova@suse.comrbrown@suse.comkukuk@suse.dekstreitova@suse.comkstreitova@suse.comkstreitova@suse.comtchvatal@suse.comcrrodriguez@opensuse.orgcrrodriguez@opensuse.orgjmatejek@suse.comtchvatal@suse.comtchvatal@suse.comkstreitova@suse.comcrrodriguez@opensuse.orgLed - Increase limit of allowed entries in crontab files to fix bsc#1187508 * cronie-1.5.1-increase_crontab_limit.patch- drop 'checkproc' line from the run-crons as the usage is bogus [bsc#1155929]- update cronie-nheader_lines.diff so it doesn't print the first 3 crontab lines (static comments) with the 'crontab -l' command [bsc#1155114]- remove cronie-nofork-nopid.patch that allowed running of multiple "cron -n" instances at once which is an unwanted behaviour [bsc#1133100]- update cronie-1.5.1-huge_crontab_DoS.patch to fix a regression that caused that only the first job from a crontab was being run [bsc#1130746]- add cronie-1.5.1-huge_crontab_DoS.patch to fix two security issues where users can cause DoS of the crond by loading huge crontab files. We now allow maximum 1000 environment variables and 1000 crontab entries. Also the comments and whitespace between the entries and variables are now limited to 32768 characters. [bnc#1128937] [CVE-2019-9704] and [bnc#1128935] [CVE-2019-9705]- Requires mail as it's really needed by cron-crons script, not smtp_daemon [bsc#1070565] [bsc#1064834]- Ensure that /etc/cron.{hourly,daily,weekly,monthly} have proper permissions and owner. This is racy but prevents some LPE vectors- Requires smtp_daemon (not just Recommends) as it's needed by run-crons script [bsc#1064834]- Replace references to /var/adm/fillup-templates with new %_fillupdir macro (boo#1069468)- Require group trusted if we use them- update to 1.5.1 * crontab: Use temporary file name that is ignored by crond. * crond: Inherit PATH from the crond environment if -P option is used. * crond: Remove hardcoded "system_u" SELinux user, use the SELinux user of the running crond. * anacron: Small cleanups and fixes. * crond: Fix longstanding race condition on repeated crontab modification. - refresh cronie-pam_config.diff - get rid of %{name} macros in the patch names - use %{ext_man} macro for anacron man pages - was retired on March 1st, 2017 * update Url and Source address- cleanup with spec-cleaner- remove the omc xml config that is useless nowdays- Add fix for bnc#983925 to run crons even when not on AC_POWER * Nowdays it does not make much sense to not run crons when on battery and actually it can even confuse people- cron.service: Use KillMode=process like upstream does.- revert last change, it is a bug in sssd.service, fixed in SR#313709- add support for MAILFROM, MAIL_CONFIG and different mailer binaries in run-crons (bnc#812367, bnc#366762)- Start cron after sssd.service bnc#926961- Redo the post/pre update approach to fix migration from SLE11. Should fix bnc#919028- update to 1.5.0 * crond: Job environment variables are set also when executing sendmail. * crond: Adding duplicate orphans on reload is now prevented. * crond: The regular crond shutdown is now logged. * crontab: PAM is not called in crontab command if the caller's uid is 0. * crond: PAM is not called from crond for system cron jobs (/etc/crontab, /etc/cron.d) which are run for uid 0. * crond: The existence of an user is checked at time when job is run and not when the crontab is parsed on database reload. - use spec-cleaner- cron.service: Start not after ypbind.service nscd.service -cron.service: Crons run at wall-time, order after fix bashisms in pre scripts/bin/shcloud130 1631196780 1.5.1-lp152. -fmessage-length=0 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// textPOSIX shell script, ASCII text executableELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=d5c60e91b204a41029af5c99a1627bbb75bbc3f3, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedtroff or preprocessor input, UTF-8 Unicode text (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix)directoryemptyRRRR R RR RRjyDU4Wutf-81ed5194016518c87862792c98f875af9b8c3b9071b59ffde3cae1a3a632601de?7zXZ !t/\]"k%.Qs/΍XdBrbj 塉PE Ģ^GS#\ ?7I1%dUjqn?T\難0rRm9 IO0M Sj*}pEDjOFnw"IN`=͕Lg٢0,̾}GyqWͻqmCNc pE콉`}Mԝ)fԡq]3 %2=ڐ4ݿ;r,qYVg^t+;{H3QwTNq8)(4rlA~m*r5*ΟNy ê+i$GԜ\NK Y#)3rd\67Ѕf"7,"u|nl \d6c|8.FR8ZXSTSS%6v c ڳI-='Qj޼*i?Xe_V;QqnNK ?*=KdB7$r1~OY8ѮmX Bc94qR` 7W5t;'1s޿V{f1[~XT7NZ>_w.J[e1 mێ{윳Ous#!uՠHsEOO~Яz9t '^Ќ} .-<so |_tTn^J0Sp6gӄ6x4$3]oqp<sqb{T+kJ\ԳkIibbn}>KSk_Ap$x1d ):D_fPMq!@1_UQ-WV'G7W (^ӧ?GvaF_OaSD>+&;$N D;p-sl9nP5 קBwNۄ׹qzO \6ZN[KY;G2ض}bۓHYQš\wP_=cq )paLNg}w@rc`'M } o CIbiN\ۺV}r2=n*@ͽzҮ%80~zEsp2ֱd?ym