libapparmor1-2.12.3-lp150.6.17.1<>,ĉ]J/=„+ jtb$ ]/͖>O30No:Doq~jN)]M]Far&R<c2^.XGCQ"B=@_Jr*Tzk/-&$9غ @]+&i6ff+Z PD0EI LugvS&P]߾,9DpiE?qߕØVS'Rdz2=0f,E:^qGZ;l$>C?d # @ (2 K\{      <D (89:> 2@ AB PF \G pH xI X Y Z [ \ ] ^ b *c dhemfplruvwx$y,zClibapparmor12.12.3lp150.6.17.1Utility library for AppArmorThis package provides the libapparmor library, which contains the change_hat(2) symbol, used for sub-process confinement by AppArmor, as well as functions to parse AppArmor log messages.]Jlamb05 openSUSE Leap 15.0openSUSELGPL-2.1+http://bugs.opensuse.orgSystem/Libraries ]J~]    /sbin/ldconfig/sbin/]@\[/Z@@YeY|XXChristian Boltz Christian Boltz Christian Boltz update to AppArmor 2.12.3 - fix build with swig 4.0 (boo#1135751) - see for the detailed upstream changelog- update to AppArmor 2.12.2 - no changes in libapparmor - see for the detailed upstream changelog- update to AppArmor 2.12.1 - fix: remove empty LD_RUN_PATH from libapparmor-perl - see for detailed upstream release notes- update to AppArmor 2.12 - preserve errno across aa_*_unref() functions - see for the detailed upstream changelog - no longer package static libapparmor.a- update to AppArmor 2.11.95 aka 2.12 beta1 - no changes in libapparmor - see for the detailed upstream changelog- update to AppArmor 2.11.1 - mostly test-related changes in libapparmor - see for upstream changelog- Fix RPM groups- split libapparmor into separate spec to get rid of build loop involving mariadb, systemd, apparmor, libapr and mariadb again (see the discussion in SR 448871 for details) - libapparmor.spec is based on the AppArmor 2.11 apparmor.spec, but with minimum BuildRequires/sbin/ldconfig/sbin/ldconfiglibapparmorlamb05 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=38b61315f199b42517b599bec7c3298fdecd1f95, strippedPPPPPPPPPPPPPR RRR RR RRRR Rٴ$$ɒ6utf-8111ee02f3ee72933fa47f4a231d9febccbb343053f8677b906713125f1a6348b?7zXZ !t/.]"k%{ֿZ͋@mU9O ƢQrgx천 : 8G n;"yR6ϽOF<|׮>%K *M !Zdz 3}v C9(ж_|ssrjI˱4RU 5|WÂ܁NkzxV"^<غ'_X|zX AS]7U^ 9 vG EکұdQgc`@ TPԾ=:x{$r ;{,Xfib|^NU^,hJ1q0L8 <ڳ+#BFiwLUo8 8:q'1Uқҹ#.?k\=\:Ut" @V5;fp-8c"5 rI6/1ɔ:7-84/}1Hj:)"o7c*YOjų!T~+28dҁyWyq[p b{˲h޼Ge}j~-!rp:`TCi3&%}r/Mz̃'6ltX=V#f'z# eӦדFyGM#gC9v ^q yA_!;eRK&`emEWgCͳ\$tɨ؂DQ;m@'@ @gd1|un H5 R͹+lM#s9ڠ7_.?S 7=5.,}($]__;Ǧ)NWZsC H4BbX`ުc%C;d o״5lrjǠzgx"99>x]M%ij++Ak>u>!]ČV~"el6m8Y͋,\'iڱwsrINxhڬ s۹z^~&,z<5z}gN-u =M_J(q4nb7!CC|O'Z%J,^y!'%t/ .b뿬:8ηgEF𴅒Vh>z}zXkhr[=ؤLY{ ^]ULl|mZ tyFtƼ75ڄKXԶ|od-ʽBɁ69ug{LwAYy%YXdEؔ+#E Nl){&c8ΑzROhH͒],c@yq~<'kS@}Pi'BAo1Xj́n 6ՍNI @.}ǟk<+z2scS#wJ=&jEZE-bCo^o4Yu[WެlG`?0+͐Ő4'|g`\ ՖDkgKł>:_[ _wQIXx ;E&ݏX% 9^I^\`Y Ld"E'[Npfev>q2|gsegx{{pZDsIrN^IwGc;1/QA -q{/dst6瑿Na.w 2 .lFF?G0-6ĵG7;E YZ