libisds5-0.10.8-lp150.2.3.1<>,?ȉ['긋/=„-&?E TBT=}K |yKsy4\Nu֙Mlu[ OEϼ$lq# "J/Tj\͎bۑ+SZj~GVAn+`axPwf]JuCfZQW#]QWgylu%q'lQ$^aw+?=1XZt_ fIG/Lt=jƿ|t]"ԬLntn^D|F1<ξw>@L?<d   I  3<N gx            ( Z  `(89H: >,@;FJG` H I XY\ ] ^tbcdIeNfQlSuh vwH xp yz8Clibisds50.10.8lp150.2.3.1Library for accessing the Czech Data BoxesThis is a library for accessing ISDS (Informační systém datových schránek / Data Box Information System) SOAP services as defined in Czech ISDS Act (300/2008 Coll.) and implied documents.['cloud120:openSUSE Leap 15.0openSUSELGPL-3.0-or-laterhttp://bugs.opensuse.orgSystem/Libraries\6G,採A큤A큤['['['W![)=fYb Yb ['W!['6cd49207ebe9f25fca05bec16e87ab53901611928d004cd0d51d6a89156643e7268b98570eca3d70a70cfdd3ca571cc09eb76e46b32bdac2e3656536ebda4e190a00f826eeb7c6309bcfaba7f254182f9946687bcdc2240f35a1ecd02f2137cb717819b    /sbin/ldconfig/sbin/[qrYoIY3@XWW W U|@T@SS;Re@QR@PrPP@MoMU$ME@L)@K\Ks@KqN@tchvatal@suse.comjslaby@suse.comtchvatal@suse.comjslaby@suse.comjslaby@suse.commpluskal@suse.comjslaby@suse.comtchvatal@s Version bump to 0.10.8: * Various memory leaks fixed * Recognise EV8- Version bump to 0.10.7: * l10n: Update translation catalogues * doc: Annotate documentation for new box types * Added OVM_FO, OVM_PFO and OVM_PO box types. * Add missing user and sender types to example client... * Added PFO_AUDITOR box type. * Added RECEIVER and GUARDIAN user types.- Disable werror- Version bump to 0.10.6: * l10n: Update translation catalogues * Adapt to OpenSSL 1.1.0- Version bump to 0.10.5: * l10n: Update translation catalogues * Added a new value into isds_DbState. * Fixed a bug. User identification didn't work properly.- Add gpg signature - Small cleanup with spec-cleaner * use valid rpm category * use pkgconfig() style dependencies -Update build dependencies * add gpgme-devel- Version bump to 0.10.3: * l10n: Update translation catalogues * Correct _isds_build_url_from_context() documentation * Do not use dolar in formatting strings * Fixed a potential bug when printing debugging information. * Fix building without libcurl- Version bump to 0.10.1: * Fix expired certificates so the testsuite pass again- Cleanup for openSUSE - Version bump to 0.10: * A new ISDSSearch2 service was implemented by an isds_find_box_by_fulltext() function. * The OpenSSL library can be used instead of the default GPGme library by specifying --enable-openssl-backend option to the configure script. * When parsing ISO 8601 date-time strings from a server response, microsecond fractions are properly rounded (half up) now. * An use-after-free bug in parsing SOAP response has been fixed. * Handling su_seconds_t type used in the timeval structure was corrected to enable flawless compilation with Mac OS X standard library. * Various signedness mismataches which could lead to an undefined behaviour were fixed. * A work-around for accessing the strdup(3) function in Mac OS X standard library was applied.- 0.9 bump- Use _DEFAULT_SOURCE where _BSD_SOURCE macro presents to satisfy glibc-2.19.90- 0.8 bump- Update config.sub to support aarch64 (bug #925782)- 0.7 bump- 0.6.2 bump- 0.6.1 bump- 0.5 bump (breaks ABI, API preserved) - Remove aplied patch and GPG hack- Rebuild with GCC 4.6 - Remove BuildRoot stuff - Make devel subpackage dependencies ISA specific- 0.4 bump, it breaks ABI - Use smaller xz archive instead of bzip2 - Do tests in parallel- 0.3.1 version bump - Create ~/.gnupg to workaround bug in gnupg2-smime- New version 0.2.1 released by upstream- Fixing small issue with documentation for package review- Initial packaging effort/sbin/ldconfig/sbin/ldconfigcloud120 1535387626 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=426145e546f80066db3aaedf4f41b7e634bd4a98, strippeddirectoryUTF-8 Unicode textASCII textPR RRRRRRRRRRR R R R RdM~K[pMjdutf-88f153fdb7c76b7ef11dcd55622ac7842ebda9002e00561dc4a3fe5ea38ac1ce8?7zXZ !t/7"]"k%r=d'7{}6dY2M{ݓz+mc|gn\h;jUU, u? |lP ŠM.bqí;w.[52SfO&ު+H1Vf}x6( +`*V֔^"XMݐHYXK 44b@#:pvEگ7a߹ n1Q>mϸlLSFiϋw'ƞS1G̵}=c@>lIn:U5SKne34v<{}Ӝd!quΊ&kG8&` C[ڶd;uiIykg]:t ρEikd,sn&TG/_6^Z~&+$Q[M߃&:;ͱgEժsr V4/#ϯm嬬4JI9w3 ~NX ~I*dSGw(!NNwٌiSdp҆$^./. 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