libtpm_unseal1-<>,\AҨ/=„^CاVp HH2}jJY㊗YKc"gk` RU}]i\A1}~fk5sc]G￷'}ZbⶖmPq\BEgwŸhxG2;\Nl> k/- "TFf~M'Մ*oaׅ%?t׼`Qb΁$*KB_Y+/Y"$^O7RBWFÒKhr./cJ)>@?d % U ):[ahx     8H\p$(89:H> @ F G H I XY \8]H^bcdeflu0v@wxy z(8<BClibtpm_unseal11.3.9.1lp150.3.3.1Management tools for the TPM hardware (library)Trusted Computing is a set of specifications published by the Trusted Computing Group (TCG). The Trusted Platform Module (TPM) is the hardware component for Trusted Computing. The tpm-tools package provides tools for enablement and configuration of the TPM and associated interfaces. Also look inside the trousers package for more software for TC. This package contains shared libraries\AҨbuild81mopenSUSE Leap 15.0openSUSEIPL-1.0http://bugs.opensuse.orgSystem/Libraries]A큤\Aҥ\AҦ\Aҧ    /sbin/ldconfig/sbin/\&@ZC@XXh@U@U/@T->@O/@O`@O8@Nh@N\M6@Mߒ@L@KJu@matthias.gerstner@suse.commatthias.gerstner@suse.commeissner fix undefined and binary data being output in the tpm_version command (bsc#1114793) - add 0001-tpm_version-avoid-outputting-NULL-bytes-from-tpmVend.patch - add 0001-tpm_version-avoid-outputting-undefined-data-on-stder.patch- 0001-Fix-build-against-OpenSSL-1.1.0.patch: fix openssl 1.1.0 build in the P11 code. Upstream has not reacted to a pull request to fix this for some months now. This is my own patch (that doesn't violate C89 declaration rules and is backward compatible to openssl. 1.0.x)). For comparison see: updated to (FATE#321450) - bugfixes after openssl 1.1 porting- Update to version 1.3.9- Do not use -Werror.- Cleanup spec file with spec-cleaner - Remove tpm-tools-rpmlintrc - Use automake and autoconf as recomended by upstream - Split library, devel adn pkcs11 package- Remove a number of unused build requires, probably copy/paste error, never used.- Updated to 1.3.8 - bugfixes - pcr/nvram sealing options- Updated to - smaller bugfixes from last release- patch license to follow standard- Updated to 1.3.7 - NVRAM support, new binaries: tpm_nvdefine tpm_nvinfo tpm_nvrelease tpm_nvread tpm_nvwrite- build with --no-copy-dt-needed-entries- Update to 1.3.6 - some unsealing fixes, do not unseal much- Disable gcc's new unused-but-set-variable warnings, these are just noise as BIO_*(...) functions returns a value and needs to be handled- add opencryptoki support (bnc#641919)- updated to 1.3.5 upstream - small bugfixes mostly, nothing new- updated to 1.3.2 upstream./sbin/ldconfig/sbin/ldconfigbuild81 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=fc842a25e01cf6c9c36b71587b72371abc7cb6a1, strippeddirectoryASCII text PRRRRRR RRw- (2 kutf-8f0cdc2ff1293993faa30fcadf11d2c8abc5f65db0050f72576a985fa626bb399?7zXZ !t/]"k%{ƕRi `_wgՙJƪq6#4ad8C\K:1 Hݏ͎~0+=gX"}?}N]8@YV+9-sU vBu@xj(iG`,y.*xbD"%텥 7P=o{ĐRh]xBqIQ-ҥf8ݓ iP B=buB-0)qI&Lu@\#G}x?A |/.C7G= ]|{{ș`͊nWJ٤?Hϥp PQLQ,a0T_u|t#. ^#O| N G9bxd4ȔDֲՌ}N~!RYMz8E2!*~ab8+ej$=J1#hߒ-v/ɯ8'TL`Ow%|NMTŽԁPM1'8M0؊=K8*pނ4Ɣh&aHf&-~~OD OVtCk.I_N B۽$}iYT~~|ڿ{4wHEN&{mrqiw8w{h@_udZ=B4@pFEݝAMuԲBq_mNLdʔ0\\XM3sjCF*)sdev9^ KpS,>pIm @7غM܆hzcl)ҩt[4%~s]Z뺨T`v <a>+i!c q)I|Z$u|ۢWPf}]<# . ƦyG.A% M+TZ9Io p <vF&?.DhքkSg:DLSX޷}tED FɎ_*S+zlnqHkpAD^b%lۖlF'"H+$v{ysi.xBX 0_) YZ